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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
September 10, 1946     Shelton Mason County Journal
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September 10, 1946
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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.... CANAL GARDEN CLUB '' t, " • , "",  ...... ,: _ * " * , * " 'IF:;,,, ,:::,, , .... , .... i 00flL| | f003f& rrgt }][den Robinson, Frank Glbler Wed m ..... : ' i The next meeting of the Hood ' Il; .... tNI   1" ; '7I " ::i:,, 0,,i :'' . US E D R ADI 0S AV AI L A BL E of =,,,o -lrlt tY mlma mp scopal Church September 8o, -. ..... D=AN00]= = = m-t Worl on S=yt,,,b,." 26 A . ., __ .  . , , , . $4 - V ........  .:. COllSO|LS Portables otluck hmcheon will be held at ., ...... .... ,, .... f., ..... ...... I nos('nt x'(')e ]'. and  ..... k.x--  Y [! ] :--ONSORED BY GEN ERAL, • P " " ' i ) lftrrlagc ......... .y .... c,'u,,m e )- ., - J " ' • ! ! • | noon. Members are asked to bring gp:!Dsw l..a.. +.. l.**.ir ,....  o,. ;... ,,. , ',. ,.} I Long .f o,,,o, ,,, W ,,),, .... DI0 I "smallc°nesseed°dsetct°be";":')'nN"Jl''J)' .UIUtLI.I[ 0 £vI.Z. e .......... ?., ........ ........... >''" "" "''  i i:i:':', ,T).ro %= • ' " , ," ..... P ' " ", " • ' ' Episcopal Cbllrch ill l*lnl whicL ol Ctl lorr ],Ir ard [1" W ' ' ' EV] " . painted for the November Baz- A tuet wedding ceremony at 9 s .....  ', ifnl , . . ..... ,  VERY SATURDA '  ' ' - s ' e "re to ' ... , ns bcaut y dt (:(sated w,th Goodm 1  t t h'lr. CI ra Hm]tley / - "?' . T A Y L 0 R R A wlnle painting Also sting, Baphst parsons e united m mar-.t - ** .. 1 -, .,,.., ............... o ,,, oi Taeo,n., ll's. A. lhnn, as M,ss t i:ii  TtoD/ . aal and bring mtabl ate . oclo, Satuzday mormng at t],e Garden Club s of s,,, er ,. 0 00rom, P M. to M . , " ' . " . ..... , baskets . nn. I wets n p_ - , . ... . i  . '.  '  i brushes, paint or whatever you riige Miss ag'guertte Dodge ivleetlng lVlonoav 2t;i;';'7,t'i' '.''.i ",e'l,,)(';:" ' 'ri,om,, .:s . m,',.. ,n,l  Memorial H L" i \\;|*' .* "|" l | "  h'lppen to for painting pur- daughter Of Mr' and Mrs R E o "/ .. ,. : ..... " .... .',2..:*. '.. A .2 :,' " M '. and Mrs. I. Gould H1 of SO- '-- lIIllIOl'lbl 11 dTH& €oTA' fih .fib 1 R 1 b PHON E 128 I ::SiiCeytl)ts liasd,:hc wlaStr onrh D°n:g°tfiiaatY{Sth"i:CeSi:eVIn}J!lY eTi:MShfil!inaatfG iCel?'pw'!j PeTfi°:m::iidtl¢:i:'ce/:!:t(iY;;::/: m°:" i!i:d'):{:s'inES'i;:)"R°:"(:lffa')f ::jMusie by Genera, W'el;are ( fowe I and "vee'ble hats Prizes was" the Reverend J 0 Bovee George Cropper. ihere will be an Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Gordon and _:._2 ........ :"_ ...........................  : Will be ofwelor - the ,me;st beau The bride chose a'blle suit with election of officers for the coming the bridcgroom is the son of Mr. >am: STUDIO Phone 152 ANDREWS 119 Railroad Aven , Dry-Foot tqsurance for .............. ,,SgS and Children 't-SNAP ' GA00OSaES Misses' and Children;s 2- t snap gah)shes in fleece lined rubber keep young feet warm as well. a. dry. Avai}- able in biaek, with. handy two-snap closing. Sizds 12:- {. tild 6-12. i I / " Perennial Favorites in MISSES' 00A0000COAZS 19.95 Don't let a dull, rainy daY dampen