September 9, 1965 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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September 9, 1965 |
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i ..... . --.. ' .... - " - ................. " ...... " -: == ..... ..... ==:" " ' ..... Legal PUblieati0ns .... Legal' Publiea{[
Real Estate [ Legal Pubhcations L :al Pubhcations I Legal Pubheat]ons ] Legal Publications
i ~ i ,j ,'--" ~ • i i ,m, ~ mlw ~" ~ * ' I t tl " i II , f ~ I I I ~ ....... , ~: ' IH H,i I ii H i * H i i
on Angleside. , ........ PUBL'iC NOTICE NO. 3545 NOTICE OF BOND SAI, E Cuuse .No. 89:~7 ~ NOTICI.'~ OF SI ECIAL MEI,.'TING
lful yards. Ap- ; TWO BEDROOM log house on one NOTICE IS HEREBY (HVEN thal NOTICE OF ltFARING FINAl, NO. 3541 i NORTH MASON SCHOOL DISTRICT NOTICE u,,' StlERIFF'R SALE [ Purst am to R.C.\V. (?impter 124.
furniMl(.d firenlace $6q95 ~3()0 d., /Board .f Dlrovtors of Harslmo Ls and Felt DISTRIBUTION [ R1, PORT AND PI, TITION FOR i INGTON
n,.,o v.r,)oderl" land n o(b rnr,n,-th; / t p II I C hencing wil be nctd by t ~e liEI'ORT AND PETITfI)N NOTICE OF BEARING F;NAI, NO 403 MASON COUNTY, WAS11-
426-47:5, ask for ......... " ..... J ' " Under General Execution 1of Dir'ot.tors of the P nee, C~s. -
r~.. '..,th~ .~,.~l La]¢e"~,;~ ...... ¢...~' /,q¢,l ¢ D .1'('1 N) 302 at the s(.l coIN TIil,' Si PEttieR COURT OF TlIl~ DISTRIBUTION General Ohligatlon Bonds, 19ll5 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE] dalod S(,Imtll Di~trivt ,t02 Mason
v.. ............ ..... ~,~,Zt*h. ' ...... , .- < J. ' ' ~ ~r~- ,- u 'n n a , , "
-~ S 8/26 9/16 Phone 4°6-4f,23 P 8/12 tfn ( n 51 I (lay S,i to abcr 13th . 196 , ,]TATIC OW WASIIING 1 ON I,'OH. I INTIlE SUPERIOR COURT O], TIlE _ $19,1 0N) . STATE OF ~rASHINGTON FO'R [ County, "~'ill meal' in Sl)ol'it*'l sossit,a
mile--f-~-orom Shelion. .... '7:30 D.m l'or ll~e purpose of I s0us- TIlE C()UNTY Of" MASON IN PIle-] STATE OF WASHINGTON bW)RI NOTICE IS I-IEI'~t~,BY GIVEN lhal 1MASON COUNTY ]at lh;, Pi(,m,,r Srh,,, ,,o S,,pto her
"~ek runs through.~ sing tho'finai'lnldgct, Any intor~sled BA'I'E TIIE COUNTY OF MASON. ]Noz'lh Mason School District No. 403, WHITNEY OLDSMOBILE'COMPANY,'] 16, 1965 for the purpose .f fixing al.i
[evelopmcnl p,dcn- __ [ taxpayers are nvited and will i)e Tn th ~ aa-**er of tile Ieslaie of PD- ] In the Mater of the Estate of NIL- [ Mason Cotlniy, Washington, proposes Plaintiff adopting the, final bud|4"ci h,r tb*, 1965-
'77-53(h.C 9/9-16 P d R it ................. s , " '
hoard lor or against an~ part of the WIN R 'I'II~'FIN Dcc'easeli MER HOLM, Deceased. to i, StlC undoe~I dale, el October 1,
IIF V P~i V )>udge;iuC, O V GLASER Notic,: is her(,i,y gh'cn that ,M. ary I NOTICE IS ItERE~ t.IVEN that ]
HAROLD D• HAMILTON and H'AR- may be oh'rained fr~ml the Ch,rk of tile
l'°nds ,n vs. fiscal .a,•. ,:,.ie, ,,, i,l,, I.ti,g,.i
do? Cleardng Sets- 1 I~l|l~! iiViBt] - I ~, ",~ .f '~¢.,~ " ~ '9/ ,, Ant:e T.iffin E.x!~(:uirix of th(: .(sial. !M!ldt'od.Satran,.Executrix of tl~e es-] The bonds of this 'is,~[le •ill ) n RIET E HAMILTON husband and B) 'd ,)f D ",,,,t,.'s Any taxpayer may
726-4376, 426-8188. ~ d~ ..e.'.¢ ....... aid .,9 ., ol vk]w n l~. TI 'tin nas t zoo m lneltale m ~limer rioim nan • lea in tile ,, 3 ._ .. : :..:,..^;. w [e i wife Del'endant ' ' appear tberesl and be her~.rd for t~l'
1/7 tfn ..... I • • offlc .... f tile Clm;k 'of saidmC~II~'t lier office of the Clerk of said Court her ] {)l~7~rUfr~t(eT;~t~n(t~na°~,at$~l.~ l~o~Cll,° w ixh Under and by virtue of a general ex- agaln,~i any l,m't t,f tim budget.
