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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
September 9, 1921     Shelton Mason County Journal
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September 9, 1921
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Hcre is a most interesting photograph which was, recently smuggled out of Russia and purchased on" its arrival m this country by the Autocaster service, of which this paper is a mcmbcr, The men shown are 1.cain's assistants and the picture shows the kind of men who rule Russia. The man with his hand on the t:thlc is l.amenor, governor of Moscov. OTICE 0' BAE OP TXLBEt O1T 15TA.TE YkzrD Notice is hereby fflven that on Tues- day. the .lth day of October, 192],be tween the hours of ten o'clock in the forenoon and four o'clock In the after- noon, commencing at ten o'clock In the forenoon of said day, in front of the main Entrance door to the County Court House in the City of Shelton, County of Mason, State of Washington, either by the County Auditor of said county, or by a member of the Board of State Land Commissioners of the State of Vashtngton, the timber on the follow- Ing described state land will be sold at public auction to the highest bidder theref0 to-wit: . AppLication ]e. 10976. Timber on NEbl of scction 16, town- ship 23 north range 1 ret, XV. M., containing 160 acres, more or less, ac- cording to the government survey thereof, appraised at $6,849.00, Application o. i1372. Timber on NV of section 16, town- ship 22 north, range 4 west, W. 1I., containing 160 acres, more or less, ac- cording to the government survey thereof, appraised at $6,152.50, subject! to the rights heretofore acquired by the City of Tacoma, under application No. 8640, in accordance with the provisions of chapter 125 of the laws of 1907, to Ioerpetually back and hold water upon and over said tract. Timber on W% of SV¢. of section 16, township 22 north, range 4 west, W, M,, containing 80 acres, more or less, according to the government sur- vey thereof, appraised at $2.872.50. Said timber on said lad will be sold for not less than the appraised value, as appraised by the Board of State Land Commissioners in the manner provided by law, a statement of which Is now on file in the office of the Auditor of sa/d oounty. Terms of sale are: Cash to be paid on the day of sale. The purchaser of timber on state lands will have five (5) years within which to remove said timber, with the privilege of securing extensions of time under the statut governing. The timber on the above described lands Is offered for sale in pursuance of an order of the Board of State Land Commissioners, and an order of sale duly issued and certified by the Com- missioner of Public Lands of the State of Washington, now on file in the office of the' Couuty Auditor of aid county. CLARK V. SA'v'IDGE, Commissioner of Public Lands. 8-26-9 30-6t. ESTXMATES O1 = SCHOOL EXPENSES - AND RECEIPTS OP SCHOOL DIS- TRICT NO. 309, SwrELTOI, MASOI" COUNTY, WASrXlqGTON. (District of Iho Second Class} Notice is hereby given that thc board of direc,tc, rs of School l)lslrlet No. 309, Mason County, State of Wash- lngton, estimate that said dtstrict will need during the school year beginning July 1, 1921, the amount shown by lhe itemized statement printed boh)w. This estimate is subject to revision and the board of school directors of the above- 'named district will meet at 5 o'clock P. M., 5londay, October 3, 111)21, at the old school building, In Jhelt n, for the purpose of giving any taxpayer an opportunity of "being heard in favor or against any proposed lax levies." A more detailed statement of the pur- poses for which the proposed levy is to be expended is now on file in the office of the clerk of the district and is open to Inspection. EItimate of Expsnleg G-neral Fund. Expense of General Control..$ 2,785.00 Eypense of Instruction ....... 14,298.00 Expense of Operation School Plant ..................... 2,200,00 Expense of Maintenance of School Plant .............. 750.00 Expense of Auxiliary Agencies 4,285.00 Equipment Old Buildings and Grounds ................... 100.00 Reduction of Warrant Indebt- edness .................... , 2,200.00 Total Expenses ............ $26,618,00 Eitimats of ec@lptI. State Current School Fund .... $II,000.00 Couuty School Fund .......... 5,000.00 Hgh School Adjustment ...... 2,721.28 Miscellaneous ................ 100,00 Amount to be raised by dis- trict taxes ................ 7,796,72 $26,618.00 F, C. IATHEWSON, Clerk of School District No. 309, Mason County. Washlugton. It is the duty of the County Com- missioners to make sufficlcnt levies for bond interest and bond redemption fund, in addition to the above esti- mat es, Amount to be raised for redemption of bonds, $2,000.00, and bond interest, $270.00. 9-2-9-2t SHE WILL CONFESS ii i i if you ask her, that she likes our candies best. We put up the unusual confections in attractive packages for the unusual girl. Buy candy here and thoseyou carry it to will judge you a man mf taste. Our prices while they do not suggest cheapness are not high. PA00N'S SOFT STORE SHELTON SHOE FACTORY And Quick Repair Shop [Successor to Fred Hansen]  Bring your shoes to us for a neat job of repair- ing quickly done. We are here to give you real service. You'll find our prices right. L. C. HOUSE SHELTON, WASHINGTON i i ii i i i I" VICTOR I J b , .... O Mrs. W. H. Knoell of Tacoma is- visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Sisson this week. Elliott Langlow, who has been staying at K. Dahl's the past sum- mer, left for his home in Tacoma, on Thursday's boat. Mesdames H. and K. DaM had a visit together on Monday at the lat- ter's home. Misses Mabel and Clara Smith will go to Tacoma Friday for a week end visit and shopping' trip. Miss Dora Sisson sent a few (lays in the city this week returning via Olympia. Mesdames Thompson and Kertz and Miss Helen Thompson spent a very uleasant Thursday afternoon at Mrs. Halvor Dahl's. They each took their first lesson in spinning wool yarn. The hostess served a dainty luncheon later and told their fro:- tunes from the coffee grounds. Mr. Landworth and thre other men came over to K. DaM's on Thursday evening and went to the head of' the bay Friday The S. C. Nelson and Skene fami- lies were evening callers at K. Dahl's The Morgans rowed up to Kertz's and later 'Mr. and Mrs. Kertz called at Thompson's. Mrs. Heckman, who taught school here last year is having a wonderful trip to the Rocky Mountains in l western Montana, with her husband. They are using saddle and pack horses and the distance traveled will be about 125 miles. Beautiful scen- ery and good fishing are some of the attractions as well as the cool, crisp air among the snow-clad'peaks. Your Paint Dollar --How Big in 5 Years? HE bet paint will be good five or more years hence, if properly applied. Cheap paint, on the average, starts cracking in twelve months. It's what paint covers that you want to save--not merely a few cents per gallon in first cost. Cheap paint does not spread as easily or as far as good paint. 6o when you figure labor and square yards covered, cheap paint on the house costs as much as good paint. ,Cheap paint in practically every instance, is the most ex- pensive you can buy. Don't allow surfaces to rot. It costs less to paint them. The paints specified by Ful- ler are the result of 72 years experience in the making of all kinds of paints, varnishes, etc., or western We use the best materials, PURE PIONEER WHITE LEAD, pure linseed oil, zinc and color as others do, but we combine them with a 72 years' knowledge and long-alms skill. Our whke-lead base is finely ground pure white. It must pass through a silk screen with 40,000 meshes to the square inch. We use spedal machines for mixing the materials in sci- entlfkally exact proportions. So Fuller colors are excep- tionally clear-toned and Fuller House Paints are noted for cov- ering capacity, ease of spread and great durability. If you want from tve or more years' protection for your property investment, get Ful. ler's western paint for western weather eonditions--a paint you know. House Palnt.00 Phoenix pure Paint ,  . Pure Prepared Polar Manufactured by W. P. Fuller& CO.. ] b'' [ "Pure Prepared '_ and.' Phoe- THEM. These pa.tgt$ " Ire im- I :aax - I nix" are Fuller's ipecmeations portant to yon, SO it's tmportsnt [ js ... I for house painting. Ge.t either te go to the right stores to get I. /  'P' I ,. and you hsve me seat them. Agents' namea mad s that an one esn maze drmme r I I b .'