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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
September 9, 1943     Shelton Mason County Journal
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September 9, 1943
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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i Albern N 3, Executrix, ien's Buildl ounty, W :i w 8~19- - sit . administratrix ,, No. 1591 - ~CE TO CREDITORS SUPERIOR COURT or THE 01“ WASHINGTON IN AND HE COPUNTY oi? M,~\.qtiN ' IN PROBATE Matter of the A; Sci'itt. Deceased. IS hereby given that the un- ' has been appointed and has I' .as Administratrix ot‘ the “mica estate; that all persons claims against said deceased [required to serve the same. lfied. on said Gertrude Charles T. ; attorney for administratrix d at, the address below stated. the same With the Clerk of Estate of (IF ‘ t. together with proof of such :1 facts own Office 1 showed: 1 d of truth joy a glass iame- as a 'here I sit, .Within six months after the f1I‘st publication of this notice same will be barred. of first publication _i 1943. , GERTRUDE E. SCOTT. Administratrix of said Estate. Address: 187D MagesSoii Way. Bremertoii. Washing- on. S '1‘. WRIGHT. t’ for Estate llding Suite 7 ashington. 8-19-26—9-2—9—41. August selves the .. iplined b n history, :ated. Tha g Industry F: 3.. RTING 'OW at Business age and rial Sch U ' rig tol i hing Machine Service -|ete Stock Wringer Rolls , NASH BROTHERS ” e 334 123 So. 2nd . EADY-MIX CONCRETE Large and small it m o u n t S alike i delivered w h e r e needed. SHELTON CONCRETE RODUCTS CO. Seventh St. Bridge Phone 123 HOME LOANS Convenient Terms Reasonable Rates No DELAY .n COIInty sévaigs ‘ Loan Association .itle Insurance Bldg. MILLO’S tun MARKET *. GROCERIES *' ESH MEATS FRUITS ~ PINES-r FOODS AT BEST PRICES 'HOODSPORT DA . nber 9,1 ‘Sday; Sep‘tfmbergg’ 1949. (20) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to and in conformity with an order of the Board of (‘ounty Com- missioners of Mason County. State or Washington, duly made and entered on the 30th day of August, 1943. order mg the undersigned to sell, in the manner provided by law tSei-tion 133. Chapter 263. Laws of 1927). the un— derSigned will on Saturday. the 2nd day of October. [913 at the hour of ten o'clock in the t’orcnoon of said day at the front door of the Court House in the City of Shelton. said County and State. offer for sale. at .not less than the minimum pl‘lt't‘ stated below. plus advertising and cruising costs. to the highest and best bidders. all the right. title. and interest of and Mason County. excepting there— from. however. all public roads. L‘CC. roads streets or alleys now in use. or r]: ts-i,iI'-wa_\' for roads now owned by. o sought to be apl'll'ii'lll‘llllt‘tl at this date for public roads. (‘CC roads or streets. by said county. and pro- vided further that proceeds from sale of forest products shall apply on con— tracts. in and to the following de— scribed real properties. situated in said County and State. to-Wit: Description No. 1. Lots 1, 2. 3. ti. 7 and 8. Block 12; Beverly Ileights Addition to Shelton. Mason County. Washington. Offer $30.00. Description No. 2. Lots 4. 5. G and 7. Block 13: Lots 4. 5, 6 and 7. Block 14; Lots 4. 5. 6 and 7. Block 15: Lots 1 to 5 and 16 to 20 inclusive. Block 22; and Lots 1 to 5 and 16 to 20 inclusive, Block 23: All in Detroit No. 2, Mason County. Washington. Offer $42.00. Description No. 3. Lots 6 to 13 in— clusive. Block 51: and Lots 6 to 20 inclusive. Block 52; All in Lilliwaup Falls. Mason County. Washington. 01'- fer $190.00. Description No. 4. Traci No. 46 of the Unrecorded Plat 10 Mill Creek Park Tracts described as follows: The Northwest quarter (NWl/i) of the Northeast quarter (NEH) of the Southwest quarter (SW14) of Section 25. Township 20 North. Range 3 West. W.M. Offer $30.00. Description No. 5. Lot 2. Block 8. Amended and Corrected Plat of Shel- ton. Mason County. Washington. Of— fer $10.00. Description No. 6. Lots 11 to 20 inclusive. Block 77. H00d Canal Land &Improvenient Co's Addition to Union. Mason County. Washington. Offer $10.00. Description No. 7. NV.» NW14, Sec- tion 7. Twp. 21 N.. Ranged Offer $130.00. Description No. 8. NElA NWMh and NWI/i NEH/i except part of Tract No. 2. both in Section 19. Twp. 22 N.. Range. 