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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
September 10, 2020     Shelton Mason County Journal
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September 10, 2020
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Page A-24 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, Sept. 10, 2020 “ Good News! Not everyone is good at sports, so maybe it was a ‘ A subject in school that you had a hard time with. ' When you finally understood it, didn’t it make you feel so good to see an A or a B on your report card? Maybe it is cooking. People who win prizes for their food at the fair did not start out making the winning dish. They had to perfect it—add different ingredients, take some away, and add just the right amount of sugars or spices. This is the same thing! If it was easy, where would the sacrifice be? If we can put blood, sweat and tears ' i i f” , into school, our jobs, or hobbies—things that will not 3 I l ‘ , be in Heavenuhow much more should we want to put ' ' . .1 that blood, sweat and tears into winning our eternal [E TRIVIA K ’ lVIE ' IDS ’ l have always said I’m in “the School of God.” This by W'Ison Casey by Theresa Murray “i9 ’3 my “bOO‘ Camp ’.mY "ammg' When I lead the 1. Is the book of Colossians in the Old or theresa@masoncoumy com Bible, I learn HOW to train my body, and my mind, ' and then I can’t stop, or I could “lose those muscles.” New Testament or neither? “Don’t you realize that in a race everyone runs, but We DeVef want to stop training, or forget how) or the“ 2 Whose first Chapter begins only one person gets the prize? 50 run to Win! All it Will be harder to wm the race. We don’t want to “ ' _ ' ’ athletes are disciplined in their training. They do it to 81V9 UP! Now It came to P353 In the thlrtleth win a prize that will fade away, but we do it for an But we can’t see the finish line! We can’t even see year, in the fourth month m”? Ezra, Eze_ eternal prize. . the prize, except for some descriptions a few prophets , , 50 1 run with purpose in every step. 1 am not just . gave us. Tell me, if you could see Heaven, and all of 1091, Mlcah, MalaChl - . - . ' ) o 2 shadowboxmg. I disc1pline my body like an athlete, 113 glory, WOUIdn t YOU waflt that Prlze- 3. From Exodus 10) what was blown out tramng It to do what It ShOUld- OtherWISG, I fear Wouldn’t YOU want to run into Jesus’s arms and hear , . that after preaching to others, I myself might be “Well done!”? Of Egypt by a strong west Wlnd? Rivers, dlsquahfied' 1 Corinthlans 9:24'27 NLT That’s where faith comes in because it is the Locusts, Sinners, Nightness KEEP YOUR EYES ON THE PRIZE! substance of what we hope for, the evidence of what _ . I heard that great phrase mentioned the other day in we can’t see 4' In 1 ChronlCles> Who kllled a 1/2' a song, and it really got me thinking-are we keeping If we treat our bodies like the athletes treat theirs, foot tall Egyptian giant? Beniah, Gideon, our eyes fixed on Jesus, or do they wander here and we will always be “in training.” 80, when we preach B h there, as we get distracted with exciting things of the to others, We don’t walk away, and forget to train. lannes, aruc . world, losmg our focus, and lagging behind. We train‘harder so we are not hypocrites, or get 5_ From GeneSlS 28, what Clty was the We can get back on course and keep runiiingl! The dlsquallfle‘j- . ) o great news about this race is there can be more than Have you ever heard the phrase “Practice what you Slte 0f laCObS famous dream? LaChISh) one winner!! In fact, we could ALL win if we choose preach?” We can be more believable if we are living perga, Haran, Bethe} to! How amazing is that? like we are trying to win this race. We can show other I It's hard, I know but, if you really look at your life, People the Proper (Taming (0015- If we are in118 the 6- In COIOSSIanS 4, What CltY was home to aren’t the things you feel most accomplished about things it takes {0 W111: Others W1“ Want ‘0 lOm U3 and Philemon; Berea Shechem Beersheba things that you worked the hardest at to succeed? be Winners “30! ' ’ ’ ’ How hard was it? so RUN! Get that prize! Colossae (its; EPISCOIAL CHURCH _ w“, Preach for HARVEST rounsoum ,. SUNDAY SERVICES . g 1 Food podcast r Sunday SerVIce 10:00 am. ' f l' W h' t10:30 . . I Jam US oronme ors ")3 am 910 E.Dearborn Avenue in. Shelton Go to wwvadovvorg for live streaming information. > 1212 Connection Street, shelter, 36042686] 1 I V _ I Rev. Doug Peterson . l 360-426-8472 0 324 W. Cedar Street in Shelton ‘ Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) 7-1 Pastor Wilson 360.426-3305 a; com m“ f“ e . Mt. Ollve 5: ’3 Churcn Of “mon ' Lutheran Church J, ' ’7' K.“ 051 E. Daiby Roi. Union W Missouri Synod ill-PERSON SERVIQfiS Will RESUME SUNDAY, AUGUST 39“ @JQ;30_A_M. We are Holding Live Services Again Sunday Mornings! WlTH VlD PR .IQLQLMLAQL V V Contemporary Service 8:30am . . . . ' ,‘ ) : l )’ lain Us Streaming Live on Facebook Sunday Mornings @ 8:30! Wad“ PM! W( m l1 ( ( m?“ ' To learn more, please visit our website, I! Also streammg 11:00 serv1ce Live on Paoebookl '0! on FacebOOk at f/HCCUDlOfl _ 206 East Wyaitdotte Avenue wwumtolivesheltonorg 360-898-7855 www.thenccu.or ' , . I ' 53 Dastcdlie'aw-Azws'lés’ SHELTON COTA , o W. sheIton "e Rd. Check our Website for Updates! Severn Way m 11 FIRST BAPTIST 4r. Adventist Church Gethse a e O C 0 Please Check Our Join Us Saturdays for Live Bible Mldnlsttlgeis ' website Study and Worship Service! ("on enomma Iona ) Group Bible study w/Discussion: 9:45 am. (360) 898-2752 for Updates Worship SerVIce: 11:00 am. Live Connmpomry . 'Following Covid'19 Protocols 3 1 Visit Our website or on Facebook at Meats 7P.“ saturdays Shelton Valley Christian Fellowship 2320 waShmgto') 5}" _Shelt°n WWW'S heltonfbc'org 426-2776 - Gthsemane'M'mtnes-com ' v ‘14 merry heart doeth good like medicine; ‘Ebut broken spirit drieth the bones.” ’— Proverbs ALL 0426-4412 TO LIST YOUR CHURCH