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PAGE ]0 ItELTON--MA0N COUNTY JOURNAL-- Published 111 ¢Ohristmastown, U.Z.A.', ShelLon, Washington
i i t t t t t i .....
PTAs In Bel|air Area Make Plans For Activities For Coming Year Visit To Rain Forest Provides
By Carolyn Freelin
BELFAIR .... One of the surest
sig]s of fall is the flurry of back-
to-school (wtivities. including the
Ia rent Teachers Associations
which star'l their meetings to-
night and uext Thursday,
Tonight at 8 p.m. is the first
meetinK of tile North Mason Ele-
llcnta)'y PTA at the Belfair school.
•.. NEW...
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Magnalite Housing cuts
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Exceeds AS standards.
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Vacuum sweeps leaves and
clippings into the bag.
In Short...
LAWN-BOY is the mowingest
mower on the market!
Priced from $69.95
On Hiltcrest
All parents are urged to attend
this "welcome back" meeting, as
the program for the evening fea-
tm'es the introduction of teach-
ers as well as new parents in the
community. Among the teachers
from Belfair and Allyn are three
who are new to the district are
Miss Georgina Johnson. sixth
grade; Mrs. Edith Stewart, second
grade; and Mrs, Katherine Curry,
fifth grade. All teach aL Belfair.
Principal Richard Burrell will
explain the Parent Teacher con-
ferences during the business ses-
sion tonight, anti president Mrs.
Walter Scott, Jr.. will introduce
committee chairmen Mesdames
John Johnson. Arthur Guidi. Ralph
Scott, William Venard, Dale Lin-
coln, Donald Beeson. Ray Medeiros
Ken Rose. Kenneth Grands. Merle
Lamb. James Griffey, Jim Lane,
and Robert Marsh. Mr. Richard
Burrell. Mr. and Mrs. Burt Day,
Mrs. Douglas Hoppe, and Mrs.
Richard Rasmussen.
Additional committee chairmen
are still needed, with the head
positions for the publicity, publi-
cations, civil defense, the excep-
tional child, and interest corners
committ-eeW still nnfilled. Anyone
interested in working in these ca-
pacities is asked to contact Mrs.
Scott. any of the other PTA offi-
cers Mrs. Robert Marsh. Mrs. Don-
ald Beeber, Mrs. Kenneth Grands,
Mrs. Edwarl Squire, and Mrs. Ed-
ward Kronquist. or the Belfair
school. The new "interest cogners"
program will feature one or rmore
table exhibs of interest to the
community at each PTA meeting,
and anyone who has ideas or
would like to help with exhibits
is encouraged to participate. And
this isn't limited to parents!
Als0 on the business agenda are
decisions on the year's budget and
money-making project, an explan-
ation of the membership drive to
begin later this month, and a kick-
off for the Parent-Teachers' Mag-
azine sales.
Senior High PTA will hold its
first meeting Sept. 19, at 8 p.m.
Parents will have an opportunity
to meet North Mason's new prin-
cipal, Robert Larson, and the
school's instructors including four
new teachers, a the "Get Ac-
quainted Night". The teachers new
to North Mason are Fred Gruber,
mathematics; Donn Nelson, music:
Donald Magnus, science; and Rich-
ard Strain, junior high math and
Five-minute talks on their sum-
me," experiences will be given by
three tudcnt speakers. Sallie Tra-
vis will tell about her two-months
stay in Mexico City and her stu-
dies at a high school there, on an
exchange program begun last
spring when North Mason staff
and parents visited Mexico. Tim
Wing will speak on his session at
a summer school of band instruc-
tion, and Pmfl FurcherL will 6s -
cuss his course at a Leadership
The business meeting will be
kept brief l order to emphasize
the "get acquainted" theme at an
extended social hour.
Miss Gae Palmettos became the
bride of Ted Wing, son of Mr. and
Mrs. William "Wing of the South
Shore, last Saturday evening, Sept.
7. in Moses Lake• The bride is the
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sam
PalmerLon of Moses Lake.
Tim Wing and Dan Wing, broth-
ers of the groom, were ushers at
the ceremony in the Presbyterian
church. The new Mrs. Wing chose
pink and lavender as her color
theme for the wedding and the re-
ception which followed at the }Vo-
men's Club. In addition to the
groom's family, Mrs. Cora Kelly,
Mrs. Wallace Ganty and Gretchen.
Mr. and Mrs. James Huffman. Mr.
and Mr.% Jack Harris, and Miss
Connie HaYris were local people
who attended the wedding.
Ted, a 1960 graduate of South
Kitsap high school, is employed
in Ellensburg where he and his
wife will continue their education
at Central Vashington State Col-
BOY SCOUTS of Troop 513
found that fall weekends are ex-
cellent for hiking trips as they
enjoyed good weather and good
fishing on their latest expedition.
