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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
September 12, 1963     Shelton Mason County Journal
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September 12, 1963
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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PAGE 14 SHELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL--Published in "Christmasfown, U.S.A.", Shelton, Washington , , | For Sale 4 ]YBRID SWEET CORN by s&apos;ck, 3Oc per doz. Smaller amounts 35e I)er doz. 426-2387. N 9112-19 :'JANO -- Mahogany, upright, $125. Chrome dinette set. Baby crib. Phonc 426-4276. R 9/12 30' x 8' NEW MOBILE HOME -- Elec- tric basebeard beat. carpeted, beau- lifui York 'l'o'n cabinets, tm'k haiti- room wilh tub and shower. Bed and hide-a-bed daveno. 426-4849 or Se- attle AT 2-462Z R 9/12 :FOR SALE Olds Ambassador tromr bone, Excellent condition, Call 426- 8456. C 9/12 tWO 12-ton scroW jacks, two tool boxes, small ga' heater, buffet. welding cable. 62 it, Jerome Ker- For Sale WESTINGHOUSE atttomatic washer, refrigerator, mangle, meat slicing machine. )]]ilk dispenser and a steam lable. Call 426-4552. G 8/15 tin FUSCIIIAS and Tuberous Begonias, Hubbard's Fuschia Garden. 1211 For Rent FOR RENT Two bedroom furnished house, near Evergreen school. Clean. Phone 426-6433 L 9/12 tin Partially furnished, 426-8851. N 9/12 tin Raih'oad Ave. H 5/30 tin TWO BEDROOM unfurnished house. BUY BIG sizes in quantity to cut food Fenced and private. Six miles out. costs. Complete line at EJ Mart. Mt.. $45. Pimne42_678788: - ..... J9/12_Un __Vie-._ .................. 6/2_0 tf_n FOR RENT One bedroom unfurn- EMERSON TV's for sale. Easy terms, ished ])+)use on Hillcrcst Fenced Johnny's Music Eox. 205 Cote St. yard; $45 pot" month. Phone 426-8538. 7/4 tin P 9/12 10/3 OLD GROWTH WOOD for sale. $16 FOR RENT -- Furnished cabin in per cord. Slab wood, $12.50. Call Shelton. Ch)se in. Water furnished. 426-3747. S 8/1 tin Hoodsport 877-5591. S 9/12 tin WHOLESALE PLUS 10% clearance on FOR RENT --- Three bedroom furn- , Polaroid cameras in stock at Zieglers ished house at 806 Cota St, Inquire Wanted WANTED -- Disabled Volkswagen, convertible, for parts. Phone 426-6164. A 9/12 WOMAN WANTS HOUSEWORK or ironing. Call evenings 426-4378. 638 Arcadia. V 9/5 tin VA N T E D -T C)-- t.E IT--BYOC T _i -L- On( or two bedroom furnished house or al)arUnent. Verite Box 8. c/o Journal. B 9/12 9/19 Used Cars FOR SALE -- 1958 Pontiac Station Wagon. Automatic transmission. A-1 condition. $1 000. Call after 6 p.m. 426-6088. B 9/5-12 FOR SALE -- 1942 military Jeep. Call hart. 204 East Pine St. 9/12 10/3 Camera Shop, 124 S, 2rid. 7/25 tin CO-iN-O--R-SALE +ZL--"+'Mighty +good STORY AND CLARK PIANOS. Easy eating!!" by hc eat' or by the sack. terms. Johnny's Music Box, 205 Cota Call 426-8974 and place your order. St. 7/4 tin J 9/12 .......................................... Spo tingG od ' CUSTOM AMMUNITION 20 calibre r o s and gauges available. High quality, low price, Prcpp's :Reloading Service. 426-4114. P 8/29 9/i9 14' BOAT--f100.00 -- 18 h.p. Evinrude i?RUII+PET--FTjR-+---E---7-Thr--e-y--e-{{: $250.00: 16' Tee Nee Trailer $195.00. old. Excellent condition. Sell fro" $110 Call 426-4673. S g/29 tin -RTAI[J--qE'{,V - MODEL 100 Polaroid camera, sensational camera at a sen- sational $]49.50. Ziegler's Camera Shop. Z 9/5 tin • Di3A:NE+--A(Io-+Y' machine like ]taw. Very reasonable or trade for good tent or creeping equipment. or will sell together for $495.00. All excellent condition. Phone 426-4653. P 9/12 tin NEW TOLLYCRAFT 26' Cruiser. Fully equipped. 20 percent discount. Call Olympia 943-1440. M 9/12-26 270 W. 308 W, 30-06, 358 W. for $3.10 and 30-30 W. 32 Special for $2.70. 