September 12, 1963 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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PAGE 12 SHELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL--Published in "Christmastown, U.g.A.", £helton, Washington Tlmrsday,
The human capacities are en-
larged and perfected in propor-
tion as humanity gains the true
conception of man and God.
..... Mary Baker Eddy
The Little and Big Shoppe
The following are nationally-advertised brands of
LADIES DRESS'ES and SPORTSWEAR found at our shop.
Betty Barclay 3-15
Kay Winsor 12-20
Cay Artley /2 Sizes
Pare Foster SKIRTS
2 piece Sets
Sizes i0 - 20
Lined "Wool
SLACKS .... $9.98
To extend your wardrobe. Alterations for your convemence.
Open Friday Until 6"00 p.m. -- phone 426-4266 -- 126 Cota St.
Mary M. Knight PTO Plans First
Meeting Of New School Year Toni znl.
By Dora Hearing
MATLOCK There will be the
regular Mary M. Knight P.T.O.
meeting tonight at 8 p.m. Every-
one is welcome to attend.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Briske of
Lebanon, Ore.. and Mr. and Mrs.
Clifford Selberg of Elma called
at the Elvin Hearing and Augusta
Portman homes Saturday. The
Briske's were former Matlock res-
Mr. and Mrs. Elvin Hearing
spent Saturday evening with Mr.
and Mrs. Harold Clift.
Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Lugendeal of
Kansas City, Me.. spent the past
week at the Jake Trimble home
aL Simpson Salmon Hatchery.
Tiey are Mrs. Trimble's father
and tepmother.
ette and son. Mike. spent from
Wednesday to Sunday in Vancou-
ver with Mr. and Mrs. Gary Lov-
ette and other friends.
Mr. and Mrs. bud Rossmaier,
Mrs. Auzusta Portman and Cart
Gives you the warmest feeling,
Now's the time {o order STANDARD HEATING OIL for
the warmest feeling all winter long, Call your Standard
Man today for dependable service , , , and ,for the safe,
clean, all-enveloping warmth of Standard Heating Oil,
For any Standard Oil product, call
118 S. 3rd, Phone 426-4411
Portman and Mr. and Mrs. Clif-
ford Combs and Mr. and Mrs. L. D.
Portman from Matloek Grange at-
tended a birthday party in honor
of "Pop" Rutledge's 97th birth-
day at Shelton Valley Grange Fri-
day evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Rodger Spalding
and son Albert spent Saturday
, evening at the Edward Valley
Mrs. Sam Diggle Jr.. and child-
ren and Mrs. Edward Valley spent
last week Wednesday in Tacoma.
MRS. LYDIA HOLT of Presser
is spending a week with her
daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs.
Dave DeFoer. and helping as Mrs.
DeFoer is recuperating from her
recent illness.'
Mr. and Mrs. Lud Rossmaier
were Saturday evening dinner
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Larry
Chamberlin of Shelton to celebrate
Darl Chamberlin's first birthday.
Mr. and Mrs. James Rossmaier
and daughters, and Mr. and Mrs
Larry Chamberlin and children, all
of Sheiton. were Sunday dinner
guests of the bud Rossmaier fam-
John Bunko of Shelton enjoyed
Sunday dinner with the Kenneth
Howard family and Earl Howard
of Montesano was a Sunday caller
at the Howard home.
of Hoquiam and the Herbert Breh-
meyer Jr., family and Mrs. J. R.
Singleton were Sunday dinner
guests of Mr. and Mrs. I. C. Ford.
Tyler Boothe was a weekend help-
er at the Ford home putting in
Andrew Stodden iv it the Vets'
hopsital in Vancouver for surg-
ery. We hope he gets along fine
and will soon be home.
Mrs. Ray Kimmerly and family
and the Di'ck Hopkins children, all
of Shelton were Sunday dinner
guests at the Herbert Bre1meyer
Sr. home.
Mr. and Mrs. Gene Brown and
baby were Seattle callers Wednes-
Allyn, Victor Residents Take Trips, Entertain Visitors
By Judy Von Osten Valley, and Mrs. Elaine Kowalcyzk v:e were in beautiful Gay Paree, SS Waterman, a
ALLYN .... IvIr. and Mrs. Clay were luncheon guests of Mrs. Susie but our hggage wasn't. We were ship.
Jones of Victor has Mr. and ZvTrs.
