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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
September 10, 1946     Shelton Mason County Journal
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September 10, 1946
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNA/5 Thursday, Sepl BULB, IN ITSELF, is not very spectacular. But it is J the "seed" of beautiful, graceful flowers -- and, the ., foundation of what could be a thriving Mason County i D industry' This region now produces a few varieties of bulbs---- tulip, daffodil, narcissus, dahlia, gladioIa, iris, hyacinth, Croft lily and others. Even with a modest star ..... amateur and professional bulb. growers have added , J . ........ mny dollars to the community's buying power and pointed the way to further development. Such development- which would mean increased income for the trade Channels of Mason County--should certainly be encouraged. 'The natural climate is favorable. There is ample ,space. There are the proper types of sqil. The man who" wishes to grow bulbs for profit, however, has many things to consider. For he is an "industrialist" no less than the owner of a factory or a mill. He faces the same basic problems. He must invest mone  in his "factory" -- inhis plants and in the preparation of the land. He must invest in tools and in supplies. If his modest venture is successful, then to expand he must hire others to work with him. He becomes an employer --a creator of work, of jobs, of further purchasing power. Mason County-and all America--was founded and built on the fundamental principle that ay man or woman should have the right to workmshould have tle right to start a business of his own and to enjoy the fruits of his labor. As a result, no other ration in the whole world can approach the industrial might of America. In no other nation has the standard of living risen so high for the individual willing to Work for it. This results from the American Way of Life, and is the pathway to an even greater America. Why change it? Men who thus build for themselves also build for other men. Skill, knowledge, courage and enterprise are the essentials. But there is another essential, too the essential which is often called "a favorable business condition." To a large extent, such a cofidition is man-made, for it is the result of political and economic laws. Such laws form the "weather," the "climate," in which business must operate. If this man-made climate is friendly to enterprise, then men will have confidence. Men will invest their time and their money and their labor to create new ventures and expand present industries. Men will be eager to build for the future, because they know the fruit of their honest effort will be theirs to enjoy. That is the American way. Following it, the bulb grower and the factory owner and the retail merchant --the small businessman and the workerall will gain new opportunity. The wage earner will find a continuing opportunity to workand an opportunity to enter business for himself whenever he chooses to do so. Every citizen will benefit. Everyone--every worker, merchant, professional man, teacher; every municipal, county, state or civil service employee; every employer, large or small--all have a stake in this common oppor- tunity. All must plan and strive to preserve this freedom of enterprise in Mason County. ,For then Mason County will be a progressive community--a community which will follow the American way on into a future of promise for every man, woman and child. Th@ sponsors of thls series of advertisements dcvoted to com- munity betterment are citizens of this commtmlty. They own homes here. Tizelr children go to school lere. They have a deep sense of responsibility'to the individual citizens and to changes which will affect the community. They are interested in devel- oping a healthy community 'following the American Way of Life, and thus keeping America and Mason County strong for the generations to come. One of a series of advertisements devoted to community belt erment. 81MPSON LOGGING COMPANY • RAYONiER INCORPORATED • LUMBERMEN'S MERCANTILE • ROY KIMBEL ENTERPRISES • GEO., M. GRISDALE CONSTRUCTION COMPANY • COMMERCE • AMERICAN,FEDERATION OF LABOR LOCAL UNIONS OF SHELTON • SHELTON KIWANIS CLUB • WINE INDUSTRY OF MASON COUNTY / SHELTON CHAMBER OF" ORTIONED AND 'ERLY MIXED You Better Washed Sand Gravel O CONCRETE 123 Slness world that's why we g and pressing sen( CLEANE: - 215 S. 2nd St. Cliff Wivell's CE] TEXACO S| RepreSentative in NJ[asor pia 0il m PRODUCTS CO] , /Iigh Grade Fuel ani PROMPT SER% 1st and Franldin YOUR F BY BOA .! i ? 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