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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
September 12, 1963     Shelton Mason County Journal
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September 12, 1963
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PAC, E 2 STTELTONMA0N COUNTY JOURNAL Published in "Christma,qtown, U.&A.". helton, Wasllinffton Thursday, EighZ & Forly Salon Has Dinner Heetin[ tVourteen Partners of Nfason Cunty Salon No. 508. Eight and Forty, were present at the first meeting of the year. This meet- ing was held oll Monday with a dinner served at 7 p.m. hosted by Mamie Earl, Lucy Edmiston and Mary Sykes. Table decm:ntions followed the "Potl,nhh Motif" as used in the convention banquet at Yakima. Brief reports were given after the meeting was called to order by Chapeau Virginia %Vallin. In- terestinK reports of the annual convention were given by Partners Mary Dobson. Mattie Baekhmd, Shirley Clinton. Mamie Earl and VirRinia %Vallin. Two departmental awards were received by the Salon. Departmen- lal Scrapbook Chairman Mamie Earl presenled a personal award to Sahm Scrapbook chairman Mariha VVi tsiers. Hostesses for the October 14 meeting will be Partners Ann Le- vin, Frances Luhm and Shirley Clinton The meeting was adjourn- ed according to ritnal. II1' In Person! Sat. Nite - Sept. 14 at the TROPICS (South Olympia Itwy.) Bonnie ,Guitar plus Buck (B. Butterball) Ritchey and Joe & Rita Bashful Bobby & his Band Show & Dance 9:30 Until 2 A,M. ' Shellon Jaycees To Hod Dislri¢! Meet Here Saturday Shelton Jaycees and Jayettes this Saturday will play host to approximately 150 Jayeees and their wives from other clubs in District 2 of the Washington State Junior Chamber ef Commerce, The Dmtriet meeting will in- clude representatives of Bremer- ton. Olyml. ia Port Angeles. Forks and Bainbridge Island.. Among the dignitaries to be pvsent at the affair will be Washington State Jaycee Pr(sident Bob Curtis. the state preMdent of the Jaycee Aux- iliary, and Fred Crowe. Olympia, Distrie V.P. The meeting will get underway at 7 p./n. with a ban- quet prepared by the Shelton Jayettes at the club house near the airport. Bob Osterman, Shel- ton Jaycee. will be master of cere- monies. Following dinner and a two hour business eeting the evening will conclude with dancing. Baby Shower Fetes Mrs. Marsha Laing A babY shower given in the home of Miss. Charlene Smith, feted Mrs. Marsha Laing of Brem- erton on Friday. A large stor stood by the gift table and the fireplace mantel was decorated with peach and white gladioli bouquets. Games were played and prizes were 'W0tL by Mrs. Duane Rodgers and Mrs, Jim Well. Refreshments were served by hostess Charlene Smith, &ttending the shower we:e Mes- dames Duane Redgers, Roger An- derson, Jerry Christy, Walter Bain, Elhiei" mith, Buck E. Mackey, Jiin Well, Kemnit Livermore and Miss Kathy Smith. Those Sending gifts but Unable to atend were Mesdames Ralph Laing, Roger Addleman. Don Sper- ling, Bill Evans and Rella Mart. SHARES HAPPINESS WITH fiU,SDAND Relative--thought seriously ill--is going to recoverl Wife above calls husband long distance, shares good news with him. Or even if it's bad news, shouldn't it be shared? What person should you have called this week? Parent? Child? Friend? Rela- tive? Why not call this evening, after 6, when long dis- tance rates are even lower? PACIFIC NORTItWEJT BELL Fashions Modeled At Bayshore Tea The Shelton Bayshore Golf Club set the stage for Fall wearing ap- parel as it held the Autnmn Fa- shion Ten last Thursday. The club- house was decorated with vine maple leaves and fall flowers, pre- senting a vivid picture. Fashion-minded women from Shelton enloyed tea as