September 9, 1965 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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September 9, 1965 |
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PAGE 4 ELTON--'MA ON COUN'I JO YI NAL- l EMhed In -O M na own, Bhelton Washington Than
• ''~ ' ' ' 0
. I [ h tomcated, 3
| ..... ,[ From The . $2. 0 cos:
By Betty Dean leach hunter bringing home aboutlfor cocktails with the Everett II ] fa~$1# ~ d~:unk'enness,~
.UNION -- Otto .Wojahn and|400 pounds of meat• Beck guides l Landons of Tacoma, on their yachtI fl~ It ~1~, m ~
Loyd ~ook have Just retraced over about 13 miles of lakes and 'The Fleet" docked at Alderbrook. LrF [ GETS
a moose hunt in British Co- connecting rivers and he uses Mr Landon is president of Nalleys ..................... II Carol Ann
lumbia. They hunted with Harold ]specially built boats• One can hunt Inc. After the Balls left the Fleet By Ja~,e tuw~'eK ~y romng over at a signat nerore ..........")~'~(' PE ............. ' .......... ' •
Beck at his place on Big Lake the mountains on horseback if he they visited with the Tony Floors LAKE NAHWATZEL -- Louis being fed. t~ x r~,,~. ,~, , ~,lt'~ . i~au, t~utnr,e reporteo a mmom beth Wolf but
Ranch about 59 miles north andlprefers but just now, .at the open-lot Kenniwlck and the Muter Min-IStangle of Tacoma, a weekendl MR AND MRS John K Wim-[ Building permns approved by[lOSt• , .~ , among the 201
s of ill•am in • • " .... " " ' • the City of Shelton uuring the ..... .~ ro ]
ca. t W 1 s Lake• On the ] g of the season, chances arc ors of Portland, m their summer guest at the Resmt, came m with press, of Seattle, and their chfl- . ........... I ~.~-~T~,~ ,~W~ aP~'~ gzees f n
second day out, Otto shot a two- I better along the water. In all, [ cottages here. Monday mornin~ I the largest fish we saw last week- [ dren Jan[he, Ken. Elaine and Di- I past week were to ~t~m^~mnups, I ..... ' ..... " .... ' ..... ' ............. State College,
year-old bull and on the fifth day|the hunters saw 12 moose and [the Balls had the store opened lend, as the season same to a close ane and their friend Robert E]- commercial,~.,zuo, Lund-I Booked at the Mason County end of the sum
Lloydgot .... a three-•_year-old, with el. ght deer. but .sighted no bear•, again hat d at work with' the La. .... at Lake Nahwatzel. a 15V.,. inch, ........... ~tn~, ~nOntr th~ ................ uroole~nd nt fh~i~ . stronl~ , • .t~°nsLructl°ll, ~. ~O.~. .I°ur, l'es-. . ....... .qha~iff'~' ........ aft[cue..... du~in~r'_._~ ........ th~ ~nast __
though brats set out for them bur Day crowd 1Vz lb. Rmnbow, plus several 10'lake nlace Their other ~uests were ldenccs, $12,o00, $13,.)00, $12,500, week were Ronald V. Peabody,
were stolen each night. MR AND MRS Vau~hn Ab- ones. Mr. and M'rs. John Jo~ansen and$12,500• • , , 19, minor in possession of liquor;
I I Mr. and Mrs. Karl O'Berry re- rams and children'Bill Gwenwvn Also making nice catches were children Margc and John, of Olym-~ ........,~,~,,,~; ~n,~,~ James R. Due, 19, minor in pus-
• . ' •, • ~w±~u~ '~ ~ "'-"~'~'~'~ " d onsumin li uor'
[ t-aur~ r~ ~a~nta-rtnea [[ cently made a trap around Vallarie, who have suent the[Tom Anderson of Graham, Wash., I Pm, and Mr. and Mrs. John Han-] ~,,~,,~ [,sesmon of an c . g q , ~l
| ....................... liRainier Mrs Elaine Cook and [hast three weeks at Wa~:erwheel ] 11"' Jim Bjornstad, Puyallup, 10"; [ sen, and children, Martin Thomas, I _ ,~t,~,.,L ......... / Clyde Fortney, 19 minor in pus- ~E
' ,- ' ' Appearing ou Llle LIUUKCL in 2,1a- • 0 in li uor• '
] The k ndness and sympathy [ [ Mrs. Mary Jarchow went with [ where they attended the Dalby (both boys' parents are new land-and Theresa, of Seattle ............ ~ ........ [ sesmon of and c nsum g q , ~~.,~
]of neighbors and friends in our ][them. At one of their favoritelfamily reunion left Wednesday fo'rtowners on the lake), and Nate I Before leaving on a vacationl~°~°tG~YnUt~:;~r~.~.~[~:u.~n~ttlrcelPatrmk. Th~nnson, 18, mnm~\m ~[~
