September 12, 1963 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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12, 1963 SHELTONMASON COUNTY JOURNAL--Published ill "Christnustown, U.Z.A.", Shelton, Washington PAGE 3
'iOM.. "" .,..,.... .... !:.:: ..., !& ': . ....
I uehael Longan, son of Mr, and Mrs, Martin Longan,
,C "ned as his bride Miss Susan Grunert, daughter of Mr.
n Jaf.enee Grunert, all of Shelton. After a wedding trip to
l. r, and Mrs. Michael Longan are at home in the
=:1 ct of Shelton. A reception will honor the couple
.,e Agate Grange Hall.
Mrs. Almaden To Host
Shelton Woman's Club
Mrs. A. Almaden will entertain
the She]Yon Woman's Club in her
home at 824 Franklin on Tuesday,
Sept. 17. Meeting time is at 1:30
four family make fine decorations for your
extremely reasonable at Dean's . . . only
ean's annual profile event today, tomorrow and
all day all three days. No primping necessary,
SCrub faces, or even shave, and clothes make no
=-Vet. Just come as you are with no muss or
It's A Date
Today, Thursday, Sept. 12
GoldeI Age Club, noon, Memo-
rial Hall.
Ruby Rebekah Lodge degree
practice. 7:30 p.m.. Odd Fellows
Shel-Toa Orthopedic Guild. 8 p.
m.. at the home of Mrs. lose Nye.
Rotary Club hmcheon, noon.
Ming Tree Cafe.
Installation of officers of Shel-
ton-Mason County Chamber ot
Commerce. Colonial House. dinner
7:00 p.m., program 8:00 p.m.
Friday, Sept. 13
Ruby Rebekah Lodge, 8 p.m.,
Odd Fellows Hall.
St. David's Episcopal Churcl
rummage sale. 10 a.m., Parish
Ha ll.
Saturday, Sept. 14
F.O.E Card Party, 8 p.m.. Air-
port Hall.
Drivers license examiner. 10
a.m. - 5 p.m.. police station.
Sunday, Sept. 15
Shelton churches invite you to
attend the church of your choice.
Monday, Sept. 16
Shelton Garden Club. 1:30 p.m.,
at the home of Mrs. Harry Dee-
Play School registration, 8 p.m.,
Evergreen School.
Shelton Faculty Wives. 8 p.m.,
at the home of Mrs. Gary Nicloy.
County Commission's meeting,
10 a.m.. courthouse.
Tuesday, Sept. 17
Mason County Fair Board. 8
p.m. Commissioner's Office.
Mason County Forest Festival
Committee. 8 p.m., PUD confer-
ence room.
Shelton Woman's Club. 1:30
p.m., at the home of Mrs. A. Al-
Fred B. Wivell Post 31. Ameri-
can Leg!on post and auxiliary,
Memorial Hall. potluck dinner 6:30
p.m., meetings 8:00 p.m.
Kiwanis Club luncheon, noon.
Memorial Hall.
Wednesday, Sept. 18
Hillcrest Homemakers. 11 a.m.,
home of Mrs. Louis Thomure.
Business and Professional Wom-
en's Club. 7:30 p.m., home ot
Mary Dobson
Drivers license examiner. 10
a.m. - 5 p.m., police station.
Thursday, Sept. 19
Hood Canal Womau's Club,
noon, Potlatch Clubhouse.
Navy Mothers Club. 8 p.m., Me-
morial Hall.
Port commissmn's meeting, 8
p.m., courthouse.
Past Matrons of Welcome Chap-
ter. 12:30 p.m.. Masonic Temple.
Rotary Club luncheon, noon.
Ming Tree Cafe.
Navy Mothers To
Serve Kiwanians
Navy Mothers of Shelton will
serve Tuesday's Kiwanis luncheon
in the Memorial bldilding at noon.
The regular business meeting m
tim NaVy Mothers Club is sched-
uled to "be held on Thursday,
September 19.
Use Journal Want Ads
that children mean to be careless. • •
st that in their zest and vitality they
forget to slept look nd listen be-
the street. It isn't that we mean
careless either, yet the very car we
naY be considered a lethal weapon and
of our negligence could be
It is our moral obhgatmn to be extra
:hese days when school children crowd
check yourself on these safe driving tips:
1 e. especially careful near schools . . •
think one step ahead, of every pedes-
Rnow all traffic rules . . .observe
them as life or death regulations.
3'Regard all traffic signals, signs and
•-markers as lifesavers . . . they are.
YOur car safety checked often.
aulty equipment can cost lives.
nded In Shelton In 1895
IPJr and Western l=len)lock
Acoustical. Insulating and
Products, Plywood and
WCTU Convention
Held In Shelton
The :mmml County Convention
of the Womn's Christian Temp-
erance Union was held Friday in
the Shelton Methodist Church, be-
ginning a 11 o'clock with Mrs.
