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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
September 10, 1946     Shelton Mason County Journal
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September 10, 1946
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Y&apos; )tember 19, 1946. .SHELTON-MASON . +  .... .... .... , : COUNTY JOURNAL ' -------, ' ' :P' trsnips, local ................ lb. mhington arblehead Squash ....... lb. bbage, local ......... lb, rrots, local clip-top .. finach, local, fresh A!bum) Jones Album) Plays Album) 5:15 a.m, 8:30 a.m. 10:45 a.m. 1:45 p.m, 5:00 p.m 7:15 p.m, 10:15 p.m, 7:00 a.m. 6:00 a.m 7:f5 a.m. :30 a.m. 9:15 a.m 11:00 a.m. 12:30 p.m. 11:30 a.m 2:00 p.m. 3:30 p.m. 2:45 p.m 4:15 p.m. 5:45 p.m. 5:50 p.m 7:30 p.m. 9:00 p.m. 8:00 p.m  9:35 p.m. ;ll g Leaves ,lery, local, reen .... II SundB??erton for Hoodsport daily at 4:15 p.m. except .  I I Leaves Hoodsport for Bremerton daily at 6:15 a.m. except ,L' +Y .,, .L 'i '" I I Saturday and Sunday.  . 'CYON ,_ I I Leaves Navy Yard dai y. at 4:45 p.m. except Saturday and r+-L-, .... • ' MUSIC STORE III Sunda,, ' ' : ..... = '  *oaa Phone ¢3 Ill Pickup at Kuetts for Hoodsport. L I ..... I I Leaves 8he,ton a,, :30 p.m. ,or Bremortoo v,a On+. FRISKIES .............. 5.1b.q rove nt Servioe CENTENNIAL DOG 14EL ....... 31c ! ,"at Low Cost t ^ MOIST DOG FOOD AN.I-ML ................ 2-1b. DOG MEAL GAINES .................. 5-lb. 5 I(ELLOGG'S GRO-PUP ............ 25.0z; 2 DO6 FOOD NORTH STAR .......... PARD, 8.0Z. PAGKAGE DOG FOOD ........ 2 pk0s. fares remain the same or 'errand service is better. ring this community, Brem- ,a-Tacoma Stages offer di- connections with North Lst Lines for all points in the afie Northwest--and the na- Hen TURKE Washington co-UP Young Hen TurkeYS Prime Grade N.Y. Dressed I: Qonv "ls fare I lower . I : to-aa  co l; Cat Li I tiacific IX {g Today, your travel dollar ore'than ever before in : ,transnortation Before tak- f !  Our ext trip,' consult your :::::i TM bus agent. .lb. We Will Prepare Turkqy for the Eviscerated 0coma PoultrY" Pan Ready - Grade "A" Fryers ......... lb. Oven Ready , Grade " Roasters ...... lb. Ready To Cook "A" Fricasse ........ lb. Prices for Friday and SaturdaY, to market change and =tock. : HELTON BUS STATION Phone 162 - TACOMA STAGES COAST LINES lieart of your community MT. RAINIER po RlftAt'l,0 the attractive resort, which has der the genial and capable man- agement of Mr. and Mrs. Walt Frankland. Don Beckman's sign "No Fish- ing," over the mud puddle before his door, one cold and very rainy week end not so lor/g ago. The woman mushroom gatherer who stopped by to display the basket- ful just gathered, remarking that she was going home to prepare them for dinner, who was electri- fied by Den's laconic reply, "Well goodbye, its nice havi'ng known you!" Robin Hood closing its pleasurable doors last Saturday night for the season. Mrs. William Ewing home from the Shelton hospital but having to leave her very Young son be- hind in the incubator for a few weeks. Opening of he game reserve has caused unrest, and some little discussion lately. Once more the red hat brigade will be shooting and very close to our own back yard. "Well," opines our own par- ticular deer and departure de- partment, "a few more hazards add to the zest, as well as a cer- tain amount of uncertainty to the lives of huckleberry pickers." Mrs. J. L,. Gott went to Seattle to welcome a new nine pound grandson who was born Satur- day. The proud mother is Mrs. June Lang wife of Leo tang of that city. • :Mrs. Leone Walker, with her son Richard, arrived from Salt Lake Saturday morning and will be at the Don Walker home for the next few weeks. Gene Stark is removing his horses from Alderbrook Stables to pasture. He expects to attend Washington State College. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Dalby were in Seattle for the week end, visiting relatives while there. Local property owners are in- censed on finding that someone is cutting long strips from grow- ing young cedar trees. Evidently some persons making use of the long pieces of cedar bark. It is al- ways the non-taxpayer who does such deeds. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence' Blagen left for Portland Monday where they will visit with their daugh- ter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Fish and grandchildren. The Fish family sold their home oft the harbor to Fz'ed Halbert and recently removed to Portland, buy- ing an attractive imme there. Tic company have holdings and busi- ness interests throughout Oregon. Mr. and :Mrs. Edwin W. Marlin living at the "Water Wheel" are waiting anxiously for word from Pullman. They have tried to locate living quarters but thus far have not heard of any to bchad. Sev- eral of our young married vets find themselves in the same pre- dicament, the Ed Dalbys and Gene Starks also being unable to locate any housing near the schools they intended to attend, P, 4 4 t MAJOR B ', ' i VITAMIN TABLETS : Natural Vitamins Safeguard Against Winter Ailments 100 TABLETS FOR 89€ AND WE GIVE YOU A PACKAGE OF 24 tablets Free! 69c 5 Pounds 35¢ Quart 17€ SH ELTON MAID ICE CREAM ' 4O Brick € AI Swift's SH ELTON M D Sunbrite C R E A M Cleanser tPte 20¢ 3 Cans 14¢ gRAFT'S PHILADELPHIA • CREAM CHEESE Pkg, 16€ 4 4 4 4 W 4 4 4 4 { t " 50€ lb. 4 4 2 For KRAFT'S COTTAGE CHEESE t. 16( Pint2?¢ DARIGOLD CIEESE CANNED MILK All Brands - Large Size Established 1895 ==_ ,. Veteran Harbor Picl ring Goat Gets Bees In His Bonnet ._ T_..'. t._.A/:s. loe,t ohnson of Seafaring Man {But It was Their Idea, Not His That Hurt =-" n"erm...e-rJBil'ltth ' Dakota, arrived in .-:-:=:.-:'--=" .filet the ]TOme of Mr. and Dies n Shelto , ",,v n ,,. ,e" i a q.qvin full force, and had burrowed un- .o. ............ -i-NE 392 iulr°Y e)son :Mrs Johnson ....  .............. "-° :IUl lson are sisters and Capt. Ernest lVL Smitt, 70, vet- )both common and appropriate, der and become entangled m the ' .:''elr first visit in ten eran Grays Harbor skipper of which, has held its place animall°ng whitewhichhairwasOfchainedthe orturedto the :::''%/ Friday morning in Shelton hos- centuries, ann is sti in goo( use spot and so was obliged to "take Evenings -- Sunday sailing and steam schooners, died. m pmcuresque language zor many it." ....  .%1 • LITTLE JACK pital vhez'e he lind been a patient even the.ugh some modern conver.-. for the uast three weeks, sacionafists snow a prezerence zor :Mr. Mac:Millan immediately be- ' ,'ing DELZVERV SERWC for. jIIORNER " ".." .. - - te ativiti of " o.e-armed came not omy busy as a be, but a t Smi'h d 1)apernanger" when illustrating busy as a whole colofly of them, • ' :- Gace had been resid te ultimate in liveliness (Per- and, oblivious to his own peril, ES--MEATS--VEGET- o years ago 'p. t a,  i n]s wire, " , " - - ,, fell upon the pack and crushed ....... l- on Hood C  -1 serially, we hke the one about the ]);HAN: D mg at mwa, p aa. c - " ...... several hundred of themwith his i !li EI--CANDY--SOFT 0, , s 'a on :nc tit, root ) The son of an old-tu e .ea cap- . . . . " . , . • ........ as a seafarin man " Dee in his bonnet' also m- bare hands, receiving only one nlosI: el DIS OW , ' , a - .. -- Plus -- i°,Tl¢; tl " - -" n life fi, st ins il d,cates n,mbleness, and refers to sting in the operation. -- -=----    ..'  -'; ....... one mind It is used in pointing Babe was then led to a safe ...... fox th "" ouc some i]mividual whose intel- liii NG AND FISHING EQU ' P M DPPh;07 I ......... vessemreanaworKeumter m. steame v,e- lecc:" nas" 'een" " taken" over by an movedPlace andfromtheher.luxuriantremaining beeshair,re-  =   ......... i  ;ormicK peopm an- ,ater ,or one _ .." .." ....... OIL PRODUCTS- AUTO ........ orin- excepzonaty orig'n men when her eyes swollen shut and her urays arDoz" eveu g corn- _ ...... ". " .......... 1 -e-s '-- gwen tins meamng a Dee m one's body trmebling. She refused food pany, wnere,*or,vu*a y-'., n-- - A  I I  .... of 1 -'" oonnec is harmless and often the that evening but was greatly ira- was superm[enuen[ oaumg ". o eractons .............. on SLeUiIz L:zzuozzez' source or merriment for associ- proved the next Lmorning. After , * P .......... ates of the bee-bonnetted person; administering first aid and doing )  " [] I-  . '._ P: .......... but bees real ones, hundreds of what they could to comfort the ers ior ne same aUGI.L1OII, re- . : " - ...... rs a-o " h-- them, not only in one's head gear suffering animal, the Mac:Milieus k$. 0 iring aDOUC o ya. ; w e,z but in ...... " " "" ........ reed him into -erma  all tne rest oz one's cmtnes, made the trip to town which they R nen*mHenea''re*remwasZ° entborn, at Pen, brook,V -, not an incident to be laughed orieshad planned,of thebUtswollenSympathiCfacemem'and  --  I 2:. & I ffi 000000-fi00o,IIl . . , Such was the predicament in bumpyof theirbee-stunghighly prizedlegs goatand bOdypre_  --..._r  ,. M'I I "< INklA 23¢ i| Surviving' in aaa'mn ° ms ' Saanen "nR': h'Inn'in" '" Z" "'"cluded the p°ssibility °f enj°y" H II c.,,.,os == I ' :IYs remember that vame. . ....... I which "Babe" the three year old U and Wives don't 5,re, are fo s,ster S&o r.. rs . E. acmllan of Picker- ment which they usually take in maUa;a;'ai%?,Ha, od ebg: ing found itself recently. The such short vacatiqns from home. [ :,-i II ' %-rsi()X-3f " ' " " ' " :MacMillans had planned a sh°p" I i!I   23¢ Bremerton, Mrs J J Dawson, He ................ 15 & ulam, also a numoer ol q " " ' "'" starting went to move the goats, km:e and take that ' "-" -nieces v-m -p o neon, an oeore Shelton Navy Man  the life of the t?,abe and her mo*h .... Worr" Under Hospital Care alf of the I Wart," to new pasturage. They Herbert Frdl/k Reynolds, 47, • .r v r T u l. t • found Babe in terrifying distress chief tdrpedoman, UN', husband i .L"]IE V Jl .i..a tv.,L JL , / " !::Y/ Taking home t:0 , with bees in he' bonnet, bees in of Mrs. Sigfried Reynolds, Shel- Z ,  , [r 1 n T 17 .   I her breeches, and bees at all ton, has been admitted to the U. l I!. i Giant ' OUU Olll BKWITH'S a • po'nts between. The insects had S. Naval Hospital at Corona, Cali- __.SF_It, VICt :ff:rs you a ,,.x v ,, .t. ,, ,, ,,, .,-:, ,-, , - 1=- v  or analbum for her NPiIII a rrnnv I evidently become enraged when ferule, for treatment of a pul- [l  [|i| | Babe innocently trespassed upon monary infection, according to a g pleasure is 'a IS-Ill Ij • • U ...... I what they thought was their own U. S. Navy information report. Confidential --of-stying ............ [] private property and had dared He has been transferred to the Ior%ll you mean • to pick some of the succulent sa- Fleet ReseTve, U. S. Navy, after  , Size • - - merton I lal brush which afforded shade 20 years active service, and will L Seattle LV ure -- remain in hospital for further NUT KBU T .S SERVICE JJ]i  treatment. --IIIII III " . " " 15AM i fOr the bees' nest In Order tO put 12:30 A.M. 22:55 " "I a stop to such vandalism the by- PEA T R   --, IY------J--- 1:30 : • menopterous wasps, armed with Y  , € { 9-Lbs. Grand Size _ :0o :o I sharp daggers which they carried vv,¢,,vvvv,,,,,v,'vv. !l'tWe Suggest-- T:a :^ • in hip pockets of their yellow 0 Union  z. .