September 9, 1921 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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September 9, 1921 |
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: T'P'I'I ,,: , ,, , ,
THE YEAR 1922.
the Board of County Comm]ssloners of
]Mason County, Washington, have placed
the estimates of expenses and miscel-
laneous receipts of the various depart-
ments for the year 1922, as follows:
Salary ....................... 1200.00
Salary--Employees ............ 1800.00
Office records and supplies ,, 500.00
Postage, Tel. and Tel ......... 10.00
Traveling expenses ........... 75.00
Furniture and fixtures--new ,, 25.00
Total ................... 3610.00
'hoard of Xqualisatlon.
Salary ....................... 150.00
Office records and supplies
Adv. and publications ........ 5.00
Total .................... 155.00
Salary ........................ 1400.00
Salaryemployees ............ 1200.00
OiIce records and supplies .. 200.00
Postage, Tel. and Tel ......... 100.00
Adv, and publications ........ i00.00
Sundry office expense ........ 50,00
Reference books .............. 50.00
Equipmentnew .............. 40.00
Freight, drayage, ete ......... 50.00
Traveling Expenses ...... 50.00
Total ................... 3240.00
Salary ....................... 130).00
Salaryemployees ............ 0.00
Office records and supplies ,., 150.00
Postage, Tel. and Tel ........ 65.00
Traveling Expenses ........ 30,00
Equipt.repalr and replacement 10.00
Total ................... 1605.00
Oostrnntion :Bnirlser.
Salary (Appointive Officer) ... 2100,00
Salary--employees ............ 2000,00
Office Records and supplies ,, 100.00
P'ostage, Tel. and Tel ......... 25.00
Sundry office expenses ....... 10.00
1Reference books .............. 10,00
:Drayage, freight, etc ......... 10.00
Traveling expenses ........... 100.09
Furniture and fixtures--new... 10,00
Equipt,--repair and replacem't. 20,00
:Equipt.--new ................. 250,00
Lubricants ................... 200,00
Miscellaneous ................. 50.00
Repairs and replacements .... 100.00
Tire expense ................. 150,/)0
Total .................. 5135.00
l=roseouttnf Aorney.
Salary ....................... 1.200.00
Salary--employees ............ 100.00
Office records and supplies ... 50.00
Postage, Tel. and Tel ......... 80.00
Advertising and publication... 25.00
Reference Books ............. 50.00
Traveling expense ............ 50.01
Rent ......................... 240.0q
Legal Specialists 200.00
Securing evidence .... ......... 150.00
Total .................. 2145.00
Salary . 1300.00
Salary (;i,ioi"Y ". .'. : : : :. 15n000
Office records and supplies .... 200.00
Postage, TeL and Tel ......... 200.00
Advertising and publications .. 1000.00
Traveling expense ............ 40.00
7)rayage, etc .................. 20.00
Furniture an(] fixtures 200.00 and replace/n't: 30.00
Total ..... ............. 4490.00
Salary i;;,;]'.i4;;)" ':::::::::: 13oo.oo
Office records and supplies .... 75.00
Postage, Tel, and Tel ......... 75.00
.dv. and publication ......... 50.00
Sundry office expense ......... 25.00
Traveling expense ............ 200.00
Drayage ...................... 5,00
Furniture and fixtures, repair
and replacement .......... 50.00
Equipt.--retmir and replaoem't, 10.00
Total 2590,00
County Superintendent of Schools
Salary ie;nI;l'oyees')"::::::::::: 1200.00
Office.records and supplies .... 200.00
I)ostage, Tel. and Tel. 150.00
Advertising and publicatimls':: 150.00
Traveling expenses ... 200.00
Community Fair expenses" "::: : 50.00
:Reference books .............. 50.00
Furniture and fixtures, repair
and replacement .......... 200.00
Freight and express .......... 50.00
, Total ................... 285,00
Board of Zduoatton.
Salaries ...................... 200,00
Traveling expenses ........... 100.00
Sth Grade Examinations ...... :[00.00
Total .................... 400.00
Supsrlor Coxt
Salaries ...................... 1141.20
Sa L'try. (employces) ...........