your spirits! Look your brightest and most cheery self in a gleaming rayon satin, twill coati Sturdy, Lightweight California trencll style With MEN'S and BOYS' wide, square shoulders, belted-slim waist. Black, gray, Electric Blue, Kelly, American Beauty, in sizes 10 to 20. WORK RUBBERS Sturdy, Flexible la HUNTING t BOOTS 5.50 1.79 New construe- 'and cleat and heel. Sturdily made for long wear; but |tghtwetglt for comfort, They thoroughly cover nd protect your shoes -- keep your feet warm , and r dry. Flexible enough, too, to get on and off easily, tifui and the most ridiculous. Sixteen ribbons were won at the 4-H Mason County Fair last week with sweepstakes to Mrs. Carrie G; f ford. Otlter ribbon winners were Mrs. Cora Peterson, Mrs. Rule Dickinson, Mrs. Helen An- dersen, Mrs. Vern Hill, Mrs. Frances Radtke. and Mrs. Vera Linscott. • / ,! TO TACOMA S(, IOOL Laurel Nelson, son o iV[r. and | Mrs. Elroy Nelson, left Tuesday for Tacolia wliere he will enter/ the College of Puget Sound. [ "1 LOST 32 LB$,! WIAR S|Zl 14 AGaiN" Onoo l,Ib&, M Rvadddt weight weekly with AYDS Vjtao mln Candy Reducing Plan. Now she has a mdsl'a figure. Yor at, Iterieq my or may lo, l the tatrae but try. thia eMIe ldueiag plan. Very First .Box M'uII $OW Results or r"oney back. ledleal d oetormore than IOft ] , persons lost 14 to 1 pounds I J average in a fe,/wee(s WICIt f I the AYDS Vitamin Cnndy  I" Reducing Plan. [ No exercise. No laxatives. No drugs. Eat plenty YOU don't,cut out neah potatoes, etc., you  trot cut them down. Simple when you enjoy delidoua AYDS Vitamin Candy before mesh. only' $2.25 10r 30 da' supply. Phone McCON KEY PHARMACY. 4th & Railroad Phone 303 Rain or Shine You'll Shine! Misses' Gabardine RAINCOATS Come rain or shine you'll be In style in this rayon-wool- and-cotton gabardine rain- coat. Cravenetted for water repellency. Roomy but flat- terlig with. shirred wais- line', and Wide bickie belt. smartly tailored with raglan sleeves, large patch pockets. Exciting colors --- Natural Tan, Electric Blue. 10-20. Ingraham KEY ND ALARM CLOCK It's important to be on time .... and this clock's gentle but forceful alarm should help you accomplish that. Wind the spring and it will run for 24 hours! The ivory fin- ish makes it welcome in most .any room l 'And look at the reasonable price-*all told it's a wonderful alan clock buy! a corsage of gardenias and pink baby roses. Miss Gladys Dodge, sister ol' the bride was the maid of honor, while Fred Hennrieh of A'I- buquerque; New Mexico, was the best ntan. year. Mrs. Herbert Drew of Olym- pia will be guest speaker for the afternoon and will talk on "Tile Plantbg and Care of a Perenial Border." Members are asked to 1)1 'A wedding breakfast for the bring flowers for display. imnedifite Tamily. was held fol- Prize winners in the club's re- lowing the ceremony at [he home cent Flower Show held in the tin- of the groom's,parents. Tea was coht gym are as follows: served durifig the afternoon (or Mrs. E. O. Gtfford--first prize, other friends of the young couple. Gladiola; second prize, Gladiola; Following a weddifig trip to third prize, Gladiola. Mrs. Nor- Texas Mr. and Mrs. LandsaW, Ji'., ,man Returns--second prize, White will make their home in Shelton. Ball Dahlia; second prize, Rose and White Dahlia; third prize, ti°,,,,*:-* r, ,- Dahlia collection. Mrs. Doris Buck :;. .f,..