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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
September 9, 1965     Shelton Mason County Journal
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September 9, 1965
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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PAGE ]4 SHELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL--Published in ttChristmasfown, U.S.A.", Shelton, Washington Thursday, ...... For Sale For Sale Sporting.._Goods I Use_.. d Car..._ s Used Oars For Rent Real Estate m m -- - ii i ..... BRAND NEW Polaroid color pack FOR SA~,-E~d b'~.' 1964 SCOUT -- Four-wheel drive, full lc SALE -- '62 Renault, good condition, HOUSEKEE~ A'PT'~----- One and COMFORTABLE 2 bedroom Anglemde WILL SELL up BALDWIN SPINET piano, $695; Slot- cameras. Fully automatic from $54.95. ey ,and Clark spinet piano, $695;Ziegler's Camera Shop, 124 N. 2nd. 1963 Pointer super lassie 90-cc I)oti~I cab,.^ra~o, top rack. Phone 426-4128 brand new tires, $899 plus 1 centtwo rooms. Dishes, linens, utilities borne, nice yard, garage, wood-sired, bank wateI rot Thomas two-keyboard organ, $495. Z 7/1 tin in very good condition. 426-3035 eve- [ or 4~-~zuz. ±uc l/so un supplied. 426-2081. B 5/27 tin Owner moving, will sacrifice. 426-4710 Phone 426-6034. Shernmn and Clay, 205 West 5th,~ nings. A 9/2-16 19-56-CI-iEV:'2~dt~p~-, 6--cyiixl-der, buys clean '60 Renault with goodFoR-l~ENT--_.~--ijlT{u¥~ni~,~-~-~-b%-~_ after noon daily. P 7/22 tin Olympia, Phone 352-3791. S 7/1 tin ft. rope, Bath tub. Vine grapejuice F-OR SALE--~-----1965-Honda-"'Trail 9", stick shift, $450. Radio, heater. Ph. body -- it runs, See at Journal. bedroom house across from golf lr()il--s:4LE--LI--T]-ITee-e--~~lroo~n-ho¥~, OWNER MUST S YbK-SXbE--~--S~Ver~goo---~5~-~ press, Lusin. Bt 2, Box 888, Agate low mileage, excellent condition. Call I - 426-6539" P 5/6 tinFOR sAWEd-1960 Vo~lkswagen~¢~od course. References required. Phone excellent condition, near school. Available July i 426-4000. B 8/26 tin stores and churches. Two lots, full ed price. 616 S~ freezers reconditioned and guaran- District. 8/5 tin 426-6036. 1V[ 9/2-16 J1951 FoRD--vT~l"a-fo-'r--~sale_'Ru-ns condition. Phone 877-5779. O 9/2-9NICE LIGHT-fi~:epl~ce--a])artment, -one basement. F.I=LA. appraised, By own- teed. Lem Warren Refrigeration, ~~t---~-~ 1-9~--TRIU-MP--H--TIGF, R--(~U]~ 200 eel good good tires $125. Phone 426- ' ' ' er. Phone 426-4791. F 7/29 tin 127 South Second. W 7/1 tin for a Merle Norma~ Cosmetic dem- good condition, phone 426-8595,I 8553. Inquire 517 Eliinor. B 9/2-9 bedroom, furnished. Inquire 7.~L8 H-0BXh2T-dA-BLE-up~pri~o.-dooh onstration. Elaines phone 426-45~9. __ ....... L ...... __~La_ 9/2.91- FOR SALE OR TRADE -- '52 Dodge North Sixth St. D 8/26 tin AT-UNION overlooking Hood Canal -- FOR SALE -- condition. Sacrifice $150. Phone 426- E $/4 tin~ 4-door or '45 G,M.C. pickup. Make dar Street. Ma 2686. W 8/26 9/2-9 B-L--U--E-]3~]-R--R-i]~-S~26c-ib.-~4" lbs~.- In: 17 FT. MANSFIELD cruiser with 40 , good work cars. Phone 426-3689 eve- RO~-(~R--i~-]~N--T~wn--are~, 3 or 4 bedroom ,muse. Large living b.p. Johnson outboard, dual controls, t Wanted nings. N 9/2 tin Call before noon or after 6 p.m. room and kitchen, fireplace, garage 3361. i~LECTR---O-L'l.T-X~-.'-servlee"~d cludingtax $3.50, l~& miles off Phone 426-3105. T 8/26 tin I~ 426-8115. L 8/26 9/9 and workshop. $5,750. Terms. Call Supplies. John Rice. Phone 4~6-61(}8. freewayon Steamboat Island Rd. C"~PE---R"-~~0~ [ WANTED -- Cedar logs. Versapanel, oNE--195-5--JEE-P---W~GON:--~me--'59 THREE-R~JvI----up-~s---aPartment~ Bill Pearson 426-2471.P 7/15 tin FORbedroom.SALE --oneRe after 5:00 p.m. Demonstrations. 352-8031, Eberhardt Blueberry Nur- Jeep pickup, one '59 Plymouth wag- suitable for single, quiet person. -----~----- 1-bedroom ho~ ~t z/7 tinseries, 8/5 tin Railroad Ave. or call 426-2114.] Port of Shelton Industrial Park, E 8/12 tfn] John's Prairie. Phone 426-6426.on. Cooke's 219 So. let. 426-2412. 528~ Franl¢lin St, Call 426-8113. close to school "'U~ttL=S'£M.P~T~w,. U.EL~" rubber WESTING~"OUSE-s~~w-~I~-~ ~] J2/Z8ffn 9/2tin B7/Ztfn .,un--v--reux-Uu/Je/ =~°~"~= stamps for sale at the Journal, $1.2~ and dryer for sale, $125. Phone ., each. 227 West Cote. 12/1 tfn 426-8347. R 9/2-9 426-3521 after 5 p.m. M 8/26 tfn [ ~TI~---~---'~--~ ~t-Tex- ~-b B-OA-TS-~-M-O-TORS, TRAI/.~I~-~qu-I-p~ | house trailers, boats, etc. Phoneace station. O 6/24 tfn House anytime. For information call TWO BEDRO0~ ll[OU CAN PUMP more water and ~LE or trade for mos-t'Tan~;thing ment at WaiFs Marine Sup'ply. on[ 426-432~. Inquire 1202 Cots SL1~ 426-3959 or 426-PA06. M 6/18 tfn Real Estate Avenue. Large longer with Fairbank~ Morse primps, that doesn't eat, One check protect- beautiful Hood Canal. Phone Hnodm- ] R 419 tfn ---- clmn. Good loc~ See them at Shelt0n Electric Co.,or, $22.50. Very good condition. Ph. speed, very good motor. Phone 426. F-O~t--REN-~?~Co~npletely f~rn~ and school. So 4:19 Railroad. 2/16 tfn 426-2451. Mc 9/2-16 volt TR 7-6244. 1/19 ~ ] M----0-TI~ER W----W-~-L~D--O---B~t2278. M 4/29 tfn attractive clean, quiet three room buy at $6,950. H-O-M-EMA-D~ CANDIES hy AL PeanutFOR SALE~arpau~ LI-TCVENSED' equipped 40 ft. Charter [ my home. Fenced yard. 339 East boat. Radio, depth finder. Moored[ Harvard. Phone 426-4612. W 6/17 tfn P-~~fo~s-al-~or apartmcnt, built-in oven and range. Convenient location, $70. Phone 4")6- CALL 426-8544 ANYTIME FO----R--S-A--L~E -----'--~ brittle, a specialty. Many others14x20 ft. Small patch $17.50. 426-2451. at Westport, $3,500 cash. Phone 426- ] WA-N-TE-I~)~--ne](l-~ly---wo-man--t-o trade. Terms. 426-4752, S 8/19 tin4000. W 8/5 tin available. Order hOWl Phone 426- Me 9/2-16 8405 H 5/27 tin care f r Wall-to-wall ca ............. [ o a semi-invalid woman in 8267. E 5/20 tfn ~v~--E~---~-(~~ 1965 RA/NIER travel trailers and Sky* [ my home. Phone 426-8330. D 8/5 tfn ~ FOR RENT -- Unfurnished two /)ed- GRASS ACREAGE, CREEK. Mt. View area MAGNAVOX color television. Three Johnson Farm, Skokomish Valley. lark horse trailers on sale now at |~-i:IO~I--SERVI~E---~---LT~t~V-~,;-~-~- dition. Two-wheel trailer. 8 ft. long, room modern, new apartments on down paynmnt. months old. Console model. Phone Phone 426-8974. J 9/2-9 Shelton Union Service Station, 882 ] ing back filling" sewage=s~'s~ems4 ft. wide. 3 ft. high. Good condi- Mt. View. Wall-to-wall carpeting,Excellent building site; 1~ 8877. ~_ 426-8078. S 6/17 tin~-O-I~-SA~LE--~U-W~-d~r-d--~. So. let 8t. R 10/16 tin I Reasonable rates.'Dletz Kadoun,r ph: tlon. Phone 426-3766. V 9/9-23 draperies, laundry facilities, appli- miles to new W.C. Center. 3 K GoOD--HO]YI~ U [D AITLIAIIuR Als° 14 ft. glass boat. 18 h.p. Evin- ~~'~'I 426-68,93. 7/_22 tin ~l~h-one- ances, private parking and private acre tract $1,200. with $240. ket on HillcreSl locked storage space. Heated swim- and small for sale. Herb's Secondrude and trailer. Elmer Julian, Agate scopes and reloading. Dean's Gun WANT T~ ~TTV ~ ,~.~. n~......o 426-2518. P 9/9-16 ruing pool. $99.50 month. Contactdown, 7.5 acres $3,000. with bedrooms plus Hand Store, 426-3532 or Union 898-District. J 9/2-9 ........... ~ ............. basement. Call Shop, Union Wash Phone 898 2188 18 e 2457; H 6/10 tin , , ~. ~=,~' ..:c p r pound. Phone 426-2270. In- F"OR--SAI~F~rd~--R~& H, manager. Phone 426-3100. Ell/26 tin $600. down. 8,7 acres $3,480 28 F~: NASHUA TRAILEH h-o-~-~, like ~ - ~ oj.~_t~-quire 633 Arcadia. A 9/2-9 W, W. tires, new generator, clean ~U-SE~FO~I~-E~TT~h~w~ with $696 down -- Payments to ~(~ME-~i~C( new, $1800. Phone 877-5312, Hoods- SADDLE FOR SALE--- Good condition--. ........................ .tKfl Phon~ 426-228~ after 6 n mWANTED -- Alder saw-logs, top prlc-runs good, $250. 426-8920. B 9/9 tin location, clean, dry storage, Phone suit you. drilled well, .... port,) S 6/17 tin ~" ........ ~7/'.q tin es paid Any length Phone days 426-8211. L 3/4 tfu bedrooms C 7/29 tfn Chehalis" 748-3800, evenings 7~8-3530. ~oxn~ NEW LISTING FOR SALE -- Used stem, plates, pspe, 426-3443• pulleys and shafts. All types sal- RECONDITIONED--ALL SOLD VOLKSWAGEN CAMPER, completely C 2/11 tfn unfurnished, garage, yard. Call La- rage. Shelton Junk Co., Flint and e uipped water ice box, etc $1395. Bissoniere Agency, 426-4666 or 426. 115' WATERFRONT. Hood I~EDUCED eg~ ' ' ' - - 1HELP WANTED -- Shelton Mobile 4886. D 3/S9 tfn Canal Lilliwaup area, Tidelands • Mill, phone 4~-81~8. 9]8 tfnWITH A WRITTEN WARRANTY ~'none 426 4123 J ~/9 6 two - . " Homes expanding work force, Need E-D-C~]~WOOD APTS. --- Two bedro-~m and valuable oyster land. 3 bed- ished, ffOR ~t~ -- Large sel~Uon oI re- I thly. e~ondltioned range~, refrigerators, Refrigerators ~. ........................... .~.ora people with following experience: furnished. Large rooms, lots of clos- room home, elevated location, erhouse, • ~.~v,? .... ~^'~" ~%u "~'.~,'.z ~..~.~.~=~ I ~heet metal welding carpentry eta. Clean and neat, $55 per month. washers, d~ers. Bells & Valley Ap- ~_~ao ' ~.a ~mr. ~r a/~ ] cabinetry, plumbing, nmterial hand- '63 Falcon Sedan 1,000' deep. Productive garden 426-6953. plianee Center. 815 tenHotpoint Refrigerators with cross motors ~o/o u.. v~.'.~ o ~vu.'~,-~ ' ' ' References required. Phone 426-8534 .... ~_.~?~ .... u-~xw, "---~'-~ [ ling, stockroom and electrical work. " S 3/18 tin site. Oyster harvest pays your -- D'-0N;T--S-EL~L--i~~h-~- top freezers -- late models --- ~'o~ ~ALE -- 10xl3 tent with bag anu ] Apply at office, main hangar, Shel- '63 Country Sedan stery cleaned by Cleaning Services both left & right hand doors pole uag. Floored. $~u. useu very t ton Airport 9/2 tin F().R RENT 7.