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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
September 13, 1962     Shelton Mason County Journal
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September 13, 1962
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Thursday, |AL.SCHOOL ld 18 Dates For Students T0! /ash)rig(on Fair In ,qEPT. 18 I The Flood r)eeM set ,,side [ had 1 new lll\\;vn \\;V ::ouniy. As ill I ,:ystem installed this 4rade in tile ] Boou&apos;s of Siwlton. viii be eligible I was mcessarv to and studelds (',are of the iarge to :ill end the P, pt. 17, which ihe chihh'cn. lese two will sence for lhe .it tickets are 18, but must arellt. :OVED ;factorY Dlav-  baseball, anc] )od Canal Jr. ;trd tlad Pete  • another acre " of the land the play area reproving and i for physical recornmenda- of tile State ublic Instruc- 7' LOWER a new teach- omish sctmol. lSOll, who tea- de, P.E. and born in Port- ,here his fa- was attached • d, during the at)on of that ars he moved the countries East. Later to shington D.C. settled in Bre- m is a grad- dry of Wash- r hobbies are ', stdn diving, 5 Ile him to Otlr SYSTEM und tho I'O q 'lV nd h'eos phmted (;lil:il (]rii'dcn Club. SPORTS Lower Skokonlistl this year's sports coacil. His nalne is Timy arc starting week, fllld al'c iet week. There ing hetween the co Whel] ;lllil ,vhcrO going to be. The Hood Canal will also start q'lle ninth graders cut with the grade boys this year, We will have ibis year, but, the eighth grade boys ly ones ,hat gmnes. RACHEL The Rachel Guild will meet for luncheon S(p home of Mrs. Mrs. Bea Groat hostess. Sorrows present joy. Western • Lessons - • Group trail The outside o[ a good for the of a LITTLE Phone 426 A FEW LEFT 1962 HOUTHS- VALIAHTS RAMBLERS llassic 2 Door Sedan ter- Undercoat  Back-up Lights ining Seats -- White Walls IULAR $2337.15 =4 CLOSEOUT PRICE Belvedere* "6" 4 io -- Heater -- Wheel Covers te Wall Tires IULAR $2745.45 CLOSEOUT PRICE '-200 4 Door, Sedan h matic- Radio  Heater k-up Lights -- Washers  undercC IULAR $2651.10 CLOSEOUT PRICE 'E BUY THE LICENSE := Other Models and Body Stock at Huge Savin IE NEED USED CARS.' IIEL MOTORS, ]R -- PLYMOUTH ---- -- INTERNATIONAL ;t Phone i AT ,DLER YTOG ial Value ! izes =1 2to4 le cotton corduroy Pinwale afely into the wash- that are .r a hard day's play! come in tan, 'n red. Buy red, brow t save! chine wasB' 13, 1962 Board held its ()f PI'OS- Th(, follow- appointed for Mrs. Andy rel)rosenta- IT)PIll b(w- publieity ; a,id spir- El'mt Mal- Tl'a)ntas. leg)s- project; scrap- lealth lll(l ra('n- slifet y alld M'rs. LeRoy Joe lol','k S. Will. Cll:I,C, trumpols, Will be Bile 3rd at 9:3(i <l.m. Will hold a Friday eve- Potluck dinner go to Clo- OF Your Votes and rinlary election. and SI-TX,TON--MABON COUNTY 3"OTTRNAE- Published in "Chvisfmastowb U.S.A." Sheldon, Washington OPEN HOUSE TO HONOR COUPLE ON GOLDI.N WEDDING ANNIVERSARY MR. AND MRS. HENRY LANDIS will complete 50 years of mar- ried life next Tuesday. In honor of their Golden Wedding Anni- versary their children have planned an Open House to be held from 1:30 to 5 p.m. this Sunday, September 16, at the home of their son, Bill Landis on Arcadia road. Henry Landis and Alice Cramer were both born and raised in Indiana. They became acqua,nted in that state but it was in Rugby, North Dakota where they did their couring and were married September 18. 