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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
September 12, 1963     Shelton Mason County Journal
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September 12, 1963
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12, 1963 SI-IELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL--Published in "Chrstmastown, U.Z.A.', 9helton, Washington PAGE ]5 post war baby rking age, new needed to ere- of 1.5 million jobs next 7 years. In the country nee- of 900,000 new :eep up with the force. SIDE baths, fireplace, home. 200' beach dock, and JTH SIDE fireplace, full building lot ine gravel beach. home. Guest dock, and float, 0bSPORT E BEACH ]uest house with -Place, fine gray- view, $16,- Beach home, fireplace, creek, land- eks, large family =e 2 bedroom homes m (Hoodsport) Ige, storeroom, 148 ft. beach & up $200 an. Valley aPproximately 3 Property ,one, 2 baths take small as part payment. D3PORT or gs ! i Legal Publications CAUSE NO. 8i41 NOTICI" OF SHERIFF'S SALE OF REAL ESTATF Under General Execution IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR :MASON COUNTY THURSTON COUNTY FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION, Plaintifr vs. SILAS R. VAN P>USKIRK 'and VIOLA E. VAN BUSKIRK, hus- lmnd and wife, Defendant. Under and by virtue of a general exeeution issned out of and under tl/e seal of the Superior Court of the Stale of Washington. in and for said Connty. on the 9th day of August, 1963. upon a judgment rendered in said Court on tlc 9ill day of August, 1963, in favor of THURSTON COUNTY FE- DERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSO- CIATION. and against SILAS R. VAN i BUSKIRK and VIOLA E. VAN BUS- I KIRK. husband andwife, judgment debtors for the sum of Nine Thou- sand Six Hundred thirty and 26/100 Dollars. together with attorney's DOWNTOWN LOCATION . . Two bdrms, separate utility room and shower. Includes electric range and oil heater. Cement foun- dation. Only 3V=> blocks to Trade- well. $5900 3% dwn. plus closing. MOUNTAIN VIEW . . . Two bed- rooms, newly repainted, new sid- ing. Includes oil heater & some furniture. 2 blocks to stores. $6,000 Terms. DOWNTOWN ... Three bedrooms 2-story home with dining rm. Fire- place. Lrg. kitchen & breakfast nook. $7,000 terms. MOUNTAIN VIEW . . . Two bed- rooms. Hwy. property. 2 lots (2 more for sale) Patio with fire- place. Insulated fruit room. Fences yard. $8500 10% own. H I LLCREST... Two bdrms. Wall- wall carpet. Oil furnace. Patio with fireplace. Double garage. 2 blocks to stores. Only $8750. 10% down. ANGLESIDE . . , Three bdrms. 14 years old. Radiant heat. 2 in- door fireplaces, 1 on patio. $2,000 dwn. $82.50 me. DOWNTOWN . . . Two bdrms. Dining room. Hwd. floors. Plas- tered. Fruit trees & berries. 1 blocR to hospitals. $130000. BILL PEARSON REAL ESTATE 125 No. 5th Dial 426-3132 ANYTIME Evenings Call Sylvia Carey 426-6556 Walter George-- Office Manager, broker E 426-6642  HOME PHONE 426-3530 Roy Ritner, Herb Rotter Associates, Inc. Accounting & Bookkeeping ITH 2 HOUSES3 acres cleared. One six room, wate.r system. Close to town. Full basement. HOUSE, garage and two lots - $4000. carport, 75 x 100 foot lot - $11,200. 'ERFRONT, 4V acres. 3 room house, garage with upstairs - $14,750. 0USE, garage, close to shopping center, $4500 down payment $1,000, $50 per month. HOUSE, 3 bedrooms, garage, Lot 60' x 120' -- basement, furnace, fireplace, corner lot, just - $13,500. fireplace, carport, large utility room and room. $11,200. 0USE, three bedrooms, fireplace, electric heat 60 ft. of waterfrout, close to town. $12,000 :)MS, dining room, fireplace, garage and car- $18,500. 0LO, 4-bedroom house. One acre of land, spring dOUble garage, workshop -- $9,500. 