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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
September 9, 1943     Shelton Mason County Journal
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September 9, 1943
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Page Six ‘ | LEGAL PUBLICATIONS NO. 350 NOTICE AND SUMMONS IN COUNTY TAlaKO ngECLOSUBE . IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON, a MunCIpal Corporation and one of the Counties of the State of Wash- ington, Plaintiff, —vs.-— John Earl Neal, all persons herein- after named as owners of any of the hereinafter described real property, and all persons unknown owning or claiming to own, or having or claim— ing to have, any right, title, estate, interest or equity in and to said prpsperty or any part thereof, Defend- an . You. and each of you, are hereby notified that the above named plain- tiff, Mason County, a munlc1pai cor~ poration, and one of the lawfully or— ganized and existing counties of the State of Washington, is the owner and holder .of a certificate of delinquency issued in one certificate in book form and dated the alst day of July, 1943, by the Treasurer of said Mason Coun- ty, Washington, and issued to the said Mason County for the several amounts due and owing for taxes on each and _every lot, tract, or parcel of land hereinafter more particularly describ- ed and set forth, said amount being set. out opposite each particular de- scription and being the amount due and delinquent upon each particular lot, tract, or parcel of land respect- ively for taxes for the year of 1936, for which said Mason County claims right of foreclosure as will more spe- citically appear by reference to each ticuiar description herein, together wth all interest, costs, and penlaties thereon up to and including the 3lst day of July, 1943, the name of the person, firm or corporation to whom or which said property is assessed being set forth with each particular description, all of said property being situated in Mason County, State of Washington. and being more particu- larly described as follows, to-wit: Original Certificate No. 1, Roll 1, Page 6, Line 34, Assessed to Neal, John Earl; NE1/4, NWJA East of Coun— ty Road, Sec. 6, Twp. 21 N., R. 1. W.W.M. Year in Certificate 193b, Cer- tificate $8.74. Original Certificate No. 2, Roll 1, Page 32, Line 13, Assessed to Puget Mill Co.; NEIA SE34. Sec. 4, Twp. 23 N.. R. 1, Year in Certificate 1936,. Certificate $5.41. Original Certificate No. 3, Roll 1, Page 32, Line 15, Assessed to Puget Mill Co.; SW14, SE94, Sec. 4, Twp 23 N., R. 1, Year in Certificate 1936. Certificate $5.41. Original Certificate ~No. 4, Roll 1, Page 32. Line 16, Assessed to Puget Mill Co.; SE14 SE14, Sec. 4, Twp. 23 N., R. 1, Year in Certificate 1936,. Certificate $5.41. Original Certificate No. 5, Roll 1, Pa e 37. Line 17, Assessed to Mc- Fa on, Donald; NEIA SE14, Sec. 19, Twp. 23 N., R. 1, Year in Certificate 1936, Certificate $14.88. Original Certificate No. 6, Roll 1, Page 38, Line 28. Assessed to Duck— weiler. Geor e W. 1,4 int., McKnight, Claude A.; ract 1 (Duckweiler's 1,4 interest), Sec. 20. Twp. 23 N., R. 1, W.W.M. Tract 1 is described as fol- lows: Commencing at the South—east corner of the South-east Quarter of Section Twenty, Township 23 N R One West, thence running West “1320" feet, thence North 15 feet, thence East "1320" feet, thence South 15 feet to place of beginning. Year in Certificate 1936, Certificate $.16. Original Certificate No. 7, Roll 1, Page 40, Line 20, Assessed to Mickelv son, M.; SE17; NEIA except Tract .6. Sec. 29, Tw . 23 N.. R. 1, Tract 6 is escribed as follows: Be- ginning at the Southeast corner of the Southeast quarter of the North- east quarter of Section 29. Township 23 North, Range 1 West, W.M., thence West along the south line of said Southeast of Northeast 270 feet to a point; thence N 270 feet; thence East 270 feet to the East line of said Sec- tion 29; thence South on said section line to the point of beginning; except from the above described tract of land Right-of«way heretofore deeded to State of Washington for Public Highway. Year in Certificate 1936. Certificate $57.16. Original Certificate No. 8, Roll 1, Page 41, Line 29. Assessed to Ellis. Allie; N. 16' of W 2 A of NE1/4, SW12. SE84, Sec. 29, .Twp. 23 N.. R. 1. W.W.M. Year in Certificate 1936, Cer- tificate $.33. Original Certificate No. 9, Roll 1, Page 46, Line 8. Assessed to Puget Mill Co.: NVVl/i, NWIA. Sec. 1. Twp. 20 N.. R. 2. Year in Certificate 1936. Certificate $2.12. Original Certificate No. 10. Roll 1. Page 46, Line 9. Assessed to Puget Mill Co.; SW11; NWM. Sec. 1, Twp. 20 N.. R. 2, Year in Certifi- cate 1936. Certificate $1.88. Original Certificate No. 11, Roll 1. Page 46, Line 16, Assessed to Puget Mill Co.: NWI/G SW14, Sec. 1. Twp. 20 N., R. 2. Year in Certificate 1936, Certificate $1.88. Original Certificate No. 12. Roll.1. Page 47, Line 1. Assessed to Puget Mill Co.; 'El/ NEIL Sec. 2, Twp. 20 N.. R. 2. w.w.M. Year in Certificate 1936. Certificate $5.17. ' Original Certificate No. 13. Roll 1. Page 47, Line 2, Assessed to Puget Mill Co.: NWIA NEIA. Sec. 2. Twp. 20 N.. R. 2, Year in Certificate 1936. Certificate $5.17. Original Certificate N . 14. Roll 1. Page 47, Line 3. Asses ed to Puget Mill Co.; SW14 NEl/l. Sec. 2. Twp. 20 N.. R.