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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
September 9, 1965     Shelton Mason County Journal
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September 9, 1965
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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ii:L , 9, 1 ,%5 q --MA ON COT3Nq 30U'RNAL- Published in tt hr fmasCown, U,g.A."., helton, Washington PAGE 15 ::~ .. ...: +~:'i;'¸ .Sv.i,~ ":iiii:!: %ii: IHI'S BAKERY ........ ea. Cake of the Week PINK CHAMPAGNE Phone 426-3179 loaf Delicia Gal 2 Gal. Tub GOLD MEDAL The Preferred Brand 25 lb. Bag $1.98 10 LB. BAG I-ICED ...... 3 pkgs. $1 ES..... 39 Or MIX..... 29 It. roll • • . . • .19 ~Pread or - Reg. Tin • • • • • 35 t, Jar • = • • • • ~)9 MAXWELL HOUSE LBo' 2 LB. • 3 LB, Shop-Rite 3 LB. JAR ;N RIPE FRUIT. POUND CRISP'N CRUNCHY .............................. CELLO PKG. EXTRA FANCY .................................... LB. DAISY FRESH ................................................ STALK RATH'S BLACKHAWK ... REGULAR OR THICK SLICED. FAMOUS FOR REAL BACON FLAVOR. POUND HENRY HOUSE .......................................................................... POUND AA FRESH DOZ. POLAR FROZEN HORMEL .......................................... 12 OZ. TIN BIRDSEYE FROZEN BREAKFAST DRINK ........ • 9OZ. TINS lOOZ. PKGS. "KELLOGG'S 12 OZ. BOX SHOP- 22 RITE OZ. IUICK OR REG. - LARGE BOX BUMBLE BEE FANCY ½ TINS HERSHEY REG. 5c. 10 for NO. 2 TINS \ ZEE GIANT ROLLS NESTLE'S ................ 1-LB. BOX'. STRAWBERRY BERRYLAND .................... 40 OZ, JAR FLEISCHMANN CORN OIL .................... POUND M.D. QUALITY 60COUNT PKG. VNF U.S. CHOICE BEEF SALE VNF MEATS ARE STRICTLY U.S. CHOICE QUALITY . . . WELL-TRIMMED... AND AT LOW SHOP-RITE PRICES. VNF U.S. CHOICE BEEF. CENTER CUTS FROM THE HEART OF THE CHUCK, POUND Lean - Fresh - PURE POUND BONELESS "CHOICE" VNF ................................ POUND BLADE CUTS... VNF U.S. CHOICE BEEF... ALWAYS A FA"VORITE! LB. We Guarantee Everything -- Even Our Smile. PRICES EFFECTIVE SEPTEMBER 9-10 & 11. LIMIT RIGHTS New Hours 9 - 9 Men. thru Sat. -- Sun. 10 - 7 Lost Lake Area Youngsters Celebrate Birthdays BY MARGIE BARIEKMAN LOST LAKE ..... It seems like August was a time for Birthday's on'the Lost Lake Road. :Miss Linda C o c h r a n was 10 years old Aug. 30, and invited Mrs. Ruth Belling and Robin Tibbits to help her celebrate it at a dinner party in the home of her p:u'ents, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Cochran. Earlier in the day she and two other children, Allan Saeger and Susan Freeman were guests at a birthday party it] the home of Mr. ::Lnd Mrs. Don Saeger given by Bey Saeger and Miss Roniea Allan was celebrating llis 8th )irthday and Susan was celebr'tt- ing her 7th which was Aug. 29. Nits had made a cake cut into the shape o'f three ymmgsters, holding hands and then Bey Sae- get. frosted and decorated it in a very colorful way. Guests at the party were Scott and Becky Burwell, Lorrie and Kathy Wivell, Debbie Coleman, Merle and Craig Bariekman, Robin Tihbits, Teresa, iicky, Ronnie, Julie, Ka~x~n Freeman, Matthew Saeger, Rusty, Debbie, Cindy and Mike Bariekman. They all had a. real nice time playing games, dancing to records and then getting to pop the be- loons hung from the ceiling fill- ed with confetti. And of course getting to eat the refreshments. Mrs. CMchran, tells me that her son, Darrel, who is in the Air Force in Okinawa Just made Air- man 1st Class. He will be going to a school at Goodfellow Air Force Base which is at San An- gels, Texas, starting Oct. 29. Mr. and Mrs. :Bill