0M HOME, corner lot, hot water heat, fireplace, attached, on Angleside -- $10,500. fl00M farm home, 9,. acres, 250 ft, waterfront Preferred Propedies by Waterfront Realty Ave. Call 426-8277 HOME FOR YOUres :he Wonderful feint you have longed for are Well located, and .spacious home! 4 big bed- party room! MUCH more including Call today for an interesting inspection of :M:r. and Mrs. "Good Credit" Can have an $55 per MONTH this lovely 2-bedroom home and all its many hardwood floors; wall furnace; and cer- Dick Boiling and let's see it now! ,0T! construction and in excellent condition! This 3 big bedrooms; large living room with fire- and the kitchen is beautiful! Lots of storage terms, of course. Just $2950. Yes $2950 with only $250 down and eds some work" but has 2-bedrooms and is on E! home or will convert easily to year round living room with fireplace; pannelling; hat; full daylig'ht basement! Deck; float; deep well! All for $17,500[ Evenings Call .................... 426-4000 ................ o..o..oo . Legal Publications fees, interesl, cosls and increased costs, and to me directed and diti- vered, I did on the 9th (lay of August, ]963, levy upon nll the right, title and interest of paid judgment debtors ill and to tim following des- cribed pcoperly to satisfy said judg- ment. to-wit: That part of the northeast quarter of tim northeast quarter of Section 31, Townstlip 22 North. Range 1 West. W. M., described as follows: Beginning at the Southwest corner of said north- east quarter of northeast quarter; run- ning thence east 660 feel, north 650 feet, west 660 feet. "rod south 650 feet to the point uf beginning; EXCEPTING therefrom public roads, if any. NOW THEREFORE. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That on Friday the 13th day of September, 1963. at 10 o'- clock in the forenoon of said day. I will sell tile above deserihed property, or so lunch thereof as may be necessary to satisfy said judgment, together witll attorney's fees, interest, costs and in- creased costs, in all anlounting to the pu*3 x!s-Xlou!51 'puusnotkL uo& .TO urns 16/100 t$10.096.16) Dollars. Pius publi- cation and sheriff's fees. Said sale wilt take place at the East door of the Court House at 4tl & Pine in said Cotlnty and State, and will be at public auction, for cash in hand to the highest and best bidder. Dated at Sbelton. Wash., this 12th day of August, 1963. D, S. CLARK Sheriff of said County By THORA BASSETT Deputy. 8/I5-22-29-9/5-12 5 t ]vOTICE OF SALE OF VALUABLE MATERIAL ON STATE LAND STATE OF %VASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES Bert L. Cole, Commissioner of I'ublic Lands NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That on Tuesday, the 24t11 day of Septem- ber 1963, commencing at ten o'clock in the forenoon of said day, at the Slel- ton District Headquarters, located at Shelton, County of :Mason, State of Washington by the District Adminis- trator of said District the timber on the following described state land will be sold at public auction to tie highest bidder, to-wit: Application No, 28989 Real Estate YOU'LL SPLIT LEVEL- Here is family living at it's best. This 3 bedroom split level home can be yours for only $12,500. A convenient kitchen, separate din- mg room and large bedrooms make this a home you will enjoy living in. There is also a partial basement and large yard. Call Vince Himlie today for an appointment. DOWNTOWN -- Close to everything! ! This large 4 bedroom home is surrounded by an extra large yard loaded with beautiful flowers and shrubs. The extra spacious, kitchen., has a breakfast bar as well as a con- venient dining area. There is a full basement and a large double garage too. This new listing has just been painted outside so why not take a look today. Just $13,500. GLAD Legal Publications Fosens Lake N,). 1 located approxi- mately 25 lul]es nortll of Shelt,m. The} sale is eOml)o.ed of all timber within in/irked sale area boulltlary and pl'oper- ty lines on part Lot 1, NW{:I NV¢{, $1/,> NWIi of Sf 'thtu 9 Township 23 N)'th. Rallt4e 3 West, W.,L, contain- ing 140 acres, ii/ore o1' less, comprising aPl)roxilllately 150,000 bd. ft. of I)oug'- las fir; 15,000 bd. ft. (ff llendock; and lO.000 bd, ft. of t,ine, or a total of 175.000 bd. ft. :Minimum acceptable bid: $2,750.}0 Timber will be sold on a cash or installnmnt plan basis. Timber must be ron]oved prior to December 31, 1964. On or before Septemt)er 24, 1963, at 10/0.0 a.m.. each bidder nmst nmke a mmmmm deposit of $275.00 plus a $5.00 bill of sale fee, or a total of $280.00 in the form of cash, money order or certified check. Said deposit shall constitute an opening bid at the appraised price. Upon award of this sale, tile respective deposits shall be returned to the unsuccessful bidders. Tile pro'chaser must pay the balance between the bid deposit and the full Lid prh'e on Ihe day of sale, or nmy, if the purchaser so elects at the time oY sale. pay an additi,mal amount, to bring the total anmunt of the deposit, exclusive of fees. to equal 25 per cent o: the full bid price based on the cruise estimate, provided that such deposit shall not be less than $2.000.00. This balance may be paid by personal c]leck. Ilurehaser nlust also ful'nish, within 30 days of date of sale, a surety bond of $1,000.00 to guarantee compli- ance with all terms of the bill of sale. All cheeks, money orders, ete, are to be made payable to the Commissioner (if Public Lands. Accessibility: .Via public road. Coml)lete contract and specifications may be examined at Shelton District Headquarters, County Auditor's office, and office of Commissioner of Public Lands, Olympia. To be sold at Shelton District ttead- quarters, on Tuesday, September 24, 1963. at 10 o'clock a.m. Any sale which has been offered, and for which no bids are received shall not be reoffered until it has been read- verlised. If all sales cannot be offerea within the specified time on the ad- vertised date. tile sale shall continue on the following day between the hours of ten o'clock a.m. and four o'clock p.lIL Said timber on said land will be sold for not less than the appraised alue. as appraised by the Commissioner of Public Lands ih the manner provided by law, a notice of which is now on file in the office of the Auditor of said county, and District Administrator of said district. Ternis of sale are: cash or install- merit plan basis. ERT L. COLE Commissioner of Put)lie Lands 8/29-9.5-12-19 4 t A BACKGROUND FOR LIVING Here's a home that is nearly new but has had substantial sums spent for improvement. It com- bines many desirable features. Three large bedrooms, two car garage, carport, nice kitchen with built in range and oven and break- fast bar. There is a large living room with fireplace, dining room, all electric heat and much more. Your invitation to light-hearted living. $15,650 on terms. A. ROY DUNN --- 2 NICE LOTS PHILLIPS LAKE :End of summer specials - botl] lots are very good cabin sites with nice beaches. Why not start that summer place now and have it rea- dy for lots of fun next summer. One is priced at $3,000, $400 down and $25.00 a month. The other $2500 cash. A ROY DUNN ISLAND LAKE HOMESITES Lots on this lake are extreme- ly hard to find and these are some of the best on the lake. Just ONE LEVEL-3-BEDROOMS -- , enough slope for that daylight This solid older home has every- basement home you've been dream- thing on one floor. Plus an un- ing of and an A-1 long gradual finished attic for additional slot- beach. Available in 50 - 715 - or age. Located close to stores ana 100 ft. frontage. The price at school, it is an excellent family $68.00 a foot is the lowest I know home at $10,500. Good roof and of here. Better see these now. outside paint Plus fully plastered interior. This home is vacant so call anytime for a showing. YOU 4 BIG BEDROOMS- Back to school special. Hardwood floors throughout this spacious family home. Separate dining room plus a well planned kitchen and utility area. Lots of storage plus a large rec room and workshop. Outside you will find a large gard- en, patio and well-kept yard. FHA appraised at $11,000. CHECKED EVEN A WATERWHEEL! ! That's right, this sparkling 2 bed- room waterfront home has every- thing you would want, including a small stream and waterwheel. We