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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
September 13, 1962     Shelton Mason County Journal
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September 13, 1962
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13, 1962 i i RUMMAGE SALE, DINNERS AND DISTRICT MEET ON SLATE FOR VFW AUXILIARY A rummage sa]e will be held by guard; Betty Godwin. assistant lhc VFW Auxiliary this i,riday in]e(aMuetress: Josephine Spark, the MernoriM bulldilg, color bearer; and Bernice Jansson, a ssinti nt inllsietan. I Following tile last meeting ot the VFW Post and its Auxiliary a stork, shower' was held in honor el Mr. and Mrs. Doll GaLes. The ex- pectant father opened gifts in the at)sence €)f his wife. Besides sev- eral artieles of baby clothng and supples a eel]lied baby food shower was held by tile Post members for the father. Rcfresilments and dee- oratons were carried OUL ill a pas- tel motif. Gold Star Parents dinner will be held September 21 a.t 6:30 p.m. in the Memorial building. A potluck dinner will be served by VFW Anxiliary mmnbers, Chairman is VIoI Laugen, Working on food committee with her are Phyliss ][oore, Size Weaver and Betty God- win. All members are reminded of Fifth district meeting in Etma tiffs Saturday. President Evelyn Seeley of Olympia will award a door prize, District officers are Colleen Gephart, secretary; Jessie Cox, deputy chief of staff; Sue •Weaver, SOHOOL MENU Week of Sept. 17 - 21 Monday ..... No school. Business- Education Day. Tuesday---Vegetable beef oup, grilled cheese sandwich, apple cobbler, milk. Wednesday --- Spaghetti, hot French bread, fresh green salad, cookie, milk. Thursday--Creamed turkey and gravy on mashed potatoes, diced beets, hot buttered rolls, fruit, milk. Friday - Tuna salad sandwich, potato salad, green sugar pea, fruit Salad, milk. Supplement your child's diet with Plenamins from Prepp's Rexall 133 RR. Phone 426-4642 8 ET 40 LISTS NEW CHAIRMEN AT FIRST M EETING The first meeting of the ye'u' of Mason Connty Salon No. 508 Eiglt and lOorty wnn Ilehl Monday. Hosl.- esses for the 7 ll.m. dinner were Psi'tilers AIllI Levin(:, Shirley Clin- ton and Mamie Earl. The dinner was served at (he Hood Canal heine of Psi'trier Arm Levine anti was enjoyed by 11 partllers. Ieellowing the "dinner the meet- ink was conducted by Chapeau Beryl Faubert. Cbairmen as fol- lows were appointed: Child wel- fare, Dora Jackson; courtesy, Ann Campbell; ritual and emblems, Merle Smith; constitution and by- lawn, Jenny Huff; fun and fellow- ship, Agnes Alexander and Mary Dobson; trophies and awards Mettle Backiund; partnership, Vir- glinia Wallin; raemorials and gifts, amic Earl. Nurses ncholarship, Shirley Clin- ton; finance, Rae Melcum; public- ity and scrapbook, Martha Wit- Siers; musician, Beth Johnson. Reports on the Beltingham con- vention were given. Awards re- ceived at convention were Nurses Scholarship Report to Salon, Scrapbook to Martha Witsiers, Chapeau award to Mary Dobson and $100 Club Certificate award to Salon. H0Stsses for October 8 meeting wilt e taa'tners A'es ATexahttei;, 1Vfary Dobson and Martha Wit- siers. The meeting adjomed accord- ing to ritual. A ocial session fol- lowed With aat foi best chapemi being pi.esehte'd to Partner :Iar- the Wit siei's. PAST MArONS CLUB DE'$$E{T LUNCHEON Past Mat)ns of Welcome Chap- ter, Order of he Eastern Star will meet for a 12:30 p.m. dessert lun- cheon next Thursday at the home of Mrs. Florence WeekS, 525 No. First street. ON LEAVE A/2c Antone, Bisser, Shelton, is home on a 25-day leave from Schilling AFB, Kansas. He just re- tmed from 16 days in Morocco Africa. KIHG'S ELEOTRIO SERVIGE Repairs to: ELECTRIC MOTORS, ELECTRIC