Nena Roberts giving the devotions.
Election of officers for the com-
ing year resulted in Miss Marian
Johnson. president: Mrs. Nena Ro-
berts, vice president; Mrs. Gert-
rude Saeger. corresponding secre-
tary; Mrs. Manilla Galloway, re-
cording secretary; and Mrs, W. H.
Snellgrove as treasurer. The ex-
ecutive board ;ill meet next week
and appoing directors.
A no-host luncheon was served
from attractive tables decorated
by Mrs. Caroline Lentz.
Mr. Charles Budde of Seattle,
key. Horace Mounts and :Mr. and
Mrs. Clive Troy were amongst the
guests attending the program. The
Union wished to thank Mr. and
Mrs. Troy for their assistance
with the booth at the Mason Coun-
ty Fair.
Principle speaker of the after-
noon seamen was l{rs. Charles
Budde. who has just returned from
the National Convention held in
Columbus. Ohio. She explained the
plans of work for the coming
year. key. Horace Mounts led the
afternoon devotions,
Elinor Eastern Star
Slates Rummage Sale
A rummage sale. sponsored by
the Elinor Chapter Order of East-
ern Star, will be held Friday anct
Saturday at the PIJD building.
The sale will be from 9:3O to
5:30 p.m.
Women of St. David's Episcopal
Church are having a mnnmage
sale in the Parish Hall on Friday,
beginning at 10 a.m. The sale will
be open to the public.
Preparing For
December Bazaar
Preparations are now under
way for a Bazaar to be held by
the VFW Auxiliary on Dec. 6 m
the PUD auditoqum. For fur-
ther information, contact Ways
nd Means chairman, Vi Brum-
Mrs. Brumbaugh reported the
recent rummage sale successful.
At the last meeting oi the aux-
iliary, delegates Jessie Cox and
Sue Weaver gave interesting re-.
ports of the National Convention
held in Seattle.
Alice Haines, Gold Star Moth-
ers chairman, reports the dinner
to be held honoring Gold Star
Parents on Friday, Sept. 20. It
will be a 6:30 p.m. affair in the
Memorial Hall. A program has
been planned. Betty Godwin and
Viola Laugen are chairmen of
food. Further information can be
given by contacting these mem-
bers as o menu.
On ]Vriday, Sept. 13, Bernice
Jansson reports auxiliary will hold
a party at Western State hospital
for patients.
Shel-Toa Orthopedic To
Hold Meeting Tonight
Tonight at 8 p.m. Shel-Toa Or-
thopedic Guild will meet in the
home of Mrs. Rose Nye with co-
hostess, Mrs: George Hunter. This
will be the first fall meeting of
the season and all members are
urged to attend.
Mrs. Lawrence Downie returned
to Sitka fter a five week's visit
at the home of her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Clifford. While here she
also spent time visiting other rel-
atives and friends. Mrs. Downie
returned home by Pan American
SILVER ANNIVERSARYMr. and Mrs. Clifford Linton celebra-
ted their 25th wedding anniversary, Saturday. The Lintons were
married in the Bride's home at Shelton and have resided here since
that time.
Friends and relatives gathered
at the home of the Clifford Lin-
tons, Saturday evening in honor
of the couple's 25th wedding an-
Tlze reception table was beauti-
fully decorated with a wedding
cake and flowers carried out with
a silver, !'ink and white motif.
Cliff and Irene Linton were mar-
ried at the home of her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. S. D. McGee, Satur-
day afternoon, Sept. 3. 1938. Rev.
J, O, Bovee read the service, and
attendants of the couple were the
bride's sister, :Mrs "W. H. Lord
and the groom's brc
Leo Quinn.
At the Saturday evening recep-
tion, Mrs. Lintoa was attired in
her original, blue velvet afternoon
wedding dress,
With the exception of the four
years in Bremerton during the
war. the Lintons have lived in
Shelton these 25 years. Their three
children are Mrs. 'Pat Getty of
Juneau, Alaska; Mrs. Gene Robert-
ton, Tacoma and Eugene at home.
Auto. Trans. V-8 Power Steering - Sharp
Long box, 4-Speed trans., 6-ply tires
1957 BUICK 4-DOGE ................................ $795
1957 PLYMOUTH STA. WGN ............. S79 5
V-8 - Std. Trans.
1956 PLYMOUTH 4-DR ......................... s595
V-8, Standard transmission. Clean.
1955 CtIEV. STA. WGN ........................ s445
2Dr.. 6 Cyl. Std. Trans.
1954 DODGE 4-Dr ................................... =295
V-8 - Automatic Clean Car
1953 PLYMOUTH CLUB COUPE ...... :s245
1953 PLYMOUTH 4-DOOR .................... =245
OF 63'S
New Models here Sept. 20
Front St. & Railroad Ave.