1912. The Landis' had 3 boys and 1 girl. They moved to Shelton nearly 20 years ago and have made their home here since that time. Their daughter, Mrs. Frances Fox, Huntington Park, California, is the only one of their children who does not live in Shelton. Their son, Earl, lives at Ms(lock, Bill, on Arcadia, and Ralph, at Totten Shores. The Landis' feel very fortunate in having their family close to them. It has been possible for them to watch most of their 16 grand- Democralic Club Heels Nexl Thursday The Mason County Democratic Club will meet at 8 p.m. next Thursday ill tile PUD building. Plans will be made and commit- tees selee.ted for a dance to he held in October. There will be an Executive Board meeting at 8 p.m Monday at the home of President, Mrs. Roy Ritner. Marriage Licenses Applying for marriage licenses in the Mason County Auditor's Of- fice this past week were: Charles A. Eddy, 23, Shelton and Barbara Simpkins. 19, McCleary. Arthur Leary William Fredson, 24. Shelton and Beret Ann 'lng, Hoodsport. Lowell E. Maiming, 21, Shelton and C.lrol Barger. 19. Shelton. M. D. O'Beirnc. 42. Bremerton and Mary E. Barriean. t5, Bremer- toll. Rubinstein Skin Dew SALE $2 Size Skin Dew Moisturizer $3 Size ONLY =3.00 Cream $3:75 Size Skin Dew Moisturizer $5 Size IIOTH ONLY =5.00 O Ilevlon "Eterna 27" supply -- $18.00 value 0,0, ,10 8, Cream dis- ONLY NEW • SGHICK Super Speed SHAVER NOW , '199s Speed Shaver.. 19.95 ,, $14,85 4th& Railrqad Govey Building Phone 426.3327 Pharmacy children and even their four great-grandchildren grow up. Henry and Alice Landis have both enjoyed good health. This may be due to the fact they keep busy. Mrs. Landis has done baby-sitting since she came to Washington. She also fills her time with crocheting and quilting. Since Mr. Landis retired from Simpson's Insulating Board Plant about 4 years ago he has done odd jobs to fill his time. His hobby delights not only his grandchildren, but alJ of the neigh- bor children as well. He has a 3/4 scale live steam train with 130 feet of track and two cars with seats, in the back yard. He start- ed building the train shortly after moving to Shelton. It took him nearly 5 years to complete it. Needless to say, when he starts building up steam, children for blocks around come running, clam- oring for a ride. Mr. and Mrs. Landis are looking forward to see- ing their many friends Sunday when they celebrate the memorable occasion of their Golden Wedding Anniversary. BRING IN THE FAMILY FOR A TREAT... how your favorite sundaes, alts, shakes and splits taste better ade with Dairy Queen. That's because Dairy Queen is served fresh from the freezer at the very peak of ,i , flavor perfection! It's A Date Today, Thursday, Sept. 13 Golden Age Club. 12 noon pot- lack. Melnorial hull• WWI Vots :and Auxiliary, 8 p.m., Memorial hall. Rotary Club hmeheon, noon, Shelton. h(*t(,l Shelton-Mason County Chamber of Comrncree installation of offi- cers. 7:00 p.m. dinner, Shelton ho- tel. Shelton .layettes, 8 p.m.. home of Mrs. Bernie Doreey. Friday, September 14 VFW Rlnnmage Sale. Memorial hall. Ruby Rcbekah Lodge, 6:30 p.m. pothtck, at the+ hall. Mason County PTA Council Ex- ecutive Board meeting 9:30 a.m.. Evergreen school library. Itigh school football, Shclton vs. South Kitsap, 8:00 p.m., Port Or- chtrd. Saturday, September 15 State Patrol driver's license ex- aminer, 9:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., city police statism. Shelton junior high pre-season football sc, rimmage, 10:00 a.m., Loop Field. Sunday, Sgptember 10 Shclton churches invite you to attend the church of your choice. Shelton Golf Club mixed 2-ball foursorne and potluck dinner, Bay- shore clubhouse. 