--o I . y . . s a e printed in the memo. long service paints cou lJl' -- - ' pen to the eight. Cut it out WHERE TO BUY and pat it in your pocket now. For All Exterior Jobe ot P it b Advable tO Secare the Servieu of s Muter Painter Free Advice on Painting SK our agent for our free ad- vice. He will show you a color card which shows 32 shades of this desir- able paint. We have a Fuller Specification Depart- ment which will tell you all about the most desirable color schemes, color har- mony and those other details you want to know. Take advantage of Fuller House Paints. Take steps to paint now. Don't let weather depreciate our investment. W. P. FULLER & CO. Dept. 1, San Francisco. |oneer Manufacturer of Faints, Varnishes, Enamels, Stains, and PIONEER WHITE LEAD for 72 Years Established 1849. Branches tn 15 Cities in the West-- Dealers everywhere. Ale0 makers of Rubber Cement Floor Paint, All Purpose Varnishes, Silken- white g_rgamel, Fifteen-for-Floors Var- nish, Washable Wall Finish, Auto Enamel, Barn and Roof Paint, Porch and Step Paint and PIONEER WHITE LEAD. NmmmminnmmmmmmI SAVE THIS ) It thls out and paste it in your note book as a memo.) My house needs painting. Fuller's Specification House Paints are sold by lh¢ in,owing Agents: Thomas O'Neill Shelton, Wash. ) I I iiiill iiiill iii I II ill HOPE OF FEDERAL AID FOR STATE HIGHWAYS IS MORE ENCOURAGING WOULD GIVE IMPETUS TO PAV- ING WORK FOR NEXT YEAR The state highway committee now is counting with certainty upon re- ceiving at least $1,081,000 from the federal government to aid in road buihling before the end of the pres- ent biennium. Until a ruling is ob- tained the .tate officials will not know whether they will be able to receive credit for work clone this summer. If tim new appropriation is nmde retroactive to cover this season's work, the govermnent would pay half the cost of about ten high- wkv jobs, thus reimbursing the state treasmry to that mnount, and allow- ing this money to be matched up with other federal funds for new work• If the govermnent ignores this summer's work and only matches up state money on new contracts it may be impossible to spend all the federal allottment during the coming year, but in that event it would be saved for the next biennium. It now seems likely one-third the fed- eral fund will be available this year, the rest in 1922. If Yakima and Kittitas counties join in constructing the Yakima can- yon road the receipt of federal aid wouhl make it possible to put con- tractors enough on that job to rush it through. But the state cannot match up enough federal money to do the work without the counties' help. There is a strong probability federal aid will enable the North Bank high- way to be completed between Under- wood and Lyle. With the assistance of federal mon- ey the highway committee will ex- pect to build a 10-foot section of he Pacific Highway between Kalama and Kelso, a distance of 11 miles. Only half of this road can be built at one time as there is a lack of detour route's. With Kalama-Kelso section completed, the state in 1923 expects to pave the gap between Toledo and Kelso by transferring all travel to i the west side of the river, closing I the highway and putting six or seven I contractors onto the job to finish it in a single season. I Federal aid will permit the con- struetion of the Snake river bridge at Central ferry, a year's job. Pier locations are now being made. Government money will also be applied to the new 5-mile cut-off be- tween Seattle and Lake Forest Park on the Pacific highway, which will be paved 27 feet wide with 8-inch concrete next year. Whatever state money" is saved by matching up with the federal gov- ernment's allowance will be used in road work elsewhere. The highway ,committee now has out about $7,- 1000,000 worth of work, which with [this week's contracts, includes: 9 !bridges, 91LA. miles of paving; 18.2 miles of grading and graveling and 60 miles of graveling. FOREST OFFICERS AND GAME WARDENS " WILL WORK TOGETHER EITHER MAY ARREST VIOLAT- ORS OF GAME AND FOREST REGULATIONS Portland, Ore., Aug. 28., 921.