- ~~e-b'edroo/n taxes, fire insurance. Commer- e A little, Phone 426-3484. K 9/2-9~ --: ..... "~' .... ,muse. ~atu, utility, carport, $60 cial potential. $17,950. Terms Company, phone 426-4876 or 426-8188.1/7 t.fn Philco refrigerator-freezer corn- . .... [PART-TIME office worker wanted or'63 Volkswagen Bus per month. No extras. See to ap-arranged. ~~H'~ bination--freezer on the bottom o_,ino | salary and commission, Write Box preciate. Phone 426-3791. M 8/12-19-26 DRENCHED IN best seller, your best buy. DeTray's --auto. defrost refrigerator ,, ~J~az ~ ~.~a* ~ I A, c/o Tbe Journal. 9/2 tf~ '63 Ford, V8, Stick ~--~H-~-----~---D--~ NEW LISTING Here's a mary Mobile Homes, 1617 Pones Road, Olympia. Phone 952-2907. D 10,/16 tfn Frigidaire family size refrigerator BERGESON PAINTING and decorat-[TYPING AND OFFICE WORK wanted. '62 Falcon Wagon one bedroom apartments, two blocks OVER 110' WATERFRONT home on 251 fe w/cross top freezer. Priced to ing free estimates. Financing avail-[ Will work part-time or short hours, from bank, shopping center. Appll- Approx. 2 acres, close in. Love- sandy beach in ~RY OUR CATALOG SEI.tVZCE -- sell. able on approved credit. 426-6331. I Experienced. Phone 426-2552. ances, heat, hot water, garbage ser- ly 3 bedroom home like new. The main house Many thousands of items to choose B 6/24 tinI C 9/9 tin '61 Chevrolet Monza tubs,Vice furnished.showers. AmpleTlledstorage.Sinks' Quiet,bath" Massive fireplace, 2 baths,2 cathedral c elll from. Large de,counts. We pa~ Frigidaire pink apt. size refer. -- ~~1 ~ '60 Ford Galaxie V8, At. clean, attractive surroundings. Also patios, 3 car garage. This show fireplace and re~ fret~rht. Shelton Marine Supply. Hli~- late model, all ktnas ......................... tors cop r, salvage of • . h ne crest M 818 tt'n 21 Cu. Ft. Zero Queen, reach-in re- Shel'ton ~unk Co First and Mlllllocal offme. $1.25 per hour. P o bachelor units for single persons, place will sellfor $31,800. There's a cute ~e~==t. ~,~e A'~:'~ S 4/7 tin J 426-2575 Mr. Duey, Friday 10:00-12:00 '60 Ford Sedan electric kitchens, tiled showers, ex- ~0R S~.LE ~-~o-¥---AG~-6-fr0htend frigerator -- auto. defrost. . D~r©~u=. =-,u,~ ~.o ......... I only. K 9/9 house with 1 b( loader, 1953 G.M.C. short logger, haust fans, built-in dressing rooms. Terms, of course. Ready to work. Phone 426-2024. GE Refrigerator with cross ~op FURNACE (~r~]~kNING, rePalrtl~, In-[~ '60 Ford V8, At. Three laundry roonm, automatic wa- kitchen and Fi E 8/26 tin freezer --- Reasonable• stallatlons0 oil conversions. SheltoniMEN NEEDED -- No experience nee- shers, dryer. Abundance hot water OVER 200' WATERFRONT. The home !s nel ~--OR-S--~[,~E--~--Go~;d~-effcctive--and 3 Refrigerators in running condi- Sheet Metal Co., 821 So. Third. Dial [ essary to work with Sheiton division and heat. Good beds, of course! Beautiful 5 bedroom home on park like setting 426-4792. S 5/1 fin[ of large eastern eh:ctrical manufac- '59 Galaxie 2-dr. H.T., V-8, A.T.Lawton Apts,, 7th & Pine, Shown inexpensive advertising. Just call tion -- U-Haul -- $20.00 each ~I~(:~ PIANO SERVICE -- Tuner] turing comt)any. Products con..sisL by appointment. Phone 426-2121. approx. 