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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
September 10, 1946     Shelton Mason County Journal
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September 10, 1946
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Se Skill, knowledge, aer essential, too-- litton." To a large t of political and ' in which business :erprise, then men r money and their Men will be eager honest effort will :he retail merchant opportunity. The md an opportunity he chooses to do me--every worker, every municipal, ; every employer, Ls common oppor- serve this freedom hen Mason County community which future of promise % HELTON CHAMBER OF ....... i_, ........... Representative in Mason County for pia 0il & Wood PRODUCTS COMPANY ED AND MIXED !'!; i You Better .l!  Washed Sand inl; oJ his grid cohorts ill tim ;,-. and Gravel Gray, II:n'bor janlbor'e last Fri-I t( .- ... day, Cr)ncll Norm l-tillynrd Solids ,L IASON II i; Sheltm I-{ighelin-/hcrs intr, their ;i!'Lm ..... tllll firs[: full-scale pigskin sldrmish :,1?,,. liPkL$ Illlil under h,,:; g.,dauee tomorrow] ',i_Ceessol's to Illlll agdnst tile Olympia I3ears ill a ,,I!"r N CONCRETE /lllll niFht'f'mlc 'at Stevens Field in '}; ! JR  ' ,:',., 0DUCTS IIIIII the Cal;ito] City starting at eightl ,, .oE 1== llllll o'olock. "  23 lfill Thus the new l-tighelimber epoch !i- _. 1 I will be nmkin his hattled debut i : - ....................... .:o :: .:o :: A Clean Shave !i .. A Clean Suit .:: .:. You're Groomed .:.':" 6 A clean siave won t : hide a spotted suit. ,}, But a clean shave and "i** a clean suit makes you ! a well groomed man. o:. We know how import- .'* .,. ant appearance is in :: °mess world that's why we do faultless work. For "i: le, ng and pressing send your work to us. ".L* 2)15 IsI..lId CLEANERS onTAILORS ii i ,, ** ** .* *%*%°* *o ,o;,* %* • *%*%°..o *%o o*;*%oo ** *%'o *%";*'i4%'°;2%°';*% 4" *7"' .'..,..,..,..,..,..,.., I ([:! Cliff Wivell's CERTIFIED q' 'ti' I epreSentati ltigh Grade Fuel and Deisel Oils PROMPT SERVICE 1st and Franldin Phone 397' YOUR FREIGHT BY BOAT ' • I'AST FREIGHT SERVICE WITH DOOR DELIVERY IN SHELTON should be rollted via Str. Indian, Ferry Dock, via r.r. Skookum Chief, Milwaukee Dock, No. 2 T" . line Schedule as follows: eves Tacoma daily, except Sunday at 5 p. m. for Olymplt and Shelton &rrivea Shelton daily, except Sunday CLARENCE CARLANDER, President SOUND FREIGHT LINES Customers Are Very Pleased ]00'ith Work-Courtesy- Prices We Have Given Them !ntend To Gain Many New Friends and Customers On A Policy Of i€ Honesty and ReliabilitY ?a and rebu Id a types of EnginesAuto, Farm, I1' U.ieselvalve facing'and seat grinding, diagnosis, qral?hOoting, welding, machine work, brakes and LEO C. NELSON 4 In Connection With S. L. Pearson, Local gent for Kaiser-Frazier Cars and Rototillers First and Pine Phone 676 KIMBEL OTORS Factory Approved -" 5Ysler - Plymouth - International SALES - PARTS SERVICE Are Equipped to Repair and Rebuild All Makes of Ql'a . Truck - Tractors and Heavy Logging Equipment I / I , GRIDMEN SPARKLE AT HOQUIAM, PLAY AT OLYMPIA FRIDAY EVE 1)k,::,.d ill s)me ways '/nd dis- against a traditional rival Shelton apn)inted ill otlers with the show- has defe:tcd but once in the long history of their competition, that nno time by the thin margin of a try-for-point kicked by Ned Snel- grove, last year's junior high grid coach here. away back in 1931. In meeting the Bears in the first gtnne of the year the High- climbers will be breaking tradi- tion. for heretofore the contest has usually been a Thanksgiving Dny finale to the season for both tennis. Same Lineup To Start Coach Hillyard said lie would t scnd the same starting temn against the Bears for the kickoff tomorrow as took the field at Ho- quialn last Friday with the poss- ible exception of Harold Anker. speedy halfhack who scored the touchdown which defeated Elms. Anker has a trick knee which may In'event him from being anything hut a spot player most of the year. Bob Cleveland will get the call if Anker is held out, That means Ken Carlson and Bob Berg will be at ends, Carl Sundsten and A1 McBride at tack- les. Mel Newman and Jack Gra- ham at guards, Ken Cardinal at center, t3uzz Fraser at quarter, Gone White at the other half