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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
September 9, 1943     Shelton Mason County Journal
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September 9, 1943
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Page Two At Pacific Beach Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Cheney and Mrs. Omer Silvers spent the Week end at Pacific Beach. . In Hoquiam Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Anderson and son spent: the Labor Day week end in Hoquiam with the T. 0.1 ion with Miss Jane Aldri ~ - w . .K/A e .u,«»:.‘-;":!.’ 10-296 -.. eigev/Wf‘” "m SPECIAL SERVICE FOR WAR WORKERS If your shift keeps you busy during banking hours— or if you want to save time, steps and tires, make use of our convenient plan of BANKING BY MAIL This makes your bank just ‘as “close as your mailbox” Banking by Mail is safe, time-saving and simple. You mail your deposits in special envelopes which we provide— and pay your bills by check. It saves you the risk of keeping surplus cash at home or in your. pocket— gives you a useful record of your income and expenditures. Ask about opening a “Banking-by-Mail” account at any of our banking offices. We’ll also be glad to tell you about other special services— INSTALLMENT LOANS to meet emergencies—BANK DRAFTS for sending money away. Newcomers to the Pacific Northwest, who have not already formed a Banking Connection, will find a friendly welcome at “The Largest of . Many Excellent Banks in the Northwest” SHELTOII IIMICII SHELTON, WASHINGTON ” BACK THE ATTACK— WITH WAR BONDS" .L, seams-rum n a/Me Finch family. Miss Marilyn An-[ derson spent the week end in Uh- oh. IIIII. Bnnx FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE . . . 34 BANKING OFFICES limbo: Federd Rem System . . . Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. TON~MASON COUNTY JOUR All} r Will Waters Returns To Home in Memphis Will \r'aters will leaVe Septem- September 9 Thursday, 7 day Se ' M v» iisniles . of H V \‘ ": IW‘C‘Tan Hows Schedule. Meeting «4, “921113? Mppfing V The Juveniles ol‘ the D b n The Woman's Christian Temper- Honor w,“ mum; at the. r. 01' Day SOCIHI (VGNTS LILLIAN WARREN, Society Editor P H O N E 1 00 Golden VI'edding Anniversary IMiss Barbara Drake Celebrated on Sunday ‘Announces Engagement Mr. and Mrs. William Daniels, A sparkling diamond engage- celebrated their golden weddinglment ring attached to a corsage anniversary Sunday afternoon atlof all white. fIOWers reVealed the a family dinner at the home ofiengagement of Miss Barbara Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Martin- The Drake and Lt. (j.g.) William Col- ‘ Phone 432 table was centered with beauti- lins Jr., of Los Angeles to the ful yellow roses and matching I surprise of her many friends when tapers. Ishe entertained at her home Tues- Mr. and Mrs. Daniels, nee. Miss Edna Linton, were. married in the parlor of the Webb Hotel, Sep— l tember 4, 1893, by Rev. Nicherson. IMiss Adda Linton, who was her lsisters bridesmaid 50 years ago, also lives in Shelton but because of injuries received Saturday was unable to attend the party. M. B. Jones was the best man. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Read Van Dorn of Olympia, sister of Mrs. Daniels; Mr. and Mrs. L. L. ,Linton, brother of Mrs. Daniels, house that the bride went to the ,wedding 50 years ago), Mr. and l Mrs. Hollis Daniels, Kay and Bar- 'bara, Mrs. Mable Daniels, Mil- dred and Donald, Mrs. B. F. Neely, Marion and Franklin of Centra- lLia and Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Mar- in. Unable to attend were Mr. and . Mrs. Daniels two sons, Ted in ICentral America and Jesse, near Bend, Oregon, on Army maneuv—i ers. The honored guests received many nice gifts. Visiting Parents Mrs. vaina