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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
September 9, 1943     Shelton Mason County Journal
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September 9, 1943
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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J .. 'aV rage Fem - __ - .. SHEL'EQN-MASON- COUNtr_tQLIRNAL Thursday: Sewers '9; v 1‘ .‘ ‘ . _ V I y _‘ ‘_ .y._‘_mw I, ~ g, ‘ 7V H .. I Journal ‘fi'am-m'is—Phnne 100 ‘ .1 jcatch the Shelton bus, with eight pia hospital and reported findin‘rT - ~47 0. . home at Hoodsport on F "w ‘— We 7 imore to the island grade school.. :hllicl quitiltowt. 1 I“; J‘ A 33% "Ews FOUR i NEWS Mrs. L. Ayres returned V ' .°”:« m‘mm ' ' Mr. and Albert Otterstad 1‘3- 91" a #0111“ a!“ i" P i 3° »Saturday after spending News BreVities and Dom... of pacific Beachlaaugmer Gem-go Waite or; Grange Meeting 1 NENMWOMEN From Potlatcli {days in ‘ __ were holiday guests at the Earl Seattle spent the week end at, ; 'N iMI‘S- Bl‘lli‘t‘ Page! 01‘ U1“ 5 , H By. Mr? lEarl IIarriman lHarriman home with Miss Nellie “16:1 R1090. Vypgte liome and Mr.‘ Shouon Valley_ Sept. See The ‘ By ENNIth H‘mqman i511 V8119}! buying Camlmg , % ars me 5 and, Sept. 7~Hai- i Haiiiman returning home With an seatrtslé Weireuialsznpgneigd son I regular meeting of the Grange [i (Continued from Page One) potlatch’ Sept. 6-Friday mom_ . , . stine was fairly quiet over the,them. i017 ,Labor Day holiday this year com- will be held' next week, Septem- mg a, baby girl was born to Mr. and Mrs. Jack Simmons at. the? ‘S. Reed high school and the Uni- i Shelton General Hospital. i l M1" Park” Stowm's 0f wenat'iber 16. There was a better at-' for one ’ v , , Mr. and Mrs. Jack Smith and] . , . , , -' ' to what it has been other daughter. Jamming of Seatth [C‘hef‘i 15 Spelldlllg SW91?“ days at teiidanCe at the meeting last } \efsityBOff .Wishmugtmlg. ,r 1 to -' =5'e3‘13 and “1°53 W‘th SChOOl ‘71“1‘ i were at their summer l’lOlil“ t' ‘the home OI hm S'Ster and mo‘ Week Thi r b H ll ' I it tl “3 y‘al' ‘9 01-9 emb abilg W? ‘ ' l I c i .. T. .,.., v . ., .. . i , r t or! . . . . . , . . l g Q ‘ m‘ m 91*“ 19g” 1‘ the university he was stationed . Mrs. T. R. Sheldon left for Seat- .dicn to gt Lad for school ale 1 1 1d .thei, Mis. Gertrude HOWflltl and. e . . . ~ . . i . . ine ‘0' ay' . , lMpg Hattie Stowe“ m”1g“”‘g 0f Walthy Master Ste)" i at Fresno, Calif. itle. Sunday to fly to her home 111 t gettipg llback into the harness! v.Mr. and Mrs. Harry Sinclair; M'iss Famine H‘i‘tchmpk was en Beers and Lady Asst. Steward} ____ Washington, D_ C” but found ha. i . I elatiti i(i5| y as we sawthsm pu- went to Olympia Sunday to call , home a coupre 6f days from Nur_ ,; Roso Beers. They plan to movo fMILEs ELLIOTT i reservation had been cancelled and m4 “um” H_V_H#A __A__ (f1 ffngy 011 MT- Allen MCcay at th“ Olym- gses Training in Tacoma but “L 3 t0 Bremelfton 30011 iTHROUGH BASIC set forward. She has been visiting,“ , ’ ' ‘ “ “ ’ " ""* “g ' Mls- Slgm‘ 19190131161 accom- 1 Aviation Cadet Miles E. Elliott, I her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Carl- lturned to Tacoma Monda ‘ y to gEtlpanicd Mrs. W. Smith, Mrs. half? intod “11‘; SWES its?