E OF ES~'ATE'~- wynwoou Center Real Estate f!nal' Re.port and .petitt.on' .• .tlibu:' - Final Report and Potation for._.Dtstt:t: cer d.¢, 6~, p'er. annul~l ~.~m-,abh~ oh fl'~e ecutilm issued,. ~ out of and under, the{ Di.tri,'iPi"nl"W 70C(~ns')iid~'d"d Soil..1
home, large corner uon asking tile Court to seltle saiu i DUIIOn asking the (:curt' to settle sale ] fi s" -' s of - ' - ~ ¢ - !• veal of tit SuperiorCourtel th ~ " ~" ~ ~ .
dng.Hillcrest area. ) i (h rK
Gi- Harbor 857 91°1 ---~_, Rep ,rt: d str l, ute thc prop;~ty 1o" ti,e [report: distribute the property to the e~i't~ ;~': and ~wPli~' lan%a~,)et~e'/),)~l~ Slate of Washll gton, in and for sa d 1L*.RLII. D. STROLD
..... , ,,.~,a ,,~ .~ ,, .,--- -- ..... , 'u- " ' "' = •X h( rein. ' e s • -• s pl'lrlclpal ano Interest in la~,' 'U IFIolle3
.... . or. • (,s , ' (' ~at -o sa d Ex cult , and tharg a d Executr x and that aid . , •
__ __-_ ~oom lmme 13-, It. fie I . re(o. ! r,~.- ~ g ' ' -- " m'lti.n "•'"' '-[ ....... " _. , ,.~ ~.^^_= ... of the UnRed Stales ~1 America at tile n
sl~l canyon edge ~t~T]l~ clair tla/dwood flools i,last( I((I six I l at sa tl l~.eport anti 1 t ~ it u, [rop( rt anu petition will ut• ilt%-ii-u oil i-~a ...... m.-- . .. .,~
' ' ' ~'~ " ' ' ~4 | U/llC(~ O[ t||e £r¢.asurer el ~vlason i~ )tin
city on Capitol CEDAR ' ' "' "a'l',,," ; • ' .... ' beard oil tie fir t day o (k'tober [the frst day of October 1165 at 9'30 ,. ~, ...... - .... . :, . " n l'a~,or of ;WIIITNEY OLD'SM'OU/I.~ l- ' .... I
years Oltl, ( )LID e C 'l I•t, )l l-In , .n~ . ^..x ' -" "he Coul,i I~. .... .' i ...."-•. +,. ...... + " .... ' '..¢ ~1...' -~...l'~.~+e + +a', +llt.ltUll WCaSlllllglon,
Our terms. Phone • - , l anueg, lOt,n(.,(d back )aid.I~o,n~e,+: .... :'*,v., at s'nu n.m, at t menl of -o,.. F n ill tit tile CUUI'L roUlll Ul uttr .iurou~t i hlIe........ UOlIII~'- UZ.......... tills IsSUe WUi mauwe COMPANY and against HAROLD D. II Sunday School' 9"45 a 1~
N 6/10 tfn 80 ft. of ow canK waterfront, on llO x 14o ft lot on Mt vi,~x of the ProbateDepal't . . sald I Department of said Court, at which[ ....... ,.~....,. ~_.t. .-. ..... HAMILTON AND HARRIET E HAM- I .. . ":'i) .': ......... '1:"0 a•m"
............ ~V*r• ~1 ' ~an(~ )l|l(~ ,..,at %...[:t.l, llJt° " .it UA I.'~ll'll )[ L|}A" lOllt)Wlng
)r summer tun o,facing Shelton Golf Course with Phone 426-8,131• M 9/9 tfnC°urt, '3l. which t?_mOsaid Esltat~ an.nY ] }tree aand placf. an~, p~s.on tnt eresft~]~ I years in the following aM(unis' ILTON, husband and wife judglnenl | Morning w(rsnlp .... i .o . I
.............................................. person lnterestetl m , a:¢t~, ....... =-~ .-~ -vv .... , ...... , Yesr _:' o debtors for the sum of Two thoussnd i| A. Y. b~ ............ ; ...... .. 6"00 p•m. ]