POWER TOOLS, WATER PUMPS, HOUSEHOLD APPLIANCES RALPH B. KING 1325 Olympic Highway S. Phone 426-8158 R,00x T tIGHT Is Mosl IMPORTANT (iP Don't allow poor illumination to handicap your _ ,children's education. LIGHT ¢OSrTS SO LITTLE under your public utility (iistrict rates you can't afford to jeopardize the eyesight and the education of your loved ones by improperly lit study rooms. If you have problems let us help you LIVE BETTER ELECTRICALLY MASON COUNTY P.U.D. NO. 3 JACK COLE, president; TOM WEBB, secretary; ED TAYLOR, commissioner; CLAUDE DANIELSON, manager i H = i = .L i ...... I BHELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL- Published in "Christmastown, U.g.Ay'_Shelton, Washington i |l i , Gounty Gels County 4-H v,me m L00o, Preliminary Budget Mosty Psych01ogical, '"""'"'"""+'"""+'" To Partidpate say00 ,it m,, for ,, a ddi,," n,.i,i.e i Wdfkifl t('Ol]lilltlOd ft'Olll 111( ' I) capital outlay. He betiex, e, IJ.S. a,I mighI be C(azrI T-lotise A.tnlex. $2.275. the bet[¢,r received a it wan lesn ill +:,+ + +re+o,, In Two Fairs '""'"""+"'+"' '+'- to $585 for 1962 w, hieh is an elec- stmnel !e,,n in ],;u)s :ire military while lnOSl of Hie t{llSSktllS st,el] I ion year. A,SESSOI{, $38,9'.N) for lhe. 1963 Mason County .]-H nlenlbers will were civilians which gives 111o lreliniinary I)ildgel as eompared ].)arlicipate in tile ,estel'rl Wash- mrpression tiler Ill(' (I.S. is lll,)l'e 1.O $5'S.910 for ibis year. Capilal illgtoll Ftir at l:qlylll/ D ;tnd lilt militaristic l.hnn Russia. I)lit]llV inchldes $2.(i()() for a II(!W slate .t-i:l chlb fair ill Yakinrt el)- "Qlile the prisoners wer(, not veilicle. IOli'ibi'l' 23-29. 't:aieil, they did Slll'l'tq' SillltO 1)l'dl- Auditol. $30.730 for 19(13 which Judging teams which will be ses from beinv tied so lightly at is less than the $34.400 budgeted participating in [he fair at Pu- limos. Lo:tdcd WOalnms were poinT- ed at lllenl :tlnlonl t'vory d:ty. this year. Capital out.lay, which yallup are: Their Cal)t()rn. ,nany of whom includes $300 7or an electric ad- Senior elothing-.Etta Swcarin- vrere very yotHlg :l')d l small poe- ding machine and $250 for a die- gin, Doris Hickson. Carelyrl Aus- pie. scen(,d to 1)€ nlmont afraid laphone is less than this year cth and Christi 131tnllell. O! tneln. Phe Aowrit:an, made when ,$5.000 for microfihn equip- lnent was inehzded Jllllior olothlog Cheryl Chain- tip Ihcir !llindn LIOL tt grovel an(? Clerk, $l.l 337.50 as colnpared ])ers. Shells Holtdorf. Rltth Trot- \\;vlltll the h)llAte,'t xvellpons \\;vot'e to $11,33750 for 1962. zer and Diane t,'rank, pointed lhev wouM stare back at Civil Service, $485 in the pre- SENIOR FO()l)---Elaine Zehe, Ihe guar,.1, which proved to be di:- ]iminary budget, [he name as ill Linda Longacre. Sandra Bedell concerting lo the guards. 2962. and Cindy Jackson The p'risoner:.; hm1 ode visit from Commissioners. $19,725 com. Jmior foods-.-Betty Cowan, Lin- lhe Red Cross during their ira- pared to $16,695 for this year, In- da Auseth, Klhleen TroLzen and prisonment. The Red Cross official chided is $500 in capital outlay Lucita Maynard. was Swins: He cou!d spo:d( EnK- fer benches and $2,750 in salaries Junior poultry---1)ave Stodden. lish, btzl, was allov,'ed to speak on- and wages for extra help, Jeffery Hines, Cimck Sieppard ly Freneh. Wolfkfll was the only Eleetion $6,000 for 1963,com- and Leslie Snyder. (me of lh, prisoners who spoke pared to 5.670 for the primary Junior Garden- Cliff Anderson, l,'rench no 1he otlh,rs had to talk election and $5,800 for the fen- Joe Brown, ,Jim Harding and through aim as interpreter. cra] election in the 1962 budget. Steve Lenmn. ON THE FIRST visit, the Red General Administration, $26,- Dairy products demonstrhtion-- Cross official left after the Com- 102.80 as compared to $21.810 for Suzanne Wetter. wunists started a tape recorder "1962. Included is $4.012.80 for Members who wall present dem- end refused to turn it off. lighting under capitat ontlay for onstrations al the fail' in Yakima He did not retm'n for seven which there was no appropriation are: days. At the second visit, there this year. Home economicn .... Collee was no tape recm'der, but, the in- flAIL, $10,640 AS compared to Schrum, Carolyn AllseLh and Llz lerview was (,ondtleit,d in :t small $8,870 for this year. Included is Seiners. zoom in ,vhich iL would baTe been $1,800 for part-time relief help Agriculture---Loren Gee. Ron- easy to imve one conceqled. which was not in Lhe 1962 budget, nie Richards and Barney Lambert. The prisoners were each allowed Justice Court, $3,610 compared General--Karen Wolf. Mike 10 minutes, rind, couh:l ()lily ans- to $3,410 in 1962, Lambert and Dick Evers. wer questions asl:ed hy the Red Juvenile Probation officer. $11,- Electric--Bill Stodden. Cross man. The fact tlmt t.he otb- 515 as compared to $8,498 for Forestry Identification--Robert er prisoners had to talk threugh 1962. This offiCe was iewly-cre- Spooner. \\;Volfkill as an interpreter shorten- ate'd lr 1962 all'd :he budget was Judging at Yakima will be: ed the interviews. figtwed for )ilty part of the year. Garden.---Steve Leman. The Red Cross visit was heurt- Included in capital outlay is $2(00'0 Home improvement--.Rosemary ening becaase it. was tile first real for an autombile and $100 for a Wetter and Linda Long'rare. indication to the prinonern thai it adio. Clothing---Doris Hiekson. was known they were alive. The Planning commission, $500 corn- FOOl)S---Ehdne Zehe, Cindy Red Cross also provided blankets, pared to $1,200 for 1962. Jackson, Janice Marford and Ben- stone clothing and food to the ProsecuLing Attorney, $15.- nie Nichols. prmoners. 817.50 compared to $15.400, Cap- Horses.-Geraldine Schur. UNTIl, Tl|E TiME of Ill(, Red ital outlay includes $425 for an' In food preparation, Ella' and Crogn visit, the prisoner's (rely electric typewriter. Rita Swearingen will pzepare a clothing was an mdershirt and Superintendent of Schools. $11.- luncheon and, Kay Loertseher, a trousers. Everything else had been 775 compared to $13,815 for 1962. quick and economical meal. taken away from them when they The drop in the budget request Participating in tle dress re- were captured. was due to a smaller proposed vue will be Christi Bmmell and Their shoes were lal(en, el'- spending under capital outlay. For Sandr Bedell. though each time the p.,'isme,'q 1963, this item includes $150 for Mason County will present its ,were moved, the shoes showed up, filing cabinet. The 19(€2 budget 4-H Show from noon to 4 p.m. but. t.hey were nor alhwed to have included $2,220 for a car', mimeo- THERE IVILL BE from 40 to them. graph machine and typewriter 50 members taking" part. Inch.tded " When ehe prmoners were re.. stand will be the preparation of three leased, the shees were returlrod. ' I SUPERIOR COI aT, $17,051 meals. Susan Shore and Kathy The others throw their shoes away, compared to $18,674 for 1962. The Elair, a dinner; Etta and Rite ,Volfki]l .;aid, but. he kept his be- leduction comes from lower c(:)ss Swearingen, a hmcheon, and Kay crmse he had had them made in ;stimated for jurors, witnesses. Loertscher a quick and easy nleai. Honk Kong and wnnted to lake food and registration fees and Dress revne contestants will also lhem back te the sboenmker "/nd courL reporters, lake part. get his money back bee:rose they Treasurer, ,$31,935 compared to 4-H leaders and parenls will did nol fit prol)erly. $24,940 for 1962. Ine.luded in $6,- I 