2:00 p.m. Shelton Yacht Club potluck, 6 p.m.. PUI) auditorium. Monday, September 17 Canal Com't Order of Amaranth Social Ch,b meetiug, 12 noon pot- luck, Union Lodge hall. Shelton Garden Club, 1:30 p.m., home of Mrs. Frank Nihart. DeMolay Boys mid Mothers' Club. 7:30 p.m.. Masonic Temple. County commissioners weekly meeting, 10:00 a.m, county court- house. Tuesday, September 18 Kiwanis Club luncheon, noon, ]V[emorial hall Shelton city commission meet- ing, 2:00 p.m.. city hall. Wednesday, September 19 Hiller'eat Homemakers, 12 noon potuck, home of Mrs. Agnes Lund. Eligml Chapter Social Club, 10 a.m. work party, home of Mrs. Hazel Dammann. Amaranth Homecoming potluck, 6:30 p.m., Masonic temple. BP r. 6:30 p.m. dinner, home of Lodcma Johnson. :hursday, September 20 Hood Canal Woman's Club, 11 a.m., Potlatch clubhouse. Past Matrons of Welcome Chap- €- , 12"30 p.m. dessert lunch- '" =' " " Flor eon, home of Mrs. ence Weeks. Mason County Democratic Club, 8 p.m., PUD building. Rotary Club luncheon, noon, Shelton hotel. Amaranth Homecoming Potluck Scheduled The Amaranth Homecoming pot- luck dinner will be held at 6:30 p.m. next Wednesday at the Ma- sonic Temple. The meeting at 8 p.m. will be a visit zrom the Grand Lecturer and initiation. Practice will be held at 7 p.m. tonight at the tem]le. All officers are requested to be present. SEPTEMBER BRIDE AND GROOM ST. EDWARD'S CATHOLIC CHURCH was the setting for the "September 1 wedding of M ss Cheryl S va, daughter of Mr. and ,Mrs. Edward J. Silva, to Mr. Kenneth M. Rasmussen: son of.Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Rasmussen of Montesano. The couple will make their home in Montesano. Large white baskets of white end pink gladioli with greens dec- ()rated the St. Edward's Catholic church for the September i wed- ding of Miss Cheryl Sliva and Mr. Kenneth M. Rasmussen. Rev. Mark Wiechmann performed the 7 p.m. ceremony before 150 guests. Miss Sliva's parents are Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Sliva, Shelton. Her ]ew in-laws are Mr. and Mrs. An- drew Rasmussen. Montesano. Mr. Sliva escorted his daugh- ter down the aisle. Her floor- iength gown was of white chan- til]y lace and tulle over taffeta designed with long pointed sleeves nd scalloped neckline. A pearl and rhinestone tiara held her el- bow-)ength veil. She carried pink and 'white roses with white rib- bons. Mrs. William L. Stahl of Taco- ma was matron of honor. She was clothed in a pink brocade cocktail length dress with matching pink satin cummerbund. She wore a pink net hat and carried pink ros- es with velvet ribbons. Mrs. ken Sliva, Olympia, and Miss Carol Zabroski were brides- maids. Their attire matched the matron of honor and they carried pink and white carnations. The bride's cousin, Miss Susan Stahl was flower girl. She wore pink brocade and carried a bas- ket filled with white chrysanthe- mums. Robert L. Rasmussen was his brother's best man. Ushers were Lynn Moore of Montesano and .Rort Sliva, Olympia. Mrs. Ted Wittenberg accompa- nied Mr. and Mrs. Pat Havens at the organ. They sang Sacred Heart of Jesus and Ave Maria. Mrs. Sliva chose a beige sheath "O 1959 Dairy Queen National Dsvt01 of lace over tafetta with a fitted jacket. Her accessories were pink. Pink and white rosebuds made up her corsage. Mrs. Rasmussen's dress was tur- quoise and black with matching turquoise accessories. Her corsage was also of pink aqd white rose- bnds. The reception, which followed the ceremony, was held in the Colonial House where pink and white gladioli were used for deco- rations. Chrystal can0etabra with pink rosebuds graced the recep- tion table. The three-tiered cake with pink rosebuds was topped with the tra- ditional miniature bride ana groom. Presiding at the coffee service Salty Sashayers Name C. Downing New President At the Salty Sashayers' square dmlce Satnrday night, Carl Down- ing was installed as president for tile coming year. Thoe elected to serve with htm are: Vice president, Archie Vauffhn: secretary-treasur- er. Irving Vik: represnta- lives to the Rainier Council Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Grunert and Mr. and Mrs. Bill White. Mr. and Mrs. AI Edson will be working with the food cornmittee. The club's caller, Clint Renney, announced plans are being made to start new sqllaro dauce lessons September 24 and continue each Monday evening for approximately 16 weeks. The place will be an- nounced at a later date. This class will be for beginners as well as those who have square danced before and would like a re- view of both square dances and round dances. Following the regu- lar lesson each Monday evening, Clint and Sylvia Renney will teach new round dances to the club mem- bers. The Salty Sashayers are on the decoration committee for he Fall Festival Dance to be held at the Tacoma Armory September 29. Morris Sevada, a well known In- dian caller from Arizona will be calling the dances. ESA HOLDS FIRST MEETING OF THE 1962-63 SEASON Beta Zeta, Chapter, Epsilon Sig- ma Alpha held its first scheduled meeting September 10 at the home of Mrs. Bill Kimbel. Mrs. Floyd Ridout, president, distributed the Chapter yearbook to each member present. Ways and means, welfare, social and educational chairmen gave a resume of their committee func- tions for this 1962-63 season. Beta Zeta has chosen to support the lo- cal Rogers School, Exceptional Forester's, Inc., as well as its state welfare projects. Educational director, Mrs. Ed Dunbar, has outlined a very inter- eating monthly program of Arts and Crafts. beginning this month with "Art Foam Projects". Mrs. Ridout, president, held a board meeting last week at the home of Mrs. Bill Kimbel at which time Chapter activities were form- ulated for this year. Mrs. Bill Hunter was honored with a baby shower following the close of the meeting. Refreshments were served by the hostess and Mrs. Bob Wolden, co-hostess. Last Saturday the Beta Zeta Chapter held its annual summer dance at the Shelton Golf Club. The theme chosen. "Journey to the Bottom of the Sea" was accented by centerpieces of styrofoam fish at each table. Mrs. Ken Snfith, chairman, was assisted by Mrs. Bill Kimbel, Mrs. Wayne Herren, Miss Charleen Smith, and Mrs. Bob Wolden. An evening of dancing and visiting was enjoyed by all. w-s--Mr-. Lee---Gil---es, a---u-st of th------- bride; punch, Mrs. Leo Koenigs- berg, aunt of the bride; tea, Mrs. Elyn Rasmussen, aunt of the groom; cake, Mrs. Oliver Fry and Mrs. Robert Rasmussen. Mrs. Pat Havens attended the guest book and Mrs. Harold Wilson took charge of the gift table, The new bridegroom is a grad- sate of M-mtesano high school and Grays Harbor college. He m pres- ently employed at Camp Grisdale. His bride fraduated from Irene S. eed hign school. They will make their home in Montesano. i i i DANCE to COUNTRY MUSIC at THE TROPICS Tex Mitchel Band EVERY SATURDAY Olympia-Shelton Freeway SHOP R S| :IAL ' FOAM' OR TUFTED SLEEP SET " MATTRESS and BOX SPRING FOAM TUFTED N eveN 2 ;Al:rgT':rn, n g Plast,N HnaSd pe:f:dTr:rnln g Constant Density Extra Deep 72" Mattress matching box spring GUARANTEED FOR 10 YEARS FIRST and CEDAR Ray Monger, owner and operalor 3 Days Only Thurs., Fri., Sat. FULL SIZE or TWIN $1 down and $5 per month Page 3 GRADUATE MISS JANICE MAINWARING graduated September 9 from Emmanuel Hospital School of Nursing in Portland. She is presently at Reed College in Portland where she is Campus Nurse and is attending classes. Miss Mainwaring attended Irene S. Reed high school in her soph- omore and junior years. Vicki Lee Auxiliary Sets Year's Plans The Vicld Lee