September 9, 1965 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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September 9, 1965 |
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,~i¸ •
• " '"" " .... 'fi-n I Sessions For Parents a s
ii Now .... I ' Local un assocla o A spcct ,l class for l, rents is Slated By B pti Is
i j uur vmu iMiNHUlVnUMi Chtlrch each Sunday exening from Probhmm
il,mhaSthereSumedeight lanesat i 1 ) ] | O~UUNClll~)i~) bin U I[11 weeks. '~hese sessions. No charges will be
1 installation and ............. )'ni-,el 1 Special sessions using colored made, but costs of materials and
l)r JOIln ,vut, er oi trm t ~ "-'films i ) ~ I ¢o } )t " , suggested literature will be on a
until the ne\~ four . . .. J The new Soroptimist Club of ..... . . :trls ]Jell~ g'al ted malt-
sit},, of C.diforma Medwa] Center . ' . "
n I :.. ' , ..... . . ..,/rmls and forunls are demgned to p]n'(shase and donation basis.
ialled, owner E. I ................. ............ Shelton will receive its offi(fial
"need yestcrdas, rharter next weetc, FrLday, Sept. - .' • , ........ /help parents understand and ap-
I U : . ... ,, .. .i preciate God s pl'ln el growth and
| 17, during a banquet at Alder- of q ne-Aqv-esL,'lDllsue(I TllDercu- " ", .... .
e bowling at the ." ' " ' J .' , .... • , aevelopmcnt for csc age hwel
I seheduled for Sept. ALL YI~~ ?i~s B%;:::t(~lyk:;ms are ~|~ /bro,)k Inn on Hood Canal. i ! lores As::ocmLmn i ro,es.'orsmp m/. " .....
. ' ". , " .... .Suggested ways of guiding chfl-
i Mrs. Dorothy Button, assistant I i Pulmonnry l),.seases at the Un]- " ...... ."
an] leagues lint the seen on Fred Mills face this last i i 1 /registrar at "Western Washing- vers~tv eL V~ashmgton School o[ ~ , .... . ." . '
• • .... : / cn'(ll ¢; enlolio]lal pll~/sicLtl 'tad
t (three have been I i , sic, to College at Bellingh'un. and i • NIecI C nc .....
week as he and his wife, Kathy, " spiritutfl gr°wth will be °ffcred" CARE J
tten and 12 teams) just r,,coiw, d from "father stork"i / mmediate past Regional Cover- I I Un,ter a eool erative arrange- _. . .
[:Completion of the
, [] me]lt, LP, O IVNI.' I~JO]l ty I . "t -1 ,.. • • " . ~._. • " . '
L ' ' a baby boy. Little bh'edricl¢ Darin i tit;1 |.or of the Northwestern Region u [] ' " :" -" son ~- n" Ttbet(u t me six sessions wih incmde"
weigh'ed in at 71~ pounds and I r¢,..~ :[af the Soroptimist Federation of ~. i tests Association has joined with] ~esmoi] i--,- r'alents el pre-
~ i~ | America, will give*- the principal CANBE '
earn,, i, ome with , ,onlmy Monday.i l ir , of the charter night program, n eti, er loe l tuber,'ulosis a so- seooo,c,s
[e of music knows The Harmon Van Slykes retm'n- : ~ Session 2 P'u'ents of school
,,, I elations m ~A ashmgton, the \Vash-" ........ "
cord. d ed Monday from a three-day fish- I I / The clmrter urill be presented a ] t i ingtou Tuberculosis Association, n Scss]on'agers, I)al( nts of oung
--Mary Baker E dy ing trip to l)eppe Bay. Ore. Also I ' L / by Mrs. Peggy Couse of Bremer- I ~ ~. i~ I I and the Nat on'fl Tuberculos s As- ~ *' " P-- ": "
! ~ • .-~. ~ . . . ' " " n W^^" s
.""--- .............. camping with them was Harmon ~ !I ton. District No. 1 Director, and I ,. r ~ ,2~ ~ socm.tionm supporting the salary £ t~-n. .. •
'1 ~i el the new prolessorshp tm q "
VanSlyke Sr., and wife, Alice. i ~ [ Mrs. Mary Mi(,haels, immediate ~ .... , ~ ..... . " ~esslon ,t---.l~arents of Older
Sharon and Gene Floyd spent [ [ past president of the Olympia Sol'- i 'i J I l five-year period. Tc( sns
~8~ DO Sunday night at Gus and Tom Van J ~ / optimist Club, will install the new ]. ~ ~ ! ~ ~ ~'~i F.:./~ I• i' Dr. But,er' was appointed in'o- ]l ScssiOning Problems5 Parents and Dat-
Slyke's having a ba,'becue in the J ~/club's charter officers.
evening, i I Mrs. Joy l !