and Bob Rice at full. With the addi- tion of Cleveland. Cecil Crowe at tackle and Paul Koch at half, that lineup took care of all playilng du- ties in the two ten-minute quar- ters in which the Highclimbers performed. Highclimbers Given Palm Harbor sports writers praised the Highclimbers as the best look- ing of the six teams participating in the Jamboree and most fans w h o witnessed the spectacle agreed none looked better. Shelton sparkled on offense with Gone V, rhite doing the bulk of the ball carrying from a T-formation, man-in-motion style and he also did a fine passing job, completing four heaves in five attempts. White also laid the block which sprung Anker loose for his ,4- yard touchdown gallop around El. ma's right end in the first game of the program, giving the High- climbers a 6 to 0 verdict. Shelton held an edge in play in a 0-0 duel with Raymond in the Highelimbers' second appearance of the evening but a 15-yard hold- ing penalty stopped what looked like a touchdown drive for the Red and Black. In Zhis game Shelton had the disadvantage of kicking off and the Seagulls ad- vanced to the Highcllmber 30, with the aid of a 20.yard ramble from scrimmage by Dorney, before hel- ton was able to get possession of the hall. Long Pass Connects Then White and Rice combined for a first down on the Shelton 42 and a White to Carlson pass af- ter an off-side penalty brought another on the Raymond 34. On the next play White tore off an- other ten yards but the holding penalty set the ball back to mid- field. Coach Hillyardr's chief criticism of his team's performance Friday was poor downfield blocking, which cost perhaps two additional touch- downs against Elms and Carlson would have scored easily on his pass snare against Raymond lad four blockers been able to handle two Raymond defenders, but they didn't. Defensively the Highclimbers failed to do as well as expected but were fat" from weak. Offensively they looked good, both on the ground and tn the air. If they do as well at Olympia tomorrow eve. ning the Bears will have their hands full, neighbors. SEELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL Fastballers Give [ Up After Another i Tie and Wash Out l Balked by another t' ' g', . , nd [ Sunday's young cloudburst, the[ city fastball league gave up their[ effrt to find ,, chanll)ion as ,g, had joh and have called everything of ] for this season. That decision leaves the Aetiw, Club toppino' the second half standings by a half game marEm over Rayonier while Morgnn Lum- ber and the pulp mill will share first ha,If honors hoeing been un- able to playoff their knotted standing. Morgan Lumber and the Aetiv- inns, playing off a tie game. wound up ill other dead-heat Thursday night at two runs apiece at the end of seven innings and were prevented frmn going further by darkn.ess. Then Sunday's deluge spoiled plans fro" another attempt to settle the issue, hence the decis- ion to give up for this year dlle to the lateness of the date, the poor condition of the field for fastball because of football prac- tice and lack of foul lines, and early darkness these evenings. Combining the team records of the two halves of tile seasqn, the title would have to be shared by Rayonier and Morgan Lumber at 13 wins and 4 defeats spiecc. The full season record would then be aN follows: Rayonier ............ 13 4 158. 105 Morgan Lumber 13 4 ]49 87 Activians .......... 9 8 1:0 130 L.M. ' 5 :12 :129 :179 Skokomish " 3 14 79 :l:g *Needham's ...... 4 5 39 54 '::Played only 2nd half schedlde Mason County Post No. 1694 Veterans of Foreign Wars Regular Meeting Friday, September 20 -- 8 p. m. Memorial Building Lyle O'Dell, Cmdr., Phone 6F14 J. H. Gray, Q,M. Adj. Phone 352J NEED Order Now ! Tono and Monarch QUICK ,DELIVERY P.O. Box 1046 Phone 7454 Capital City Fuel Olympia, Wbs h. - I HOME LOANS J Convenient Terms * Reasonable Rates . NO DELAY Mason Comity Savings & Loan Association Title Insuranoe Bldg. H TIRE REP New Method Makes Safe Re- pairs that Outlast the Tire! ;afety . Economy , Performance. with Supervisors Get Jump in Mill Loop Winning three games from their feminine opposition, the SupervN sors got away to a flying start as the new Rayonier bowling lea- gue made its debut Monday night, officially opening the local pin