1 Tract No. is de- cribed as follows: A strip of land 00' in width lying 200' on each side of a center line described as follows: Beginning at a point on the West line. of Sec. 19. Twp. 22 North Range 1 West. distant 272' south of West quarter corner thereof; running thence North 68° 30’ E. 4441’ more. or less. to the. East line of West half of NEIA of said Section containing 40.77 acres. SubJect to easement granted by Ma— son'leth to Bonneville Power Ad- ministration over and across NE14 NW 1/4. Offer $100.00. Description No. 9. SW11, NE1/4 ex- cept part of Tract No. 2. SE14 NW2; [except part of Tract No. 2. NElA SW14. NWl/i SW121 except part of Tract No. 2. NW1/4 SE14. all in Sec- tion 19. Twp. _22 N.. Range 1 Tract No. 2 1S described as follows: A strip of land 400’ in width lying 200'- on each Side of a center line described as follows: Beginning at a point on the West line of Sec. 19. Twp. 22 N.. Range 1 West, distant 272' South of West quarter corner thereof; running thence North 68° 30' 4441’ more or 1658, to the East line of West half of NE1/4 of said Section. containing 40.77 acres. Sub- )ect to easement granted by Mason County to Bonneville Power Adminis- tration over and across NVo. SW14 and SE14 NWIA. Offer $172.00. .Description No. 10. NEIA NEl/i. Sec- tion 28. Twp. 22 N.. Range 1 Offer $150.00. . Description No. 11. SW14 SW14. lSection 31. Twp. 21 N., Range 2 W. W.M. Offer $60.00. Description No. 12. NEI/4 NWLA, Section 4. Twp. 20 N.. Range 3 .W.M. Offer $60.00. Description No. 13. SE14 NEi/i, Section 35. Twp. 20 N.. Range 3 W. W.M. Offer $80.00. Description No. 14. NEW, SW14 and TL.“ ’ ‘ .10; 81,44 NW14. and wiggwgggfion 14: all in Twp. 21 N.. Range 3 Offer $520.00. Description No. 15. EM; SW1A. NEl/t SE14. 8%, SE14, all in Section 32. Twp. 21 N.. Range 3 Offer $225.00. Description No. 16. W34 NWIA and NVVM SWI/i. Section 22. Twp. 20 N.. Range 5 W.W.M. Offer $180.00. OMER DION. (SEAL) Treasurer of Mason County. 9-9-16—23—4“. NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the annual meeting of the People’s Party will be held at the Council ‘Rooms in the City Hall in Shelton, Washington, at 8 o'clock p. m., on Tuesday evening. September 21. 1943. for the. purpose of discussing the Pre- liminary Budget and in particular. items for the youth movement; for the election of officers for a two-year business as may regularly come be- fore the meeting. E. H. FAUBERT. Chairman 9-9—16—2t. NOTICE OF HEARING The Board of Commissioners of Public Utility District No. 3 of Mason County have filed the budget for the year 1944 and will hold a Public Hearing on its final adoption at .the district office in the Angle Building. Shelton. at p. m. Monday, ober 4th, 1943. The budget may be inspect- ed at any time prior to the hearing. Signed W. WEBB, PreSident, Board of Commissioners of Public Utility District No. 3 of Mason County 9-2-9—2t. CE T VICTOR EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT Coon MUSIC ’ 3 ion FREIGHT av non FAST FREIGHT SERVICE WITH DOOR DELIVERY lN SHELTON me Freight should be routed via; Str. Indian, Ferry Dock, ma Freight via. Str. Skookum Chief, Milwaukee Dock, No. 2 . Time Schedule as ’follows: Leaves Tacoma daily, except Sunday at 5 p. m. for Olympia and Shelton Arrives Shelton daily, except Sunday CLARENCE CARLANDER, President PliGEl‘ FREIGHT Admission 50¢ period: and for the transaction of such I ll l LEGAL PUBLICATIGNS it, s‘tnte .of “'asliinuton OFFICE OF SUPERVISOR "vamvvvvv SHELON— ii 550 COUNTY For Sale FOR SALE: fresh dairy milk. Mrs. R. D. Stockwcll. Phone 133.1. 9-9tt‘n. l or nvnmutucs ' Olympia I NOTICE or WATER nioiiT I APPLICATION no. 5894 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Notice is hereby given that William Henry Taylor of Ri-eiiierton. State of, VVashing’toii. under date of August: 23. 1913. filed with the State Super-i visor of Hydraulics. Olympia. VVash—i ington. an application for a permit to divert the public waters of an unnamed sti‘eaiii tributary of Union River. in the amount of 0.01 second- t'eet, subject to existing rights. t'roiii‘ April 15 to October 1 of Cal‘ll year-l tor the purpose of irrigation and con— tinuously for domestic supply: that the approximate point of diversion is located within SE“4 01' SEE ol'_ Section 17, Township 23 N.. Rangel 1 W.W.M.. in Mason County. A map showing the location and plan of said, diversion and the place of the pro—l posed use is on file in the office of the State Supervisor of Hydraulics. ()lyiiipia. Vs’ashington. together With ‘Slltll oiiici- int‘oriiiatii'iii as is requiredl by law. 5 Any person. firm or corporation whose right will be injtiriously af- fected by said application may file. I I 1943. with the State Supervisor of Hydrau— lics. at Olympia. Washington. such ObJCCUOI‘lS or representations. in writ- ing. as he may desire to make within thirty (30) days after date. of last publication, which date. is September( 16, 1943. t Witness my hand and official seal; this 28th day of August, AD. 1943. CHAS. J. BARTHOLET. 