] recent sorrow will always re- II .,vpots they enjoyed a picnic lunch Ithe return trip to their home in t Nichols, Outlook, brother of Mrs I trin to Janan Mr and Mrs Mal I P . " ~" I possesmon m liquor; uonme miner, ~][
I main with us as a precious II Weekend ~uests at the O'Berr-s ]Long Beach, Calif. [ Frank Hewson, lake resident, with I col'm Dickof 'IvIontesano snent the [past weei( were., * / following to() closely, furnishing
| memory: Our. siflcere thanks [[ were Mrs ~arla Hays and sgn [ Weekend mmsts at Ethel Dal- [ three lOVz" trout included in his [weekend at their lake ho~ne with [ ~,..~,¢¢,s "ffh'e [liquo[,to a minor; Alfret~ ~..~rany,
• • - - o • ~.e..., v , " " n oxl
ano gratnuoe tor au tnose corn- • . , • weekend limits ' he i ' 19 megal possesmon oz 1 t -
I ....: .... .o II M,ke, and Mrs. Yvonne ~lexander I bys were Mrs.Jesme Haas and i • It ir ch ld, en, Betsy and Bob• I Michael J. Hannigan, minor in l..',~..,.ho.a ~" ~,~-'n= d, iv-
I ....... ~ ..... I I from Seattle They motored to/Miss Linda Crundon of Seattle [ Mr and Mrs Nate Nichols and I They will leave on Sept 24 for six I ,~ossession of and consuming liq- ] c ...... ~.~.. ..... :'~ "'". ": ..... _ ~llll~lllll
• . • " "" ' ~" ' inK while intoxicateo, no opera-
J Pete and Steena Zopolis Jl Schafer Park Sunday far a picnic ] The Don Call[sons al-n .... its. J their daughter, Polly, were week- [ weeks in the Orient [ uor ¢50 fine and two weekends in ] - • " ~..,,
..... • - s - ~,, en uest f' " Ilk H ' ' ~ . . ." • tor's license on person; t~.'.~
[ [[ Mrs. H~len Timm and Bill and [many others left their beach[ ..d g s o the Fra ewso.ns, t Major Edward Keyes Tacoma [jall Glen D• Miller, minor m pus-[Leichner 18, minor consuming li- .'
' "[ Dianna spent Friday, Saturday and [homes Monday to return to Seattle [ Also visit!ng the ~ewsons ~unaay ] had a "roofing bee" at his house, ] session of and consuming liquor, [ -uor' Fred Fe~erstrom minor con-
----'----~---- |sunday With her parents, Mr. and [with the start of school• I were their daughter, Mrs. Phil helped by a number of the neigh- $59 fine Samuel Gullo, operating [ s,,~in~ linuor~ ' '
| [[Mrs• Carl Chaffee in Snohomish. [ Mrs Nina Miller ~n• +~-~o [ Par~er and children, Kitty and [ burs including Mr. Wortendyke, [ boat with water skiier without ob- [ ....... ~ ~ .• . , i
[ ~ Cosmetics ~[ We see Mr. and Mrs. aa.y Ross [days in Mt. Rainier Park driving ] Hap... . . [ Mr• Anderson, _Mr. Watson, Mr. [ server, coming too c.ose t.o sw~m: [ SUPERIOR COURT [ .. __2
I ~'~ ........... I Isuortinw a new 196~ Chevrolet Im /by way of Stevens Canyon sh~] Last week Mrs Hewson ana]uones aria mr. DicK. I mers in water, Suo ~or~e~t; ereu/ .............. ~.._-, I
"" ° " " " " ' ~ " • " in i A wrlt ol fllsnllssal oi the llI'~
[ /~h~ for [|palls. Lucky daughter Frances will |spent two nights at Camp TaComa [ Mrs• Camer.on,.of Shelton, .lunched [ Major Keyes' daughter, Sarah, [ Fagerstrom, mmm" consum g 1 q- [ de~ree foro'erv charz, e a~ainst Rt- ]
I ~'~- Ilget to drive this to and from [ and hiked the trail toIndianHeni'y]W'tn ~rs. ~ar~er m ~eatue, analand her husband, James Stewart, tuor: .$5Ofme aria two wee~enaSlch~rd H Kre'aman ~f P~rt Ange- ]
ch001 on the evenm s Cam i~o took the two r'arKer girls, l~ty of S ok ne o n m jau ~ary ~emnner minor con ~"
[ ~ ~rOU |]~ ' g she will [ ' p g und overlooking the Ta- [ ...... [ p a , ale e joyed the week- [ ; .. ' ^ ~' - • - [ les first filed in Mason County I
[ ~ |[ stay lat& Si~e works On fl~e school thorns glaciers. Two days later She [ flennY-, shopping t-or their ] end at the lake• [ suming nq.uo~.', .•$5u .rme a~n;n~.o [ Su~erio~• court Sept 13, 1963 was [ ~~
' ~ ~ 'lpaper. , [d.r~ove on to the Klapatche Park [mrmaaY gkts. ] _ Mrs: Shirley Drake of Hoquiam, [weeKenos ,n .jau; .~uton ~.~1'~ f,~'[signed by Judge Charles T• ;vVrtght [
CTh~ ..... +i .... a ~=,,,= .... ~n [ MRS. HERBERT Allen came I where she hiked to Klapatche I ENJOYING THE L A S T big daughter of the Pete Aarstads re- ham, no vemcm nee, .......... " ! on Jul,~ "30 this year I gillette!