-2. Year in Certifi- cate 1936. Certificate $4.70. Original Certificate No. 15. Roll 1. Pa e 47, Line 4. Assessed to Puget Mil Co.; SE14 NE‘A, Sec. 2. Twp. 20 N.. R. 2. Year in Certificate. 1936. Certificate $4.70. Original Certificate No. 16. Roll 1. Page 54. Line 25. Assessed to Puget Mill Co.: NEl/i NEIA. Sec..11. Twp. 20 N., R. 2. Year in Certifi- cate 1936. Certificate $3.76. Original Certificate No. 17. Roll 1. Page 54, Line 37, Assessed to Puget Mil Co.; NEIA SE14. Sec..11. Twp. 20 N. R. 2. Year in Certifi- cate .1936. Certificate $3.76. Original Certificate No. 18. Roll 1. Page 54, Line 38. Assessed to Puget- Mill Co.; NW9; SE14. Sec._11. Twp. 20 N.. R. 2. Year in Certifi- cate 1936. Certificate $3.76. Original Certificate No. 19. Roll 1. Page 54. Line 39. Assessed to Puget Mill Co.: SW14, SE14. Sec._11. Tw_. 20 N.. R. 2. Year in Certi l- cate 1936.- Certificate $3.76. Original Certificate No. 20. Roll 1. Page 54, Line. 40. AssesSed to Puget Mill Co.: SEI/ SE14. Sec..11. Tw_. 20 N.. R. 2. Year in Certi 1- cate 1936. Certificate $3.76. Original Certificate No. 21, Roll 1. Page 56, Line. 30. Assessed to Puget Mill Co.; NW2, NWV. Sec. 14. Twp. 20 N.. R. 2. Year in Cerdtifi- cate 1936. Certificate $3.76. Original Certificate No. 22. Roll 1. Pa e 56, Line 31. Assessed to Puget Mil Co.: SW14 NWIA, Sec. 14. Twp. 20 N.. R. 2. Year in Certifi- cate 1936. Certificate $3.76. Original Certificate No. 23. Roll 1. Page 57. Line 1. Assessed to Puget Mill Co.: NE‘A NEV, Sec. 15. Twp. 20 N.. R. 2. Year in Certifi- cate 1936. Certificate $5.63. Original Certificate No. 24. Roll 1. Page 69. Line 13. Assessed to Puget Mill Co.: NE»; swig. Sec, 1. Twp. 21 N.. R. Year in Certifi- u. cate 1936. Certificate $4.85. Original Certificate No. 25. Roll 1. Page 69. Line 14. Assessed to Puget Mill Co.: NW 1.; SW14. Sec. 1. Twp. 21 N.. R. 2. Year in Certificate 1936. Certificate $4.85. Original Certificate No. 26. Roll 1. Page 69. Line 15. Assessed tn Puget Mill Co.: SW1; SW14. Sec. 1. Twp. 21 N.. R. 2. Year in Certificate 1936. Certificate $4.85. Original Certificate No. 27. Roll 1. Page 69. Line 16. Assesaed to Puget Mill Co.: SE14 SWV, Sec. 1. Twp. .21 N.. R. 2. gear in Certificate 1936, Certificate $4.8. . Original Certificate No. 28. Roll 1. Page 69. Line 17. Assessed to Puget Mill Co.: NEW/4 SE14, Sec. 1. Tw.. 21 N.. R. 2. W.W.M. Year in Certi i— cate 1936. Certificate $4.85. Original Certificate No. 29. Roll 1. Page 69. Line 18. Assessed to Puget Mill Co.: NW14 SE14. Sec. .1, TWp'21 N.. R. 2. Year in Certifi- .cate 1936. Certificate. $4.85. Original CertificatevNo. 30. Roll 1. Page 69, Line 19. Assessed to Puget Mill‘Co.: SW15 SE14. Sec. 1. Twp. 21 N.. R. 2. Year in Certifi- cate 1936. Certificate $4.85. Original Certificate No. 31. Roll 1. Page 69. Line m. Assessed to Puget Mill Co.: SE14 SE14. Sec: 1. Twp. 21 N.. R. 2. W.W.M. Year in Ccrtlli- calc 1936. Certificate $4.85. Original Certificate No. 33. Roll 1. Page 74. Line 1, Assessed to Puget ml! 00.; N354 “54 except part lTract 2, Sec. 11, Twp. 21 N., R. 2, W.W.M. Tract 2 is described as fol- lows: A tract of land in the South- east quarter of the Northeast quarter containing .30 acres, more or less, and a tract of land in the Northeast quar- ter of the Northeast quarter contain- ing11.65 acres, more or less, all in Section 11, Township 21 North, Range 2 West, W. M. for gravel pit site, and being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the South- west corner of the Northeast quarter of the Northeast quarter (NEIA of NE%,) Section 11, Township 21 North, Range 2 West, W.M. and proceeding thence along the Southerly line of said Northeast quarter of Northeast quarter (NE% of NEE) East 260 feet thence North 38° 15’ West, 20 feet, more or less, to the Easterly Margin of State Highway No. 14A and the true point of beginning; thence along said Easterly margin of State High- way No. 14A, North 51° 45' East 500 feet; thence South 38° 15' East 170 feet; thence South 51° 45’ West 500 feet; thence North 38° 15’ West 170 feet to the true point of beginning. £535 in Certificate 1936, Certificate Original Certificate No. 33, Roll 1, Page 74, Line 2, Assessed to Puget Mill Co.; NW1/4 NEIA, Sec. 11, Twp. 21 N., R. 2, W.W.M. Year in Certifi- cate 1936, Certificate $4.85. Original Certificate No. 34, Roll 1, Page 74, Line 3, Assessed to Puget Mill Co.; SW14 NE14, Sec. 11, Twp. 21 N., R. 2, Year in Certifi- cate 1936, Certificate $4.85. Original Certificate No. 35, Roll 1, Page 74, Line 4, Assessed to Puget Mill Co.; SE14 NEI/L except part Tract 2, e-Sec. 11, Twp. 21 N., R. 2, Tract 2 is described as fol- lows: A tract of land in the Southeast quarter of the Northeast quarter con- taining .30 acres, more or less and a tract of land in the Northeast quarter of the Northeast quarter containing 1.65 acres, ,nmre or less, all in Sec- tion 11, Township 21 North, Range 2 west, W.M.,for gravel pit site, and being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the Southwest l corner of the Northeast quarter of the Northeast uarter (NEIA of NE%,) 1 Section 11, ownship 21 North, Range 2 West. W.M. and proceeding thence along the Southerly line ofsaid North— east quarter of Northeast quarter (NE1/4, of NE%,) East 260 feet, thence North 38° 15’ West, 20 feet. more or less, to the Easterly margin of State Highway _No. 14A and the true oint of beginning; thence