426-8012. M 8/29 9/12 Above prices per 20 cartridges using ......... your empty eases. Inquire for prices YOU -- Pick Blueberries 15 cent per using our cases or for cartridges lb. Ebcrbardt Blueberry Nursery not listed above. J & M Shooters Lt'ft of Highway 101 1 miles on Supply, P.O. Box 273. Shelton. Phone Steamboat Island Rd; Call 352-8031. 426-2448 or 426-6184. 9/12 tin E 8/15 tin ................................ FOR SALE -- Glass runaboat. 35 h.p, SACRIFICE 4 yr. old organ. Contact T. J. Lee 616 Seattle Street or call 877-5221 Hoodsport. L 8/15 tin TRY OUR CATALOG SERVICE -- Many thousands of items to choose from. I.,arge descounts. Vge pay freight. Shelton Marine Supply, Hill- crest M 8/8 tin POP SOIL. gravel, fill (IIrt. F. E. Ogden. 426-6156. 2/12 tfn film. The best costs only Ic per shot mere. Zieglcr's Studio. Z 7/11 tin HAVE FM RADIO in your home. con- sole stereo units o1" component parts. Easy terms. Johnny's Music Box, 205 Cota St. 7/4 tin LOWREY ORGANS -- 1ew and used. Terms. Johnny's Music Box, 205 Cola St. 7/4 tin GROCERIES in institutional sizes and Evinrude all-elcc. 'motor, trailer; 15 ft. trailer-house Dike new inside and out : refrigerators, dryers, stoves, furniture. Herb's Second Hand Store. Mt. View. 8/8 tin i FT.-JEWEL travel trailer for sale. $795. Ray Franklin. Lake Nahwat- zel. Star Route 2, Box 144, Shelton. 7/4 tin EVINRUDE and RomeIlte outboards. Sabre Craft boats. Sales and service. Hood Canal Marina, Union, Wash. Phone 898-2252 3/21 tin BOATS, MOTORS, TRAILERS, equip- meet at Walt's Marine Supply, on beautiful Hood Canal. Phone Hoods- port TR 7-5244. 1/19 tfn For Rent ONE BEDROO1E[ furnished apartmcnt lor rent. Heat. water and garbage by the dozen• or case lots. BJ Mart, l'urnish:d. Inquire 1119 Franklin St., _.M_t. yew L ..................... 6__/21_If+n_ Apt. 5. Dhone. 426-6496. B 9/12 tin LOCKER AND CANNING supplies, vERY [EJkS(1NABLE-R'EiT-Jthtvo Loeker Beef. Economy size grocery cabin for elderly couple or items..F,J Mart. Kneeland building, rom handymm that would be willing .--M--t-'.*i--e+w" - ........... 6/--2Ot+f tO do odd jobs for part of rent. LARGE plate glass windows, window frames, aluminum windows, door frames, lawn n'lowers, garden trac- tors. rototillers, table top hot-water heater, cabinet sink, frigidaires, stoves, many articles. Herb's Second Hand Store. on Mr. View, 4/25 tin "CHRISTMASTOWN, U.S.A." rubber stamps for sale at the Journal. $1.25 each. 227 West Cota. 12/1 tfn KeSXLT--YTe,=thg{=.rTdog :ood in the money-saving 50 pound sacks. Save at BJ Mart, Mt. View. 6/20 tin LECTROLUX SALES. service and supplies. John Rice. Phone 426-6108, Free demonstrations. R 1/7 tfn canned goods, save money at BJ Mart, Kneeland Building. Mr. View. 6/20 tin CAN PUMP more water and longer with Fairbanks Morse pumps. See them st Sheiton Electric Co., 419 Railroad. 3/16 tfn FOR SALE -- Used steel, plates pipe, pulleys and shafts. All types sal- vage, Shelton Junk Co., First and Mill, phone 426-8626. 9/8 tfn L'-6C:K-ER']EE, large size frozen foods will save yot money a BJ Mart, Mt. View. 6/20 tfn F-O-RS-A-L- Large selo-re-: e,-,nditioned ranges, refrigerators, washers, dryers, Eells & Valley Ap- pliance Center. 615 tfn equipment. From fireglow to Frank- lie stoves, grates to glass doors. Carlson. Tile and Fireplace. Mt. View. 11/15 tin gG WOOD for sale. 1-'.50 per cord, We haul $12,50 cord. Length desired. Call 426-4363. Nlell on Olympic Hiway So. Mac 10/11 tin VAN DYKE mobile homes! Quality; at a practical price! DeTray's Mo- bile Homes, 1617 Fortes Road. Olym- pia, Wash. Phone 352-2907, 2/21 tin BRIGGS and STRATTON replacement engines, short blocks, parts in stock Cool's Feed and Hardware, 219 S. First. Phone 426-2412. 