Henry Lyons of Anbm'n as guests
over Labor Day weekend. Sunday
and Monday they were joined by
Julius and Doris Stock of Grape-
Victor and Allyn residents were
sorry to hear Joe Smith has bee]]
returned Lo the hospital after a
lrelapse from his heart attack of
several weeks back.
Jack Best and son. Chuck have
returned to their Victor summer
home after a most successful hunt-
inn trip in Yakima. each with their
!imK of Doves.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Holden of
Victor have retm'ned from a weeks
stay in Seattle.
Thelma Buffington of Shelton
Mrs. Don %ryllys, and Mrs. Emil
Gaetana of Victor s)ent one day
last week at Hurricane Ridge.
Victor Improvement Club will
hold its regular monthly meeting,
Friday at 8 p.m. at Victor_ Com-
munity Club.
First Aid classes started Wed-
nesday, at the Fire Department
in Allyn at 2I0 p.m. Aii volunteer
firemen were asked to be there
and also any resident of Victor
or Allyn who is interested is re-
quested to be in attendance.
Marvin and None Griffey, son
Clifford of Oklahoma and Harvey
and Dorothy Griffey and five chil-
dren all drove Clifford home to
Oklahoma. On the way they stop-
ped at Virginia City and Yellow-
stone National Park, then on to
Oklahoma to visit relatives. They
went through Texas, New Mexico
and up through California on their
way home• We hear they really
enjoyed Disneyland.
DAVID AND Barbara Kowal-
cyzk had a number of school
chums in for a party last Satur-
day night. They thought they
ought to have one final get-togeth-
er before school started.
Last Sunday Bill and Ruby Mm--
gun, Kenny and Gloria Crawford.
tia.rl and Shirly Anderson and
children attended the Interstate
Competition between Washington
and Oregon at Oregon. Earl and
son Bueh won third place for
day and then they went to Auburn scurries by pair. and Butch won
to visit thmr folks. My. and Mrs. second place in individual scurrie.
G. W. Browrt until Saturday eve- As a result of these awards they
ning. were invited to the Parade 'of
Mrs. Augusta Portman and Carl
Portman attended Pomona Grange
at Cloquallum Sunday.
A PLAN to buy clothes for the
kids...some new hunting or fishing
gear.., drapes for the living room.
A PROJECT that calls for re-
decorating a room.., buying storm
windows.., putting down new rugs.
-< ) .
z ¢
OR A PROBLEM because of
unexpected medical bills,,, auto
breakdown,., appliance repairs,
The SEANRST Banker can loan the
cash you want for any good purpose,..
and Judy Von Osten Thursday
Mr. an{l Mrs. Steve Boyce had
weekend guests over Labor Day,
their niece "nd family, Mr. and
Mrs. Paul Gaschk. Doug and Je-
anne of Tacoma
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Terrell have
just returned from a very pleas-
ant trir to Canada with Seattle
friends. Mr. and Mrs. John Inge-
bright. The weather was perfect
all week. They saw wild animals
ai]d the scenery was breathtaking
and the roads were perfect. They
enjoyed Banff and Lake Louise
very much.
Mrs. Gloria Crawford, former
Gloria Morgan of Allyn was kind
enough to sit down and write us
about their trip to Europe. She
goes on to tell us when they left
and what they did and saw. "Last
May 26 on out' second wedding an-
niversary we left Seattle by cat'
heading for Delaware After mak-
ing a few stops visiting relatives
we arrived on the Canadian side
of Niagara Falls five days later.
We found Niagara very beautiful
and most colorful at night.
We arrived in Delaware on sche-
dule and two days later were on
our way to New York City by bus.
This was my husbands' second trip
to Europe and he'd also been to
New York so he wasn't quit as
excited as I. The lights were beau-
tiful and everything looked so
exciting to me. We went under the
Hudson River through the Lincoln
Tunnel and I knew we were really
in New York City on the first leg
of our journey.
The "aext trorning we got a little
sight seeing in and that afternoon
we took our bus out to Idlewild
Airport and later hoarded our
plane to Luxenbourg. When we ar-
'ived at Lnxenbourg, I was morel
or less let down. I don't know
What I expected. I suppose I
thought them to be very back-
Wards and they didn't live up to
ry expectations. I was pretty sur-
trised at everything we first
found. They loked like us and
dressed similar. The only real dif-
ference was tbeir language.
"The next day we took a train
t Paris where we were to pick
tip our leased ear. We made our
first mistake, even though we'd
lucky enough to find an American "IVE ?,lET
couple who could speak a little ]people. foreign
I,'rench and they interpreted for come to AmeriC
t,s. \\;Ve were told to come back
the following morning. We left
lhe train station and walked out
ta the street and everything was
as gay and beautiful as I'd read.