along said ast- erly margin of State Highway No. 14A, North 51° 45‘ East 500 feet; thence South 38° 15' East 170 feet; thence South 51“ 45' West 500 feet; thence North 38° 15’ West 170 feet to the true point of beginning. Year in Cer- tificate 1936, Certificate $4.85. Original Certificate No. 36, Roll 1, Page 74, Line 5, Assessed to Puget Mill Co.; NE‘A NWIA, Sec. 11. Twp. 21 N., R. 2, W.W.M. Year in Certifi- cate 1936, Certificate $4.85. Original Certificate No. 37, Roll 1. Page 74, Line 6. Assessed to Puget Mill Co.; NWl/4 NWM, Sec. 11, Twp. 21 N., R. 2, Year in Certifi- cate 1936, Certificate $4.85. Original Certificate No. 38, Roll 1. Page 74, Line 7. Assessed to Puget Mill Co.; SW1/ NW%,. Sec. 11, Twp. 21 N., R. 2, Year in Certifi- cate‘1936, Certificate $4.85. Original Certificate No. 39, Roll 1. Page 74, Line 8, Assessed to Puget .Mill Co.; SE14 NW2; ex part Tract 1. Sec. 11, Twp. 21 N., R. 2, Tract 1 is. described as follows: A tract of land in the SE14 of NW% and NElé, of SW14, Section 11, Township 21 North, Range 2 for gravel pit site, containing 4.27 acres, more or less, and being more particularly described as follows. to-wit: Begin- ning at a point on the Northeasterly margin of S.S.H. No. 14A Highway distant Westerly 620 feet, more or less, from the Northeasterly corner of the NEDA of the SW14 of said Section 11, Township 21 North. Range 2 West. W.M. and proceeding thence along the Northwesterly margin of said tate Highway on a curve to the right for a radius of 2322.0 feet a distance of 200 feet, more or less. thence North 24° 24‘ West 370 feet; thence on a curve to the left having initial course of South 65° 36’ West and radius 2692.0 feet, a distance of 277.90 feet; thence South 59" 41' West 243.4 feet: thence South 30° 19' East 370.0 feet; thence along the Northwesterly mar- gin of State Highway North 59° 41’ East 243.4 feet: thence on a curve to the right for a radius of 2322.0 feet a distance of 40 feet. more or less. to the true pomt of beginning. Year in Certificate 1936. Certificate $4.85. Original Certificate No. 40, Roll 1, Page 74, Line 9, Assessed to Puget Mill Co.; NEW/1 SW36, ex art Tract 1. Sec. 11, Twp. 21 N., R. , W.W.M. Tract 1 is described as follows: A tract of land in the SE14 of NW 1,4; and NE‘A of SW14. Section 11, Township 21 North. Range 2 for gravel pit site, containing 4. 27 acres. more or less. and being more particularly described as follows. to—w1t: Begin- ning at a point on the Northelasterly margin of S.S.H. No. 14A Highway distant Westerly 620 feet, more or less, from‘ the Northeasterly corner of the NEIA of the SW14 of said Section 11. Township 21 North. Range 2 West, W.M. and proceeding thence along the Northwesterly margin of said State Highway on a curve to the right for a radius of 2322.0 feet a distance of 200 feet. more or less, thence North 24° 24’ West 370 feet; thence on a curve to the left havmg initial course of South 65°_36' West and radius 2692.0 feet, a distance of 277.90 feet; thence South 59° 41’ West 243.4 feet; thence South 30° 19' East 370.0 feet; thence along .the Northwesterly margin 0t State High- way North 59° 41’ East 243.4 feet; thence on a curve to the right for a radius of 2322.0 feet a distance of'40 feet, more or less. to the_ true pomt of beginnin . Year in Certificate 1936, Certificate €4.85. ' Original Certificate No. 41. Roll 1. Page 74, Line 10. Assessed to Puget Mill Co.; NWI/i SW14. Sec._11. Twp. 21 N.. R. 2, Year in Certifi- cate 1936. Certificate $4.85. Original Certificate No. 42. Roll 1. Page 74, Line 11. Assessed to Puget Mill Co.; SW14 SW14. Sec..11. Twp. 21 N.. R. 2, W.W.M. Year in Certifi- cate 1936. Certificate $4.85., Original Certificate No. 43. Roll 1, Page 74. Line 12. Assessed to Puget Mill Co.: SE14. SW14, Sec._11. Twp. 21 N.. R. 2. Year in Certifi» cate 1936. Certificate $4.85. Original Certificate No. 44, Roll 1. Page 74. Line 13, Assessed to Puget Mill Co.: NEE, SE14. Sec. 11. Twp. 21 N.. R. 2. Year in Certifi— cate 1936. Certificate $4.85. Original Certificate No. 45. Roll 1. Page 74, Line 14. Assessed to Puget Mill Co.: Wl/i SE14. Sec.,11. Twp. 21 N.. R. ,v Year in Certifi- cate 1936. Certificate $4.85. Original Certificate No. 46, Roll 1. Page 74, Line 15. Assessed to Puget Mill Co.; SWX/4 SE14. Sec._11. Twp. 21 N.. R. 2, Year in Certifi- cate 1936, Certificate $4.85. Original Certificate No. 47. Roll 1. Page 74, Line 16. Assessed to Puget Mill Co.; SE14 SE14, Sec. 11. Twp. 21 N.. R. 2, Year in Certifi- cate 1936, Certificate $4.85. Original Certificate No. 48, Roll 1. Page 74. Line 32. Assessed to Gustaf- son. Charles; SE1; NW1/4. Sec. 12. Twp. 21 N.. R. 2, Year in Certificate 1936, Certificate $10.33. Original Certificate No. 49, Roll 1. Page 92. Line 28. Assessed to Mickel- son, Leder 8: Oscar: SE14 NWIA, Sec. 2. Twp. 22 N.. R. 2. Year in Certificate 1936. Certificate $5.41. Original Certificate No. 50. Roll 1. Page 92. Line 37. Assessed to Scliay, Martin: NWlé SW14. Sec.