3/28 tin 120 BASS Enrico Rosselli accordion. pink and gold. Phone 426-8377, $300. H 4/18 tin FO--R'-SAfE-Pole wood 16 in. and over $16 per cord, Phone 426-4867 S 1/31 tin last 'era all. Cooke's, 219 So. First St. Phone 426-2412. 8/29 tin TXp:fiUg-fglJi;ie'lffeT%TZr-i:Veii--6i" tot4s: 8'" Delta table-saw with joiltt- er. cold and many other items including used brick. 225 So. 7th. 426-4436, H 8/29 tin pounds $3.25. Eberhardt Blueberry Nurseries, Rt. 1, ]-ox 392, Olympia, Steamboat Island Road. $52-8031. 7/25 tin IF YOU CAN afford the best get 35ms Agfacbrome. Cost le per shot nmre Zingier Studio. 7/II tln y9 fffi--h,,)C--j; ks- fiT/ii;117; 3i0i//}F 10'x50', 2 bedroons. Will h'ade cq- uiiy for boat+ caroller, or $750 (:ash. Phone 426,-833 or Union 8,08-23S8 after 6 p.m. T 9/5-19 i t USED FURNITURE AND APPLIANCES 1-rocker, green ....................... $15.00 1-uph, chair, rose .................... $20.00 1-day. and chair, blue ............ $65.00 l-rose davenport, like new.. $95.00 1-dk. red davenport, like newS95.00 1-4 pC. bedroom suite .............. $65.00 %3 pc. sectional red & greyS95.00 1-2 pc. sectional, red ............ $95.00 1-2 pc, sectional, green ........ $95.00 chair and ottoman $35,00 1-daNeno ................................ $35.00 2-table lamps ................ each $ 5.00 1-floor lamp ............................ $10.00 full size coil springs each $10,00 1-club chair .............................. $t5.00 1-Kelv, refrig ........................ $85.00 I-GE refrig ........................... $65.00 1-New Home sewing machine console .................... $95,00 l+Kenmore auto. washer .... $85.00 Olsen Furniture Co. 328 Cota St. Phone 4.26-4702 V6ff -i%kN F- --'1 U5 i-Ff6d--Kih-i)lJ--b}: hme VOIt hq 11 • Completely furnished nl,d)ile home located on waterh'ont adjacent to g,od restaurant, ReX Wheatley. Phone 788-5544. 9/5-12 CLmAN/,:{agfc. ohg--+--&a bt.drooiu fnrnishtd eottages with or withrm/ liueas or TV. Heal. elec- tricity. Veater. garbage collection ill- chided in low weekly winter rates. Mill Creek Motel. Call 426-4420. 9/5 tin unfurmshed. Middle Skokomish Val- ley. Caii 426-6091 or 426-6827. M 8/29 tin lm'nisbed, one mile from city limits. Coil 426-6976. D 8/22 tfn apartment at 528]G Franklin. Contact ar-Din Enterprises, 526 Franklin. 829 Railroad. Phone 426-8113. 426-4678. S 9/5-12 B 8/29 tin 19--49--sTu-151BA--KR---pC--K-U----/_-)\\;.-e,: FOR RENT Two bedroom furnished load springs, new battery and good house, water and garage furnished, rubber, $200. Roland "Willson. Holt- Call 426-8150. N 3/22 tin day Beach. Hoodsport 877-5292, W 9/12-19 Students Wish Work FOR SALE -- Two cars. 1956 4-door , ,, Dodge Royal; 1957 4-door Dodge HIGH SCHOOL BOY wants odd jobs. Coronet. New tires, good condition. Yard or house work, car washing 426-8369. T 9/12-19 anytime. Call Terry Carpenter at 426-2134. c 6/13 n Classified Service HIGH SCHOOL BOY wants work in- cluding odd jobs, yards or house SAND AND GRAVEL. top soil peat work and car washing anytime. Call soil custom tractor work. Johns :Brad Joslin at 426-6373. J 6/13 tin Creek Sand & Gravel Co.. phone 426- 3552. 9/12 tin Pets, Livestock c SAW SHARPENING, speedy, accurate precision grinding. Now at FOR SALE: Small. well marked Toy Saeger otor Shop. Hillcrest, Phone Fox Terrier registered puppies. Call , 426-4602. 1/15 tin 426-6940 F 8/15 tfn WE BUY scrap iro, batteries, radia- HOLSTJIN WHITEFACE Charlais, tors, copper/ salvage of all kinds. Bull Calves. Bred Whiteface heifers. Shelton Junk Co., First and Mill __-vVem}e:r pigs.426-8343, G 9/5-12 Streets. Phone 49-1626. S 4/7 tfn TWO BLACK white-face cows with LET'S MAKE a date to decorate. For two white lace heifer calves for sale. expert painting and wall papering, 426-3169. B 9/12-19 call Bennett Painting Company, 426-3248 B 11/8 tfn TO GIVE AWAY -- Four puppies, 0OFING, blown rocR wool lnsula 2 medium size breed. Call 426-4287. G 9/12 tion guaranteed. Ph. 426-6417. 