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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
September 9, 1921     Shelton Mason County Journal
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September 9, 1921
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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: PAGE SIx '-'t, I II I IIII I I II I  I J, I I I P, CTUR. oF ..... AmSH wm00. , m i ii i i i i '" 'J-' " ..... ) i , .i i i [ G00TEST m i ii i --'"'-- ..... ;  MABON COUN ,¢OtT.k L I JL -il I I " %hen 45 per,shed, 17 of whom were American navTmen, will not stop the U S, in its air programme, i$1 is announced at Washington But Americans wdl build all of our future dimgibles and we wtll purchase no, 'more foretgn-made crafts These pictures are the last of the ill.fated craft. Upper left shows navymen| leading the biggest dirigible ever built from its hangar for the trial flight, Lower picture is a, official l navy picture, a group of the American crew which went across to bring the monster across the..,Atlanti¢ /om England, The sketch shows the great steel girders buckhng and the ship as it collapse(L, " t ¸¸   i -IJFE DOWN ON FARM " [ Three and six-tenths of the farms 002 farms. More than half the farms GETTING PRETTY CATTY [were reported as having tractors, in the following states reported tele- [   [This is about one farm out of every [phones: Washington, Aug. 29.--Life "down [twenty-eight, Illinols headed the list l_ Iowa, Kansas, Nebraska, 11.llino!s, on the farm" is not as onerous as it with 23,102. l Indiana, ±uissouri, outn l)azom, .................. Telephones were reported on 2,508,- I Wisconsin, Vnnont, Ohio and Oregon. was m me om days, accormng co n- gures made public today by the een -'-=- €:== ................................................. . sus bureau, showing the number of , t FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS I ! The J. H. Baker Company |" OLYMPIA'S FLORISTS | • We carry a complete line of cut flowers, potted plants and ferns I and can deliver in Shelton infrom two to to three hours, | We specialize in funeral work. |, WHEN IN OLYMPIA, DROP IN AND SEE US 621' MAIN ST. .. PHONE 1062 ========================= == = = = ======== = = === = = = = = =- farms that have modern conveniences such as automobiles, telephone and electric lights. In 1920, 1,979,564 farms or 30,7 per cent of all farms Jn the United States had automobiles, the number of cars being 2,146,512, Automobiles were reported by more than one-half the farms in Nebraska, Iowa, North and South Dakota, Kan- sas, Minnesota, California and Illi- nois. Motor trucks were reported on 131,- 551 farms in 1920. The number of motor trucks on these farms were 139,169 with Pennsylvania lead/ng wlth 9,372. GRANT COUNTY FINDS NEW WAY TO SAVE ROADS OLD GANG SYSTEM IS DISCARD- ED IN FAVOR OF INDIVID- UAL PATROL -- BETTER AT LESS COST The road patrol system used in Grant county, Wash., is pointed out by the United States department of agriculture as an illustration of how highways can be maintained most successfully and economically. Other counties in the state use the "gang" system, assigning to each gang a long section, upon which they make repairs at intervals, seldom reaching all the necessary points. In Grant county the plan is to prevent a road from getting into bad condition ra- ther than to make repairs. There are thirteen patrol sections each from six to ten miles long, in the 87.83 miles of county highways. Each section is in charge of a pa- trolman, who works constantly on his piece of road, feeling that he alone is responsible for its condition. While these men work under the di- rection of the county engineer, the details are left largely to their judg- ment. A specially constructed light road machine, called locally a "road fixer," is used. It has a long wheel base and two outting blades rgidly con- nected with the carrying frame of the machine. The rear wheels are on separate axles, controlled by sep- arate levers. The patrolman carries the necessary small tools for clear- ing weeds, trimming shoulders, clean- ing ditches aml for handling surface material. He makes his own repairs in the county repair shop under the direction of a skilte.d mechanic. The annual cost of this system, states the bureau of public roads, averages $223 a mile, which is less than other counties pay where road receive attention "only when they need it." Grant county has graveled roads second to none in the state, and its people are enthusiastic sup- porters of the patrol system. TOURISTS SEE FAIRS Notwithstanding the complaint of hard times, there has never before been the number of automobiles vis- iting this state as has been seen here the phesent summer. One thing no- ticeable is that a very large percen- tage of them, the fair majority, are not idle pleasure seekers, but people who have adopted this method for the purpose of getting a full know- ledge of the country, its resources and its products in many cases with a view to moving hither perma- nently, if satisfied with conditions as they find them. To this class of tourists, the state fair at Yakima and various district fairs should ap- peal strongly, if brought to their at- tention, €or there they can see mass- ed the full display of the products of this state, as they can be seen no- where else. They can also, in visit- ing the fairs, see the most prosper- pus farming sections of the United States and find out for themselves the sound basis on which that pros- LOGGED-OFF LAND. Logged-off land for .ale to actual settlers. Price $3.00 per acre and up according to location, topography and character of soil. Liberal terms of payment and interest on deferred payments at the rate of six percent per annum. Liberty bonds taken in payment at par. SIMPSON LOGGING COMPANY OLYMPIA- SHELTON MAIL STAGE m TEMPORARY DAILY SCHEDULE In effect while McC]eary detour is necessary during, highway pawng. LEAVES OLYMPIA From Bus Station (Phone 22) 7:00 a.m. 3:00 p. m. LEAVES SHELTON From Hotel Shelton 11:00 a. m. 6:00 p. m. L. M. STEWART, Prop. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 1921. I i, , [, PROFF.SION4kL CARDS N. E. ROBERTS Physician and Surgeon Succeeding and located in the ofle of the late Dr. Wells. J. T. SHIMEK DT Postofltce Building, Shelton, Wash. I Open 9 to 12---1 to 5 Evening by avpointment. x A. L. BELL ABSTRACTS Real E., Loans and ranee Bell Bldg. Shelton, Wash. I CIIAS. R. LEWIS ATTORNEAT--LAW, Phone 463. SHELTON, WASH. (Rooms 7 & 8 Lumbermens BidE.} ALDEN C. BAYLEY LAWYER Mason County 'Abreact & Title Co. Bldg. Opposite State Bank of Shelton PHONE 231. Shelton, Wash. Notary Public i Real Estate, Insurance and Conveyancing Fire, Life, Iaulth and Accident and Bond Insurance. JOURNAL OFFICE, SHELTON HARRY FORD A the Dealer' Doors, square fact. 1 'neoUwgcssn:vYeDye;fmmdgeiomt deal ton all is ". yl at Shelton. i Ill Shelt0n Harket and Ice Plant The Best of Meats and a Reliable Service at Right Prices J. F. BICHSEL, Prop. perity rests and the oppmunities |lp I which are here still open for others -- --- " E to follow the pathwa)zs opened by the [] = farmers and fruit growers of this -- w, .......... , PRIC DROP $1OO :,:. state. ,-,--"Reward, s,. _- 110TI':L SHELTON o| *', j.:i: Catarrh is a Ideal disease greatly lnflu- -== :: . ,.$::1 enced by constitutional conditions. It [] BILLIARD ., '-: i0CI ili!; i i i iii iii jild)i ]iell ?n yiiTa:e a ;:s € . al tr..t- - ,... menz. HAS CATARRH MEDICIN [] . taken and acts through the [] Confectionery, Cigars and all Soft Drinks -- • pT;. ] .ulooa o_n tne Muoous urfaoes of the Sy|o I- [] •  ".;- I t.em. ]/ALL S CATAR/H MEDICIN] [ == [] • [*.:.} agstroya the foundation of the dlmase, wr*nw rr  ........ = 'i'?" I t.n9 general health and aulat nature  I [] " : "i";" I gl.vee tae patient strength bY improvin l• .R,u,mn..n,u m. eUxl'X', ,aro , • /.././ aomg )ta wPrv.. $100.00 for ny oae O| |[] •   am mm iL "/:'i" / catarrn ._ that .AI,'B CAT ;: " I .*i* MEDICIN falls to cure. [] y.;.  Drugst 75e mtimoniak free IllmlllllllllllllNIIIIIIIllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll  o: ._'. - -- llli IIIIIIIIii11111 • F . atme ' L:; IIIIIIIII .,.;;t ' , • co.. "repose, o / Sedan ............................. 975.00 875.00  "'ili'  L Off Land/I SAVE Delivery ....................... ,..625.00 '" Logged Prices f. o.b. Factory. Freight andTaxAdditional i!ii t " YOUR SHOES GREATEST AUTOHOBILE VALUE IN THE WORLD ..:./ Ii . TH :,..!t;:i' or ,ale te:sCo:toy Aa by letting us repair, them at the proper time. It • : | $5.00 per acre and up. Write for means a great savmg at the present rice of shoes. " j :/ map giving all, information 'i Youeanrel ......... P ..... i , t • " II y on our WOrK absolutely, we nance a ! 