September 13, 1962 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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September 13, 1962 |
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,' Percy 14 Pio
Thursday, € 6017 s.E. 86th! Ave
Portland, Ore
• ' : :: WEATHER -- ''?'
-----._ .......... ss ,--- , ' Civ,Iian Defen
:;;;:;;;;; ',i ;---- Warning Sounds
i " : .......... 78 39 ...... I[,,2-,7" t lll/'Ir x" A st--.ady biallt .of 3. to 5 mi.nutes
> ii,.00 L00ads, Savage, Wa00ener win in Primary
• ; ...... 68 46 -----, ........................................................................................................................................................................... • moans attack imminent,
aier Incorporated 76TH YEAR--NO. 37 Published in "Christmastown, U.S.A." Shelton Washington 18 Pages -- 3 Sections ,_,,...j,
rlol. --A.. Ol.^l^-- "t O I nl2o I!]lileved Its m!(:ond class hi,alter at lhe l)(ist off/c(, lit ]llqtoIl, W;ishlll.ttOll, 11 ill-allt- lrlillr I Pi--iill?
,, McClanahan to be
Young Porkers Ib 0 . .. • • -
Clah?o:SoC ' °sthoC, athlti?r ft':emcthnetV°c t
succeed Albert tion of the addition to Grant C.
,al}. a member of the Angle School.
5 dge announced ear- THE $50,000 will be used to pay
"/°Uld resign, for part of the school addition and
ijlent of Schools J. W. funds in the building fund at the
b :-, he would appoint time of the bond vote will be used
i½ lb. average I ..i:l ' Word by letteaSr oz Irene S. Reed High School Tuild-
han as soon he to remodel a central kitchen in the
, :.@ardsrecommendation. ing and for some other projects
9 IEtR appeared at the the board plans.
tl o The board told Superintendent
llth thediSCUboard.the riP-He R. W. Oltman to write letters to
:.,u'd a petition he three property owners offering
M Ib 150 signatures them appraisal price for property
JWiist h the school district is interested in
• McClanahan L)e .purchasing. The property includes
L TRIM ED :+ i e board she had indi- sixlots adjoining Bordeaux School
! i iahe was interested in which would be added to the school
RNE ;'at and that because gr°unds and a piece °f pr°perty at
I ul School affairs and Eighth and Franklin Streets.
.ii I §'/acre t the appoint Oltman was instructed to get
' '.0e P • - estimates on replacing the pole
i rtm till active nember
, , : ,mvitches in the electrical system at
................... '3:5 C [ ! $- the athletic field and to purchase
i i !V0ted to sell $50,000 attendance card cabinets for tbe
N . .N...A .L..L..E...Y..:: . 100,000 left three elementary school buildings.
• Port, Fifo-00n00
tt',, Filing, Op
• •
: ,i,lYft are en
Q,.Shelton, seeking re- PUD 3--Jack Cole, Shelton, six
llct 3 Commission- year term.
,,Utility District No. PUD 1--Richard Buechel, Un-
st candidate to file ion, six year term.
.0ne of the count s
not, y' Fire District f-Joe' C. McKeil,
fiCtiOn of candidacy and Hoodsport, six yea,- term.
Fire District l---John R. Matson,
,!I i';tion were filed at Bells/r, four year term; Willianl
['i v..--itor's office the lcKimson, Belfair, six year term.
! ,:Widay. Filings close Fire District 3--George Lewis,
Grapeview, six year term,
0st in each of Fire District 4 Donald W.
port districts, Clark, Shelton, six year tema.
, two PUD dis- Fire District 5---William E.
metery district Morgan, Allyn, six-year term.
t this year. Port of Shelton--James A. Pau-
oorissioner ]ey, Shelton, district 2, six-year
la. .yiominating terll,i,,. iv ' DeWAfO-=- W
rs only a decla: i'ullx ' " " . .
. The PUD corn- King, Brvmerton, district i, six-
new terms Dec. year term; Hem'y Blemmer, Bre-
s, Jam 1 and the merton, district 2, two-year term;
districts the sec- district 3, four-yaar ten to fill
ary. e out for John B. Pearce who moved
PES for thes to Port Angeles.
Will be on the Port of Allyn--lVJ[ark McDonald,
lots. e Belfair, district 1, four-year term;
six years x- Sam N. Theler, Belfair, district
idate seeks to 2, six-year term.
rm. Port of Grapeview--H. M,
eommi.ioners Strickland, Allyn, dist}ict 1, four-
a district basis, year term; Orln R. Bucldngham,
Cemetery district C, rapeview, district 2, six-year
are elected at term.