season. The Research Girls, most of whom were engaging in their first competitive bowling, are the only feminine entry in the eight team league and couldn't match the ex- perience of Ron Dodds andGeorge Young of the Opposition, having no established averages to even up the competition. Maintenance, Office and Electri- cians all took 2 to I decisions re- spectively over Chemists, Grease Balls, and Bleach Plant in the other matches. John Gavareski, of the Office, hit the night's best total at 533 and teammate Joe Holt hit 194 for the top single game. TIRE , .... RAUSCHER & SON 1528 Olympic Hiway (Hillcrest PHONE 585 I I Repayable in small sums... like rent ! Home Loans FaRe 1' SILVER SALMON DERBY NOW UNDER WAY; RULES BRIEFED Although reports are lacking as istered and must be cleaned and The Jom'nal goes to press this weighed in at the places ah'e.'dy week on opening Catches (if any) [ listed; the 60 largest catehe: qual- in the third annual Shelton silver] ifying for the finals on Nnv. l(l. salmon derby, .which started Sun- I which will I)e held ill the hay here: day under the Sl)Onsorship of the{ women are eligible for tiw same Mason County St)orls & Skeet prizes as men but will have no Chlb, further ¢letails aud Informer- special prizes; as mmy :is wi,'h tion ell t.he event which were llot awtilabtc for last week's sLory are made public herewith. Entries are. registered and catches weighed ill at seven places---Hillcrest Hardware. Shel- ton Recreation Parl()rs (the bowl- ink allbys), Stlelton Hardware. Catto Hardw'n'c L.M. sporting goods department. Hcinie's Taxi- Grocery, and Minerva Beach. Thirteen rules for entries are mtlined on posters which an- nounce the derby, bricfly stating wtich is composed of Archie Ditt- that fish may be caught anywhere I man. Willys Oliver and Horace J. but only silver sahnon will be reg-I Skelsev. Competition for Smallest Fish Getting Hot in Canal Derby; 2nd Place Changes For the second successive week. second and last place had new tennants on the tIood Canal salmon derby ladder as six new additions were catered in the eompetitiou dttring the week. Smaller and smaller fish are getting the limelight as the battle for the prize for the midget champitmship grows hotter and hotter. This week the low man on the totem pole is H. L. Jackson of Olympia, who entered an eleven-ounce catch made near Hidden Cove. Jackson ha three other fish on tile ladder already but none in a contending position except this latest entry. No one is giving Ben Trenchie much of a push for top iron- ors as yet even though the second rung lms had three different possessors in the past three weeks. Robert P.earden of Hoods- port is the new holder with his 23-pound, 12-ounce catch madc off Hoodsport during the week. Tile ladder now stands as follows: FISHERMAN ADDRESS Ben E. Trenchie ' Union Robert Bearden Hoodsport Fred Miller Shelton Floyd Yammer Aberdeen C. D. Mifflin Shelt0n A. C. Mercier Union Mrs. Florence Howard Shelton may fish fronl the sanle boat wii l partner allowed to g'aff or net the fish but assist ill no other maimer in its taking'; and registrat)on must be at least 2,l hours prmr to weighing in an entry. Tile qualifying round closes Nov. 3 at S 1).m. All outboard mo- tor will bc first prize with addi- tional prizes determined by the funds received from entries. A full and complete financial state- ment will be publistled aL the en:l of tim derby by the committee. WEIGHT WHERE CAUGHT 29-12 Union 23-12 . Hoodsport 23-5 Minerva Park 23-2 Union 21-8 Calm Cove 21-8 Union 20-4 Minerva Park 20-1 Hoodsport 19.10 Lackawanna 19 Minerva Park 19-0 " Union 18-14 Union 18-'11 Calm Cove 18-5 Hidden Cove 18-2 Hoodsport 18.1 ','.13/ Minerva Park 17-10 Stetons Resort 17-8 Hoodsport 17-7 Minerva Park 17 Madrona Lodge 16-1 The Grove 16 Tillicum Beach 15-14 Lackawanna 15-8 Hoodspo 15-4 Hidden Cove 14.12 Minerva Park 12-0 Hood= port 11-5 Minerva Park 4-10 Lackawanna 4-8 Stetons Resort 4-2 Calm Cove 3 Hoodsport 1-11 Hidden Cove 1-1 Hoodsport 1-1 Union 0-15 Calm Cove 0-13 Calm Cove 0-11 Hidden Cove Dess J. Haines Hoodsport John Hart Seattle Ben V. Leighton Shelton Joe A. Lewis Union Jack Robinson Edmonds Marvin Morgan Shelton H. L. Jackson Olympia Jack Johnston Hoodsport Roy Sherry Shelton Robert W, Burman Lilllwaup Nell