‘ 2. Twp. 22 N.. R. 2. Year in Certifi- cate 1936. Certificate $16.14. Original Certificate No. 51. Roll 2. Page 18. Line 6. Assessed to Snyder, Louis A.; NE'f SW34 SW14 NEI/zg. Sec. 20. Twp. 19 N.. R. 3, gear in Certificate 1936, Certificate .48. - Original Certificate No. 52. Roll 2. Page 40. Line 16. Assessed to Mc- Donald, Jennie Elizabeth; Tract. No. 22, Sec. 18, Twp. 20 N.. R. 3, Tract No. 22 is described as follows: Beginning at the N.W. corner of Lot 5. Section 18. Township 20 North of Range 3 West, W.M.: run thence East on the North line of said lot 209 feet; thence South parallel with the West line of said Lot 104.5 feet: .thence West parallel with the north line 209 feet to the West line of said lot: thence North on the West line.of. lot 104.5 feet to the place of beginning, containing one half acre. and being in the N.W. Corner of Lot 5. Section 18, Township 20 North of Range 3 West. W.M. Year in Certificate 1936. Certificate $2.82. Original Certificate No. 53. Roll 2. Page 53, Line 17. Assessed to Puget Mill Co.; NE%, NW% 8. of Arcadia 1308‘, 800- ”: 30 NH R" 3: W“___ Year in Certificate 1936, Cer- tificate $.48. Original Certificate No. 54, Roll 2, Page 53, Line 19, Assessed to Pu et Mill Co.; NWIA NW9; S. of Area ia Road, Sec. 28, Twp. 20 N., R. 3, Year in Certificate 1936, Cer- tificate $.24. Original Certificate No. 55, Roll 2, Page 60, Line 29, Assessed to Puget Mill Co.; SE14 SE17;r East of State Highway, Sec. 31, Twp. 20 N., R. 3, Year in Certificate 1936, Cer- tificate $1.43. Original Certificate No. 56, Roll 2, Page 84, Line 25, Assessed to Wake- man, Tudor E. C.; NEIA NE1/4, Sec. 32, Twp: 21 N., R. 3, W.W.M. Year in Certificate 1936. Certificate $5.35. Original Certificate No. 57, Roll 2, Page 84, Line 30, Assessed to Wake- man, Tudor E. C.; SE1/4, NE%,, Sec. 32, Twp. '21 N., R. 3. Year in Certificate 1936. Certificate $7.23. Original Certificate No. 58, Roll 2, Page 85, Line 13, Assessed to Gordon, James; NEV, SE14, Sec. 33, Twp. 21 N., R. 3, Year in Certificate 1936, Certificate $4.41. Original Certificate No. 59, Roll 2, Page 85, Line 14, Assessed to Gordon, James; NWI/l SE%, Sec. 33, Twp. 21 N., R. 3, .W.W.M. Year in Certificate 1936,. Certificate $4.41. Original Certificate No. 60, Roll 2, Page 85, Line 15, Assessed to Gordon, James; SW14 SE%, Sec. 33, Twp. 21 N., R. 3, .W.W.M. Year in Certificate 1936,_ Certificate $8.64. Original Certificate No. 61, Roll 2, Page 88, Line 29, Assessed to Dumas, John L.; NEIA NE1/1,, Sec. 2, Twp. 22 N., R. 3, Year in Certificate 1936,. Certificate $8.91. Original Certificate'No. 62, Roll 2, Page 88, Line 34, Assessed to Dumas, ‘John L.; NWIA NW14, Sec. 2, Twp. 22 N., R. 3. Year in Certifi- cate 1936, Certificate $3.52. Original Certificate No. 63, Roll 2, Page 88, Line 35, Assessed to Dumas, John L.; SW14 NW1/4, Sec. 2, Twp. 22 N., R. 3, Year in Certificate 1936,_ Certificate $3.76. Original Certificate No. 64, Roll 2. Page 89, Line 1, Assessed to Dumas, John L.; NE1/4 NEla, Sec. 3, Twp. 22 N., R. 3. Year in Certifi- cate .1936, Certificate $3.76. Original Certificate No. 65, Roll 2, Page 89, Line 2, Assessed to Dumas, John L.; NWIA NEW/4,, Sec. 3, Twp. 22 N., R. 3, W.W.M. Year in Certifi- cate .1936. Certificate $3.76. Original Certificate No. 66, Roll 2, Page 89, Line 3, Assessed to Dumas, John L.; SW14 NEI/i, Sec. 3. TWP— 22 N.. R. 3. Year in Certifi- cate.1936. Certificate $3.76. Original Certificate No. 67, R011 2. Page 89, Line 4, Assessed to Dumas, John L.; SE14 NElxl. Sec. 3, Twp. 22 N., R. 3. Year in Certifi- cate.1936, Certificate $3.76. Original Certificate No. 68, Roll 2. Page 89, Line 47, Assessed to Raleigh Chinn '44. Cary, Walter Edward et al 174; SW14 SE14, Sec. 4, Twp. 22 N., R. 3. Year in Certificate 1936, Certificate $5.35. Original Certificate No. 69, Roll 2. Page 89, Line 48, Aesessed to Raeligh Chinn‘t’i. Cary. Walter Edward et al 34.. SE14 SE94, Sec. 4, Tw . 22 N., R 3, Year in ertificate 1936. Certificate $5.35. Original Certificate NY). 70, Roll 2, Page 92, Line 3, Assessed to Raleigh Chinn 34, Cary, Walter Edward et a1 14, SW14 NEl/L Sec. 10, Twp. 22 N., R. 3, Year in Certificate 1936,_ Certificate $5.35. Original Certificate No. 71, Roll 2, Page 92, Line 10, A3sessed to Raleigh Chinn 9V4, Cary, Walter Edward -et al 14; NW% SW14, Sec. 10, Twp. 22 N., R. 3, Year in Certificate 1936. Certificate $5.35: Original Certificate No. 72. Roll 2, Page 95, Line 14, Assessed to Wood, John B.; NWIA NElg, Sec._17. Twp. 22 N., R. 3, W.W.M. Year in Certifi- cate 1936. Certificate $5.35. Original Certificate No. 73. Roll 2, Page 95, Line 15. Assessed to Wood, John B.; SWI/g NEV‘, Sec. 17, Twp. 22 N.. R. 3, W.W.M. Year in Certifi- cate 1936, Certificate $5.35. Original Certificate No. 74. Roll 2, Page 95, Line 25. Assessed to Wood, John B.; NEIA SW14. Sec. 17, Twp. 22 N.. R. 3. Year in Certifi- cate 1936. Certificate $5.35. Original Certificate No. 75. Roll 2. Page 95, Line 28. Assessed to Wood, John B.; SE14 SW14, Sec. 17, Twp. 22 N., R. 3, Year in Certifi- cate 1936, Certificate $5.35. Original Certificate No. 76, Roll 2. Page 95, Line 30. Assessed to Wood, John B.; NWM, SE14. Sec. 17. Tw . 22 N., R. 3, Year in Certi i- cate 1936. Certificate $5.35. Original Certificate No. 77, Roll 2, Page 98, Line 6, Assessed to Wood, John B.; NWIA NWIA, Sec. 20. Twp. 22 N.. R. 3. Year in Certifi- cate 1936, Certificate $13.34. Original Certificate No. 78. Roll 2, Page 98. Line 30, Assessed to Lewis, Charles D.; NWlé, NEM, Sec. 21. Twp. 22 N.. R. 3. Year in Certifi— cate 1936. Certificate $11.68. ' Original Certificate No. 79. Roll 2. Page 98, Line 33, Assessed to Lewis. Charles D.; NEM, NW14. Sec. 21. Twp. 22 N., R. 3, Year in Certifi- cate 1936, Certificate $5.35. Original Certificate No. 80, Roll 2. Page 98. Line 36, Assessed to Lewis. Charles D.: SE14 NWXA, Sec. 21. Twp. 22 N., R. 3, Year in Certifi- cate 1936, Certificate $47.15. Original Certificate No. 81. R0112. Page 117, Line 12. Assessed to HeWitt Land Co.; SE14 SW1/. Sec, 7, Twp. 23 N., R. 3, ear in Certifi- cate 1936. Certificate $2.82. Original Certificate No. 82. Roll 2.’ Page 123, Line 2, Assessed to Hewitt Land Co.; NW1/1 NElfll. Sec. 18. Twp. 23 N.. R. 3, Year in Certifi- cate 1936. Certificate $5.35. Original Certificate No. 83. Roll .2. Page 123, Line 3. Assessed to Hew1tt Land Co.; SW14 NEE... Sec. 18, Twp. 23 N.. R. 3. Year in Certifi- cate 1936. Certificate $5.35. Original Certificate No. 84, Roll .2, Page 123, Line 5, Assessed to Hew1tt Land Co.; NEMI NW1/4, Sec. 18. Twp. 23 N.. R. 3. Year in Certifi- cate 1936, Certificate $5.35. Original Certificate No. 85, Roll .2, Page 123, Line 7, Assessed to Hew1tt Land Co.; Lot 2, Sec. 18_, Twp. 23 N., R. 3, Year in Certificate 1936. Certificate $5.19. Original Certificate No. 86, Roll _2, Page 123, Line 8, Assessed to Hew1tt Land Co.; SE14 NWIA, Sec.. 18, Twp. 23 N.. R. 3, Year in Certifi— cate 1936, Certificate $5.35. Original Certificate No. 87, Roll _2, Page 123, Line 9, Assessed to Hew1tt L‘and Co.; NEl/4 SW1/, Sec._ 18. Twp. 23 N., R. 3. Year in Certifi- cate 1936. Certificate $5.35. Original Certificate No. 88, Roll _2. Page 123, Line 10, Assessed to Hewitt Land Co.: Lot 3. Sec. 18, Twp. 23 N., R. 3. Year in Certificate 1936. Certificate $5.22.. Original Certificate No. 89. R0112, Page 123, Line 12, Assessed to Hew1tt Land Co.; SE14 SW1/, Sec. 18. Twp. 23 N.. R. 3. Year in Certifi- cate 1936, Certificate $5.35. Original Certificate No. 90. Roll '2, Page 123, Line 15, Assessed to Hew1tt Land Co.; SW14 SEV. Sec._18, Twp. 23 N.. R. 3, Year in Certifi- cate 1936. Certificate $5.86. . Original Certificate No. 91, Roll '2, Page 124, Line 2, Assessed to Hew1tt Land Co.; NW% NE%., Sec, 19. Tw . 23 N., R. 3. Year in.Certi i- cate 1936, Certificate $6.92. Original Certificate No. 92. Roll .2, Page 124, Line 5, Assessed to HeWitt Land Co.; NEW, NWMl, Sec._ 19. Twp. 23 N.. R. 3. Year in Certifi- cate 1936. Certificate $5.35. Original Certificate No. 93. Roll 2. Page 135, Line, 1, Assessed to Dumas. John L.; NEl/4 NE1/, Sec.'35. Twp. 23 N.. R. 3, Year in Certifi— cate 1936. Certificate $3.76. Original Certificate No. 94. Roll 2. Page 135, Line 3. Assessed to Dumas. John L.; SW17; NEl/a. Sec._35, Tw_. 23 N.. R. 3. Year in Certi i- cate 1936. Certificate $3.76. Original Certificate No. 95. Roll 2. Page 135, Line 4, Assessed to Dumas, John L.; SE»; NEl/i. Sect-35. Twp. 23 N.. R. 3. Year in Certifi— cate 1936., Certificaie $3.76. Original Certificate No. 96. Roll 2. Page 135. Line 12. Assessed to Dumas, John L.; SE17; SW94. Sec._35, Twp. 23 N.. R. 3. Year in Certifi- cate 1936. Certificate $3.76. Original Certificate No. 97. Roll 2. Page 140, Line 16. Assessed to Haiiia Hama Log. Co.; SE14 SE14, Sec. 10, Twp. 24 N.. R. 3, Year in Certificate 1936. Certificate $4.89. v Original Certificate No. 98. Roll 2. Page 151, Line 23. Assessed to Buol Logging Co.; SW14 NEl/t. Sec. 31, Twp. 24 N.. R. 3. Year in Certificate 1936. Certificate $77.93. Original Certificate No. 99. Roll 2. Page 151, Line 24, Assessed to Biiol Logging Co.: SE14 NEl/l, Sec. 31. Twp. 24 N.. R. 3, Year in Certificate 1936. Certificate $97.68. Original Certificate No. 100. Roll 3, Page 7. Line 8. Assessed to Aiibell. Henry; No. 193 SE»; Nng‘NEU. Sec. 72 Twp. 19 N., R. 4. W.W.M. glegg in Certificate 1936, Certificate 011511181 Certificate No. 101. R011 3, SHELTON-MKSON COUNTY JOURNAL‘ Page 34, Line 42, Assessed to Ogg Samuel; NW1/4, SE14 ex Tr. No. 6 & RR. R of W, Sec. 17, Twp. 20 N.,.R. 4, W.W.M. Tract No. 8 is de- scribed as follows: Beginning at the N.W. corner of the NW% of the SE14 of Section 17, Twp. 20 N., R. 4 W.W.M. run thence south on W line 12.25 chns; thence E 12.25 éhns.; thence N 12.25 chns. to the N line; thence W 12.25 chns to place of be— ginning containing 15 acres more or less. Year in Certificate 1936, Certifi- cate $14.55. Original Certificate No. 102, Roll 3, Page 72, Line 46, Assessed to Foster, Allen; Tract No. 15 of SE14 SW14, Sec. 11. Twp. 22 N., R. 4. Tract No. 15 is described as follows: Beginning at the South East corner of the South East quarter of the South West quarter of Section 11, Township 22 North of Range 4 West, run thence West on the South line 300 feet‘ to the initial point of this description. From said initial point run North 150 feet; thence West 66 feet to the right of way of the Lake Cushman County road as now located; thence following said right of way in a Southwesterly direction 200 feet, more or less, to the South line of said Section; thence East on the South line 200 feet to the initial point, containing 4/10 acres, more or less and being in the South East quar- ter of the South West quarter of Sec- tion 11, Township 22 North of Range 4 West, W.M. Year in Certificate 1936, Certificate $.73. Original Certificate No. 103, Roll 3, Page 72, Line 47, Assessed to Foster, Howard; Tract No. 16 of SE14 SW14, Sec. 11, Twp. 22 N., R. 4, Tract No. 16 is described as follows: Beginning at a point on the East line of the South East quarter of the South West quarter of Section 11, Township 22 North of Range 4 West, W. M. 