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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
September 10, 1946     Shelton Mason County Journal
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September 10, 1946
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Nava| Reserve, Ot&apos;flcer Procure- i monI% Thirteenth Naval District, Se, at)e Wash, T1}b eattle office of, Naval Of- ficel( i!ro6uronlent, has been as- signed a quota of 69 former Waves Be re*entfsted from Washing- m, Oregon,,, Idaho, Montana and Cy0ming. Only Waves who held e followJllg rates when dis- arged will be re-enii;t.ed: HA, H:, SPCNT SPTLr, S, 8PV, , S/P, SPG, SKV, ]'R, AERM rid, A:MMI. Regardless of tle tin]S, elapsed nee discharge, Waves wlll be re- enlistcd at tleir former ratings. Grapeview Mrs, Jane Mitchell who lms 8ent some time with Spooners, left for her home tn Seattle. Frank Palms has Joiiled the U. In the home and Mrs. Watdc one day No one was at home broke in and cx- blae; Wlh englne tr0U- Rauschert's .field punctUred tire, "Iqle owner a lit:fie discouraged about a group of ellildren and grownup, to weterri Wasilington fair at last Tuesday. A fine had by all. and Mrs, Carol Bush have some time at their ranch .'kin Oregon, Last son-in- Mr, and Mrs. :Tile Stock ers have ptu'- chased the bus that was used dur- lag tim war to transport workers th Bremerton, Stati. of WasHington OFFICE OF S|IPEItVI.OI t)F HYDRAULICS Olympia ()rI'ICE (13  'WATER RIGllT AI*PIJCATIOI( 0. 7415 0 WtIOM IT MAY')NCERN;: NOtice 1 t'|ereb given th0t Alfied A, SI£ell or lheltoll, State of Watfing- tl)n UildeI' date of AllgLIst 27, 3946, fil- ed !tt) the 'ttate SUl.)ervisor of I-Iy- dr'aulNs, Olympia Washilgteo, an ap.. piication for a pcwnllt to divert tile public waters of unnamed springs (2) ih( oral)tint of (l,10 second-foe(, of di- ithtli NW. of ownsllip 22, N,, Mason Couhty, cat]be and plan and ilac place of the on file In 'the, office of IIydraulics, i:ogetter with as ts requh'ed rnl or C.Ol:poratlon be in.luri0usly at- said al)plicatiun may file tate Suliervisor (If llydrau- Olylnpla. Wsslliogtotl. such LEGAL PUBLICATIONS """""%7. "4;7"'''''- SUMMONS IN TIE SUPEI:{IOI C()UIIT OF THE STATE OF ,VASFtlNGTON. MAtIN C(') I.INTY SIIh'IOY L,(lardo ho(,k, PlaJ)ltif£. l%ex Troy Sl}otlk. I)ofcDdanl. THIb' STATi!] OF WASHIN(ITON 1o th(. S.'ltfl Rex Troy Sho,.)k. l)oi(fflaui: {Otl ;It•(! h'r(!h.v StlOl|Ilt)npd tO Sl)i.q)/Ir lVilllbi ]xi.y (60) days af|.iH' the #.late of ill(..' first ]loblicall()n i)f this t3tlnl- nu'.)ns, Io-wit: within sixty (60) days after the 12fh day of Sept(qnbcr, 1946 A,I), find dofotld lle above tilt]tied tic 10tl ill t lt(. tI/)OVC elltiih,d Court Uld ailswel' the C")lll])hlhlt (,) 1)lain- tiff, attd scrv t copy of vour abswor Ilpon. the tlntiersigocd ' :t[torncYs for t)lailltfff, at tlwir 6ffici'; below stated; htld ill ease ('if yOUF f;t|lHr( S() tO do llllgIllt!nt R It )e r(qld(:red against y¢)ll according to ill(' detualld of the rolnplslnt which has boen filed with ll)e Clerk of ,"uiti Cllrt. The lJUrllo,;c of ibis tt(!liOll is tO oblain ti dh'orcu. Wi?IGIIT & MALLOY. Alh)rncy,,+ for Phlieliff (fl'l(tC: AnlL](' Iuih'llnff, S}lelttln. qason CoIlll|y, W/Is]l illj'l on. 9-12-19-2tt,--10-3-10-] 7..2;I--,7t, ND. 4'05 SUM|ONS FOR I'|III+IC/tTION IN .THE SUPI1JIIOI. COUI.tT ()l , TttE STATE ()P W aSIIINGTON FO1£ MASON COUNTY Willlanl Kindred, Plaintiff. vs. Axel R. Lindwall. Jltnc Doe LindWa|t Witose true CIIlqStlali Name is to Plain-' tiff lill|llown, his wife the nnknown helrs of said Axel R. Lindwall, de- $.'eased, unknown bell'S of said Jane Doe Llndwall, decsaned, Jsno Doe Knutson, wllose true Christian name is to Plaintiff unkm)wn an(1 the un- ltnowa heirs of said Jane Doe Knut- sots, deceased, Defendants, TII.E' STATE OF WASHINGTON to the .acid Axel R. Lindwall, Jauo Doe Lindwall Wb0Sc trtie Chi.isllan name iS t0 PittinLif[ liUltllOWli, file lUl]inown heir,q Of said Axe R Lindwall de- ceased• 1.]1( Uakllown ']it[l,S &f said Janc Doe Lindwall deceased, Jane ]lea 'I{flu|son. and Jhe lUlkllown llelPs of said J:lne Doe l(lllllSOlL deceased, Dcfc, ndants ; You and each of :'b are hereby sunlmolted to appear within sixty (60) , days. after the date of the f "st, pub- ( llcatlon of this SIlnllli()ns: to*wit: Withill sixty