Simmons Hoodsport Arnold Rex Shelton Leo L. Schmidt Union L. L. Day Potlatch G. C. Eck Shelton Fred Oletzke Olympm Bob Morris Potlatch H. L. Jackson Olympia Archie C. Wright Shelton John P. Getty Shelton Charles Blomfield Shelton C. W. Ruddell Olympia Bob Erhart Lilllwau p Harry Hess Union Floyd C. Ludwig Union H. L. Jackson Olympia Chas. Browner Hoodsport Harry Hess Union Jack Robinon Union Merna Mifflin Shelton H. L. Jackson Olympia Grocers, Ritner's Three-Way Victors In Feminine Play Shelton Cash Grocery and Rit, ner's Care got off to victorious starts with clean sweep triumphs as the women's bowling circuit inaugurated a new season ched- ule Tuesday night, while Pantor- ium Cleaners and the defending ehampmn Mac's Corner lineups took odd-game verdicts in the other matches. The grocers whitewashed Pas- time with Marjean Gruver setting the pace while Ritner's calcimined McConkey Pharmacy behind the pin-toppling of Arlene Godden and era Bishop. Pantorium's de- cision over Werberger Winery was achieved behind the rolling of Frankie Fredson, who hit the night's top individual scores with 488 and 185 total and game scores, and the champions got off to tleir qinning start on tie strength of strong wood spilling from Rubye Frisken, Dot Christensen and Ruth Edgley whose combined efforts offset the scoring of Evelyn Smitl for the losers. CITY LEAGUE OPENS SCHEDULE TOMORROW Last of the five local bowling leagues to get into action will be the city (major) circuit which swings into 'its 19t6-47 schedule Friday evening with Lumbermen's Mercantile tickling Simpsqn Log and Pastime meeting Associated Oil on the seven o'clock shift, fol- lowed by Mason Laundry against Beckwith Jewelers and Reed Mill against the defending champi0n Activians on the nine o'clock shift. WOMEN TO ELECT NEW LEAGUE HEADS President Inez Dodds of the wo- men's bowling league has called a meeting tonight at eight o'clock at the bowling alleys of all girls who plan to bowl in the four-team Thursday night league with the election ef league officers as the main business to be transacted. The feminine section of the Thurs- day nigtt league will not bowl tonight, however. Funk, Stewart Snare Ragtime on 1359 Pins Percy Funk and Bab Stewart collaborated Sunday afternoon to knock over the ragtime doubles pot and collect he victor's 60% of the $112 in it with a combinea score of 1359 pins. Sunday was the inal day of competition in the three-week event. Ade Kopperman and Bill Smith took the 40% share for second place with their 1349 pin score, set fairly early during the ragtime., HERB ANGLE GOES EAST Herbert G, Angle, Shelton in- surance and real estate agent, left here Saturday on a three-week trip to New York and other points in New England, where he will join Mrs. Angle, wtm is vis- iting friends in Trenton, N.J., at the present time. Pigeon Hunters Doing Well; Fish, Birds Released Band-tail pigeon hunters arel enjoying better luck than usual in I Mason County this season, reports l Game Protector Joe Simpkins. Bag's have been larger and more consistent this year, he said, in %ontrast to the usual experiencc of good shooting' the first day or two followed by a rapid falling off and practically no birds from then on, This year. however, the pigeon hunters have continued to bring in i birds with fair consistency. The season runs through this month, closing September 30. The year's one and only plant- ing of pheasants was carried out last week when Simpkins super- vised the release of 509 ring necks on the McDonald farm in Kam- fiche Valley. The birds were reared at the game department's South Tacoma game farm. Two small lakes received plant- ing of rainbow fingerlings from the South Tacoma hatchery re- cently under Simpkins supervision, also, Lost Lake getting 8000, Simpson Lake 4000, the gam pro- tector reports. A warning to trappers was also issued by Simpkins when he pointed out that no tapping of beaver is being permitted this year by the game department. Associated To Air Many Football Games With the 1946 f0otbal] season - promised by experts to be one of the biggest for Western gridiron fans, Associated Oil has sechedul- ed the greatest broadcasting pro- gram in its twenty-one yeaxs of Associated Sportcasts. In order to provide Pacific Coast listeners