September 13, 1962 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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September 13, 1962 |
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13, 1962 SHELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL- lblished in "Christmastown, U.Z.A.]' Shelton, Washin 7
ath Of M F kTh k """" "" "' "'" .. Ch Oh h II Step u th
rns De rs. ran 0mas LastWee -...=. -.. ,o Children's Confirmation ristian urc p ,
kV LLV|IU iVLIUVn illl|lll 1111111 Classes at. IVZt. Olive Lutheran
A -- m -- i-- [] wnui Saturdaymornmgs, 9 Lo 10:30a.m.
Best + ' '++: 0++ ..,,. ., .,,,,+..n ++++++s'+++'+++++++++'+++' +.o,,o+Has ulster,, ,d li
: ++ n, fro., WII+ M,', and M,'+. Sa,,. C1 ....... t, .'e- da ' .,. .... ,,m--.j ..... """ "" wu'm' r are for children of grades 7 and 8 ...
00/ihil;:ii+:i:00ikili00;i:iiiii ,+Me +.. ++++at+ ++++>o+++
+ !.f'.lr$ t++.v,,_ Ii. J-J.T ;a t,,,,,,,,,, r dallghte Betel.. '1.I jl.'_+,, + S .laJm++for " "ae.,tWOMrs. 'Ill II IIII I I,'' `me+It_" Bla,r"" tz ..... were :,_.+,'All|| mickSle is, DorothYcreeke'cSeventhbrldge.'atClark)'nbn.thdaYtheandswillthedO . , _ +, _ .... +__i+::+l:?:+++Bminister p.m.- -'----'--- ----'--------'-Sept'Will tie :ibe21. The publicZIclt t °ichurChis ill-11
.. t. +he ]ived in Allyn a visit of several days with daugh- .. Th+ Te,','+ll+ -,.v.r.c .,, T ........ LILLIvVAUP .... Lilliwaup Corn- attended to bring congratulations oren WhOSe pa.,'ents al'e llOt mere-
+nunity Club entertained Friday to Mrs. Ahl. .oers of Mr. Ohve are..mvited. Rev. /I
• " r ' . ' ' Liez+alfl l-lernlan Will teach L,](
'he • • • an c d 'e .p. ,n] yab e cvemng w)th a potluck droner I It was a beautiful day and ta- .
.+eJxed at. 6.30 p.m. Abut 5 at- I bles were set up outdoors where
iuae sh? attel!.ded 3oyi!lg Dshmg on A!lyn Bay... day shopping in Bremertoli ;i'ues- " ..... o 2 • crosses. He attended Lincoln School in l| !
tended the dinner Pinochle was retie h e " ,, +
/ . s m nts ere served. As the _ Tttcoma and Puget Sound College ]i 1 !,1
:: s,e af.ter majoring in turned to Allyn 'rl'.ursday after Y'. ........ + ..'2".. played starting, at 8 p-re.: Eight guests departed they wished Mrs. . -, .... of the Bible in Seattle and has/I I Jkl
tables were pmyeo with nigh lAhl many more halnv birthdays teacher aria parents get acquaint- been tile minister of the Sand-/| j [ . '-I
+ us. Mrs Tho,,aos ee/ ter "Shirle ..... n e,a,, +, ,,, /weanesaay on mmmess getting ....... " e '
score going to Ruth Demter and/ .............. of d meeting, point, Idaho, First Christian/| ] ] l IL--iBI
:' rl0ss a .......... " .......... t. .... ..- some much needed things taken ot) .......... lvtotzett; mw to Min Wiveu"/l Lon-woodmrs' lUBeachtUpam)_ave EvereLta bon vo- It- ........ m wm a sad ann heavy elmrch the past five years. /I + I ! '7
lanta I]arbara.tCalif., I kant'eesahnadands::n:fulishi]ng/caretioa bbef2ireithehiheud?k and Frank McIntyre; 300 pinochle i .... ..... h .... h, h ..... w," heart that I have written my He and his wife, Arminta and/i [I 1[
mas'rank Thomas. , A1-Itrip to one of. the lakes, around/Tne .... TerretJsS wm'S .ur,ve- to* arai- 'y'" to Even NniCholand BwO:s M:nf; ] nes'daV,..'n"'ono'r*o'-'i.s"" E"dna news eo!umn .th!s week. It wa's two sons, Arthur, 4 and David, l,/I i t illll
+L' aas been in Shel- / Spkanec3th,sng Svlel:C e /net, Mont.., to visit tile Tony Got-- tet . -g a 1 ..... ...... .... n xxrn; r ...... .uen a snoeK to learn Of the su- WigtonWill liVeis Sta native1925 HaYof Snohomish.St' Mrs./ill I . ....