days :after ,tim 22nil day of A:ugnsI, 1946, aad defenl the abor]3 tntli:le:l action ill Llie abovc entitled Cotlrti and answe, r tile C?nlpla nt of • tile Plaiutiff, and sorv6 a copy of you, + allSWt*.t III)OU the undirsigned Attorney for plaintiff, at his office helow star- [ d; anti in ease of yolu" failure so to do Judtnlent will be rendered against Y0I aCJording to the demands of the Cmnplaint which has bceu flied with the Clerk of said Court, By this aefion Plaintiff seeks to quiet his title In and to the following descriiled l:eal Estate situated in Ma- son Counly, Washington, 1o reltiOVC clouds from his; title thereto and to forever bar, restrain and enjoin you and each on+,, of }'oil from asserting .lly ri[li, tit.It, eninl, cqulty or in- tcrest tllercla or .1.hereto adverse to lalaJntiff's t.ltle, and to havc Plaintlff adjudgcd the legal owner and entitled to possession of Govermuent Lots 1 and 2, anll tilt North half (N) of the Squtheast 0))arter (SEmi), Section 32. T0wnsilill 22 North, Range 2 West. W;M,, excepting publie road rights of way, if any. CIt.S. Yl. LEWIS' Office on<l 3?ot Office Address: ]19 So, 4ill Streel l=,)ell Building, Shdton, Meson County, Washinuton 8-22.29--9 -5:'i2-L(u26--)-3 7t NOTICF, OF SALE OF STATE LANDS NOTICE IS "HEREBY GIVEN, That en Tuesday, the Jst day of October, 1946, conuaenclng at tee o'c/ocl¢ in the Iorenoon of said day, ill front of llle main OntranJe door to the Cenuty Court l-louse in the. City (if Shclton, county of Mason, Slate of Washington, by the County Alditor of said county, tile/ following described state lands,  togetlmr with the Inlprovenlents s tu- ated thercoa, will he sold at public auctlon to the higliest bidder het,e for, to-wit: i N(3TENo one except citizens of the In]ted States, or persons who have ]e.clarcd their intention to become t&tl 6,rchass ;state lands, APPI,TCATION Nf). 19'2(0 SEI,. of NEV@ of section 28, h)wn- Ship 0 north/ range 6 west, W, M., centainhlg 40 a'cree, more or less. ac- cordlnK to the KovcrmDent, Survey thereof, apprais<d at $400.00. Said land will be sold fer not less than the appraised vahle above stated and upon (be terms mid conditions fol- Ural E. Bittle and Vehna E, Bit.tie, lowing: husband and wife. and Frank Coclhl, Not less than one-tenth (if the pur- Plaintiffs. chase price must be paid at the itme John F .. lad.a'i.i u.lfn , 0f sal0,the ownei'Theof purchaser,the improvements,if he bemustnot Of Joiln I% Smde and at1 other, till- ? own hairs fbrthWtth pay to the offices' making known ctaimartts, Defendants, the sale the full amount of the ap- STATE OF.WASHIN(}TON TO John praised value of the hnl)rovenlents/aa : Slade and lh(,* unknuwn IFd,rs ,)f abovo stated, One-tntb of the put- John F. Slade and all other unknown t:hase prtce must be paid IlUllllfl.l/y iflailnants, Defendants: thereafter with int•erest on all defer- YOU are hereby red payments at th rate of six per ear within sixty centum par mlmlnl: Provided, That iiate of thll first any i?urcbaser may make full paynlent nf principal, in(crest a/ld stntutory feea at any time and obtain deed, The purcfiUser of land containing timber or other vahlable lnaterials is prohi- bited I)y law from cutting or remov- serl'c, a COpy ( answer ing any saclr timber or urn(trials with- undersigned ntiffs at theh' otit fh+st obtaining; aonscnt of the Commissioner of l:ubltc Lands, until ¢c the fnll anl,)unt of the purhasee price has been pa|d and deed issues. 10,d with the All sales of state lands are made mlbJect to tle rcservations of oils of said of this action IS to qnjet gass coal, ores, minerals and fos- sils of every name, kind and descrip- • in Masan County, tion, and to th e additional terms and conditions prescribed In section 3 of chapter 266 of the Laws of 1907. Address. Said land will be sold lbJeet te ttm lerms, cooditions anti reservations of cbal)ier 312 of the Session Laws of :1927, relathlg to eascm(nis fir rlgh s- L 0f-way and the carryil}[ of tinlber0 ........ atone, mioerals alia other prodllels over the a|ll , tllat OTT() A. CASE, ALMA. ero Atlng City Clerk of the City :of Sh.lton] Washington. 9-19-26--10-3--3t, COnulti,'iooar of Public Lands. 