know you will never find a bet- ter buy for $14,350. Inside you will find a fireplace, electric baseboard heat, hardwood floors, a most de- lightful kitchen, Plus an extra large utility room. Hurry! This can't last long. ON A, ROY DUNN 2 SUMMER CABINS HOOD CANAL One has 55 ft. frontage, dock. 4 bedrooms and fireplace in rustzc cottage. $9.950 - $1,000 down - $50.00 a month. The,other 100 ft. frontage. Small 1 room cabin plumbed and wired. $9,00(1 and easy terms. Both located close to Aldet'brook where values are bound .to in- crease. See these today. A. ROY DUNN LOVELY EXECUTIVE HOMES We now have listed two of Shel- tows nicer homes. One is located at 326 S. 5th Street; the other at 627 Grandview. Both have 3 large bedrooms, family rooms, fireplaces, one has 2 baths, the other has 2 baths. 2 car garages and many, many extra nice features. Your choice at $19,750. FHA, GI or con- ventional terms available. A. ROY DUNN WELL ABOVE AVERAGE Here is a lovely home on a coin- er lot in an excellent district on Mt, View. This one features large living room With fireplace, cozy natural wood kitchen, two nice sized bedrooms, attached garage YOU CAN SAVE $$$$$ and well landscaped with lots ot Out of town owner has slashed flowers. There's storage space ga- the price to $5,000 on this cozy 2 lore.snd, evertyhing is spctlcss. bedroom home. This needs some Don t wmt to see this one! interior painting and fix-up bUt has a concrete foundation and good roof. Owner prefers cash but will consider a contract with reliable party. THESE FIXER-UPPER -- This dandy 3 bedroom home is lo- cated on 3 extra large lots with choice garden area. A little paint and yard work will do wonders with this home. It has a good roof and partial basement, Priced at $7,500 with terms arranged. MANN REAL ESTATE CALL 426-6592 ANYTIME 121 Railroad Ave. SHELTON EVENINGS CALL VINCE H I M LIE---426-6501 -3228 " A, ROY DUNN MORE GOOD WATERFRONT 100 ft. Spencer Lake. Nice 3 bed- room, 2 fireplace home. $13,50:). 100 ft. Harstine Island. Comforta- ble 4 bed room home. Fireplace, guest cottage. $18,900. 70 ft. Spencer Lake lot. ,ntall - rus- tic cabin. $3,500. 52 ft. Lost Lake. Bank is a lit- tle steep, but price is right. $2,500. 246 ftl Hammersley Inlet. Nice cottage. 1st class location. $13,500. A. ROY DUNN REALTOR Eves Call: Mary Voss .................... 426-8074 A. Roy Dunn ................ 426.4601 PHONE 426-6363 126 Railroad Legal Publications IFaith Lutheran Sets Fall Plans ]Foursquare Church' AliVI,;IITIEMI';NT l.'OlI BIDS 910 East Dearborn Project No. Wash. 62-C-513-A12, Faith Lutheran Congregation for those in grade 8 through high North Mason Cons.lidat('d School embarks on the 1963 Fall sched- scho,ol, meeting \\;Vednesdays 1 7 Sunday Sehool ............ 9:45 a.lTL District N(). ,10a, owner, ule of the congregation by contin- p.m. and the 12-week adult in- Morning W'orship .... 11:00 a.m. Separale sealc(l bids for a Cal'et,riuln uing some of the fornler patterns Building" al I]olfair, Washington will -- be received by North Mason Consoli- of congregational life, but with a quirer's class, planned for Thurs- C.Y.'s & Cadets ........ 6:00 p.lll. dated School Dish'iet No, 403 at the few modifications and additions, days at 7:30 p.m., beginning Sept, Evening Service .... 7:00 p.m. offi('c of the Stlperintendent of Schools, t Bclfair, Vashing'ton until 8:00 o'clock The congregation will continue 19. The public is invited to these Bible Study (Wed.) .... 