1922 MODEL F.o.B. FACTORY i:] ,r^,.^.. ....... :_L. r_ [0 line of the best loggers boots and heav and light H. i!| --©y©[liucucr Hmucr b0. II work slTees at prices that are lower. Y 490 TOURING CAR [   ..... FLINT, MI C ,:1 Tacoma, Washington ,, ,], NOTE THE* STANDARD EQUIPMENT ON MODEL 490" AS LISTED BELOW-- H, M, R0 0LT, SHELTON '" t: Stewart Speedometer Pockets in All Doors Iairison Radiator . Curtains carried in Neat Pocket in I; | ZWOTIO" O "r-:EASII{ O: STAT ]° u o-Jze Smrtmg and Lightmg Sys- Top. (Not under back seat) • To All .Vbom It 2ay Concern follow- / J± !.1' to Porte,y, 00bat o!.& :X RV .teJ:l ZY ,ling described lands, situated in ,[ason iBl [* [County %Vashington will be offered  i i   " : "'" ' ( " i*. If 0r ]e'ac on Tuesta the 4ttl day of Willard Treaded Rubber Battery front wheel.) !: IOctober, 1921, at ten 'o'clock, a. m., in Zenith Carburetor Robe Rail € Ifront of the Court :House of Mason l' m   ,m, --  .... ! County at public auction to the high- l00IPS0 N ,.. Demountable Rims Legal Light Lens " ]cOst bidher ford term of five years or lTil  11  l Foot Accelerator Combination Foot Rest and Tool Box less in quantities not exceeding one ll%, , ,  1 Electmc Horn Slanting Windshield lS,]aCt°'iteranYvllnleereOlnertcohipanl Oil Gauge on Dash Steering Gear: Spur and Gear, ad .... One-Man Top " justable for wear. (Not direct drive) .... Three Speed Transmission New Spzral Gear Rear End New Hand Emergency Brake Springs--Cantilever type, front and rear. Oil Pump Both Brakes operating on rear wheels Water Pump Underslung Front Axle Four-Door Body Timken Bearings in Front Wheels The new model which Price of the has just arrived has new model many new delivered features, Come in and is $675.00 look if over. a certified check, certificate of deposit payable to the County Auditor, or cash, equal in amount to the first year's rental of such land in accordance with his bid, together with $2.00, the statu- tory fee for issuing a lease. No improvements shall be placed on State Lapds except by written permis- sion of the Commissioner. No lessee shall without the written consent of the Commissioner remain in possession of the land or improve- meats after the expiration of the lease. &pplication lo. 14882. ] (To Lease) All tide ands of the second class, as defined by section 1 of chapter 36 of the Session Laws of 1,ql, owned by" the State of Washington, situate in front of, adjacent to or abutting upon the following described uplands: In front of lots 1 and 2, section 32, township 19 north, range 3 west W. with a frontage of 46.24 lineal chains, more or less. measured along the meander line according to a certi- fied copy of the government field notes of the survey thereof on file in the office of the Commissioner of Public Lands at Olympia, Washington. Aunual rental $g0.00. Term of lease 5 years. The above described lands will be i THE SHELTON-TACOMA ROUTE Single Fare $1.1. Round Trip ll.l : ; • g CHANGE OF HOME-BOUND SCHEDULE EFFECTIVE TUESDAY, MAy 17, 1921 Leaves Shelton Monday, WTuet(esday and Friday at $:$0 a. Retug from Tacoma eaay, Thursday and aturday a 1:00 p.m. Dock open till 6 p.m. Seattle freight" daould be delivered to Pier 9. i SHELTON TRANSPORTATION COMPAI00 COZg.XSSXONE]S' NOTXOE o State of Washington. County of Iason. SS. Salt Water on Rocky Bay, the whole distance being about one mile and 3907.7 feet and the width thereof being forty feet, said road to be Itnown as FOR FURTHER INF.ORMATION, TELEPHONE OR CALL ON leased, subject to all the terms con- In the WIatter of the Petition of F 2 the Victor Road. , , " " CLARI V. SAVIDG] [crlbed tn said 'ep t : r 'v'h[. 'E. DANIEL'. i::il)j': a  **..**.*..* t** t**" ** a*.. a. * * a C i Commencing at a point n the dad Count d . . **,..,.%,  . **;.**;...;.*:******%*.**.%,;...g**;**:,,.**. ommsMoner of Public Lands [ ..................... y Commissioners *" ...... * .... ...... *€# *l.***....#.*r'... Of the slate of Washln.t I near tad victor cnool l-louse, running uz, vv, ux uul Clerk of the Board 'l:.:: -u- ,v-,---- ............................... - ...... - -*-'--','--,-v-*-v-¢-.--,ev, 8 o6 9 30 "" " "' ' thenco southeasterl = and endln at ' ...... " '"%: