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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
September 9, 1943     Shelton Mason County Journal
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September 9, 1943
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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geaoasoene9mfl and friends as did Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Valley of Olympia. itintion ‘on' and Mrs. Ronald Johnston , Mr- and Mrs- ROberié swan and Angeles Spent the week , daughter Janice and friends, spent .‘ Shelton visiting relatives iLabOr Day “Siting friends 3 ,ll of the ’v. i at the 33’ y LOWE lg Comfofl appiness DESIGNS ‘ BOUQUE where, an oral S rdware ,4 .ND ENTHAU AX ............. ........... .. 30 days supply 1.39 The complete Vitamin capsules (60 days supply $2.39) EXEL __________________________ _. 100 capsules 1.98 r Vitamin B Complex ‘3“ “’9 0d Liver Oil __________________________ ._ 16-oz. 1.39 rs plan to Super D man l~ uibb’s ABDG ............. ..... .. 100 for 2.98 i potency vitamins in the sur grke Davis ABDOL .......... .. box 100 2.98 , mproved “We »bbott ABDG ______________________ __ box 100 2.98 lust we ta Improved risks for (luibb’s B complex .............. .. 100 for 3.39 v aliver Oil Capsules .............. .. 500 for 3.19 W'" bdoi with vitamin C ________ 250 for 9.69 " Pbott’s Vitakaps ________________ _. 250 for 9.69 \ mproved uibb’s ABDG .................... __ 250 for 6.39 "" Potency tamins Plus ...................................... .. 2.69 Vitamins A, B, C, D, G, with liver concentrate, iron 72 caps. Tavitol-Malt Compound values at 1.69 Slipplies necessary Vitamins! Vitamin Vigran .................... .. 50 for 2.54 Squibb's bottle of 50 Vitamins A. B, c, D, G 1 cc. of Navitol .................................. 2.67 v {deal for growing children’s deficiencies 1mms .................................. .. reg. s1ze 49¢ ,6 Vitaminsva Minerals (large $1.69) him. Jr. of in. (mm M ) WON! , ! munities SCOTCH CLEANSER human, pkgs. ....27¢ lways, for gsismored ‘- rypossible VEGETABLES '. “LIFORNIA arrots . . . . . 5 bu. 25¢ ti R'ZONA rapefruit.. 3 for 25¢ llery .. . . . . . . lb. 10¢ : 0matoes . . . 4-lbs.25¢ .~ I, yle Staff HAT ,~' V LQCAL tPing Beans 3-lbs. 25¢ “’“l “’0’”; Watermelon H A 15. “Y I.” Cantaloupes laps ire! GREEN ONIONS, TOMATOES, Fall! RADISHES, CUCUMBERS FELTf vith and ing. -~ OODLES I Aral-ms , ENDERONI 3- FISHER’S BISKIT nits" SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL Consolidated with The Shelton Independent Published every Thursday morning GRANT C. ANGLE, Editor Member of Washington Newspaper Publishers’ Association and National Editorial Association. Entered as second-class matter at the postoffice at Shelton, W'ashington J. EBER ANGLE, Manager Richard Watson, News Editor American Legion Install Officers Tuesday Evening A regular meeting of the Am- erican Legion Auxiliary was held Tuesday, September 7, with Mrs. l R. H. Hedberg, past district presi- dent installing the officers for the year. Mrs. Richards of Tacoma as— sisted her. Those installed were: president, Rae Melcum; first vice— ipresident, Mable Johnson; second lvice-president, Clara Angle; sec- retary, Mary Dobson; treasurer, Florentine Connolly; chaplain, Vera Troy; historian, Alice Pal- l 1 Subscription Rates: $2.50 per year in advance; 6 months $1.50; Canada and Foreign $3.50; Special Service Men‘s Rate $1.50 per yea-I‘- outside Mason County $2.75; September Busy Month For Hood Canal Club Two events make September a busy month for members of the Hood Canal Woman’s Club. Thurs- day, September 16, is the date of the fall flower and vegetable show sponsored by the club’s garden de- partment at the home of the I will hold the first of its monthly meetings in the club room of the Hoodsport school. Both events be- mer; S e r g e a n t-at-Arms, Jane l gin at 11 a. m, I Binns; mie Earl, Geneva Crary, Martha Witsiers, Minnie Wivell, Ada Clo- thier. p The Auxiliary will be hostesses . at the USO. next Wednesday evening, reports of the Dept. Con— vention at Wenatchee will be giv— en at the next meeting. Mrs. Ada Clothier was appointed represen- tative to the Youth Council. The showing of motion pictures and refreshments closed the meet- ing. Phone 100 for a Journal Want-Ad mmmmmmmmmmmu . Clarmel Inn Will Be Closed on Mondays Open Throughout the Rest of the Week Many Thanks for Your Patronage throughout the Summer VillL‘ZiMl lb. ctn. pkgs. 27c MIX Pkg.......35¢ 25c PLAIN or lODIZED SALT 3pkgs. 25¢ IN E SODAS 2-lbs. 31¢ Cl BATION NEWS SUGAR STAMP No. 14 Good For 5-lbs. Through November 1 . Nos. 15 and. 16 Good For Canning Sugar , BLUE STAMPS R, S and T Valid to September 20 RED STAMPS X, Y, X through October 2nd. Brown Stamps, Book 3, A valid September 12. executive committee: Ma-I ‘Is Matron of Honor Harbor. ‘ andria, Virginia, also formerly of Degree of Honor Schedules Meeting The Degree of Honor will meet Ion Tuesday, September 14 at 8 p. m. at the Odd Fellows hall for a regular meeting and to make plans for the district meeting which will be held in Olympia on September 17th.‘ George Hamilton Weds In San Francisco Of interest to his many friends is the announcement of the wed- ding of George W. Hamilton, E. M. 3/0 U. S. Navy and Miss Peggy Palyo of Minneapolis, Minn., on August 3, in San Francisco. The bridegroom is the son or Mr. and Mrs. William Hamilton. The young couple met while George was attending electrical school at the University of Min- nesota. Mrs. Hamilton plans to reside in Shelton until George re- .turns from active duty on over- ,seas duty. chairman, Mrs. Vera Linscott at Lake Cushman. Just a week later, Thursday, September 23. the club Mrs. John Robinson Mrs. John Robinson was matron of honor at the wedding of Miss Margaret Elma Davidson and Thomas James Bridges last Wed- nesday in Aberdeen at one of the loveliest and largest weddings of the late summer to be held in the Also taking part in the wedding as one of the candlelighters was Miss Norma Erickson of Seattle and formerly of Shelton. The three went through school together and are former school teachers. Mrs. Clifford Wyckoff of Alex- Shelton, attended the wedding and reception. V.F.W. Auxiliary To Resume Meetings The V.F.W. Auxiliary voted to resume their Red Cross sewing day when they met at the Mem- orial Hall Friday evening, Sep- tember 3rd. The first of the sew- ling meetings will be held with Mrs. Bea Gray on Wednesday, September 29 at her home at 428 Ellinor. It was also voted to make a ‘ monthly contribution to the Youth Council and the U.S.O. To fill the vacancy made when Mrs. Hazel Hanson left to join her husband stationed in Virgin- ia with the U. S. Navy, Mrs. Car- eta Nutt was installed as a guard Friday evening by Mrs. Arma Springer, past president. Shelton Woman’s Club Schedules Meeting scheduled their first meeting for this fall on Monday, September 20 at the home of Mrs. Walter 'Elliott. Mrs. Harold Carr Visits Her Brother Mrs. Harold Carr spent the week end in Florence, Oregon, [with her brother and his wife, !Chief and Mrs. Ed Mura, where he is stationed with the U. S. Coast Guard. Mrs. Mura, the for- imer Miss Mary McDonald, a Shel- ton teacher, will teach at Flor- ence this year. Week End Visitors Mr. and Mrs. Robert Richman of Seattle spent the week end in Shelton with her brother, Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Sutton. Mr. and Mrs. Sutton’s daughter and her hus- band, Mr. and Mrs. Willis Bur- nett and daughter of Bremerton, also spent the week end with them. ' Mrs. John Labor Visits in Shelton Mrs. John Labor of Port Town- I ,send and daughter Luella spent i I a few days visiting her husband, John Labor, before leaving Thurs- day, September 9, for Los Ange— les to visit their daughter, Mrs. Ray Cormier and family. Capitol Hill 013‘) Schedules Meeting The Capitol Hill Club will meet on Thursday, September 16 at the home of Mrs. Preston Arm- strong for the first regular meet- ing of the fall season. A 1 o’clock luncheon will be served. Arcadia Economic Club Plans Coming Meeting The Arcadia Economic Club lwill hold a meeting at the home iof Mrs. Art Swearingin on Mill |Creek Road on Friday, Septem- ber 10. Mrs. Ray Killmer was hostess to the club at their last meeting in August. Purcell Funeral Here Sunday Funeral services will be held Sunday, September 12 at 10 a. m. frOm Witsiers Funeral Home for Jennie Purcell who passed away Tuesday in the Harbor View Hos- pital in Seattle. The deceased was born on the Skokomish Reservation, March 22. 1904, and will be buried at Enati. She leaves her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Anthony James, one sister, Mrs. Ivy George and two half- brothers Raymond and Percy James. paper 2 SHELTON-MASON COUNT}: JOURNAL‘ _._.. _W _,..._.._. Adams-Strike Wedding 1 Performed Saturday Eve The home of Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Strike on Lost Lake Route was ‘ the setting Saturday evening for the wedding of their daughter, Saturday. ADMINISTRATRIX Arvilla Wiley was appointed Administratrix of the estate of Lewis Wiley, deceased, by Judge John M. Wilson in Superior Court, Miss Viola Strike, to Willard Ad- ams, foster son of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon McKay of Shelton. The impressive double ring cer- emony was performed at 8 o’clock by the Reverend R. W. Maulden of the Shelton Methodist Church, before relatives and close friends. The improvised altar in one cor- ner of the room was decorated with beautiful baskets of pastel gladiolus and asters. The candles which lighted the room and altar were lit by Miss Helen Means of Tacoma, cousin of the bride. For her wedding, the bride wore a forest green tailored suit with. brown accessories and an orchid! corsage. The bridesmaid, Missi Ruth Strike, sister of the bride, wore‘an afternoon dress of aqua blue crepe and a corsage of gar- denias and rosebuds. Both moth- ers also wore gardenia and rose- bud corsages. Mrs. McKay play- ed the wedding marches. John Schneider was the best man. At the reception which follow- ed Mrs. Charles Stein“ presided at the coffee um and Mrs. Fred, Weaver and Mrs. Thomas Mus-l grove served the ices. Mrs. Strike : cut the wedding cake after thei l young couple traditionally cut the , first piece. White flowers and matching tapers were used in the 1 center arrangement on the bride's table. 