8-'29 --9-5-12-19-26 --St. OTICE OF SAL OF STATE L'IDE LANDS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That on Tuesday, the :[st day of October, 1946, commencing at ten .o'clock in the forenoon of said day, In n'ont of the main entrance door to the Oounty House in the city of Shelton,, ' of Mason, State of Washing- the County AuditOr of said tbe following described state her with the hnprove- thereon, will be sold auction to the highest bid- to-wit: :--No one :except citizens of ted States, or persons wno declared their intention to be- such, can Durehaeo state lands, A1 1 LICATION NO. 30841 ]ands of the sccomi class of Washington, ad acent to or sec'{ on 9, town- range 3 west, W, M., 'e of 8,65 lineal chains, waised at $40.00 per will be sold for not less the appraised value above stated I andwtn.upon the terms and conditions fol- l°Ngiess than .ope-tenttl 0f t.he Rur7 chase pries must De palu at tn.e ume ,of slue. Tne purcnnser If he oe lot ho owner of the improvements, must fortbv!th pay. to the offLcer malting [the sale the ,u)t amount of the ap- . Value of the improvements, 'as stated, One-lentil. of the put- Ice must be paid annually. ' with interest on all deferrea at the rata of slxlper Clm- annum: l)roId.ed, Tllat .an X may make xull payment or intarost and statutory fees and obtain deed, The pur- timber or Franchise Application No, 1759 NOTICE O' IIEARING In the Matter ot the Appllc/tton of PUFLIC UTILITY DISTRICT NO. 1 OF MASON COUNTY, a l)nmiclpal c0rpol•attoo, for a l'rsnchise tO con- slruct i,pcrato and lllaintaJn a waii..r ])tpe lille 1.1pen, e]ollg snd across it porth'ul of Prhnarv State I]ig]lway NO. ],I, ill Mutant Ct)u'nly. \\;VItERHAS, PUIILIC. UTILITY DTS- TR1CT N0 1 03+' MASON COUNTY a ltlllnlcl )el (rorporath)n, has, filvd with i l' Di '(Ct<l' of l Ilg lwIIys (If th Stab*. (,f Wa:qlln,;hm, uoder "ltle. provlsious of Chal)ior 5:|, Laws of 1937 all aPDll- cation fo:r a franchise t,)coustrtlct, o)el'aif+ KIII(] l)lellita.lil an wat,rt ) ,+iip lint+ upon, a|oifg oil4 0el'ess {I pol'lh)ll of Prllllal•y Ststc Highway No, 1.i in MaSOD. C(ll|niy, Wafd]]ingtelt, for a per- iod of twenLy-five (25), tit the following designated Debits, to-wit: l(:!ginnti2g on tile 'noi,thcriy side el' Prilnnry Slate Illghway No. ]4, ,'.is now located and of rceord In ill(+ of- flee of the Dirrffor of ]tigilways at Oly011)ia, %ashington. al a point' f)p- IIO.iio approxinta|ety Iti/4'hway ]ngln- eers S(atit,n ]I+00 'naar the ¢,nLcr of ]>c)rl Townsend SLreet ill t]lo Town +,I' IIni(,n, lu the .V,: of NWI of S('t+tic)ll :i2, Townsbll) 22 North, Range 3 Was( W.]I. 1.11cII('e WeSlcl'ly alonl4 Lila northerly side of said tdghway I.,) a lloint opposite aDproxinlalely High- %V(ly Engnif,ers Stall011 0-I-{10 ill the , vicinity of Alder Stroel. in Govormneut Lot 4, See(Ion 32, sahl townsllip and rSlle; thence i'ontlnuinK ill a WI?St- e+'l,y dlr(,i:tion ctlonl the said north- el•l.V side of said higllway to It point opl'Jostt(:' lpln',)xiluat(qy ltighway En- rmoerS Station 21-t-1(L approxinla{eiy hi t e (ellter of IPourtil Street, ill t]ov- ornrllent LO[. ], Section :l], TownshJl I 22 North. ll, angc 3 Wast, W.M, AI,4O, (rossing" sahl Pl'ilnary Stale I[ighway No. :l,l lt thc. folh)wing poll]is : . la) At a point oppo,ite approximate- ly Flignway Eoghmers Sthtioll 8+70 (Seattle Street) ill the S.W{ of NWV of Section 32. TowIisnlp 22 NorLh, Range 3 West, W.M. (b) At a point opposite appr0xi maloly lttghway Engineers Statton 4+10 (Msin Si/,eot) In .Qove,:ment Lot 1. Section 31. ToW:nsnlp 22 North, Range ,2 West, W, M. NOW. THEREFORE, NOTICE I HEREBY GIVEN That ,a hearJnff will be ]leld Oi said sPill]col]on by (Ira Director " of t{lgi- ways of tlle Sta!e 0f W ashlilgt0n tt tlis ufflc, e in the Transportation Buil(t- lug, Olynlpia, Washiln4'ton, oil the 15th day nf Octobe|', tt946 at 161 o'clock A,'I,, or llS. so(Ill ,tl]oreaftor a bear- iaK nla¢ be had. ated at Olylnpia. Wsshington. l.llis 27th day of AugllSt, 19,16, CLARENCE B. St/AIN, DJrt,t!1(n' (If 131ghways. 9-12-]9-2'31, " CLASIP+jRTISINO 0 words or less (minlmUm charge) 3 weeks $L0(I. 1 Week 50e, Low,ra rates for larger ads al more iitsertloa, Reader notices 8e per word. 75e minimum charge on each notlce. Card of Tllanks, $1.00; orlgln poetry 50c l)er inch; classtfled ¢llqplay .rates on request.. avernsetUenta' accepted over the telepi)ol!e ftoln phoae sub- scrlbers. Cash Should aceompally all other orders or payntent made within(five (5) days of the flrsl Inserti4m to save expense of bill. lng. Ah extra charge of 10e will be made dllen bilthlg is neces- sary.. PHONE 100 REAL ESTATE FOR sALE: Spenecr Lalw waterfront property, tI. 1, Clay, Rt, 2, Bux 29. 