1 State Supervisor of Hydraulicsl (SEAL) 9-9-16—2t. No. 1611 NOTICE TO CREDITORS TO PRESENT AND FILE (‘LAIMS IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY I IN PROBATE In the Matter of the, Estate of' George Mahoney. Deceased. the undersigned. Richard J. Mahoney. has been appointed and has qualified as Administrator of the. Estate of George Mahoney. Deceased. and that all persons having claims against the said Deceased or the. said Estate. are hereby required to Serve the same. duly verified with the necessary vou- chers attached. upon the undersigned Administrator or his attorney of rec- ord at the, law office of Chas. R. Lewis. Suite 1. Lumbermen‘s Build- ing. Shelton, Mason County. Washing— ton. the same being designated. as the place for the transaction of the business of the said Estate, and file such claims. together with proof of service with the Clerk of the above entitled Court. within six months after the date of the first publication of this notice. to-wit: September 9. 1943, or said claims shall be forever barred. Dated this 9th day of September, 1943. RICHARD J. MAHONEY, Administrator of the Estate of George Mahoney. Deceas- ed. Suite 1. Lumbermen’s Building. Shelton. Mason County. Washington CHAS. R. LEWIS. Attorney for said Estate, Suite 1. Lumbcrmen’s Building, Shelton, Mason County, Washington. 9-9-16-23-30—4t NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that! COMMISSIONERS’ NOTICE OF HEARING ON COUNTY BUDGET NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Board of County Commissioners of Mason County have completed and placed on file their Preliminary Bud— get of receipts and expenditures for Mason County for the fiscal year 1944, and that a copy of said budget will be furnished any citizen who will call at. the office of the Board for the some. Further Notice is given that the said Board of County Commissioners will meet at their office at the court house in Shelton, on Monday, October- 4. 1943. at the hour of two o’clock] p.m. for the purpose of fixing the final budget and making tax levies, and that at said time and place any taxpayer may appear and be heard for: or against any part of said budget. DATED at Shelton, Washington, this 1 30th day of August. 1948. MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, By VINCENT E. PAUL. Chairman. 9-2-9—2t. No. 1604 NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY IN PROBATE In the Matter of the Estate of] John_B. Johnson. Deceased. 1 Notice is hereby given that the un- dersigned, George B. Smith, has been @DDOinted and has qualified as Admin- istrator of the Estate of John B. Johnson, Deceased, and that all per— ~ sons‘ having‘claims against the said Estate or the said Deceased. are here- by .rcquired to serve the same, duly verified with the necessary vouchers attached. upon the undersigned Ad-. ministrator or his attorney of record at_the law office of Chas. R. Lewis, Suite 1, Lumbermen's Building. Shel-i ton. Washington, the same being. des- ignated as the place for the trans— action of the business of the said Estate, and file such claims together with proof of service. with the Clerk of the above entitled Court. Within six months after the .date of ‘the first‘ publication of this notice. t0~witz August 19th, 1943, or said claims shall be forever barred. I Date of first publication. August 19th, 1943. l GEORGE B. SMITH. Administrator of the Estate of John B. Johnson, Deceas- ed. CHAS. R. LEWIS. _ , Attorney for said Administrator Suite 1, Lumbermen’s Building, Shelton, Mason County. Washington~ 8-19-26—9-2—9—4t. ____..