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Page A-28 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, Sept. 10, 2020
360-426-4412 Deadline Monday 5 pm
ADD YELLOW highlight to
weeks (flat fee) call 360-
426-4412 (J tfn)
(W 9/10)
your ad. Get noticed __._._
for only 520 "1019- son Rd, Friday Saturday, ARCH MECHANICAL af_
Call the Shelton-Mason -—_—"-———_—' -————__—
Sept 11th 12th 93m'5pm fordable. Refrigeration, env
County Journal SUNSET HILL Lighthouse, ——‘-—— and Sunday Sept
131th cooling, heating, food Va”
3604264412 an ebay gallery, Will be $995 and upi S_un : Sam-12pm.
HOUSBI'IOICI service equipment repair.
open Saturday August AUIO sa'efi- Large se'eCtlon PROFESSIONAL
OFFICE items, collectabies, an- Heating, air conditioning,
ADVERTISING 29th and Monday, Labor 0f IOW Prlced Cars, "Ustr Suite,
1620 Olympic Hwy N. tiques, car parts, tools and refrigeration, 360-229- Ma
Rem“. Day, from 10AM 4PM. Vans, SUVS- C33“ Priced Starting at $595 per
month a Coca Cola machine. (H 2139_ Licensed, bonded, as;
9,5 per week, 20 words The “Lighthouse” is located got SteH-RF’fim
ShEe'tzni gage With UtilitieSInCIUdedGate- 9/10) insured. EPA, PTCS,
Fry- W's"
or less is only $1210rtha alon Pickerin Passa e 39 oue 0W r S wa Pro
erties. 702 960- 'f' N
‘5' “9“ When V°” at 7g2 E Sunget Hill Igd Belfair. Located at
5961 28X4.(Rp9/3-10/1() ) GARAGE/MOVING sale' PaSter‘Flfimtled‘
IWtDILIJCt” leyc.
a weeks, the 4th week IS _- E St t R t Sh ,t Friday & Saturday, Sept
953 as er n5,a er’ 8/2i
free. Remember, the more on Harstlne Island. Please a 0” e e on- 11th
12th 9.003”, _ WA Contractor License _
Y"u '9“. "‘6 "1°19 Y0u 59"! check out
sunsethilllight- 03" 360'425'2907' (S tf") . '
and each word beyond the h f k t —————— _______ 2.00pm @ 101 E.
Rolling , ' .th
first 20 IS lust 20 cents ex- Ouse-Fom 0f a Pee a GILLIS AUTO Center, your
——————— HMS DE Shelton. (T 9/10) archmechanlcalcom (A W!
tra.The deadline Is Monday our unique antique nautical one-stop shop!
Chrysler FRESH WHOLE albacore “— tfn) mg
59‘“ i" “‘9'” “may °" and maritime selections.
(N _’ _ DY-NO-MITE Sale! Back ad_
Monday.,henmeaddead. Ford, Dodge, Jeep. 360 tuna for sale. Call Joe 360
IipeisirridaéaISpm).Email 8/27-9/10) 426-5585. Hwy 101, 2nd 789-8172 (J
9/10-10/8) by fgpu'la’ gig"? L°a°nle I'IELP WANTEI] 328
cassi eds masoncounty. Shelton exit www_gmisau_
‘——————-——— ITIO sa 9. 0 ua- _______——-—— '
tocentercom (G tfn) 3;??55135)” SEES/$6; :2/5 GEE/{[133]
&n:tli1\peesd;orlllismg SPENCER LAKE Bar
3604264412 (J "'0 PARTS BOMPUTEBS ($55 seniors). 1 year out-
jewelry, exercise machine, Gm" partk't'fine disflfihzeg/ ATT
SERVICES ____.._ (8&1; Mason) C6>ountyth$75 furniture, new holiday
gift gg%%cffg'/1 83"“ l '
seniors - m0" 3 In items, blankets, bedding, _‘_________
—“'—“—-—-——————__ Soaygogggd '85:;
Mason)County h$43 ($37 +miscellaneous. Don’t put COMBINED SEWER and :83
seniors, 6 mont s outsi e - ' T ' '
GILL'S AUTO Center Ford’ Computer Service 360- County $55 ($48 yogrln
flélances lnd Jeop lNfiter fiferahtflor ln rcalnlng, the
Dodge, Chrysler, Jeep, I f , _ _ I ar y. ome on own 0 , or ason oun y 1.,
Cr stals.GIfts.&Nature Center Dodge. Warranty forever! 898-3890- N0
traVe eeSr seniors). Print, Plus digital the "Price is Right!"