with the most extensive sportcast coverage, the Associated broadcast schedule lists close to 100 sportcasts. The broadcasts of these games, only a part of the near five hundred games to be played in 1946 on the Pacific Coast, will be aired on Friday nights, Saturday and Sunday afteroons. The company's sportcaster team has been strengthened by the return of experienced Pacific Coast sports announcers. Wash- ington fans will hear Ted Bell, Pat Hayes, Bob Curtis, and Loyd Salt; Oregon followers will he entertain- ed by Johnny Carpenter and Bob- by Grayson; while in Califbrnia Frank Bull, Bill Welsh, Mike Frankovich, Ernie Smith, Lee Giroux, Bill Erin, and Jack Shaw will be describing the games, The 1946 Associated Sportcasts are to be supported by a complete sales promotion program through- out the company's marketing ter- ritory. Aain available, free at all Associated Dcalqra, are the con- venient, vest-pocket-sized Associ- ated Football scheduled, Weekly advertisements, in Western anl Hawaiian newspapers and window posters at all Associated Dealers, revealing pertinent games data, willl call the public's attention to each week's Uportcasts, In Our SERVICE BUILDING FIRST AND MLL STREET Welding l PHONE Brazing ] 465-W tor Testing by the Latest Sunmaster Method Means No Queer Work WE'LL GLADLY [ ADVISE YOUWITI- I NO OBLIGATION I ON YOUR PART / J Directors HAZEL WALMER G. W. DRAHAM CARLTON I. SEARS K. L. PARTLOW FRED HOLM V. BRIDENSTINE H.C. BRODIE t THURSTON COUNTY FEDERAL SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCIATION Telephone 7551 Security Building OLYMPIA, WASH. Use tho Journat lasslfieds they really get results. Having Trouble Getting the Ball Game These Days? Leave Your Radio at the LUMBERMEN'S MERCANTIEE Radio & Appliance Service LOCATED IN NEW HARDWARE DEPARTMENT THANK YOU SINCERI.,LY During the seven months we have offered welding service in Shclton we have enjoyed doing business with many customers, so it is with regret that we now mus an- nounce the closing of our business, at legist for the present, because of the difficulty in securing the quantity and quality of ma- terials we need and because we have been unable to secure a satisfactory location. We hope to be able to reopen sometime in the future under more satisfactory work- ing conditions, but until then, thank you sincerely for your patronage of these past months, we have enjoyed serving you and hope we will be able to again in the future. DUNBAR WELDING SHOP Adtl'isement , , shihg • From where I sit 7 ,Joe Marsh! Goin 9 Fi ? .£ Heres' How! ! To hear Willie Wells and Basil Strube arguing about trout fish- ing, ,you'd think it was more im- portant than the atom bomb. .Wimefavors dry rues, Bash pooh.poohs anything but wet flies. Willie swears by a Royal Coach- man; Basil won't hear of anything but a Silver Doctor. And by the time it comes to steel rods versus bamboo rods.,, # IX&'** ! ? I But on Saturday, each got back from Seward's creek with L catch that couldn't have differed by more than several ounces! Each had used his favorite Idnd of fly, his favorite rod and his favorite place to cast, So over a' friendly glass of beer, they al, lowed as how maybe they were botk right . . . which is how so many arguments should end. From where slt if we all re. sported one another's different opinious--whether about, trout flies, or drinking beer, or voting, life would be a whole lot pleasanter. CuTright, 1946, United States Brewers Foundation ',Steelcra00t'" . . . Your Besf Boa÷. Buy On Display In Transportation Building, Puyallup Fair Week • Wlded steel hull will savo you frequenf repairs and ropblrlncL • Sedan . . . Sporf Cruller , , . Day-Cruiser , . . Warotesed, "26-fooler", of welded rusf-resistonf steel. • Chrysler 9Shp "Ace" motor, will do beftor fhan 20 miles pot hour , , . rruiso eco,omically at 17 mites Ir hour. • Rovoluflonary low price. • Looda of hood and elbow room. - _ _ - _ PUGET MARINE CO. "Alongside Fox Isla.d Forry S//p" 8814 S;xfh Avenuo, Tacoma, Wash. PR 9334 . . . MA 853'- Now Open for Business In Our Location on Mountain View Shelton Lumber Company Due to present conations our services will be limited for some time, but as soon as possible we will handle a complete line of building materials. PHONE 657 P.O. BOX 598