6/20 tin HORSES FOR SALE -- Four geldings, JEROME BURKE two mares, ages 2 years to 12 years. Garden rotovating, field plowing, well- Also saddles and bridles. Call H. O. aged older sawdust, pit-un gravel. Rowe. 426-6762. R 9/12 Phone 426-3678. B 10/4 tfn CWII]L--GIvE-KITTENS to good home. EXPERT AUTO GLASS Itallation. Phone 426-8022. B 9/12 Wanted TIMBEP WANTED -- $60.000 cash awulable for timber tracts. Also would consider farms with timbered areas. Write Western Land Agency, Route 4, Box 281-B Olympia. Wash. 9/]2 10/3 WOMAN WHO CAN "D--lf-. to (;all regularly each month on esfablistmd Stndio Girl Cosmetics clients in and around Shelton, making necessary deliveries, etc. 3 or 4 hours per day. Route will pay Ul)'to $5.00 per hom'. Write STUDIO GIRL COSMETICS. 426-6769. E 9/12 tfn Dept. 79639. Glendale. Calif. FOR tiEN- c=7- L-87,7i-}qFiifsfi--w-'X: -- .......................... _9(12"2_ 6. te.rfront home. call 426-4000 evenings, WANTED -- Ride daily to Olympic or 426-3277 days. B 9/12 tin J.C.. Bremerton from either Shel- ton or Union Junction. Call 426-6776 after 5 p.m. H 9/12 tin ATTENTION -- ]VIall"o'- Woman -- Qualify as a Rawleigh Dealer. Should be 25 or over. Many earn $2.75 to $3.00 hourly. Part-time considered. Write Rawleigh, 306 Adeline, Oak- fan_de.real!L-. 936037 .... p__?,'5-__ PICKERS NEEDED Pick-up at Courthouse 7:10 o'clock. The ' Hut 7:40. Phone 352-8031 Olympia.. E 8/29 tin .lst n mv llome. 90c per hour. Please call 426-4593. L 8/29 9/5-12 'Jv--A-NTEJ5- -by -tt, 5 days week in Agate area. Call evenings 426-3690. A 8/22 tin WANTED -- Older energetic- wmnan to assist working parents with child care. Housework and store work. Phone 426-8163. S 7/25 tin Phone 426-8113. 8/22 tfu WANTED Used cars and trucks, -5)gti---,aTa]:-n--'o='--+oi)14"--or Jim Paulcy Inc. 5th and Railroad, single person. 218 No. 1st. Call 426- Phone 426-8231. 6/27 tin 4481 or 426-4895. Apt. furnished. T'-E-S'OPPID, trimmed, r-e G 5/2 tfn Larry's Tree Surgeon Service. 426- S/sEEPING ROOMS, with kitchen pri- 4823. 2/13 tfn vileges, for rent. Inquire 720 North WNTED  1000 recappable tires; OK Fourth, phone 426-3487. R 4/19 tin ktubher :Welders. Mt. VieW. Ill0 tin LAWTON APARTMENTS. Bachelor units, suitable lot' one or two. Com- plbtety furnished. All utilities in- cluded, Reasonable. 7th and Pine. Phone 426-212].. 5/16 tin HOUSEKEEPING rooms sleeping rooms and 2-room apartments. Lin- ens, dishes, utilities supplied. 4u26- 2081. B 2/28 tin Z,AWTON AP'TS., furnished and-*'- - furnished One bedrooms apts. Ample storage.. All utilities included except lights. Reasonable.. 7th and Plne Sts, Phone 426--2121. 5/16 tin Ei:) O! RETIRED couple, a comf6table four-room house near highway, $25 a month. Phone 426- 3649. B 7/18 tfn FOR RENT -- leed Apt. 2 bedroom, uufurnished, garage,yard. Call La- Bissoniere Agency, 426-4666 or 426- 4336. D 3129 1fin bedroom older home downtown. Av- ailable soou. References, Phone 426- 3218. B 8/22 tin ished house at 2°,20Vz Adams. Inqnirc 22]4 Adams. phone 4"),6-2159. M 9/5 tfrl 426-6779. L 5/30 tin ENT -- Two bedroom nfurn- tshed apartment. Hot water heat city utilities, range and refrigera- tor furnished. Holler Hill AptS. Con- tact Apt. No. 2 or  426-2493, or 426- '2446. B 5/18 tfa CLEAN one bedroom fmTlhT-d--h-o-u for rent. Phone 426-4644. S 8/15 tin -FIV-IOO---MTs FURNISHED -- Water garbage included 325 N. 5th, 426-6564 or Port Angeles 457-5049. B 8/29 tin W A=nTED Used Furniture Will Buy or Cogn KELLY'8 FURNITURE Phone 426-2411 , n nplul Prompt - Guaranteed Service WHEATLEY & KEARY 317 S. 1st 426-4553 r WE HAVE... Mercury Outboards .MerCruiser Stern Drives . Glass Par Boats ,Pacific Marina Boats SANDE'S BOATS &. MOTORS Belfair, Wash. 8/1 tfn Experienced Waitresses over 21 Year around steady work Apply Alderbrook Inn 5/16 tfn ti'D_Y MAN -- Odd Jobs! If you nk it can't be fixed call Henry Landis. 