on cosmetics is brou-ht to "'ou [h°me Friday from the Swedish [Point over-looking the Puyallup [ summer weekend at the lake with [ turned from a 3-week trip to Ha- ] e • . - • [ The dismissal order cited failure |
u ~ Washington State Parrot
.... o,,-+o-~ ~ N-~l'o Ph=rmoo~ ]Hospital• She will stay two weeks [glaciers. Mrs. Miller says the I the Leonard Watsons of Aberdeen, I wail where she stayed with her [ ..... • • ~ ..... , I to bring the case to trial within [
"" " ~ "''°-' "" " " "4 " " uric o LeSll(2 xounglovc speeulng ¢x
+^ ~, .... t ......~:~ t, ,h, |then returh f0~ fhrthe~ treatments. ]I{lapatche Park was her favorite• ] were Mr. and Mrs. Tom Worten- le, Ott Aarstad on Maul Is- I..'.. ~ ' • ' ' " I the statutory 60 days and ordered I ~~
...... t. ~-- ,,.,. ~% ....... ~. ........ / l~Ir and Mrs Allen and Bonnie and i Mr arid Mrs Gene Miller of Aber- I dyke and children, Jan Craig cud I land except for a week at Waikiki i ~orte~u i the return of the .~1 000 bail bond I i~:~.'~k~i
proper cosmeuo for you.) | " - .... : ............ . , • "- • • , • • • s ,
Bonnie motored to Naches Satur- deen brought their daughter Marty I Brad of Portland Ore ; Mr and Beach• Son Kenny stayed with his [ -- [ ~ ....... ~od ,,osted Kreaman or- ' |
TO LENGTHEN FINGERS day to attend a [ ' • E v
over to Spend a few days with [Mrs. Frank Garrett, and Mrs. Wat- grandparenta at the lake• [ ~ - ? ........ [iginally was arrested by Shelton [
O I have short, stubby fin~ers | at Mrs. Allen's sister's house Mr. ]her grandmother Nina.[ son's mother, Mrs. Edgar Jones of [ Mrs. Evelyn Kelley had her chil- I ~.~Jars muven..~.y ,.awren~e ~" I oolice and char~ed with forging
- Aberdeen a e r r dren home a sin for the ~neooy ano wnuam ~ussen col- ~ ' -- --
How can I make them look long- and Mrs. Jack Rays. Others at Mickey and Harry Coles and , nd h r b othe , Russell . .-. g . . weekend, : ^ :: :.. si "nature on a welfare check be
er. . [ g . • |Helen and LeoPearce broke m[ g • [ g fly oack to San [ ............. tlongmgtoawoman, butthecase ] Fun
tendin from Unmn were Mr and " Jones of Ore on Dawd nawn ~o hd~d ~t F,'~t and Cedar• g . ", i]
n on , ~elaici l-lOWalO le oILeu ~un]e
A. Learning' to use your hands/Mrs,. Danny Joh s, and MrS.,|Harry S new pickup and camper [ At the summer home of Mr. and Francisco on Sunday• Last Thurs- [-" - - - " --"-P . • :-: |was never brought to trial• Krea- | . " '
gracefully will make them appear [Edna Gatewood. . [when they return~dhome Sunday IMrs. Tyson Jones of Aberdeen, |day Mrs. Kelley visited the Ralph onenan zne aemm anu [man finally succeeded in getting | LI
less short and stubby• Avoid short,, Company at the Rolhe Waiter's [from a nine-clay trip that took I guests were Mr. and Mrs. JaCk I Pa~loeyS in Shelton. I m~v~es°eiePsS~ia~ne;h~lTnmr~e;t?~ed I the charge dismissed through the ] Anyone ~t ~1
abrupt, self-conscious gestures,home were Mr. and Mrs Henry them to man cities in California [ Massey and sods, Howard and Run, Inald W.. Wallace, Radioman ' " ........ [ offices of Senator Gordon Sand[- I ~lbow know ~,
Y ~her ulse lost between ~nuwaup "~ ~g
Also avoid allowing your natls[Mueller, and Mr. and Mrs. Emer- [where they visited with friendslof Puyallup; Mrs. Kenneth Read,[2nd C1. who spent four years on., - P "'- - -- ~ecovered [son and the American Civil Lib- [ the ,'funny
to grow too long• They should be [ son Janseen and faffiil~r all 6~ ~in- [ attd relatives. They came back the [ Westport; Kirk Jones and son, [ the U.S.S. Wright, the Presidential ano moo~sporL It was ' ~' [ erties Union | ing matter .... :
