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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
September 9, 1965     Shelton Mason County Journal
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September 9, 1965
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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PAGE 2 I=/ELTON--I A 0N 30?_rRNAL- Publlshed in "Chr etmas own. U.S.A.', helton, Washington Thur, da Parlv To tlonor 401h Anniversary The Little Skookum Bay com- munity hall will be the scene of a 4Oth wedding a~niwn'sary open house reception honoring Mr. and M~s. Phtllip Hardie from 2-4 p.m. this Sunday. M~:. and Mrs. Hardie were m,tr- ried Sept. 8, 1925 in North Dako- ta. They have made their home in Shelton the past 20 years. ttosting the event will be the Hardie's children, Mrs. Bill Marcy, Phillip and David Hardie, all of Shelton, and Mrs. Eva Mac Pur- via, Tumwater, and their families. Mr. and Mrs. Hardie have 10 grandchild~ en and one great- grandchild. ........................................ 2__ ...... i i ii I , I McCleary Theatre proudly Presents . DISNEY' ' i I I E gT:., i ACHIEVEMENT! i JULIE )ICK ANDREWS" VAN DYKE' ffCHNICOLOI~ ROGER IIERMES TAKES BRIDE IN PORT TOWNSEND CEREMONY MR. AND MRS. ROGER A. HERMES >:¢ 6 BIG DAYS - 12 SHOWINGS today through next Tuesday ADULTS $1, CHILDREN 50¢ Schedule of Showings Sept. 10 & 11 (Thurs. - Fri,) 7:00 and 9:30 (open 6:45) Sept. 11 & 12 (Sat. & Sun.) Kids Matinee - Noon (once only) 7:00 and 9:30 (open 6:45) Sept, 13 & 14 (Men. & Tues.) One show only at 7:15 Doors open 6:45 @ Phone 429-3353 @ Darlene Harriet Giger became the bride of Roger Anthony Her- mes in an August 21 ceremony in St. Mary's Star of the Sea church in Port Townsend. Parents are Mr. and Mrs. Albert R. Giger, Port Townsend, and Mr. and Mrs." George Hermes, Shelton. The bride wore a floor-length gown of faille with empire fash- ion waist and lace and pearl trim. The train was attached to a flat bow. She wore a pillbox headpiece with butterfly veil of silk illusion tulle. Her pearl necklace and ear- rings were a gift from the bride- groom. Stephanotis, Eucharis lil- ies and white rosebuds with pearl streamers made up her bouquet. The matron of honor, 1V[rs. Er- nest Harrell. sister of the bride- groom, and bridesmaids, Mrs. Ro- bert Jensen and M:rs Richard Gi- [geL. sister-in-ls.w of the bride, we{~ dressed alike in lemon-lime Fall and Winter Western Auto Catalogue Get Yours Now and See the Buys at Associate Store 321 Railroad 426-3515 , ,J i silk with matching headpieces trimmed with white lace. They carried bouquets of Fugi mums matching their dresses. All wore pearl earringsb gifts from the bride. Lori Olsen, cousin of the bride, was flower girl dressed the same as the bridesmaids. Michael Olsen, another cousin, was ring bearer. The procession was led by the bride's brother, James Giger. Ernest Harrell was best man for his brother-in-law .and ushers were Arnie Jensen and Richard Giger, brother of the bride. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. Arthur Grandaw. A reception followed the cere- mony in the parish hall. The couple is living on Angle Lake in South Seattle where he is teaching in the Highline district this fall. Mrs. Hermes attended Western Washington State College and Griffin Mmphy Business school. Her husband attended Seattle Un- iversity and received his bachelor of arts degree in education this past June at WWSC. Open House To Fete Silver Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. James Grimes will celehrtate their Silver Wedding Anniversaly this Sunday with an open house in the Timbers Motel dining room from 2 to 5 p.m, The Grimes were married Sept. 8, 1940 in Shelton and have lived here all of their married life. They have two children, Rita Marie and James, both still at home. There will be a wishing well, RACHEL KNOTT GUILD TO RESUME MEETINGS Mrs. Dorothy Jessup will be hostess for the 12:30 p.m. luncheon meeting of the Rachel Knott Or- thopedic Guild in her home 0n Hood Canal September :1.7. hostdss for the meeting, which is the first of the season, will be Mrs. Louis Van Arsdale. PLAN. Order the clean-as-a-whistle warmth of CUSTOM STANDARD HEATING OILS today.., and smooth your payments over ten comfortable months, i| you wish. No interest or carrying charges.., just extra convenience. Payments stay the same every month, even during severe cold spells. Order clean-as-a-whistle Custom Standard Heating Oils today. I.e. & 118 S. 3rd Street 426.4411 SH ELTO'N, WASH. DISTRIBUTOR, STANDARD OIL PRODUCTS VFW Auxiliary Fills + i! Hood Canal Club Moose :.,: • . m X A0ffice IOf Gondudress,.ii 5 0 ¢ ! a I t v e n t s ii'= SlateSFirsGUest Day_- Pionio t Las F t The Sh Meeling • ::: or Meetin hold its ~ecti(n for the office of con- • ......................,,...,...., .. ..?.....