00cho d Fire
District #ssul ,s
Pass In Vote
Both of the special issties before
part of Mason County's voters in
the primary election Tuesday car-
• Voters in the 'Mary M. Knight
School District in the Matlock
area favored the $130,000 bond is-
sue for the construction of a new
combination grade and high school
110 to 46.
This is 70.5 percent in favor of
the bond issue. More than double
the number of votes needed to vali-
date the election were cast. A
turnout of 72 was necessary, well
below the 156 who voted.
Supt. Eugene French said Wed-
nesday the district would start to
work immediately with the archi-
tect to get the building plans un-
Voters in the Fire District No. 2
at Belfair voted 269 to 152 to ap-
prove a special mill levy to raise
$25,000 to purchase a new fire
truck and build a metal fire sta-
tion in the district.
Two Post Bail On
Forestry ,Oode
Violation Charges
Philltp and Elwaod Stout, saw-
mill operators in the Agate area,
each posted $2,500 bail in Mason
County Superior Court this week. ,1
Tley are charged on warrants
sign4(1 by Judge Charles T. Wright
with appropriating branded logs
for their own use in violation of
the forestry code.
The charge, along with a sire,
liar charge in a separate action
against Irvin McArthur, Mason
Cotlnty Welfare Administrator,
lems'from logs bearing the brand
of the Simpson Timber Co., and
other logging firms found at the
sawmill. The logs were some
which had broken lo0se hnvrafts
stored on Hammersley Inlet, "
,o,y f0-&70G00
New Police Oar"
The Shelton City Commission
voted Tuesday to advertise for
bids for a new ear for the Police
Department with the bids to be
opened at 8 p.m. Sept. 25.
The commission set Oct. 9 at
p.m. as the date for a hearing
on an LID in the Mt View area.
The commission voted to have
iid Port of Hoodsport--Emil Lau- a telephone installed at the city
i'°l't District can- ber, Hoodsport, district 2, six- duma for use during the fire sea-
.?ye in the commis year term . on
'W Mch they seek to Cemetel:y District lAlice "The city's budget hearing will
l Pope, BelfaSt, two-year tm-m and be a.t 2 p.m. Oct. 1. This date is
i =,.hose terms cx- William DeMiero, Belfair, six-year .,.ct bY state law for budget hear-
term. lugs.
Church On Res " Oedi
ervation rated
ii!i i i!
I !{{i !:7 : :: i; i : :;! l :::i :/!::i::i:.::".'.: ...... ::: 7::i:il II:;;;::i ,
i 7?:ii:: ;;ii::: :: :,::ii;i::" <: ., i;i:: ::i:7!: ::i:ii :!i:i::ii
'<" .?:c:;; ::::: i!; , ii! :.7,:;::.:?:!r :: :: <ib! ' ::il :,.-:::
..... " !;i,!i .: ': i: <!i;! , : 7:7:: ,;:!:::i: :L; : ::::: }:,i:: )!
um er ra< es C,00HoI00
To Be S bj ' Budget Oct. # Hears Disc i
.u e, t On 1963 0 Harsti USSsp0n
Meetinn ., M[:,non C(unty preliminary snaddlngmachine;$260foren, er- 'fl fie an.
V budgt.t for 1963 has estimated ex- gency equipment for cars and
Lumber lade shn lifieation and penses of $364,769:89flnd estimat- $139.50 for a l n!nox camera.. The
.. .g'" .' P... _" .. c income o $5%3u.. ,nerir.'s m,.oge last year intruded
anaolan lmpolI:S Will De (ons1Q r r:
, 1,, , +, r, , : ,' ,, This eompares with a btldget onl 3 $42a for capital outlay.