kept a medium length" and should [ onk, Ill. The Muellers etrid the Wal- ] Coast route where they reported [ Mike, Seattle; and Mrs. Jones' [ communications ship, out of Nor- t A 12-volt ~gene.[at°r was .re" [ . ~. . . [ _1~
I d e n m tored folk cried stolen ~rom the ~a~y AmX
be polished with a medium shade ters with aught r Dis e o /they saw lots of new scenery• [ mother, Mrs. Hank Jordan of Ab- [, Vs., has just received his diS- P . . "" " / SUPERIOR COURT | What heft
nail enamel. Bright, screaming red [ to Westport .to do some fishing, The [ Mr. a~d Mrs. Woody Van Kils- I erdeen. [ charge and joined his wife and anoer home.. .... / ~ ............ re.. | realize is till ~il~
ill nl all n 1 n o art returned with ei ht salmon ' Mr and Mrs John Patten and babv at the home of her n~r~nts Chink rmwmy reporteo ms sons / _ . ..~'~."'~ ~'"" ~ I ...... not a
w o y c atte t o to y ur P y g /dunk and family of Atascadero ] • .. -~ .... - - .. " ............ ~., ,~r~u,r nlvn'e~ u rees were i ......
, .... , ........ I __ ec ,
~ouna a ure aria rnn In Lttu Dtt
short, stubby fingers.Careful I three of which .they shipped to. the [ Calif. spent two weeks visiting [ two daughters returned from their ] Mr. and Mrs. Bill Bell, here at the .......... ~'" / ~rantec{ in Mason County Superior I . _
' 1 heal l~alpn s ~tuce~ y ~ ~ he ulnar
grooming of the hands and finger- Mueller s daughter and far~ily in |with Mr and Mrs Kenneth Pearce I new home in Easton to visit Mrs ake. He plans to make his home " ..... ' " • . . / ................... d^ Paule" I T • lt~
nails, i~, of course, always a must• Mbmnk. The Walters along with [Woody "is Mrs. "l~earce's brother I Patten's folks, the ROe Franklins [in Aberdeen and study electronics mrnesl: ~a,~oy reporteo a gas/~Oo~tj~T~es.~aule~.~r~rUward :M°r~. I near the olu:i ,~[~
HOW MUCH FALSE LASH ? their mother had dinner in Olym- [whom she hadn't seen for eight I for the 10ng weekend, from Thurs- at Grays Harbor J.C. theft: .......... [ ............... ~v~o"row" Mildred | bow, is ret~ 1~#,
Q. I just bought myself false I pia Sunday with the Don Degler |years• I day to Tuesday• I Mr. and Mrs. Bill Bell, Jr., and vemcms ~r~cn Dy l~ugar, /~-~w ~,~ ~,~ .... ~ ~ ~'[oore | Even a st~. t~
bab Kenne ShelEon ano l~./iile r'ray l~e(:lolng ~wuur~ ,u.~ D~,,,~,,~ -- ~, it can ea~
eyelashes. Should I use the whole [ family. I Happy birthday to Christy Allen [ 1Vfr. and Mrs. James Bteeker [ Y, th; of Aberdeen, spent ~ . . , ........ :" nd Pine ~ • • • ' ' I ~ '.~
E END GUESTS at the La o t~aur comoeu at ~'ouru~ a
~strlp or only a part of it. [ W EK Iwho celebrated her 13th birth- I drove to Eatonville last week to I b r Day with his folks• .! " .. ~ ' ..... ~ t ~=,-r,~, POLICE COURT | ,-- - ~alb I~
A It dene.nds unon tho w~dth ~f I Har~v Morris home were Mr and in~,, vr^,ao,, I visit Mrs Laura Smith an old Guests of Mrs B McClellan Ab ~ennem t~ray reportea someone i ~ ....... I l'ne su-~ _ S~'
• ,r, r ........... ~ • " " "~ ........ "~" • ...... ' " stole all the pears from a tree in Appearing on the docket in Shel- also known,
d f Mr erdeen at her lak hum
your eyes and the kind of lashes I Mrs. Bill Cameron of Zillah, Mr. ] Mr. and Mrs. Steve Morris were [frmn o s. Bleeker. Saturday, , e e were her ; . . -, • ...... / .......... I .... ecaU ,
you bought• [and Mrs. Gene Smith of Quinault, [happy to have Mrs. Morris's bro-IMrs. Bleeker spent shopping in daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. n~% ~atYoar~al~noUvS~nt~ia~ e;~tegg.s/~oni~a~Cettz~ur~;:vO~efig~gev~:~e I s~°p;~se~ly ~ ~"