]'nstage, Tel. and Tel ......... 21.00
'Cr:mr t costs .................. 300,00
V,'itnessCrimial ............ 100.00
Witness---Insanity 50.00
.Jury fees .................... 200.00
,oard and lodging of Jurors.., 200,00
alllffs ...................... 300,00
Total ................... 2312,20
County ff$l
oard of prisoners ............ 150.00
t!]qutpt.--repair and replacem't. 75,00
Laundry ...................... 25.00
Furniture and fixtures ........ 50.0
Employees .................... 300,00
Total .................. 000.00
Commis eschew.
Salary ....................... 2000.00
Office supplies ............... 100.00
Adv. and publications ........ 400.00
Traveling expenses ........... 350.00
Total .................. 2850.00
alaries ..
Salary (ell;]'o';ee'd)" ':: ::: ;: :... :[380.0025.00
Office supplies .............. .. 15,00
Postage, Tel, and Tel ........... 150,00
AdVertising and Publications .. 300.00
:Reference books ................. 15.00
Travolihg expenses 250.00
Salary ........................ 1500.00
Traveling expenses ...........
Oiliec records and supplies .... 100.00
Total .................. 2100.00
Salary Xealth Omcer
....................... 600,00
Drugs--Medical ............... 20.00
Drugs--Sanitation ............ 20.00
Traveling expenses ........... 40,00
Reporting vital statistics .... 40.00
Total .................. 720.00
Salary ....................... 100.00
Office expense ................ 10.00
Traveling expenses ........... 30.00
Total .................. 140.00
13 ol:ui, tionl.
Shelton Public Librarff ....... 300.00
County ark.
bor ...... --- --- ='= 'V.' ..... 100.00
Equipment--repair and replace-
ments .................... 100.00
Advg. and publications ....... 200.00
Labor ...................... 300.00
Total .., ................ 600.00
$nstico CoUrts
Justice Fees ................. 100.00
Court Costs .................. 25:00
Witness .................... :. 100.00
Jury fees .................... 50.00
Reference books .............. 10.00
Total .................. 285.00
,,tats examinationm.
Pxaminlng County ........... 400,00
XndAgent Zelief.
Food Supplies ................ 900.00
Clothing and Shoes ........... 150.00
Cash ......................... 440.00
Drugs ........................ 50.00
Hospital ...................... 1080.00
Physician ........... , ........ 200.00
Burial ....................... 200.00
Traveling expenses ........... 100.00
Total .................. 3120.00
1SOOt 2'Ira.
- Salary ...................... ,. 900.00
labor ........................ 50.00
Postage, Tel. and Tel ......... 25,00
Clothing and shoes ........... 50.00
Food ......................... 700,00
Drugs ........................ 75,00
Physician ............... • .... 50.00
Burial ........................ 100.00
Horseshoeing and blacksmith.. 15.00
Feed and live stock ........... 60.00
Fuel ......................... 70.00
Lubricants ................... 20.00
Repairs and replacements ..... 30.00
lurniture and fixtures ........ 90.00
Equipment ................... 100.00
lseeilaneous Expense ........ 100.00
Total .................. 2435.00
:Damages and Claims.
Injuries to persons ...... . ..... 100.00
lnJuries to property .......... 100.00
Total ...... ; ............ 200.00
Officers', fees . ................ 100.00
Office Supplies .[ .............. 50,00
Advg, and publications ....... 25.00
Total .................. 175.00
others' Pensions
Cash ......................... 140'0.00
General -lsotion. +
. E]ectton Officers .............. 800.00
Records, stationery, etc ....... 700.00
Advg. and publications ....... 200.00
Rent ......................... 50.00
Sundry 50.00
Postage, ";i. "dd'¥%l:':::::::: 200
Total ......... .......... 1825.00
Primay lection.
Election Officers 800.00
Records, stailonery etc ...... 700.00
Advg. and pub]icat|ons ....... 200.00
lent ......................... 50.00
Sndry expenses .............. 25.00
Postage, T(;]. and Tel ......... 50.00
Total .................. 1825.00
(ensral Administration.