RalphGustophson.Thorson and Mr. and Mrs. County and it§ property values | fred T e r re l l is president. Mrs, DOROTHY D. BUTTON I studied tit tile llnivcrMty of Penn-/ -dk l U P
Main Speaker " "< '' [ ~ t
le Wbo lend money Barb and Richa/'d Hnight withand through that experience he ] Blanche Clark, immediate past sylwmi't
~.aeafatproifton kids, Melony, Anita and Pam, took can offer a valuable service to Ipresident has been the organizer, t,r. Butlcr is currently Associate , ,a ._. " DELUXE
~-ke a fat profit on a camping trip to Quinault In-property buyers and sellers in | ..... I Clinical Professor of Medieine at/ ~~
'aw allows", dtan reservati°n at Tah°lah' They this area' / A Q 0 • "' " " - --*'''" "'"'"
saw such things as canoe races. * '* " m0il ur ..... [Cal,lo]'nm, and a lecture," at the|.nnaon,amT with lO Big Features I
credit union is a (Barb washorrifiedmtheyusemo- MELL ATTENDING 'W]E~T rvl(el en Cardiow~seular Researeh Institute/ YHI'U illlIHI that take the work out I
allization, owned tors), also watched them bring POINT' OF CAR INDUSTRY | ~ there He will a,sume his new du-/ ...,m,,~¢,Oa~t~ m~
ltke yourself. Ourin salmon. Reported it wan a beau- Arthur J. Mell of Mell Chevrolet/ Pvt. Clarence A. Popenhagen, Army Specialist Five James ........ i tte~ ~- ............ ,i m,~=~=a,m, ~e'~n t of all 9 Outdoor Jobs |
are as low as we tiful up there. • Company in Shelton will this week| son of Mr. and Mzs. Clarence R. Armagost, 24, son of Mr.. and M' . I ' __--. ~ -'" _--~l I
elll, because we're Gil and Joyce Duppman took a complete a comprehensive auto|Popenhagen, Shelton, completed a Loran W. Armagost, Shelton, par-]_ .~ml~ ~L ~:~- " - " ~;1~....... ~ -/ Ill ! HuskyStPengine /
)refit. flying trip to Redding, Calif., to dealership executives course a.t| six-week lineman course at the ticipated in a field training exer- | i ,/ ~ I Power Disc Transmissl~" 1
bUSiness for only pick up daughter Shirley. the industry's unique educa~:ional| Army Southeastern Signal School, cise in Germany, ending Aug..24. | I -- -- I! ...... ~--"T-~ • Impulse Starter /
' Biz Wheel Traction1
to help you and Bev Stock of Auburn visited institute in Detroit. | Fort" Gordon, Ga., Aug. 13. Specialist Armagost nnderwent t l Lnwr v I/ 0.. ~,,c~0,,,.~ n
Doris Stock and had Sunday din-Mell is one of 36 executives| During" the course Popenhagen extensive training in all types of ~ I ~" "" I/ ,m is TH! .~m~vet TO YOU~ IN. Gillie Steering Bushinp~ /
eredit union mem- ner at Potnodcs of Treacure Is-~rom throughout the United States| received~instruction in the mainte- tactical range firing during the[I " i| ~gP~g~$K~tJ~N$~e~ Free-Wheelparkin~ |
who will graduate from the Fifth n nce d c
land. ' ' L a and repair of lea overed day aud night exercises, i l! ..,,....~, 1D'....~ li MODERN WAYI JUST PlUG JUNIOI~ TWO Salety Braker /
" " |abe, p ,ea m-~'. ......... i^-e~, as a clerk,= ~U.|~[] w =.L(~L||U~ I/ INIO t 10V. $OeK~ AN0 ENJOY I1~ ~{}~[~ ~r;~ ] a member, HAZEL AND VIC Rasonaii Dealer-Executive Formn held at c 1 s o en w'r nd field co r¢cgtnar~y a~ ~;'~ u -,, --
• [ mun .................. yp .,[I II OPERATION OF IHI$ LITTLe ~RVeL
a.rt-owner of the made a trip to the ocean last Chevrolet's School of Merchandis- ~..+.,.... 1 ; ~ ~ ~ 1 J 1 CAREFREE, AUTOMATIC, :14 HOUI~ ,lr|l~ [ t
;ng and Management m the znotorl ........... t |st in Headquarters Company
week. .. n me zu-year-mo smmer encerea 1st Battalion of the 3rd Armored|l II COMES COMPLeTI~ Well tU2P]# ,~e
do business with Martha and Gene Watson and c,ty: ..~- _^_ |the Army last March and received Division's 48th Infantry near Geln-|| jI[~HNNY,~ " --- ~,~ /
d Se t 3 concentrated on~°amc trainingat ~ort ,~eonarahausen, Germany, Armagost enter-]l ..... II
~on, you're oea- kids took Gene's brother, Ray, me intensive1u-say course,/. . .. .....
