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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
September 10, 1946     Shelton Mason County Journal
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September 10, 1946
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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, , ," r ' ' :S • ( ( .......................... !ptembe, 1_ 1_946. ,lin! : ca.t   ca[, and we',, pick Up ,n our mooe00 ...... m scient00.c p,ant an= retur. ;r  JP' packaged had ready nu on the i V1¢£ ed a choice --| ': ,, - , tich, beer, AND WHII i:, :i [ County Steam Laundry and Dry Cleaners Phone 88 orse S Mason gular - Quarts Mason - Quarts ,allons .rr |. douth amps SHELT01 110 4th St. 'eed Y elton "Dirt will get your Die00el ;ou don't watch o= f there's Old Man Dirt in head. Every drop of /uel goes ties small as a hmnan hair. worn, that does it, brother. Cuts d leads up to repair bills. a CLEAN fuel, use Standard for PURITY. C. C. c01e 122 South 3rd St. TELEPHONE S H E:t'T0I I OF . 00BOR eetin9 ALL -- TEMBER 19 I. ration of Labor Wanted Workers STEADY WORK Report to Sawmill Office or Person- Office, Simpson Logging Co., Wash. T YOUR OLD CAR 0r Its Own Protection, Longer Life And Betger, Newer Appearance ESTIMATES GLADLY GIVEN Experienced Workmanship First Class Equipment Guaranteed Results I00ATON BODY & FENDER WORKS and Grdve Streets Phone 84 ogeae/700 , • Ali-Amer,cans ,!2 ,the sturdy ]e.-s and coordinated bodies that i I thousands m stadmlns all over tbc lamt have eqa huih on wlmlcsome diets that iueluded liberal !o.unts of milk and iis products. t,eh in bone, muscle, and nerve building vita- f .s, minerals, and proteins, milk is tbe basic food ia ¢ae Kll-Americans of tolnorrow. Whether for eaaeY, childhood, malurity, or old age, the magic • eishy of tim cow bas produceff nature's most [!fOnd--for health, for beauty, at ld for x.. ember, whatever ]iclps the Dairy ];armer dtce more dairy products helps build a sturdier, aer, heahbier ]tunlail race. ' i i" OWovcr used--as ice cream, butter, cheese, or d'luil' powdered, or evaporated form, in. milk h )ts products you have a food that Contributes all tle body's welfare and well-being. ,qp-,v v v ,,,i. -qv ,v..,v ,v.,l ,qe-,e -v•. v ,v v v,v.v v ,wrle-v, Lake Cushman by Frances Radtke A going away party was given September ],3 for Mr. and Mrs. tU,: Howry and Mr. and Mrs. George Hixon by Mrs. Otto Radtke who was assisted by Mrs. Del Laramie. Mr. Howry is cxpecting to leave Cushman soon for LaGrande, XYash., where he will continue in the employ of the City of Tacoma. Mr. Hixon is to retire after ],6 years of service and live near his filbert ranch in Oregon, He ex- pects to leave late this month. The party was a grand success with an evening spent at cards and prizes going to Mrs. Vera Linscott and Frank Morrison, high. Art Gilmore and Mrs. Rea Howry won low prizes. The house was decorated with asters and there were 26 people in attend- once. To climax the evening gifts were presented to both the Hix- ons who received a lovely table lamp and the Howrys who received a bowl with candelabrum of Hei- • sey's Crystal ware, by members of the Cushman club. The Howrys, who have been res- idents of Cushman for the past 17 years, are building a small house in Shelton and were assist- ed Saturday in putting on the roof shingles by Karl Linscott and Dave Collins. Jacquie Howry is staying at home for tLe time be- ing, having been working in Shel- ton for the past year. Dave Collis is progressing nicely after having his tonsils out last Tuesday for the second time. Once should be enough to go thru a thing like that! The Collins fam- ily were at Longview on Friday as guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wilcox. Mr. and Mrs. Vern Miller, Jr., are visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Vern Hill, Sr., as is Robert McLachlan who has been working at Grisdale's camp. Mr. and Mrs. Rober Smith at- tended the Puyallup fair on Sun- day in company with Mrs. Anna Smith and Nels Johnson of Shel- ton. Visitors of Ken Bitney Saturday afternoon were Mr. and Mrs. W, G. Galloway and daughter, Mrs. Van Rooy and baby, and Mrs. Alice Bitney, all of Tacoma. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Radtke left Sunday for a short visit with Mrs. Radtke's daughter and family in Port Angeles. SM1/e Robert Rains arrived at Cushman Wednesday by way of Shelton where his wife met him and escorted him to the barber .shop to cut off his red beard which he grew to impress his new son whorn he had never seen. Young mother Betty thought the shock might be too severe for a child of such young and tender age. The Robert Rains are leav- ing with their parents, the O. K. Linscotts, on Sunday for their nut ranch in Oregon where they ex- pect to add Mr. and Mrs. Rob- err Lins.cott of Oroville to their house party. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Bawden, Chtyton Ba,wden and son, Lieut. Chtyt0n Bawden and Patsy, were Sunday guests of Mr, and Mrs. W. D. Webster of Staircase. The Bawdens are friends of Mr. Web- ster from his home town, Cresco, Iowa, and are having a nice time touring the peninsula. Saturday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Radtke were Mr. and Mrs. J. Corning Todd, the Misses Marmcene and Nanette Todd, Mrs. Burrill Breseman and Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Breseman of Tacoma. A musical afternoon was enjoyed. The group later joined Burrill Breseman and Hugh Gonyeau who had spent the afternoon fishing with results which might be de- scribed as very ungood. Jack Lewis left Sunday evening for Tacoma where hg is to try out as sub-station operator for which he recently became eligible. Mr. and Mrs. Del Laramie spent the Labor Day holidays visiting a daughter and son-in-law, Dr. and Mrs. N. H. born in Ellens- burg. Sunday visitors of the tara- mies were Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Hucklebee from Tacoma. Cuslnnan folks don't forget the news box at the service house and leave your items so they may be collected Sunday afternoon so as to get out in the Monday morn- ; ing mail. Thank you. REGULAR MEETING V.FAV. AUXILIARY A regular meeting of the V.F. W. Auxiliary will be held at the Memorial hall on Friday, Septem- ber" 20, beginning at 8 p.m. DAUGHTER ARRIVES Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Inslee are the parents of a baby daughter born September 4 in Seattle. Mrs. Inslee is the former edra Op- pelt. SKELTON-ASON COUNTY JOURNAU RHEUMATISM and ARTHRITIS I t hIa:l[uf rtehda :raYnt r e: f:oma%a ° and able to do my work that I will gladly answer anyone writing me for information. Mrs. Anna Patz, P.O. Box 825, Vancouver, Wash. .... i Pd. Adb. NUE-OVO Laboratoriesl Dunoyier's TAXI Phone 620 Stand at Shelton Garage NEED A PLUMBER Phone 48 J. L. CATTO HARDWARE D. B. CASE Insurance Agency Complete Insurance Coverage Office With Shick & George 124 N. 1st St. Phone 46-J Welcome TO THE Church of Christ 10 a.m. and 7 p.m. Each Sunday 1404 OLYMPIC HIGHWAY Shelton C. S. Hamilton, Minister NOTICE- Two Searching Messages at BAPTIST CHURCH Sunday, Sept. 22 11 a.m.---"Was Christ An Egotist ?" 7:30 p.m.--"Ten Good Reasons For Believing The Gospel" First Baptist Church J. 0. Boy,e, Pastor Paul Sweeney, Assistant Sunday School at 9:45 a. m, Mdrning Worship at 11 . ° Young Peoples Meetings 6:45 p.m. Evening Service at 7:45 ALL ARE INVITED r , , i Calvary Pentecostal Church 120 East Pine St. Sunday Schoo19:45 a.m. Morning Worship---ll:00 a.m. Sunday Evangelistic, 8:00 p.m. Wednesday Prayer Meeting, 8:00 p.m. Friday Regular Meeting, 8:90 p.m. EVERYONE WELCOME Rev. R. D. Caddy, Pastor I li WORSHIP HIM IN SPIRIT and IN TRUTH at Assembly of God Tabernacle 710 Dearborn Phone 476-M Ray. Sam MeGill, Pastor SOCIAL EVENTS Historian will be Speaker Here Dr. Warren E. Tomlinson, head of the department of History and Political Science of the College of Puget Sound has accepted the in- vitation of the Mason County Dis- trict Federation of Women's Clubs to speak at their convention to be held in Shelton Tuesday, October 15. Dr. Tomlinson, who is sched- uled to speak at the afternoon ses- sion, open to the general public, will discuss the problems now be- setting the world in its "Fight for Peace." "Our program committee is en- thusiastically sponsoring Dr. Tom- linson's visit," said Mrs. C. E. Hill, president of the Mason County District Clubs, "because we feel that he is well-fitted to help us to intelligent thinking upon the problem