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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
September 12, 1963     Shelton Mason County Journal
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September 12, 1963
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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12, 1963 SIIELTON--MAgON C'OUNTY JOURNAL--Publlshed in ctChrlstmatow)._ U.S.A.', ghelton, Washington PAGE Truck Extinguished At Who says a dull? Certainly not finds that run- "Stock Market" has some moments. arsday morning, for the daily routine shattered by the of a gasoline believe it or not, eatop iis tank trailer. SeCOnds were neees- and post office COnclude that tle so- ( ? ) prob- hasty retreat to the road" ! was also shared by than stalwart "hi-tailed" it to haste. Now, who with the unde- of a gasoline tank- a few feet from ?---you guessed the tanker SO no fur]les add to the prob- and thanks of our ov’iL fire the prompt ar- Buckingham Ulie in direeting a to the blazing was extinguished And so-- few choice Sorting out the ust another our country gro- Youngsters trud- long steps a another year Our Grapeview the capable di- Art Zehe and Three large-eyed from their COurage before aspects of that were the Mis- er Treasure Is- Query of Stretch Ronnie Battles area. Was also back on -eting for the afternoon of officers following re- Vivian Query; Louise Okonek ; BLUE 0X UN.-ONLY 6:45 at 9 p.m. Only VS. Grapeview Stere Last secretary, Carol Battles; and trea- surer, Sally • Anderson. With the \\;Vestera Washington Fair st Pu- vallup once again in the offing, the teachers and mothers are plan- ning to give the Grapeview young- .%era a full day seeing' the sights, Sept• 17. Our bus and driver, Orin Buckingham, will escort tile school children while several mothers plan to drive over to act as guides an(,' chaperones. AND LET U, not fmet our youngsters, on tile threshold of be- coming adults, who are embarking on the tremendous experlence of higher learning. High school grad- aates of 1963 {ronl Irene S. Reed in Shelton: Lynne Stevcns was driven to Seattle last weekend by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Stevens, to prepare for "rush" be- fore entering l.he University of Washington; Doug Lutz is still in Belle Chasse, La., at the home of uncle George Lutz with plans to return home in time for the second semester of college here; Bruce Fulmer is enrolled for the fall term at Tacoma-Vocational Technical school. North Mason gladuates Diana and Edana Strickland are enrolled at Wash- ington State University in Pull- man; Robert Spooner is attending Reed College, near Portland, Ore. as of Sept. 9, after a week's orien- tation, while Bob Pelan plans to enter the Tacoma Vocational Tech- nical School. We wish them all the best of luck. Clem and Marge Holl's "fish- loving" friends were given a royal treat last Saturday evening with smoked salmon "ala Clem" served buffet style with many other mouth-watering delectables oil the colorful flower-filled patio at Ihe Hells' lovely waterfront hom(. Guests were delighted with a "first look" at Clem's artistic han- diwork in finishing their new bed- room wing as well as satisfying lheir appetites and their desire for leasant chit chat, a very nice evening ! Some people have been known to "raise the roof", but with the Fred Lutzes, it's better than that.