Salaries--janitor and chauffeur ]980.00
Industrial Insurance ......... 200.00
Postage, Tel. and Tel. 25.00
i Advg. and publication ......... 50.00
Sundry ...................... Y,00.00
Premium on Surety bonds .... 400,00
Freight, express, etc .......... 100.00
.Tani tor supplies .............. 50.00
• Light .Rentals ................ 175.00
- Light Supplies ............... 100.00
Water rent ................... 06.00
Fuel .......................... 200.00
Lubricants ................... 40.00
Repair and replacements ..... 200.00
Tire expense ................... 350.00
quipment--new .............. 400.00
Insurance buildings .......... 250.00
Forest Fire Protection ........ 275.00
Court ttouse repairs .... ...... 250.00
Rebates and taxes refunded ... 4000.00
Total .................. 9871.00
GRAND TOTAL ............ $62,209.20
stimatd eosipt.
Auditor's fees* , ............... ]200.00
Clerk's fees ................... 600.00
Treasurer's Fees (tax deeds).. 1.00.00
Interest on taxes ............. 2000.00
Interest on deposits .......... 3000.00
Sheriff'o fees ................. 500.00
Sale of Supplies--poor farm.. 150.00
Total Estimated Receipts 7550.00
Amount Current Expense to be
raised by taxation ...... 54.659.20
Bpoolal unds.
Indigent Soldier .............. 1500.00
I Specta] oad Bond Redemption
I Fund ................... 15400.00
[County School ............... 14610.0
|I-Iigh School District ........ 3247.54
" [Institute ..................... 200.00
[Road :DIstrio¢ N'o. 1 .......... 4010.00
[Road :District No. 2 ......... 900.00
Road lstrict o. 3 ......... 757..0
Road THstrlet No ............ 565g.,,0
Road Dlstrtet No .......... 1270.00
Road District No. 0 ......... 18275.00
Road r)tstrict No. 7 ......... 10575.00
Road Y)lstrlet No.'8 ......... ¢,000.00
Road and Rridgo ............ 24250.00
These estimates are subject to re-
vision, and the :Board of County Com-
missioners of said County will meet
at their office in the Court T{ouso. $on-
day, the 3rd day of October. 1921, at
the hour of 10:00 o'clock a, m.. for the
purpose of ztvin any taxpayer an op-
poriunity of being heard in favor of
or against any nronosod tax levies.
County Auditor and Clerk of
the Board of County Com-
Published S(pt. 2nd and 9tla.
Gs and oil ................. 200.00 A posts/ inspector has been direct-
Repairs and replacements'. 100.00 ed to make investigations regarding
Tires ; ;; • • ;. ,' ........ .. .+0.00 1 .....
:License + ; :.,;; .......... ,...' : 1..00 t] e appo]ntmen of postmaster at
Equipmeiat ",,,.; ..... ;,..:,;.+:,"+, 35.OO Tahuya and will like@ issue a call
for examination of appIieants, if
Total .................. 2581,0ff there are+m0re than one, under civil
Inspectior/ srvioo, . .... ....... 150.06. service 1hales. " • • :'
The marvel of the age. A guaranteed, water,
sun, air proofing process. Now is the proper
time to renew your old auto top with Rainoil.
Give it a new lease on life at little expense.
Waterproof your wet-weather clothing.
Rainoil has a thousand uses.
On Sale at
Needham & Clothier
Auto Accessoriesand Supplies
Shelton, WaSh.
...... 'rmm AS0N C0VNT 0mUAL
.... } . • •
Tuesday, September 6, 1921.
Commissioners met In Special Ses-
sion. present %V. A. Hunter, S. "V. lllan-
ton and Chairman Wm. E, Danie]s and
Clerk of the Board.
Constrhction Engineer filed roporton
the vacation of the Anderson ]:toad, ap-
proved and date of hearing set for
Monday, October 3rd, 1921. at 2 p. m.