of achieving real peace, international cooperation and good will. He will di'scuss plans for world organization, our relations with Russia and other matters which may be of special interest at the time of our convention. When scientists warn us that a war in this atomic age will mean, we women feel that achieving un- derstanding and peace among na- tions is definitely our 'Number One' problem." After graduation from Carleton College in Minnesota, Dr. Tomlin- son had travel and teaching ex- perience in the Orient, teaching in the high schools of the Philip- pine Islands for three years. He received his Ph.D. at the Univers- ity of Berlin and also taught from ]`927 to 1932 in the Berlin Eve- ning College in Berlin, Germany. Since ]`933 he has been in Tacoma and in addition to his work at the College of Puget Sound, has done army orientation work at Mc- Chord Field and Fort Lewis; di- rected the Workshop in Interna- tional Relations at the University of British Columbia and has lec- tured frequently at meetings in Washington, Oregon and British Columbia. On the convention program com- mittee are Mrs. E. D. Boysen, Mrs. Warren Lincoln and Mrs. W. R, Cady. For the morning session program, given over to district business including reports of de- partment chairmen, the commit- tee has invited Mrs. Lynn Bran- nag, former state chairman of In- ternational Relations, to conduct a forum. The purpose of the half- hour discussion to be led by Mrs. Brannan will be to aid the affil- iated clubs to understand their part in their district state and na- tional organization, so that all may work more efficiently to ac- complish the purposes of the Fed- eration of Women's Clubs. CONVENTION DELEGATES TO BE GUESTS Mrs. Winston Scott, Mrs. Mar- ion Smith, Mrs. T. B. Smitlh Mrs. Francis Eacrett, Mrs. William Mc- Kenzie and. Mrs. Warren Earl, who will be in Seattle on Friday and Saturday to attend thc Re- publican Convention will be Fri- day night guests of Mrs, Scott's parents, Mr. and Mrs, Clinton S. Harley. AMARANTH SOCIAL CLUB TO MEET TUESDAY The Amaranth Social Club will meet at the home of Mrs. Bertha Grisda]e. 309 North Second St., on Tuesday, September 24. at =8 p.m. Serving as hostesses with Mrs. Grisdale .will be Mrs. Mat- thes, Mrs. Ella McCulloch and Mrs. Claude Rhodes. NAVY MOTIIERS CLUB TO HOLD MEET A regular meeting of the Navy Mothers Club will be held tonight (Thursday) at 224 E. Harvard St. at 8 p.m. All members are urged to be present. ATTEND WEDDING IN MONTESANO Mrs. Raymond Mother, and Marvin Morkert and Mrs. Alfred Michaelson and daughter. KOrea, attended the wedding and recep- tion of Wayne Miner and Dorothy Hoflin at Saint Mark's Episcopal Church in Montesano on Satur- day evening. The bridegroom is a nephew of Ray Morkert and tle bride is a sister of Mrs. Michaelson. GIRL SCOUT RALLY FRIDAY AFTERNOON TIo Girl Scouts will hold a rally aL the Girl Scout Little House, in Kneeland Park on Friday after- noon, September 20 at 3:30 p.m. This rally is for all Brownies and Girl Scouts and for all girls interested in becoming Brownies or Scouts. All persons connected with scouting or wishing to gird their time are cordially invited. TO ATTEND SCHOOL Miss Winnffred Collier, daugh- ter of Dr. and Mrs. B. N. Collier will leave this week end for Walls Walls, where she will enter Whitman College. FROM NEW YORK Mr. and Mrs. Archie Binns and daughters, Jackie and Georgia, of New York were weekend visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Binns. FORMER RESIDENT FRIDAY VISITOR Save and conserve food to help jeed starving Europe and Asia. DAIRY PRODUCTS - SHELTON, WASHINGTON WELCOMES YOU SERVICES Sunday .......................... ,1.1 a.m. Wednesday ...................... 8 p.m. Sunday School .......... 9:45 a.m. Reading Room at the Church 302 Alder Street Open Monday thru Saturday 2;00 to 4 p.m. Wednesday Evening 6:45 to 7:45 Sunday, September 22 I "MATTER" Christian Science Literature a- ailable at all times at the Church or on request by mall. Branch of The Mother Church The First Church o£ Christ, Scientist Boston, Mass. Mt. Olive Lutheran Church HILLCREST - HIGHWAY AT CASCADE Telephone 395-M and 230 Sunday School 9:45 a.m.  