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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
September 9, 1965     Shelton Mason County Journal
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September 9, 1965
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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9,1965 SHELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL-- Published in "Chr{sfmasfown, U.S.A.', Shelton, Washington PAGE 3' at's O0 ortA out-of-state Wallin, Apparent- from such have .~r as the sum- By LOIS A. PIERCE HOODSPORT--It's back to col- lege and university time for many young people of our community. Carol Johnson will soon be going to Olympic College at Bremerton .for her second year. Dennis Sand- vig will he a senior this year at Western Washington State, and a big day for Dennis will be one day this week when he will receive his commercial pilot license and avia- tion license. Bruce Miller will soon go to Oakland College of Arts and Crafts in Oakland, Calif. Douglas Undhrwood will be go- ing to Washington State at Pull- man. Dennis Pozorski goes to Olympic College as a sophomore. Linda Hale will be at Washington State, Pullman, and Judy Nichol- son at Bellingham. Joan Dickinson will be at Wash- ington State University and Dick Reed at Olympic College in Brem- erton. Dave and Larry Sund will be at Western Washington State at Bellingham. Larry Spaulding, Olympic College, Bremerton. Michael and Dan Harvey will enter St. Martin's, Lacey, and Les- lie Weston, whose summer home is at Ttllicum Beach will be going to Centralia Junior College. Barbara J a r v i s and Trudy Tweede will continue on at Peter- son Business School in Seattle, while Carolyn Swaub will enter Central Washington State at E1- lensburg. Virginia Crumb will be at Washington State, Pullman, as will Eddie Latham. Jane Shumate goes to Central Washington State for her fourth year and Tom Ing, St. lVrartin's for graduate work. Although now living in Tacoma but so well known here, friends will be interested to know, Darrell Peterson will be a sophomore at a busy career and club woman, has been Western State and brother, Rickie, n Legion Auxiliary to attend Girl's State will attend the University of Pu- a chaperone or house mother. She hasn't de- get Sound in Tacoma. tP er she will accept the offer or not. I hope I haven t left anyone out, * * * * if So, it is not intentional, please hobby seems of the Eight and Forty Mason call me if I have. County Salon. The latter held a THE LONG HOLIDAY week- Le Marche (convention) recently end and warm sunny weather on in Wenatchee in which Virginia Hood Canal brought record crowds received a state appointment as to ~esorts and State and National departmental constitution and by- Parks. Saturday night there were laws officer. During the conven- 109 individual camps at Minerva tion she was the personal page to State Park. In fact the park was the Eight and Forty state secre- full Friday night, too. The Stair- tary and treasurer, case National Park also reported Virginia loves to bowl, bake and a "very good weekend." From can foods. The latter is posssibly Cushman Resort Mrs. Reed said the reason she chose the recipe Silvers and Cutthroats were bit- she did. ing and the catches were good. Another favorite activity of hers Mrs. Warfield reported a very busy is fishing but she doesn't seem weekend at her place just north of to have the opportnuity to partic- Hoodsport. Highway 101 has look- ipate in this sport much anymore, ed more like a busy city street Why? Possibly Virginia explained than a country highway from the it best in these words. "I like to junction north since Friday after- fish but I don't get to go any noon. more because no one wants to Mr. and Mrs. Gene Avey left take a woman fishing." last Tuesday for St. Paul Island, Poor Virginia, but we all have one of the Pribilof Islands, where our problems. they will