Agricultural Agent's report for the
month of August, 1921 filed and ap-
Tuberculosis Nurse reports for the
months of July and August, 1921, filed
and approved.
Certified Copy of Order consenting
to the establishment of a Grade Cros-
sing, by the Phoenix Logging Co.. filed
and approved.
Insurance Policy on County Farm
and buildings, in the Pacific States
Fire Insurance Co., in the amount of
$250.00 filed and approved.
Construction Engineer filed estimate
" of the work done on the Sunnyside
Skokomish Bridge, Union Bridge Co..
Contractors. in the amount of $11454.85
Moved and carried that the Auditor be
Instructed to draw a warrant on the
funds of Road District Number 6, in
the amount of $8591,14, being 75 per
__. cent of Engineer's estimate.
Treasurer's report for the month of
July, 1921, filed and approved.
Certificate received from Superintend-
eat of Public Instructions, certifying
that the County Superintendent attend-
ed the Convention at Olympia.
Letter reeetved from State ttlghway
Commissioner In regard to the use of
certain grade of gravel and crushed
rock to be used on the highways.
Letter received from Director of
tealth in regard to the County Health
Officer attending a convention in Seat-
1-Iearing held on the Construction
Engineer's report on the Ashley Exten-
sion Road at 2 p,m. No one appearlng
to protest against the establishment of
this road. it was moved and carried
that it be established according to the
Engineer's report.
The following amounts from the fol-
lowing funds were allowed:
Current Expense .............. 3389.81
Road District No. I ............ 143.55
Road District No. 3 .......... 447.32
Road District No. 4 .......... 389.70
Road District No. 6 .......... 9o,..87-9 r-
Road District No. 7 .......... 91.20
Road District No. 8 .......... 13.75
Road and Bridge ............ 278.8
The following amount. $343.]0, from
the Permanent Iighway Fund. cover-
tag bt]ls for month of August. 19°1
allowed and transmitted to State ttigh-
ws, Comml.Moner for payment.
Board adjourned to meet the follow-
Ing day.
%Vednesday, Sept. 7th, 1921.
Board all present.
]Ioved and carried that the gas re-
port for the month of August, 1921
be approved.
Engineer filed reT)ort on tho Vtetor
Road. Moved and carried that this
report be approved and thai the date
of }[earing" be set for Saturday, Octo-
ber th, 1921. at 0 a. m.
Moved and carried that $100.00 be
transferred from the Current Expense
Fund to the lnsttiuto Fund.
Supt. Mary M. lnight filed her re-
ort on Defective Youths in the Coun-
ty. Approved.
Iu]]enlx Bros., e nntractos, of Mat-
leek Satsop road, filed pelillon nsl¢Ing
for nnother extension of tlme of twen-
ty-one days for com])]etion of their
contract filing" consent of tholr bent]s-
men for same. iV[eyed snd parried fhnt
tullnnlx Bros be allowed an addltionaJ
lwenty-one days for comp}eling ,,their
Construction Iqnglneer fi],d esltmato
nf Mullenix Brnm, contractors of Mat-
Io('k gat.<)p ]2ou(t In th+' ltnnt;nt .(if
$597,97. Moved and cnrrted fhnt tht
ostimato bo allowed nnd that thn l+(lt-
tor be lsstruc(ed to draw a warrant in
[the amount of $448,48. being 75 per
[cent of ingineer's estimate.
] Estimate filed by State -Tlghway
[Commissioner for Al]red ,Tames and
T-Ten,lrlcks, contractors on Fo(leral AJd
Project No. 67, ostimatc in the amonnt
of $040.2n. ,Inved and carried that
this estimate be allowed and tlmt th,,
Auditor be instructed to draw a war-
rant from the Npectal Rend und.
(Continued next week)
(Continued from page 1)
well-paved road around the Penin-
This "ocean drive" should be con-
rinsed on down the Coast in years
to come, offering the visitor a "belt
line" drive of several hundred miles.
