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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
September 12, 1963     Shelton Mason County Journal
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September 12, 1963
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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12, 1963 SHELTON--MA$0N COUNTY JOURNAL--Published in "Christmastown, U..AY, Shelton, Washington ? FOR FALLHighclimber foot- go thru intensive conditioning work- tys, hot and humid or cool and wet, for a season which starts this Fri- Orchard as Shelton joins South Falcon Uxe trim Biseayne 300 AUtomatic Minx engine Wagon :tic stick 210 &apos;Utomatic et Belair Utomatic Custom V-8 Auto. St. Wagon Ive rive Sed. Automatic -- $2oo )re low :ars on • o . ey Inc. 5th & Railroad • 5th & Cota Kitsap and East Bremerton in one of two Olym- pic League jamborees that evening. The above pic- ture shows some of the action of last Saturday's morning workout in rather heated weather condi- tions. Jamboree Friday To Test ilighdimber Grid Talent relation to how iL will stack up against Gffher members of the Olympic League this year. "This squad would really go in either the Central or Seamount leagues." Sund said, "but this Olympic conference is a different horse. Every school is strong and it looRs like an evenly matched race for the title." The Climbers will get an ink- ling of how they stack up against two of the clubs Sund fig-tires should be in the top three at the end of the season durtng one of the league's two .jamborees this Friday night. AT PORT ORCHARD, starting at 8:00 o'clock. Shelton first faces East Bremerton in a 15-minute jamboree period, then takes on South Kitsap after a 10 minute rest in the second period. East and South finisil np the evening's scri- mmagmg in the third period, all 15 minutes long. Sund fivures the league champ- ion will come out of East, South or Port Angeles. He rates the Climbers right behind this trio. Friday's jamboree isn't going to give any clear answers to relative strengths ot the Knights, Wolves and Climbers, not in a couple of 15 minute stands on center stage. But it could point up weaknesses and strong points. SUNI)'S APPRAISAL of his own club. after a good scrimmage session last Saturday, is "fairly well balanced, no glaring weaknes- ses. good squad spirit, fine back- field spe;d, satisfactory size up front except at center, fair exper- ience but not .as much as 20 re- turning lettermen would sugggst." T:-e unknowns in the Climber picture at this early date are the passing :-rod quarterbacking. With several fine receivers. Sund is trying desperately to find some- one who can get the ball to them with consistency. As the leading quarterback candidates, lettermen Brian Brickert and Larry Powell hold hat responsibility. Neither has proven he can do so as yet, possibly because neither has had much experience at that key post. Brickert played his sophomore and junior seasons almost exclusively on defense and Powell his sopho- more campaign last year chiefly as an end. SUND'S PROBABLE starters tomorrow night will all be letter- men Bob Kieburtz and Ron Orr at ends, Bob Jeffery (switched from guard) and Bill Batstone at tackles, Jim Richards and either Roy Ritner or Ken LeBresh at guards, Steve Archer at center, either Brickert or Powell at quar- ter. Fred Lamont at fullback, Don Clary at right half, and Bob Walk- er at left half, Lowe. Dan Olson and Dave John- son, halfbacks; and Kelly Hurst. fullback. Three lettermen have been lost. probably cr the season. Floyd Barnes, end. is not recovered front a broken leg; Denny Fuller. 195 pound tackle has a hernia prob- lem; and Jeff Drebick. 