“ iwalla‘T‘ Kneeland 311d MYS- Ralph i graduated this week from Minter t r't ,mi , 515'. d1 8331;” Paulson and little daughter Louise i Field, Army Basic Fly-mg School 9'“ er ammg 911‘ gran C ' Ien Ann, on a business trip to Monte- near Bakersfield’ Calif. i . . i “or several days Whlle the” pm“ 1 sano and Aberdeen one day last He has successfully Completed his basic flying training and nowi l ents, Mr. and Bernard Hous- iweek' enters Advanced School, the final Wapato, en are on vacation. i Patty Harris‘ Q i i .' ' A i ~ i 0f Mn and Mrs Tom Halllsi 0f ‘ phase in the rigorous course of i Mrs. Michel‘s Sister. They plan to 604 Franklin St., Shelton, Wash.,‘ We Will Pay You Mr. Kammerer was home ov- er the three day week end visit- ing his wife, and children. Joe Michel and Mrs. C. R. Reader left Tuesday morning for ; where they will visit THE OLD JUDGE SAYS. . . l i l son. i i i ‘f'_ . . young daughter . ya __ I l , Ii , iTaCOmav formerly _0f 5116111311, instruction prescribed by the Ar-. can their fruit there. , v . ;Sl)9nt last Week With Mr. and‘my Air Force for its flying offi- Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Johnston, i l u N EMTS E- A. RUtledge- ccrs. son Dale and daughter Carol, i ! Mr. and Mrs. L. Linton, from , Upon completion of his training were week end guests of Mr. and i .thf‘ EOWBI‘ Valley, VlSltE‘d Friday he will be awarded the silver C. R. Reader. I . 9‘ emlgg at the home 0f .Mrs- H- ; wings of America‘s mighty aerial Mr. and Mrs. Neil Simmons, son , I Shelton. WaSh- i A- Wmsor- , armada. Mickey and tiny daughter, visited l ' “ti/11;. :2: NIIDI'SWZIVay::dG1ho/Iver ang —-'——- her parents, the S. Cooks at Puy- I Th MI” ,1; 1‘ V, , r- an, iCARLl‘ON KIRKLAND allup over the Week end. , For all the ursday Saturday , 0’? use and VISIted thelrnvnrms FROM NAVY Mr. and Mrs. Westrich spent , b1 . i TWO FEATURES lit/1:13: M’15~ tsh‘a’nek Kneeland. onei A letter received last week the Week end visiting friends in; 1153. e ere I ! Mylgan‘? N326 -Ch 1 ' B k :from Carlton P. Kirkland, S 2/0, Auburn. ’ g a, rm 6 n t “MK landd' ht _ - ,3“ 93/ a 91‘ ; follows: ’ Mr. and Mrs. Leland Cowles of ‘ han ers 011 l A 311g 81 Jean, Wlt‘h Dan Ben- l “I have been getting the Jour— Tacoma, were callers at the F. S. ‘ '_ g y “if” and daughterlElame Bennett i, nal but it doesn’t come very often. Morrison home on Sunday. i brlng 1n_ '|‘(| DADDY” 1C: “Shes”; 1:3}? VISIth 30b Ben‘ i I am always glad to get it though Guests at. the H. J. Hussman l L. ,' , t; a Orr eW‘S Sevelal t1m§5 1 as it helps me to keep in touch home on Sunday were Mr. and I __and_" ithe 133$ t.“ 69k 301) 15 a cadet “1 with friends who are in the differ- Mrs. O. E. Hovens, Mr. and Mrs. [/41 3:4an 10“ Corps' _ , ent branches of the service. Phil Druin and Mr. J. B. ‘BI’JSr‘ 91, East Side Kids y of 23191333. Tfigfilfig’d anvc‘lleglrlllelgggg, I would like: very muchdto hezlié‘ hue, allLof1 Brtiirvnerton.f th M (c . i r from an of he boys an wou Mr. es ie yrest a er, r. V I. inth her mother, Mrs. Chesteriappreciage it Very much if you L. wyres Sr” of Ocean Park, is & BOYS” ' JOhnSOn' gwould put my address in the visiting his son and daughter-in- PHONE 88 ’ Mrs' J- 46" R0195 0f Shelton , paper. I am getting along fine and law for a few days. ‘ m spent Monday evening at the VVin- have pretty good duty. Mr. John Kolgberg completed sor home. Mr. and Mrs. Mell Saeger from 3 Isabella Valley, were. visitors at? the home of Mrs. Signe Kneeland. 1 Mrs. Ina Fort, Mr. and Mrs! Tom Harris and Ernie Mich, ofl Tacoma were visitors of Mr. andi Sunday — Wednesday TWO FEATURES “SILVER SKATES” "am/i“ ' ErskEB“. A. Rutledge at Alder : r00 arm during the week end. ' H I i Patty Harris returned home with Good mornmg,Doc.Your goodWife tells me people realize that a large part of the war- , RANGERS” her parents Monday 1 Mrs. Roy Fessler and sbn John- A 5393 0f the MOUnt'eS iny and Miss Emma Babcock, sis-l w iter 0f LII‘S. Fessler, 0f Shelton, ' called on Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Sha- ' Thursday . Frlday fer one evening last week.