- they're raising the whole house--- two feet---to make room for a long awaited basement; construc- tion to begin next week. Don and Vivian Query enter- tained out-of-town guests over last weekend. They were Mr. and Mrs. Richard Rex of Kirkland with youngsters Kathy and Bob. The Rex family is in the process of moving to Bellingham and conse- quently, thoroughly enjoyed a re- spite, especially since the weather cooperated so beautifully. They left for home late Sunday after- noon. Seven Grapewew couples are preparing to "b0wl 'era over" Week and personal property destroyed. We are (tishcartened to see these lhings hal)pening but, neverthe- less, feel the necd to alert our residenls to be ou the wqtch for suspicious activities at unusual hol]rs ileal' l lnocell [lied suit/nler homes. We can sincerely hope to have this slopped b.2"ore serious d,'t mae occurs, ]liUP-TWO-three-four" will be ringing in the ears of Army re- cruit Dan Rohinson after this past Tuesday when he reported to Fort Lewis for induction and processing )efore embarkin?" for Fort Ord and 16 \\;reeks of basic training. Dan, who has heen hell)in K with Llle landscaping of many of our community's homcs and had re- cently purchased the Joe Tschida home on lhe 'Prcasure Island road, has renked his place to Mr. Byron Baker who is a machinist at the Naval Shipyard in Bremerton. Our best wishes to Danny and his as- cent to PFC. Hurry home! Houqeguests of Mr• and Mrs. Orin Smile fronl last Wednesday until Monday were Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Knepper of Salmon, Ida Thursday, the two couples joined Mr. and Mrs. Guy Olfield and Mr. and Mrs. Cleve Sldnner at Priest Point Park in Olymnia and pic- nicked amid the fascinating sur- roundings. After this outing', the four couples drove over to the Olfields' place at Boston Harbor and remblisced over lhe pleasant ,lays spent at the winter trailer can]p they all frequent in Arizona. Friday the Kneppcrs were much impressed by a sight-seeing trip Lo the Hood Canal floating bridge and Saturday, all four couples once again got together and (lrove out to Westport and Grayland. Of spe- cial interest were the cranberry bogs and the incoming fishing boats. The remainder of the love- ly weekemt was spent at Soule's home and the Kneppers departed with warm memories of a number of "first sights", fishing on the :ound and a substantial supply of fresh oysters. Apparently the Don Johnstons just don't have an "in" with the weatherman, for practically every ,01anneal visit to their summer cot- LaKe has brought out Ills worst side. This weekend visit turned a zero-per-cent chance of rain Sun- day to a da of showers and clouds. Nevertheless, little guest .Shelly Baltch, Bellewm friePd and neighbor of Debbie .Johnston, thor- ,ma'hlv enjoyed comina" along. SUNDAYS NIIOWEIlS did calm down however, and in spite of the cloudy skies, thc afternoon was mild enough to permit tile Mrrill MeKifisLrys to carry out their af- ternoon plans. Not only did they t reM, a group of friends to a de- ',icious picnic bu/ l, hey also taught them how to extract the reclusive oyslcr from ils shell. Those friends eeeivin g /his pleasing attention were Mr. and Mrs. Irving Lewis of Vashon Island, Mr. Ray Kern of Olympia, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Sea- bury and son \\;Viii, Mrs. N[arg'aret Holl.{nd, Mr. and Mrs. Burnell Die- kinsm and son Bruce, all of Se- • -a ttle. Linda Spooner left September 5 .%r a two week visit in British Co- hunbia, with relatives in Vancou- err and Comax. The Clifford Barnes of Tacoma bare been enjoying recent week- ends at the Treasure Island beach cottage of Mr. and Mrs. John An- derson. Mrs. Barnes and Mrs. And- erson are sisters. Ann and Marcella Westberg ar- rived home just in time for school fronl a fabulous trip east that took Marcy to Sebeka, Minn., for visits with'aunts, uncles arid num- erous cousins for three weeks. Ann's two-week's trip took her first of all, to Logan, Utah for the Tupperware Jubilee which was held st the State University cam- pus. The "Golden Dragon" theme for the Jubilee was carried throughout, including the presen- tation of "Flower Drum Song", brought to Logan especially for the occasion. Other entertainers helping to give all the