Wheeler and sons, Newt and Merle arrived Tuesday for an indefinite visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Raw-‘ ding of Hillcrest. Mrs. Wheeler and sons are from Wood, South lDakota. There is a real mes- sage of flowers— I i They carry mes sages of sympathy, ’ of love and friend- I I ship, and even of cheer. I cannot imagine a world without them. Mary Roberts Rhinehart BUY WAR BONDS TODAY Forrest’s Flowers and Gifts —_ Army and Navy RINGS Also rings for other branches of service Man’s DIAMOND RING $44.00to$100.00 HANDY TOILET KIT A Kit he can hang up by his bunk, containing all the necessary toilet articles. $2.00 to $5.00 Service Men’s WATCHE WALLETS F. E. BECKWITH Gifts Jewelry Identification brace- let with safety catch -—in either 12 k gold plate or sterling sil- ver. Engraving done free of charge. $2.50 to $9.00 Waterproof —— Shock Proof Non-Magnetic — Radium Dial Remainder All Gifts for Men over- seas must be mailed be- tween September 15 and October 15. DON’T WAIT UNTIL IT . IS TOO LATE Thomas Doak (it was from hisr day evening for Miss Ruth Hillier. Miss Hillier will soon leave for .VVashington State College to re.- Isume her studies. Miss Drake is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Drake of Shelton and Lt. (j.g.) Collins Jr., is stationed at Sand Point. No wedding date has been announced. I Guests at the party Were for- mer school chums and friends. . Mrs. Cora Hepner Has IGuests at Summer Home ' Mrs. Cora Hepner was hostess irelatives over the week end and Labor Day at her Island Lake home. On Sunday over 50 were ipresent including Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Johnson Mr. and Mrs. {Fletcher Johnson and family, Mr. ‘and Mrs. Jesse Stewart and son Jim, all of Seattle. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Johnson of *Santa Ana, Calif., Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Johnson of Tenino, Mrs. Nan- Icy Meeks and Mrs. J. Garrison land family of Bremerton, Mrs. W. Johnson of Silverton, Ore- Igon Mr. and Mrs. Glen Breits— pecher and family of Puyallup. I Mrs. Ruth Edgley and family, ,Joe Botts, Mr. and Mrs. Orin Parks and family, Mr. and Mrs. B, Chase and family, Mr. and ers. Roy Rector, Mr. and Mrs. IA. H. Goodwin and son, Mr. and [Mrs Will Bumgardner and son Bill, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Johnson and daughter Patricia and Max Stewart, all of Shelton. I Mr. and Mrs. Merritt Johnson iwere callers during the afternoon. ITwenty of Mrs. Hepner's guests gstayed over Monday. I . I Bremerton Visitors I Last Thursday Mrs. Ella Meeks of Bremerton arrived for a visit with her sister, Mrs. Cora Hep- ‘ner. Also visiting Mrs. Hepner were her two nieces, Mrs. Zetha Garrison and daughter of Brem- erton and Mrs. Mary Johnson, of Silverton, Oregon. They also vis- ited other relatives while here. lMiSS Hatcher- Leaves For Cottey College. Miss Carol Jean Hatcher left Saturday for Cottey College, Nev- ada, Missouri, where she will en- ter her senior year at the Junior College. She planned to stop at Lawrence, Kansas, to visit friends before going on to the college. From San Francisco Mr. F. W. Carroll of San Fran- icisco has been visiting his daugh- ,ter, Mrs. S. A. Hatcher. Mr. Car- -lroll plans to be, north about six From Tacoma Mrs. Frank G. Bampton of Ta— coma spent from Thursday to Sunday with her son and wife, ’ weeks. JMr. and Mrs. Robert Bampton. ISlster Visits Here i Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Olney Jr., and children of Seattle, spent from Saturday to Monday with Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Lindroth. ,Mrs. Olney is Mr. Lindroth’s sister. i\V.B.A. Club Holds Meeting The Women’s Benefit Associa- tion held a regular meeting this Wednesday with Mrs. Laura Par- ker. The meeting opened with a luncheon. Holiday Visitors Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Grunert of Tacoma, visited their son and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Grun- ert over the Labor «Day week end. They were accompanied by Miss Myrtle McHenry, niece of Mr. Grunert. Women of Moose To Have Party hold a public Bingo Party Friday, September 10 in the Moose Hall starting at 8' p. m. The public is invited and free refreshments will be served. Proceeds from the af- fair will be used to sponsor a day evening Co-worker Gillespe and Co-worker West of Olympia Were present. To Visit Son > I. H. Woods left Tuesday after noon for Los Angeles to spend about three weeks with his son Warren, before he goes on over- seas duty. nurse. At their regular meeting Tues- l I Week _End Visitor Mrs. Irene Hinkle of Olympia spent the week end with Mrs. Lewis Wiley. Mrs. W. R. Collier of Bremerton visited friends in Shelton Friday and attended the W.C.T.U. meeting at Mrs. Wiley’s home. IMr. and Mrs. Blake Will Visit in East Mr. H. H. Blake flew up from the South Friday for a visit with‘ his wife and little daughter, Patty Lou at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Bonner in Union. Mrs. Blake met her husband in Seattle and after a. couple of days at the home of her sister, Mrs. J. M. Por- ter, they all went to Union Sat- urday. Mr. and Mrs. Porter and son returned to Seattle Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Blake will leave Tuesday for West Virginia for a visit with his brothers and sis- ters whom he hasn’t seen for five years. Mr. Blake is a boatswain in the U. S. Navy. Little Patty Lou will stay with her grandpar- ents at Union. From New York Dr. and Mrs. Russell Pickens, formerly of Shelton and now of New York City, Where he is em- ;ployed by Rayonier Incorporated are visrtlng 1n Shelton. to a large group of friends andl The Women of the Moose will! Iii-r 14 10:- his home in Memphis, Tenn” after visiting his sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lan- ining of Skokomish Valley and his [brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Waters of Shelton. The {visitor got the thrill of his life. Sunday when he landed :1 25a”). salmon on the Canal. Mr. and Mrs. Jemison Entertain Tuesday Mr. and Mrs. Purl Jemison en- tertained at their home Tuesday evening, August 31, honoring Pfc. Jack Stewart. Their dinner guests included Mrs. Bernice J. Stewart, Pfc. Stewart. and Miss Pauline Van Liew. Patterson Boys Return to Oregon Lee. and Forest Patterson, who spent the summer with their great grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arch Ellis, left Shelton Friday for Mil- ton, Oregon, where they live with their grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. 'V. S. Kelly, who formerly resid- I Iled in Shelton. Ill‘rom Tacoma | Mrs. Hazel Barnhill of Tacoma lwill be the house guest of Mr. 1and Mrs. J. F. Stotsbury for a I week or so. Pfc. Jack Stewart Honored at Party Honoring her son, Pfc. Jack J. Stewart, Mrs. Bernice Stewart en- ‘tertained with a dinner party in his honor at their home on North First Street Wednesday evening. An evening of music, both in- 'strumental and vocal was enjoyed by the guests, Mrs. L. Sexton and her mother, Mrs. John L. Dotson, Pauline Van Liew and Jack Stew- the dinner. Stewart left Friday for Orlando, Florida, to rejoin his company, 1956th Ordnance Avia- tion Division. art following Pfc. Sunday Birthday Party Is Double Event Sunday evening, September 5, friends and neighbors gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Gunter for a surprise party com- plimenting the birthdays of Mr. Gunter and Glen Gardner. Pinochle was the evening diver- sion with the men’s honors going to Ben Drake, Ira Palms and John Stevens and the ladies prizes go- ing to Mrs. Vera Huntington, Mrs. Mona