If you bought full-length lashes |Mr and Mrs Buddy Cowles of / the- and family Mr. and Mrs. I Olympia Bill Evans and children Gary, Pat- ~...' . _ ' / " ... Y . . I --.lth P~ ~'
and intend them only for evening Upper Skokomish and. Mr. and Kenneth Whitaker of Vacaville. I Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hillearv~ rick. and Mark of Aberdeen', an- Tom ~Ke~man. repor~eu.• someone [ Howard .... Goms~y,: ~spee°ing' no.Vm-eit. | crazy w .
wear start them about ~ of an [Mrs. Danny Cowles of Union, the |Calif.," with them for three days• land children, Joyce, Claire Pat ]other daughter, Mrs. Art WentZel attem.~ pted ..... to enter hm.. ........ homc~ ..... [~._,d op._eratm, s hcense..? $32 ....... fo~f , [ ,
inch from the inner corner of your [time was spent enjoying picnic [ Guest~ at' the Guy Morris home I and Bob, drove to Bellingham to land her husband and children, Ter- [_.~arrmt ..uampeau t%pt~ttuufl,~O~ ]l'~.ODeI't .~• .~ess, ~au,ty eqU~Pnr~on, I ..
, , ilItns oI nquor ~ere tat ell ~10 torIelt, WllOUr wein gL
eye and extend them to the outer|dinners and playing pinochle in[this weekend were Mrs. Ed Bill-Iv[sit Mr. Hillearys brother• WhilelrY, Molly and rummy, of Cos- . 7 " ' ' "~ i_. - " " ~ ........ ill[an I ~ . S|~ [ ~ll
corner Cut off any excess [ the evenings [ fn~sley and family of Renton I passing through Seattle they stop- mopolis; her son, Jim McClellan her home. . .. • /~unKenness: ~z,~ Ior~e~, I mall I '||
" ..... " ~ ' ' Aberdt~en ' . .... r-ease, urunKenness, ~za ~or~e~L; I ~;
If you bought SA-length lashes [ Nell and Lud Andersen were / While thev were here the Morris s I ped at the Seattle Aquarium on ; and friends, Mr. and ............ ~,,~.~.. / ........... ~n ~,.~ I ~l|
• . ' , " , ," ..... I, II~E u#u*z-**~*~,**u±~I l)avlQ IVlllllS, orunKenness ~ov ~.- -- .:
and intend to use them during the |happy to have Nell s niece Kath- [ took them camping at South [ Pier 56 to see Namu, the b~g ] Mrs. George Ves~ey and their chfl- [ ..... • .......... [ ............ I .. ..
daytime, start them at the center [erine Walker of Fairbanks, Alaska [ Forks• I whale• They report that the whale dren, Dick, George and Darla, of . ~±:au p.m: ~ep~. ~, a u~ep r~s/~elt; L;. r~ ~l~_.mcan_non%.m~n~e,l~ | --nt P~
of your eyelid, extend them to the [ spend a few days with them, an- I I aheady shows response to training Aberdeen ~ryer overneate~ at ~,.~w~ . |hess, ~za ~orre~t ~ary ~. r~r~w , ! Emerg~
outer corner and again, cut off other niece and her husband Jean ..... - ........... Foodliner burning grease and fil- [minor consuming liquor, $50 for- I -- .-=ankll"~
an" excess ' [and D O Hall of Vancouver s-cut ] =~ --'" " m ,. [ |ling the building with smoke• t felt; Ronald Raymond, drunken- I Fifth ~, rr
" .... I /W''"°'"''°' [Pi0neerPTOPlan " • ] 2 m Sept 6 Aconveyorhous-/ness $25 forfeit" lawrence B ] .,i
FRAGRANCE AND the weekend with them Sunday | First Meetln P ............ I "
• ~ ing at Simpson Timber Company Sheddy minor consuming liquor Open Dai Y
PERSONALITY Mr and Mrs Nelm Paris of Se- , " ~ ' .' " ' .:
What kind of fra rance is at~e~6 edb toehatwithtlq~em P-roun - n61tds .... ' caught on fire damage to the $25 forfeit; John Cochran minor • ~a"S "]
t~. g ' ' PP Y • ~ , P ~P • I : • I~ ut • . ' ...... S~turo • :
right for me~ ' ]The A.dersens picked up Tom ]=... ........ ' ......... In' i • . =,. .,-.. _ . . =_ ['wood fram conveyor was abo ]consuming hquor, restating arrest, | ' .