220 pound guard, has neck nerve bothering him. OTHER ASPIRANTS likely to see action Friday include Mike Brickert and Steve Chase at ends. Rennie Mason and Ed Latham at tackles, Carl Dugger at guard, Steve Anstey at center, a quartet of sophomore backs- Bill Archer at quarter, Mike Johnson, Scott Swisher and Robert Miller. half- backs, and four sophomore line- men -Dale Downing, at center. Dave Cox at guard, Milt Schuma- chef at taclde, and Bob Johnson at end. Swisher and Miller. along with senior Walker. appear to be Shel- ion's best punters to date. HOUSEWIVES LEAGUE W L Jim Pauley Inc ................... 7 1 Shelton U];i0n Service ........ 5 3 Ronnie's ................................ 4 4 Hood Canal Marina ............ 4 4 Evergreen Florists ............ 3 5 Shelton Marine Supply ...... 3 5 B & W Marina ...................... 3 5 Ball's Fond Center .............. 2 6 High HuleL 190. High sories--Cleo Hulet 524. Split Pick -Pat Noreen 2-7. B & V Marina 3 (Betty Dean 456. Hood Canal Marina 1 (Lana McInelly 414); Jim Pauley Inc. 3 (Cleo Hulet 524). Bali's Food Center I (Vera Bishop 405): Ron- nie's 2 ,Edith Levett 530) Shel- ton Marine Supply 2 (Sybil Samp- son 439: Evergreen Florists 2 (BeLLy lonnson 441) Shelton Un- ion Service 2 f Aliee Kopperman 396). MERCHANTS LEAGUE W L Old Mill Tavern .................. 3 1 Ralph's Serve-U .................. 3 1 Prepp's Rexall Store .......... 3 1 Miller's .................................. 3 1 Kimbel & Whitey's .............. I 3 Stewart's Foodliner ............ 1 3 Johnson's Shell .................... 1 3 Olympic Plywood .................. 1 3 GOLF CLUB. CALENDAR KIDS! - • 8 thru 11 Jnce Again To FOR e. National Football League PASs . KICK CONTEST on forms now (before Oct. 11 at ,JIM PAULEY, INO, 5th and Railroad Avenue - Shelton LOWE 1)OVNS ,TEWART FOR CLUB (?ItAMPIONSHIP In front from the first hole, Sonny Lowe won the 1963 Shel- ton Golf Chib men's ehampioPship Sunday by defeating Jack Stew- art in the finals of the champion- ship flight. Earlier, •Darrell Denniston had upset Jack Gray for the 2rid Flight title. Two other flight crowns re- main to be determined when L. L. McInelly plays Ivan Myers in the 1st Flight and Bud Pauley plays Laurie Carlson in the 3rd Flight• McInelly dropped Bud Knutzen to earn his finalist spot last Week and Pauley downed Bob Wuench. Lowe closed out his match with Stewart on the 30th hole of the 36 hole championship wind-up. He gained a 3-hole lead after the first nine by tossing a sub-par 35 at Stewat:t. Lowe birdied the first and third, bogied the second, and parred the rest. Stewart had a scintillating 39 himself, hit a bird- ie three on the eighth, but won only that hole and the second. On the second nine Lowe stret- said. Reservation should be made with Nicloy, President Laurie Carl- son or vice president Andy Tuson. FINAL INTER-CLUB GO AT OI.YMPIA SUNDAY Sign-up is now in process for the last inter-club match of the year for the Sbelton Golf Club men's team, next Sunday at Olym- pia Golf & Country Club. Team Captain Phil Bayley nks all golfers interested in making Sunday's rip to ig up at the pro-shack immediately. More than 20 Shelton linksmcn are expected to make the jaunt. MIXED.2-BALL SEPT. 22 ! Strong interest is already show- ling up for the second mixed two- ball foursome competition of tttis season, scheduled for Sunday af- ter'noon, Sept. 22. Tee-off time is 3:30 p.m. with a potluck dinner following. Members will bring food of their own choosing. WASH-OUT The women's division held no ched his lead to seven with a two- play l'ast Tuesday because of the over-par 38 while Jack hiked to incieinent weather. • [ 43. Jack's only point in the round ' .... : HOGGISH--Bill Johnson,-Dean came when Sonny picked up on DANCE DUE SEML 21 I Perry and Dick Fuller (left to the fifth after: getting an unplay- Tickets are now on sale