The boys left Friday evening for
the Hamma Hamma River and
returned Sunday night after hik-
i II
Msrr llli.r SCOTSMAN |
model--shown wish Mk'lfln
nton and exhmskmete 23
wide- h tim fty poww
IIckage for "nail garden
Ido Combines 2' hp
• lkain-ddvo Irunsraissio I
dever equivalen of e 4 hp vnih Comes w
r nmr hnspan wkaei
Saeger Motor Shop
on Hillcrest
ink 10½ miles up the Hamma
Harems to the Mildred Lakes. near
the Sawtooth Ridge and Mmmt
Making the trip were Scouts
Tim Allison, "Walter IJeningsen,
John Rose, Steve Rose. Everett
Richardson, Pat and Colin Lee,
George Palmer. Marl¢ and Brian
Fretwe!l. Bob and Dave Broussard.
Frank Woods. Mike Stimac. Jeff
Allen, Paul Squire. Raymond Sper-
ry, George Stoltz, and Alan Cady.
Adults accompanying the boys on
the trek were Lcn Rose. ,V. J.
Broussard, and Don Knight, Scout-
Home recently on 30-day leave
from the U.S. Air Force ,as A/2c
Robert Cundiff, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Ray Cundiff of Belfair. Bob
has been stationed on the island
of Tiwan. better known as For-
mesa or Nationalist China. for 15
months, wor]ing in the Air Police
Security division. He left Belfair
early this week for Turner Air
Force Base in Georgia, where he
will be stationed for an indefinite
period of time.
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Dawn
of Mallard {she was formerly De-
anna Kovack are the proud par
eats of a baby boy. Their first
child, he was born Sept. 5 and is
named Stephen Frederick. The
happy grandparents are Mr. and
Mrs.'Charles Kovack of Belfair.
TO LeROY DISHON go sincere
apologies for an error in last
week's column! Mr. Dishes was
the chairman of Twanoh Grange's
entry in the Mason County Fair.
the booth, in fact, which won first
place among the Grange entries
there. The Twanoh Grange exhibit
committee has spent a hectic two
weeks readying Mason County's
entry at the Western Washington
Fair in Puyalhip, which starts
Sept. 14, so fair-goers, be sure to
see it! And again, congratulations
to Mr. Dishon and the Twanoh
Shelton Student 6eb
Scholarship ,At GWSG
A Shelton student is one of three
Central Washington State College
students who have received schol-
arships for the 1963-64 college
year from the Boeing Company.
Recipients are Catherine Dre-
bick, ShelLon; Theodore Kestler,
Tacoma; and Thomas Rice, Ariel.
Miss Drebick graduated from
Irene S. Reed high school in 1960
and will be a senior at Central
this fall. She is majoring in math-
ematics with minors in chemistry
and education. She has earned a
3.52 grade point average in her
first three years at Central (4.0
is al A's).
To continue 'studies of salmon
migration, four University of Wa-
shington research vessels are on a
four-month salmon-tagging voyage
in the Alaskan waters. New infor-
mation being obtained on the life
history of the salmon will have an
important effect on the improve-
ment of the valuable salmon runs.
Are Now Effective In Sheton
lnterestin[ Trip; Tips Given
by Virginia Allison
LILLIWAUP -- Mid-September
may still not be too late for a
trip to the Hoh Rain Forest in
Olympic National Park. As wide-
ly known as Hurricane Ridge it
is the place where the principal
rain forest trees. Western Hem-
lock and Sitka Spruce. have at-
tained their largest size. encour-
aged by mild climate and 130 to
150 inches of rainfall a year.
Allow a couple Of ,days to.fully
enjoy this loop trip, now gay with
Vine Maple turning red. The only
ime you need leave Route No. 101
is at the Hoh River road sign
where you travel 19 miles inland
over a good surfaced road to rain
forest headquarters. Pick up the
guide booklet, at "gain Forest
Nature Trail" at the spot where
you register and do take that
easy three quarters mile trail
)ast the lettered posts where the
booklet e xplains the meaning of
what you are looking at. I Other-
wise you wilt miss too much).
It probably isn't the size of any
tree you will remember the longest
but the "nurse" trees and the
weird hanging mosses. The tiny
seeds of the conifers, unable to
btain rooting on the forest floor
o thickly covered with mosses and
Oxalis clover, sprout readily from
moist rotting h)gs, known as
"Nurse" trees. Eventually sapling
roots embrace the decaying logs,
absorbing nourishment from them
until the am'so log crumbles com-
pletely away, leaving tree roots
at various heights in the air.