426-9098. 2/12 tfn WILL do ironing in my home, down- town area, $i per hour. 426-8514, Mrs. Charles Lombard. _. '.2/14 tfn WATERFRONT wanted, Tacoma pro- fessional family disires unimproved waterfront. Cash or contract with interest. No realtors, Write Box S, c/o The Journal. 2/21 tin FOUNDATION work, repairs leveling, re-posting, Reasonable, free estima- tes. Call Olympia  2-8551, C 3/14 tin WANTED TO BUY ---'--Tl-ree dozen New Hampshire Red Pullets. Phone 426-8871. G 7/18 tin WANT HOME with acreage, Will trade three bedroom borne in town, wlfich includes some furniture. 426-8172, C 8/29 9/12 cream freezer, 6 qt, size Preferred. _+ P!!on{{+.4 2_6 -3153: ............. P8/_29 tfn RELIABLE CHILD CA.RE in my home. any holtrs, reasonable rates. Large play area. Phone 426-8086. S 8/29 9/12 WXNT ED-" L----R.gid-- Nurse---and Licensed Praeth;al Nurse for 3-11 shift and relief in large nursing home, Attractive wages, living quar- ters available if necessary. Route 1, Box 69, Sumner. Wash.. plnne UNiversity 3-4371. K 9/5-26 NEW FURNITURE SPECIALS OCCASIONAL CHAIRS rose beige, aqua grey $59.50 values now $25 00 3-BARREL BACK CHAIRS rose, blue, beige reg. $99.50 $35 00 2-CHAIRS 1 green, 1 red reg. $49,50 $25 00 I+RECLINER CHAIR AND ottoman, dark green reg. $169.50 $75 c° l-COMBINATION LAMP and end table, blonde reg. $59.50 $25 00 1-GROUP END TABLES walnut and mahogany va,ues to $49.5o each $:U---- 1-Blonde twin 'bedroom suite vanity, chest, beds, s t night stands reg. $399.50 -, Olsen Furniture Co. 328 Cota St. Phone 426.4702 r ,, L , l Real Estate I Real Estate COMPLETELY RE-BUILT three bed-i FOR SALE by owner. Excellent dis- room home. large living, dining and ] tricl two bedrooms, autonlal.ic oil kitchen area Electric heat. Almost heat. fireplac% large lot. This house one acre. terms. 426-8742. W 9/5 tin is in first-class condition. $9.250. Terms. Call Union 898-2429 after LARGE 3-bedroom home. on corner lot. 6:00 p.m. R 9/12-26 Radiant heat. fireplace, newly re- decorated. Phone 426-8078. S 4/11 tin NEW-ONEBED-OOM--H-()ME-o{-one OLDER 3 BEDROOM house on AngIe- acre. Beautiful view of Mt. Ranter. New well. electric, beat. Lot 41. Is- side for sale. No Friday night or Sa- land View Tracts. Robert L. Bru- turday calls. 426-8563. hahn. Slat Rt. 1 Box 95. Grapevicw. &3/7 tfn B 9/]2-26 Legal lublications NO. 3489 NOTICE TO CREDITORS TO I)RESENT AND FILE CLAIItS IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF TPIE STATE OF WAS]=INGTON FOR MASt)N COUNTY (fn Probate) In the Matter of the Estate of FRAN- CI+S LINSEY, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN 1hat the nndersigned. Arrhie E. Lindsey has I)een appointed and has qualified grXTTg-Fh-6-T---- bb--i .-5 s; -] 0bb-Y - deep. Some timber, Sp)'iD waler. small house, fruit trees. 6]0 Pine St., Shelton. L 8/29 trn TWO CORNER LOTS in thriving business district. Terms. Write Box M, c/o Journal. 8/29 9/12 SECLUDED -- Lar-ge--b-c(Ir6)-m older Angleside ]tome with view. Full basement, two baths, fireplace $16.000. Phone 426-8120. 6/20 tin FOR SALE -- Large 4-bedroom home, full basement, fireplace, two baths, three lots. On Angleside. 426-8120. G 6/6 tfn h BEDROOM house. 