t. 115 ft. of water- small caom anu water. ~ooo oeacn Ff)R SALF -- Throo bodr ~¢m ~ a/ appear and file objections thereto and ] objecllonS thereto and contest the ] ~(a~ ~¢m~uan~ two llundred sixty six and 21/1~0 Dol- I| Alex C Motes, Pastor I
r ona or two ram ....... ~ ., .... ~ .................................................... ¢~o,.,m lars together with attorney's fees in- I ] ~,lT Vi=U' ' I
Call 426-8589 anyand wooded. Prme $5,500. terms, bath Imme by Mt., View scb~,ol. Will ~ c(mtest the. sanle.., . - .. ........ t"av"~' ] 1968 ....................... ' 9.N i~n
; L 7/16 tfr b~HA for $750 down. 726-6526. Daled Ibis 30111 (lay Or, .~ugtlst, h~b;). [Dated this 26tll day of August 1965. | 1969 ......................... T);~'~;~ terest, costs and increased costs; srtd I " ~'" i
~'~t-hre-e I['~T.%l.~.luwl" 1" "~r'l~r,.~ ,S qt9./, tfn ,) Date,,. oft. firsl .... puoncal ,n ~el)(e I I ~ ' ii I•.~URA M. WAGENER., " /i IH/u .... ................................................ " ..................................................... 20 01111 to nle directed ~and delivered, I did on I | Washington and J StSo t
ace., 2-car marage, la.'~ z-x ...,.~ F(3ff"SAI~] -- Some aereageT-Inq~e..nd, 1~65:, .... ~raGENI~R [ r. Clerk of said Court ~ 1971 ............................................... 20 (DO the 27th day of Jnly. 1965,' levy upcm I | Evening Service 7 "00 p m
~, Phone 426-3784 ................ I .... Bar-Din Enterprises, 311 Cookson ...."~4""~,'.,,:~''~ ' I I:"caente.a2y: . ] .1972 ................................................ 20,000 all the right, title and interest of [] Pra.,er Hour ~TWecl"{" 7"30 ~'m']
ar .Rt. 1, Box 65A, I~ew ~ oeoroom some ly2 oaxns, lol~,~a d~)a ~113 U/OK.~'¢~.~ t~(ll)ll ~" l~'~Hg|t¢'t%~*,' ~.~ • . I C'urtis H, t;oons 1973 25 (i~ said judgnlcnt debtors in and to t}lc I J • .~ • r. •
D 6/24 tfn rugs throughout house. Electric ........................ ^ ..... C,~:rk,.(ff ;~aa~e~,mrt, ] .Attot'.ney,f0r FA.~ta'(~" ' I 1977 ::.::::::.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 25',1)0t"i 1'oliowing described property to salts- 1 -
he=t arae vinn room w fh h~,~. WILL TRADE EQUITY in a choice 5" ....... -~ ;:,,, - ...... , , /q-~ ~ta~'rmon.~lug, .. .......... t 1975 ............................................... 25,000 fy said judgment, to-wit: | ,~||ifl.lri~lR ~,|lllPt*.h I
- ' = ~ - ....." ....." home in Shelton for a house in r,,roi Jeliscn l~un~ng, . a,a a ,,, ,,. | BrHhcrton Wasn, ~/zu v/z-~ ~t I ' Thatt)art ol' Lots 2 snd 3 of Section i ...... 7""" ......... "~
tiful marine view. Will FHA $17,- area.' Write" Box C, c/o Journa~ .... ' Enunmlaw ..... Wasn. v/.-v-~o at/ ' " q~h~ d~,=tH,,* ),~,o ,.o=o,..,,a *l .... ' i., I 24, Township 20 North Range 3 li ....
