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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
September 9, 1921     Shelton Mason County Journal
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September 9, 1921
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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i. ¸ • ?: } r / ,FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 1921 L ] I CITY A PARASITE The city sits like a parasite, run- ning its roots out into the country and draining it of its substance. The city takes everything to itself--ma- terials, money, men--and gives back only what it does not want.--North- west Farming. PEERLESS MARKET RELIABILITY AND SERVICE Bosch & Cheslock Shelton, Wash. ========================= Build Now! I am prepared to furnish estimates #or the construc- tion of buildings of WOOD CEMENT BRICK or TILE 'Let me know your require- ments Dan Anderson CONTRACTOR & BUILDER Shelton, Wash. SAYS PRFNDEa00 IS MAKING GOOD INDIAN AFFAIRS HEAD POINTS TO HARDING'S GROWING POPULARITY "We have a President who is mak- ing good," declared Charles H. Burke commissioner of Indian affairs, who visited Tacoma Monday afternoon in the course of a tour over the West and Middle West, investigating con- ditions in the various reservations under his supervision. "President Harding is becoming more popular every clay," he added discussing conditions in Washington, D.C. "His masterful, calm handling of national affairs is creating a confidence on every hand, and in my trip West I found this confidence ex- pressed on all sides." In handling Indian affairs the com- missioner said his department is working on the bags that the solving of all its problems lies in education of its subjects. To this end schools are being carefully watched in the various reservations, and in addition the Indians are being encouraged to attend the public schools. Before leaving Tacoma Commis- sioner Burke visited the United States Public Health Service Hospi- tal, the grounds of which were leased by the department of Indian affairs. No. 598. lq'OZCE TO CReDITOrS '20 rx'r-E CV-AS. In the Superior Court of the State of Washington for 1%lason County. (In Probate.) In the Matter of the Estate of JOHN VYATT, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN', That Letters Testamentary on the Estate of John Wyatt, deceased, were granted to the undersigned, on the 15th day of August, 1921, by the said Superior Court. All persons lavlng claims against i said estate, are required to serve them; witl the necessary vouchers upon me at the Law Omce of Alden C. Bayley, Shelton, Washington, that being the place for the transaction of the busi- ness of said estate, within six months after tle date of the first publication of this notice, to-wit.within six months after the 19th day of August. 1921, and file the same with the clerk of this Court together with proof of such set- ,vice, or they shall be forever barred. Dated at Shelton, Wash., this 19th day of August, 1921. SARAH C. WYATT, Executrix of the Estate of John Nyatt, Deceased• ALDEN C. BAYLEY, Attorney for ]Executrix, Shelton, Washington. 8-19-9-9-4t THE MASON 00UNTY DERIAL W E DD-iN (i- B L:i.g-AT LEfilON CONVENTION Rcv. John W. Inzer, of Chatta- nooga, Tent], national chaplain of the American Legion, will add a tou(:h of romance to the national convention tills year. 'He has offered to marry without cost all Leioncrs who attend the third an- n,, nvention at Kansas Gty. BREMERTON BANK AGAIN IN CONTROL OF LOCAL INTEREST " T/ I AGATE ! There were 17 at Sunday school last Sunday. Mrs. Mabel Trask, the intermedi- ate teacher, spent last Saturday and Sunday at her home in Montesano. Mrs. Allie Monroe, Miss Clariee Woodall and Miss Elizabeth Sued- ffrass were Sunday visitors at the LaRocque's. Mrs. Fannie Johnson, son and daughter Lawrence and Jenivee, were over-night visitors at Libby's last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Evers of Ta- coma visited at the Grindrod-Young home frmn Saturday till