9-12-26 lloUSC in or near ALlyn. lnfluire Garry's Wehllng Sh0t), Allyn, "vVas}l, 9-12-2 /OW' ()PEN TO CIrlLIANS. beaui, i: fill new 2-bedroonl honle, par( hard. wood floors, modern latest slYhl (qltllDOltnt. ,]-roonls and ]loll ].)ltlS lhiliiy porch. Level qol 50 x 100, Ideal faodly location. Near bus alld Stol'as ou l,:turcl and I£ Streets, [:, View, A real Jny al $,i50(I. Inquire IL'thel Hopkins," Heinio's Taxi Stand A9-12-19 Iit,for( ,I :30 I).ln. FOR SALE: _twq IoL'+ just otsid e city lhnits on Iatlock rose. Illfl(llre at Maple Auto Camp for M(l'lo E, Cleveland. 9-19-26 FOR.SALE: beautlfql 5-aere tral,t on Lake Isabella Witlt attractive tin. room log cabitL dock , ald •float. gt'avity Wcter supply, excelleiit gar- lic((.Spot. PtctureSqtie seeliidod honte site, or would su])dlvide, $9,250. l:lli Olsload. Phone S0. 9-:lStfn, FOR SALE: small, II0usc. Twn 10is oti etmtDt(:klns01t Strctt, 'L. A. Todd. St. Route 2. 9-19 Classified Ads ,, , ,, Classified Service PAPER I IANGING, signs, interior paintin,, 1('. K, McCuh;heon, 222 I South Second St., Phone 685. Offiee wltll" Robclon Phuui)lng. 8-1-tfn SEPTIC TANKS cleaned out, contents hauled away. Quick servk'.e. Call Chas. Jimes Olyn|llia 3,t86 or 7026, 8-22--11-7 WELL DRILLING: Work and mate- flat guaranteed. Vern Da'idson, 903 Ell]nor, Sllelton. Phone 229W. 7-18tin , ELECTROLUX CLEANERS. SALES, Scrvice and suDplies. Free pickup and ,delivlry, Jack Manlcy, only authorized fac- tgry representativO. Phone Ilo0Sl)grt 2V2.  7-38--tfn PO}.TABLE STAI CIEANER for 1,ruck and auto nlotors. Work eva- nings and SatUrdays. Ernest Booth, 431 Hai,vacd, phone ,t78-J 6-20tin, uSE5 TmS:  , reC;0pltlg ana rgpalrlng.. S!m B. Smifli Co., .eg*on ana cherry, • 3 U S Tires Olympla, Phone 775 ..... ' and batteries, 11-15tfn. Classified Service PAIRS. l)rup lee a card, E. II, ill- Sell, [hlah, 3. ]h)x 12G, Slloli()o• 9-J9+ 10-3 GAR I%Y'S WEI.DIN(] SIIOI> : arc ac.(qvhql(! weldilll..Portal)le sorvi(,o ally %vher(L AIll OlllObile ral)air alld tt.(:(ssori('s. I'orlllel'lV ] vshl nile, AtlYO, rash. " !)-12-2(; CUSTOM MEAT CUTTING and meIlt $.q'indillf, ]Iave )'(Jill' It)citer lllCal ('Ill by all OxoorI(!oCCd meat i'll(ter. 1t,of, p()rk, veal and ('lk slid d(,er ill sea- son. Cut, wraPtlad and l|qlUlll|ilt,s ground, 3e pOUlld• Dos Willianls, 6114 Dtarb(rn. PhoIIe 331M q-12t'fn DANCING every Saturday at Hatchery Grange lhdl. Good music, good thee. W5-30tfn, HEMSTITCHING: 10c yara, also but- tonholing. Mrs. Ellis %Vel[s, 405 Ar- cadia Avemle. (Corner Arcadia and Boundary Streets.) 228-tfn I-1EMSTITCItING 1 'ARD. Knife aud scisseV sharpening. Would llko to continue with Mrs. Twoby's cus- tomers, Mrs. Fred Elson, 427 Belle- vue. 3-7-tin BURGESO RADIO REPAIRING near Junior High School. Closed Satur- days. 1221 Franklin. Phone 112W or mare work at Killmer Electric. 5-7 IF YOU WANT CARPENTERS AND ELECTRICIAN contact C. L. Col- lins Business Agent 1612 Division Pho'ne 240W. ' 3-30tfn I ........ I III III .......... + ..................... ' .... ' .......... .................. J ........................................................................... NEW BORING SERVICE WE HAVE ADDED A NEW LINE BORING BAR AND TOBrN ARP BEAIING RESiZER TO OUP :EQUIPMENT. Also Federal Mogul Bearings Cracked Cylinders and Block Repaired by FOR SALE: Large size (mnn]eled Montaff c, irct|lating stove. In first clnss condition, $35.00. Marshall stJ'awl)erry plants for l sftle al,qo, $],(1() per hundred. Call at Rt. a, F, ox 125. 9-I2-26 FOR SALE: l(alhul pt'llnos. .2(' per ]ff)llll(]. I h'illg  till I' ()WII ('Cliff1 ill('l' tlll[i I)jvk yOlll'.u'l[ '. (?!)'12-19 KITCHEN eallinots, linen (,losels. store fixt UI'('.. lind cuslolo loiil W<)l'k. Inado to order. ]G)r fl'oo csti)nalos ]Phono 217R2. I'eh!r.on Ih'os. 8-11fn IIOUSE'WIVES: rlly wax your floors (,very v;e('k! Ils. Phlsti-Kote twice a veal'. Sold at Sh(.lton Elc(,trie Co.. ]1() 4th street. 8-1-tin CONVERT YOUR KITCHEN RANGE to oil, See Lhe new Tllerm silent Air Flow Burner in operation at Sam B. Smith Co. Legion Way and Cherry, Olylnp a. Phone 7753. 