2 lots Hillerest $3500. Phone 426-2478. S 8/15 tin 10--FTT-x-50)L0rBANKati;rf[.ot as Executor of the Last Will and 3 miles South of Allyn. Two bed- Testament and of the estate of Fran- roonl, all electric )nod(H'n hollle with ces Lindsey, deceased; and that all two fireplaces. Utilities and recrea- l)ersons having claims against the said tion room in groYfffff level basement, estate or the said deceased are here- Excellent well. carport erms. 426- by required to serve the same duly 4027. M 9/12-26 verified in duplicate with the neces- sary vouchers attached, upon the un- MT. VIEW 3 bedroom home patio, dersigned Executor or his attorney fireplace, electric heat. Phone 426- of record at the law office of B. 4504 after 6 p.m. H 3/28 tin Franklin Heuston Angle Building, Leg NOTICE OF STATE R Bert L. (!oh', public NOTICE IS Ill 011 1963, fo of Court county of ton, bY the county, th, lands, situated auction to tlle for. to-wit: NOTE -- No one United State declared such, Pickering Passage 2 Bdr. Home 110 ft. waterfront, fireplace, full basement, oil furnace, fruit trees, berries. Price $18,750. Call Owner - 426-8861 A 8/29tin TOP BILLING You will point with pride when you say, "that's our new home." Its the kind of a home that makes friends the moment you enter it. The spa- Jim Pauley Inc. 501 Railroad Ave. Phone 426-8231. 4/28 tfn cious living room with its Arizona MOISTURE PROBLEMS CURED=TW Sandstone Fireplace' will bring on correct the cause of peeling paint a really big smile, for it is fully and weeping windows+ Be sure to carpeted, has a beam ceiling and is elmck with us before you paint. For information and a free estimate finished in excellent taste. (There call your friendly neighbor, Tom are 2 more fireplaces. 1 in the Sava_ge_426--8584. S 7/18 tfn master bedroom and 1 in the faro- HAVE GUN WILL SPRAY! Exterior ily recreation room.) The kitchen and interior. Free estimates. Work aranteed. Bennett Painting Co. is complete with Hotpoint built-in one 426-3248. 5/10 tfn appliances and loads of storage FOR EXPERT MASONRY. fireplaces, space. The bedrooms, there are 4 chimneys, planters, call R. E. Mason. of them, plus a den, are roomy __426-2___T/8. .................... 3/1 _tf_n. and have an abundance of closet BABY SITTING done daily or hourly in my home. Any age. Please phone space, The 2 full baths are in cer- 426-8575. H 8/22 tin amic tile with colored fixtures. HOUSE TRAILER towing anywhere Yes, you will be proud when you in state. Phone 357-5358 or 352-4940. Robert Shumate Olympia. move into this lovely Angleside S 3/8 tfn home. The price is below $20,000 FURNACE CLEANING, repalrUag, in- but worth considerably more. stallations, oil conversions. Shelton Sheet Metal Co., 321 SO, Third. Dial OFFERED BY 426-6121. REFRIGERATORS and freezers, re- MANN conditioned, reasonable. Shelton Re- Hgeration Service, 315 Cota, phone 426-8082 day or night. 1/18 n REAL ESTATE 426-6592 Anytime PIPE Shop Service--do-it-yourself or expert help available, day or night, weekends, holidays. Roy Getty, 1014 Franklin. Phone 426-4850. G 5/2 tin Miscellaneous FREE KNITTING LESSONS'. Tues- day, Sept. 17. 7-9 pAu. Wax-N-Wool ShoP, 210 So. Second. 426-8051. 9/12 EVERYONE INVITED AVON COSMETICS annual Christ- mas open house. 11:30 a.m. to 8 p.m. Sept. 27, PUD Auditorium. Refresh- ments, door prize. Skiu care and make-up films hourly. 9/12-19-26 '-REE-q----(hegal]7-rof A & W Rent Beer to James R. Ogden, Route 3. Box 362 upon suitable identifieatiou at Minor's A & W Drive-In on Mt. View.. 9/12 bBr + I N-- VXLUXB LIg-Te r i £5i:r - now for Avon Cosnmtic Christmas busi- ness. Opening available in Union. Average to $10 day. Write today, Avon. 655 Highland Ave., Bremerton. Wash. L 9/12-19 FOR FUN ON HORSEBACK come to Alderbrook Stables on Hood Canal. Moonlight rides, overnight rides on scenic trails. Excellent horses, new management, For reservations Phone 898-2265 Union, R 7/18 tin MEAT COOLING. cutting and wrap- ping. Phone 426-6779 Lemke service. L 2/7 tfn Real Estate FAMILY HOME -- One level, tlree bedrooms, fireplace, 2A. lots on Island Lake. Has dock, 426-3265. P 8/29 tin  ACRE. Skokomish Valley. House with large living room, kitchen bath and utility, two upstairs bedrooins. New roof. New septic tank and drainficlds. Reasonable. Phone 426- 8303 D 3/28 tfn SEPTIC TANK INSTALLATIONS 500-gal., 750-gal., 1000-gal. Drain Fields, Ditch Digging Backhoe, Trencher for Hire SHARER DIGGING SERVICE Phone 426-3660 CR 5-2157, Belfair. 