1)rovide tr'maporlaiion to the fairs. AT THE TIME ,if their release, 455 for capital outlay including] a chair, posting trays, stands andl Mrs. Lnwrence c, dell, president the prisoners pael,ed 1he few .htdices; forms, a Burroughs Se, n-[of the 4-H Leader's Council in lhings they had in their baq's Io working with t.he leadern in mak- Lring hom'e with them for sent.i- simatic machine and housing for mg the arrangements, mental reasons. addressograph plates. There was ...... At the airpm't in Lees, \\;Volf- no funds ior e.pital outlay in the i ----'--' -2" S0ff 'G0"Ncil Ad " kill said, s(aneone took his bag, department's 1962 budget. V ::aying it "vonld t) i:akeu care ()f' CJivil Defense, $16,000 compared Just recently he received word to $1.2,000 in 1962. Included is Hears Discussion ,he b,,,.. ,.,t t,','i.,ed in o.v Yor, 7,007 for capital ouLlay compared with $9g nil" frieKhL due. Io $:],100 in this iLem in the 1962 On Harstine Bridge ,i,o book "The UK],,, America.n" blldg'et, is, unfortnnafelv, qnite aceuralo ((?el|trailed from page 1) in respect to home ef the Amer- Gosser B rolhers alWb'ehobligationW°Uld bebonds.finaneed by. gener- leans hi lhat part of the world, E The commissioners explained \\;Volfkill said. H arn New onors that no new taxes woflld be re- SPICE UP your outdoor c.ooking , quired I:o retire the bonds as they In Oollege Sludies plan to pay them off from road with the ideas in Lhe Extension funds alloea.led eqlzally from the Serviee free book "OUTDOOR Twice proud--and jnstly---were three road districts. COOKERY". Phone 426-4732 and Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Cosset of This woud be accomplished, they have a copy sent to you. Bayshore last week. after learn- ing of new scholastic achievements of their sons Jon and Larry. Jon, a 1959 graduate of Irene S. Reed high school, completed Eis 4-year course in science in three years ending August 17 when he was awarded his batchel- or of science degree. 3on completed his work with a 3.5 grade average despite being seriously ill dUring sprlng quar- ter. He will now be a laboratory assistant to Dr. Baer of the sci- ence department while doing grad- uate work in psychology. Larry, a 1958 ,rent S. Reed high graduate, has completed his work, except for his thesis, for his doc- torate in research chemistry at the University of California at Los Angeles, He has accepted an assistant prof4ssorship nn.0er ',he nationally famous Dr, Cramm, UCLA research chemist, and for- mer atomic energy director. Thursday, Ruby Rebekah Lodge Potluck Tomorrow Night Ruby Rebekah Lodge No. 75 will meet this Friday at the hall. A 6:30 p.m. potluck will precede the meeting. The committee will con- ist of Dorothy Schwietering, Eva Simmons and Grace Bartlett. Des, sert will be furnished by the com- mittee. Mr. Allen Moss will show pic- tures after the meeting, eA00)l 0 K M A S Delayed In Getting on the Air. [ Due to an unavoidable delay in receiving our license we have had to postpone our opening broadcast until   ABOUT SEPTEMBER 20 1280 ON YOUR DIAL -- Your Spot for Good Music admitted, by curtailing some proj- ects, but pointed out tlmt the pres-. ent deficit in ferry operation, and the anticipated increase ill this deficit, would bear a strong por- tion of the cost "Some day a bridge is going to be built to Harstine Island," com- mission chairman Harry Elmhmd said. "The longer it is put off the more it is going to cost." BABY BOY ARRIVES FOR BOB EACRETTS lr, and Mrs. Bob Eacrett, Oak Harbor, Wash., became the parents of a baby boy, Steven l'ancis, born August 31. He arrived at the Skagit Valley Hospital in Mt. Ver- rich. Steven joins a sister, Laurie, 7, and a brotler, Mike, . His mother is the former Shirley Dodds.. 