150 feet north of the South East corner for initial point. From said initial point run North on the East line 245 feet to the right of way of the Lake Cushman County road as now located; thence following said right of way. in a Southwesterly direc- tion to a pomt 366 feet directly West of the initial point and 150 feet North of the South line of said forty; thence East 366 feet to the initial point, con- taining 1.02 acres. more or less. and being in the South East uarter of the South West quarter of ection 11, Township 22 Nor h of Range 4 West, W.M. Year in Certificate 1936, Certifi- cate $.75. Original Certificate No. 104, Roll 3, Page 81, Line 18, Assessed to Ban- son, Buster F.; S99 of Tract No. 2 in Lot 3 except Tract 3 & R of W, Sec. 26, Twp. 22 N., R. 4, Tract No. 3 is described as follows: Beginning at a point 10 chains South by Government measure and 16 chns. East from West quarter section cor- ner of said Section 26; running thence east 350 feet; thence south 5 chains by Government measure; thence West 350 ft.; thence north 5 chains to the beginning containing 2.66 ‘acres. Years in Certificate 1936. Certificate $53.32. Original Certificate No. 105, Roll 3, Page 81, Line 21. Assessed to Frink, Jeanette and Hanson, Ellen; Lot 4 except R. of W, Sec. 26, Twp. 22 N., R. 4, Year in Certificate 1936, Certificate $100.77. Original Certificate No. 106, Roll 3, Page 104, Line 8, Assessed to Heirs of Rueben D. Hill; 1 square acre in SE14 NEIA. Sec. 29 Twp. 20 N., R. 2, W.W.M. One acre in the South East quarter of the North East quar- ter of Sec. 29, Twp. 20 N., R. 2 West. Beginning at the quarter section cor— ner between sections Twenty—eight (28) and twenty-nine (29) said Township and Range and run thence West (Var. 23" E) for 7.23 chains; thence North 52° 30’ West 5.53 chains; thence South 88° 15’ West 96 links to the initial point of this description: From said initial point run North 60° East 3.16 chains; thence North 33° West 3.16 chains ; thence South 60° West 3.16 chains; thence South 33 ° East 3.16 chains to the initial point contain- ing one (1) acre, more or less. Year in Certificate 1936, Certificate $.48. .Original Certificate No. 107, Roll 4, Page 7, Line 17, Assessed to Gleason, M. J.; NE1/1, SE14 except 81,4 8% NEVL SE14, Sec. 13, Twp. 19 N., R. 5, Year in Certificate 1936, Cer- tificate $13.16. Original Certificate No. 108, Roll 4, Page 10, Line 34, Assessed to Bets- worth, W. F.; Lot 1, Sec. 19, Twp. 19 N., R. 5, Year in Certifi- cate 1936, Certificate $5.16. Original Certificate No. 109, Roll 4, Page 28, Line 43, Assessed to Kilrain, Virginia; Esrom Place Tract 61. Sec. 13. Twp. 20 N., R. 5, Year in Certificate 1936, Certificate $1.81. Original Certificate No. 110, Roll 4, Page 36, Line 2, Assessed to Small, Ralph H. et ux; NWIA. NEl/g exce t R of W, Sec. 25, Twp. 20 N.. . 5, Year in Certificate 1936, Certificate $9.85. Original Certificate No. 111. Roll 4, Page 36. Line 3, Assessed to Small. Ralph H. et ux: SW14 NEl/l, Sec. 25, Twp. 20 N.. R. 5, Year in Certificate 1936, Certificate $7.51. Original Certificate No. 112, Roll 4. Page 36, Line 26. Assessed to Small. Ralph et ux; NWI/f SE14, Sec. 25, Twp. 20 N., R. 5, Year in Certificate 1936. Certificate $7.51. Original Certificate No. 113, Roll 4, Page 109, Line 33, Assessed to Hall- berg, Marie; NE1/4, NEH/4. Sec. 28. Twp. 21 N.. R. 6. Year in Certificate 1936, .Certificate $5.35. Original CertificateNo. 114, Roll 5, Page 20. Line 26, Assessed to Huhn. Mrs. Solomon F.; .Beachmont, Lots 4- 5, Blk. 5.‘ Year in Certificate 1936, Certificate $.56. _ ‘ Original Certificate No. 115, Roll 5. Page 21, Line 4, Assessed to Einmons, Mrs. L. A.; Beachmont. Lots 33—35. Blk. 8. Year in Certificate 1936, Cer- tificate $.83. H Original Certificate No. 116, Roll 5, Page 22, Line 19. Assessed to.Schneid- er, Jacob F.; DetrOit, Lots 6-7, Blk. 5. Eegr in Certificate 1936, Certificate .3 . Original Certificate No. 117, Roll 5, Page 22, Line 20, Assessed to Schneidv er, Jacob J.; Detroit, Vac. .Laurel 8: Alleys Ad]. Lots 6-7, Blk. 5. Year in Certificate 1936, Certificate $.24. Original Certificate No. 118, Roll 5, Page 22. Line 21, Assessed to Meier, John; DetrOit, Lot 8, Blk. 5. Year in Certificate 1936‘, Certificate $.19. Original Certificate No. 119. Roll 5. Page 22. Line 22, Assessed to Maier. John; Detroit, Vac. Alley Adj. Lot 8, Blk. 5. Year in Certificate 1936, Cer- tificate $.14. Original Certificate No. 120, Roll 5, Page 22, Line 24, Assessed to Hurrlc, Ed and Varwig, H. J.; Detroit, Vac. Alley Adj. Lots 9—10, Blk. 5. Year in Certificate 1936, Certificate $.24. Original Certificate No. 121, Roll 5, Page 28, Line 32, Assessed to Knee- Land Invst. Co.; Detroit No. 2, Vac. Meckleiii, Woodbridgc & 4th Sts. 8: Alie 's adj. Blk. 20. Year in Certifi- cate 1 36, Certificate $.49. Original Certificate No. 122. Roll 5, Page 47. Line 18, Assessed to Gron- lund. Ida Hanson et a1; McReavy's First Add. to Hoodsport, Vac. Sts. & Alleys Adj. Lots 1 to 4 & 6-8,_ _Bik. $5.80Year in Certificate 1936, Certificate Original Certificate No. 123, Roll 5, Page 47, Line 20, Assessed to Gron- lund. Ida' Hanson et al; McReavy’s First Add. to Hoodsport, Vac. Sts. .8: Alleys adj. Lot 5. Blk. 85. Year in Certificate 1936, Certificate $.29. Original Certificate No. 124, Roll 5, Page 55, Line 38. Assessed to St. Ores. Rose; Lakewood