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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
September 12, 1963     Shelton Mason County Journal
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September 12, 1963
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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12, 1963 SHELTONMASON COUNTY JOURNAL--Published in ':Uhristmastown, U.S.A.", ShelLon, Washington PA E 11 COOKIHG IN WHOSE KITGHEN? 0fCounty Residents URGAULT who will soon be moving to Longview eve as cook of the week. Seated, she is holding nine Standing to the left of his mother is Phil, and are neighbor girls, Linda and Vicki Stuller. * :;= * * nee4 time-' 1 cup crushed pineapple and Bonnie Bout- ½ cup walnuts h0memakcr -- with 1 cup mayonnaise recipe• 1 cup whipping cream (chilled will be happy evaporated milk may be used in- her Fiesta Salad stead of cream) one that is When jello begins to set, stir In zs.quick and easy cream. Serves 10. Canal Garden Club Meets At Potlatch HoocT Canal Garden Club met last Thursday at the Woman's Club House at Potlatch. The bus- iness meeting opened at 11 o'clock with president Lois Pierce pre- siding. Hostesses were Mrs. Maude Crosby and Mrs. Anna Runacres. Luncheon tables were beautifully decorated with late summer flow- ers. Following the hmcheon the la- dies toured the Bishopbrook gar- dens aL Union. Next meeting of the club will be Oct. 3, at the clubhouse, Pot- latch. There will be a bulb and plant sale• Members arc asked to bring miniature gardens in appropriate containers for display• Mrs. Ihna Jenner will be chairman of the luncheon committee. IDAHO CHAPEL IS SITE OF Former Shelton Pastor , World War I Veterans ..... SOCIAL I|I-IA]:[IT T(tNI, Returns From Indonesia Slate Meeting Tonight The American Legien ....**....u_....-_=.... WEDDING ler Clinton Shankel, former Madrona Barracks, No. 1462, Dept. of Wash. pastor of Shelton, Elma. Monte- Veterans of World War I and Au×- EVENTS *"+ sane district of the Seventh Day iliary ,,,ill hokt its first fail meet- FRED B. WIVELL Adventist Chnrch. has returned ing tonight at the Memorial Buiht- from Djakarta. Indonesia and will ing at 8 o'clock. POST 31 speak in Shelton Saturday. Plans will be formulated for l:he Delbert Weston, Commander Clinton Shankel was pastor el fall and winter activities at this J. Mel Dobson, Adjutant ;  the Shelton church from 1956- time and refreshments will bc  1959. He was ordained in July served following the joint meet- Next Meeting 1959 at tim \\;Vashington Confer- ings. All members are re'god to Tuesday, Sept. 3 ence Camp Meeting, which is held attend this important meeting. annually at Auburn. Wash., and  At The Shortly ..eroater left ..i,h his Use Journal Want Ads Memor+., .a,,-- p m wife Mabel and children on his missmn appointment, where it Was necessary for him to study the local language for one year. During this time he was also construction supervisor of the ev- USE0 FREEZERS angelfstic center in which he was ¢ to hold his first effort as soon as his knowledge of the language permitted. 21 Cu. Ft. SUB ZERO Upright freezer He left on his furlough in the early part of 1963 from Bandung, Java. and spent a few months in 11 CU. Ft. RANNEY Upright freezer the Phillipines on his way to the States. Upon arriving- in this coun- 14 CU. Ft. GIBSON Upright freezer I try he entered Andrews Univer- sity in Burien Springs, Michigan 21 CU. Ft. FRIGIDAIRE Chest freezer : for further schooling• He will have many interesting  Reconditioned, Warranted • experiences to tell at tle Sabbath School service which will begin at OTHER REFRIGERATORS AND RANGES NEWLYWEDS--A reception for Mr. and Mrs, Walter Alan Stone, 9:30 a.m. and the church hour at Beta Zeta "" tnapter .. was held at the home of the bride's parents Mr. and Mrs. 11 o'clock. Norman J. Richardson on Friday, August 30th. The couple was PRICED TO SELL Plans Activities wed in Coeur d' Alene, Idaho on Saturday, August 24, and are now Golden Age Club To at home in