8-18tin i BOOTH CONSTRUCTION CO. HOUSES MOVED, RAISED and FOUNDATIONS Phone 426-6441 3/27 tfn NEED A FENCE? Beautiful, long-lasting, western red cedar fences of distinction by Versapanel. Installed or do-if yourself with nothing down, usual- ly $10 per month. Fast guaranteed service or de- livery. FREE estimates. Glen Watson Ph. 426-3170 V 7/26 tfn The JOURNAL BE SAFE! BE SUREr to look only for homes that display this sign HEAT Oil heats best costs you less 0 HAND SAWS & TABLE SAWS SHARPENED 200 E. PINE H 4/4 tin - Art's Buildozing! Excavating  Cement Gravel Fill Dirt Art Indahl Ph. 877-5454 Hoodsport, Wa:h 5/17 tfn °:;° 1 "Let's call that roofer in the Want Ads -- it' eve WOrtO MQDERN 2-bedroom home, attached double garage, electric eat, patio. Mr. View. Phone 426-842 Z 4/11 tin ANGLESIDE CORNER lot, 9() x 120 for sale. Phone 426-8563. No Satur- day or Friday night calls, please. A 7/4 tin FOR SALE -- Waterfront 100 x 650 high bank. excellent view. 9 miles from Shelton. Arcadia Point. $35 per ft. Tidelands included. 426-2038. S 8/29 9/12 4-BEDROOM. fireplace, carpeting and 'draperies, double garage, room over garage, wash room and fruit trees. Large corner lot, 426-6510. R 4/11 tin Legal Publications NO. 3427 NOTICE OF HEARING FINAL REPORT AND PETITION FOR DISTRIBUTION IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY In the Matter of the Estate of JACK A. SCHLANGE. Deceased. Susan Bertha Sehiange, Executri:. of said Estate. has filed with said Court her final report and petition for distribution, asking the Court to set- tle said report, distribute the proper- ty to the persons thereto entitled and to discharge said .Executrix. Said rep0rL and petition will be heard on the 271h day of September, 1963, at 10 a.m. in the Courtroon) of said Court. in the County Courthouse at Shelton. Washington. DATED THIS 23rd day of August, 1963. LAURA M. VAGENER Clerk of the Superior Court by Teckla Vermillion, Del)uty Clerk. ROBERT L. SNYDER Attorney al Law 125Vz N. 5th Shclton. Washington. 8/29 ,,)/5-]2 31 NOTICE OF SHEItIFF'S ALE OF ABANDONED VEItICLES NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on Monday the 16th day of September, 1963 at the horn" of 10:00 A.M. at RaGs Service. St. Pt. 1 Shelton Washington. I will sell the following doscribed vehiele to-wit: 1952 Nash Mtr. No. $315282 License No. XAE 476 AND at the hour of 10:30 A.M of said day at Doran Shell Service. Hi- way 101 No. Shelton Washington, I will sell lhe following described ve- hicle, to-wi[ : 1957 Chrysler Sedan Mtr. I'¢o. no record. License No. XAD as6. Shclton. Washington, and file such claims togcthcr with proof of service The tidelan, with the Clerk of the above entitled owned by Court within six (6) months after the situate in date of the first publication of this abutting u notice, to-wit: 29 August 1963, or all the North claims not so presented and filed will I. Section be forever barred. ACHIE E. LINDSEY. Executor, Estate of Frances Lindsey, deceased, Address: Allyn, Washington, B. FRANKLIN HEUSTON, Attorney for said Estate. Angle Bldg., Shelton, Wash. 8/29 9/5-12-19 4t :No. 8487 SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY YVONNE M. CULPEPPER, Plaintiff, VS. WILLIAM H. CULPEPPER, Defend- ant. STATE OF WASHINGTON TO THE SAID WILLIAM H. CULPEPPER, DE- FENDANT : You are hereby summoned to ap- pear wittfin sixty (60) days after toe date of the first publication of the summons, to wt. withiu sixty (60) days after the 22nd day or August, 1963, and