info ' ~ - ................................ ""~
[ L A K E 500. F,or more rmatlon c 9/2-1{~ --" BID ] . , I to redeem any or all of the outstanding West, W,M., described as follows: I" .................
b'X)R SALE One 60 x 120 ft lot onI NOTIINcVEI~T%TIONJ2RS ] NO ~lSm i bonds of this issue at par in Im(rse Beglnnlng(,1. said Lotat3. therunnlnKNOrtheasttllenceCOrnerso~tt.ll ill ---------~7---~--
CALL Hlllcrest. Lot 12. Block 4 on East c'.~l~.~ ~,~ ..m h~ received by Shel | ~OTICE OF IIE~%~I~G ON ~INA]5 I numertcal order on any. interest pay- ....
ms available -- • sent sate on or utter axe ycats ll(nl
llil il~ I~PII~AI~ Cascade. Ter , Phone 426-._~"%?:~._~""~2;:.t=; ~o 309 ~.t ti~e i Ri~:I ORT AND l~l~gITION FOIl, I~. ~ - ' , , along the~ ~mt line of said loi 6~ 11 lyollr lua,re t;nurcn
$ 1 H ton ~c.utn ~tv.,~ "" • a te s feet; |hence S 50 degrees 37' 37'* W. |i
10re Es|Mes ,m,-ac o/usa 3361. H 6/24 tfn Sclool District Offices' 8th & Ph,e] ........ .;DISTRI[I~.TION ..... I a t,=o[ ~;aue. ....... ahmg the north line of tract con-i .in.E-st t3earh.rn
~.. . ~:• .• ....... ~:.'..,~... 9o=~....= ~ z~ Tt~ "~U~,4~tU~t X~U~V~' .~" TJa~s m Tne .'aistr~c~ oy .Pesol.tltl0n el ItS veyed to William Galster and wife by i| ........
ICE VIEW LOTS (orded n V(lume 123 of Deeds, page I .... ~a' .........................
557, 127:7.66 feet; ttlence N 39" 22' [i Morning Worship 11:00 san,
~ele~t that reo- ~" W 160 feet and S 50° 37 S7" W to [i C Y.'s & Cadets ..... 6:00' n.m.
itment on great the nleander line of Hamn~ersley In-[] ~venln~ Service " 7"00 ;~-,
{e. lct; Ahtnce ~{'~r?h'~e.~t~r13,' hlo~lg ms"tall ._.~. L~. d ... ;-:--- _. v .....
meander line to a paint S 43° 30' W|| ~iole ]Stl.t y (weaj 7:uu p,m.
763 feet, S 64° 30' W 263 feet and S |l Lewis B Wvsono,
to meet you at 53° W 260 feet more or less froul a i] " " "
and tell you "it's point on the north line of said Lot 3/1 3/11 tfn
West 478.92 feet from its northeast i| , .,
YOU are being of- corner; running, thenc~e 5/ 5,30 E 260|L- ....
feet there or less N 64* 30' E 283 feet/ "~ ........................