' ' ! ' 200 $50 free, $250 costs Ront41dl V /~
• A. 2~he fragrance you useshould[Webb and ]~auljne Wyatt Satur-~01|~av M|, a ams fit ahnnl Vaar Fnt nnfnmhn 1K I$ • , , , . :_!. -.i in'
t, ~ester, reckless QllV ng w e ~ ~..~
underscore your own personality. [day to go see Mrs. Allie Ahl who / Bv NORMA TAYLOR V| U~ll~gl l~l lgl [$[ llllJ l • ~ [ ......... ~' "~"~E / " " _
• " 9 i h ' ., . = ~n~*~t*' *' ~ u*' .,..,
• If you are,an ultra-sophisticated |was celebrating her 8thb rthday. KAMILCHE--The holiday week- By Nail[he Rhodes 'Rodt~ers home last waek your re [ Pete VanderWal reported van-/[
~ype, then a heavy starry perlume ITne party was nero in Lne ,, ~. end was snent at Mount Adams b-" -~. ~ " " " ' .... ['
may be "right" for you. If you are IWebbs home'at the Hamma Ham- the Ira St~nsburvs the Harry Sim~- PIONEER -- The first PTO fresnment was an ice coldslice / dalism to.his malt cox. . ...... [[ _-' t/'
• " " ' • " ' " ' ~ ' ~ " meetin of th n o~ ~vHssiouri watermemn Jack tznristensen reporteo the -
all femmimty, a hght floral blend ma .... g e ew school year •
may be just the thmg. [ AnotherbirthdaythmweekwasKin~h~ms÷h~C~Miq,rstheWfllbeheldatPmneerschoolSept " Y P [ Y . ]l ¢¢ lll~l~llf][~
• . . mons, the Cab Barnes, the Art . . Mrs Jack Shero andbo s s ent Count Highway Shop at Matlock
If you are neither of these ex- IRad Pratsch when about 20 Eld~n~To~tds ~the" Len Co~es' the16, at 8 p m. There will be a short several days in. Castle. Rock last/was broken into. ~ ..... lism [| ~ ~ ll ~ ~ |~ ~ ~
• ' • , , • week visiting the waiter Agren ur uranm reporteu vauu~t " "~ff "r
tremes, however, th~n a modern, [frmnds and relahves gathered on .,,h, R~,t~,n~ ann +h~ Ed business meeting. The teaching ....... [. ," - - - o o,o ,.,,.~ [I •lW1 • • I I~l~ rl
dehca el h~m c lebrate his ................. st ff d ana ~r, eeman ~jlesvoio iammes ~o ms car at uwanon
• tely balanced fragrance will Monday to h p ' e ~'" " • i r and a an school board members " .. : .. . • . .... a ......
• " " w'l " , Pepper Gjiesvold returned home Donald Luchte "g 'P ' /
Johnsons,m their tra le s nbu~ ~e rated a
smt you best. This kind of frag-[83rd. A birthday cake was made ....... q'h~ n,,tdnnr lff~ was~1 be introduced A socml hour ........ [ ......... /I ilIIIIV]| I
.... ~-"'~" .................. w'l 1 " with the ~neros lor a visk. purse taken ]rum nls u&~.