they wit- nessed the latest in knit imparts and voted fr the sportive look for fall. as well as going glamor- ons in evening wear. Set with a linen eloLh the tea table was centered with a crystal candelab,-a and brown candles. Pouring Lea and coffee were Mrs Jack Kiml)el. Mrs. Oliver Kelly and Mrs. Ray Walker. Throuxhout the afternoon, Mrs Lout Larson played organ melo- dies. Mrs. Jay Elder of the Olym- pia Speci%lty Shop was introduced by Mrs. Harold Nordeng. During intermission Mrs. Rolls Halbert drew winner's names for the door prizes donated by Mes- dames Roy McConkey, Chuck Rowe. Frank Heuston, Larry Scheel and Harold Nordeng. Modeling Jay Elder fashions were Mesdames Howard Somers, Donald Daniels. John Stentz, Eber Angle, Roy Kimbel, Charles Man- ke, Robert Wuench, Bill Smith, Don Hemy, Bernie Scales. Rudy Oltman. Dick Yaeger, and Glenn Correa. General chairman for the after- noon event was Mrs. Harold Nor- deng. Other committee members making arrangements were Mes- dames Frank Heuston, Chuck Rowe, Harry Cole, Rolla Halbert, Clarence A21dez.son, W. Gott, Bud Pauley, I,arry Seheel and Ivan Meyers. Registration For Play-hool Is Scheduled Monday Registra0n for Play-School will be Monday at 8 p.m. in the i!verreen school auditorium. The Play-Sch0ol is for children be- tween the ages of 3 and 5. This will also be the first pre-school PTA meeting for the year. Mothers of pre-school aged chil- dren are invited to attend. For further information contact Mrs. Calvin Cole, 426-8658, or Mrs. Al- bert Luhm, 426-6105. Faculty Wives To Elect New Officers September 16th at 8 p.m. is the date and time for the first meet- ing of Shelton Faculty Wives. Election of officers will be held for the new school year. The meeting will be in the home of Mrs. Gary Nicloy, 226 West J Street. Co-hostesses will be Mrs, Paul Gillie and Mrs. Loren Lyle. Belfair Chapter OES Friendship Night Weds. Belfair Chapter No. 241, Order of Eastern Star will hold its Friendship Night, Wednesday eve- ning Sept. 18. All members are cordially invited to attend. Start- time is'8 p.m. Shelton General Hospital Mr. and Mrs. Edward Lester 503 South 13th, a girl, Septem- ber 6. Mr. and Mrs, .Edward P. Dun- bar, 1222 Olympic Avenue, a girl, Septembe r 11. Clinic Hospital Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Coleman, 1122 SO. 7th, a boy, September 21. Ready F,or College? Don't Forget... Journal Sch00I Term Subscription s32s Keep up with the local scoop -- mailed to you weekly during the school term Social Even ts Society Editor . Jenny Knautz , Phone 426-4412 Southside PTO Has First Meeting Southside School held its first PTO meeting, Monday evening with President Mrs. Don Wilson, Presidin;;'. Invocation was given hy Mrs. Ve:," Bedell and the flag sa- lute led by Mrs. \\;Vilson. Those to serve with he)" are Mrs. gill Neal. vice president: Mrs. Ed Johnson. secr'etary; Mrs, Keith Hurst. treasurer and Mrs, John Hoitor'f. publicity. Mrs. Wilson chose committee chairmen Mrs. Ray Wileeler, cards and flowers: Mrs. Charles Jackson. program and Mrs. Harry Bay, membership and hospitality. Southside school will hold a membership drive and the room vcKh the largest number of mem- bers will be awarded a field trip. Parents are urged to help their children in this drive New teachers introduced were Mrs. Mgntgomery, grades 2-3; and Mr. Coulter. music instructor. Annual 'Tea Set For Garden Club An annual tea of the Shelton Garden Club will be held Monday at the home of Mrs. iHarry Iee- gan. Mrs. Percy Kennerley and Mrs. George Cropper will be co- hostesses. Presiding at the 1:30 p.m. meet- ing will be Mrs. Henry Hansmeier. Members m'e asked to bring guests. Mary Dobson To Host BPW Business and Professional