**..: Park thin ductress was held at ,the last meet- ~*~'~e~.;~;~;~.~°;'~;'.;'*;~.;.~;.~;'*;~;~;~;~°~.°~°~..;~*;°~;~.;.~;~.;~;~.;'°;~*;~°.;~.:~;~ • ";";";";'*;";";";'*;" 'Guest Day' is slated by tile furnish pop ing of the VF\V Auxiliary. Doris Simpson was elected to fi. the LUNCHEON ON CANAL TO HONOR .ood Canal Woman's Club for its younger set office for the coming year. l;'ae Robinsrm, community ser- vice chairman, gave a report and asked all lnembers lo l.llrll ill the, Jr COllUntlnity service llOilF.q tO her aS F.oon as possible. 'A report of the last meeting of Cascade Council was given by Cas- cade Council ehairmau Marian Johnsofi. Dr. McDonald, assistant superintendent of Western State hospital where the meeting was held, was the nmin speaker for the aft,er~mon. He stressed the ira- portance of Vohlateer workers alld told about the mental patients, the treatment tl~ey receive and their needs for rehabilitation. The group also visited the medical library and took a tom" ttuough the research institute. The next Cascade Coun- cil meeting will be held in the Red Cross chapter house in Taco- AS. Forty packages of Life Savers and it5 dozen cookies were do- nated for game prizes to Ameri- can Lake hospital. A book audit was held in' the home of Vi Laugen Wednesday evening. Gold Star Mothers will be hon- ored at a 6:30 p.m. planned pot- luck dinner Septernber 17. A pro- gram is being planned by program chairman Helen Bloomfield. Sue Weaver and Vi Laugen will be on the supper committee; Vi Brum- bough, Betty Godwin and Jo Sparks, decorating committee; and Amy Frank will have charge of the gamst book. The first meeting of the year for District Five will be held at 8 p.m. Saturday in the Westport VFW Hall. Nadine Sargent, 5th district president, will preside. A bazaar and bake sale is be- ing planned for December. All members a, re urged to start mak- ing items for the sale. After the meeting refreshments were served by Vi Laugen, Teckla Anderson, Alma White and Marie McKay. Gladys Shanks fmnished the gift. Bridge Club Results For Labor Day Play ! Although Monday was a holiday the Shelton Duplicate Bridge Club still had seven tables in play. North-south winners for the eve- ning were Edna Rhodes and Doro- thy Quartier, Don Bennett and Mrs. Gordon Bennett, Bill and Robert Spooner. East-west winners were Mr. and Mrs. Jotm Bach. Bill Lucke and Bob Eliot, Bob Bennett and Mike McNeil. All bridge players are welcome to attend the meetings whirl] ILre held at 7:30 p.m. every Monda~~ln the PUD auditorium GOVERNOR'S WIFE MRS. DANI Mrs. Daniel J. Evans., wife of Washington's governor, will be guest of honor next Wednesday at a hmcheon to be held•in Alder- brook Inn on Hood Canal. at 12:30 p.m. Sponsors for this early fall affair will be the Mason County Women's Republican Chlb. Nancy Bell Evans was born in Spokane. the daughter of a min- ing engineer, one of four children. She was graduated from Lewis & Clark High School iu Spokane add from Whitman College with a de- gree in music. She taught music in the Shoreline School Dish'ict Mrs. DARLENE BLOOMFIELD returns to Western Washington State college this month to complete her last year of schooling for be- coming an elementary teacher. A wedding is included in her plans for next summer. Darlene Bloomfield, a former girls' basketball team at West- Shelton Forest Festival Queen, tern. :~orrmeon~fnff Queen, and Class Adding to her long list of ac- Heart, is a 1962 graduate of Shel- tivities she was a part-time work- ton High School. Born on Novem- er in the Viking Commons, a care- bet 1, 1944, she was the young- teria, and at another time a part- est member of her graduating time worker in the college book Class. store. Following graduation Darlene Darlene will be student teach- has been attending Western Vgash-ing this fall at the campus school ington State College studying as where the experimental work is a major, elementary education and handled. She is studying to be a as a minor, art. primary teacher and following Taking her high school popular- g~aduation at the end of this lty to college with her she was year she hopes to obtain such chosen as Western's Homecoming employment. Taking top priority, Princess during her sophomore even over her work will be Dar- year. In her dormitory she was lene's marriage which she is plan- elected as vice president an~ in]nlng for next summer the student body she holds theI Darlene, the daughter of Mr. office of union presentation chair- [ and Mrs. Pete Bloomfield, has man on the program council. "This [lived in Shelton all her life. She last position consists of organiz- has one married brother and two ing such