ealpetlng 18 v 30 plastic covered Spt(lf ea
chance to buy In /VI~ patio in rear,. 9.,x 20.~overed patio c(.m,'act_-d°cum.ents: m-a-~,~e, exa,~,n,,~r~d/°n~s.the~r~,t° en~tled, .and. to dis-t~e..,m, be r, 1965, ,~t, wh|cl, ti.n,e said bids a.d N ,3" 30'E 769 ~eet to said north||
in front overlooking Day with cute at the o[nce ot tne.a~rvl.~-t;~, ,,~,m:tt,,, i ...... ~= ..................... atrlx. | wm oe puonCty openea, reaa ana line of Lot 8..thence East along said hi
~ts are completed m little upholstered bar tucked in cor- Edward Conklin~Su*te ~,. t~ovey ~ul!d-/ NOTICE IS ~URTHER GIVEN that J cons idared by the Board of Directors. north 4ine 448.92 feet to ~=~e potn'~ ~)f'[| || -
R net. BeaUtiful. vmw of Harstine Is- lng, Shelton, ~ wusnmgton• ~onat}~ei said final report and petition for dis- ] ~ ~aen 'bid submitted shall provide beginning. Excepting therefrom pub- ||
Well water piped il~;~i " ' land Sho~ moptlng Path to top Of bidders .may_.o.b.tam L~et, the I trib~lt~n will be heard on Friday the i ~or pay nmnt of acc.rued interest to lic roads if any, /II . !--.11I
to every lot, for ~ •t~Idll new'stairway down 50 steps to clean office or William .~'owara uonmin, [241h (lay of September, 1985~ at the i .~ate m ~eitvery all(/ saau spec~ty cltnel" NOW THEREFORE, NOTICE ISII II rl ". • r. 1
_ Undergrouna power to beach Was able to tae Arc.~ttect ln_tne nmol~l}t I as the same may be heard; at' the | ag~, prenlium above pal. at which the 9t,h day of Septentber, 1965, at 10 ()'clock/I I I • 1 1 1 1 J
$25 to $30 per $16,800--owner will sacrlfice $1000 of $10,00 for eacla set. flsnomtt a mu= Courtroom in the CouPthoUae in Shel- olauer will purchase said bonds, or in the IMrenoon of said day,* I ~,ill I1 I I I I I
'lC, Only $2500 to ~ or throw in all our lovely new fur- de.r wish addl,~on¢:l Steh~.nO%.part?,i2~. t0~, ~S~On'...L~n~tLy," V~asl~inl~ton. . :.b~ t~%~otwl~s~llra~d%~/awt~G O~/c~e;e 'sell the above described property, or I- JI i .:• • " ~l
.it.P,. "luo washer dr-i- ~..n~..seth nemay obtain tn i .~v :,g DATED this ;~Bra uay ot August ,.. .... v so much thereof as may be necessary, _ _ _
....... v - . ' ~" " .... ", " ' re reduction sam bonds at par to satisfy said Ji.idg'm'eiqt, together wtth 1~~'43U~
. . refri crater. ~Brlng your check book the cost ol .p • 1965. ~ . '
4 BEDROOMS, 4 ACRES, - g .................. LAURA. M WAGEN~R One or more. rates of internist may atorney's fees, interest, costs and in-
On the finest ~ke ....... --hurry out ~ n.ane~ aor~n ot ~nei- ,, OV~T~ r~V ~1~,P(3.qITS ot.~.i.: ..e ~r,.,,,. i'~,~..(v be fixed for the bonds which rate or creased costs, in all amounting to the
.~.wll~=~ ......... ton on Allyn?aignway. •ra~t.~Thgmgs ~. ~e-'~u{l~-an~ou;[1-o~-"{he previously~'W~sl~l'ni{t'on ........... rates must be in a ntultiple o1"~1/8 ~um of ........................ Dollars, plus Sher- CHRISTIAN SCIENCE
roan (nat won t last d ana zouow mgns. ~ 7 8 tin " . - ....... ~ . ", •
2~:~:, Lt~UA r..I nleas~n* ¢,m Roa / ,,paid deposit for dncum~nts will be rc- Byron 1~.. McClanahan or 1/10 ot 1% ev,denced by a single iff's Costs and Costs of Publication .............. ,__
- r-- )io~tels u on re coupon for (ach s(lniannual inter(st
............................. " funded to bonafide I ' P - Attorney for Estate " ~ " ~' " '~ Said sale wilt take pl~aoe at the ~ast I-t.~uIU ~1=~1~.~
F_~I~t~_~ ily home with everything on one turn of tile documentstn ,good con-Govey Bulldlng paynlent. •No rate may exceed 6% per door of the Court House at 4th & Pine
'h ....... floor. Big kitchen, big comblna- dttion t~ the Architect's OlHCe at. or Shelton, Washington . san num; ~[ ~rna~Utrem(gt o~ [~lie in said .CoumF,and ~tkte, and. will be Sunday, September 12
, of Shelton on tion living-family room, circulating' H beforeThere the time set [oz' opensE alas. .... 8/26 9/2-9 31 s qat.. t O a ' .. ' at 9UbUC 'aucuon, zor casn m harm
HIM.; REALTY will be. no. re,un. ;to£ ale re= same tangle rate• ~ ~.. to the highest and best bidder. "Helping Students
tur'n o1" additional sets or parts oz N'O, 8821 .. It ts.reque:sted .that each nm state Dated at Shelton. Wash., this l~t~,
¢~, Seattle 98107 lent workshop and double carport, sets. Plan hold0rs wl\o do not sue- SITMMONN RY PUBLICATION tne..totai ~ntercst cost over the lite day of August, 1965. MeasureUp"
• ~ 8/26 9/9 3t Located just 2 miles out on Cole _f~..~ ,~...-*~ sit a bonafide bid anu uonot t'eturn IN THE SUPIgRIOR COURT OF THE of the oonus, less the premium if any. D.S. CLARK
• he a-,,-tncnts at leant 2 uays celt, reRq~A'VE" OF WARHINGTON FOR and the, net effective interest rate Slterlff of said County KTNT Radio, Tacoma
~ ~_ Road. $12,500. Better call on this ,~,o *~,-,e set for onening bids will MA~nN COUNTY of such bid. . ~By Mildred Conklln ~)eputy .... ,. .