The sidewalk cafes, the young lov-
ers, middleaged lovers and old
lovers are found strolling on Paris
"THE PARISIAN traffic is
something else. You take your life
in your hands to ride in a taxi,
walking across a street took nerve.
\\;Ve found ourselves still in Paris
tent' days later, still awaiting the
arrival of out' luggage. When af-
ter much crying and slee[ess
]ights the carefree French finally
located it and we picked up our
cat' and left for SoutheYn France.
'%Ve drove through the middle of
Spain to Madrid. then to tile "Rock
ef Gibralter". then back along
the Mediterranean Coast through
Motril Valencia. Barcelona, and
to the most beautihd Riviera, I'm
sure, in the workt. Never have I
seen a coas line so lonely or water
so calm or so blue as the French
Riviera. We camped in Menton
which is only two miles from Mon-
aco and Monte Carlo. After a glo-
rious visit there we started down
the Italian coast and in Genoa
we picked up an 18 year old hitch-
hiker from California who was
on his way around the world. He
camped w'ith Us for a few days.
We went to Pisa, Italy to see the
Leaning Tower, and we headed
south towards Rome. We camped
in a beautiful campground in
Rome, saw many beautiful and in-
teresting sights. The cathedrals,
Catacombs and ruins, etc,
"We headed North to Venice,
driving along the Adriatic Sea.
Through gorgeous green Switzer-
land, to Germmy, Denmark, Swe-
den, Noiway back to Germany to
Holland and Belgium. We visited
the remains of the Brussels World
Then from Calais France to Do-
ver. England. the White Cliffs of
Dover are very impressive. We
camped at the Crystal Palace. We
stayed in London several days, one
of our favorite places. We went
to the live theatre every night and
teacher and
\\;Ve went
ricane Arlene'
through that
another one. I
of my time
seeing AmeriCa
I've never seen
pressive as when
American flalg
on American wa
"It was a
and tile water
the Statue
• to me than
"We had
would love to gO
great to be back
'', 5"''2,7"
hind it than
And our
ing. From
come the
future as far
day's cars as
from the
fifty years
will, from
you about
that designers
have in store
sooner than
tell you
ears that
only on
day, but
roads of
WHA Dos IT TAKE? 1. Your worthwhile purpose (some we've listed).
2. Your steady job. 3. Your reputation for paying your bills. If you have
all three, you can get the cash.
WHA DOES IT COST? That s up to you. It s based on how much money
you want and how long you'd hke to fake to repay it. There's no strict;
formula• The Seafirst Banker works with you, to meet your needs. So,
if you've a PLAN... a PROJECT... or a PROBLEM.. • see your Seafirs
• ii
Banker soon in the Installment Cre&t Department of your nearby o ce
of Seattle-Firs National Bank.
You're a/ways wecome at...
HELTON BRANCH-LAWRENCE A. CARLSON, MGR,-Sthand Franklin-Phone HArrison 6-8295
Champions. been told we check our luggage.
Mrs. Barbara Wynn, Mrs. None Approximately three hours later
Skokomish Grange Plans Pot Luck
Dinner For First Fall Meeting
By Mary Valley
SKOKOMISH -- As a kick-off
for the first fall Grange meeting
this Friday evening, a 'Pot Luck'
dinner will be served between 6:30
and 7 p.m. All Grange members
are urged to attend as there is
important business to be discussed.
Grange will convene at 8 p.m.
Mrs. Robert Berne, who recently
returned from a trip to Europe_,
will show colored slides and tell
of her trip.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Coble spent
the weekend in Port Angeles with
relatives and friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Jess Thomas of
Enumclaw were Sunday guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Claud Dugger. The
Thomases are former residents of
the valley.
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Valley and
daughter Vieki of Bremerton spent
the weekend with his grandpar-
ents. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Valley.
On Sunday the Valleys were din-
ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. George
Valley at Island Lake.
son were Sunday dinner guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Avene Richert at
Island Lake.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hunter and
family spent the weekend at Sol-
Duc Hot Springs.
Mrs. Eugene Brown m home
again after a five week vacation
trip which took her as far as San
Diego, Calif. She was accompanied
by Mrs. Angus O'Neill of Shelton
and Miss Cecilia Bell of Portland.
The group spent several days in
Ashland: Ore., where they enjoyed
the AShland Shakesperean plays.