--By an agreement just announced between the Washington State Game Depart- ment and the U. S. Im'est Smwice, the officers of the national forests of Washington will assist in the en- forcement of the State game laws and the State game wardens will co- operate in the prevention and putting out of forest fires. Bargain Day To the man who saved his money every day now is bargain day. Gilt-edged investments have not been cheaper for many years. This proves that the man who saves money can never figure how large his profits will be. He is in a position to buy when everybody else is selling and of course he gets a bargan. Save money and you are always in a posi- tion to buy bargains.. Bank your money right here at home. State Bank of Shelton Iq'OTICE OP HALE O] COU]N'T'E :IPROPE:TY i State of ,Vashington, County of Mason, Notice is hereby given that pursuant to an order of the Board of County Commissioners of said County, at a meting held on the 6th day of August, 92], A. D., due and legal notice there- (if i?lrst having been given according to law, in the matter of the proposed sale of certain hereinafter described property belonging to said cunty, the Sheriff of said County will at 10:00 'o'clock, a m, on the 14th day of Sep- tember, A. 1).. 1921, at tlae' front door of the Cout House at Shelton in said County, offer for sale at public auc- tion to the highESt and best bidder thcrefor, all the right, title and inter- est of the said county of Mason in and to the following described property to- gether with al)l)urtenaneEs thereto, to- Wildcats*- 21 and 22 in llock 51 of Union City and Lot 19 in Block 54 of Union City. Terms of sale: Cash at time of sale, Dated at shElton, Wrashington, this 12th day of August, A. D., 1921, 1ONE W. DOYLE, Clerk of the Board of County Commissioners and County Au- ditor. (SEAL) 8-12-9-9-5t NOZ( OF  ulr BTATI Notice le hereby glve that on TUeS- day, the 4tb day of October, 1921, be- twcm the hours of ten o'vlock in the forenoon and 4 o'clock in the afternoon, commencing at ten o'clock In the fore- noon of sa/d day, In feot ot the main emtranee door to the County Oourt House In the llty Of Ilhsiton. County of Mason. State ot Wsahinit. either bF the CotmtyAuditor o said county. or by a member of the Board of State Land Oommhoem of the State of Walngto, the following demcvtbed state land& together with the improve- meats situated thereon, will be sold at publ/e auction to the highest bidder therefor, to-wit: Applioat/on o. 11894. SE% of NE of section 16, town- ship 19 north, range 5 west° W. M., containing 40 acres, more or less, ac- cording tO the overnmont survey thereof, appraised at $600.00, subject to application No. 779 for an easement for right of way for county road now on file in the office of the Commission- er of Public Lands, Improvements appraised at $1,095.00. Applioation o. 11326. NW1A of NEA of section 16, town- ship 22 north, range 4 west. W. M^, containing 40 acres, more or less, -' cording to the govermnent survey thereof, appraised at $600.00, subject to application No, 10474 for an easement )re right of way for a transmission heretofore filed by the City of Tacoma, Applioation o. 11365. Lot 1 of section. 16, township 22 north, range 1 west, W. M,, containing 41,50 acres, more or less, according to the government survey thereof, ap- praised at $871.50. Improvements ap- praised at $460.00. Stld lands will bo sold fornot less than ths aplHdsed value above Itated and upon tl, e terms and conditions fol- lowing' N mt OonL€w oI Ikls,---ti'ot from than .oue-temth of the pulhatm price must be paid at the time of le to the ocer makAng the - sale. The UrChmSer if he be not the owner of • lmgrovemeate mtmt forthwith to the officer malting the sale the full aenount of the appraed value of the knprovemtmta,  above stated, eras- tenth of the purehe price must be paid annually thereafter with interpret on all deferred payments at the te of six per eenttum pOP annum, together with aect,ued interest on any balance Under this cooperave agreement at the same rate: Provided, hat any between J. W. Kiianey, Supeisor of purcher may make full payment at Game and Game Fish of the State of principal, fntert and statutory fees at W .............. any time and obtain deed or state asnlngon ann Jeo. it. eclJ, ,ls- natent Ths nurchae¢ of l&nd contsd • . • ............. u- tnet Forester, all forest supesors tag timber or other valuable materlal and rangers in Washington have been lr_prohibtted bylaw from cutting.or . ovmng any SUCh umber or materleas appointed deputy state game wardens without first obtainhag consent of the to serve winou pay, o ass]s m Commissioner of Publio Ijnds or the th nf-v-nt of the State ame I board until the full amount of the ............  