Plat “B”, Lots 53-56, Blk. 6. Year in Certificate 1.936, Certificate $1.35. I . Original Certificate No. 125, Roll 5. Page 58. Line 22, Assessed to New— comb, Bertha: Lakewood Plat "C", Lot 4. Blk. 8. Year in Certificate 1936. Certificate $.33. Original Certificate No. 126. Roll 5, Page 58. Line 24, Assessed to New- conib. Bertha; Lakewood Plat. j‘C". Lots 13—16, Blk. 8. Year in Certificate 1936. Certificate $1.35. ' Original Certificate No, 127 Roll ‘5. Page 58. Line 25. Assessed Whit- acrc, H. W.: Lakewood P1atu“C". Lots 17-20. Blk. 8. Year in Certificate 1936. Certificate $1.35. Original Certificate No. 128. Roll 5. Page 63, Line 13, Assessed to Nelson. Axel W.: Lakewood Plat f‘F“, Lots 1-4. Blk. 3. Year in Certificate 1936, Certificate $.94. Original Certificate No. 129, Roll 5, Page 64. Line 23. Assessed to Nelson. Rudolph; Lakewood Plat "F", Lots 24- 27, Blk. 11. Year in Certificate 1936. Certificate $.94. Original Certificate No. 130, Roll 5, Page 74, Line 40, Assessed to Bennett. Jack S.; Lakewood Plat Lots 7-8. Blk. 7. Year in Certificate 1936, Certificate $.46._ Original Certificate No. 131, Roll 5, Page 75. Line 2. Assessed to Lund- uist. Emma: Lakewood Plat ots 8-10, Blk. 9. Year in Certificate 1936. Certificate $.70. Original Certificate No. 132. Roll 5. Page 75. Line 9. Assessed to Mind- qmst. Emma: Lakewuod Plat “K”. Lot 33. 131k. 9. Year in Certificate 1936. Certificate_$.24. Original Certificate No. 133, R011 6. Page 19, Line 12, Assessed to Binns, Graham-Trustee et a1; Goldsborough Add, Lot 7. Blk. 2. Year in Certificate 1936. Certificate $7.08. Original Certificate No. 134, Roll 6. Page 61, Line 33, Assessed to Fitch. Fred; Seattle Syndicate Add. Lot 1, Blk. 50. Year in Certificate 1936, Cer- tificate $.24. Original Certificate No. 135, Roll 6, Page. 69, Line 42, Assessed to Satra. Melvin; David Shelton’s First Addi- tion, Lot 5, Blk. E. Year in Certifi- cate_1936, Certificate $31.83. Original Certificate No. 136, Roll 6, Page 90, Line 34, Assessed to Scott, Archie; Union, Lot 3, Blk. 17. Year in Certificate 1936, Certificate $.27. That any of the foregoing lots, tracts, or parcels of land hereinbefore described and having been included in the Certificate of Delinquency here- tofore issued to Mason County will be sold subject to any local improve- ment assessments for paving, drain- age, irrigation, or any other kind or sort of local improvement assessments lawfully assessed. That all of the several amounts hereinabove set opposite the several descriptions of each particular lot, tract, or parcel of real property bear interest at the rate of twelve per cent. (12%) per annum from and in- cluding the 3lst day of July, 1943, until the payment thereof be made, or a Judgment entered herein. You, and each of you, are hereby summoned to appear within sixty days (60 days) after the date of the first publication of this summons and notice. to-wit: within sixty days after| the 5th day of August, 1943, exclusive of said date, and defend the above entitled action in the above entitled court, and serve a copy of your an- swer .upon undersigned attorney for plaintiff, at his office address, here— inbelow given, or pay the amount. as hereinabove set forth upon each of said tracts or parcels of real property of which you are the owner] or reputed owner, or in which you own or claim to own, or have, 01' claim to have, any right, title or in- terest therein, together with all costs, interest or penalties attached thereto. In the event of your failure to ap- pear and defend such action and pay the amount due on such lot, tract, or parcel of land assessed to you, or in which you have. an interest as here— inabove stated, Judgment will be ren- dered against you and against the lot, tract, or parcel of land, foreclos— ing thereon the lien of Mason County for. its. certificate of delinquency, which includes all taxes, penalties. interest, said lots. tracts, or parcels of land up to and including the date on which said certificate was issued. Any pleading, answer, appearance, or process, shall be served upon the undersigned attorney for the plaintiff, Mason County, at his office below stated, and a copy thereof filed with the clerk of the above entitled court. MASON COUNTY, . A Municipal Corporation, (SEAL) By OMER L DION, Treasurer , B. FRANKLIN HEUSTON. Prosecuting Attorney and Attorney for Plaintiff herein. Office and Post Officeaddress of Attorney for Plaintiff: Mason Count Court House, Shelton. Was ington. No. 27 Pub. August 5th, 12th, 19th, 26th, Sept. 2nd, 9th, 1943. , 8-5-12-19—26—9-2-9—6t. ESTATE CLOSED Judge John M. Wilson signed an order discharging the executrix and closing administration of the estate of E. Adella Rex last Sat- 1 urday. I and costs against each of I I I “5 'lfl‘lfff - 1. Wis-4.4 v. - m .