Tourists never travel back and
forth over the same road, if they can
help it. They always seek new
thoroughfares, new country and new
scenery. --
FRIDAY, a.r]M=nER 9, 19,
For the School Days
Our line of children's school shoes is
very complete and the prices are vow
Boys' black waterproof shoe ..... $3.25
Girls' heavy weight black school shoe
Priced at ...................... $3.25
Ladies and
Sweaters, etc.
Our new ladies' and children's sweat-
ers, ladies' knit capes, gloves, etc, are
now on display.
Children's Coats
We have just received our first lot of
children's coats. We have them in a
variety of the newest styles, and cloths
with fur collars or plain collars.
Priced at from .... $6.00 to $15.00 each
Shelton, Washington
They are m aid to the upbuilding'
the section through which they
are run. They help the farmer move
his crops, the suburbanite to buy and
sell in the city and the urbanite to
reside or recreate in the country.
They constitute perhaps the best
possible advertisement with the tour-
"You may have difficulty getting
into Washington," the experienced
will say to the traveler, "but once
you cross the state line the roads
are splendid."
That's the recommendation that
leads and will continue to lead the
motm'ist on to this state. Once here,
he will linger before starting the
homeward trek over less initing
We, in this state, have not erred
in spending lavishly on our high-
Every dollar devoted to this pur-
pose has been We)l invested.
Our roads are paying big dividends
now and will pay bigger dividends
in the future.--Se'attle Times.
Bids will be received by the Board
of Directors of School District 305
for the transporting of school chil-
dren for the coming term. For in-
formation regarding route and par-
ticulars write or see Mrs. J. W. Gris-
dale at Camp One (Shelton P. O.).
Bids will be opened Saturday, Sep-
tember 10th, at 2
Clerk School District 305.
Route A, Box 129, Elma,
The Rush to School is On--and Your
Suppl!es are Right Here for You
At thc Bcst Prices in Years. Let's Have Your ........... Order Early i
Our Big stock of School Supplies is here and awaits your order. And we are prepared
to furnish very school district and every child in the county with all the necessary
articles to start the fall term off with a whirl. •
We have ,a full line of the adopted text books and th allnn]i !!lll'hfi'l;r] '1 ---- ' '
/ nls county rlgn here ior your convenience .... +:+: L
+ I : . :: q' + ' " I : .... d ,--I I I: . + :IL ' " i + d I " "q ] ' ' ....... ' " " ' I I I , ' '
....... C0me sand pck out your supphesor make up an order and send i irr:P:ts:+d?m!: +
:+ : Get your 0rder in earljr so thht wb Canget the suppiie to you wittioidd!ay. 7,:; :i ,
• : : .... +-++;, +' +: !i!::}:;i+:: -: + : .....
.... + +++ + +....,, ", ,+ + ,
. +P, , ..... .#: . • ;r J?++' +'*# : "" '+ # '+ "" :' - ,, ;
• 0ur Foolscap+amd., Legal+ Cap tablets come m A go0d. .............. assortment of+col sn c0rs ....... uction+ "
3 sizes, retailing at I0c, 15c and 20c each, accor- papers, sme 24x36 has ifist coeqn ,='2
rang o number of sheets. We have pencil tab- are the best or several years.+ The:price is i0c:
lets in both 6x9 and 8x10 sizes at 5c and 10c a sheet. Also 9 12 sheets in good colors.
each. Our stock +of pencils includes numbers
retailing from 20c to 85c a dozen. All kinds of
erasers sell at 5c each, the same old price.
An excellent assortment of notebooks and
composition books: is offered in all sizes and
numbers of sheets. These sell at 5c, 8c, 10c and
15c each. Also loose leaf • binders and paper.
A representative line offtext books adopted
for Mason County, always on hand.
The small, Modern Handy Dictionaries,
green and red covers, come at35c this year.
Public Service and Roll Towels and toilet
papers are here at the new prices. Sold by the
roll or dozen.
.... . ,
red, blue or black, with
eraser, 50c. ----=-
Also Silver a $1 to $3.25
$2.50 and up.
School Suppliers£or Mason County
Mall Orders Given Prompt