Follow Utilities and Waste De- gnlll
Lots of 3604255585, 800_365_ free eSt'mate (D If”) fidd-an :nglce $19
zxfa signs from Arcadia Road to partment $3,664 $6,719/ _a
4096' FAX 350-425-5935 Gina! a reSS feqwre Or Binns Swiger Loop to 330
monthly. For complete job DOI
from $5’ 310' 350’ $100| th'sl-
C?” 360426-4412 to SE Picadilly Drive. Cancel announcement and appli- cha
Largest rock 8: mineral p0 Box 10, 180 w. Hulbert a“ SUbscnbe With Your
credit if rain. Saturday Sunday cation instructions, please ' vall,
selection in Washington Rd. (G tfn) MULTl-FAMILY Estate card by phone, or
mall Sept. 12th 13th, 9am to visit taxe
' Sale, Sept. 10th, 11th gheck to]: Shelltog-glagon 5pm. (D 9/10) '
or Mason County Human cont
12th. 11:00 am 3:00 pm. ounty ournar 0X 5 Resources, 411 North 5th ick
i BOATS 8‘ 542. E. Fir Capital Hill 430, Shelton WA 98584. (J GARAGE SALE
Ladders Street Shelton WA 98584. 535
Open I MOTORS Shelton. Glassware, holil tin) zfigkkfiggcmeyg 33%;? Open
’Untii Filled. (M 9/3- m
Tuesday-Saturday :% =—— 3%{h‘gfiCOrt1gn7egn gag/mm? ALDRICH SPINET
Piano lions, furniture and much 9/10) Glee
II:OOAM-5:00PM Sunday Canal 30 days Coho tom clg’ much more, (C With
bench. Free.You Move! more 3860 w, Shelton Val. CARETAKER NEEDED; the
5,0 SEOIdA,.,.m1,-a Road :0) Boat, Motors, trailer, gags/10‘) ' (350)
426-6653 (M 9/10) ley Rd., Shelton. Friday Assist in maintaining 4 bloc
Shelton. \MA 2003 16.6 LUI'Id, EXCGI' Sept. II and Sat 12th acres
OI yard, erIdS, OUI- Sch
Minn(WWWWSW," lent mechanical condition away? If so, we Wm be 8am
—2pm. (G 9/10) side; ideal position for se- tert
360-426—8III $380006? 9;? bgg’éifogg"; ____—————_.__
happy to do that too! We’ll FREE SIGNS with ad pur. glorblord gore“?
tWh° L3 E?"
+ ( ) run YOUF“FTee"ad 0009 for chase. Garage Sale adver- 'sa 6
u wan s owor ' "'0'
call for details (B 9/10— LABOR DAY ' Sunset HI” . . In exchange
the Caretaker
10/8) I Lighthouse. an ebay 98" free! ca" 360-426—4412 (J Users
rece'Ye {’1 "Gaga- can park their RV on loca-
BOAT SPECIAL B t d 'ery’ wm be Open saturday’ tfn) :99 Ede
k'th'hrarfdiliig: ”°” at ”° Cha'ge" Refer"
0a a 3 Au ust 29th and Monda, ' Ice 3 a ' '-
include 50 words, photo, Lager Day, from 10AM y. Remember, take down
border, headline $49 for 4 4PM The “Lighthouse” is
.————-————______“_— your garage sale signs af— b .
' . .
I efore but With Cowd Situ- PUI
located along PleefIng MULTI-FAMILY Estate ter your 88'9- 03”
360426" ation wasn’t sure Should I
R h Passage at 722 E- Sunset Sale, Sept 10th! 11th 8‘ 4412 to run your
ad' (J tfn) move fonNard. Therein/ere NO.