— NOTICE OF' FILING 0F PRELIM- INARY 1944 BUDGET OF THE CITY OF SHELTON WASHINGTON NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Mayor and Council of the City; of Shelton have completed and laced! on file with the Clerk of the ity ofi Shelton, Washington. the 1944 Pre-l liminary Budget for the City of Shel-l l ton, a copy of which will be furnished any taxpayer who will call at the of— l fice of the City Clerk therefore; and that the Council of the City of Shel-l ton will meet at the hour of 8 o’clock p. m.. on Monday, the 4th day of October, 1943. at the Council Rooms in the City Hall in Shelton. Washing- ton, for the purpose of fixing the Final Budget and making the requisite tax] levies; and that any taxpayer may; then and there appear and be heard fort‘ or against any part of such Bud— l ge . ‘ 19gated this 9th day of September,l GLENN W. LANDERS. ! City Clerk 9-9—16—23—3t! The undersigned Board of County Commissioners of Mason County, Washington. acting under Chapter 82, Section 4, Session Laws of 1943, rc~ lating to the public highways and streets. do hereby publish the follow- ing as the County Road Engineer‘s Estimate of the Cost of Construction preliminary to beginning work on the complete oiling of the Shelton—Dayton Road about six and one half miles long from Shelton City limits to Day- ton, as follows: COUNTY ROAD ENGINEER’S ESTIMATE COST OF CONSTRUCTION . Shelton-Dayton Road Oiling Project C-39 Length 6.5 Miles Item No. 1 Patching and pre- paration of roadway, lump sum ................................................ .. 300.00 Item No. 2 M—C-" Asphalt in place on roadway, 127 tons at $30.00 ...................................... .. 3,810.00 Item No. 3 Screened Gravel Surf. in place 1500 Cu. Yds. at $3.00 .......................................... .. 4,500.00 Item No. 4 Overhead and oper- ations, not classified above... 100.00 Total Estimate Cost .................. ..$8,710.00 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMIS— SIONERS, MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON VINCENT E. PAUL H. R. DICKINSON R. TRENCKMANN Attest: HARRY DEYETTE, County Auditor and Clerk of the Board: 9—9—1t. No. 1573 NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR,l MASON COUNTY I IN PROBATE In the Matter of the Estate of William Albern Nobles, Deceased. . Notice is hereby given that the un- derSigned, .Mary Elizabeth Nobles, has been appomted and has qualified as the Executrix of the Last Will and Testament and of the Estate of Wil-, liam Albern Nobles, Deceased, and that all persons having claims against the said Estate or the said Deceased, are hereby rcquxred to serve the same. duly verified with the necessary vouch- ers attached, upon the undersignedr Executrix or her attorney of record at the law office of Chas. R. Lewis, Suite 1, Lumbermen’s Building, Shelton, I Washington, the same being designat-l ed as the place for the transaction of, the business of the said Estate. and! file such claims together with proof} of serVice, with the Clerk of the above entitled Court. within six months after the date of the first publication of Tfiursday, September . Sdayi . . , N . this notice. to-Wit: August 19th, 1943. of William Albern N 5 ~01: T?) l or said claims shall be forever barred. ceased. SUPERIOF Date of first publication, August CHAS. R. LEWIS, OF WAS} 19th, 1943. Attorney for said Executrix, THE COPITI MARY ELIZABETH NOBLES, Suite 1, Lumbermen's Buildl~ [N 9}“ Executrix of the Last Will and . Shelton, Mason County, ==' " Matter . Testament and of the Estatel 8-19- - A. Scott, D We “-- IS hereby a? has been g} ' as Adini From wherel sit Claims agai bYrequireil lfied, on , ‘dministralr attorney a at the silt ‘ ‘ the same t. together Within six fll‘st public: Sams- will IN or first I éEgTRIIE ‘ * l . Actual, offimal facts Adminism government’s own Office Address: fly 0e Marsli Sam Abernethy’s the Chief Rumor-Spiker in our town. If a stranger gets off some- Information Showed 103.)" B” thing like—“I hear they’ve sunk “73an a Shred 0f “nth s T' Wm t for Estate “ ildiiig Sui asliiiigtu The boys enjoy a glass occasionally-same as 8 us do! And from where I sit, proving themselves the , lest, best-disciplined b fighting men in history, I OWI report stated. Tha enough for me. the S. S. Bumblebee,” Sam starts pinning him down. Did he really see it? Where’s the evidence? Because Sam knows, like the rest of us, that nine-tenths of the “inside news” passed around by careless folk isn’t rumor-it’s lies planted by the Axis to destroy American morale. Take those rumors about drinking in our Army Camps. 'hing SCI“ lete Stock Copyright, 1943, Brewing Industry p’ - -~ BROT " e 334 Fall Classes . . . EAD Secretarial .lfa No. 67 of a Series fins" STARTING ,CQNC NOW . , . Large 3 at a m o u n I delivered Dietz Business needed. College and Secretarial Sch 0' ' SHE] ' ICONC RODU Seventh .‘ Phor Capitol Park Building One Block Below State Capitol TELEPHONE 6088 FIIiIIITINC recur ’ ‘MORE WAR BONDS AND MORE EGGS . . . Buy Fon'ds ffo “Back the Mttack” and “Conserve Poultry for Vi'c-a :torY‘” trymen [this Fall. “The War is not Won, yet”—-'our lea'ders tell us.- “The MORE is the double-barreled War Program for Washington Poula Bonds and Sweat—the LESS Blood and Tears.” Every farm homeiis' urged to Buy at least one EXTRA Bond— and as many more as possible during this 3d War Loan Drive..- PRACTICE POULTRY CONSERVATION FOR VICTORY Feeds are scarce and getting scarcer. More production per lien is (the only answer to maintaining and meeting; egg production goals. The National Poultry Conservation for Victory Program is: “A' program of. management, good feeding practices and. disease cone Ltrol...” Ask your Co-op station or local feed dealers for your copy of the Nation- al Poultry Advisory Coun- cil's folder "LAYING HOUSE PROGRAM" of important Information. WI . little Frei p ‘ "1a Fri "i , Leaves (