___i—-———-———- No. 1610 NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE 1 STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR THE COUNTY OF MASON ' IN PROBATE r In the Matter of the Estate of Gustav Victor Peterson. Deceased. Notice is hereby given that the un— dersigned has been appointed and has qualified aSIExecutrix of the estate of Gustav Victor Peterson, Deceased; that all persons having claims against said deceased are hereby required to serve the same. duly verified. on said Josephine Peterson or her attorney of record at: the address below stated, and file the same with the Clerk ofI said Court, together with proof of. such serVice within six months after the date of first publication of this notice. or the same will be barred. Date of first publication August 27, l JOSEPHINE PETERSON, Executrix of said Estate. Address 1215 Northern Life Tower. Seattle, Wash. LEON W. BARNARD, Attorney for Estate, 1215 Northern Life Tower, Seattle, Wash. 8—26—9-2-9—16—4t. FOR SALE: kitchen range, bed davenport, dresser, two double beds. two coil springs, two mat- tresses, one dining table, two rockers. one easy chair, one cor- ner book case and writing desk, one library table, miscellaneous articles. Camp Hood, Union. Wash. Phone 291 Union. 9-9-16~2t. FOR SALE: new and used auto parts, mufflers, cylinder heads, blocks, transmissions, differen- tials. etc. Shelton Auto Parts, 1 mile south city‘limits, Olym- pia highway. 8-12tf. FOR SALE: almost new sawdust burner with large hopper, used only one winter. Phone Hoods- port 21J4. B8-26-—-9-9 3t. FOR SALE: pure bred registered Jersey cow six years old. In- quire Journal. H8-26—9-9—3t FOR SALE: 6 weEks 01d pigs. Phone 19F33. Earl Fitchett, 0 miles out Bayshore road. 8-26—~9-9—~3t. FOR SALE: work horse with good harness. Inquire Journal office. O9-2-16—3t. l 1 FOR SALE or TRADE: 18 foott cruiser, clinker built, 5 foot beam, new Hallen motor, marine reverse gear. Perfect troller. Phone 485JX. J8-26——9-9—3t. FOR SALE: Model T farm trac- tor, 1934 Ford V—8 dump truck. Drop ~saw with rollers, takes up to 60 ft, logs. Will saw 12 cords day. 30 acres land with wood timber, s m a l 1 house, chicken house. 14 mile from Union. Herbert Allen. Phone 354, Union. ; 8-26—9-9ws3t. Phone 354, Union. A8-26—9-9—3t No. 1608 NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE l FOR SALE: STATE OF WASHINGTON IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF MASON IN PROBATE In the Matter of the Estate of Grace West, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that the un- dersigned has been appointed and has qualified as Administrator of the above entitled estate; that all persons .having claims against said deceased. are hereby required to serve the same, duly verified, on said Grover West_ administrator or Charles T. Wright. attorney for administrator of record at the address below stated. and file the same with the Clerk of the Court, together with proof of such SerVice. within six months after the date of first publication of this notice or the same will be barred. Date of first publication August the 19th. 1943. GROVER WEST, Administrator of said Estate. Address: Buckley, Washing- on. CHARLES T. WRIGHT. Attorney for Estate, Angle Building. Suite 7 Shelt n, Washin ton. 0 g 8-19—26—9-2-9—4t. Franchise Application No. 1567 NOTICE OF HEARING . In the Matter of the Application of THE PACIFIC TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY. a corpora— tion, for a franchise to construct, 0p- erate and maintain a telephone and telegraph buried cable along a por- tion of Primary State Highway N0. 9, in Mason County, Washington. WHEREAS. the Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company, a corpora- tion, has, . under the provisions of Chapter 53. Laws of 1937. filed with the Director of Highways of the State of Washington an application for a franchise to construct, operate and maintain a telephone and telegraph buried cable along and upon a por- tion of Primary State Highway N0. 9 in Mason County, Washington. for a. period of twenty-five (25) years. at the followmg designated points, to- wit: Beginning at a. point on the west- erly side of Primary State Highway No. 9 as now located and of record in the office of the Director of High- ways at Olympia.'Washington, said point being in the NEE/4' of the SW14 of Section 12. Township 20 North, Range 4 West. W. at approxi- mately Highway.Engineer's Station 115+54; thence 1n 3 northerly di- rection along the westerly si e of said highway to a pomt in the SW11; of the NWIA. of‘said section. at ap- proximately nghway Engineer's Station 131+00. NOW, THEREFORE. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN That a hearing Wlll'be held on said application by the Director of High- ways of the State of Washington at his office in the Transportation Build- ing, Olympia. Washington. on the 5th day of October. 1943 at 10 o‘clock A. M.. or as soon thereafter as hear- ing may be had. ' . ‘ Dated at Olympia, Washington, this 17th day of August. 1943. BURWELL BANTZ. Director of Highways. 9-2-9-16—3t. SUMMONS ASE N0. 4281 IN THE S ERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY A. I. Alexander dba._ Washington Service Company, Plaintiff. -—vs.— Monty C. Archer Archer, Defendants. THE. STATE OF WASHINGTON TO: Monty C. Archer and Faye L. Archer, Defendants YOU AND EACH OF YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED to appear within sixty days after service of this Summons upon you, excluswe of the day of service, and answer the Complaint and serve a. copy of your answer upon the undersigned attorney for Plaintiff at his office address be- low specified and defend the above entitled action in the Court aforesaid; and in case of your failure so to do. judgment will be entered against you according to the_ demand of the Com- plaint, which W111 be filed With the Clerk of the said Court, a copy of which is herew1th served upon you. This action is based on a promis- sory note. executed and iven by the defendants on October 1 , 1938. J. W. GRAHAM, Attorney for Plaintiff Address: Suite No. 5 Govey Building, Shelton. Washington. 8-12-19-26———9-2—9-16-23—~7t. and Faye L. \ _____,___~_—-—————— EVANGELISTIC SERVICES at the Mt. View Chapel! of the Christian and Missionary Alliance REV. J. C. MELTZER, Evangelist An interesting, inspiring and dynamic speaker. Services nightly (except Monday) at 7:30 p. m. Sunday Services ., at 11:00 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. SPECIAL MUSIC — Miss M ary Murdock, Oakland, Calif., rendering special se- lections on the Vibra-Harp. Everybody Welcome. For further information phone 62JX. Rev. Wm. Berg, Pastor ; i i l l l I I i l l l t i -' J. W. Mundell, Pickering Road, I l l t JONAL 5... mm“? For Sale “MMIAAMM. FOR SALE: canning tomatoes, bring your own containers. J.| A. Shafer. Route 1, Box 235, Shelton Valley. 9—2-16A-r 3t. JOURNAL vvvvvvvvvv Wanted LAAAAAAAMAAAAAAAMA“ WANTED: Aladdin lamp, com- plete or base only. Write. D. I. Gregory, Star Route. Allyn. Wn. 9-9w-1t. t 'HORSES FOR SALE: E. Fox,] first house to left after cross-t ing Deer Creek bridge on Allyn 1 Road. 9-2-16»~-3t. , FOR SALE: two Guernsey cOWS. J. A. Dinning, Matlock Route, Box 67. About 10 miles from Shelton. Call evenings after 5 p. m. 9—2-9442t. l snow CASE FOR SALE: Mt] View Mobil Gas Station. Phone.- 405MX. C9-9-1t. I WILL SELL 0R TRADE for V. h.p. motor or guns; 30 ft. length of 1/2 in. heavy duty chain; 10 ft. ' length of 1,9 in. heavy duty} chain; 25 ft. length of 7/16 in.' heavy duty chain; 1 pair of used l Ford truck chains. Call 492W. 1 WANTED: experienced waitress. Inquire Wilson‘s Cafe. 9-9-16-—2t WANTED: 21./f“, or 3 h. p. outboard motor. Must be in good condi- tion. Ed Wilson. Rt. 2, Box 155, I Shelton, (On Harstine Island). 9-9-16 2t. WANTED: to buy electric range. Inquire Journal. 89-9mlt. WANTED: about 8 foot late mod- el refrigerator. Will pay cash. _______—_—_——~——-——— WANT ADS WV" v"va \ l “M FOR SALE: large modern 5 room eal Estate AMA“ CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES l 20 words or less (in i n l m um charge) 3 weeks $1.00. 1 week 500. house and bath, full basement, Lower_ rates for larger ads and large lot, chicken house, garden “lggadlgsergggiég 30 pe d , i . . ' .. r wor . Space 01} H111('r65t- Terms: Wm 75c minimum charge on each notice. take trailer house in deal. In— Card of Thanks. 75c; original , quire Journal. A9-9—23—3t. Dyetrs‘ 500 per inch: classified" .._ display trates on request.d . . _ l ver isements accepte o v e r WILL EXCHANGE hvmg quar the telephone from phone subscribe tH‘S t0 employed couple Who Will ers. Cash should accompany all do 'Small chores. NO pets or (timer t01mm? otr pztgyiéignt madtei b?- , : . .. .. .. i ore 1e irs o 6 men 0 childien. C. S. piefeiied. MIS.( save expense of billing. An extra Mary E. Nobles. Phone Uniont charge of we will be made when 251. 