Tuesday. Mrs. Nicholls and sons, of Seattle, were over Sunday visitors at Mr• and Mrs. S. H. Hilton's and tl|,y Mso visited at Itarry Jones' farm on Oakland Bay, going over in the Nicholls' car. Allred Linton plcked a box of ex- tra fine peaches from the trees on his place, this week. Charles DeKeiser and sons, who have purchased the Eriekson place were up from Aberdeen and gathered a load of flit last Sunday anti re- turned home Monday afternoon. Thos. Clyde and son of Olympia were over Sunday visitors at the Grindrod-Young home at the Cape Horn. Gee. Carlson of Seattle came last Saturday to visit Mr. and Mrs. Em- ery Finch and returned Monday. Mrs. Carlson, who has been visiting the Finches for the past 'couple of weeks retrained home with him. The purchase last spring of the Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Inman made controlling interest in the Bremerton a shipment last Tuestlay of farm Trust and Savings Bank by D. C. produce, including fruit, butter, etc., Coates and other Nonpartisans to their son A. J. Inman, in Alaska, (doubtless with funds secured from deluded subjects)which was heralded as such are scarce in that pm of Alaska and anyway it tastes better as the first of a chain of one hundred from home. banks to be "controlled by the pep- h'a IAbby was in Seattle on bust- ple." and lanted over the state, has hess last week. ewdently failed in results. The bank Mrs. John Garrison and Mr. and had made a great growth to that Mrs. Fred Bell of the Skokomish time and was one of the best of the river visited at the Matthes home smaller state banks, but after several a few days this week. months of experience the outside in- The Grange Aid is holding meet- terests were convinced that they could ings every week now, making quilts not retain the public confidence, and and have a number on hand ready they found it necessary to resell the to be finished. controlling stock at a considerable Miss Elizabeth Cravenaugh of Sta- sacrifice to the former owners headed dium is visiting her aunt, Mrs. Ad- by George E. Miller, a popular pie- olphson. neer citizen. Thus another spell of Mr. and Mrs. Solon Evans have 'high finance" at the expense of th( sold their place to James Freemn aublic has "died a-bornin'," anothel of Rollway and expect to leave this reminder that legitimate and conserv week end for Walla Walla, where alive banking cannot be tampered Solon will take a course of vocation with. training from the Government. TH - UNIVERSAL CAR Another Big Reduction In Ford Cars The Ford has again led the field with a cut which is forcing all other cars to reduce their prices. Prices Effective September 2nd Chassis Roadster . Touring Car Coupe Sedan . $390.00 420.00 450.00 595.00 660.00 • • 1-Ton Truck With Pneumatics 445.00 Above prices f.o.b. Detroit on cars fully equip- ped with demountable rims, Timken bearings and all latest improvement s. PAGE THREI (6) months after tile date el first  publication of this notice, or same will J be harred. Date of first publication September 19tiL 1921. This price is lower than the very lowest pre- war price when you deduct 00$95.00, which is the price of self starter and demountable rims o Place your order at once to insure• early delivery N'o. 1713. SONS FO:R PUBT-IOATIO'. In the Superior Court of the State of Washington in and for iMason County. W. A. TUCKER, as Guardian of the Estate of EFFIE B. ROBINSON, an i MARY I. KNIGHT, Insane Person, Plaintiff, I Administratrix of said estafo, • VS ) • [ Shelton. Vv'as I. 'I:H'. MAS ROBINSON, GEORGE ROB- CtIAS. R. L1)]%VIS. Attorney for said INSON, the unknown heirs of E. P. lestate, l:looms. 