.................. 4 KC
.-.._.._~ one today, forfeit the full amount of their de- EUGENE E, TAYLOR a~ad FLORENCE All bids shall be sealed and, ex- "Chief Civil Deputy. ~'.1~ A.M. --- 1 O0 . .
posits, ' : TAYLOR, his wife, Plaintiffs, c ep.t.t.hat, of the State.of W~shr~gtOon. 8/19-26 9/2-9 4t , . ,
I~li~lilil~l~__ ----~-- YES, IT'S TRUEI By Order of' vs . snail ce accolnpametl Dy a ,p s t [ ~ ~- -
BOARDOF bzREcTgrts. .... E, A, LIBBY, if l'Iving, and if de- 5% ,of.~Im amount of the ~" '
~:,... TO SETTLE ESTATE Shelton School District l~O,^;aU~ ~eased the unknown heirs at law of Donus Die tot, either in cash or Dy m . _
ilr~lCD~ '" The price on this downtown home v/z-v zt E A' Libby" the ~,te of Lllltancashier's or certified check ,,lade pay- I I1'U¢ UI~I"UlII~ ~UlID~U
Libb): deceased' "HANNAH PETER- able to the County Treasurer, which I 1111¢- II1~1 II~ll gll~llgll
'~|1~|L- has.been reduced $2,000. It's only PUB~*~ NOTICE ISON 'AI~T~{'UR ~kNDERS-~)-IN, and AN- amount or check will be returned to I .............
.IS about 7 years old, has basement, 3 e°odi. I ..v..o:;:; ~":,o;7,':; ";;2,;...
Board of Directors of Kanlilche School [ right, title, estate, lien or intel~st in n~.g .. . ..p e I I~ . ~, .. I ......... '
m s~ I,•~ • ~- 1 3/4 baths, 2 fireplaces and it is Distrtct No. 40'~ at the school btdlding i tl.*e" real estate described in the corn- ~ne ~ond%Sy:ffot~l%J?~ge &Wara%eapWalntne I ~~ ~,ll~:-0?,,~;m-eWs °Th;0p 2emr?~oeSth Fellowstli-'
' :. , located near the Clinic-Hospital. on Saturday ~el)t 18 l~Oa at /:5U { plaint nereln e ~, o * ,,~ *~,a n,~,,,,~t .n d~'~n~aHod ! ~t~. unurcn ~cnoo, ior au aB a - • v. • v
.,kG|:NTS FOR Now only $17,500 and $450 down Phone 426-3369 , A,v nterested taxpay-I .......... ~tr ........ ;a~,, ,,,~ snail ne xorrettea to tne amtmct.