9-2-1Gw3t, i. billing is necessary. i .. PHONE 100 FOR S ALE: modern house, 4 rooms. dinette. hardwood floors. mvvvvvvv‘vvmvvvmv fireplace, wood furnace, full Classified Service basement, good condition. Lot 60 x 100, garden spot. Hillcrest. AAAAAAAAAAA‘AAA 9AA A..)““ Mrs. John Sells. Phone 11F1.. Phone 401J. McG9-2tfn.i Route 3. 39-9-23 3t, . _., . . PERMANENT WAVE. 59c! D0 FOR SALE: house and two blocks ' your own Permanent with WANTED: men for work on oy- near canal, plenty water. Pric- Charm—Kurl Kit. Complete ster beds. Call Oscar Zandell,t ed for quick sale. $700. See equipment, including 40 curlers long distance, Oyster Bay, eve— Frank Nosworthy, Union. and Shampoo. Easy to do, abso- nings. J. J. Brenner Oyster Co. . lutely harmless. Praised by 9-9-30—4t. I,vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv thousands including Fay Mc- Mc9-9-23 3t. FOR SALE: four weaner pigs for fattening. These are Yorkshire breed which means meat not: fat when you butcher. Mrs. F. W. Rickerson, Rt. 2, Box 290. 9-94-1t. I FOR SALE: 18 ft. by cabin semi-V bottom utility run- about. Chrsyler 70 power. Good running condition. Ideal for fishing. $350 cash. Phone 160J.| 7376" half I l WANT TO BUY: 30-30 Winches- ter carbine rifle or long barrel, with shells, for cash. C. G. Bar- rett, Grapeview. ‘9-9-16ee2t. BOYS! earn good wages in spare time. See A1 Ferrier at Shelton Bowling Alleys. 9—9wlt. _______—___.~—————-—————_.J WANTED: fountain girl, five days a week. 9:30 a. m. to 4 p.m. No experience. Fir Drug Store. 9-9—-1t. ‘K9-9tf. FOR SALE: man’s bicycle. $35 cash. Phone 160J. K9-9tf. CUCUMBERS f o PICKLI G sale. Please bring Mrs. J. E. Jones, Route 2. 9-9—1t. corn for canning. George M. Dixon, Skokomish l Valley. 9-9—1t. FOR SALE: sweet corn. Mrs. John Sells, Rt. 3. Phone 11F1. 9-9——1t. FOR SALE: Purebred Cockerl Spaniel pups. 7 wks. old. A. Lindroth, 621 North Second. 9-9 11:. containers. I WANT” TO RENT; when chair. Inquire 202 Pine Street. M9-2-9m2t. {WANT TO BUY: old horses for Mink feed. Phone 391J or write Andy Hansen, O. Box 223. 9-2tf. CLEAN, Hid};— SCHOOL STE DENT wanted. Board and room. No smokers. Call Union 251 or write Mrs. W. A. Nobles, Union, Wash. 8-26—9—9—3t. WANTED: medium size light 1 plant and 4 to 6 horse gasoline stationary engine and one man I cross cut saw. Inquire Journal. ‘ A8—26—9-9—3t. 6 WEEKS PIGS FOR SALE: $10 ——~across from Lost Lake Dairy. Rudy Loertscher. 9-9-23—3t. PICKLING CUCUMBERS, large and small. Will deliver. Howard Bailey, Star Route 1. Box 66, Skokomish Valley. 9-9-23—3t. OLD GROWTIPI‘WOOD for sale. $12 cord. Phone orders to 407M. . 9-9-23——3t. FOR SALE:,solid Walnut exten- sion dining table and chairs. Quaker circulating oil heater and three Oriental throw rugs. Phone 223.1. D9-9—1t. 1937 HARLEY—DAVIDSON “80”. Good tires. Just overhauled. $475 cash. Inquire 907 E. Eli'- nor. G9—9—1t. FOR SALE: strip-built outboard boat, 15ft. 11 in. and 4.3 hp. Johnson motor. $160. Phillip Kneip, 1st street rear old Shel- ton Laundry bldg. 9—9-16—2t. CANNING TOMATOES for sale. Bring your own containers, Frank F. Wylie, Route 2, Box 133. (Pickering Pass) 9—9-23—A3t FOR SALE: child’s crib, spring filled mattress in good condition. Mrs. George Herzog, phone 283- J. 9-9—1t. LIVESTOCK FOR SALE: cows, fresh and coming fresh, over 60 head to pick from. Jerseys, Guernseys and Holsteins. 35 to freshen in October. Also carload of young, well broke work horses. Ranging from 1200 to 1800 pounds. Used harnesses and collars. This stock may be bought on easy monthly pay- ments. No down payment re- quired. Will take beef or other stock in trade. Two miles east of Littlerock, 14 mile south on- Case road. F. Buth, Route 4, Box 278, Olympia, Wash. 9-2-23—4t. FOR SALE: one heavy khaki tent. 14 x 16, 30 inch side walls; one majestic range, old style. Route 2, Box 129A, Shelton. 9—2-9—2t. FOR SALE: thoroughbred New Hampshire Red rooster for breeding. Also want to buy 1000 cedar posts for vineyard; Joe Bisesi, Route 2, Box 143, Shelton, on mainland at Har- stine Ferry landing. 8-26—9-9—3t. .. 'm. -VV"'.~"' Lost and Found I will not be responsible for any bills contracted other than by my- self. Theodore Hawk. 8-26—9-9—3t FOUND: pair dark- shell. rim glasses in_ case in P. Sunday. Pay for adv. and claim at Rich- field Station, First and Pine, M LOST: one white refrigerator top between Shelton and airport on Saturday. Reward for return to Journal office. K9’-2-16—3t. FOUND: two watches. Owner may have by identifying and paying for ad. Mrs. Ed C. Miller, 1202 Cota Street. 