20 acres, creek. Only 2 any owner prow The Journal, 426-4412.8/19 tin ~D----CHA'-~-R~, laun-drY Many, many others. Priced from and technician. "Regular Care Pre-I of power teem, cnermcm suppims, '5g Ford H,T. L 12/10 tin miles from ShelLon. A palatialone if you enjo) tray, G.E. range, 8 it. plastic boat, $35.00 up. All guaranteed: vents Costly Repair . Call Olympia[ maintenance equipment, vacuums, S~I~_-LL---IJNFUR~IISHED~-Im{]se~"-f~: property worth much more than =n life. $39,500 ' 426-8789, C 8/26 9/9 943-97:1~ or 857-6622, or Shelton 426-[ floor machines and more. We will '58 T-Bird rent on Oyster Bay, $30. Phone 426- $38,200. Terms arranged. Freezers r 8207. G 3/12 fin[train those men selected by an un- 2342. B 8/12 tin able. ~--AR~mi-i-K~l biased scientific aptitude test. Those '58 Ford Custom 6 cyl, ~.. ~^. ,... v~..~.~. ~ ..... D=ll I hired must be available to start work FOR RENT -- Traitor space close to 3 BEDROOM HOME. Off Ar- SUMMER TRAC i for selling only 40 bottles. Watkins Coldspot Upright Freezer -- 12 ]~',~',~$'~"=~%a~¢~'~ ....... ="~b ~'¢,~ [ lmmcdiately. $600 salary. Profit downtown. Call 426-4426. M 10/8 tin cadia Road, close in. Large liv- Don't wait till ne [l-oz, Vanilla, 40 cans Watkins 8-oz. CU. ft. Late model. ~.~-~,~ v, ~v-o.oo. ~ I simrlng, bonus plan, commission plan '56 Ford Wagon Cinnamon and 40 cans Watkins 8-oz. WARM ROOlV[ Food Lockers fer room with fireplace, w/w now and have you i pe, pper. For details write Box C, c/o Frigidaire Upright Freezer-- 12~ LET'S MAKE a date to Oecorate. ForI with high immediate earnings. Phone expert paintl~41; an d..wall J~apering, I Mr. busy, personnel Mgr. at 426-2575, '52 Chevrolet 2-dr. Sedan Le~nke's Service (Dayton Crossroads) carpet. Garage, shop. Oversize next season. Her! Shelton Journal or pllone Bremerton CU. ft. e~lM~enne~t vamung ~omo~.j~] Friday morning, Sept. 1O, between phone 426-6779. 6/3 tin lot. An excellent buy for $8,- 60 foot lot- 200 T ES 7-5661. 8/26 9/16 Both freezer, have 90 day war- ~a--- ........ .I 10:00 and 12:00 only. 9/9 TRUCKS FOR RENT--Two bedroom, modern 000. FHA $400. down includes ular Lake NahWat i ~i~E~-T---KU~~ ranty. PREES TOPPED trimmed, removed. I ............ ! equity of $1500 light if cleaucd with Blue Lustre. 4828. 2n3 Un[t an ] OU l'ass lne Lake Nahwatzel, $65. Call 426-4033. Rent electric shampoocr $1. Coast- Rich-Plan Upright Freezer- 16 Larry's Tree Snrgeon ~rviee. 4~-|~ I)arlly furnished, ,,he mile west of closing costs. P 9/9 tin 2 BEDROOMS MT. VIEW. per month. -to-Ceast Store. 9/9 Cu. Ft. ~lX.PERT A1JTO GLASS matallaUon~[1. Age 28-45 '63 International Y2 Ton, 4 cyl. l~Cq~--Ri~NT-------.~l)()t]t~-Oct:- 15, the Quiet street, like cotintry. Lie- ON THE ISLAND • ~~;d]-on ~----~---ff-&--'W-R0ot 18 CU' Ft, Upright Freezer. Jim Pauley Ins. 501 Railroad Ave. lo ~,,v;.. vm,. h~m~ in Mason Beer to Melvin Swayzc, Route 3, Phone 4~-8~1. 4/~ tfl~ I "" -"~'"= ~ ...... " '63 Ford ~2 Ton, 4-Wh. Drive ~ i office now occupied by llinflic Realty ink room with fireplace. Sepa- 100 feet - 20 to 25 ~ Box 291 A, at Minor's A & W Drive- R~g~s ~RO---o~ING, biota ro~ wool tmmla-',l_ .County: . . , . . at 116 North 2nd. Contact Dr. Nor- ate dlnlnK. :Modern ki~c~., In on Mt. View, ......... 9/9 - :~ -.-~ ........ ; tion guaranteed. 1~. 426-6417. 