(.:* With anvof the 6:15 ":'u 2 49¢ TM 3¢ 7115 ' 7:30 I " ' I  tla(31(Jr" 7:45 8:00 • ] HOW Di Folks, Pinch hitting 8:15 8:30 • I I * -I  for "Ye Towne Gossip" of Union  ii asterpi%... FANCY .... " = - ? D+Ay_. _. 8:45 9:00 |i [ .drl this week, and in view of the 1 . - g C 0 0 K I E S RANC.O ' .RANC.'R'S PR,O . 0mes to the GRAH- 9:15 9:30 1 I IJ---4I I{l' fact "don't et around much any- ora 4- :night 9:45 10:00 1 I __ = " - _- I " more," makes it somewhat of an In Small Packages- r - , *  " 10:15 10:30 • I  ,1%1 undertaking. We hope our own Just Right for hunch Boxes TOMATO Izzi EGG NOODLES & [ -l:ono-rrov.-- 10:45 11:00 • I l'"k2] special grapevine does not bear '  ' T n • : 11:4511:15 12:0011:30 •i II BI fV'A  _ anYMr.SOUrandgrapeSMrs. Lultwig°r wrathfUlAndcrsen,Ones!  , tl$ SOUP ................ can /1 URKEY .. lg. can Ill, !T}PS 11 12:15 P.M. 12:30 P.M. I J I|(-----]" J accompanied by Henry Allen, have  Pkgs.:[¢ '/ zgi-?  12:45 1:00 [] . l.',,..,.l, /-] taken time off for a trip to the , MARCOE'S COVERED , !;ii !;ii II  Yakimacountry. . HALEYS • DENNISONS r.Usic form: includ- one vacation and tour of thc Chicken ..... y t • . t PORK AI e. country side, are Mr. and Mrs. ' Marshmallow l-lb. $ ;45 3;oo ! I TELL THE Frank Nosworthy. We hear that ffU#.i i : 3.15 3.3o , ,;oo i l UNFORTUNATE SANDWICH SPREAD . .......... ,, pzgs. BEANS [4 cans  w fevorite Rut#ran they have been gone over a week, e 8till Of The Night" and at the last writing had been enjoying the beauty of the San 4:45 5:00 I I on our curving roads Juan Islands. :Mrs. :Marie Wilt is aa FOR LUNCHES i  ff.,.7*2S ' ', t$W ! Per Sale" 5:154:15 5:304:40 I• {I ToStrangercall ourWh°wreckerWreCkSandhiS car exchangein chargeduringOf thetheirlOCalabsence.telephone Can 40¢ SANDWICH 41A-, Blue Plate _ A-., :!" '+ You Under M 6:oo 6:oo •{ We will serve him as cheap- At the meeting held at the " - " BAGS 40 in )k . JLU SHRIMP ...: .... can [}, )ELICIOUS APLLIS *' v 6:30 6:'30 • I ly - school house :Monday evening, it GRANDEE "" l g € " 7:15 7:15 I J As we.serve you. was decided to hold the special '!  : 7.45 :50 • - election to vote on school bonds OLIVE BUTTER XRISP b. "' The Beguine'" 8:40 8:30 |] For Quick, Capable and the proposed 50 min levy, WAX 41€ New Crop Washington ' '~-. 9:30 9:00 ,| Wrecker Service this coming Saturday, September PAPER pkg. 10€ CRAC]KERS 2 " ick Out of You" Fancy'& Extra Fancy ' io 10:20 10:00 Ill themodernschoolbuilding, which argS¢ .......... '' _. , This Thing Called 11:3o 11:10 I [J PHONE 52 21. Posters are up to that effect, bOX Except Sunday i r| • Everyone seems much in favor of Lb" I i + --- . . Shelton Garage our district has so long needed. BLACK CALL LIHE ,st and Cota Phone 52 "A happy foursome" werc the , 1 emS hc?m]ols cently on a week end celebrating flour ,- i PO ATOE - !If, ' i. DonWalkes•an4 Jack Cattosre- ] ,o+,,o ,o, o,,o+ IPI-- .... Id m: t:;;,)" -- , I in Seattle and tripping the light Size "A" Paktma Netted G ; , P iDtohe:  fantastic at the Olympic Bowl. Either Powder or Liquid Form , - " X | k. The annual meeting of the Ra- $9€ U.S. No. 1 lmend to you the Bremerton-Tacoma Stages Schedule dio Broadcasters Association will 3[€ 1 albums -- be held at Alderbrook ]nn Friday, Lb. ,rter Review NORTHBOUND DAILY SOUTHBOUND expectedSeptcmberto 20.atLendA largeand theCr°WdgroupiS 10 Pounds SH ELTON MAID bag 89 r   r No. 2 Gems-50-lb. € : David Rose Leave Leave Leave Leave will also spend the week end at LtBBY'$ Olympia Shelton Bremerton She,ton enjoyed even more popularity an- DEVIL MEAT PASI EURIZED MILK