9-2-16—3t. LOST: gold chain style tie clasp with initials H.L.M. engraved. Reward for return to Journal Office or H. L. Miller, Route 2, Shelton. Was treasured gift. 9-9-23—3t. LOST: black wallet containing driver’s license, first aid certi- ficate, pictures and money. Re- ward. Return to Journal Office. B9-9——1t. FIVE DOLLAR REWARD for re- turn brown zipper key case with five keys. Inquire Journal. L9-9—1t. WANTED: gas, kerosene or elec- tric refrigerator cabinet, any 1 model with or without unit. Urgently needed. Mrs. Stanley Waylett, Star Route 1, Box 97, Shelton. 8-26—9-9—3t. WANTED: 24 inch bicycle in good condition. Write or call Billy Reader, Potlatch, Wash. 8-26——9-9—3t. WANTED: mower, state con‘di: tion, price. Star Route 1, Box 140 Shelton, Wash. F8-26—9-9—3t 1 WANTED: ’adding machine in _ good condition. Will pay cash. Inquire Sanitary Market. 8-26—9-9—3t. BRUSH PICKERS WANTED: high prices paid. Northwest Evergreen Company, Shelton, Wash. WANTED: 4 or 5 room modern house partly furnished. Steady renters. Mt. View district pre- ferred. Inquire Journal. SS—lQ—lt. WANTED: district manager for 1 Old Line Legal Reserve Life Insurance Company. Liberal commission plus bonus and sai- ary. Give full' particulars as to age, experience, etc., in first letter. Write Box 25 0-0 Shel- ton-Mason County Journal. M8-12~19—2t. WANTED: cottonwood bolt cut- ters in the Skokomish Valley. Highest wages paid. Address: Washington Excelsior and Mfg. Co., 871 Othello St., Seattle. 4-1—tfn. AAA-“g: ‘44-.» quA“-“o . For Rent FOR RENT: 4 room house on Hillcrest. 635 Dearborn. Inquire Morgan Transfer, 221 South Second. Phone 344W. 9-9-23—3t. FOR RENT: 5 room modern house on Mt. View. Unfurnish- ed. R. G. Wood, Mt. View. 9-9—1t. FOR RENT: large house on Mt. View. 8 bedrooms, living room, kitchen, bathroom, Call 487 J. Friday at 5:30 p. m. D9-9—1t. FOR RENT: 5-room quur'nished house. 1503 Ridgeroad. 39-9-23—3t. ,_—_—— FOR RENT: two 2-room furnished cabins. Wood, lights, water. $18 month. Also 3 room furnished cabin, wood, lights, water. Idyl- ‘ wild Camp, Mt. View. rm 9-2-16—3t. FOR RENT: 6 room furnished house.‘Mrs. Edith Whittle, near Bordeaux school, on Lake Isa- bella Road. 9-2-16—3t. FOR RENT: 2 room furnished cabin, lights, water and wood furnished. Maple Beach, Lake Isabella. Three miles south on Olympic highway. J8-26——9-9—-3t. FOR RENT: 4 room unfurnished hOuse at Matlock. Inquire W. B. Palmer, Matlock. 8-26.9-9—3t. FOR RENT: 2 and 3 room furn- ished cabins. Shake Cabin Camp, Union, Wash. Phone Un- ion 253. 09-2-16—3t. CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST 0F LATTER-DAY SAINTS I. O. 0. F. HALL Sunday, September 12, 1943—— Sunday school at 10 a. m. Evening services—7:30 p. m. Members of lthe State High Council from Sea- attle will be our guest speakers. Appropriate musical numbers will also be ‘presented. We welcome our friends and all who desire to attend. I A. L. Ferwerda, Branch Pres. 8-26tfn. i Kenzie, 0‘lamorous movie star. HOMES FOR SALE Money I‘aefllnded if not satis- for a 5 year old modern fied, Fir Drug Store. home, with five rooms and . 8-5—10-7._10t. large attic, full basement _. and wood furnace, gas wa- HOME STUDY COURSE in book- fer heater, wired for elecf‘i keeping and accounting. Write tric range. Double construc- for information. Deitz Business ted, well built. Corner 105 College and Secretarial School, 209 Capitol Park Bldg, Olym— l l x 131; chicken house, gar-l den, fruit; trees. outdoor! Pia) phone 6088 9-1: 40-17—1le M9-2-16—3t. i $4 000 Eifgfiggj $233.3?" FOR CARPENTERS see C. L. ZINTHEO Realtor Phone Collins. busmess agent of Local 157. ' 1800 Carpenters and Joiners. 1612 Division, Hillcrest. Phone 240W 7-29tf. FREE. 1’ excess acid causes you pains of Stomach, Ulcers, In- digestion, Heartburn. Belching, Bloating, Nausea, Gas Pains, get free sample, Udga, at Fir Drug Store. 8-5—11-11-15t. FLOOR. SANDER AND EDGER :1: 4: :i: buys a 3 bedroom house with nook, basement and wood furnace; large lot 60 x 300 ft.; garage with Work bench, chicken house, lots of garden space, several peach trees; just outside city limits. Only $600 down, balance at 6%. Some dis— count for cash. M. C. ZIN- THEO, Realtor, Phone 157. 