Wo- men of Shelton will meet Wednes- day, Sept. 18, in the home of Mary Dobson. A 7:30 p.m. dessert will precede the business meeting. Plans for the Hear Fomlm to be held Oct. 2 at 8 p.m. in the PUD auditorium will be completed. Dinner Party- Fetes Andersons 40th Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Anderson were recently snrprised with a din- her party honoring their 40th wed- ding anniversary. The.dinner was prepared by thei five granddaugh- ters at the home of their son, Wally Ance,:son. Preparing and serving the din- ner wer Donna. Sue Ann and Wendy Anderson, daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Don Anderson and San- dy and C, lenda Anderson, daugh- ters of Mr. and Mrs. Wally An- derson Those at[endiug the dinner par- ty included Mr. and Mrs. Emil Venzke. Mrs. Etta Anderson. Mr. and Mrs. Don Anderson, Mr. Cliff Anderson. ?,Ir. and Mrs. "vVally An- derson and the host and hostesses. Jane Ramsdell To Speak At Republican Women's Program Mason County Women's Repub- lican Club will have its first fall meeting on Wednesday, Sept. 18, in the Shelton Memorial Hall com- mencing at 1:30 p.m. The speaker will be Jane Rams- dell. state committeewoman from Pierce County. Her topic will be "Winning, with Women in 1964". Mrs. Ramsdell has charge of the Republican booth at the Western Washington fair at Puyallup and has written a brochure on running a political booth at county fairs. This year she has arranged to have a votipg machine at the booth in Puyallup and will run mock elections for education and enter- tainment. Mrs. George Shackleford. pres- ident of the local club. will donate a loaf of homemade bread as one of the door prizes. She announced there will be several inovations in the club's meetings this fall. Members are urged to bring their friends. Marriage Licenses Rachel Knott Guild Making application for mar- riage licenses in the Mason Coun- Luncheon Slated ty auditor's office this tast week were: Jerzw Adkins,,g4; Tacoma and Cheryl Waring, 19, Tacoma. Harrison Jolmston. 48. Retsil. and Efieen Urish, 39, Port Orchard. James Oakes. 21. Shelton and Carol Coffman. 21, Shelton. Merle Sekor. 59, Tacoma and Kay Cromwell. 58. Tacoma. Rachel Knott O,qhopedic Guild has scheduled its first fall meeting to be held on Friday, Sept. 20. The Guild will meet at the Canal home of Mrs. Chnck Rowe with Mrs. Harold Nichols co-hosting. Starting time for the hmcheon is 12:30 p.m. ENGAGEMENT TOLDMr. and Mrs, Percy E. Byers of Oregon are announcing the engagement of her daughter, Miss ,JValerie Jessop; to Lt. Richard F. Lord, son of Mr. and Mrs. Gibson Lord of Shelton. The bride-elect's father is E. Donald Jessop of Portland. The young couple is planning a Christmas wedding. The betrothal news was first revealed to a group of Miss Jessop's friends at the Portland International Airport on her return from a vacation to ArizOna and Mexico and later to members of the immediate family, Miss-Jessop is a graduate of North Salem High School and at- tended Oregon College of Education. She will continue her studies in psychology at Arizona State University next spring. Lt. Lord graduated from Irene S. Reed high school and Willamette Univer- sity where he received distinguished military honors in June. His fraternity is Beta Theta Pi. He is now attending jet pilot school at Williams Air Force Base in Arizona. MARCIA REDMANWEDS DR. J. MATICH OF CALIF. i i • . MARRIED HEREMiss Marcia Redman of Bellevue and Dr. Joseph Matich of San Pedro, Calif. were married in Shelton, Sat- urday, August 24. The bride, a graduate of Eureka High School in Calif. attended Humboldt State College and the University of Wash. Dr, Matich is a graduate of Whittier College