camping up to Dosewal!ips Satur- en ingp " " • ' 4 mviv~,#iv ~v~ Pel*ofFlee0
,,,~ ~-" : " " of o-elatin- a| WoodMe. He is a 1964 graduate ed the Army in November 1963 and/I MI|I IIP _ ~J~ |] ~l~an~d~RIdYl~rHov~
- us Who put yourday through Monday last week .... :.,2~t~.m22~2L Lo',LS,, ~ /of Montesano High ~chool. arrived overseas m July 196. tl It o st
THE RE(IINAI,D Engma:n~; muum'. ~u~umum~ .......... v. i ...... 205 Cots We Service What 1
Evergreen Drug Center
~ YOU -- that's have had a busy week company- * * * .......
DL's CORNER [ There are no eyes so sharp as[] Shelton, Wash. II we Sell |
. e for! wise. Tuesday Mr. and Mrs. Her- the eyes of hatred. [I • - ........ Phone 426-4602 |
man Engman of Great Falls, The long three-day Labor Day| --George Stillman Hillard'| , , I i II ..... =
Paying 4.8O/o` Mont., whom they haven't seen weekend is over and'Mason Court-|
for a lengthy time, visited. Ly was able to maintain a death|
4th Street Thursday through Sunday Reg- free holiday on its highways. ThatJ
s a staten~ent not many places|
gie's parents of Saginaw, Minn., .'an make . . . Jim Pessimier,~
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Engman, Monk manager of MILLER'S DEI~T..
rellidents of Mason with his sister, Mrs. Jerry Castor STORE, announces his big Septem- i
and two kids of Florida, stopped ber Coat Event, continuing through ]
~ees the 26th. Many good buys for t.hel
zn Last but not least, Mr. and Mrs.
Howard Rohner of Puyallup spent
Saturday and Sunday, Jackie Eng-
man's cousin•
Alice and Bob Baker were up
from' McCleary visiting his folks,
it~ l!t6]li/nd Bakers.
'Clean-up party underway this
next weekend on Grange Hall. Any
help welcome, just bring hammer
and nail puller.
The Frank Whites have moved
bark in town.
Phone 426-4522
women on this sale . . . Chuck'
Krogh, salesman in MILLER'S '
SHOE DEPT., is moving to Brem-
erton the end of this week. We are
sorry to see Chuck leave, but wish
him" lots of luck . . . Rod Olsen,
owner-manager of OLSEN FUR-
NITURE, has a big buy this week.
It's on dinette sets so if you're in
the market for one, you better stop
by . . . George and Wihna Cooke,
owners of COOKE'S FEED &]
HARDWARE, have some good
buys on most of Scott's products
for your lawn . . . Bob Wolden,
down at JIM PAULEY'S INC., has
some new 1965 cars left . . . Jack
Kimbel of KIMBI!~L MOTORS still
has some 1965 models arotmd . . .
Which says of all dealers, whether
it be Ford, Mercury, Plymouth,
Chrysler, etc., now is the time to
buy .... John Halvorsen, owner
minds us that he has musical in-
struments to rent for school . . .