11-35tfn. FOR SALE: see OlYml)Ic Motor Sales for lltltO iMn'(s and accessories. First and Mill Streets. phone 595. 7-41In BRIGGS AND STRATTON air cooled gas exllne. Smith and Binger, Le- gion Way and Cherry, Olympia. Phone 7753. . ll-15tfn FOIl SALE: :Ill lnetnl Ironing: bosrds. }IiiLcrest 14ar(Iware. 9-19 TIMBEr% FOR SALE: oh] and soaond g'rowtb, A)ig]csid( district. Mu.t lie rentov(.d seen. Sec Herb Angle, 9-5-]9 -FO1:% SALE: locker meat lass than two years old. mosl]y Dlu'hanl, Hal'- old ltall. Matloek. We. 8-159-19 IPOl SALE: hand woven linen, bally blankets ,rugs. yardage, etc. Orders taken also. 1.116 Slun/nit Drive, lo- cated one bloLk West ttf highway b(,twecn Elinor and Desrborn, tlill- WANTED: a boy fl)r Seatth, ;i'l;li, paper route. Auyone, tnterosied l)lease vontact Mrs, Stella Bird. fore- noon or evenings. Phone 1,iJ. 9-i.q FOR SALE: 80 acre farm, holse, clec- h.tcity l'unaihg a.el + large barn, root house. I: •ult a! d' berries. Ilt- ('lilii'e St, Rt. '. Box 3." '9-19.--30.8 ...... ii tP' K W COLD WELD METHOD MITCHELL'S AUTOMOTIVE . . MACHINE SHOP 407 South First Street, Shelton Ptlone 628 ,'rest. Phl)nc 799JX. $8-22.9-12 Maisonette Dresses and blou:leS ill acetate rayohs and ottoni, reasoh- ably priced. You al'd invited to see our nlerchandiso at 1416 SUmolit Drive. Located one bloc[t west of highwa, y bctween Elinor and Dear born, H:ilh•rest. Phone 799JX, S8-22--9-12 FOR FOR SALE: :18 ft 1Oil1 Jill(It. (-o()d SCO .Iohll t',. Cabins, ( ':l])ill N,), '| I ion). [a(|R SALE: rl)sr, cltlD s|t)ol. New] Sollivsn. 2(1II ox'onitlgS. ltANGE ell V,! install if v llu(: Stor('. 2('H FI @ To Del YORK F INE We A Limite SEE OUR NEW COMN FOOD DISPLAY Now On the Floor FOR SALE: level .'(:se puppies, b, ;%. stork. Pure :,,, O l'all {{C Pen lera.n|an Wl'ite ,,eC]olland Yor Olympia, Wash, FOR SALE: two slbort jackels, size .... .fournai__  - INCORPORATE] 2,' B6x 29:¢. , (". "TO NIND , eonditit)n $30 00 phon ,,0,, orwl ool,,',. ' ' Oakvillc, FOt% SALE cows with reg'istored Nalh:y J'£allch. FOR, SALE: ers. Hillcrest FOR SALE:Iwo and coils. S(,n)e good ilorses• Very S(ark. Phone FOP, S.LE : eke]is,. Jrs. MASON LAKE Waterfront Tracts 60 x 300 foot, beautiful, trees, nmrelou g'avel beach, good fishing, fine camp grounds, Take Bayshore Road, follow signs+ ONLY 15 MILES, come out and select your tract, you name the down and monthly paynlents---You can't go wrong owning a Waterfront tract. See Gordon Mendenhall Representative on the Ground W. C. MADING 702---3rd Ave., Seattle, El. 8745 CAUSE NO. 4677 NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE OF I{I,:AI, ESTATE Under Spcchll Exceutlsn IN THE SIIPEJ{1OR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY Kaflpar lfd(?Jser, Plaintiff, ---ve, (3e(:)'ge Sokooi, Defondant. Under and by virtue of a special execution Jssu(!d out of and uudc|" th(,* ,eal of lhe Superior Court o1: th(, State oi Washington, iu and for said Counly, tln tile 9th day ef Septen|- ber, :1946, upon a judgmant rendered in said Court, on the 24th (lay of August, 19,16. in ]'aver of Kaspar Keis- er and ngainst Georga Sokool for the 8urn ff Eight Hundred and no/00 ($800,0(}) I)ollars, togcthcr with attor- ney's fees, intwest, costs aud inareas- 0t (:Oll.s, and to me dh'ected and de- ltwrcd, comnmndlng me to sell the following describcd"I)roparty to sa fy said , udgnl0nt to-wit: . An 'tindlvlded one-half interes ; in and lo a tract of Isnd ill tile North- east Wuarti'," of Scctlon 31, Township 22 ortlL Itange l West, W.M., par- tieularly described as f0]lows: le- ginnin F tit the Northeast Corner o.)f said Secti<m 3:1; thence wesL along tl|e n0)'th ltne tllcrcof 660 feet; thenct; soUtll 650 feet; thence cast 660 feet to ll|c east line of • said Section 31; thance norttl 11 ong the "cast line of said Section 31 650 feet Io the pDint O£ b(+@'lnning exct!pting ihercfronl rl gt'ht-()l-way for Secondary State FllglIway No. l,tA as the same is IIOW Cellstrtlcted and iu tlse over and aC r OS,; said ]slid ; Masoa Oonnty, 9"asll. N()TlCE IS IIEI"{EBY GIVEN, That on Saturday the 19th day of October 19,16, at 10 o'(:lock n the forenoon 01 .aid day, I will scl] th( above, de- scribed pro)per(y, or so much thereof as nlay be nccessary to satisfy said Judgnlcnl, togeAhl,r