0P  REGULARLY + 98¢,.. NOW :[Z 3 °°,,,=2 34 ili ;:y, + Come ick from aaft of 'ii!i .:.:::::: fashion-right v e r s i o n s! !:-:. !i!! Twin-thread styles! Ac- :i;.i,i tion sheers with two-way ':::: i" %velts. Service weirhts !ii! with cool cotton foot! M1- cre-mesh knits! Demi-toe iii ;i! and nude-foot styles to i suit sandal and evening i::iii. i wear! AND MORE . . . MORE . . . MORE . . . sesmtess and seamed ny- "::i!i i ,n up-to-the-minute !iii:: !:.: lens ii colors, proportioned and ii contol.lred sizes for all! iili ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::;!!:£;:i:ii.::;! :iii:: .i i:..,..::! :.i  i!;i: i::. ::; i i:: :i ::]:i!iiii::: :i:i:::i::. :::: :.::: :! : t :;::::;:.:.?; i.i ;4.i::::: :::+::.?;i :i ..{; i..v.: :::.;: ;a; ..:::::::::::::::::::::::::: .. "?::!i . i{ i: ]i} PENNEY S .iiiil, GAYMODES $1 set SPECIAL! SKIRT LENGTIt, ZIPPER AND PATTERN ! Just $1 buys textured or smogtl fabric for size 8 to 16, matching 7" zipper, t)aLtern ' even sewing tips. SPECIAL! BOYS' COAT SWEATERS '2 Many 'color jacquard pat- terns ef 100% Orlon@ ac- rylic. 5-button cardigan .sLyle with lcnit cuffs, waist. Junior sizes 4: to 10, AT TODDLER PLAYTOG Special Value ! sizes $1 1/ to4 Pinwale cotton corduroy Pinwale goes ,safely into the wash- that are er after a hard day's play! come in Blue, tan, 'n red. Buy red, brown now 'n save! chine wasB. Speed Shave Pharma00 ..... ',i how yc aalts, shakes az ade with Da because Dairy ( fom the freezer , flavor perfectio P.S. - And wt 0er one of our BL est beef availabl, them warm -- ¥ fix them deluxe !i,ii? ......... HOOD CAHAL SCHOOLstudents -t Y ear Sept." 17 And 18 Dates For 'r0 Ues,,d hol, its / Western Was!fington I }ir In Puyal he,he ,,f Pres- !  '¢l',u FIo(M The follow- PUVAI,Llll > FAIR gel r. 18 I ln\\;vn wal appoint.ed for September ]8 h;t.: heen set "side I had a new for fair day in the eounly. As in l,-yslem installed this Mrs. Andy the past the 6t,l grade in the ] Boon's of Sholton. represeuta- 1\\;ir. and Mrs. Tht)m:s Conmllly, flood Canal st'heels will be eligible I wns ecesse.rv to member- ibex 1.i2, H()o(hq)(aq, a boy, Sell- to go if the leacher and students ea]'e of the large I)nblieity; • and sl)ir- tcmber 5. :.,o desire. ::rid the lnqnv E1rnsL Mal- Mr. ;li/(1 Mrs. lg(tward Iq. Chris- P:u'ell: are orged to altend the. bn(t tre"s planted Thontas ]cgis- 1.ran, 1121 icdlr(md avenlc, a I)oy.. f ir ei lhis d'ly. or Sepl.. . 17, which . (mtal Clardcn: Chlb.. , , Sct.)tember 11. will be a holid':y for the chihlren. ':. * ::: Any other ex('ept these two will NI'OllI'I'N p r o j e c t; ']1'. ;llld ih's. 'rOlll ]Vlyel's, Silel- be till llIleXCllSed abnen('e for lhe Lower Sl¢okmntstl scrap- ton, bt.t';lltt  the parenls of a baby stu(tents. Free student tickets are this year's sports tealth and mcn- boy Sei)tember 9 at the McCleary available for Sept. 18, but nlust coach. His name is ms, sal'ely and Hospital. be requested t)5' a parent. They are starting Mrs. LeRey , ,:, , week, and are planll Jee I}or,,k, School l)',,' r AIA 'MI)IOVID ltext ,,'oek. There r,. Will. Chase, lorth Mason Seeing tilt{ unsatisfactory ,)lax;- ing between tim co, Loha tr,unpols, ing conditions on when an,.I where Gets Federai Granl flay area at the Heod Uanal Jr. going to be. Will be .u, 3rd t..igh, the school board had Pete  The Hood Oanal at 9:30 a.m. For Building ,.