defend the above entitled ac- tion in the above entitled court, and answer to complaint of tlie plaintiff, and serve a copy of your answer upon the undersigned attorney at his of lien below stated: and in case of your fail- ure to do so, judgment will be ren- dered against you according to the demand of the complaint, which has been filed with the clerk of said court. That the cause of action herein is for a divorce between the parties above nalllud whcrein the defendant has healed the plaintiff it) a cruel man- lICl o. /s/ JOHN C. RAGAN Atlorney for Plaintiff Office and Post Office Address: Title Insurance Building 122 Railroad Avenw¢ Shelton. Washington 8/22-29 9'5-12-19-26 6t NOTI(E OF ltEARING ON MAON COUNTY BUDGET NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. That lhe COllllnissiOllers of Mason Couni y have eomph;ted and placed on file their preliminm, budget for Mason County for the fiscal year of 1964 a copy of which will be furnished any citizen who will cali at this office for same. NOTICE fS FURTHER GIVEN That lhis Board wilt meet at the Com't House, in Shelton on Lhc 7th day of October, 1963. at the hour of 2:00 p,m. AN'-*.) aL the hour of 11:00 A.M. of for the purposc of fixing the final said day at Claude Petcreit Garage, budget and making tax levies, and any taxpayer n)ay appear at said Hearing and be beard for or against any part of said budget. DATED at Shelton Woshington this 3rd day of September. 1963. Board of County Colnulissioners <)f Mason County. Vashington By (s) C. NOLAN MASON Mason Couaty Auditor and Ex- Officio Clerk of Lhe Board. 9/12-19 2t Kamilche. Wn. I will sell the fol- lowing Iescribed vehicle, to-wit: 1953 Buick H/T Mtr. No. V2030857, License No. XAG114. D. S, CLARK. Sheriff Mason County, Washingtou Ey Th )ra Bassett. Del)tl{y 9/12 It Try A Journal Want Ad HOME GAS CO, OF HOODSPORT DEALS IN SERVlGE, SALES, and INSTALLATION OF ALL @ Household & Commerciai Appliances and Equipment @ Cooking, Heating, Refrigeration, and Water Heating @ Propane or Natural Gas CALL HOODSPORT 877-5311 CURTIS B. GROUT HOODSPORT, WASH. 8-29tin GENE McLARTY ROUTE 1, BOX 28 Belfair, Washington @ Block{ng and Complete Hook-ups • Prompt Service Set and Reset EXpalldO'e "LARGEST TRUCKS IN THE AREA" BELFAIR CR 5-2207 & CR 5-4191 3/28 tin CALL 6ET A "MILLER DEAL" ON YOUR APPLIANCE SERVICE CALL 426-8215 and "DEAL" your service worries to us! Miller's of Shellon 3rd & Railroad GASH PAID FOR Good, Glean, Used Furnilure and Appliances KELLY'S FURNITURE 426-2411 praised at Excepting of the mas O'Neill through d, for the to the of 1895 Located Inlel about in eastern Purchaser ,utor00 fec. p:00i$ To be sold at S on Tuesday, Scptw'" 10 o'clock a.m. BERT L NOTICE Notice js h of ,Commiss District No. legion, have the year ]964 ing on the held in the Third and Cc ington, at ED There will missioners R. W. Wednesday, p.m. to prep Port District E. F. Secretary NOTICE Undel IN THE S STTE MASON MASON PIT UNION, a DAN E. HENRY, his Conlmunity ant. U],.{ler and execution seal of the of (m tl,c 23rd a judgment on the 2401 of MASON DIT UNIO DAN E. HENRY. his Con)nlunity ment debt Thousand Dollars, interest. to nm dlrecte the 23,'d all (SE ;) W.M:. Southerly C01ully erlv of s! r[,am Easterly of tl)e East East of the heretofore Jr.. and wife. by dec of Deeds, l File No. 11 tendcd S said stream. (2) A tract quarter (NW ter as followS, COMMEN terse( tiDe Southeast way lio sathe is now ow'r ltd ning 100 feet; the East East liue (NE ,: ) of land Watts. Jr. and wife. 108 of De, tor's Fih; beginning o de, scribed ; gouib line ilell('e nalncd he South ]and alld ]IEREI;Y " I * O d,I d,o , O't )k ill t 1 wilt sell erly, or . notes." Kt' +lIll| J n lit Nine aid sale. ,)or (d' the said ;It t)ublic ] the highcSt Dated r& duy of l).