wllh attorncy's fees, ioterest costs and increased (:.,sis, in all amounting to tile sum .f Nine hundred twenty-three and )61/00 ($923.61)Dollars. Said sale will take phlce at the East door (if the Court I-tousc at Shel- ton ]n said County ad State, and will be at pubtic auction, for cash In hand to the highest and best bid- der. Dated at Shelton, Wash,, this :ISth day oi: Septembcr, 1946, W,, F. COMPTON. Sltci'ifl: of •said County, 9-19.26--10-3-] 0--4t. NO, ]'780 NOTICE OF HEARING ON FINAL ItF, PORT AND P:TITION FOR Dl:l'itl ltUTION IN Tt*I SUPERIOR COURT OF THE S'ATI OtP WASHINGTON FOR MASON "COUNTY : IN PROBATE In tim :Matter of tle Estate of Albtu't 1'. Saegcr_Dcceasod, NOTICE IS HEHEBY GIVEN that Rtclunond ]K, Saeger and Geneva Sae- ger Angle, Administrators with the Will annexed of the estate of .Albert P. Saeger, deceased, have filedwlth the Clerk of the above entitled court theh' Fhlal Report aad Petition for Dlslributiou asking the court to ap- 1,rovc the smile, distribttt0 tile prop- erty to the persons' thereto entttl6d and to discharge tbe sold Administra- tors with,.the Will annexed, NOTICI0 IS FURTHER GIVEN thtt tile said Final Report Amd Petltl0n for I)/strltlutlon wiIl be heard on Sat?ar- day tile 191h day of: October, 1946, at, t'he hoar of t0n, o'clock in the fore- noon, ill the Court Room, in the Court Ilouse, In Shelbon, Wahlngton, Dated this 14th day of SePtember, 1946. (SEAL) CLARE ENGELSEN. • Clark of tilo ab(ive olltllled court, CI-IAS, R. LEW/S, ,' '. Attorney for the said estate. Address; 119 Bell Buildiog, South 4€h Street, Sbelton, Mason County, Washington, 9-1926--10-3-I0.-4t, NO. 8717 NO%'IC} OF MALE OF TIMBER IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF E STATE OF *VASHINGTON IN AND £'OR KtTSAP OUNTY In the Matter of the Estate of Ted S: Cole, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that lira undersigned ad|ninistratrix (if ihe above estate will sell at private sale. on or after October 10. 1946, the tim- bet' loated on tile following describ- ,ropert y, to-wit: ortlwesi of (ha Attorney for Estate, Office and P.O. Address: 10418 Dietz Bldg,; I3r lnerton, Wash. 9-:1.0-26--.t. 7/4-tin u , u FOR SALE: 10 acres Skokomish Valley, creek runs through place, modern 6-room house with fir- /)lace. 46 holly trees, barn, chick- en house, garage, woodshed, c0ws chickens. Carl Crawly, Star Rotate 1, Box 72, Shelton. 9-5-tin FOR SALE house at 117 Mill St, $3,250. $500 dewn, balance to stilt. Phone Littlerock 3fl09, P9-12-2J FOR SALE: three small three-room ' I10Uses, eecll on a 60 x 100 foot lot. Located on ,Laurel and J St,, ML. View. Se J. B, Schott at llous08 fronl 9:00 to 5 p,nl. 9-12-26 0-ic,'e t,',,(, wh 2-rooot hol|se e,t J i'¢adia Road; shed 15 x 20, well .I Water, :[0 fruit trees,, berries, good I soil. $3609 on terms at 6,/,,. See M. c: ZINTr,yo: ealo,,. 5-acre trart a nlilo from Shelton, covered with salable Xmas trees. on goot road IA mile from pave- ment. A bdy al $800. See M. C. ZINTHEO. 7-acre tract with piling and wood lhid0 city llmLts On gravel road; water and llglltx ch)se can be cut up into + scvel'al tracts for honle- building. See ..C. ZINTHEO, SJ6-acre farm 14 miles S, E. of Shel- don on payed road, 7 acres cleared, stance in fir and alder; 6-room house witi hath, •several outbuild- ings, goot well and pump; Deice llfa't systelh, Reasotably priced at , $4250. 'M. C. ZINT/iEO, Realtor. ihone :157, 9-12-19 FOR, SALE: 21 acres of waterfront 0I Tonds..peninsula on Hood Canal, $MI00. Wrlte Herman Dewltz, Grap- vi0w, Wash 8-29--10-31 F(JR SAI.E: doWntoWn, a complete ]aoe in excellent condition, three b0droonis,, dinette fire- plat,e, double pltmhing, full baSe- ment, automatic oil lieat, landscap- ed grounds wittl pool, See owner t 810 Cots St... L9-5-19 FOR. SAIE: 15 acres, 4-r00m house tttld bal, b, Tliree acres In clov0r. Barn 40x20. TWO wells, running wa- ter in barn and house. School bUS and mnll route, el,%'trlc lights aiid tclellhon0. Five miles out on Lot Lake Rend. RoUte I Box 219. Sholt0n. B9-5-19 FOR SALE: modern house, 5-roos down' stairs, unflnisled upstairs suitable for two ,bedrooms. Glassed- tit back porch. IWired for electric range. Garage. On I-Iillcrest, See Lu= ciIle Arbogast at Island Lake. 9-5.19 FOR SALE: 50 or 250' feet of Islafl. Lake waterfront. Inquire 316 East Harvard Street,' Me9-5-19 FOR SALE: $3,500. 