for the right) turned the Olympic tan- able lie as ,lack took a par five. first fall dinner-dance for Shel- cers' annual Bremerton channel Stewart played his best golf of ton Golf Club members, run skindiving competition into the day on tle third round with a one-over 3: but Sonny bagged Saturday, Sept. 21, is the date.  route for the Hood Canal Tickets may be purchased at Me- Seals las( weekend. The- trio a 36 and moed his lead to eight Comb's Business Service and Pan- brought in 102.6 pounds of fish holes. He parred every hole with- torinm Cleaners with in-town to easily walk away with 1st out a miss. Jack won the first with guests welcome, place while a fourth member of a birdie four but lost the fourth and eighth with bogies. Dance music will come from the Jack birdied the first hole to start the final round with a vic- tory but Sonny choked off his last hope with a birdie two on the third after they'd pushed with pars on the second. For the 30 holes Sonny was one over par with four birdies, two bogies and two double bogies. He had led the qualifying round which initiated the tournament with a 69, five better than his nearest ri- val. Bob Olson. 19th HOLE CLUB MEETS WEDNESDAY organ played by Jim Mc4ee and his boys from Olympia. Dinner will be at 8:00 following a social hour at 7:00. with dancing to be- gin at 10:00 o'clock. An Old World motif has been chosen for the social event with decorations in velvet, gold and silver. Members of the committee in charge are the Andy Tusons, the Bob Kimbels, the Bud Pauleys, the Bob Turners. and the Walt E1- liotts. HALE flITS PAR Highlight of Sfeve Hale's golf- Opening a new season activity ing life came a few days ago when slate, the men's 19th Hole Club he parred the Shetton-Bayshore holds its first meeting,of the fail nine holes in even par. Playing in a foursome with Jack Gray, Laurie Carlson and Dr. A. C. Linldetter the Hoodsport grocer parred each hole without a miss as he compiled his 36-stroke card. It represented the best golf f- tort of his life. next Wednesday in the Bayshore clubhouse with a dinner at 7:00 p.m., preceded by the usual social hour. Ladies of the Alpha Sigma Ep- silon sorority will serve the din- ner, club secretary Gary Nicloy the club, Phyllis Sheflen, cap- tured two more first place prizes, for biggest fish by a woman diver and first place, with Al- berta Parker of Seattle, in the 2-women team event. AFTER THE BATTLEVanguished Jack Stewart (left) and vic- tor Sonny Lowe review their score card which recorded the sta- tistics of the 30-hole battle in the finals of the Shelton Golf Club men's championship tournament last Sunday. (Details in High game--Ray Brown 29; accompanying story). High series Jerry Christy 586. ....... NSTO Old Mill3 00Lee Sc,,nffenha,,er GIB J0H N I sl IN ENGLISH TRIAL 5331. Kimbel & Whitey's 1 (Jer- ry Christy 586); Ralph's 3 (Dick Gib Jonnston wound up witt a After the trials the club riders Johnson 475). Stewart's (Don pez'fect score while winning the scouted through a lot of rough Brown 530); Prepp's 3 (Bud Don- English trials held last Sunday by country for the annual endurance aldson 548), Johnson's Shell 1 the Trailblazers Cycle Club. run that will be held in November, (Howard Fuller 570): Miller's 3 Rick Sharper took a close see- The next club meeting will be Chuck Thompson 453)• Olympic ond with Bob Aitken third, Paul at the Rick Sharper home at Plywood 1 (Ken Smith 506). Johnston fourth, Walt Halaway Hoodspor September 21 at 7:00 fith and Walty Welander sixth, p.m, SIMPSON WOMEN Lnmber ................................. 4 0 MdNELLY STROKES YEARYS FIRST 600 Engineerin. .......................... 3 1 Tnsulatin Board .................. 3 1 MAJOR LEAGUE aeries in Shelton. Accountilg .............................. 