6/20 fin[3. Have rote moael automonim. '62 Econoline ~Van vold. N 9/9-16 Lifetime shake roof. Att~t'~b~ a top location ¢ r ' .................................. . $ TRAILERS-HOUSE f0~7-z:ei~t, Plione ]~()R SALE--- Local wihi J'lower lionel. Ph-ilco 30~ Range w/push buttons '~NR--R--y~-flr~]4. Budget requires over $475 per '61 Dodge ~ Ton, 6 cyl. 426-3169. :B 8/19 tfugarage. Oversize lot, Like new. of the island. $- Call 426-8867. L. G. Sister, Route 2, --used less than 4 months, chimneys, planters, call R. E. ]~aaon. [ per month. $1000 down and Box 43A, Shelton. 9/9-23 Under glass broiling. _.~8-~/8. 8/1 Unl5" Have a successful sales back-'60 Ford Y2-ton Pickup FORapartment,RENT--L:-downtownFUrnishedarea. modernwater, $15,500. FHA $500. down. I the purchaser. : lJ-N-I)ERWOOD O~ Frigidaire 40', Range.- w/warm- HAVE GffN WILL, SPRAY! ]l~teHorl around in realestate or in- and ~teHor. Free eatimatu. Workl "r c '56 International ~-ton heat furnished. Adults. Inquire 119 130' ON SWIM CREEK. Edge ITHREE FARM~¢ Royal t)ortable typewriter, both good ing oven. In perfect operation.~tarenteed. Bennett Painting Co. I su an e. . .. E. Cedar St. Phone 426-4895, or 426- of town. 4 bedrooms. Large lie- (1) 7 acres in condition.' Hoodsport 877-5222, and G.E. 40" Range -- 30 day gust. Phone 498-8248. 5/10 tfa I If you can answer yes to tnese'55 Ford W-ton, V-8, A.T. 4481. 9/2 tining room, fireplace. Garage and 877-5275 evenings. S 9/9-16 G.E. 24" aip~. size range -- push C']~I~SHA PENING, speedy, ] questions, you owe it to yourself to shop. Garden spot. Range, not in flood areS. ~O"~ f-~vc--~a~ buttons, accurate preelston grinding. Now at/investioate the career onnortunitv '53 Ford ~2-ton Pickup Saeger Motor Shop. Hillcrest. Phone / .." ~ - IMMEDIATELY fridge, heater included. $10,300. 3 bedroom home FHA $350 down. car garage and old, in excellent condition, $95, Phone Maytag gas range -- w/chrome 426-4602. 1115 tin we OTTer. 426-2651. ~ 9/9-16 burners. S.~ND SL.ND GRAVEL. top soil. peat The last two Mason County men AVAILABLE you know the ~~ ~~ soil, custom tractor work. Johns hired averaged $7,400 their first Our Business is Good. lent. This Is a finish Will sacrif~,~c t(, re,able par- Dishwashers Creek Sand & Gravel Co., phone 426- year and have advanced to assume iy in,this ar~m to savc moving cx- 8552. 9/12 tin pense.' Aiso Eiectrh; Organ. Write 2 Built-In GE Dishwashers with DA---V-~-S ~U--~-DOZ~--L-~-~ ct~ other duties. Bill -- Bob -- Bu~--- Dick Kohler & Campbell Pianos, 395 12th wood fronts. SE, Salem, Ore., EM 3-5707, 1 Built-In GE Dishwasher with 9/9-i6 brushed chrome front. USED WESTIN(]I~IOUSE washer and (lryer. Good coudltion, $75. Phone 1 Hotpoint Sink-Disposer-Dish- 426-4224. D 9/2 tin washer combination. ing, road building, excavating, grad- FOR SALE -- Contour vibrating (:hair, $150, Practically new condition. Write Laundr Equipment Box C, c/o The Jourmll. 9/9 Dozens of Washers & Dryers to Tot31~- sXLE--6R -T--RA D--E-~-- B - f iat c[a-~- ~inet for best rifle, boat or outboard select from -- All Brands -- motor, etc. Phone 426-3734, Sold with a warranty. H 9/9-16 W0 also have a large selection of ~-KU:i;~[~ER--~E~UC~N~--~abic:- $100; many other used appliances -- Brand ncw! Phoue 426-3484. K 9/2-9 both domestic and commercial. 