9°C Hill Rd on Harstine Island. 12th. 11:00. am {3:00 pm- people we really
wanted TOI
aMillion Please check out suns- 31121 E- 21" Capital hH'l'L
HEALTH AND to follow through with. No (DIF for a eton- assware, OI- erg, we have do 5. If still
Readers peek at our unique antique day decor, men women’s gterested’
pleaseg contact Héc
.. . . . nautical and maritime se- Clothing, 1979 BMW "10'
immediately. Email works COL
restzvals, Pairs, car (actions (N 9/10) torcycle, much more! (C HEALTHY,
BEAUTIFUL best l|oydr_wah|@gmai|, “on
shalt/s, resorts and 9/3-9/10) and well-informed Mason com of ca"
360-426-1126 e_ral
golfcourses love the MEGA MOVING Sale; gfiulnty resrldems Fegd the
(please leave message). if?
resultslhei ell —-———"'—— Sept. 11,12,13 - 9am to
et°”'Mas°” °””ty (W 9/3-9/17) ,e
‘ FOR RENT Rental ad 4pm. 1997 Geo Metro, J°“'”"=."i
because “9‘11" RESDENTIAL JOUR all,
special 35 words includes Furniture: office desk, file edge Is power’
espec'a y th
- when it comes to the best NEYMAN E'eCtr’C'a” and 9
photo, border, and head- cabinet, piano, TV cabl- I . . experienced
apprentice sch
Inquiry .11 illi\ IIL‘\\'\P;IIIL‘I' (II .lll301I-3-H~3938
021(IS@V . line. $25 per week. Call net, recliners, hall tree ocal news _.
lncIUdmg wanted for local work Con- 111
360-426-4412 (J tfn) with bench. Egg grill, tiller, riggwstgdg‘f
'gggfg; tact; Craig (360). 463- The
h h , t'bl , . . ' 202
U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development bggig 861m toil:
gazolthgz’, discounts available. Call ZafipLéNngBT-g LEG “29;: NO-
Christmas. Something for 3604264412 (J tfn) 324) ( 8/ _ TOI
everyone! 141 E Heights oil;
PL. 80, Beifair, WA 98528. SEASONED PAINTER, =
minimum 3 years experi-
ence, pay depending on PU!
:uuAutousme experience. 'Call 360-229—
We Do Business in Accordance With the Federal Fair Housing Law |LA
(The Fair Housing Amendments Act of 1988) ’ A OF
local busmesses....~_ ———-—-——'— 1 1 .s
It is illegal to Discriminate Against Any Person Rggi’galffisrigntgg‘
- COVID-19is impacting our community and r r 82
Because Of Race’ COlor’ Rehglon’ sex’ local business in many ways.
The'business general Clean'upr IEIW” by I
Handicap, Familial Status, or National Origin uncertainty over the next few
months is maintenance, hauling: prol
one of many challenges. The economy and bark and gravel. Licenced, Sou
how we shop has changed, yet we do not bonded, insured. Lic. SOU
I In the sale or rental of housing I In the provision of real estate know
by how "mm or how long‘
or residential lots brokerage services To help with some of the
uncertainty, com Free estimates 360: W.“
I In advertising the sale or rental I In the appraisal of housing please
take the time to start a survey 490_7089 (U tfn) Hon
of housing I Blockbusting is also illegal about your current Shopping
needs. lalllnd
. . as
I In the financing 0f housmg This information will help local business 38k
and this newspaper get a better LOW H Ada
, understandin of our needs and Ians. 0U“ 1|. 3 may
Anyone who feels he or she has been US. Department of Housing and g y p
360-4'26:4412 for an 'afford- pub
discriminated against may file a Urban Development $1,000 will be awarded
by Sue IltsrflngJ here-I 131% YOU QUIF
‘ - t . v ' - Pulse Research to one respondent. n0W 9 ouma WI run 7
complaint of housing discrimination. Assmtant Secretary for Fair Housmg
Thank You! “ease start the survey here: found pet listings for free? by:
1—800-669-9777 (Toll Free) and Equal Opportumty I ” com ",5 true!
(J tfn) 1 Jan,
1-800-927-9275 (TTY) Washington, DC. 20410 . SW