7:00 pro. p.m,, D.S.T. Oct. 2, I963. and then at to offer two 1homing worship ser- classes, Lewis B. Wysong, pastor said office publicly opened and read vices, at 8:15 and 11 a.m,,-and The congregation provides ex- 1/31 tfn el,rod, will provide a nursery' for small pression for the Christian faith . Tlle Infornlation for Ridders, Form of Bid. Form of Contract Plans, Spe- children at boLh services. Sunday also throttgh such organizations eifications, and Form of Bid l?,ond, school will be conducted at 9:30 as Faith Lutheran Church VVo- Performane(: and Payment Bond, and a.m., with elasses for all ages. lYien, and the Brotherhood. The " ' ' other contract documents may be ex- There are four departments ill the Clnlrch Wolnen meet quarterly for anlincd at the following: MT, VIEW William Arild Johnson and Asso- Sunday school: Nnrsery and Iin- general lneetil]'s, and lnontbl)/ ill claws; 3506 B "( ,dw,r; Everett, Wash- dergarten; grades 1-6; Junior and six "circle" groups. The Brot'her- Alliance Church ingl,>n. Senior high; and Adult Depart- hood meets monkhly, and is the Washington and J Sts. -, sponsoring organization for the Associated General Contractors: "15 ment. Rally Sunday xx;ill be Sept. Boy Scout Troop. Sunday School 9:45 a.m. -W. Harrison; Scaitle, Washington. 29. Associated General Contractors; 1605 C,mter Street, Tacoma, Washington. A slight change will be made ] Plans for expanding- 'aith Lu- Morning Worship .... 11:00 a.m. 1 .... A.Y. F ......................... 6.00 p.m. Plan Bureau. 172 Mercer Street, So- in the program of youth activities tt eran s famhtles are now well Evening Service ........ 7:00 p.m. attic. Wasbihgton. for the year Instead of having under way, with the Seattle firm _ . Prayer Hour (Wed.) 7:30 p.m. Copies may be obtained at the office both Junior I-Tigh League, and ot trant, Copeiand, and Cherven- Robert S Wick, Pastor of William Arild J(,lmson & Associates, Senior High League, there will be ak having been retained for pre- locatedwashingtonat 3506upon F>roadway,plvi ent of Everett'$20.00 only one Youth Organization--the liminary studies ............ • ....... for each sct. Any successful bidder. Senior Luther League. The empha- ......... np°nrcturningsuchsetl)r°nlptlyandsisf°rJuni°rHighY°uthv¢illbe I- FISHERMEN'SCLUR i ill good condition, will be refunded on confirmation class, church and his paynlcnt, and any non-bidder lip- on so returning sucil a set will be Bible Class attendance. I efundcd $5.00. A new program of "cottage" The owner reserves the right to Bible Studies has been started by waiVeany oranYall informalitiesbids, or to reject the Education Committee, and is I P.U.D. AUDITORIUM : 3rd and Cota "-Xlti t I Eac.h bidder niust deposit with iris ,nOw under way. Several groups I SUNDAY, SEPT. 15 .ilP_.".,. I bid securily in the aniouat, refill and =have been formed, to meet inform- ,ubject h, the, e,,nditions provi(h,d in ally in homes for a monthly Bible I 9:30 ,a.m:--Dr.-Frank Maranville ,- I I ictures of the Entiats' 2. I .,c Infnma00i u t r Bidd rs Study and period of Christian fel Attention of bidders is lmrticularly lowship. I 10:00 a.m.BIBLE STUDY TOPIC ! called to tlle reqniremeni.s as to con- ditions of elnph)ynlent to be observed Two choirs will serve the con- i A PURE MESSAGE "2"X'' I and nfiuinmm wage rates to be paid gregation during the year, the ...... under the contract, No bidder may withdraw Dis bid Senior Choir, led by Herbert Von- - within 30 days after the actual date hof, with Mrs. Carl G. Johnson as HURCtl of tt, e opening the,'eof, accompanist; FIRST BAPTIST C BETTY CRISS, Clerk choir (grades 2-6 led by Mrs. " North :Mason Consolidated Schnol Ronald Ahlf. Dish'iet No, 403 Rev. E. C. Knautz, Pastor 5th & Cota I}/12-]9-26 3t In order to give emphasis to Christian family life, a "Family Rev. Alfred Sandoval, Minister of,hristian Education Fireside" hour will be held the SUNDAY, SEPT. 15 i third Sunday of the month, with a 9:30 a.m, Bible Study For All Ages 6Pr°gramp.m. at 5 p.m. and supper at 11:00 a.m."The Overloaded Cart" Broadcast over Rev. Carl Carlsen will lead two 6:00 p.m.--Youth And Adult Programs midweek instruction classes, the 7:00 p.m. regular youth confirmation class "THE CHURCH OF GOD" "ITS MESSAGE AND CONVERTS" il I I I liliil lililliililiilllillll WED., SEPT. 11 7:00 p.m. GROUP BIBLE STUDY Among Our FAITH LUTHERAN CHURCH SERVICEMEN offers you and your familv... ................................ • Worship Services. Sundays 8:15 and 1:00 a.m. Dexter D, Day, seaman, USN. Nursery for small children. llvvv vv,1 son of Mr. and Mrs, Rhodes E. • Sunday School. 