Their next stop was Westminister,
Calif., where they visited Mr. and
Mrs. Harold Brown. Mrs. Brown
enjoyed many side trips, also the
Art Festival at Lagoona Beach
and [he San Diego zoo. Mrs.
Brown's guests this weekend were
her son Charles and his wife and
family, and Mrs. Patricia Haddad
of Seattle.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Johnson
ar/d Mr. and lrs. Chester Valley
spent a day at Mr. Rainier last
week. visiting both Paradise and
Sunrise Parks.
lV£r. and Mrs. Edwin Hankins en-
joyed an-overnight trip to Vancou-
ver, B.C. recently.
Mrs. Arthur Johnson. Mrs. Chester
Vldley, and Mrs. Alvin Hulbert and
Donna of Shelton drove to West-
port for a day at the ocean beach.
X hey also had a visit and dinner
with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Johnson
and daughter Janet.
Mrs. Sharon Johnson. who is
F'resident of the Baptist Mission-
ary White Cross. entertained at
her home on Monday tfternoon to
plan the fall work for the Mission-
ary society. Those coming from
Shelton were Mrs. Mabel Goodwin,
3/rs. Terry Dewell. Mrs. Sally
Daugherty, Mrs. Ed Cole. Mrs.
(:race Heyde. and Mrs. Hatch.
Mrs. Bey Lyman. accompanied
by Mrs. Ellen Stenberg, drove Mrs.
V7. E Bray to Sunset Beach to
daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs.
Recent dinner guests of the Stun
Johnsons were Rev. and Mrs. A1
Sandoval and family, Rev. and
Mrs. Eugene Knautz of Shelton
and key. and Mrs. John Hadley
and daughter of Skokomish Valley.
The Womens Stewardship will
hold its first fall meeting this
Ihursday evening in the Skoko-
mish Community Church starting
at 8 p.Fa A cordial invitation is
extended to all the ladies of the
MRS. ELMER McCOY spent a
week in New Westminister, B.C.
visiting her sister, Mrs. Julia Mc-
Mr. and Mrs. George Barkley
attended the Pomona meeting Sun-
day at Cloquallum and report a
very interesting meeting.
Mr. and Mrm Ralph McGonagale
and daughter Sharon of California
came for a week's visit with their
daughter and her iusband, Rev.
and Mrs. John Hadley.
Callers at the Chester Valley
home Saturday were Mrs. Ethel
Ferris of Olympia, Mrs. Sarah Lo-
zier and Mrs. Marie Fish of Turn-
water. Mrs. Alvin Hulbert. Mike
Hulbert and Jaydee Stroud of
Shelton and Uan Valley of Island
Mrs. Doris Sjoholm entertained
the Grange Ladles Club last Tues-
day evening. After the regular or-
der of business Mrs. Sjoholm serv-
ed a delicious dessert.
Mr. arid Mrs. Arthur Grawatt
of Corvallis Ore., spent Labor
Day weekend with his brother and
fatally, Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Gra-
vatt. Tuesday Mr. and Mrs. Calvin
Gravatt called at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Jack Leimback in Hoods-
Miss Sandy Lyman spent the
weekend at 1Vit. Baker with Mr.
and Mrs. H. Blake and daugh-
ter Janice, and Mr. and Mrs. Bon-
ner of Union. They also enjoyed
some blue berry picking.
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Sehoening
and daughter Tummy of Kent vis-
ited Mrs. Schoening's parents over
the weekend.
Dinner guests on Sunday of Mr.
and Mrs. Arvid Johnson were key
and Mrs. John Hadley and Miss
Esther Johnson who was home
from Seattle Pacific College,
saw the changing of the guard.
"We left for Scotland. drove
through Glasgow to Loeh Lomond
on to Edinbourgh, which has a
reputation for the most beautiful
street in all of Europe, Princess
Street, and we truly agreed.
"We again arrived in London
for a few more days and then to
Paris to see what we'd missed the
first time. left our ear and took
a train carrying our luggage with
us to Rotterdam. We boarded the
PRICE • • • For
or USED tire
COTA • • •
Copr. 1960 std.
Is Most
Don't allow poor
illumination to
handicap your
children's education
under your public utility
you can't afford to jeopardize the
and the education of your l
by improperly lit study roOraS'
If you have problems let us Iell
P.U.D. NO, 3
JACK COLE, president; TOM WEBB, vice pr
ED TAYLOR, secretary; JERRY S
spend the weekend with her
healthy, h ppy, ng and alert with
Darigold Milk. They need at least 3 glasses
every day!