visitors a wonderful time were Bob Crosby and his !'Bob Cats", plus BoWs talented son, Chris. After a drive east to Minnesota with managers from that area, Ann enjoyed a short visit with relatives and old friends before flying home by Jet with Marcy. Highlight of this part off`Ann's vacation was a visit with one brother and family whom she hadn't seen in 22 years. Walter Clayton, St. drove to [-Ioquiam last Saturday evening to attend Rayonier, Inc's annual re- tirement dinner honoring a group of retiring employees. One hund- re guests attended the sumptuotm baflq]et. The Sarah Eckert Orthopedfe Guild's 1963-64year will begin with a work meetin’ which will be held a week from Friday (Sept. 30) at tile home of Mrs. Clem HOll. The ladies will meet at Y1 a.m. and are requested to bring a sack hmch. Co-hostess Mrs. Les Soule, informs us that dessert will be served, as usual. Sunday shoppers take notice:- The Grapeview Grocery will be (,pen on Sunday from 10 a.m. until 1 p.m. as of last Sunday. again now that bowling season has arrived once more In the Shelton Residents To Lake Nahwatzel "Mr. and Mrs. League" the Bob Battles and Don Qumys bowled for the first time last Sunday eve- ning in Shelton along with "old timers" the Joe Engens and Don Pogrebas, who as the former "Va- gabonds", will hence forth be known as "Stoeks-Grapeview" their new sponsors being Julie and Doris Stock: also the Bill Staudts and Web Ethertons plus the Gee. Lewises. Our best wishes for a suc- cessful season. It is difficult, always, to write of vandalism, senseless as it is and so terribly frustrating. Neverthe- less. we have to face if-there are vandals m our community. Our sehooi was broken into during the summer, with destruction the on- ly apparent motive and now---we bear reports and have seen evi- dence of tile same destructive pranks on Treasure Island this -rest weekend. Expensive signs have been torn down and moved tiNiiiia::d:::: L O A N lmme loan by a savings & loan was made to  lamplighter ill Pa., in 183t. This home is still A HUNDRED BILLION! Pleasant Weekend Bri,gs Summer the savings & loan business 100 billion dollar mark ill .e are proud to be a part of this evement. To you, our customers, a hundred billion." SaVings at Current Annual Rates DIVIDEHDS AT 41°/o d four times Annually Shellon Branch n County Federal s & Loan Association Branch Office Branch Office 'ay 313 Railroad Ave. Market Square Shelton, Wash Lacey, Wash. By Joann Tnl)per N AHWATZEL -- The warm sumrner clays we have been ]lav- ing these past few days has brought the lake residents out to their summer homes-to enjoy wa- ter skiing and swimming' and just relaxm uqth thmr fmends and fa- mily. Mr. and Mrs. L.'F. Cook, Mon- tesano enjoyed Sunday dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Springer. Sunday visitors aI Mr. and Mrs. Roe Franklin were Mr. Franklin's mother, Mrs. I)ora Crowell and Mr. and Mrs Louie Bee. all of Quileene. Spendino- the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. P. E. Hewson were their granddaughters. Jennifer and Kit- ty Parker of Olympia Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Phil Parker and other children, Elizabeth and Happy Parker visited the Hewsons and helped celebrate Kitty's lath birth- day. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Carte and children of Seattle visited Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Hansen last Sun- day. They formerly were of Shel- ton. " " Mr. and Mrs. Hector Barbour visited .t the home of Tom \\;Vebb of Unioh. They enjoyed pi-dThg ripe tiffs off of Vebb's trees. VISITING MR. AND MRS. Ar- chic Kelley last Saturday evening was Mrs. Kelley's nephew and family, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stone of Algona. Attending the Jefferson-Jackson Democratic dinner at the Shelton Armory last Wednesday evening was Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cooper. Thllrsday Mrs. Cooper motored to Tacoma to do some shopping. Mrs. Cooper visited at the home of Mrs. Myrtle Cameron. Shelton, last Friday. Later that aftenloon .he was luncheon guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Me- Clanahan of Shelton. Visiting Mr. and Mrs. James Bleeker last Sunday afternoon was Mr. and Mrs. Dorsey Golf of Un- ion l)rop-in guests Sunday were Mr and Mrs. Charles VanEpps of Shelton. home of Mr. and Mrs. John Patten were Mr. and Mrs. lVes Hurlev, of the lake and Mr. and Mrs. William McKinson and son of the State Hatchery near Matlock. Last Sunday the Pattens were dinner o'uests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Christy of -'hel- ton. Visiting Mr. mid Mrs. Clifford Reeve last Saturday evening were Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thomas of Puvallup. Ceebrating his 10th birthday last IVedn esdav was Jimmy Smit, son of Sgt. and Mrs. Lerov Smith. nd grandscn of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Da,wson. Enjoying the birthd:y cake wffh Jim were his sister. Lin- da and Rodney and Randy Reeve of the lake. Visiting Mrs. Leroy Smith and Dawsons last Sunday was Mrs. Smith's in-laws, Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Francis of Portland, Ore. SATURDAY evening Mr. an Mrs. Art Palmer. Matlock. ac- companied Mr. and Mrs. A1 Tup- net to Olympia to the EagTes Hall' lot an evening- of dancing. Last Snnday Mr. and Mrs. Dick TtmDer and dau:hter, Susan, John} and Alan Tuper. and Junior Bry- an attended the Nimrods Club pot- luck picnic for club members and their families at Ken Woldens place on Arcadia Road in Shelton. Dinner guests last Sunday at tim hDae of Mr. and 5VIrs. AreS1 Tveit were Mr. and Mrs. Robert rard of Brenlerton. 6 01:,h Western PUYALLUP " SEPT. 14-22 of Mr. and Mrs. "Harry Kidd were Mr. and Mrs. Dal Valley of Shel- ton and Kodiak. Weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Pearn were Mr. and Mrs. Reginald Pearson, a brother, gnd sister=in:law Of Everett. A correction on an item of last week; Mrs. Gertrude Scott and son, Leon visited in Quilcene last week wi{h Mrs. Gardy Richardson. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Troup and children of Seattle were Sat- : urday overnight and Sunday guests in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dell Adams. The James Hickson family mo- t0red, to Tacoma Sunday and vis- ited with grandmother, Mrs. Sar- ah Kirk and aunt, Mrs. Mabel Clothier of Burien, and other rela- tives, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Mad- sen. IIOTORING TO EVERETT on Wednesday were Mr. and Mcs. AI- via Chapman and children and Mrs. Harry Kid& They hmched and visited with Mrs. Robert Kel- ies/ and also called on Mrs. Ken- neth Ivers0n. Monday evening callers in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Pete Rob- erts were Mr, and Mrs. Ben Wil- liams and family of Los Lake. Mrs. Gertrude Scott aceomplan- led Mrs. Bill Holman of Slielton on a visit Saturday afternoon to see Mr..and Mrs. A. M. Evans of Skc;komish Valley. Visiting on Friday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Alvan Chapman wer'e Mr. and iIrs. Wes Sloan of Shel- ton. Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Pharris have returned from a two week vaca- tion trip to Idaho where they vis- ited her dad, James Budd and bro- ther, J. "vV. Budd in Wendell, his brother, Joe Pharris in Hazelton i Έ • , • Nm Family Moves Into Home A TT E N 11' i 0 [ I, The Dayton Area Last Week | DAYTOn" -'-ae'wlme is ex-:is)e''rs.e'l'lpsEie:t-re e, We Will Take Appointments ! ! w,,,,,.,, , ,.o,,.,, .' 