Shelton SAFEWAY has a good
buy on rug shampoo . That's
--30-- for this week bu't remem-
ber, Your BEST BUY is in Shel-
ton so, SHOP AT HOME.
of Mr. and Mrs. Valdor M. Jack-
son, Shelton, is now serving with
the Army in Viet Nam. He is at-
tached to the 506th Quartermas-
ter Depot as a supply special-
ist. Since his graduation from
Shelton High School in 1959, he
has been employed in Portland
as a ma"¢hinist. His wife, Linda,
and daughter, Tracy, live in
Ron Anderson, noted for his
success a.s a Go-Cart race driver,
is now at Fort Dix, N.J., under-
training with the National Guard.
After that he is scheduled for
advanced tank training at Fort
Knox, Ky., for an additional four
I As his swan song to racing just
:before his Army responsibilities
:R6n won second place in the B It-
,mired class in Ed Johnson's racer
Plans Made For
Pre-School Olasses
Aug. 29. Ron is the son of Babe
Sessions for pre-school young- Anderson and Mrs. Claude Rick-
sters from three to five years of ards.
age are planned to open Oct 5.
Mrs. William Hend}~rson will be
the teacher for the classes to be
held in the Methodist church. A
mo]'ning session will be held from
10 a.m. to noon and an afternoon
session from 1-3 p.m. Classes are
planned three days, Tuesday, Wed-
nesday and Thursday each week.'
The class is not connected di-
rectly with the Shelton School
system, but, parents must be
members of the PTA in order to
dnroll their child in the claSSes.
Parents may enroll their child-
ren by calling 426-3465 or 426-
ca tgolng onvolopo
' '[
(Cottomedll NII~ |
Addresl. . i
City and stere) •
Ideol For
Savinga Accounts
Statements Past Duo Not[cee
• Personnel Inquiry
,,ur.tml ) Contract Paymontl Fund Driver
Mall Order Soiling t
Mag-Well Returnelol are available
_the following, colored papers: White
tnve|opo MMI-Well n llYlnl¢, Green and Goldea
Auturmt in G owtone Stock.
SP 5 Jim Stutevllle heads back
for a second crack at the Viet-
Cong late this month as a crew
chief aboard one of the U S Ar-
my's Chinook medium combat hel-
This is no surprise to the 1955
graduate of Shelton high school,
who is enjoying a furlough at the
home of his mother and stepfath-
er, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cox, be-
fore he embarks for the battle-
fields of Southeast Asia.
When he returned from a year's
to~r of duty there late in 1962 lt~
thought probably hc would have
to go back if the situation got
worse. It sure did.
At that time he came home
with shrapnel in his right arm as
the result of amt~u'sh in the Me-
kong Delta area in which several
of the troops his 'copter was car-
rying were Mlled. The shrapnel is
still in his arm but not bothering
him. The wound brought him the
Purple Heart. He was also award-
ed the Air Medal and the Bronze
In the interim Stuteville i~as
been in training at Fort Benning,
Ga. He returns to Viet Nam with
the 147th AVN Company. He has
eight years of active duty in the
Arnty behind him now, plus cred-
it for rite ye~r~ In the National
C]uard and reserve prio.r to tfl~
ratty into active duty.
Merc. Montcl'r
4 dr. Breezway, Lt. Tur-
quoise, 390 cu. In. 250 HP
engine, Multi - Drive -Mer-
comatic, C o u r t e s y light
group, 815 x 15 4 pr. White
Side Walls, Power Brakes,
Power Steering~ Radio and
rear seat speaker, Retract-
able S e a t belts, Padded
dash, Windshield washers &
Visibility group.
Was $3861.74 NOW
Galaxie LTD
4 dr., Hard-top, Ivy Green,
352 cu. In. 250 HP engine,
Crulse-o-matlc transmission,
Vinyl covered roof, 775 x 15
White Side Walls, Power
Steering, Power Brakes, Ra-
dio, Deluxe SeatBelts, Tint-
ed Windshield, Padded dash
and Visibility group.
Was $3893.93 NOW
Galaxle XL
2 dr. Hard-top, Burgundy,
390 cu. In. 300 HP engine,
Crulse-o-matic transmission,
Vinyl covered roof, Courte-
sy light group, Power steer-
ing, Power brakes, 735 x t5
White side walls, Radio and
rear seat speaker, Deluxe
seat belts, Tinted wind-
shield, Padded dash and vis-
ibility group.