p m for the 'purpose of discussing the I Defendants, o[ ,.:,% n,~, 2":? 2"':"-'.': -'~.n"r'i ...... L
E BUILDERS plus closing costs with FHA fJ- f nal budgt -..-. ,- ~,~ ..................... u ..... resem s the z'i }it to
gtt Airport nancing, to see these ea for . The district • , g ,
~VLe 3 r~nt~l t~nh. Close to downtown shopping, this
......... 2 bedroom smaller home will ALMOST PERFECT---
make a good start for someone to This dandy 3 bedroom subur-
01;ATin~J own their own home. Priced at on- ban home has so many out-
• a~^.,''~":_ ly $4,100 and available on easy staqding features it's nearly
r,.:eu~i~..De_ur°°~m,.s! budget terms, SO call Dick Boiling perfect. It's only6 years old, r
' .... ' toda' has a carpeted living room
!to stores $6,150'; ~ ..... 'Y' " with fireplace, bath and ~2,
11, ........ ia%x; t
]LARGE FAMILY? large bedrooms and lots of ;)i'~t~if_l~lh~" bx~-gi~tl~ 1 !,~t~t~::te.~no9~: ia~a~ndtwhd:f~dert]lc~m~pCbl°i2~ !23rd d~:!f ~.::~:L~::~urer i ............... .... L i.
vTTl,,,,.a'~ "r,~.,,-..,,g room se .rate ,large' Then you had better see this extra_ downtown home with 5 bed-°rage--y°urs for only $15,- Clerk of Board . 9/9-16 21 [ i~r~!hy n--the" --tiff, athl~ office "~Plwaelntluf°f°nantdeSu~er~i~°PdY ~' Ifor Pills I IV[ y 6/26 ~2-9-16 4t i FISHER IR[N'S CLUB ~11
H+~ • P.. Irooms, 3 baths, den, large kltch-
ol~'i~a~rg,e Picture ten, and automatio forced air fur- ATTRACTIVE-- Real Estate ]below stated; and,. in lcase of..lYO~er| ..... N OTIC_EOF HEA~VEG~ That I P.U.D. AUDITORIUM - 3rd and Cota Illlk~.. ~)~ilk,....
~~fallure so to do, juagment wu I ~o','zc,~ ~ ~;,~.~ux u~v r~.. I ~,~..~Z~i •
.... lendered against you aocording to the the Board of County Commissioners 1 ~||i~Mr~Av ~l~*l/~X~lf~' "in 4a~'~ ~ v~* II
cU::~;_ ~oards,~}ty'paneledmtcn" [ nace..trees andThe year-roundneat yard streamWith fruitbor, bedroomHeres a moSthome pleasingthat,s as2 ........ "t demands of the complaint in this ......... ac- [ did on August 23 le65 adopt a Res- I .............. . .,. ,=oo i/,j
.!state garage, ex [ the back o:fue~sooarnliivdine;I, neat as can be. The out of mllal lip lallmll~l~ I tion which has been flied with the I olutlo.n declaring theil:•intention to es= | 9:30 a.m.---~dmstrtps on ~~~
town owner has been busy ~'~=UlII l"il~lll~i I The object of tills action is to quiet of County Road No. 236 in file vicinity i ..... " * "~.~¢.~'-//~-
Privacy $11,500 i settmg for family J~n J[~l~lil_P illill"lli• [clerk of said court. Iltablisn a i•oao n'om UlC existing erm I "BURIED C lTl~.~,' ,m,,
|,.L I Priced.... r, gnt at ~/u, and Jew repainting and finishing the title in laintlffs to real estate In of tim Belfair Cemetery ill a general | IR-n~ n m "f'l"~l~id'~v #,lp"~~J[~,~i,
• =& NEED MORE ROOM? Mason County Washington described[north westerly direction, a distance I f
,'o- UTy down payment can be arranged, hardwood floors soall you P ..... m " .......... " --" .... : " - - -- ""--
, urns, 2 complete have to do is move in. F.H.A. We have a client who will trade as follows: I lt PP ximax e n,l'5Fo:,le; ' I "WE CAN BE WRONG" -
replaces, recreation 2 BEDROOMS, $4,750 appraised at $9;000 and less ~ ,,,,~v w~ll ke-t older 2 storY ] The southwest qusrter of the I ....... cg -- "'. .... ' •-
• ~ --.-j -,~ . r ", northwest quarter of Section 19 m l~oau in ~ectlon 1J, Township ~;.'~ INortn,
I, kitchen has built This home is small but very liva- than $500 cash will handle, home for a smaller home, at least ] Township 20 North Range 2 West' / Range 1 West, W, M., to be known I - --- | disposal, [ble. The large corner lot gives 2 bedrooms• It has 3 bedrooms, WM., and the east ha'If of 'th? ~aSS2?