2 2 Pt. Mac hit 188, 245 and 215 game, Research ................................ 2 2 Timber Bowl ......................... 16 Friday night as the community's Olympic Plywood ................ 1 3 Jim Pauley Inc:::i: ...................... 11 only scratch pin circuit got off the Purchasing .......................... 1 3 LaBissoniere Agency .................. 8 ground, this year using the point Loggers ................................ 0 4 Dan's Nite Hawks .................. 5 system of scoring in place of High game--Jean Ream 227. Northwest Evergreen .................. 4 match competition. High series---Jean Ream 577. Otson's B & B Shop .................. 3 Mac's big pinfall led the way * * * High game -- L. L. Mclnelty as his Timber Bowl quartet bag- Lumber 4 (Jean Ream 577), 245. Loggers 0 (Mat% Runnion 437); High series -- L. L. McInelly Engineering. 3 (Lavonne Cole 461), 648. Purchasing 1 (Phyl Collins 517); IBP 3 tPhyl Ziegler 516), Plywood To the men's Major League and 1 *Jeanne Peterson 421); Accoun- Timber Bowl Proprietor L. L, :Me- tin 2 (Helen Rice 4911, Research Inelly goes the honor of produc- 2 (Betty Dean 514). ing the season's first 600 bowling INDUSTRIAL LEAGUE-- Lumbermen's lIerc ............. 4 0 20th Century Thriftway .... 4 0 Cole's Mobil Service .......... 4 0 Clary Trucking .................. 3 1 Shelton Motors .................... 1 3 Morgan Transfer .................. 0 4 Canteen .................................. 0 4 Pantorium Cleaners ............ 0 4 High gameWalt Elliott 223, High seriesWatt Elliott 594 L. M. 4 (Walt Elliott 594), Mor- gan Transfer 0 (Jack Sampson 523); 20th Century 4 (Jim Archer 573). Canteen 0 t Jack Powell 508); Cole's MObil 4 (Dean Smith 536. Pantorium 0 (Ken Fredson 491/: Clary Trucking 3 (Wajme Clary 511), Shelton Motors 1 (Jack Mays 533). RAYONIER RESEARCH Maintenance ........................ 6 2 Water Boys ...................... 6 2 Wood Birls .......................... 5 3 Rayonettes .......................... 5 3 Silva Foxes .......................... 4 4 Fourfowl err 5 PITTSBURGH SUN PROOF" ; HOUSE PAINT Seals Sieal Honors In Diving Meel; 4 Members Earn 5 Isis Shelton's "Hood .Canal Seals" diving" club swept the first place honors in both the Men and Wo- mens division in the annual Brem- erton Charnel Run. sponsored by lhe Olympic Lancers last weekend. First place mens team consisted of Dick Fuller. Dean Perry, and Bill Johnson. all of Shelton. The total combined weight of fish was 102.6 pounds. Second place went to the Puget Sound Mudsharks of Seattle. with a total weight of 70.9 pounds, and third place was taken by e Sea Raiders of Bre- mei'ton. First place in the feminine div- ision was ta'<en by a two-woman team consisting of Phylis Shefler of the Hood Canal Seals. and Al- berta Parker of the Grapplers of Seattle. Mrs. Shefier also took the trophy awarded' for the larg- est fish taken by a woman diver. Second place in this division went to the Boeing Sea Horses of Se- attle. There were four divers from the Shelton club. and they took a total of five trophys in all. and all firsts. SHELTON VALLEY DANCE GRANGE HALL  • Iqo primer needed for most repaint work when surface is sound. ) ., • • Dries in just 30 mln- ' utes. Paint over damp sur- • faces--sudden show- ers won't delay paint- ing. • Colors stay brighter longer. • Sun-Proof Latex Paint resists blisters. .......................... 3 " "•"-,. . Acetate Aces ...................... 2 GAN EACRETT LUMBER °'*'°*" ........... :' O'R* i 17*gGh h, errygame'"':::" " 204. Bacon ............................ High se'ies  Marg Bacon 445 Gerry Hart 562, Sat., Sept. 14 ted 16 points to top opening night team achievements. Jim Pautey Inc. was second -ith 11 behind the 565 and 564 series respective- ly of Fred Snelgrove and Lionel Leman. There were no other series above 550. II I FREE BOWLING MUSIC BY THE TUNE TOPPERS I INSTRUCTION JUNIORS, 13 thru 18 years -- 10:30 a.m. BANTAMS, 9 thru 12 years- 12:30 p.m. For Beginners Only -- Boys and Girls TIMBER BOWL THIS SATURDAY for JUNIORS and BANTAMS First & Mill Streets ---L. L; Mc'lnelly;Prop; ......... \\; Pllillffllllfl m'flillllgllll li]llffilllllllllUllll fgni]rimBBmT1fi1iHm11mTmtffmtmnmnmnniBimIgnIH?p OUTDOORS IN MASON COUNTY !  | lIBUljBUluuBBBUuUglnuuu SEARUN CUTTHROAT PROVIDING ACTIO Best fishing in Mason County of late Domes from searun cut- throat in the Oakland Bay-Ham- mersley Inlet saltchuck. They're tmngry and scrappy, according to Hoodport Ranger DistrictAll roads are ()pen and in good con- dition. All campgrounds are in g'oot condition and .still being maintained. All trails are ()pen and in good condition. Fishing seems to have slowed down somewhat. The fly f:sherman seems to be all reports. Harstine Island is providing having the best luck some action for' small King feed- ports that reaeh us. erR. Dick GlaRer, Jim Okonek and Jim Jr. each limited to five lbs. Sunday in a nicely uniform catch. Hood Canal has lots of salmon but they continue to refuse lures. lures. The week's best catch was Gloria Van Laanen's 16-1b. King taken last Thm'sday. Len Walton took a 15-1b. 14-oz. hoknose Mon- day, Ida Kjonaas a 13-4 King Sat- urday, Art Ellis a 14-10 King ,Vednesday, George Anderson a 10-0 silver Satnrday, Hank Boy- sen a 6-0 silver Tuesday, and Dus- ty Rhodes a 6-0 silver Wednesday. OLYMPIC NATIO:NAL FOREST RECREATION REPORT Shelton Ranger District---SPider Lake road t:o Canyon River is now fronl re- Grouse and pigeon season is here again. The Olympic National Forest will yield good hmting. All hunting within the National,For- est is regulated by state game laws. The annuaI run of sahnon can be se.?n running up the Dose-, wallips R%,er past Elkhorn camp- ground. Please don't molest them. ELK PERMIT I)EADLINE JlS'l? ONE VEEN AWAY Elk hunters arc reminded that the closing date for applications for 1963 controlled elk hunting seasons is Sept. 20. Applications nest be received not later than 4:30 p.m. on that date at a Game Department office in order to be valid. Application forms are available from any hun- opened to travel The high steel bridge will be completed soon and tint and fishing license dealer. ,)pen in another week. Both ,Vy- The deadline for controlled deer noochee Falls and Browns Creek l hunting permits is,now past---last open and "n good condition. Sev- Friday. ere lightning storms struck the ............................... district Mondayand Tuesday with Use Journal Wan! Pds :::any rites started " .. ,'j i, Your Piymouth-VaiiantDealer's EHD-OF'THE-SEASON PRICES ON THE TWO BIG HIIS FOR '63 PLYMOUTH AND VALIANT! PAA If you've been playing the field and running from dealer to dealer, here's how [o save some steps: Come in and look over our roster of end-of-the-model-year buys! A short stop and  brief tryout wilt convince you! 5-YEAR OR 50,000-MILE WARRANTY! *Your Authorized Plymcuth-Valiant Dealer's Warranty against defects in material and workmanshi on 1963 cars has been expanded to include parts renMcement or reair, without charge for requ|red parts or labor, for 5 years or 50.000 miles, whichever comes first, on the engine block. head and internal parts; transmission case and internal parts (excluding manual clutch); toraue converter, drive shaft, universal ioints (excluding dust covers) rear axle 'and differential, and rear heel bearings, pro- vided the vehicle has been serviced at reasonable )hie)vats according to the Plymouth-Valiant Certified Car (;are schedules. nnJvi: HOME A WINNER-A '63 PLYMOUTH OR VALIAN1, AUTHORIZED DEALERS Oi CHRYSLER KIHBEL MOTORS, IH¢. 707 So. First St. helton