The Hall of Mosses. a grove o
moss draped tree their branches
touching overhead displays many
varieties of moss; not parasites
as you might expect, but epiphytes
manufacturing their own food not
robbing the trees upon which they
Take along fruit and sandwich-
es as eating places are hard to
'find betwee Quests, the Rain For-
est and Forks. Travelling north
from Hoquiam we found Lake
Quinault Resort, two miles off the
highway beyond Amanda Pak, or
the Lodge on Quinault Lake con-
venient over,night stopping places.
May sunny days be your good
luck on this trip, as they were ours
immediately following Labor Day.
Friends and relatives gathered
far and near on Sept. 6 at
the L. K. Webb residence on the
Hamma Hamma to greet Mrs. AI-
lie Ahl upon the occasmon of her
96th birthday. In perfect fall wea-
ther the Open House event turn-
ed into a garden party where Mrs.
Ahl looking radiantly happy re-
ceived congratulations and good
wishes from a large gathering o£
These birthday parties which
started a number of years ago in
the immediate neighborhood have
grown with the years into an an-
nual social event of widely anti-
cipated enjoyment; where old
friends and neighbors eagerly
greet one another and exchange
current news.
Ahl, seated in a walnut rocker on
the lawn, the center of attention,
appeared not to tire in the slight-
est. Being so near the century
mark she plans by continuing her
daily walks to reach one hundred,
and only after that:to commence
counting her years. So far as we
know her closest rival in the age
race on Hood Canal is Mrs. tansy
of Union, mother of Mrs. Vesta
Lney Mann, who celebnated her
94th birthday Aug. 1.
Mrs. H. A. Shaffer recently ar-
rived from Minneapolis to spend
at Indian Point where
she purchased the A. P. Drees res-
idence last summer. Twenty years
previously the Dress' had par-
T FOR LESS chased the same land from Mrs.
HEA haffer's father, the late Franl
Robinson of IAliiwaup,
_ Story is told regarding the
building of the Dress home now
owned by' Mrs. Shaffer. A num-
ber of years ago when Mr. Dress
of Olympia, Importer of fine crys-
tal and china, was in poor health
ad unable to continue operating
his business, he came often to st
Clean Safe Effmen" " t Convenient ,, the sunshine at Indian Point.
Gradually his thoughts became ab-
sorbed by the problems involved in
building on this precipitous, rocky
point. He begn to visualize, a
home there; he drew plans; he
ordered materials; thecantilever e0
For full information about the many advantages of Natural
Gas (soon io arrive) we surest you contact our Shelton
office at 122 Soulh 3rd St, or
phone 426.8433
home began to take the shape ana
form he had imagined. By the time
was ready to live in Mr. DreSs
recovered his health and was
able to return to his activities
and to spend scores of weekends
at the spot that had restored his
energy and Well being.
Here, over Labor Day, Mrs.
Shaffer entertained her brother
and sister-inqaw Mr. and Mrs.
Victor Robinson of Rremerton and
her brother Plerpont Robinson or
Among late summer visitors at
the Pat McGrady home were Mr.
and Mrs. Reidar Nielsen, Mr. aria
Mrs. Byron Wiase, both couples
residents of Seattle; Mrs. Elms
IeCrom of Hollywood who is story
analyst for Warner Brothers.; al-
so Mr. and Mrs. John Sherman
and r. and Mrs, Schwartz all four
from New York State; Mr. and
Mrs. Robert Campbell of Mercer
ISland and the Seymour Stana-
ish's of Seattle and Dr. and Mrs,
Eldon Griffin, the doctor a form-
er University of Washington pro-
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Morris of
Portland were weekend visitors at
the John Robinson cabin on Lilli-
waup Creek. Mrs. Morris, former-
ly Sharon Robinson, was busy
making calls to introduce infant
daughter Rebecca Elizabeth to her
Hood Canal relatives.
Mrs. Frank Robinson has en-
joyed the experience of golfing
this summer With her three daugh-
ters: Mrs. John Cairo, Mrs. H. A.
Shaffer and Mrs. Pat MeGrady.
Having relinguished her Lilliwaup
home she ]spends much of the year
with-her son John in Tacoma.
attending the National VFW Con-
vention in Seattle were Mrs.
George Moake of Eldon Mrs. Ev-
l elyn Nicholson of Hoodsport ana
Mrs. Dorothy Kelsey of Union.
The Vomens Auxiliary held its
sessions in the Opera House on
the World's Fair Grounds. The la-
dies made a point of riding the
monorail again, finding only one
car now in .operation; of revisiting
the Space Needle for another long
look at the city and harbor of Se-
attle under the spell of night il-
luraination, and took it an evening
performance of the Pageant ot
Hood Canal Garden Club held
its first meeting of the official
year Sept-. 5 at the Potlatch Club
house. Shelton members of .the
Garden Club were in charge of dec-
orations, ably guided by Mrs.