Wivell, be- came the parents of a baby boy Aug. 25. He was named Charlefl Henry after his great-grandfsgh- er and is the 5th generation to live on the Wivell famn. The little guy weighed 8 lbs. 12 ozs. and was 22 inches long. The John Bariekman's took two of their grandson's; Craig and Mike and went with the "Idiots Trailer Club", up to Mr. Adams and camped. They went the first day and gathered Huckleberries, but the second day Alice stayed at camp and made the pies. That was easier she said. John and the grandson's gathered wood and art night everyone sat around a big camp fire. One couple Mr. and Mrs. Ira Stan~;berry, played the accordion a.nd the guitar so they all had good music and sang, told stories on each other so they had lots of entertainment. The other people attending were, Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Todd, Mr. and Mrs. Cab Rains n,nd son Clyde, ~t friend Danny Sewell, Mr. and Mrs. ten Coles, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Simmon's, Mr. and Mrs. Millet', Mr. and Mrs. Johnson and daughter Sherry, Mr. and Mrs. Kinging's. Labor Day, they surprised Alice and the Rain's boy, ~Clyde with a big birthday cake and ice cream, besides a big potluck dinner. The Darickman's will remember thei~ first trip with the "Idiots Club" for :),ears to come. THE OVERNIGHT ride at Bud Evelth's place Aug. 28, was at- tended by Mr. and Mrs. George Magnett and daughter, Georgia, Jeanne Cole, Ralph Bariekman and children Cindy and Mike, Bob Snyder, Jim Simpson's and the Suzy twin girls. They had a real nice day Sunday for the 15 mile ride through some beautiful coun- try, so they tell me. ; Ralph, said that Mr. and Mrs. i Bill Walks are the owners of a new Jeep pick-up. I bet they are sure enjoying riding around in that. Mrs. Jewell Huss, Mrs. Pat Crow, Mrs. Lois LaBissoniere and Mrs. Irene Kelly all employee's of "Nell's Pharmacy", motored to Se- attle a few days ago to take in a gift show and dinner out compli- ments of Nell Evander. 4.H Club AI Southside Has Meeting Last Week By MRS. RAY KRATCHA ~UTHSIDE--Mill Creek What- Nots 4-H club members met at the home of Mrs. Ben Drake Wednes- day with a good turnout and 4-H members turned in their record books. Mrs. Drake served refresh- ments. 4-H members going to Yak- ima Fair to give demonstrations are Dorothy Gunter on crafts and Larry Anderson on his garden. First and Second Degrees of the Grange will be put on at the Agate Grange Sept. 10, all candidates in Mason County are urged to at- tend. Friendship Club will meet at the home of Florence Brumbangh Sept. 15. The last meeting was held at Esther Horton's Sept. 1. Busy Bells 4-H club members had their picnic last Tuesday on ;the Skokomish River. Members !went swimming and all had a good time. :Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Godding and family have purchased the Mr. and Mrs. Ora Cool and family place. The Goddings have been busy getting moved in. MR. AND MRS. Fred Stuck were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Russel Stuck and relatives Satur- day at a get-together. Southside Eagles 4-H club mem- bers met Sept. 2 at the home of Mrs. Catherine Bracy. Members talked about buying a 4-H cabin at camp and members decided what their 4-H projects are going to be. The meeting was adjourned by Mrs. Bracy. Picnicking at Lrpper Cushman Recreation Park Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stuck, MY. and Mrs. Russell Stuck, Mr. and Mrs. Merle Holloway, :Mr. Vernon Stuck and Mr. and Mrs. John Miller and faro- ily of Roseburg, Ore. Mr. Merle Holloway ca, u~ht around a nine pound Dolly Varden trout while there.