9:00 A.M. to 5:30 P.M. I Vls,tors last week in the home ndthda,1;:htend, ev:itebY br?ta::db PI-C, HIWAY S"  SHELTON Mrs. Tony Nelson. I'gIDAY, M R. AND MRS. L. A. 1 Todd called on son and family, Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Todd. Saturday they attended, a birthday party held at Walker Park honoring their greatgrandson, Brian Hardy, who was two years old. The Eldon Todds hosted for their grandson. Weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. James Einarsson were her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. John Huff of Myrtle Point, Ore. Mrs. Ahna Baker visited Satur- day evening in Skokomish Valley with Mrs. Edna Hunter. ]VYr: and Mrs. Wayne Evers and family motored to Melbourne Sun- day afternoon and called on Mr. ancl Mrs. Truman Myers. Lnrene and Marlefie Hulbert spent Friday overnight with randparents, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Hulbert. Friday visitors in the Pete Bloomfield home were Mrs. Les Bishop of Kamilche and Mrs. Floyd Watters. TV SETS FOR RENT Don't Miss the Fun and Entertainment of Television Law is close by TAYLOR =RADIO ELEI)TRIG 4th &Cota 426-6602 BUSINESS DIRECTORY Ambulance. • Radi6 Dispatched • Oxygen Equipped • 24 hr. service Torsak Ambulance 2119 Adams St. 426-825 • uto Glass • Expert Installation JIM PAULEY, INC. 5th & Railroad Ph. 426-8231 Barber ...... • Appointments ] • Wednesday & Thurs. 9:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. PHONE 426-2072 BERNIE'S BARBER SHOP Floor Coverings ...... . • Linoleum • Tile • Carpeting • Formica REX FLOOR COVERING Mt. View Ph. 426-2292 Heating • Safety check • Clean - up • Minor & major repairs STARKEY'S HEATING Sales & Service 514 Ellin or 426-4673 Hospital Equip. • Rental & Sales • "Wtzeel chairs, lifts • beds. walkers • oxygen & tents Torsak Ambulance Service 2119 Adams Phone 426-8254 1 Building • New Building • Remodeling • Cabinet Making Shelton Home Building Joe Rank 719 N. 4th 426-4545 Insurance • Disability, Hospitalization • Life • Retirement Funds Mutual & United of Omaha Duane Rodgers - 426-6142 Draperies, ,, , ! • custom made [ , free estimates • work guaranteed J. C. PINNIy cO. 305 RR Ave. Ph. 426-8283 Landscaping ! • Lawhs, rockeries, trees | shrubs • Top soil, tilling, leveling Free estimates SUNSET LANDSCAPING Herbert Baze 426-4718 Drugs ....... • Helena Ru6irmteln cos- i fi4e{es ! • prescription, i ! • Hypoilgrgfc cosmetlce | NEi L'S PHARMACY | Govey Bdg. Ph; 4126-3327 i I ......... , 7- * ,,'- ,,% ..... 7 II Electrical, • fi0use wiring & rewiring • lectric Heating • "lTouble Sho0tifig • Licensed & Bonded cont/actor JIM. EINARS$ON E LEC. Star Rte. 2, Box 37, 426-6520 Electrical • Fairbanks-Morse Pumps • Electric Heating • Westinghouse Appliances SHELTON ELECTRIC CO. 419 Railroad Ph. 426-6283 Masonry • Brick, BlOck, Stone • Quality workmanship • Free Estimates • Contract Or Hourly Basis BILL CARLSON , Rt..3, Box 331 426-4480 Snd, Gravel I • Top Soil ! • Peat Soil I • Custom Tractor Work Johns Creek Sand & Gravel 426-3552 Norm Anderson Sewing Machine • Sales and Service • New and Used • All Makes & Models Singer Sewing Center 117 5th Ave. East . Olympia Open 'til 9 p.m. Fri. Ph. 357-7586 Florist ' Tire Service for all o6caions , Recapping • Flowers . Used EVERGREEN FLORISTS OK TIRE STORES 4th & Birch 8 to 8 426-8479 Mt. View Ph. 426-4832 Printing ...... • Quality Work of All Kinds THE JOURNAL 227 Cola Phone 42-4kb12 TV Service . I • Radio - TV i • Phonographs • CB 2-way radio LEROY'S TV SERVICE Iii. View Ph. 426-3i"I2 A new '64 Chevrolet is a lot more h'uck than your money bought the last time. Bodies, cabs, engine, frames, suspenslons--all have been improved to give you more value for practically the same investment. Let us bring one over to show you why Chevrolet's the truck to put your money on. (ilJALI13f YRUCKS COST LI:$S Telephone you Chevrolet dealer about any type of truck MELL OHEVRoLET CO, First & Grove St. Shelton ,26-442S