Stevens and Mrs. Avis Sae- ger. Both honored guests received many nice gifts. ‘Mr. and Mrs. Purl Jemison, Miss Kentucky Visitor Celebrates Birthday Mrs. Elmer Smith entertained at her home Saturday compliment- ing the birthday of her nephew, Ernest Richard Baxter of Ken- tucky. Games were played and i refreshments served. I Guests included Susan Wilson, Barbara Wilson, Donna Quinn, Nancy Lee Smith, Gerry and Mi- lchael Byrne, Colleen, Billy, Char- lene, Richard and‘ David Smith, Donna and Patty Byrne, Billy Baxter, Mrs. Donald Wilson, Mrs. Donald Quinn, Mrs. W. H. Smith, Mrs. Clarence Quinn, Mrs. Edgar lByrne, the honored guest and the x hostess. I The young honored guest re- ceived many nice gifts. Holiday Visitors Mrs. Ted Setchell of Iowa, Mrs. lNel Schultz of Wisconsin, are vis— l iting Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hurst, ‘ Mr. and Mrs. Robert Springer and Mr. and Mrs. William Austin. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Springer and family also visited his brothers and sisters over the Week end. I l FEMININE FLATTERY! I I i l l l I I ‘Reg. U. S. Pat. Oil".i I I I I I I I I I I I , ’he 1.1.;an you need, quality and outstanding value. Visored types with a military air. . . big soft berets that may be worn many ways- . . ..padre models for tailored togs . . s pillboxes round and square , 3 . and big bonnets with flexible, flattering brims. Col- ors for‘fall . .l. all attractively trimmed. ance Union held its regular month= 1y meeting on Friday. September 3, at the. home of Mrs. Lewis Wiley beginning with a. 1 O'clock pot luck lunch. Mrs. Charles Chase led the de- votions and the business meeting followed. Mrs. C. C. Gibbs had charge of the program. Mrs. W. R. Collier, former Shelton resident, now liv- ing in Bremerton, attended the meeting. She told the.» women about the temperance work in Bremerton. (lows hall for initiation 'on‘and MrS. ] Iday at 1 O’clock. Angeles ' Shelton \ N y It H WITH FLOWE" They Bring Comforl and Happiness FUNERAL DESIGNS HOSPITAL BOUQUE‘ Delivered anywhere, an Travis Floral S present. Shelton Hardware 8' There was a large attendance phone 232 ‘. [1/5 m BETWEEN GENERAL MARSHALL AND SECRETARY OF THE TREASURY MORQENTHAU' AX The comp . EXEL Vitamin E 0d Live Super D ‘ uibb’s :‘Mr. Secretary. can we military leaders plan to fight this war in an ‘ ipotenc orderly way—in the sur. arke D: and most if t' Improvea e ec we bbott manner—or must we ta Improved . . .uibb’s extraordmar rsks for . y I . al1ver( ‘ bdol W: “ bbott’s Improved l u1bb’s l" Potent . tamini Vitamins .av1tol-l upplies I Nitami .Squibb's l . cc. of {deal for moms _ 3 Vitamii fear the money will not hold out?" Gamol Gear 1 C. Marshall Chiufof S .U. S. Arm! “General, the American people will take care of that. They will not let our fighters suffer from lack of support until we achieve complete victory. no matter how long that may take. nor how much it may cost!” Hanr'u Mormmhau. Jr. Santa? of the Trauuru of the United Sta” lET'S‘ DO THIS JOB RIGHTI lET’S GET THIS WAR OVER WITH AND WON! , BUY U. S. WAR BONDS TODAY!) ‘ Mary If v. OCNKCV 09.. we. Serving the Home Front in Over IGOO Communities ENDIle roucv of thrift and savings is more 0‘ ‘- ‘. help than ever these days when every possible .11: must go into War Bonds. This year we all must buy more carefully than. and Penney’s can be counted upon, as always, for Pa}: The New Fall Style Starr , MARATHON‘ HAT f' Genuine fur felts in the ’i best fall topcoat shades 3" . . . featuring lower i crowns and wider brims. Casuals for the School Crow} G A Y E s r H A 1’5 Bumper beanies, saucy I tams, pert little dutch caps '- r and gay berets galore! GREEN RAE 5? a V Youthful Models for Fat”. BOYS' NEW FELT Collegiate looking—with I I contrasting bands - and -. I jaunty feather trimming.