Phone 426o8183
BRIDE AND GROOMMiss Linda Hensel, daughter of
Pauline Hensel, became the bride of Mr. Dale Hall, son of
and Mrs. Bill Hall on Saturday,
at 311 Arcadia Street, Shelton.
0 Miss Linda Hensel became the
bride of Dale Hall at an evening
ceremony Saturday, Aug. 31 in
Shelton's Methodist ChLwch.
Rev. Horace Mounts performed
the double-ring ceremony for the
daughter of Mrs. Pauline Hensel
and fh-e son of Mr. and Mrs. Bill
Hall, all of Shelton.
Lavender and white gladioli bou-
quets decorated the church. The
bride wore a ballerina-length gown
with lace top and long pointed
sleeves. Her full skirt was of ny-
lon organza. The finger tip veil
was attached to a pearl crown,
She carried a bouquet of laven-
der and white carnations with or-
chid centerpiece.
Honor attendant. Mrs. Ginny
Griggs, wore a gown of blue lace
and satin, with long sleeves and
ballarina length skirt. She car-
ried a floral bouquet of blue glad-
ioli atgd white carnations.
Bridesmaid in a pink lace and
satin gown was. Miss Diane
Hughes. Her dress was similar to
the Matron of Honor's. and her
flowers were pink gladioli with
white carnations.
The bride's mother chose a beige
brocade sheath with white hat and
corsage of chrysanthemums.
Mrs. Hall wore a beige knit
drear with blue hat and orchid
corsage. For her wedding trip to
Port Angeles the bride changed to
a three-piece blue knit suit, with
black paten accessories.
Mike Hall. brother of the bride-
groom, was best man and Sam
Valley seated the guests. Mr. John
Steinberg sang "The Lord's Pray-
er", accompanied by Mrs. Stein-
Following the ceremony, a re-
ception was held at Dayton Hall.
White bells and streamers decor-
ated the room. Large bouquets of
pink gladioli and chrysanthemums
provided the floral decor.
Cutting tie cake was Mrs. Dixie
Smith. Miss Dian Durand poured.
i rs,
August 31. The couple are living
In charge of the guest book was
Mrs, Gall Brewer and receiving
the gifts were Sue Ann and Vickie
The newlyweds are now at home
on Hillcrest. Mrs. Iall is attend-
ing Irene S..Reed high school,
completing her senior year. Mr.
Halt, graduate of Irene S. Reed,
is employed with the Buck :Moun-
tain Logging Company.
Ben Forbes Caller
For Square Dance
Ben Forbes of Port Orchard will
be calling the dances for the Salty
Sashayer Square Dance Club when
they have their dance this Satur-
day evening at Memorial Hall.
Dancing will begin at 8:30. and
will be followed by a potluck sup-
per at 11:30.
Bennie Berndson of Olympia will
continue with the square dance
lessons at Bordeaux School each
Tuesday evening at 8:00. He ,,,,rill
be teaching the basic movements
of square dancing, to be followed
at a later date by basic round dan-
Anyone interested in obtaining
more information can contact
Clarence Grunert.
Pharmacy Phacts
From Nell Evander
Fron time to time we're asked.
"What's really behind a trade
named drug?". The mswer is
really rather fas-
cinating and def-
initelv w o r t t
talkig about.
First of all there
is the great care
taken which is
commonly call-
ed "quality con-
trol". As an ex-
ample the quality
control on a sin-
of one tranquilizer finds
thirty-eight (38!) different peo-
ples' expert work, It goes through
114 departments, 134 tests. 114 op-
erations and 24 days of work us-
ing 31 different raw" materials be-
fore it can be ready for distribu-
tion in our prescription depart-
ment. It is this kind of caxe.-
knowledge and skill which is no
important when your doctor's pre-
scription calls for a "trade named
Open Daily 9:30 to 7:30
Saturdays -- 9:30 - 6:00
Neirs Pharmacy
4th & ,R all road 426-3327
You Are Invited To Have
Coffee With Us
on our first day of business
belwoen 9:00 a.m, and 5:00 p.m.
Nits and Jim Bariekman,
in Shelton's Newest Care
At 325 Railroad Avenue
, i tl/ i i i
McConkey Drug Center .
presents {5.
Surround yoursel( with the
etra dimension oi beauty
... an invisible aura oi
fragrance to lift )'oar pir,
its, captivate your public!
Choose from right exquisite
•cents, now at,:his very
=pecial price:
London Mint, Night Scented
Stock, 37 Audley, Green
Moss, Queen's Ransom.
Lilac, Royal Purple, White
*plus 10% tederal to
Guaranteed 1st Quality
100% Nylon
15 denier
99¢ per pair value,
3 $198
All Sizes
All Shades
McConkey Drug Center
Evergreen Square