Morning Worship 11 a.m. First Methodist Church "A Friendly Church in a Friendly Community" Fourth and Pine Sunday School at 9:45 a.m. Morning Worship 11:00 a. m, Sermon Topic: Mr. and Mrs. George Southwell, American Missionaries To Lepers HARDWICK W, IARSHMAN, Minister Parsonage 320 N. 4th Telephone 276 . i Mr. and Mrs. Donne Brodie, former Shelton residents now liv- ing in Olympia had as their din- ner guest on Friday evening, Den- is Berdine of Long Beach, Calif., who also is a former Shelton res- ident. During the evening Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Viger, Mr. and Mrs. Winston Scott, L. E. Attwood and Gerald Eck were also visitors of the Brodies and Mr. Berdine. THURSDAY PARTY HONORS BIRTIIDAY Honoring the birthday of Dean Palmer, Mr. and Mrs. Grant Pack- ard were hosts at their boone last Thursday evening for a dinner party. Those present for the oc- casion were Mr. and Mrs. bOnd- van Palmer, Phil Palmer, Dale Palmer, the honor guest and the host and hostess. WEEKEND VISITOR Mrs. Edna Packard was a week- end guest at the hdme of her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Grant Packard. MRS. GEORGE HERMES IS tIONORED Mr. and Mrs. Grant Packard en- tertained at their home last Sun- day with a party honoring the birthday of Mrs. George Hermes. A very enjoyable evening was spent playing cards. Present for the occasion were Mr. and Mrs. Hermes, Mr. and [:! Mrs. Arne Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. , .: s;! Chet Dombroski and Mr. and Mrs. i* Packard. [ : BORDEAUX P.-T.A. ii MEETING TONIGHT A very important meeting of ,.: the Bordeaux Parent-Teachers As-.... °=' sects,ion will,be held at the Bee-  deaux school tonight, Thursday, . * at 8 p.r0. . All parents are urged to attend o:, as there are many important .:' items to be discussed and an in- *i: teresting program has also been .: planned. :i: EAGLES AUXILIARY *:, SLATES MEETING -*: Monday night, September 23, **!: the Eagles Auxiliary will meet at .:, 8 p.m. at the Eagles Hall. This *:' will be a district meeting with *: visiting Auxiliaries trom sur- rounding territories. CANADIAN VISITORS AT MacRAE RANCH Mr. and Mrs. Donald M. La- mont of Saugeen County, Ontar- io, visited with his aunt, Mrs. W. J. MacRae and his cousins, at the MacRae Ranch on their way to California whe'e they will visit his sister before returning to On- tario. WEDNESDAY ATHERING HONORS MR. SHWARCK C. Bruce Schwarck, Junior High Principal, was the honor guest at a surprise informal birthday get- together held by theteachers of that school last Wednesday after- noon, following regular school, hours. A social hour, along with cake and ice cream, was very much enjoyed. KIMBEL LOGGING COMPANY Modern Equipment Operated By Experienced Men FOR [ 0 LAND CLEARING • BULLDOZING ! • DITCHING I • BASEMENT EXCAVAT- ING I • BULKHEADING I • PILEDRIVERS II For Land or Water I I • DUMP TRUCKS I For Hire I | • PILING,AND LOGS [ For Sale. [j ,' , ", I," ', , /5 , . _= - I I I Page : I / We Specialize In Taste and Nutrition Bring All the Family ENJOY A GOOD DINNER at the CHATTERBOX CAFE 3rd and Railroad L BUY and BURN... N.P. ROSLYN The Dependable Cooking Coal KING STOKER COAL From The Utah Field ALSO MENDOTA COAL (Direct From Mine to Consumer) HURST COAL CO. 225 SOUTH 2ND STREET Accounting Forms Work Sheets Columnar Pads Columnar Sheets Ledger Sheets Sectional Post Binders And a Full Line of Bound Books MASON COUNTY STATIONERS "COMPLETE OFFICE SUPPLY STORE" 118 N. Second St. Phone 602 When good neighbors get |ogether... The same tlmughtfulness that makes you a good neighbor also makes you a good party- line user. That's why good neighbors sharing the same line.., giving each other the same consideration and help.., get the most out of their telephone service. with these simple golden rules you can't miss... Space your calls instead of making a series of them without intettup.don. • Talk only as long as you tmve to on each call. • Replace the tecdver properly when you finish • Make certain, if you ate using a dial icIephonc, that the line is clcar before you dial. • Ask your youngstcrs not m monopolize the tele- phone. Tbm':h you. The Pacific Telephone and Teferh Coepuy 130 S, Third Street, Shelton Teleplmne 497 . 000ra 0 INGRAM & BRIDGES M TOR CO, FIRST AND .PINE STREETS  SHELTON '1"" ii n I __ I J