Maude Crosby. The tables fea-
tured red Sara Bands roses burn-
ink bush and ageratum. Room
decorations were arrangements o£
Gold Band Lillies and white Mag-
nolias; many of the flowers from
Mrs. Crosby's well known garden
in ShelLon.
The luncheon was enjoyed by
a congenial but small group, dis-
appointed that the fine weather
had conspired to keep so many
members otherwise occupied. Mrs.
Ix)is Pierce, president of the Gard-
en Club. stated that lacking a
quorum no business haft been
transacted that morning and that
they had decided to postpone the
showing of the Emil Lauber flow-
er and garden slides until a larger
audience could be present.
Following the luncheon the
group drove over to view the Bish-
opbrook gardens, adjacent to AI-
derbrook Manor, where tuberous
begonias late in .blooming this year,
were in their prime. The perfection
of lawns, shrubbery and rock gard-
en were indeed a credit to the
knowledge and loving care be-
stowed upon them by Harry Maw-
son, gardener at Bishopbrook for
a dozen years.
The next meeting will feature
a plant and bulb .,role Oct. 3. All
meetings of the Garden Club this
year will be held at the Potlatch
club house, owing to the gener-
osity of an anonymous friend.
"You might add" stated Mrs. Pier-
ce "that this clubhouse, attractive,
modern and fully equipped, is
available for rentals; arrangements
for which nmy be made through
Mrs. Blanche Calahan of Hoods-
Mountain lover Frank Ham-
bough of Longwood Beach has re-
turned from an eight day pack trip
into the Upper Valley of the
Duckabush. He has been making
trips for the past 17 years into
high valleys along the Olympic
Range. "Upstairs" as Herb ann
Lois Crysler of Port Angeles ta-
mous for their color films "Life
Cycle of the Elk" and "Beyond the
Trails" used to call these high
elevations most of us will never
Auggie TournquisL, 70 years o:
age, born in Montesano, a logger
by trade, conditioned throughout
his 1 ife to the climate and climb-
ing. Also by two 15 year old boys,
Bruce Harris of Seattle and Cul-
len Smith of Lilliwaup, who are
fast becoming mountain wise.
"I wish some local store would
stock dehydrated foods catering
to campers and advertise the fact
each summer. "Said Mr. Ham-
baugh. Frank makes use of dehy-
drated foods, even dehydrated
meats, and knows how to reduce
a pack to bare essentials.
These four started out with 40
pound packs, ate all the Rain-
Thursday, 3ep :el
By F,-anee llnnlons
KAMILCHE -- There will be a
potluck Grange meeting aL 6:30
p.m. Friday, Sept. 13, at the Ka-
milche Grange.
Mr. and Mrs. Herb Nelson and
Mr. and Mrs. M. Lambert, Mike
and Barney hiked to Black and
White Lake in the Olympic Na-
tional Park. They hiked about 12
Ir. and Mrs. Roland Simmons
and Mr. and Mrs. Phil Simmons
and boys enjoyed a trip to Toke-
land Beach to camp ovefight Fri-
Recent dinner msts of Mr. and
Mrs. I-]orb Nelson were Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Graham and daughter
CharloLt of Bayside. Calif., and
Mr. and Mrs. Bnme Nelson of
Mr. and Mrs. Justin Taylor and
children and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph
Hill anti family were Sunday din-
ner guests of the Gone Taylors.
Don and Ruth Mainwearmg of
Grants Pass. Ore.. recently spent
three days yisitng with her par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Wood.
MONDAY, Mr. and Mrs. Gone
Taylor made a trip to South Bend
and Westport.
Karen Mainwaring visited Sat-
urday with her grandparents, Mr.
and Mrs. Dan Wood Sunday she
returned to Portland, Ore., where
she will soon begin attending
Portland State College for an-
other semester.
Mrs. Frances Simmons went to
Vancouver, B.C. with Mr. and Mrs.
Roland Simmons the first of this
======u======= ='==
If you have
icies ,floatir
cover yO ' C,
persona: iat
let go of
nomical and
bring th m
one Horeo
age. Call f°
Herb Angle
. Dick Angle
on demonstratorS, J
rentals, floor models anu
used organs!
Evening Appoint,'
If Desired
Let us prove . . • TheL 0
is the easiest to play of
Also -- STORY &
bows they wanted and brought
back their limit catches. "Upsta-irs Johnny's Music
is hard to reach, the trail steep L
and diffictflt but the country is
glorious" concluded Frank; suffi- 205 Cola Street
cleat reward for all the effort to
hint and his companionS. • Open 'Til g:o0 p.m. Mondays & Fr,
Bigg00t Value 'in Our Hist0n/
This ad entitles holder to
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Bring your children to Little Folks Studio
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Example: If ),our child weighs
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