7 & S Luluhernlu' ROBINSON, deceased, and all other Building, Shelton, Wash. 9-9-30-4t persons or parties unknown, claiming any right, title, estate, lien or inter- est in the real estate described in No. 1711. the c)mplaint herein, Defendants. SU[MONS BY PUBT.ZCATIO:t THI il S'I'ATE O1,' XVANFIINGTON to On tie Superior Court of the State of the said Thomas Robinson, George Rob- Washington in and for the County of Jason, the unknown heirs of lq. P. ob- :Mason. Wallace Johnson Motor ,Company Inson, deceased, and all other persons or parties unknown c]atmlng any right, ]lille, estate, lien or interest in 1he real estate described in the complaint here- in: You and each of you are hereby summoned to appear wltifln sixty (60) days after tile date of the first publi- cation of this summons, to-wit, within sixty days after the 26th day of Aug- ust. 1921, and defend the above entitled aetton in tile above entitled court, and answer the complaint of the plaintiff, and serve a copy of your answer upon the undersigned attorney for plaintiff, at his office below stated; and in case of your failure so to do, Judgment will be reudered against you according to the demand of tie complaint, which has been filed with the clerk of said Court. The object of this action is to quiet plaintiff's title to the following dcsc;tb- ed real pronerty situated In Mason County, Washington, to-wit: TheNorth Half of tile Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter iN½ of SWV, of NW4) of Section Thirteen (]3) in Township Twenty (20) North of Range Three (3) West W. ]f., containing 20 acres more or less, and to have the above named defendants and each of tiem enjoined and debarred from as- serting any right, title, estate, lien or interest therein or thereto. CHAS. R. LEWIS, Plaintiff's Attorney. P. O. Address: Rooms 7 and 8, Lum- bermen's Building, Shclton. :Mason County, ashington. 9-26-10-7-7t ALBEB.T C• LORD, Plaintiff, VS. VIOLET M. LORD, Defendant. The state of %Vashlngton: To the said Violet M. Lord. Defendant: You arc hereby summoned to appear within sixty (60) days after the date of the first l)uhltcatlou of this sum- mons. towlt, within sixty days after the 29t1 day of July, 1921, and defend the above entitled action in ti}e above entitled (onrt, and ttnswer tile coin- plaint of the plaintiff, and serve a copy of your answer upon the under- signed attorney for plaintiff at his of- flee below stated; and in case of your failure So to do, Judgment will be ren- dered against you according to the de- mand of the complaint, which ha been filed with the Clerk of said Court. The object of the above entitled ac- tion is to obtain a decree of divorce by the plaintiff against the defendant on the ground of abandoament. ALDEN C. BAYLEY, Attorney for Plaintiff. Office an Post Office Address: Shel- lon, Mason County, Washington. 7-29-9-9-7t. CA "r-'r- 0, IDS I'0, BOZrDI Notice is hereby given that pursuant to a Certificate of Bond Election of Board of Directors of School District No. 300 of Mason County, Washington, I am authorized to call for sealed bids for bonds in the sum of Five Hundred FORD SALES AND SERVICE Phone 161 :;:,, Shelton' No. 599. NOTIC - TO CR-DITORS In the Superior Coort of tim State of Vashiagton for :Masen C6unty. In Probate. In the Metier of the Fstate of MAR- ClYS 1L I,:NI(IHT. Deceased. Notice is i,ereby given that Msry M. Knight Ires been appointed and has qualified ss adnlinlstratrtx of the, es- t.atc of laretlS F. Knight, deceased; That all persons having claims against said deceased or against said estate LI'O hereby required to serve the same, duly verified, on said administralrix or her attorney of record at lhe ad- dress below stated, and file the same with the clerk of said court, together with proof of such service, witMn six Mrs. Mmin Johnson was a Tues- day caller on Mrs. Earl Harriman and Mrs. Gee: Wiss. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Whaley, Mrs. Maddick, Misses Beulah, Bernice and Hazel Whaley and Roy Whaley and Carl Swanson, were Sunday callers at the Linton home. Mr. and Mrs. John McIntosh spent last Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ar- thur Moran on Oakland Bay. Gee. Wiss attended the Legion meeting in Shelton Tucsday night. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Comber 0f Olym- pia spent part of last week with the letter's uarents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Whidden. They returned home Saturday in the Whidden car. Mrs. Ira Libby spent last Monday morning with Mrs. Ivyl" Daniels of Soulhside. The Win. Daniels and A. G. Peter- son families took in the Elma Fair last Sunday. Yes, they took in every- thing--horse races, merry-go-round, Ferris wheel, Whip, 'neverything. The Daniels made a short call on '.Mr. and Mrs. Thos Laughlin at I Whites on their way borne. They Imet Stanley andMisses Edna and Martha Dahlstrom of McCleary, also• Robert Elliott, who used to be a Sheltonite, but has joined the farm- ing force and is now located on a i farm near Elma. He asked about !Shelton old timers. Mrs• Edward Whaley and Mrs. Maddicks were Monday callers at Harriman's also Dr. C. N, Hunter of Shelton. A sister of Mrs. Et;nory Finch is visiting them from Tacoma this week. Mrs. French of Kelso and Mr. A, Matthews and son Clayton of Ta- coma, sister and nephews of Mrs. H. L. Inman, who were over Sunday visitors at the Inman home, returned to their homes Monday afternoon. Lost, strayed or stolen--from the farmers, enough good weather to get their fall grain under shelter. Any- one finding same please return to headquarters and receive reward. Mrs, A. G. Peterson spent last Thursday and part of Friday at the Anderson home helping her mother do some meat canning. Roy Daniels met with an accident in camp last Monday which is not serious but will keep him from work for a few days. He made a trip to Shelton Tuesday and is able to Walk around the farm. The Grindrod-McIntosh camping party returned home last week after an absence of two weeks spent camp- and at the St. Martin's Hot ings. They report good weather fine 'camping narks and altogeth- er a most en.]oyable time. .Miss Mabel Schumacher and Hollis Daniels of Agate high school started to school in Shelton this week. They take up the eleventh grade; also Cla- rice Woodall and Edna Wiss, the for- mar for a business course and the latter a senior. Miss Woodall will tav at the Dr. Roberts home while ihs Wiss will nmke her home with Mr. and Mrs. Paul Fredsnn. M'r. and Mrs. Gene Young hard about eomlgeted their tlone and will soon move on their own place. E. I. Meacham and Gee ross ha,e just about completed a grain shed (24x60) on their nlace. A. G. Pete]:- .on has just finished a large chicken house w'ifich with the one built al. year a'o will enable him to keep about 1000 hens this winter and a[ new addition is hein" built to the. Grange hall, all of which should have/ heen added to the l)uilding list oft last week. Mrs..G. C. West and daughef Joyce, who have been in Tacoma for more than a week, the latter nnder the doctor's care for , bad abcess which had to be lanced the second time, returned home last Saturday: Jovce is gett.lng alone nicely hut will not he able to sart to "school for a while. Gee. s last Sun, visit- ing his )arents near Dollars ($500.00), to be issued by the said district, payable three (3) years after date of issue, with interest not to exceed six per tent per annum, pay- able annually• Said bonds payable at the office of the County Treasurer of Mason County, Washington. Said bids will be considered by th Board of 1Mreetors of School District No. 300, at the Treasurer's office, in Shelton, on onday, September 19th, 1921, at the hour of II o'cloc'k, a, m. Bidders to submit prices and rates of interest on said bonds or any part thereof. ADA C. CLOTHIER, County Treasurer. Dated at Shelton, Washington, this 25th day of August, 1921. 8-26-9-16-4t. HOME COOKING QUALITY AND SERVICE THE BEST PLACE TO EAT IS AT Paine's Restaurant SHORT DRDERS ICE CREAM QUICK SERVICE AND LUNCHES ,ll,i Completely equipped Repair Shop GAS AND OIL STATION UNION GARAGE A'O'O- LL'O " .lImIIIl'l$OOg "nlll, lllll • AI0 r 11;:./ :E'O ]KI,] v. v.,v...* " . 'A00:]SSSO13B AUTHORIZED SALES AND SERVICE Bring your ear to us for rep.airing and overhauling. You will find our paces reasonable. When it's time to Re-Tire let us sell you rISKS. W. A. NOBLES HARRY OSWIN . L. IIJ L .... I ...... II ' -- " II " .L/. i II I I I[[ IIh