*D Tirst prize White cactus Dahlia i t) - " ' ' * ,v IW.A,at.,, . first prize, Rose Carantion, thz, a . The regular meeng: of tae BeJ prize, Flavae Goria Mundy Rose. lair -,! ewmg UlUO was neR Mrs Lud Andersen--sec0na prize la.s.tWed.esday, at:wjeh.timeth ( Winter bouquet of seeds. Mrs. g!x'lsyqtea q e0ntinue tne ew George Drake--second 15rize, rat- ing Crab' for another year instea¢ chelmas Daisies Mrs. William Co- of forming a .differei, Club. Thl burn.--third nrize, Salpiglossis. leade', Mrs. Viola Newkirk, z'e Mrs George l-opper-first prize, p0ed tliat the e0uity..ageh Mixed Tuberous Begonias; second would judge ho gii,ls' work  prize,' I-relenium" second prize If zr ..... b the Be a' Community Fair to ( ,,,t,,, second m'ize Group of held September 20-21. Miniatures: second prize, Dwarf '.tiefreshments were served by, Zinnia. Mrs. iL 01steadf!rst Mrs. Brains and.:Mrs, Moon. I irize, Dinner arrangement; nrsr The next meeting :of the club rize, Oriental arrangement. Mrs. wiU. be held. after school on Wed- () K Itnscott--first prize, Col- nesday, September 25 at the leer;on of three specialties; first Boyle home at Twanoh State Park. LILLWAUP COMMUNITY ro ELECT OFFICERS Election of officers is the im- portant business for the meeting cheduled by the Liliiwaup Com- munity. Club for, 8p.m. Friday; September 27 in the LitliwaUp Community Hall. Mrs. Roy Pru- sin, president, th, ges all residents of the Lilliwaup area to attend znd become members of this or- ganization for community better- nent. Refreshments will :be serv- ed in a social period following the business meeting. gOCIAL CLUB PLANS .MEET • A meeting of Either Chapter, O.E.S. Social Club will be held on Tuesday, September 24 at the home of Margaret Anderson on Hood Canal with a potlUck lunch- eon at 12:30. Leila Adams will be the co-hostess. All members of El;nor Clmpter are invited to attend. Please bring table service for one. T-0,T,E-M Sandwich and r Cu lO Shop =/'z MILE SOUTH OF UNION • Unique- BeautifUl A Charles RuSsell, reproduc- [ion on a leather .purse. NEW- DIFFERENT .& painting reproduced on a leather purse, all 'engra¥tng, tinting, tooling ancl sewing done by hanfl.  sterling sin ver clasp engraved by hand. Nt For Sale on DisIiay Oz{ly Se,e our selectiot of unusual purses that are in St0ck--all tooling, tinting ad Sewing done by hand. Another new Shipment of NavaJo Rugs.. NeW carelian Jewelry. Ohtmiyp Rugs, Chlay0. Cloth sport Coats. Navajo 3eweJry. Weaver erafiiCs  Distinct- iVe - Beautiful. Baskets, Sweters, S0x,from th, Sk01omish ,Reseryaio. Bouckware Crackled Pottery. ,, ,,,, GnAHAM THURSDAY, SEPT. 19 TWO FEATURES "SHE: WOLF )) OF LONDON June L6hldiart Ddn Pfrter --,and Renfrew ,of th Royal , Mounted in SKY BANDITS ........ ew ........ rld&y " SktUl-dhy - Sunday Men,day. __ September 20, 2x, , 23 The Story of Cole Porter with Those Cole Porter Song Sensat}qns!., "NIGHT AND DAY" GARY GRANT ALEXIS SMITH In Technicolor with Monty WoMey, Glnny Simms, Jane Wyman NEWS ---. CARTOON Tuesday - Wednesday Seitember 2, 25 El|a ant Rod Ci/meron' in "THE RUNAROUND" with BrodeHek Crawfbrd, Frank MeHugh. It couldn't be funnier!l Short Features prize, Viola collection; first prize, Pansies. lIrs. Charles Lentz-- first prize, Betty Prior Rose. Mrs. Cora Peterson--first prize, Din- ner Arrangen%¢nt; first prize, Fol- iage; first iJrize, Pholox; first prize, Zinnias; §ec0iid prize, Be- gonias; third , prize, Miniature Zinnias. Mrs. Rrancis Radtke-- first lize, Yellow, Formal Cor- sage. Mrs. i:tUie Dickinson--first priT.e, Dahlias; third prize, Mixed ),sters. lgrs. Hill--first pi'ize, Spe- cialty. M'S. H. M. Wivell--second prize, Violas: Mrs. Michaelson-- first prize, Red Pore Puns Dahlia; second prize, White Pore Puns Dahlia; third prize, Yellow Pore Puns Dahlia. Mrs. George Le- Compte--first prize, Mantle ar- rangement first prize, Tray ar- rangement; Second prize, Tray ar- rangement; second prize, Minia- ture; second prize, Delphinmm; first prize, Mixed bouquet. Mrs. S. Bednarskifirst prize, Annual Marigolds; first prize, Miniature; first prize, Winter bouquet; sec- ond prize, Pinochio Rose; second prize, Baby Royal Dahlia; second prize, Pansies; third prize, Din- ner Table arrangement. M:rs. Frank Willard--first prize, 6 inch Miniature; £irst prize, Yellow Dah- lia second pri.e, Dinner Shell; second prize, Dark Red Dahlia. Grand prize, wimters: Sweep- stake Winner, :Mrs. s. Bednarski; horticulture winners, Mrs. E. O. Qifford and Mrs. George Cropper; artistic arrangement winner, Mrs. george LeCompte. " , Winners are asked-to please call • at the office of the county agent for the.Jr prize money. i OMEN'8 SOCIEXY OLDS• MEETING The Women's Society for Chris- tiah Service met at the Methodist hurcll parlors on Fptember 11. he vice-president, Mrs. Robert C. Johnson, opened the meeting with a prayer. Mrs..W. A,. Brodt led the devo- tions. Her subjdct was "Whefi We Paras." Mrs. Bernice Stewart sang sol0 and was accompanied by l's. 3olm Steinberg. Following the solo they gave a group of hynms. The program for the day was in'charge of Mrs. Clive Troy whose topic was the work of the World Church. s.H,s, CLASS 'st RUN/ON HELD Places were set for 30 at Rau's Chicken Dinner Inn on Saturday evening for the, reunion of the lass of 1931 of irene s. Reed High School. A very enjoyable evening was spent visitirlg and prizes were awarded during the evening to Mr. ahd Mrs. Marvin Pearcy, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Edgley and Mr. and Mrs. WaYne McCutcheon. Plans were made to hold a 20- year anniversary reunion in 1951, and the following conunittee was appointee to ae Care of the ar- rangements, Georgia .McKay Hell- ionS,. Lcille Kindred Dan!els, Nfarvin Pearcy arid John Knee- land. FIRST FA M]gET Mrs. Neha Roberts will open her home to the Shelton Music Study Club oh-Wednesday, eptember 25 at 7:45 p.n. for the first meet- ing of the 1946-47 season. Lynn lerwood ,as guest speaker of the Wening will give a resume, of the work done let. the Christianson Choral School Which he attended this. past. summer. All members are urged to be present at this first meeting and ire asked to bring guests. SiArLE WEDDING IS ANNOUNCED Mr, and Mrs. Laurent K. Webb of Eldon this Week announced the marriage of their daughter Jean to Mr. Lores C. Lindell of Seat- tie on September 12. The wed- ding took place in Seattle. • The bride was a