9:30 a.m. Classes for all ages. Day, Union. is serving aboard the • Family Fireside. tbird Sunday, 5 p.m antisubmarine warfare support • Brotherhood, Monthly. LaB/SSONIERE carrier USS Bennington • Church Women--General meetings and Circles. which recently participated in an- • Boy Scouts, Monday at 7 p.m tisubmarine exercmes in Alaskan • Two Choirs, Childrens' and Senior. .....¢=. Va/ue$ . Youth Instruction Class. 8th grade th:ru Hi School. " * During her Alaskan deployment • Adult Information Class. Starting Sept. 19. 7:30 p.m. Bennington served as flagship of • Cottage Bible Study Groups - open to all. Commander Carrier Division 19, • Youth Group for High School Students , Luther Leagm). 125' WATERFRONT OFFER Ports of call dm-ing the cruise "A TO WIND-UP ESTATE ON were Juneau and Kodiak, Alaska. Growilag Church in a Growing Community" HOOD CANAL Bennington is the first ship of her 7th and Franklin Carl J. Carlsen, Pastor The family has enjoyed this finest South Shore waterfront and now they nmst sell. 125' concrete bulkhead, landing step, tidelands. 3 bedrooms and more. Spacious living and dinit' rooms, fireplace, hwd floors. unit-furnace. Garage, boat shop. 105' land depth, level, landscap- ed. wanted location. Priced $5.500. under market for imme- diate sale at $24.500. Buy on insured conventional mortgage with $5.400 down. including loan costs. This is your opportunity to acquire a desirable proper- ty at a prudent price. Call John Devereux for appointment. 32 ACRE HORSE RANCH All in grass, level, well fenced. 2 paddocks, shade trees. Nice 8 room farm home. Fine barn, cement floor, etc. Fruits. extras. Commanding position on Olym- pia-Elma Freeway, 16 minutes to Olympia at night-lighted cross.over; 2-way traffic. Val- uable location. An exceptional buy for $19,500. Down payment 4,000. 1960 CUSTOM BUILT A top quality home in lk. View. 3 bedrooms. 2 baths, ga- rage attached. This generously- planned home boasts a 15'x30' living room. fireplace, lovely type to visit these cities since Alaska became a state in 1958. Grant O. Hartline. aviation ma- chinist's me're airman apprentice, USN, son of Mr. and Mrs William Hartline. Shelton. recently com- pleted Aviation Machinist's Mate cbool's course in Reciprocating Engines graduating Aug. 8 at the NawH Air Technical Training Cen- ter. Memphis, Tenn. He is nlso a graduate of the two-week course in Aviation Me- chanical Fundamentals, also taiight at Memphis. EXGEPTIONAL VALUES WHY PAY RENT BUY THIS Very low down payment and small monthly payments will get you into this exeellent home, Two bedrooms and a possible third. Just recently remodeled. Brand new living room with large stone fire- place - all paneled. Kitchen bas ceramic eounters, stainless steei sinks, lots of cupboards. Partially furnished for only $5800. BUILT FOR THE HAPPY Phone: 426-8611 A TWELVE WEEK COURSE IN Basic Teachings Of The Christian Faith Will be conducted at FAITH LUTHERAH GHURGH 7th and Franklin Starting: THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 19th -- 7:30 P.M. Led By: PASTOR CARL J. CARLSEN Church Phone -- 426-8611 EVERYONE WELCOME NO OBLIGATION ST. DAVID'S EPISCOPAL CIIURCII Fourth & Cedar, Shelton. Washington The Rev. Clarence A. Lody, Priest 7:30 a.m.--Holy Communion. 9:30 a.m.---Church School & Adult Bible Class 11:00 a.m. Divine 'orship. The Church is always open for meditation and prayer FIRST GHURGH OF GHRIST, SGIEHTIST il 302 Alder St., Shelton, Wash. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. ---- Church 1]_ a,m. Wednesday evening testimony meetings 8 p.m, Reading room located in church. Reading room hours 2 to 4 p,m, 3ffon. & Fri. Wed. evening 6:45 to 7:45. dining room w/buffet. 4 built- in appliances and many extras. Large secluded patio. Nothing like it for $19.900. Shown by advance appointment. 4 BEDROOMS DOWNTOWN Nice looking family home. Part basement with excellent furnace system, shop, and laun- dry trays. Newly decorated. Real large living room. bright kitchen. Garage and extra shop. An excellent buy for $6,800. $680 dom. $60 monthly. 