winner of the door prize. I :''£ +"+:,-,n.;'+.',+r.E den passinff away of Mrs. KarZ A reception in honor of the new/I kawl0n Lumber 60.
.......... -..C+ n ap to .t-tawan I , . . During the evening Daisy Vance I ;,.++'.'",.=..,' "m::';t'o+q,','+ (Vera} Linscott early Saturday
....... • +ome fzshmg m the Yellowstone
"'-' and Bob Moffett spread 10001 :i".:__'-'F"':_/".:'",% \\;"--'-':"=*'o: morning. She wa dearly lovel held at the |l
[_V[RGREEN- c%2 ..g bye3b°atil[ZourVle ' art wil e apuv tur a x, nut, ...... -p " at Arcadia anti Lake Boulevard at/i 420 So. First St.
bfe?r'edg°gnhge° BBiltlygtt°ki t Ace.s. 2he next card p y 1 b i4et fli,,h* to T.ondon by all who knew her, and will be
; iil A-- J islands, and also visit the Carl/ md famil --" -i a Von Os" held Friday evening, Sept. 14 to[ --.. .. . ." ._ . reatly missed. The community
! [ UrL U0= I j Hirsches who live in Honolulu ..... y. Tne J.n . •tens start at 8 p.m. Mabelle Willson [ rl'r;X WJt,X Zn'.St On'. the .m- extends their deepest sympathy "itpd. J ......
tmh IsJes then see fan mtne t
| Its_-- "='= + I r A'rt r ,,, r.^_,, i wn£ talce care o+ l:ne place wniie vnd Dais 5 Vance will be hostesses/" "+ ...... o the husband and family
! Mnl)i| I along with the Rod Hansens, went [ they a,e aw. for the evening. The public is in- i tall when it is entrancing. They Faith and Lew Evans 'of oli
i -------'--
! mVDIL i/camping on the Dozewallips ZastJ M. AND MRS. CLEM Sar- vi+^d ..... !plan to spend the winter in the oay ....... eacn, returne to"worK'"ana" i
! h- +'m l iweek, trying their fishing luck l gent are very happy to nave their MR. AND MRS. LON WEBB In°rth European countz'ms, posst- routine law w " "
.... +++-++ +++++ s++ I Well Drilling
entertained Sept. o 2tt an open ., - ].a, • ill lal, € week vacatmn. Part of the hme
| uriimsaimi I]along the river there. Iaughter and husbana, mr. and . . . . t: eeg, after a two
IgrnilUi_ • I/ The Howard Wynns have re-I Mrs. Ted MatsOn MOve back tO A1- house in honol of MI Webbsmo zertanu a careta,,r , ........... - th ...........
• " "" " " ' " • " " "" i - ey na three oI t|lell" granosons,
re, then horn( ammg me a
| "mall ||| I lturned to Allyn after a visit with llY. n. from Quilcelze. Ted will work the," Mrs. Allie Ahl, who eele- ' " " .... while the boys parents Mr. and
| .._ --- I]relatives in Newport Orp., and lW,th the argent Oyster t.;o; The brated her 95th birthday About sence. . Mrs Pete Wahl enlo,,ed e,:,,,
! Illl I/Cresent City, Calif lyoung coupm are ouiiaing a home -- Those present to wish Mrs. Jes- d ' +"" '' :/" "" ....
..... . . . •. , ays aea,o.. .e,,y, .e we- 01
"'" I glL I/ Mrs. Judy Von Osen and littlel here we understand. I.qup a joyous ann sate journey thg ....... .... , .............