graduate of the Irene S. Reed high school with tle class of 1946. FORMER RESIDENTS HONORED THURSDAY A group of friends gathered at the Colonial House last Thursday for a, n0-h0st dtrmer honoring r: and Mrs. John Kiely of Palos Verdes Estates in California. Mr. and Mrs. Kiely are former residents of Shelton and lmve been visiting in Tacoma. TOWNSEND CLUB MEET The Sou thqide Townsend Club N0,  wit! hold a regular meeting on aturaay, eptember 21 at the Community Hall. and Mrs. F. W. Gibler. Given in ntarrzage by her fa- ther the bride was attractiw m s, Dove grey suit with pcta! pink accessories. She carried ;t wh/tc Rainbow Bible decorated with white begonias and ste[dmuntis • rod white streamers tied with pink rosebuds Miss Gall Robinson, slsLer of the bride, was the nmid of honor and wore a lime green suit with na.vy blue accessories and a corsago of peach begonias with g]'cen aster centers. " Wayne GiDler, brother o the i gr0om, was best man Ushers were Goz'don Hopland and l%ob- err Gordon. Candle lighter and al- tar boy was Billy Gordon. Mrs. J, Murray of Centralia played "I LOVe Ypu Truly" and the wedding marches. The bride's mother wore a royal blue afternoo! dress with fuschla trim and a corsage, of white be- gonias, while the groom's mother was attractive in a navy blue suit with corsag e of pink carnations. A reception was held a the ranch home of Mrs. P. H. Gel don in Elms omd the rooms were decorated with summer flowers in pastel shades. The reception table was cen- tered with a three-tier wedding cake, with ttpers on either side, and a lovely bopquet of lilies and summer flowers. Mrs. A. Thomas of Seattle, great aunt of the bride, served the cake and the bride's grand- mother, Mrs. E. Raymer of Ed-) rounds, presided at the urns. Miss I01s Gibler, sister of the groom was in .earge of the guest book. ' For traveling Mrs Gibler added a topcoat 0f mouton fur to her wedding suit. and an orchid cor- sage. Following the wedding trip tire young couple will make their  lome in Shelton. Mrs. Gibler is a graduate of tlte Irene S..Reed lfigh school with the class Of 1945 and fias been employed by the King County .Hospital and then as stenographer for the Pacific Coast Company. CAitNING SUPPLIES Jars - Rings - Crocks Waterglass For Putting Up Eggs Olympia Feed Company O'Nielll Bldg. - Shelton mands a the 'T' in the 'k" in the accent on Abandon and frolic with of giddy musichi Make the banter laughter lighter! "Confetti" name and re olous flacon ruffles, and atop. $1.75 to pl.s tax ./ McConk PRESCRI PTION PHARMACY 4th & Railroad 21 Phone 303 ROBERSON AND HEATING | PHONE 685 222 South Second Street Home Phone 181-J Home Address 528 OFFICE QUAR AT 1324 OLYMPIC ] ee PHONE 6 OO AND BUILD] the light e of milh people • Brewln00 OLYMPIA, WASHINGTOb MAFL for ] DINI Everything you need" for  charming living room in suite or individual pieces . . • Lst" rous new upholsterings • • arid best of at1... THEY "AiJ MODERATELY PRICED" Table JUST ARRIVED .... A stunning new c01- lection of S w i n g R o c k e r s. They're beautifully designed. Many new uphol- stery patterns priced from • $55.71 to $60.81 -- Convenient Terms May Be Arranged Olsen' Furniture "FINE FURNITURE FOR THE HOME" Telephone 102 SHELTON, WASHINGTON