+sic of Union clear another acre will also start of land. The clearing of the land '1'he ninth graders WASH[NGTC)N, D.C. (Special) will permanently fix the play area cut with the A gTarli, of $18,900 in federal of the future. The improving and vra(le boys this year. • ' Will hold a iunds ires been reserved for new e!earing of this aea for physical We will have elenlenlarv school facilities at (duration was also a r(mommenda- 1his year, but, the Friday eve- North IVIasen Consolidated School tlon by the office of the State eighth grade boys Potluck dinner District No. 403, according to Con- Superintendent of Public Instruc- 13 , ones ,hat play go to Clo- ,,l,tSSV/Olll,ln ,iLl[ilL ]'tltzel" 1-1anscll. troll, games. This granl, Mrs. Hansen report- .,.: , , ed, is from funds appropriated to NEW TEACItER AT LOIVER RACHEL carry out the purpescs of Public SK()KOMISH The Rachel Law 81.5, 81sl Congress, as amen-. Tiffs year we have a new Leach- Guild will meet for dell, which authorized federal as- cr at the Lower Skokomish school, luncheol Sep' sistanee tor the construction of His name :;s Mr'. Johnson, who tea- home of Mrs. school facilities to local eaueation- ches the sixth grade, P.E. and Mrs. Bea Groat al agencies in areas where at- boys' athletics, hostess. ten(lance hen been increased by Mr'. Johnson wqs born in Port- 1 cdertll (lnt)loylnerlt Sorrows \\;Vhen the school district hag  au-Prince, ttaiti, where his fa- ther, a naval officer, was attached resent " cornplied with tim construction re- to the Haitian Guard, during the quirements specified ill the law, andfinalappr°wd°fthepr°jectU'S'MarineOccupati°n°fthat Western is given,' the federal share of con- country. struction costs will be certified. In his younger years he moved through several of the countries ..................... of the near and far East. Laler to • Lessons - VFW Voles To Have Rhode Island and \\;Vashington D.C. , Group trail His family has now settled in Bre- |nsurance Plan merton. Mr. Johnson is a grad- The outside el a uate of the University of Wash- good for the The Shelton Veterans nf Foreign ington. O[ a \\;Vars P():t voted at its last meet- Among his many hobbies are ing to accept fhe accident and i:unting, fly fishing, stcill diving, LITTLE d}smeml/errnent insurance policy lowling and reading'. lmw ])eilc.." offered to velerans on We wish to welcome him to ottr a nalional basis, community. 'J'he (,.()sL ef the insurance for * * ** ' Phone VFVV members w'.ll be added to NEW SPRINKLING SI'STEI[ the regular dues. A joint coffee hour was held with the mxiliary after which M+,o ,,+ A FEW LEI T ,,qm\\;ver by the auxiliary. A I)istriet 5 meeLing will be held " Your Votes and in :Elma Saturday. rinary election. The nex, mee.ting of the Shel- 1962 ten Post: will be Sept. 21 with a and (linn(,r and program nenoring' the Gold Star t)II'OYItS. Soci,a Ci,b Web-(- PLYMOUTHS -- VALI . Party Next Wednesday RAMBLERS Elinor Chapter Social Club will meet :it 10 a.1)l, next \\;.rednesday at : ' the ,,,,,.e of.,z,.i Ia,,lma,., fera RAMBLER Oiassic 2 Door Sedan W(a'lc Party in preparation of the 0+°+°"--'+++ +" Rt -- Bring a S:lt'l( hmch. Coffee arid Reclining Seats  White Wails 1'1 dessert will be fln'lished. R EGU LA R $2337,15 ! 20' J PLYMOUTH Belvedere*"6" 4 ¢ H ' ream $2 Size Ski at Radio -- Healey -- Wheel Covers White Wall Tires KAMILCHE HALL REGULAR =2,4.4 ONLY $ 5 CLOSEOUT PRICE ,3:,75 SiTe Sk] Sat., Sept. 1 VALIANT V-200 4 Door. Sedan ONLY $! 9 l).m. -- 2 a.m. Automatic- Radio  Heater Back-up Lights -- Washers  underc  • Music by Tune Toppers REGULAR $2651.10 [ Sponsored by -ROEss GRAE CLOSEOOT R,CE a "l:.tern-" WE BUY THE LICENS] supply -- $ P o o i N u o t a r e Several Other Models and Body ill Stock at Ituge of the most Cream dis- Regisler Now for SWiM GLASSES WE NEED USED GARS -o, q BEGINNERS -- Saturday, Sept. 15, 9 a.m. SENIOR LIFE SAVING- Sunday, Sept. 16 IMilIIIJILILI|UD[| MOTORS ll,a.m. Those interested Register Immediately CHRYSLER- PLYMOUTH--- RAMBLER -- INTERNATIONAI PHONE: POOlor CottageNU°tarecafe426"3913426-30,3 707 So. First Phone ',.,5 i