3 For travelling the bride added' a brown top coat to her wedding suit. Following a short wedding trip they will make their home in Tacoma. RAHA THEATRE Friday Saturday RETURN SHOWING Gary Cooper, Teresa Wright "‘THE PRIDE OF THE YANKEES” Sunday Monday - Tuesday A Bud Abbott, Lou Costello ‘ “WHO DONE IT” W'ednesday Jane Frazee, Robert Paige '1 That boy away from home and friends will certainly appreciate your photo to remind him of home. ALL GIFTS To SERVICE MEN OVERSEAS MUST BE Amon the out-of—town uests were ME and Mrs, Harold gRyans “GET HEP MAILED BETWEEN SEPTEMBER 15 and OCTOBER 31 of Portland, Oregon, and Mrs. Irene Zoolis of Tacoma, sisters of LOVE” the bridegroom and Mr. and Mrs. Carl ‘Means and daughter of Ta- coma. I ANDREWS PHOTO STUDIO Page Three BLEACH: noun. Ennche The Shelton Woman’s Club has Journal want-Ads are-snowinz their value in every issue of the Fisher's Blend Kitchen “NEST GflRDE IlEflcuEll ENRICHID Egon“! able, flour Flour ‘ 4% MILK Harv’l Blossom Flour Harvest Blossom, depend- baking a real pleasure. 1.74 PEACHES “Julia Leo Wright“ I/ 0 enriched whiée bread 1 /Z 0 con aininv Vi alllin B1 and iron? lbs° Shelton Maid pasteur— ized creamy milk. na- ture’s most perfect food. Fisher’s enriched “all-pur- {Allways i‘llszlll've sufiveis: pose baking flour is al- uging‘ii‘fina‘fliusjgmi 10 ways a dependable flour perfect for all kitchen lbs. to give you successful re- ‘ needS- sults In your baking. “Whim Magicw pu ,.,. bleach. u s e f u l for cleansing and giving Qt. your linens a now ‘ . V whiteness. I ‘Old Dutch‘ tho cleanser t h a t m a k e 5 things spie and span. Oz' ' The soap that 3 c i ilnillions of low— y women use . 'a t for complexion. Bars “Sunsweet” m e d ium size prunes. contains good, rich iron that's ‘ necessary for g o 0 (1 lbs. health. (8 points) Kitchen Craft, the enrich- ed “home ' type" baking “Sunswcet'l' unseeded flour that gives you a Muscat “raisins. cxpel— . . lint fol ccrlals and high quallty at a low cost. cookies, (3 points) OZ. Always be sure and use H d, t H I" “ einz" eicious o- KItChen craft lllato sauce made from red ripe tomatoes and well seasoned (15 Red oz. Points) ’5 "Moneta" Well 1 L seasoned c h ili /2 ‘ sauce. (15 Red oz Points) ‘Sylmar Colossal' ripe olives. a favorite on special occasions and mighty tasty for those lunches. 250 if. 180 Domino, Avalon, Wings ,etc.,__, 13¢ Points “AA” Choice, pcr’lb. Bull Durham, Dukes Mixture 6/25¢ Beef Golden Grain, Stud ........ .. 6 for 25¢ 7 inch out Model, Granger Rough Cut. 3/25¢ T_B0ne Steak Target, Geo. Wash., Bugler 3/25¢ (13) Round Steak 39¢ Raleigh, Edgeworth, Bond. St. 14¢ Prince Albert, Velvet ........ ._ lb. 74¢ O (11) Sirlom Steak... 40¢ '(9) Beef Pot Roast. 27¢ WAY PRODUCE . (6) Leg of Lamb .... .. 37¢ UTAH CELERY lb. 8¢ OLIVES SYRUP Tobacco Raleighs, Kools, Luckies ,etc. 2/31¢ “Log Cabin" syrup. the popular table sy- rup that makes wal— i'les really delicious. low cost kitchen that makes your (9) Lamb Chops .... .. 49¢ Loin (4) Lamb Roast .... .. 32¢ All green Shoulder S . out SQRROTS-m‘b' 6¢ (6) Lamb Steak 35¢ Blade or Arm cut (1) Lamb Stew ._ .... .. 18¢ Breast and Flank (5) Piece Bacon .... .. 33¢ FRESH CABBAGE lb. 4¢ For salads CAULIFLOWER .. lb. 15¢ TOKAY GRAPES lb. 15¢ Yakima Bal'tlctts, for canning WHITE-3m . SAFE FANCY , Elberta 32-11» box 2.39 EXTRA-FANCY p . HALE’S 38-LBS- 3.98 ' CANTALOUPES .... .. lb. 8¢ Fancy. ripe. Yakima fruit New Flame Tokays . . . sweet PEARS 25-lb. box $1.98 White. large ' ' . . FRESH CORN. o for 29¢ (“£33939 “do” "" " 4“ Local ‘ I _ '( LETTUCE ............ ., lb. 10¢ (“liltfih'sniga /2 u" 2‘” Local, firm GLEEEN PEPPERS lb. 12¢ SAFEWAY mm ARE IN CLASS GPA-4