5 ACRES ON HWY. 6 miles out. 2 big extra large living room with nice wool carpet. Immaculate kitch- en, dining area. PLUS small guest house with own plumbing. 3 acres in trimmed Christmas Trees. income pays your taxes insurance. Sale includes: Gas- wood range, gas-tank, washer, dryer. Large shop-shed. Well house. More than you would ex- pect for $6,250. Minimum down $1,000. 35 ACRE RANCH, CREEK Running springs, 5 acres clear, fruits. 6 room farm home. Plus extra house, small barn, etc. 7 miles S.E. of Shelton. Out of State owner will sacrifice for $7,400 $1,500 Down, and $50 monthly. 3 BEDROOMS DOWNTOWN Quiet street., close to schools. Lovely living room 14' x 24' in- cludes rug and Roman brick fireplace. White enamel kitchen steel cabinets. Washer, dryer all go for $7,950. CALL 426-4666 LaBissoniere A G E N C Y REAL ESTATE INSURANCE 119 So. 4th  Shelton, Wash. Eves: John Devereux 426-8544 This trim and neat home has 3 large bedrooms: Lots of st°rage tl M ' GO .... space, Tiled and extra large bath. E BL¥ OF D Living room designed with wail , ... space for easy furniture arrang- I 13 ;;i "l'ne = S"i ;; son Younlund, pastor ing. King size utility room. Sunny 0 z r t " Ma  " " " and bright Idtchen with lots ot I HEAR! REV. AND MRS. DAVID PECK cupboards. Garbage disposal. Loca-! Missionaries to Upper Volta, Africa ted on Mt. View for $14 000. I Sunday, September 15, 7:00 p.m. == == ================================ • , R,OHT DOWNTOWN-- Su.;00y Ehoo, For Fam,,y ......... ;:;; 2;; Morning Worship ..................................................................... 11:00 A,M. Christ's Ambassadors ................. 6:00 P.M. THE METHODIST GHURGH EXCELLENT NEIGHBORHOOD This well built home has three bedrooms and a possible fourth that is now a den. Living room with fireplace Large family room with fireplace. Floor to ceil- ing windows overlooking attrac- tive patio and yard. Carport with storage. Sidewalks all around. Bath and a half. Full basement, Lots of storage. $22,500. ANGLESIDE LOTS AT A SACRIFICE Two nice building lots, each 60xl00--Both Ior $2500--Angtc. side. PRICED FOR A QUICK S/LE This four room home is loc.teci on Hitlcrest - Two bedrooms-large living room-modern ldtchen witl dining area - utility room - at- tached garage - needs some work - $500 down and small monthly payments to reliable party - Total price $5750. FOR RENT- Three bedrooms. Fireplace carpeted - Dishwasher-Patio - Nice North 4th and Pine Streets REV. HORACE H. MOUNTS, MINISTER 8:30 and 11:00 a.m. Worship Services 9:45 a.. Church School for all ages - 6:30 p.m. Youth Feltowsihp FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH Arcadia and Lake Boulevard Charles D. Wigton Bible School ..... 9:45 a.m. Youth Meetings 5:30 p.m. Worship ............ 11:00 a.m. Family Service 6:30 p.m. Wednesday  Bible Study and Prayer  7:30 p.m, Child Care Service Available at 11:00 Service H , H MT. OLIVE LUTHERAN CHURCH I MISSOURI SYNOD I Olympic Hwy. So. & Cascade, The Rev. Gerald Herman, Pastor I Sunday School .................................................................... 9:45 a,m. I Adult Bible Class ................................................................ 9:45 a.m. | Morning Vv'orship ........................................ 8:30 a.m. & 11:00 a.m. - $90.00 per month. Small apartment - suitabl f°r 1[' A NF MA L one person - all furnished - Ca- DULT I OR TION C ASS rage. $35 per month. Three bedroom summer ho,00,e./I "Life With God" Fireplace. Private b e a c h andil dock $70 per month. I I 13 l-hour sessions covering the I teachings of the Lutheran Church ANGLE AGENGY Real Estate -- Insurance "1 THURSDAY EVENINGS (no obligation)- HERB -- Phone 426-8272 -- DICK I Starting September 12, 1963 , SUE DANIELS I MT. OLIVE LUTHERAN" CHURCI-I DONALD (Bean) DANIEL$ i "Olympic Hiway S. & Cascade (Hillcrest) a'2£ 3- ............ I .......... T.hc Rev. Gerald He.rmaxL,llastor .===.. .... 9/12-19 //