4-room houSe and shower, 5 acres of land, four miles soUtll of Shelt0n on Olympic high- way. WoOd Cook stove and Walnllt ledropnl suite, davenport and kit- teen table and chairs. Ivan C, Shttt- ter, Rt, 1, Box 24. 8-29tin. FOR SALE: two houses. Apply at phone 284R or 518 Park St. 7-4tin FOR SALE 5 acres with a most modern 6-oom home. Excellent garden with llen- ty of fruit trees. Garage and-fruit room attached This property is located"closo iff and is complete ilt every respt, Will have to be 'seen to bo appreciated. Priccd at $8,- 000.00, Herbert G, Angle tt i i i ii I iI I NO. 538-33 SUMMONS IN THE JUSTICE COURT, BEFOR W, A, MAGOONA JUSTICE OF THE PEACE SHEL/ON PRECINCT, MA- SON COUNTY WASHINGTON. A. L Alexandtr 'dba WASHINGTON SERVICE COMPANY. Plaintiff Court and answer upon plain- bel6w eo be rendered to the dentand has been ill- Court. action J. W', GRAHAM, Attorney for Plaintiff _ , Address: Suite 5 Govey Bldg.' Shellon Washington, ),: 9-12-19-26=-It, Quick, Reliable, Expert RADIO REPAIRS Western Supply Co. 218 I. 'lst :Phone 126 CLARK'S 2nd HAND STORE 201 E, Pixie -- Phone 40 WE BUY AND SELL EVERYTHING _ -, . I "d i I IIII THE GIFT BOX 200 West 4th Olympia, Wash. BeaUtiful Sterling Silver St. Christopller Car Medals, 5D¢ arid up. St, Ahthony, Scapular and MiraculOUs on eighteen arid twenty-four inch chains, price range $3,50 to $4.25. 7/8-tfn Soves and Furnaces VACUUM CLEANED Phone 236-RX Prompt Service AUTO BODY REPAIR WELDING, PAINTING GLASS WORK oo EATON Body and Felder Works Th/rd nd Grove Streets PHONE 8 SWEDISH MASSAGE Rhetmittird, overweight, Undelght. Regulates ftmctlhs of sRin, nerves, digetifl0h, lumbago, cirCu- lation iihd elllnati0n. MONDAY THRU FRZDAY 9. a.m . -6 .m. 22g SOuth Sed6nd St. A. F. OPPELT Phone H0odSpor "434 or Shelton 448 _ I ., " fl "I II |1 [ Shelton FIX--SHOP O Remodeling O IVuraitue Repair O Appliance Repair O Cabinets Built or Repaired O Free Estimates O Piek-Up and DeliVery CHARLES WARD Route 8, Box 182-A Phone 462-JX LOST AND FOUND LOST: ,ladies black leather bandbag contalnln_gersonal papers and cur- rency. a(ny needed. Reward for return to J0tu'nal office. Emily Miller. 9-12-2'6 LOST: largo black dog with hair clipped .+off tall. Liberal reward. Phohe V, cott, 554J or 10F3. 9-19-26 WILL THE PARTY that took a pair of caulk ehlms out of the ear in froit of 534 Fairhont SePtelnbcr 12 please return thanl as someone saw ]Jhem being taken, Thank you. A9-19 General Home Repairs Handy man with pick-up truck and tools, to take care of those small repair jobs. PHONE 656 ' n i II l|tl MITCHELL'S AUTOMOTIVE MACHINE SHOP o SPECIALIZING IN MOTOR REBUILDING REBORING the Clean Way VALV]g SEAT GRINDING WATER PUMP REBUILDING BRAKE DRUM REFINISH- ING; O 407 S. First St. Phone 628 - Sllelt0n KIMBEL Oil CO. RICHFIELD FUEL OIL New Fuel Tanks (Any Capacity) For Immediate Delivery SHARPENING " Lawnmowers, Knives, Scissors and Garden Tools of all kinds Bicycle Repairs S!eyster's Fixit Shop Third and Co(a, PHONE 243 OIL CONVERSION I UNITS 5 types to change your Wood or coal range for oil. Same units as used by factory rood= els. CAL WILSON CO. Hoodsport - Phone :tO or 17 ill "  ...... ii i i FOR IENT _ _ = . =,, FOR RENT:' frozen food lockers. Ready on or about October 1. H, F. Boysen. Phone 82R. St. Rt. 1, Box 13, Mt. View. 8-29tfn., FOR RENT: cottages suitable for couples, electric ranges and oil beaters, No pets, Shake.Cabin Camp, Union, Phone Union 253. 9-5-19 FOR RENT: Beautifully located on North Bay ad stae hilhway 14A at Allyn, wasmngton, linown as Baysido Apts. anagement flrn- ishes usual furnhure and furnish- ings, hot and cgld runrdng water. refrigeration,, e!ectric lights, oil burner anu munury facilities. Apartment prlces fzLom $25 to $82.50. Cabins $15 ana rt.oo. W. A. Beak. ley, Manager. 