entertainment as dances, sisters. Peggy Bloomfield gradu- parties and teas. l ated from Shelton High School Alvearty intelligent and popular Ilaat June. Darlene has proven, l~ersel¢, to In the form of hobbies she en- be athletic as well. She was a joys water and snow skii,ng% kntt member in good standing of a ting and sewing. EL EVANS Evans met her husband, Dan, through mutual friends on a ski- ing trip and they were married in Spokane in 1959. Mrs. Evans shares her husband's interest in politics; skiing and sailing their 32-ft. Challenger. Her: son Dan. Jr.. will have his fifth birthday on Nov. 25, and Mark Lawrence will be two on Sept. 20. Mrs. William L. Bell, mother of Mrs. Evans. will accompany her to Mason County as well as Mrs. A. Lud Kramer, wife of the Repub- lican Secretary of State. Mrs. J. Van Gorder Kirk, president of the Washington Federation of Repub- lican Women has also been invit- ed. Shelton hostesses assigned to the head table guests will be Mrs. L. L. McInelly and Mrs. Robert Puhn, members of the Mason County Republican Central Com- mit.tee and Mrs. Roy Snider, pres- ident of the Mason County Wom- en's Republican Club. Mrs. H C. Stirling of Belfair has been appointed genm'al chair- man for the hmcheon. Mrs. Lloyd R. Crosby of Shelton heads the Decorating Committee and Mrs. R. W. Oltman will be in charge of the guest book. Mrs. Bernhard Winieeki is a member of the com- mittee planning the musical pro- gram. She has confirmation that Tim Wing of Belfair will be home from Alaska in time to sinK his or- iginal composition of "Hood Ca- lla.l". Tickets for the affair may be purchased from Mrs. Joe Pete~s, Belfair: Mrs. L. L. McInelly and Mrs. Robert Puhn, Shelton, as well as members of the club. Tbd reser- vation list. Will close on Se0tem- bet 13. Door prizes will consist of donations of home-baked goods. AMARANTIt SOCIAL CLUB Mrs. Bea Lazson will be hostess f,)r the Amaranth La.uPel Court No. 26 Social Club meeting in her home at 7 p.m. next Tues- day. first meeting of the season to be held next Thursday in the Pot- iatch clubhouse. The business ses- sion which will be presided over :by club president, Mrs. Nina Mil- ler, will connnence at 11 a.m. with a hmcheon and afternoon program to follow. adults to There will galore with a.m., dinner 1 p,m. Watters, reached at formation. Southside meeting of form of a teachers at 71 davy: The serve. Enroll Music Musical nnmbers arranged by M'rs. Donoyan Pahner and a mem- orial service for recently deceas- ed crab members are scheduled for the afternoon. The brief memorial ceremony will honor Mrs. Ernest Worl and Mrs. Nick Sceva, both long-time members of the club. Their names are to be placed on the Oletha Start memorial plaque and contri- butions made in their memory will be added to the club's growJng scholarship fund. GIRL SCOUT LEADERS TO MEET NEXT WEEK Girl Scout leaders will hold an organization meeting at 9:30' a.m. next Thursday in the IAttle House. It is important all leaders be there in order to get the year's program off to a strong start. As usual, there is a desperate need for leaders. Anyone interested in helping with Girl Scouting is invited to attend the meeting. dES REGULAR MEETING Welcome Chapter No. 40, Order of the Eastern Star will hold a ..... ilar meeting and friendship night at 8 p.m. this Saturday in ~he Masonic Temple. M~,, j:o., t Mr=, 205 W. Cots Fury --- Belvedere -- Satelh' e- Barracuda VALIANT V-100 4 Door Sedan Big "6" Engine - Undercoat - FULL PRICE $2,080.60 - $65.20 per r Low Low Down Payment FURY 111 4 Door Sedan "V8" Automatic - Power Steering - etc. Will Deliver For $3,162.14 BARRACUDA - The Sporty One Sports Car - Family Car - Utiiity Car Big "6" - Automatic - Washers $80.30 per mo. After small BELVEDERE "V8" 4 Door Sedan Automatic- Washers- Undercoat IS, ,3.6 payments of $78.20 per too. small down $2.60}00 SATELLITE 2' ...... Door Hardtop Automatic - Power Steering - Buc Full Down - Cash or FURY 111 4 Door Sedan Equipment? You Name It and This One LOADED Save $650.00 - Full Price BELVEDERE "6" 2 Door Sedan Stick with Washers & Undercoat Full Down pay $210.00 $70.48 SPORT FURY 2 Door Hardtop The Top of The Line - Fully Equipped Now $3,075.08 - Save $500.00 ALL CARS ABOVE ARE N Down Payments. Cash and/or LARGER DOWN PAYMENT--- LowER MoN' Financing with' National Bank of The Best Interest Rates in Los LaBissontere has joined our sales staff- 898-2292 - Evenings ~nd weekends 707 $o. First 426-3433 CHRYSLER --- PLYMOUTH INTERNATIONAL here's to give real Fur] your Miller's Shoe Depl. Operated &~ Managed by Chrlstensen's for Shoes, Bremertdrl"i!: OPEN FRIDAY NIGHTS 'TILL 9 P.M. FOOTWEAR -L Low initial cost, easy And you've the trim end sllm, on durdbI~# speed you past everytl~ .....