Olympia. Lem Warren Refrigeration Members of Beta Zeta Chapter .......... Hold Birthday Dinner Epsilon Sigma Alpha, met Wed- Marricd in the redding Chapel Long Beach College at California, A birthday dinner will be nesday, Sept. 11, at the home of at Coeur d'Alene, Ida., were San-I She has been employed at the Mrs. Ray Rice. President Mrs. dra Kay Richardson and Walter ] Statehouse in Olympia. The cou- specialClub luncheonfete attoday.the GoldenThe potluckAge 2nd and CoLa St. Phone 426-2445 Bill Kimbel asked for committee Alan Stone, Jr. The double ring, ple will honeymoon to Pittsburg, dimmr will be served at noon in reports from the social, ways & candlelight ceremony was per- Pc, the Memorial Hall. means, and welfare chairmen, who formed in a setting of peach and had met with officers on Aug. 28. white gladioli on Saturday, Aug. ' ' " ' Lo plan the 1963-64 actLvities. 24. Tile Chapter will continue to Thanks To Your Generous Help Through Your Purchases of GIBSON APPLIANCES support the Rogers School and Tile bridc is the daughter of Exceptional Forester's, with cater- Mr. and Mrs. Norman J. Richard- YOU'VE FORCED US (Boy, oh Boy) TO CLOSE NEXT WEEK ing to be their main money raising son of Union and the bridegroom. } project, son of Walter A. Stone, Sr. of Mrs• Floyd Ridout, Educational Pittsburg, Pa. Director, de,/aonstraLed how to Given in marriage by her fa-  |, make Beeswax Candles, and mere- lher. tile bride wore a sheath dress While we en,oy a va©alion at Nassau, in the Bahama Islands. This is the prize you helt, ed bers worked along with her. of white broead and shoulder- A Fall dance will be held on length veil, Sister of the bride, Satm'day, Sept. 14 at the Shelton Chert Richardson, was maid of he- US win in a sales coaled several months ago when you bought a flock of GIBSON quality ap- Dnee Club• Anyone interested in nor wearing a gown of pastel obtaining tickets may do so by green brocade with white acces- pli .,t" contacting Chapter members, or series, ances, for which we again extend to you our deepesi gralilude. So, this is to le ou know call Chairman Mrs. Mickey Good- A reception for the couple was ,,,in at 426-3503. held Friday evening, Aug. 30 at AGAIN (S b) Following the meeting, refresh- the home of the bride's parents We will be GLOSED SEPT. 16thru 21, OPEN ob, So MONDAY, SEPT. 23. ments were serw*d by the hostess in Union. Mrs. Clarence. Fanning and Mrs. Gcne White, co-hostess, cut the three tiei+ed bridal cake Tile next meeting will be on which was topt)ed with a tradi- lem Warren Refrigeration \\;Vednesdfiy, Sept. 25, at the home tional bride and groom. Mrs. Solo, Lem and SllarOll of Mrs. Dick Holland. Sarkowitz poured. Warren A graduate of Irene S. Reed high school, the bride attended Hood Canal Club " - rp ' ' I(N ' "-'t  [ ieree. Ready to Eat 5 - 7 LB. Avg. k) m,,, • I .... + , ++o0.o+,o + STEWING HENS ................ 23 + I Ik PIG NIII S +;.,,oo, ........ ?,..+, 19 STEWING HENS ++:? ........................ "' 29+ l / DENNISON'S REG: OR HOT 15 OZ. CHUCK STEAKS+,!y? 0.°° o, ooio 55 ° I F {HILl W,TH BEANS+4/+I ,,ON+,0 BEEF + :::::::::::::::::::: ::.39 ° SWANS OWN'15-OZ. PNG. " SLICEDBACON .o+1t9+ iL CAKE MIX 3/Sl ii " ......... KRUSTEAZ "BUTIERMILK" 15-OZ. GIANT PULLMAN .... BIS(UITMIX 29' '1 SANDWlCHLLOAF30--OZ. A. H,TE q&, BABY F001} ++++10 GERBER'S Vegetables € +,+oz Fancy Peas s,,ur-f,esh 00=oo8/+1 B A N A N A S I SUNDAy+OPEN CU' Gorn +Po.TLfrL%%c,, 8/+1 I ' .hv;mn Nota Broken /$4 I R "q"+'  A RI|Z Oral" Nabisco 16-oz, Box ........... 39  I I OlfltJl Fruit S i L t a colorful dish To lower the calorie count Ben- rag. With a httle hie su ffests reducin? the mayon- tme hel reme Meetln Thursday I " . go g R ' " P naise and substituting powdered g ,, read, makes an milk She adds the milk to the be- Hood Canal Woman's Club will n.combination. innin nreparation hold the first meeting of the new , rinsed m Shel- rulv,+vtmpRrED 5,ear Thursday, Sept• 19 at the er church, ham  Potlatch Clubhouse Mrs Robert s and is a mere- z eggs ...... (Ann) Rowe will be ill charge o: tarship committee :,,v o.. r Lhe meeting ]0Cha+;  I 2 cUpS IlOlt , , " ........ -zu+tt. 11/ +,, 1. nl;. .*ntt,rle], 1l is aopeO all nlemDers Will De :indergarten cote-  "o2" .']':',.l'^'.,.Z: ..... , ;,,;o e present to hear the reading of the ' .en. o + . :t+ea  nuts - proposed new Constitution and By- OcieLy at St Ed-+ .v ........  laws Hoodspori ladies under Chui: -  2' _ mix sugar ano oeacen egg..a '+-utL .... ' " en. tae e .................. "n chairmanship of Cecil Gilbert will tl fa .... juice ivux nucs ano cntrrlub  +  " ' vorle o net's ": .... " .... ad - to be serving the hmcheon There will a+ . small amount O]" Zlour D, IIU I " ;s ne pzano. ;, + ....  €,-,, -d bakin r" be a guest speaker in the after- -.ves to l:erml- "  and noon r outside acq" Pies powder Bake 25 ram, 325 de.  vc l hour c't 300 deg. I .................... "- raising a lami- - .......... __ fiano study She is _ _ I two children, Phil MASON COUNTY'S I th-old Diana. ' Paul, has just II" I I'= e $ [] [] [] II F I Wakiakum Coun- n [] Eli l ll / I i i i i  [ .Bom+gaults will • IIlII II I i uelr new home at ! } a month. --EAT OUT OFTEN  I 1 Bonnie are Shel- graduates and at- " .... t hie -" • n 221 North s , • enS th, s re}ran!c,.  DAIRY QUEEN i. Slto. y ar reunloll ior 10th year for  Recognized as THE place for thick SHAKES CUds on her time, L| and smooth SUNDAES, and NOW from nds time to enter-  DAIRY QUEEN'S kitchen -- HAMBURGERS ,inle-saving salad  and FRIES. Phone 426-8091 her. Served with ad, iL becomes a " rllai 1)a%[;,]- g Ilighway 101 less than a mile kLAI} .LnJEJ LIU ' JP-J J-J-_ South of Hoodspor LUNCHES  DINNERS larshmallows STEAKS -- SEAFOOD -- CHICKEN DINNERS jello and ma't'stl- OPEN 11 A.M. TO 12 MIDNIGHT :!l dissolved. " Phone 877-5571- Fred Williams, Prop. )age or fine chop- . ll l%vrllalhl ][-ITT,I. 3 miles West of Belfair .a.taa ,L.I.l ="" ''-=- on Hood Canal 0 • lors We Take Pride in Our .,,.._1 HOMEBAKED BREAD and PASTRIES rl(le . Complete Variety of DINNERS I shower was held . SEAFOODS Who became the I-tall on Satur- e bridal sln)wer ,r ......, ,&F- 5 miles South of Shelton • ,' home of Mrs. IL,,i/-'.L'JIYI'-x za.,. oa the Olympio Highway layed and prizes BREAKFAST -- LUNCH -- DINNER Morgam Sue Grisdale. The lovely gifts relatives. the shower were Mrs. Emma :Mrs. Pat Mrs. Dixie Hughes, D%ne Janet Vickie Mc- Hall, all of Cook, Matlock Sadie El- Hood Ca- and Dessie Lillian Ther* • Prime Rib and Steak , Seafood • Homemade Pies Dinner Parties Invited Open daily 6 a.m. to 10 p.m. MAMIE'S GRILL 3o.O,vm,moti.Hiwvio Not BREAKFAST -- LUNCH -- DINNER Special Dinners Daily  Fried Clams -- Oysters • Buckwheat Hotcakes Anytime . WE NAKE OUR OWN PIES! MINOR'S A &, W DRIVE-IN v. Ol,m m,, r. on Mt. Vicw "COME AS YOU ARE, WE SERVE IN YOUR CAR" Snoquahnie. nnable to aL- eider and Vic- Erlene Abshcr, Gladys Logic, St(>llie Alma Crate tlOME E. N. 1st Class :rick, was home Mr. and Mrs. the Labor Day Mcrrick was that transfercd regon Coast for S TO MEET Past Mat- the Masonic Sept• 19. be present which will L , FOOD and DRINK ORDERS TO GO HAMBURGERS & FRIES FOOT-LONG HOT DOGS I :, miles East ] WALT'S ROBIN HOOD LODGE ot u.o. o,, th,: c,.* AN ENCHANTING ATMOSPHERE --FEATU RING- • HOME MADE PIES AND PASTRIES • QUALITY FOOD AT REASONABLE PRICES • BREAKFAST SERVED ANYTIME MILLO'S DINER oa ood c..,,l ,,,r PoUt¢ on Iighway 10t BREAKFAST- LUNCH -- DINNER -- Our SpecialLy -- • BROAsTED CHICKEN (finger-licken' good) We feature SEAFOOD, too! Phone 877-988 .... Talce-Out Orders! p SaladOil wosso, E+gr. 3a, o,: :+: ................ 49 +¢ DANISH Golden Meatcd - Coat with Brown Sugar DANISH SQUASH ach s+ H • Flour vo,m,,o w,,+,+ .... +o Lb: Bag •,:+= ............ 79¢ BROGLCOLI F,,om 9 ¢ ' "S Orcgoll Bunch 1 , YAMS Ca,,,. ,New O/29 ¢ Ca,,fo,'n+a - .,..mbo ao, n.,,.,,. M,,B or+0 o,. Re.,b. +1" c,o. = ..... +-./ GANTALOUPE 5/69 +¢  ".11=+1 Lb. Tins 59¢ +:.:+... Tins Ill I : • .• :..:, : +.,,,+,+:  ................................  ..... .  • :  ,;: • +: !: 2+ • • • r •