3-28-tfn WANTED TO RENT WANTED TO RENT: house or apart- nlant with two or three bedrooms. Sltelton location preferred but will consider 15 mile radius. E. G. King, phone 480. oz" w/'lte 22 Pine, Shel- " - , 9 12 26 .jo ....... ESTRAY ANIMALS Near Belfair Wash. One Jersey Iteifer and one Jersey Steer about 2-year-olds. Color, red with no brands, Party owning the stock may lmve same: by paying damages and kcep and cost of tills advertising. WM'. F. COMPTON, Sheriff of Mason County, Shelton, Wash, 9-19--1t, Miscellaneous WE ARE D/STRIBUTOItS OF: Re- frigeration Equipment, Home freez- ers, loeker plants, milk coolers, etc., cold storage doors and insulation, portable coolers, power meat saws, "Cat Line' of Garden tractors. Kohl- er Power; Plauts. Prices right-- quick deliveries, MISKELLA RE- FRIGERATION & EQUIPMENT, Ph. 9690. Olympia, on the Highway at Mud Bay "Y". P.O. Box 612. 2/7-tin Ill " I PAPERHANGING INTERIOR PAINTING KEMTONING Plan New Bightness for Your I-Iome Any Time Georg0e W. Sawyer , Front St. USED CARS TRADE: Plymouth 79.10 pickup for sedan about sal)ic y('tu'. It. W. Mil- (:hcl] 107 S. First. 9-19-26 OR SALE OR TRAI)E: 194(} Ford dump Iruck wilh ]q50 Eaton rea? (,nd: 1U0-1'l.p. M(,rcury lllOtor: now 8:25 tires• Joe 1/'ltts,, 2.11M. 1317 W. tMreh. 9-5-19 FOR SALE: 1929 Fagcol tl.ucl¢. 2V_* ton. Motor in good condition. Seven good tires. Ph,>n( 14F15, D9"12-26 FOR SALE: 6-wheel l(/[4Yhf*K, 12- h.p. White IIIoLOV installed one nloot|l ago, Standard dual axol trailer. C.C. permit, follr ll(W tires it iilonth ago, .llhlt.3S forces sale, Ph[,]le 7F5. K9-12t fn, FOR SALE: '34 SLudebaker sedan in good cundltion. Priced bslow ceil- ing. Call at 1411 Raih'oad. E--9-12-26 FOR SALE: '31 [o(!el A roadster. Phone 761R4. L9-12-19 WANTED TO BUY Good Used Cars for Casll at OPA Ceiling Prices. S. L. PEARSON Phone 548-W WANTED WANTED : washing and ironing. Write Box 37/, She/ton. M9-19 WANTED: 21-inch tlrc 4:40 or 4:50, Write P.O, Box 522. T9-19 WA'NTED: good Home for two cats, half grown male and mother cat. Phone Belfair 282• Mrs, C, I-I. Mann. Star Route, Union. 9-19 WANTED: women oyster cullers. Free transportation f/'om Sbelton. For particulars see Ruth Snyder, 865 l'airnlont. Sholton. frolu 6 p.m. to 8 only. Olynlpia Oyster CO. 9-19-26 WANTED: homes for mother dog and two puppies. Phone 301J. $9-19 WANTED: man to do gardening work. Ptlone 541R, 9-12tin. WANrED AT ONCE large quantities . Alder and Maple logs at $40.00 per thousand net, uo discount, F,O.B. Tacoma. Full scale. Prompt settle- ments, Rail cars ean now be ship- peal from Shelton to Tacoma at rate of about $4.00 per thousand. NOrth- west Chair Company, Tacoma, We. 9-12--10-17 WANTED: one .30-30 Winchester car- bine, Model 94, Must be good. Write Star Rte. No. 2. L. C. Munz, 9-5-19 ., r WANTED: woman or girl to take care of a thre.e-year-old child in ely honlc from 8:30 a.m, to 3:30 p. el. I-hone o86M after 4:00 p.m, D9-12-26 CHRISTMAS TREES Can pay top price for nulnher one trees. Anyone interested tu sell- g 8tunlpage Of trecs contact C, • Roundtree. 1700 Yew Street, Olynlpia. Phone 3759• 9-12--10-91 WANTED: Experleneod woman for general housework and care of one child. Room, board, good sala*T. In- quire Journal. 4-11-tfn WANTED: women to woyl S as oyster cullers at Oyster Bay. uall long dis- tance, Oyster Bay, collect, ask for Oscar Zandell. 10-18-tin WAITRESS and kitchen help wanted Apply Hotel Shelton Coffee Shop,+ 8-tf WANT TO BUY: old horses fon Mink feed. Myers and Hansen Mink Farm, Olympia. Phone 4676 collect. 1-1tfn WANTED: man's old gold watch ehain with round liuks. Also watch ehirrns or fobs. Inquire Journal of- flee. Will pay cash. B6-27tfn. WANTED: ALDER, MAPLE, TOP PRICES. honest scale, short haul. Brame Mill. Lynch Road aud HL- way, four miles south of Shelton 8-29tin. IIIPll I I I I ] I NOTICE OF TIME AND PLACE FOR IIEARING PROPOSALS FOR OPEH- ATION OF CITY GARB AE 1 ACKER NOTICE IS ItEREBY GIVEN that the City of Shelton on Tuesday eve- ning, September 24, 1946, at 8 p, nl., at tll City Commission Rooms in the City Hall 'in Shelton, Washington, will Lonsidcr Droposals for tlte oporatiou ,of tile new garbage paeker. ALit2fA l:f. CATTO, Acting Ctty Clerk, of t]ie City of Shelton. Washington, 9-19--11. Rt. "2. Bo 42." FOR SALE : hand sacques, ln('nt OIl 31 .E. Cedar. Ptlene F()I% SALE : wll Montag wood hnlcl finish. Vcry fant's crib and 403M. FOR SALE: lmt)v 3 new, $10. Eassin'ettl wood healer, $15. 200 East Shelton, FREE ESTI Write P.O. Box 1, B. Franhlill ATTOF Courthouse, -. Phone ", CRAIG F. ELECTRICAL Eliot Electric CItARLES ATTOF ALDEN C. ATTORN EY ....- " ,¢ 0PE trl t mun/ty walks c keepinF ing th( roper( welfare mg as ] the ta payers. expert and is in the % Rai