Orthopedic Auxil- iary held its September meeting at the home of Mrs. Gone Ayers. Co- hostess was Mrs. Bill Jackstadt. Projects for the corhing year were discussed and a trip to the Orthopedic Hospital. was planne0 for October 11. Mrs. Alex Smith was a visiting guest. The October meeting .will be held at the home of Mrs. teens Btmnell. Co-hostess will be Mrs, George Schnabel. Hillere.t Homemakers Meet Next Wednesday The Hillerest Homemakers Club will meet for a 12 noon potluck next Wedesday at tim home of Mrs. Agnes Lund, 1228 Raih'oad avenue. Clnb members will attend the Seattle World's Fair September 24. New officers are: President. Ivh's. John Jansson; vice pres., Mrs. Darrell Sparks; secretary, Mrs. V. M. Jackson; treasurar. Mrs. Ray Hamilton. Mrs. Charles De- oss is a new nember. Convention Reports Heard By Auxiliary .. American Legion Auxiliary lneeting for Angust was given over to Bellingham Convention ,eports by the delegates. Mrs. Royal Clin- toll, aew Auxiliary presidelt, an- nounctK| her conqfllil tees fHr the year. The Seplembcr ,1 meeting fol- h)wed the regl,la,' bt,siness order. The early payment of dues for tile new year was stressed. The Auxil- iary hopes to reach qUOtH l)y NO- vPnlber. Kiwanis hmcheons arc served by the Auxiliary each second Tuesday and membership help is always needed Shelton Garden Club Meeting Next Monday 'lhe Stlelton Garden Club will meet at 1:30 p.m. next Monday a the home of Mrs. Frank Nihart on the Delight Park rosa. Mrs. Nihart's ellrysanthcmuln Earden will be visited during tile course of lhc ineeting. I)ues will .. be collected for Lhe new year. Anyone needing a ride should " contact Mrs. William Henderson at 426-6349. Literature is news that stays news. - --lJzra Pound s.,,o., NEW sights on e AI little as $3.0 weekly Iltolimell dnwn Imel • 0nly 19 pounds less bar and chain • direct drive • fells trees up to 3 feet In diameter • rulged, fast-cutting, dependabl| • ground-level cutting • all-position euttlng vailab[e with straieht blades ftogl 12" to 21" $1e the new [ullllne ol Homellle chldlt IIWI5 Ask fer a flea demonstratlaP. Saeger Meier Shop on HILLCREST "Service and Sides" '50,0,,00, ..... OLD HEMER on the eady purcha of this Quaker Heater equlpped with automatic forced ir fan and automatic air feed.  Automatic .... FORCED AIR FAN tl Makes your n ww Quaker al eulamal¢ forced air heaflnl system, • T.ums Ifae  and off auto, nflcally. • €irculale OI-THIRD morl  warmer air then od/nas¥ he,tee blow  fan. .4ut0000tk "AIR-FEED" Turns smoke |rife ,eat! Automatically suplie con.ect amount of air to burner, :EHminates draft probo ictus. Asures highest bU ¢y _. =-owo=t fuel c ,,. 2-WAY MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE i Guarand to give you more Guaranteed to heat your home ¢foet in every room of your 2 on 25% to 331%' le fuel than home on less tel than any 'any ordinary heater  YODt dinay heater o YOU IIONEY BACK. Plus many other OUTSTANDIN$ FEATURES! • Quaker Leng.Ufe "$mlkelesi" Iiurnor--glvee exlra /mat from wvery drop of oil. Doesn't smoke =t nny stage ot fire. • AII-Slwll €oesfructlon--glves 51/a limes foster warm.up than old-fclahloned slow heating test iron. MODELS PRICED FROM $169.95--Easy Terms--Trade Now-- SAVE! • . P,$. - And when you're in the mood, stop in .or one of our BURGERS -- made with only the best beef available -- wrapped in tin foil to keep them warm -- Your best bargain at 25¢, or we'll fix them deluxe with tomatoes and all the trim- mings -- 35¢. OR ;€ BUR '--y°uGER are real hungry --try JUMBO our's so big most people use two hands to hold it. METRECAL, BAH! -- EAT -- EAT  EAT! Olsen Furniture Co. 328 Cots St. Phone 426-4.702 []