,.: ........ . ........................ oi $,',22,4:67.84 for both expendl- Included m the budget also m
Jt,ut4tu it" mmme .lat:u ur t.. i es and lecei ts in 1962
Hvatt House Hotel' Seattle Taco- ttt .... p • funds for all additional deputy.
m ar rt' so i"' t !c("e " .th lL'budget iv The udget also n,al<es pt'ovis-
.... <.-f.0;'.,.,.'iT,: <, ;i,6,. P;: ;. ¢sttti*atetl at $178,072 3'i flora-tax- ion for moving tim Mason Coun
....... Xv...a ...... , .... iS ...... , . " , " . , ' "
os on ro oily valuations and
Ed e t u ive vice re ident of ' P P. -, ty Fair Grounds to a site at the
,rl, g itexeel.ik,.ce P,'s,,,, o Ihe remainder from other sources• {irport. Items "for thin purpose
t'/on',oflen'kt"'iona'{g"rad'e"'sim;: ,.The .amoun!: ,.of m oney..raised inchlded in the budget .m;e $500
..... • ru. V,',pccy e. ,ew m .vv, .or lease or g'rolln(ls an(] mn'vey-
hf]eatlon and standardlzahon pro. .. .=,,. . ...... A "; .' . '
........ ;p h ., i.llih o ll. a ,pu,ouo.u, nlg and t),Suu for consLrtl(-Lion.
e'm"*';' . ....... ' .... " THE COUNTY conlmission will The Highway <Dep;h'tment has
"'';.A,,.;..o,; ........... ]old its budget hearing at 1:30 an estimated li]come.of $601,240
gett poin<'ted out "i's ;lrofq a- P:-]-.]L,- Oc.t'" I ,In the c ourt..ho}ls¢ at and estimatad expenses of Lhe
' ' WIIICI1 Llnle tile ilnaJ 1v63 DIICI e5 C[llYle arnounE
tionwide plan to reduce the con- . g .... , : .,
; ................ L. .............. en ']ll be worked ouL and approw.d, EX] ICNSES 1NCLUDE $53 2,i0
". . . .g _ The most expenmve department for overhead and "idmiuistration;
various SOl:I;woool species aria to in the county ouLsid ..a +L ,:. €,, ..... • : ' " ....
__ j, t:" I.#A L#tt n.lli" 'II[,UUU Ior maintenance" ,'lillu
make hunber easier to ouy an a ...... , ........ , " ' ' "
.nolfv . .y. oepalLmenl;, is tne ner]irs t00 tor construction and $231,000
,r=y:-J. ............ unite w]lh a preliminary budget for operation of equipment rental
m(]gett Wlll GISCLISS t'Ully tile • '
present status of the fight to get
equality at the market place for
U. S. lumber producers with Cana-
dians. Canadians now enjoy sub-
stantial advantages, he said, which
partially block out American pro-
ducers from U. S. markets. He
mentioned a depreciated Canadian
dollar, lower shipping costs as
well as lower stumpage and labor
eosts among advantages realized
by Canadian lumber mills.
All Douglas fit" lumber manu-.
faeturers. Edger( said, arc urged
to attend this important meeting•'
A social hour at 6 p.m. will pre-
cede the no-host dinner at 7 p.m.,
he said.
Children Found
BySearch Party
A search which involved about
100 men cnded happily early Mo n-
day morning when the three c'hild' -
of $71,621.71, tip from a 1962 ap-
propriation of $54,615.
Inchided in the sheriff's budget
i $2,500 for an additional car;
$6,000 to replace four cars; $900
for two mobile radios; $150 for
and revolving fund.
Other d ep a r t m e n t prelimin-
ary budgets include:
Agriculturist, $10,635, compared
LO $9,531 for this year. Included
(Continued oll llago 2)
place of the present two-lllan crew.
Although final estimates are no
quite ready, Bridger said the pro-
pose(] new bridge, would cost
around $600.000 to construct,
(C+mtinucd n] pag,' 2)
CARPET Service
'pt. 6-7-8. Right to L ilit
rcn they were hunting in the l-la-
yen Lake at'ca wePe found safe.
Object o the seven-hour search
were Joan. 6, ajld Mike Prebind-
owski. 11, and Tim Tobin, 11.
The first two are .tho children
of Mr. and Mrs. Glls Prebindow-
,':kS, Seattle. The family with
5oung Tobin as a guest were spen-
EXterior view of the new Sk0ko- More than 200 persons 'attended the unique ritual- ding the weekend at the lake wtmn
,., rch dedicated Saturday, night, istic oeremonles, the youngsters walked around the
"tilll " * * * * . - " __--------....__. lake and then got on a fire t)ad
=: ' ' which they thought was a short
and reservations though not mcmbcrs of the Shak- Jlt- I ....... [l | Cut home•
NOrLhwest, from cr faith. .llill]lrl mI Assisting in the search by Ma-
/t "a Cohlnlbia, wcre THE SHAKER rcligion was vll='r v.. vltlll eon County Sherift'g officel:s and
tt?. dedteati ....... founded over it century ago by the lllll ill lit i Reserves were groups fl:om Kit-
I ,' ...- . . . Skokonnsh tllbe as a result of the lll I l[ llllln sap County, Bremerton and front
h "'w SkoKomlsn ,, 1 e afte, V
- Sat-- " "dcath and retun to }if ' Ill V ilq/¢ U¥111 tile Forest Service.