~ ! Two FEATURES ' alcohol required to make the medical sup- plies that are being used right this minute to alleviate pain, combat infection and save human lives, is produced by the beverage distilling industry. This entire industry stopped making whiskey months ago and you’re working night and day now that so many of the younger doctors are in the army. ” “ That’s right, Judge, and I’m glad I'm still able to do it. Had a long letter from Harry... that bright young fellow I was breakin’ in to take over my practice. He said the boys in Mrs. Estella Holman has re- ceived word from her son, Jack, Holman, that he has been trans- the service are getting the best medical care has been working night and day producing Gene Aun- . . . . . - of any armed .force in our history. They nothing but war-alcohol." “ iiiiéid'rfifaiifiintghecgnighgi gggialgg- i really should With all those brilliant doctors “Nobody knows better than I, Judge, RIDE! ley. Kansas, to Camp Brown, Tex- and plenty of supplies to work with.” what an important contribution to our war TENDERFOOT, Elsi/[011 the R10 'Gl‘ande- ‘ “S akin of su lies, Doc, not man effort that reall is.” n rs. Harry McConkey, Mrs, pe g pp y y RIDE William Baumgardner, Guy De- plus Rosier and Mr. and Mrs. John SECOND FEATURE _’ ConferenceofAIcoholichvemge Induslrz‘es, Inc. tors and callers of Mrs. Signe Kneeland Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Grenberg and children of Shelton visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Shafer. Mrs. H. M. Wivell, Mrs. James McIlquham, Mrs. Bob Evans and children, Mrs.‘ Peter. Bolling and Mrs. Umphenauer, from Isabella Valley, Mrs. H. A. Winsor and Ava and Una Winsor were those present at the meeting of the Home Sewing Club Thursday. Ration News (Continued from. page 1) officers, the board has started to Carlton P. Kirkland, S 2/0 Section Base. Bk. 662 Navy 121 C/o. F. P. 0. San Francisco, Calif. WARREN ALLEN IS PROMOTED Pvt. Warren Allen, son of Mrs. Minnie Allen, Star Route 1, Shel- ton, was promoted to the grade of private first class after quali— fying for enrollment in Kessler Field’s B-24 Liberator bomber me- chanics school. Private Allen’s promotion was the result of qualifying for a tech— nical school through high marks received in his Army mechanical aptitude test. He now will under- go approximately 17 weeks of training under the Army Air Forces Training Command at Kessler Field, Biloxi, Miss. Then he will be assigned to active duty on the line, servicing and main- 1 I Kneeland of Shelton, were visi- i taining the huge bombers which are carrying the war to the ene- my, or will go to a factory or gunnery school. iHOODSPORT WOMAN’S SON IS PROMOTED Somewhere in the South Pacific- E—Corporal Wayne R. Hall, U.S. iiVI.C., of Hoodsport, recently was ipromoted to his present rank. A native of Marshfield, Oregon, Corporal Hall enlisted in Febru- ary, 1942, soon after graduating :from high school at Klamath Falls, Oregon. Upon completion Iof recruit training at San Diego, vcalifq'he completed courses at radio and tank schools. He is the son of Ray W. Hall, of 345 West 93rd St., Los Angeles, 'and Mrs. Fern K. Hall, of Hoods- of all persons who use their auto- 'l mobiles for illegal purposes and {of persons who violate traffic i laws habitually. This program was instituted at the request of Act- ing PrOSecuting Attorney Charles ’T. Wright. |Cleir'k Martha Shepard is writing Ito appear before the board. \ DIES AT HOSPITAL Henry Spangenberg died at the Shelton Hospital September 9. He was born Feb- !ruary 22, 1875, at Longbranch, lWash., where he resided. Funeral ISGI’VlCeS will be held Saturday at i2 p. m. at Lakebay Church, Long- branch. Survivors include his wife Sel- ma; son, George, South Seas, and daughter, Mrs. Viola Ellison, of Steilacoom. MARRIAGE LICENSES Robert Paul Schaefli, Bremer- ton and Ethel Munsterman, Brem- erton; Fa‘y W. Hamilton, Pecaton- ica, Ill., and Marjorie L. Taylor, W'est Palm