37 INCH HOTPOINT stove, $30. Wood All sold with a written warranty furnace and air ducts, $100. Light --- Clean & Reconditioned.. ing, terracing, leveling. Dave Dick, 426-4360. Shelton. D 4/15 tin BULLDOZING - EXCAVATING BACK HOE - DROTT LOADER DUMP TRUCK - FILL DIRT SEWAGE 8YSTEMB Pete Fassio 898-2452 Union, Wash. 6/24 tfn At the beautiful new LIST with Devereux-Hulder ening ~,nd for For confidential interview write to: 5th & Railroad 426-8231 r f0r fast action. We have the (2) Investors .s Personnel Director Buyers. Call us today, with nice stand ,P. O. Box 568 CallAnytime 426-8544 and rock frel Olympia, Washington north, end. 9/2-9/16 ings. $17',000, WANTE~ -- 1000 recappable Ures. OK Rubber Welders, Mt. View. 1/10 tf~ VHAT BETTER TIME than now to tune-up your sewing machine? In your home for only $3.75. Any make or model. Singer Sewlng Center. Ph. Olympia 357-7586. 4/1 tfn WINDOWS STREAKED? Too high to reach? Call Cleaning Services Co., phone~ 426-4376 or 426-8188. A Hard-to-Find One '55 FORD "T" BIRD Automatic, Hardtop Cent. Spare Tire Carrier Real Sharp finish dining table, six chairs, $100, 1/'~ tfn all good condition. Call 426-6312. • TERMS AVAILABLE • Prompt- Guaranteed ServiceLADY WANTS WORK of any kind. G 9/2-16 LEM WAI len--'-R'- Call ,28-4878 evenings. V ,/16 Un '60 Chev "6" Wagon FO'R SAL------E -- One--------~et-~of ~ WHEATLEY & KEARY . 917 S. 1st 426-4553 automatic washer, Westinghouse con- DISTRIBUTOR Radio --- Heater --- Automatio sole TV. 426-6035. M 9/2-16 ~'OR~SALE-~-32 ft.'li~-~e, tYailer~Go0d EFRII;ERATIO! WANTED '59 Rambler 4-dr. Sdn. condition. Phone 877-5505. S 9/2-9 , Wanted Heater--- 6 Cyl. -- Automatic SPECIAL -- ANTIQUE [ 2nd & Cots 426-2445 No Competition. To service and ADULT WILL baby-sit day or night set up new accounts in exclusive '57 Plym. 4-dr. Sdn. in your home or mine. Phone 426- territory. Investment secured by~ Radio --- Heater =- Automatic 4304. S 9/2 tin [[ FINISHINGN0w OnlyKITS'$2.95Reg" $3.95 I[ CARDMiSeeIIa~eOaSoF APPRECIATION 'C~~yard. References provided. Phone faSting plasticm°Ving coatinginVent°rYused°f onamaz'all '57 Pontiac 2-dr. Sdn. I Shelton Electric Co. [ The kindness and sympathy of 426-6632. N 9/2 tin types of surfaces interior dr ex- Radio --- Heater -- Automatio neighbors, friends, and the hospital W--'A-N'r-ED~y--l~bm~. terior. Eliminates waxing when 1.9 Railroad Ph. 426-6283 [ staff, in our recent sorrow will always Call mornings 426-8584. tI 9/2 tin applied to any type of floor. Elim- '56 Ford Ranch Wgn. remain with us as a precious memory. W--AI~TED---~ I~fil~~ffL~he_u~ inates all painting when applied to ~i Our sincere thanks and gratitude for all those comforting acts. an hour. :Phone 426-6420. L 11/12 tin wood, metal or concrete surfaces,Radio --- Heater --- Automatic Mrs. Herbert Nelson - "~I'NG at'my home Mininlum Investment ............ $500 ' 5 M,'. and Mrs. Bruce Nelson or yours. Day or night. 426-2594, 5 Olds 88 2-dr. H.T. and family H 6/17 tin Maximum Investment ...... $12,000 I All Types I Mr. and Mrs, William Metzgav ~ For details write or call: Radio -- Heater -- Automatio ana lamuy by mature mother. References. Ph. [ Buy-Sell-Trade 426-3552. Ag/26tfn U al K"se"ruc's | Evergreen Second Hand Store [ 15.startingFree Septeniberclasses old14students'and Septcmberclasses, HOME REPAZR WORK' carpentry. Penguin Plastics Corp. on same days. Interested new stu-cement and brick work, roofing. | 4 Mi, West on Dayton Road I dents call 426-3560,, W 9/9 Osborne GeneralContracting. Lilllan Wilson6/24 tfn 3411 North Lindbergh Blvd. • __ Phone 496-6241. O 4-1 thn St. Ann, Missouri 63074 '61 Intl. C-102 Pickup [ .... I Pets, Livestock ;IRONING DONJ~ -- g0C an .oUr, One .... ..... day service if desired. Call 426-4593. 