teach this winter. Mary Lynn and Gene Jr. will be attend- ing the Adventist Academy in Au- burn and Timmy will stay with his sister, Mrs. Stan Johnson, and at- tend kindergarten in Hoodsport. Stan and Candy Johnson will re- side in the Avey residence at El- Monte while Avey's are in Alaska. St. Paul is one of the larger of the Pribilof Islands and lies west and a bit south of Kodiak, across the Alaska Peninsula from Kodiak, about 450 miles from the Alaska Peninsula mainland. The Jerry Mincers of San Fran-- cisco visited several days last week with the Ray Petersons in Taco- ma. Wednesday lVfr. and Mrs. classified as a Presently she is e as a dental as- for Dr. the past she receptionist in Tacoma. Work most in- president of Auxiliary (president) * * * • r Uncooked Relish .... ~ ~2n~lium ~heads of cabbage 12 dried onions 8 medium carrots 4 red bell peppers 4 green bell peppers 2 Tbsp. celery seed 1 Tbsp. mustard seed 3 pints of vinegar 6 cups of sugar Grind the vegetables until they are fine. Let them stand for two hours in .a half cup of salt. Put it in a colander ~ and drain for a half hour. Mix the remaining in- gredients with the vegetables. Mix well and pack in sterile jars. (seal- ing is not necessary). Mincher and Mr. and Mrs. Peter- son flew in the Minchers' plane over Hood Canal. They had intend- ed to land and visit the Robert Smiths but fearing an early setting in of fog at the Tacoma airfield returned to Tacoma without touch- ing down, just to be safe. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Stacel's 6:45 a,m., nty Chamber of of- 8 p.m. pro- 10 Sale, 9:30 a.m., Lodge, 8 p.m., football south 8 p.m., Shel- and East Sept. 11 examiner, 10 station. P.m., airport No. 40 OES, 12 you to YOur choice. 11 a.m., 13 meeting, meeting, 10 Club, 7:30 p.m., P.m., PUD com- 9~0, 7:30 p.m., at 14 No. 40 OES :30 p.m., p.m., home noon, raeeting, 2 p.m. 8 p.m., meeting, 8 P.m., airport As- Hall. of directors Callanan Social Be arson. 10 16 noon 6:45 a.m. g, 8 p.m. e Applying for marriage licenses in the Mason County Auditor's office this past week were: Robert A. Knox, 17, Port Or- chard, and Lorinda Wilkins, 17, Port Orchard, Larry Wiser, 29, Seattle, and Annemarie Riske, 23, Shelton. Ken McMackin, 19, Bremerton, and Holly White, 15, Belfair. Babe C. Anderson, 46, Shelton, and Joy Burgess, 42, Shelton. E. C. Retyloff, 49, Bremerton, and Pauline Burford, legal, Port Orchard. William A. Morris, 26, Shelton, and Elizabeth A. Stark, 20, Olym- pia. PAST MATRONS TO SHARE LUNCHEON Members of Welcome Chapter, OES Past Matrons and Ellinor Chapter, OES Past Matrons will meet for a 50 cent luncheon at 12:30 p.m. next Thursday in the Lilliwaup community hall. WRITERS CLUB MEETING BEING HELD TODAY Members of the Creative Writ- ers Club will meet at 1:30 p.m. to- day in the Skokomish Valley home of Mrs. Claude Dugger. Anyone in- terested in writing or contributing to a 'book of stories on old.timers is invited to attend. UFW RUMMAGE SALE The LrFW will sponsor a rum- mage sale this Friday beginning at 9:30 a.m, in the PUD audito- rium. A large variety of clothing in all sizes and various items of all description will be available, OES SOCIAL CLUB Welcome Chapter No. 40, OES Social Club will meet for a 12:30 p.m. hmcheon at the "Agate home of Mrs. Verna Valley next Tues- day. Transportatipn will leave from Mrs. Hack's. family were all at home over the holiday weekend. THE PAUL JENSENS of Fife visited Mr. Jensen's brother and family, the Lynn Jensens during the holidays. Donnie J. Guild Makes Final Plans For Rummage Sale Final plans for a rummage sale were made at the first meeting of the Dennis J. O'Neil Orthopedic Guild held September 1 in the home of Mrs. James Cross with Mrs. Ernest Malloy as co-hostess. The sale will be held from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. this Friday in the old B & R Sales building, 315 No. 1st street. All proceeds will be sent to the