rance will combine with your own IbY Katie Martin of Seattle. ~r~c~d wlfh real ~ood waather and1 1 fol ow, g~ving parents an up- .. .......... ~ .............. ,~.~_..~ [I ~,
.............. o ........... mr anu -Mrs Utlver l~.elly anoJoe r~yals repot~eu ~- .u~.u,~.u
skin chemistry in such a way as to I Mr. and Mi~s. Thomas Ball clue- +~ 7. ........ en• ~-,,ch ~f *heir portunity to become better ac- -'. - ". " . . . / ..... ' ............. [I -- ~-~
f t r ~,,~ ~,,,v~ ov ~ "'" " ~ in ' son Jim nave returneu Irom a ten motor tnrown into Lne W~L~t" ~t.U . O]l~
create a r~grance as personM as ted up-the store Sunday and were H~ .,n,,~ ~.,,. .... d ~-l,,~'~r-, qua ted w~th the staff and other ..... __ _ I ............... [I O,,lcklv Courteously
your own mgnature, thrilled when they were invitedtn~ M~na~v A~[~ ~--~-~- ..... n parents. . y p . ~emwna, ~.~. ~pena-[ ano [[ ~ a . _.. ]~
• ~ ---~ ....... a, *'~ ~'~**~*"~'* ~"~ lUg a counle oav~ in tho ~an ,,,an1 Park [I . . ~n!
............ R.aines were surprised w!th •Pioneer School Board w. iUmeet Islands and t~en some timJat/ William Burdick reporte~ the/I For Vaeatmns, Emergenctes,
II I II~lll~ ' a blrmaay, party compmte with at tuft scnoo~ "ruesuay. at s .p.m. Lake Chelan, the trip was" wond-[ plug'was pulled from his boat
il~Al' ~lllll~ nomemaae me cream ana cake. The zmat Duoget: meeting wilt Do erful. /it was sunk. Two five-gallon cans/I . _ ,~ t
Last week, Mr and Mrs Robert held one day next week Watch T l aken $ K/*
l|~~ l~i~ . ' . . . . ' he day after returning home, tot gasoine were also t • [| i Alll~, Why Go Ou _
Pendergraft made a scenic train this paper for the sate. the Kelly's went to Seattle with[ Russell Torneby reported a 12-/| llllUll. nn_.. wT- v,,
trip to Carmel Calif to visit Bob s Agate Grange wtll have tts an- • o o ~z~ ~ r~.u ...... ~*~ / ~t t ..a m~to from/I i~VnllV lr.¥ v~ J:,a. ~,
~ • •B ~ • • friends to ~e~ '~;,~ ~,, ........ z~ boa ............. r taken .. _
sister, Miss Amy Pendergraft for nual potluck picnic Sunday at Mary Martin It wa~ ,.-~n;.ted to [ Twanoh State Park ]|
PHbile $flrvJntg a few days. Shorecrest Park, beginning"at 1 be excellent" .....r'--- [ Marsh White reported" someone ]| ......... ,J
............... Sunday dinner guests entertain- p.m. Coffee and ice cream will be MR AND'MRS Richard Brooks[ left a tackelin~ dump and 'a block- [~ • nn alarv. FurnllOro. PorsoIIm
. , • • w !-!-.. @~ ,,i ~=w9 -- -
(Thi~ Is another of the sePl~ Of 'advertleemente IntrodUcing the .ed by Mrs. Florence ...... Taylor at her furnished b. y the.. Grange. : In case of stayed two days xn" Seattle last, [ too' ~ unit m" a =ravelS, .-~tn' at Kamil- ,/.I ...........
employees of Mason County ,P.U.D. No. 3, Your PUbli0 8~rvan~.) n0me were Mrs: uarrje Lmrana, ua~. we.airier me p lcn.m will be week visiting Mr. and Mrs. Will[che. . ./I ,
mrs. ~:mma mcuonam aria mrs, nero in tne ~range Flail. Lut~en and Mr and Mrs Jack/ A D Hawley renorted he tounG/1 .. . - "0t0;
Mac Roberts The regular meetlng of the J0h~s M~a~. "+~ ...... *" .... [-+t:ucl~ tir~ ~n ,*~,he~l /I 105 Railroad ~verme • Shelton"
~ , ~ , .o~ A wtsh for a speedy recovery Agate Grange will be held at the time at d Jackm MacRae re orted two
'~ .............. ..... ~':: ...... ;'~;+':~ t e beautiful Woodl [ P /I ~
~ : ~, ~, ~..~ . ,
t .......... .... , '~~i~,~ goes out this week to Cecil Black- Hall Friday at 8 p m . Park in t'hat _._~tv i wedding rings a ~raduatmn ring ......... it
~ ': "~~ ~'~':~ ':~ .... welder at the Shelton General Hoe- Watermelons from Missouri are Saturday e ooks~ eyed| nd a jar of corns taken from her|l" " ~ ~ ~~U'I~D
~:,: ; ,~,=:~:~ _ th Br ..... .ourn ~ a _ .._.. ....