Was $3950.20 NOW
Galaxie SO0
4 dr. Sedan, Lt. Blue, 352
cu. in. 250 HP engine,
Cruise-o-matic transmission,
Courtesy light group, 735 x
15 White side walls, Decor
group, Power steering, Pow-
er brakes, Radio and rear
seat speaker, tinted wind-
shield, padded dash and vis-
ibility group.
Was $3578.75 NOW
Galaxle SO0
4 dr. sedan, black, 352 cu.
in. 250 HP engine, Cruise-o-
matic transmission, Courte-
sy light group, 735x15 White
side walls, Decor group,
Power steering, Radio and
rear seat speaker, Tinted
windshield, padded dash and
Visibility group.
Was $3535.55 NOW
Country Sedan
Station Wagon 4 dr., Yel-
low, 289 cu. in. 200 HP en-
gine, Cruise-o-matlc trans-
mlsslon, Power steering, Ra-
diO, Tinted Windshield, 2
speed w I p e r s, windshield
washers, padded dash and
back-up lights.
Was $3467.85 NOW
Country Sedan
Station Wagon, 4 dr., White,
tric ' tai Power
steering, Radio, and Wheel
Was $3603.70 NOW
Country Sedan
Station Wagon 4 dr, Red,
289 cu. in. 200 HP engine,
Cruise.o-matiC transmission,
Courtesy light group, 815 x
15 White Side Walls, Power
Steering, Radio and Visibil-
ity group.
Was $3495.18 NOW
Gaiaxie SO0
2-door Hardtop, Lt. Tan
6-cyl. engine, Cruise-o-Mat-
ic t r a n s m i ssion, 7:35x15
White side walls, Decor
Trim Group, Power Steer-
ing, Radio, Padded Dash
and Visibility group.
Was $3200.04 NOW
Galaxle LTD
2-door Hardtop, Dark Green
wallS, I, Ra-
dlO & Padded Dash.
Was $3554.02 NOW
Country Sedan
Station Wagon, 4-door,
Dark Blue, 352 Cu. In. 250
H.P. Engine, Cruise-o-Matic
transmission, Courtesy
Lamp group, 8:15x15 White
Side walls, Electric tailgate,
window, Power Steering,
Radio, Tinted windshield, 2-
Speed Wiper, Windshield
Washers, Padded Dash &
Wheel Covers.
Was $3662.67 NOW
Mere. Montry.
Blue 4-Door Sedan, 390 Cu.
in. 266 H.P. Engine, Multi-
I~rive Merc-o-Matic, Cour-
tesy Lamp group, Electric
Clock, 8:15x15 White side
walls, Decor group, Power
Steering, Radio, Deluxe Seat
BeltS, Tinted Windshield, In-
2 dr. Hardtop, Lt. Beige, 390
cu. in. 300 HP engine, Pow-
er Brakes, Power Steering,
Cruise-o-matic transmission,
Padded Dash, Wheel Covers,
Safety Convenience Control
Panel, 8:15 x 15 White Side
Walls and Red Band Tires,
Radio and Rear Seat Speak-
er, Tinted Glass and Fender
Was $4863.50 NOW
Fairlane 500 Cp.
2-Door Hardtop, 289 cu. in.
200 HP engine, B u c k e t
Seats, Cruise-o-matic trans-
mission, 6:95 x 14 White
Side Walls, Power Steering,
Radio, Tinted Windshield,
Padded Dash and Visibility
Was $3165.77 NOW
Merc. Montry.
¢ dr. Sedan, Ocean Tur-
quoise, 3g0 cu. In. 250 HP
engine, Multi.Drive Merc-
o-Matic, Courtesy Lt. Group,
8:15 x 15 White Side Walls,
Decor group, Power Steer-
Ing, Radio, Deluxe Seat
Belts, Tinted Windshield, In-
ternal Selector Wipers,
Windshield Washers, Padded
Dash, Visibility group and
Deluxe Wheel CoverS.
Was $3571.23 NOW
Bill Johnson
Dick Robinson
terval Selector Wipe 's,
Windshield Washers, Padded
Dash & Visibility group.
Was $3638.36 NOW
Allan Einarsson
Bob Wolden
F-250 Green & White
F-100 Turquoise
Econoline Van
Sth & Railroad
426-8 .3[