8/12 - 9/23 6 Cyl. -- 3 Speed --- Radio -- BOB'S FIREWOOD CHAMPION SIRED BEAGLE puppies, L9/19 tfn Canopy -- Mirrors -- adorable coral)anions. Sbow or field Any Length dogs. Johnsou's, 426-3579, if 9/9-1~ Bumper -- Real Clean -- Has ALDER or FIR NEW UU~.~L.X ut tu,.~m-I --u ,,=,, Not Been Abused Phone 426-8122 AlSO greeting cards 0f all klnds, apiece. Call evenings, 426-4378. '64 Intl. Scout 80 4x4 V 3/I9 tfn Rt. 3, Box 258, Shelton 6/10 tin ..11 I iii iiiiiii i., i I Home Slaughtering Unit Cooling, cutting" Lemke'e 8ervioe 426-6779 Glenn L. Probst Olympia 352-2265 il/21 tfn BOOTH Construction & Lane House Moving LET US BOARD YOUR PETS while on vacation. Cats and small dogs, $1,00 per day. Dogs 10-35 pounds, $1.25. Over 35 pounds, $1.35. Indi- vidual runways. Mel-Ru Animal Ha- ven. 426-2387. N 6/10 tfn • Australian Terriers, A.K.C. Registered---Small, lively, g,ood companions. • Schipperkes, A.K.C. Registered---Cute little black fellows • One Adult Female Pekingese --Small Sable, Loveable $35 Australian Terriers, Basenji Kitchen Help, Maids, Waitresses / and Office Help I M M ED lATELY Please Apply in Person Long Top- Low Mileage Fully Equipped '60 Intl. -ton Pickup Rebuilt 6 Cyl. Eng. -- 3 Speed '60 GMC 9 Pass. Carryall 3 Speed- Radio-- Hcater '54 Intl. l-ton Cab & Chassis '53 Ford Pickup '50 GMC Pickup '49 Studs l -t. Fltbd. LOCAL F NANC NG W TH THE NATIONAL BANK OF MASON COUNAY St. Rt. 1, Box 34 A Phone 426-6~52 Union, Washington 9/9 tt 707 $. 1ST. 426-3433 it/~USES RAISED, FUNDA- TIONS & BULKHEADS Phone 426-8147 4/22 HOLIDAY HOUSE 1 bedroom garden court apartment. Sparkling new, carpets, drapes, Westinghouse appliances, off- street parking. Drive by 7th & Cedar Street. Just a few steps from complete shopping Sorry, No Petsl $89.50 per month. See THE MANAGER APT. NO. II 426-2549 ANDREW H U LD E R---426-6784 BOB BA R N ETT----426-4278 JOHN D EV ERE UX--426-8544 226 N. 1st St. -- SHELTON (3) Another it. Its setting a fertile town. some timber ground, comic and large will trade. Wants to ANNOUNCING the EASY BUY Make an 3 bedrooms~ basemen, t close to an offer on pl Mt. View ELWOOD MANOR now available • Unfurnished" • 2.bedroom • Wall-to-wall carpeting • Draperies • Laundry faollltles • Appliances • Private parking • Private Storage • 6wlmmlng Pool month Contact Manager, 426-3100 1/7-~n of Gerhard (Skip) N sss with 116 No. 2nd LOVELY VII Located abO~ Canal. This that in living appliances extra large view that a look. 3 bedroom, kitchen. tO schools, tract and terms. ANGLESID! Here is a bath home ing and 2 willing sale. Has ly $500 FAMILY ill GARDEN COURT APARTMENT In An Exclusively Residential Area ( Availa:ole August 10 -- Unfurnished Two Bedroom Apartment --- $90.00 me. RANGE, REFRIGERATOR, HEAT, HOT WATER & CITY SERVICES included in rent- al. Carports available at $5.00 me. 922 AVE.. APT. 4-- 426-6593 On is a large many att has set his investl month. Iookl IDEAL F( The yard located in dential bedrool'n, with with plen Is a all A| [ 126 EveS, oplii A. RoY