5,: >1: :l: $3000 $2000 for a 3 room modern withi By Day or Hour nook, and a large tract of g land on West Railroad Ave. Wood range, heater and HARDWARE some other furniture goes with the place. Terms. M. C. ZINTHEO, Realtor, Phone 157. l ACCOUNTING—BOOKKEEPING Prepare for a better position thru our Personalized Extension Training. Write today. OLYM— PIA BUSINESS COLLEGE. Extension Division, 411 Capitol Way, Olympia, Washington. 7-15tfn. Used Cars FOR SALE: 1941 Nash Ambassa- dor 8, $1300. Phone Union, 388. Write Box 107, Union. :1: s: is price on 3 room house with bath, on Hillcrest; 60 x 120 ft. lot, cement side- walk; parlor oil heater in— cluded. Some terms. M. C. ZINTHEO, Realtor, Phone 157. AAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAALAAA‘ HOOD CANAL SPECIAL: El- liott’s Shake Cabin Camp. OWn . water system and waterfront] Terms. Frank Nosworthy. Tele- phone Union 221. $1200 “3'26th E35 FORD, 11/2 ton truck, l.w.b. Rebuilt motor not yet installed. No body, poor tires. Sell as is, FOR~SALEz 3 room modern house, garage and chicken house. All first class condition on 60 x 120 101:! inSta“ mOtor’ etC- Albert corner lot, good garden, fruit n ergo“, walker Park- trees, berries, shrubs and lawn. _7N__8:267971§:4t- 433 Dearborn: Shelton 2 tf FOR SALE: 1941 Americar de- T8' 6 n“ luxe. over drive, radio and IFOR SALE: modern two bedroom 1 heater: coupe- Inqmre F0391 house, woodshed, garage and Garage- C8'26w9‘9“0l- l utility room large corner 1°t- ‘FOR SALE: 1935 Chevrolet coach. Anna Huss Phone 572R. - . - good tires. 1012 East Dearborn. 8-12~—9_—16—~6t. W,9_2_16__ 3L FOR SALE: Hillcrest lot 50 X 125 FOR SALE: black 19757 “Chg—Fuel East off Cascade. On corner coupe with excellent prewar Mfason St” Chesfp' grs' Ac?“ tires. Priced for quick sale. Fleas”: 8051 - San Y»! $450. See L. Johnson. Rt. 2, Blvd, Portland, Oregon. ~ 8_12_11_12_3Mi Box 152, Harstine Islgnéi—iG—m. FOR SALE: 5 acre tract, level, FOR' SALE: 1930.1fi'07d‘é1 “X7. lights, good well, chicken house, , assorted fruit; trees, berries. Ford' Inqulre at Masongfiffitfé' East off Cascade on Dickinson ' street, Hillcrest. Faces two CARD 0F THANKS streets, Arcadia. and Dickinson. May we’extend in this way our Could build either end. Close Sincere appreciation for the kind- to industries. Fine berry and mess, sympathies and beautiful garden soil. Nice location. Sac- floral pieces offered us during our rifice for quick sale. Terms or cash. Write Mrs, Ann Fredson, 8051 N. E. Sandy Blvd., Port- land, Oregon 8-12—11—12—3M beloved husband and father. Mrs. Anna Huss and family. vav‘ W 4'». WV PRGF' '? CARDS " FOR SALE 168 acres of land including a fine lake for fishing. Also located in I an excellent hunting country. About 12 miles from Shelton on good road into property. This property could be purchased by 1 several parties and make ex- cellent buy for lake property. $1700 with some terms. v ALDEN C. BAYLEY ATTORN EY AT LAW Title Insurance Building Opposite First National Bank .2 >1- i. I Phone 23 - Shelton 2 room house, brick chimney, cement basement, good garage . and woodshed, spring running ’ through property, good spring INSURANCE for Water, and a. fine garden. About 1/2 acre of good ground. G, A good buy. Will make an ex- cellent home for single party or couple. Close in. Priced to sell. Office at Angle Building 3! * 4 room modern home with break- fast nook. $2500 with terms. * * * I ELLIOT B. SPRING 1—2 room house on 1/2 acre ofi good ground, garden, good gar- Accounting Tax Services age and woodshed .and well. .Bookkeeping systems Just outside city limits. $850.00 . terms. , 123 4th st. Phone 565 :5 a: a: / 2 lots 7 blocks from post office. A bargain. $400.09. I at: WITSIERS Also furnished and unfurnished houses needed to rent. Have you one HOME Licensed Embalmers W. Witsiers, Prop. Phone 180 Shelton, Wash. l * 5-room modern home on Hood Canal. Two bedrooms, wired for electric range, artesian well, electric pump. Oysters on beach, * 9: 65 acres, about 4% miles from Shelton, osme timber, lots of wood, also 4 room house, good pole barn. Some cleared. $1575. Terms, $375 down. Plenty of wood for years. See Herb Angle today. CHARLES R. LEWIS ATTORNEY AT LAW Suite 1. L. M, Bldg. Shelton, Washington I I HERBERT G. ANGLE CARD 5F May we express in this way our most (Sincere appreciation of the many kindnesses, sympathies and floral offerings, extended us dur- ing our recent bereavement. A. Buechel and family. RICHARD F. EDDY '- Lioensed Public Accountant Notary Public 325 Railroad Ave. Phone 115 -‘w u—— bereavement over the death of our}