and the University of Washington Dental School. Vicki Lee Di: Vicki Lee O held its Sept. home of Mrs. Mrs. Go,'don Projects were disct| ,sed phant sale was Oct. 14 meeting- joining the Diekinson. Gall Iota S IOTA Gamma. a P teachers' arships to uates at Hotel OlympV were Gall trieia Mosman c bara BarloW of. Mrs. rneSt gave a resume fessional ports of from ars to A musical ished by is majoring worth College. Menus for Schools an Week MONDAY Day. No TUESDAY " tered bun, ms per rings, milk. bread and butter ges, FRIDAY dles, snap and butter milk. Supplement with Miss Marcia Redman of Belle- and California the couple will re- vue, and Dr. Joseph Matich of side in Colorado Springs, Colo., Pre San Pedro Calif., were united in where the groom will serve as a marriage at a nuptial Mass in St. Captain in the Dental Corps of 133 BR, Edward's Catholic chnrch on Sat- the United States Army. urday, Aug. 24. The Rev. Father Mark Wiechmann officiated at the double ring ceremony which was witnessed by relatives of the bride and groom. Father Wiechmann al- so officiated at the marriage of the bride's parents. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Redman of 1ee- rue, and the bridegroom the son of lrs. Kathryn Foretich of San Pedro. Calif. The bride was given in marriage by her father. Mrs. Michael Harper of Eureka, California was matron of honor and Andrea Redman sister of the bride, served as bridesmaid. August Mardesich, cousin of the groom, was best man and Dr. aron Lloyd served as usher. The church was decorated with four large baskets of gladioli and spider chrysanthemums. The bride wore a long sleeved gown of peau de sole with a chapel length train. She carried a cres- cent bouquet of white roses and gardenias. At the conclusion of the ceremony, sh placed the bouquet on the altar of the Blessed Mother. a tradition of the Catholic Nup- tial ceremony. The bride's attendants wore bronze satin street-length gowns. Their head dresses were satin ros- es Of the same material with seed pearls and a short circular veil. Each carried a crescent bouquet of gold roses and bronze spider chrysanthemums. The wedding reception was held immediately following the cere- mony at ttie Colonial' House. The bride, a gradm.e of Eureka high school in California, attended Humboldt State College and the University of Washington. She is QUALITY USED '61 Sunbeam Alpine Roadster 4 Speed Transmission '59 Pontiac Star Chief 4 Door Radio - Heater - Automatic - Power '58 Plymouth Custom 4 Door wag.° Radio - Heater - Automatic - Power stetr"'u '56 Desoto 4 Door Sedan Radio - Heater Automatic 00ALUE USEO IS '62 IH C-100 ½ Ton Pickup 6 Cylinder - 3 Speed - Sharp '62 Ford F-IO0  Ton Pickup 6 Cylinder - 3 Speed - Long Box '60 Willys 3//4 Ton Pickup 4 Wheel Drive - Worn Hubs '52 IH - L-112 ½ Ton PiekuI) 3 Speed Heater '52 Studebaker ½ Ton Pickup '51 GMC ½ Ton Pickup - 4 speed '50 Studebaker 1 Ton Cab & ChaSsiS '47 Ford 3/ Ton Pickup '46 Chevrolet /z Ton Pickup affiliated With SPURS and Pi Kap- pa Delta honorary societies and Alpha Gamma Delta, a national MOTORS KIHBEL The bridegroom, a graduate of Whittier College and the Univer- sity of Washington Dental School, is affiliate with Psi Omega den- • CHRYSLER PLYMOUTH tal fraternity. • INTERNATIONAL TRUCNS After a wedding trlp to Canada 707 SOUTH FIRST ST. Use Journal Want Ads THESE COUPONS SAVE YOU WITH THIS COUPON WITH THIS ' JUMBO ' ,': ," 5x7 : COLOR REPRINTS : ' : EHL : : M' | From Kodacolor Negatives Only , :'; 5 .o., 1:19 ' C; . .'= 2 '1 ae+° , = ¢# • Coupons Must Accompany Order -- Clip And Bring Call today-426-4412 . LUMBER • HARDWARE • PAINS co;.o: Ziegler's Camera $ Cole Road Builder s Supply Cole Road Ph. 426-8224 124 North 2nd Street