--,,umV ]/Karen returned to Allyn Tuesday I Now we have a resident deputy of Oyster harvesting n w, gvmg were mesdames Erna Martin, Vw- --, - -- : - • i
r , ..... l,n++,+ after a flight from St Paul, I Sheriff at Allyn Harold Brown employment to several ah°me, _res" , ginia llison,. .Alma .... Wolfram, Ed- CWeveryan.anaytneoa ,.oyStne ueachSpenc neartYAfter WATER WELLS -- TEST ES+
• . . v . " ' the ooys left, Evans went to
IB.IIPC¢[ E t ,,.Lo.T,.ot,..!?. i/broLhers while there. They attend- [lyn, Harstine, Agate, and Grape- a busY .lille ahead a: the quahty and Alice Reew3 Luncheon was O- ":'" :: • "- "
of the oysters m our bay nero is followed by the presentation oz a-'o-," ..... ; • " iii
.:. .;:. ?o.+o++ w,,. led oe," .+ck's w+dd,+ w.,o. v+e+ a,+ea+ + ,'+den+ .ono ,+ " . , . - . uean nores rot a coup,e oz lays
supezb, travel gifts. Al'ter which two ta- and .....
BONLESS 'i:t_rinvoice. ||was a beautiful affair in their lCRestview 5-2176, also She|ton . .+,.+ o ,a,.,,c,+, +,,,, edell _rL_m= _
' cMBE " l'ome church Jud " " h
f 1 t'I,R0"J'R'NEW I/. • . y m glad to be [p one 426-3610. NORTIt MASON neigh borhood]b)es of bridge were tlayed . warm p erma or the ocean,
e - + then on o eattle zor a full day
| '_ NUM-BEFI-'" I|back home again after a most/ Fred Mills is a01e to be out of girl, scout leaders will meetS,pt.. Mrs. Bill McKasson.. entertained., a ......... .. , an. oo y m a eoume" | LAWRENCE BEDELL
I...1 °=rt [/gratifying visit " [the hospitai and home after his 10 at 10:30 a.m. at the ranK ]last week Tiny rim Orthopemc of st .... , ....... , ..,, .... +t.
Ib 98t IJt¢"+'++3-+ II MlgS. PAT Ullrickson arid her car accident two weeks ago near I
seen I Coulter Those+eaenlCwishing+t°me girl°n scoutMissi°ninforma-aKe" I Guildthe comingat theirvearfirStwithmeetingMrs John°f friends '. ........................ i Route 3, Box 170, Sh+lton
: -. zz'st t moth i
tion may attend this meeting or I Laramie presiding as president. Trot r 2 4. . Phone 426-4713
i I' , I The A1]yn ambulance and fh'st
call CR 5-5372, . [ the meeting consisted of formu- ,It a-aa zjkU
i DUPMI:I.I:S+ 0ke ili '111111111111111111111111111111i1111111111111111111111111111111111111/z ecenty ]111111111 III ald ca, WaSsuspectedCalled ovelhartVIctOZattac].way Judy Yon Oaten is your contact i latinff m.ole-+ts for the yea r Thev i i
,'+ ,o , . ,, + + +. + + + + at. on +. +e. +.
t IIIHI: 'Lh+UCn--TUi "|Patient'doingnicelyaftez'ashort o . " '- - "" "' --------
ss far Ib |i,'!9 1"me __ " " ''" ..... " "+[]"[]" -- I+ MR. AND MRS. DEL Stormo The ladies of the "Beach Bunch" I ++. Christmas home-+inade cookie
i? "=' VIIKfl inr nuarn .|.tay in Harrison Ho+pital. • ll be on vacatmn. ]'manksgiving turkey sale, and
-- "--" "e '41 |''m,,E_pANORAMIC SPLE ................ |spent the weekend camping on held a get-to-getner luncheon at|sale.
49 a,-o-, es.:,vn r t-mlE, UU:SH- __ the Dosewallips tryin their luck Susie Von Osten's Friday, as a i Mrs. Bill McKasson was hostess I I I I
|. .',H.E. OLyMPIC M .... TAINS, . --] ..... g good bye to Elme Clements, be-land Mrs. Bob Weatherly co-hos- II II
.+ sw = lat zzsmng.