~.." ~~ pital. . a rare item in this area but even to Chehalis to visit Will Lutgen[nome in the Dayton area. l| I,*" .~)~,~ ~t~~ ~& ~,,lr~ ~|
i~ ':'r~~i~':~ • THE ED TAYLORS and Jerry more a specialty were the melons again who was now in the hos-[ Frances McDonald reported all IDS. l
dren. R chm, Lynn, Lee amd Kenneth ...... " Barneye Lambertn mi he.and Danny g It''you OWhappenedOf drop by the LaborErin' OfDaySeattle,weekendSpentat theirthe cabil°ngn] !;i !iiii i i ;iiiiii i; ii'i ii iii:ii!i::iiii:; !i i!i
Fuller spent their weekend hiking ' ~ " on Spencer Lake.
• , ..... and camping in the Olympics Mr and Mrs Bernard Lu~rs
Being clwc minded Larry m premdent of the _ _ • A . . ,, ,.,. . " . ! / _ ,
P IT 1% "h-'~.'.~r.1.-..r.:~.~ A==. l one i" r,..~ _ .r~offress •urange willmeeton bunstan00 unleu and daughter, Sherry, of Long-[ / ~~~P~f~
x'. .... ~u~*~,~),~,o x~o~***~ ~¢~.~ ~ ** ~¢w ~,~,~ l~TlaRy inept Iu tor a potlUCK aln- _ - ,,~ ...... ~.~'..~n ..... ~.~..n ...... +o, .or a w .
net, followed by the regular meet r
and belongs to several Cathohc orgamzations .... "F0r Sd0nhsl S0rVl0O at their summer cabin on Spence [ / ~ i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
His hobbies are hunting, fishing and water m~ Christian Science churches wil! .Lake. . _ ~" ~ • ;
sports explore the subject of Substance ' ~-~ .1 ~ I ~;[f~
, ' • the All New
• to ooo..0 ,o ,ro
Hawng been w,th the lV£as.on Coumty RF the ChristianSciencetextbookwiil SUPER-2
• miii "ill IBWBi • ,,
P.U.D. No. 3 for 16 years, Larry is dedxcated include the~e lin~s: Mortals must .... I/ - -',-
4-.-, 1,,,.,1 ...... *.. School MuSio and Bands look beyorid fadtng, ~inite forms, mmrmasrer I| -_ - --- - -' ~l
IJ "Y " " " will be startinn Soon--- if they "would gain the true sense . I[ ome. and
• ' Give your child a nnad of things . . , When we realize that It "--/, .__
• • ~• : . °--- Life is Spirit, neve'r in nor of mat ........ I! ll~r~on is all Iashmn ,"
I llll% ~a%~ instrument, ter, this understanding will expand uurv- mr r erreaa I/ - ..... ' ...... "-" "
Rent or Bu from s uarea toe tO nat smcKe~
LI It/ I ,LLI I Y into celt-completeness, finding all . . , .. I/ q .
---.-. -.-.'. =~-~ ,,~,m m It ~=. Johnny's Music BOX. in God, good, and neefling no oth- Nat:,n:stti es '| ~alue from soft leather to stay-, fit"
t1 BTW Illlll 1 V ~' Best Brand Names er c0iiscienousness (Science and " I/ !--umaw Available Now Health with Key to the ~qriptures Guarantee. I/
i"limilmV/i| l~Hi~ilm Ji " by Mary Baker Eddy, p, 2{~4), _ _ |[
Wi It = Bible passa ges will |tlcl~Lde It Ilaus r' I] M
"~ • verses from I Corinthians: ~As ( "
!l iHI ¢ it is written, Eye hath not seen, ~ Ill~r ¢ .~hna np_n|
l~ ~iii j nor ear heard neither have enter- --- [| alaglivI v VlUVV li~vi#&n
MA r N R I i llA A ..... ed into the heart of man, the ~ ~ k ~ i/ - -- :
_ I II Ill I il things which God hath prepared I/ uperated & Managed by Chrlstensen's for Shoes, Bre"
COUN'£ l, I=IB,, IIV= II }%1 IlI for them that love him. BUt God I/ .__ _
=nWl~ ~'av/~R ----t.-... ~" ~U=m. H .... .•,d...* • •t ~l Vilk hath revealed them unto us by his~ i,~%~/i~ I/ OPEN FRIDAY NIGHTS 'TILL 9
JACK COLE, seoretary. JERRY 8AMPLEr; mana0er ]20~ W. Cota 4~Z8-¢30~Sp[_~_iL for the,Spirit sear,cheth a~~ ~ |[ , .
mmgs, yea, the seep mmgs or 2226 01vmnlo Hwv No a/ =... '
God.' ...... I| m_ , wm l i