,.,,; Urday evening, three days of John Slocum, an In..s. ' b,,ying''" ------ 00------llisllall
t.,t]0,..ll Were fed at d/an then living oil Oyster Bay Silnpson Olympic Tree Farm
kl hU.l.ner featuring here in Mason County. this week began
,i; 01, _ rowed in the ....... "" .-eed ('ones. to" "
D .
':t%ll-"°mraunit" hall ,,] ' ' obtain seed for .rmss um,m,m
t. I}l,..W edifiee. "Y ' lllllUIla|ial m(lllU'" ruIIIlU[AllIJI ,i}eltontS reforesLatlonxA;orking pro n'amcireleg in the She]ton's holiday flag display
were i " " I ' ' '"
bi- Dead In I!i$ Gar, Altho< gh thin In a poor colte itorsg°ts favorablepassing throughC°mmentthefr°mcity.vis"
with year in l.ho ShelLon Working C/r- The Chanlber of COnll'nerce lasL
of the
ncrete, and
of the Sko-
rch, assisting.
door, Shak-
Well as vis-
prayers of
!° h"
ded Is son, Rich-
"xlltllb, SPecial honors
- all the con-
'CW Church, cvcn
Gary Dean Ellis, 21,. Shclton,
was found dead in his cat- in a
parking lot along Highwa; 101
in the Mt. VIew area Tliesday
Police were told by hi, wife
he was subject to eplleptic seiz-
Mrs. Ellis said sire had hist seen
Lcr husband when ne loft for work
al. 7 a..m. Tuesday.
Hc lind fallen n trout of the
lront seat of iris cat'.
Police received t]lc report at
6:05 p.m.
Ellis did not report to work
Tuesday, police said. It appears
he suffered a seizure while waiting
in his car in the parking lot for
a ride to work.
cle, we expect to buy enough cones
to fulfill our reforeLation needs",
atd Bill Looney, nianaging for-
ester, Simpson Olyntpic Treo
Looney said persons wishing to
pick cones on Simpson lands must
first secure a Permit from his
offic(' in Shelton. Simpson also
will buy cones froin other lands
in the SWC.
Harvested cones ulay bc tlirnod
in at the SinlPson seed plant in
]lelton It Matl
• ' '. ock. Canip Gris-
dale or the D. L. Valentine home
on the Wynooche River.
Since 1948 Si]nDson lrs bouo'ht
over 50 000 b--'-"-' '' '
' -.sueis of cones, ex-
tracted' the seed from them and
ccdcd 5,016 acres in the SWC,
week received a. ]ctter from a
Califolia couple complimenting
the city on the display Labor
Day wheu they passed through.
Mr. and Mrs. F, E. Hadley,
Merced. Calif., wrote. "we want to
tell you how intpressed we wero
with lhe showing- of flags all
through your uity It was l he only
city we passed throllgh wiLli such
a dispJa.y. It did our hcarts good
Io seo.ttc fhtgn so generally dis-
played, giving the city a festive
look, as well as showing national
awarness and pride.'"
The f]aK displays are put tip on
,pecificd days by the Mason Coun-
l y Chapter of tle Wastington As-
sociation for Retarded Children as
a fund-raining project,
INTERROGATION Grant Wolfkill made his Vlctor Swanson (extreme right) after adjourn-
first public appearance n Sheton since his re- ment of the meeting, following which man
lease from 15 months as a prisoner of the Corn- . . . . . y Ro-
munists in Laos'when he spoke before the Rotary tamans remameo to aSK more question. At ex-
Club last 4Neck. H s talk consisted chief y of an'. treme right is Wolfkill's fa'ther, Lyle, retired
sw2ring questions. He is pictured here answering Agate resident, In white shirt is Rotary presi-
a query put to him by Bordeaux school pr'lncipal dent George Valley.
Value dy PsFdog, [, :00;mb.rT:ll..r
• o[ LaDs Mos ca aker 00uba
Wnll,;ll T,.IIo CA./,.- n_,..:__. Ci,,mh<.,'ofConuner,.e,,,\