Beach, Florida; Chas. Calling All Americans The last half of the year 1943 will cost the American ,R_ Taylor, Morton, and Ella people about 50 billions Of dollars to equip our men and iSWain. Mineral. take care of other war expenditures. That represents about $2 daily for every man, woman and child in_the country. I PUBLIC Bingo Party Friday, September 10 at i MOOSE HALL Free Refreshments You ask how can we raise that much? Increased taxes (which none of us like but which are necessary in war time) will take care of about a third of the‘ amount needed. The balance must be raised through the sale of War Bonds, and that’s where you and I come in again. Right now the war in Europe and in the South Pacific p’ m' is at a critical stage. Our fighting men and materials are Sponsored by Women Of the Moose revoke the gasoline ration books: This week Mileage, to known violators asking them" this morning, . ' was had by port. DON GILLUM IS TRANSFERRED Sgt. Don Gillum, Army Signal Corps, formerly stationed at Camp Crowder, Missouri, has been trans- ferred to the Lexington Signal De- pot at Lexington, Kentucky, for eight weeks special radio train- ing. Harstine Grange Entertains_ Pomona By Mrs. Earl Harriman (Too late for last week) Harstine Island, August 31—The Harstine Grange, No. 568, enter- tained Pomona Grange Sunday .With a chicken dinner but not too large a crowd but a good time all. Miss Pauline Hitchcock left on Monday for Tacoma to enter nurses trainin in the Tacoma General Hospi a1. Captain Earl Harriman was laid up several days- last week with lumbago and his substitutes had quite a time with his ferry and they were glad when the captain was able to take over again. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Wickman of Hoquiam were Tuesday callers on the island at their ‘home here. George Waite returned to Seat- tle Sunday to ship out with the merchant marine again. We see Mr. Lee Carlson is ship— ping tomatoes to market. School starts next week as well as Women’s Club and we all should be settled for the winter just ahead. Mr. and Mrs. Harry McCay and sister and Mrs. Nora Ricemann of Olympia were out last Friday tops. We must put over this 3rd War Loan Drive so that looking after the interests of Mr. ‘ Allen McCay. ‘ our fighting men know they are backed by fighting dollars at home. We cannot fail them. They are giving their all. All the government asks of us is a loan. ’ The Simpson Logging Company and its employees have pledged themselves to. the support of the 3rd War Loan Drive. We are again backing the attack with extra bonds. 120 South Third that Black Dress have been Wanti "f ' 9.90 ‘ 'z—s:;%, $ ' Baum -—— ——- n. w -W' trim gives these dresses a look usually found in more sive models. i ., __ Ila , Sizes 9 to 44 also half sizes SIMPSON LOOOINO COMPANY SHELTON AND McCLEARY, WASHINGTON STOREH0URS10a-m.t05:30p-m- Dress Shop Now is the Time to get Clever sequin and white lingerie you 11% clever expen- the painting of the R.’ Aseleson 'a's'i'aizsim' CIRCULATORS If you are eligible to buy any type h e a t e r, purchase certificates may easily be obtained from your Ration Board Limited Stock of ESTATE OIL HEATERS WARM MORNING COAL HEATERS Now Available ESTATE Oil Circulators- $79.50 to $119.50 "1| .......i..,..'.“ llllim ' in, (H) ""Niiiw Warm Morning COAL HEATERS $47.95 COOLEBATOBS Are Still Available If you have difficulty keep- l ing food fresh . and appetizing, COOLERATOR is the answer. COOLERATOR is the Highest Type 106'. Refrigerator on the Market. Holds ice twice as long as any other refrigerator' $73-75 Cocoa Door Mats $1.50 (Duty included) 75-lb. Capacity Reduced to .......... _. 'Olsen Furniture Co. I V “FINE FURNITURE FOR THE HOME” W_____, "it ‘» shamanism‘withmMmaniaMMMMEMMMW' p ‘ « i .