ur h' l p cue prce has been paid and deed and fish laws within the State. The[,.su,, . employes of the State Department of l".l-'..l .r l--as are ..a. ........ 1 c o mate .......................... lClSilerles ann tame wn o p • IsubJect to the reservations of oils, to the fullest possible extent with gases, coal, ores, mtnerals and fossils ¢,a,.. ..,,, ,,m,,,,,. ; +h, ,-rk of [of every name, ktnd and description, ..... , ,. I to the additional terms and con- preventing ann suppressing IoIcs dltiofls prescribed in the act of the leg- fires, islature approved March 20, 1907, being ,,T_.__ ,: ...... meat not onl-' [section $ of chapter 256 of the Laws Ull(It'r tills D.gltU Y | Of ]907 rs hl ......... o will federal forest offiee e p m l Said land will be sold subject t game law enforcement but they will the terms, conditions and reservations also assist in the collection of infer- o mation or data of value in the work of game, and game fish protection, presmwation and propagation," said E. N. Kavanagh, assistant district forester in charge of the Office of Grazing, in the Portland offices of the Forest Service. "I consider this agrcement as marldng distinct progress towards a wser use of tlm game and game fish resources of the State," said Mr. Kavanagh, "for it is the first coop- erative agreement that has ever been drawn up between the U. S. Forest Service and the Game and Fish De- partment of the State of Washin- ton. All forest officers are sincerely interested in the handling of the State's game resources and are wil- lin to help towards that end. The willingness of the State Game De- partment to help us in forest protec- tion is very gratifying also," re- marked Mr. Kavanagh, "for it shows that they want to assist in the Work of prevention of forest fires and to preserve Washington's magnificent scenery along with its game and fish, not to keep these resources from be- ing uscd, but to help in their preser- vation by wise use." The Washington agreement, signed on August 1, follows the same gener- al lines of a similar agreement be- tween the Oregon State Game De- partment and the U. S. Forest Ser- that has been in force now for some time. ProgreSs "I see you have installed a phono- graph in your place of business." Yes, said the hot dog dealer, "My customers are getting tony. They demand music with their meals."--Birmingham ,e,Heml& LUNBER .. AND.. BUILDING MATERIALS FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY LET ME FIGURE ON YOUR NEXT .ORDER Will Also Saw Your Logs On Order Mill Located on the Bay near Shelton BS.R00 m00ST Mauufacturer and Dealer SHELTON WASH. Passengers, Baggage and Freight REAS(ABLE RATS PHONE 41. D. E. BARRE'I W. H. SNITH SMOKERS' HEADQUARTERS Cigars, Tobaccos and High Grade Candies. Guns, Ammunition & Sporting Goods Try our fresh roasted peanuts, W. !1. S00I! All the Daily Papers of chapter 109 of the Seaslon Laws of 1911, relating to easements for rlghts- of-way and the oarrylng of timber, stone, mineral and other products over the same. Tho above described lands are Offered for sale in pursuance of an order of, the Board of Stse IAtnd Commtssion- era, and an order of sale duly issued and certified by the Commissioner o Public Lands of.the State of Washing- ton now on file in the office of thO county auditor of said county. CLARK V. SAVIDGE, Commissioner of Public I4mds. 18"6 9-80-6t. W. W. BARRETT THE PIONEER HARD'ARE STORE Stoves, Ranges, Hardware, Paints, Oils, Varnishes and Bshes, Picture Frames, Curtain Poles and Easels. All plumbin guaxteed  to work and material'for one year. Lumber and Shingles NOW IS THE.TIME TO BEGIN BUILDING. ALL KINDS OF ROUGH AND DRESSED LUMBER AND SHINGLES# CEDAR FENE POSTS, dressed and tapered, SIDEWALK LUMBER in 6 ft length, if desired. CEDAR BEE BOX LUMBER. ALL OF THE ABOVE CAN BE FURNISHED AND DELIVERED TO ANY PAR OF THE CITY OR COUNTRY, ON SHORT NOTICE. WRITE OR PHONE US YOUR ORDER. PHONE 388. Sheltu & Shale Cranny