. mWissoAlPS l..av 2 nothing on the beautiful [] Mr. and M]'s. Fred Valley, along fore her Hawaiian trip. Those pre-Itess, n
( m THE LI " _ .. , Y , e- Crary0 Lillian Hemphill, Judy Von |Jim Dean, John Laramie, Oliver M • I • B
, UAL I ARS DEN , and dine on TOP ' -- brute h" " "
'TH LIoASED Oaten, Susie Von Oaten, Elsi'e Cle-I Grey, Kenneth Connallv :Neff i i ii -- -- --
Ib ,u .--_,.,-r,-,+na,z. o/,'t aria u,-t.)- • --)other day merits and Lois Terrell. I Simmans, Verne Hunter, J3ob Nes-
FhIEAFOOD DINNERS. --| LouiseVatson and a ill fziend Have you noticed Steve Boyce's[bitt, Bill Robbins, Bill Bryant
| ['Dinners from $2.50---Child's Plate -€1 -= Dust ,'etnrned' a vaeation in improvements on the approach to/Roger Addleman, Bob Weatherly
: n- "- Hawaii. his place? The wheels on his gate| and Bill McKasson, Mrs. Jack
4 A $ I i, Lll]f dtil'-0-B-- nn. =/ Several from here spent the past nre ab°ut 50 years °ld and are[ Grubb and Bob Douglas were
i.ll, uuonmRR fl¢0UE I 'E|cw]eekend at the ocean digging flora an old "American Express,guests. Refreshments were served
• " -i lama amonff them the Harris wagon. Steve is retired from the I at a late hour.
'F'le°r!"0ns if deWashingt°n" Phone TR 7-5388 _---- Vatsons. Mrs. Ellaand RicClaud h'vins.:. American Express having been I HOODSPOWr chool will hold t
! "°n(i :.If desired--We outer to group luncheons and dinners __]+ .......... e en!.e, tamed her 35empl°yedyears. by them in Tacoma for]l evening,their firStsept.PTA17.meetingThis willM°ndaYbe a
L ,I.UI" i'tIl(t llllsDanfl n om l)envel
: OINING ROO Cole th • " " "
i " m oo o, ,A.,;s .,.. w: . =| .. e ,+t week. 'e ,,s,o,'s
' IJAMfaTXTt' Trwnw .. ,^ .... -----|look in the fair while here.
IIIIm..-CING ±u:UU '.!Vl. =| The Sargent Oyster CO. and the
I000, 89' + L
, ?e, Pkg. 5 (: CUST0
' • d " " dF M
Ft. Fng00 a00re /'r,st Proo[ Foo reezer KS QUALITY IT'S TiME
Bottle • No More Defrosting -- Ever
• Frost Never Forms
4 'o'' 49" • Frozen Foods S.y Zero Cold .
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• Giant Sliding basket-drawer
7K ONLY '369
mt ,,.+,. Milk00Qc- ....oo+_ o__..o._
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l-lb. %. 1%
+ ods stay Zero-Cold
Pkg s . i ] tidth, full-depth
_J q 1.15. AI lk Irigeratedshelves
OUU L Pkgs. Ill 't ! k tq) to 16 frozen food
%kages in each of the 4
FEATURES tra-deep door shelves.
"s For Only...
'1899 s
TRADE Modcl UFD-11.2
ough Sa÷urday, September 15th'
.................... , ...,.
+Bear Brand DeLuxe Knilting Worsled
Most Popular 4 ply Yarn Made of Virgin Wool.
For Sweaters, Coats and Afghans
Mazy Beautiful Colors
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Shrinkproof -- Machine Washable -- Mo,thproof
• ' Wonderfully Quick and Easy to Knit and
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• Hand-wired chassis 2 oz. Reiilar $1.19 Specia 9S €
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• Front speaker and controls ,,.
• High voltage--19,000 New Swealer Kits for Your Inspiralion
• 5 Tubes "
• Hand-wired Choose from 6 Styles 1# t-
Ie _ iltll _. Ili • Air-core Antenna Wishbone Cable $1.I.1.4[,
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Also Stereo HI-FI, with MULTIPLEX FM
DEPA]P, TMENT- :i Floor " j APPLIANGE DEPT. -- 2nd Floor
i .,+n
Patio +599 ,
Oiher Swealer & Afghan Kils
Insir.clion Books + Knilling Needles