Mary Bridges Orthopedic hospital in Tacoma. Mrs. Ed Bac, president, asked the following to serve as commit- tee heads: Ways and means, Mrs. Charles Manke; publicity, Mrs. Er- ~rest Malloy; Christmas cards, Mrs. ~ern Hansen; memorial, Mrs. Bob Ogden; raffle jar, Mrs. Ray err; epnone, Mrs. Leon Scott, rum- mage sale, Mrs. Harold Enebo; Christmas bazaar.Mrs Ernest Malloy. " ' .. Mrs. Dan Henery, Olympia wouncil advisor, was a special guest. She gave an interesting talk on the different guilds in the area and the hospital. NEW ARRIVALS Shelton General Hospital Mr. and Mrs. Richard Gilef, Route 1, Box 368, a boy, Septem- ber 1. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Drebis, Jr., Route 1, Box 6, a boy, September 1. Mr. and Mrs. Terrance Cooper, 618 Laurel street, a boy, Septem- ber 3. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Mills, BeN fair, a boy, September 3, 7:30_ p.m., Club, 1! ~eeting,. 9:30 TO AGAIN by Jack ck at the Party held held by Hill with by Ernest be wel- party to WSNA MEETS TUESDAY The September meeting of the Washington State Nurses Associa- tion, District No. 22 will be held at 8 p.m. next Tuesday in the home of Mrs. Gene Klingler. Members are to meet at the nurses cottage by 7-'80 l~.m, for transportation. a Mr,~and Mrs. Ike Carlson of AI- and s~on Carl were in Portland at- tending a family reunion. They left Les Miller, service officer for Friday and returned Monday aft-i Mason County Post 1694, received ernoon, a certificate of merit for services The Norman Grays visited Mr. he has performed for the Post Gray's cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Kuhn and the community. The certifi- Marshall and also had the pleasure cate was from Department Ser- of visiting Norman's aunt and un- vice Officer Walter Deback and clc from the east, Mr. and Mrs. was presented to Miller at the reg- Charles Reynaud. ular meeting Friday night by Post Chris Hansen has been visiting Commander Howard Swope. her grandparents, MY. and Mrs. Swope reported the number one William Gilbert. goal for the coming year will be Mrs. Georgia i~iller and son membership. Membership chair- Bruce spent last week visiting rel- man for the year is Sr. Vice Com- atives in the Yakima Valley, re-mander Tex Lambert. turning home in time to enjoy a It has been necessary for the fmnily barbecue Sunday. Post to increase the dues because Mrs. Detrick Cooter and daugh- of the pro capita increase by the ter returned to their home at Man- Department of Washington and batten Beach, Calif., Sunday after the National VFW. i spcnding a month at Mrs. Cooler's The Post wants to purchase a !parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edward metal filing cabinet for storting Jenner. Mr. Cooter and son will past records. fly back sometime this week in The Post and Auxiliary is plan- the Cooters' private plane, ning a dinner for Gold Star Me- THE. HOOD CANAL Garden thers at 6:30 p.m. Sept. 17. Club met Sept. 2, at the Clubhouse at Potlatch. Mrs. Lois Pierce, re- tiring president, installed the in- ameda, Calif., visited Mr. Carlson's brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. George Carlson at Minerva Park ar.d also spent some time en- joying their lot on Harstine Is- land recently. The Walt Carpenters and Nell Simmons left in the Carpenters' boat for a long weekend of boating and fishing. Mr. and Mrs. A1 Jensen and Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Jensen were vis- iting and camping at Burton on Vashon Island over the Labor Day weekend. ,. MR. AND MRS. Jim Blackstad and children returned the last part of last week from a week's vaca- tion trip to Mt. Rainier, Yakima, Bend, Ore., and home by way of the Oregon Coast. EI~est Worl, Wesleyn Gardens, spent several days visiting friends at Hoodsport last weekend. While here he was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. George Yocom. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Arnold ac- companied Mr. Arnold's nephew and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ar- nold of Seattle, on a trip last week to Red Mountain Ranch in the Cas- cades for a four day visit with Mr. Arnold's brother George Arnold. The Victor Hallers of Port An- geles and MY. and Mrs. Dave Lar- kin of Edmonds were visitors at Mrs. Claire Beardens Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Kaare left Friday for Neah Bay fishing. Also at Neah Bay were Mr. and Mrs. John Kneeland, Mr. and Mrs. Joe McKeil and MY. and Mrs. Matt Van Laanen. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Pierce and Mr. and Mrs. Art Indahl spent La- bor Day weekend in Canada ~ight- seeing at Victoria and Vancouver, returning home by way of Blaine and Bellingham Monday evening. The John Laramies took a four- day vacation trip around the loop the middle of last week. MR, AND MRS. Bill Kabrick of Yakima and Mr. and Mrs. Rex Kabrick of Sunnyside were visit- ing relatives at Hoodsport and en- Joying the canal. They called on Grover Gray, the Endicotts and Oliver Grays. Mrs. Frank Gray coming officers. Mrs. Mattie Back- lund as president, Mrs. George Moake as first vice president; Mrs. Kathryn McIntyre as second vice president; Mr's. Edwin Jenner as secretary and Mrs. Vern Hill as treasurer. The two vice presidents were installed by proxy. The next meeting, Oct. 7, will be at the Lil- liwaup clubhouse. Visiting Mrs. D. H. Pierce Mon- day were Mrs. Pierce's sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. James Hanna of Bremerton: The District 5 meeting will be held at Westport Sept. 11 at 8 p.m. in the VFW Hall there. A school of instructions will be held. Topics to be discussed are the duties of the officers, proper me- thod of running meetings, proper attention to correspondence, the new IBM system of membership cards, membership reporting by the Post Quartermaster, member- ship, junior activities programs, Post activities, Voice of Democ- racy, Loyalty Day celebrations and the VFW Buddy Poppy Program. 1963 DODGE 4-door Sedan .................................... $1595 1961 TEMPEST 4-door, Economy with Radio, Heater, & Automatic .......................... $795 1960 RAMBLE R WAGON, Rebuilt Motor .............. $495 1958 CHEVROLET 4-door, Sharp .......................... $595 1957 RAMBLER WAGON, Clean ............................... $345 1957 FORD 4-door, Clean ....................................... ...$395 1952 DODGE, New Paint, Runs Good ...................... $395 ½ ton, pickup SHELTON VALLEY GRANGE HALL For A Good Deal See I . MUSIC BY THE TUNE TOPPERS Front & Railroad 426-8183 WOOD-BURNING HOME HEATER AUTOMATIC? build Just onefire a season--add fuel Just twice e day--remove ashes 3 times a month Just turn a dlal and the new Siegler Heater maintains the temper- ature you select auto- mticagy! Heavy duty east iron construction ;for long trouble-free service.., exclusive and patent-applied-for comfor features plus famous Siegler quality. Optional blower give lwarm floor heating. See it now at" Goasl-lo-Goas! 123 S. 2rid St. SH ELTON, WASH. Open 8:30 - 5:30 Daily s,¢. =f 328 Cota Phone 426-4702 THESE SETS ARE A REAL VALUE AT $119.00 . . BUT DURING OLSEN'S SPECIAL SALE . , . WITH TRADE ONLY ...... m Nothing Down,, $7 per month TABLE Never before so much enduring beauty . . . so many valuable features . . . at this never-again low price! Popular rectangular and oval tables that e-x-t-e-n-d-e-d to seat six. Rich.looking Royal Wal- nut and inlaid Travertine MIcalite table tops. You'll "sit pretty" and dine delightfully with the sturdy, comfortable chairs in SUPPORTED Naugahydc fabrics. Mlcallte table tops with or without inlay wide choice ~f decorator colors and covers chip, scratch, rust resistant finish thick foam seats gracefully sculptured table leg with brass hi-IDes / e distincflva self= g~er-Jakebsen leveling designed swivel glides (table & chairs) ® I J