September 13, 1962 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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Page 10 SHELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL-- Published in 'rChristmastown, U.S.A.," Shelton, Washington Thursday, Septem
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Two Graoeview Youn00 Men: Are Married Last Week Hoodsport Mourns Death Of Mrs ,
, A n u • shor00 time between planes to Journal Wan
r ? ' " IImB spent with them, she and her ! ,iCozy and Friendl
L U R II ,:00.APEV,00W ........ ] (' " e y C 1 *l" * h e E , O ]{ (, n ] s n I t h V c Z - g r, d e ,' g " e e t e d by t e a c h e ,- , M r .
d]eZighL ceremony united Richard broskis. Thelma O]son, were Monica E]d- Karl Linsc0tt ... .,,.a* ",, Home BIIIBIMi,in'II"V three small children being on their
6ay Isabelle Hicks accompanied F
Loans on furniture,
automobiles, equip-
ment, livestock, or
other security and
take up to 48 months
to repay. Credit Life
Insurance is avail-
able. Phone, stop in
or write:
124 Railroad Ave.
Shelton, Washington
Phone 426-4447
Lee Okonck and Miss Carol Jean
Zabroski in marriage last Sat-
urday evening at Mount Olive Lu-
theran church in ShclLon. Rich-
ard is the non of Mr. and Mrs.
Edward Okoral of Grape.view a.nd
Carol, the.: daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Victor Zabroski of Agate.
Serving as ring bearer for his
brother was ymmg master Leslie
Okonek while cousin Miss Debbie
i Flom of Tacoma was a very sweet
flower girl. Many friends attended
the church service and the recep-
tion which followed, staying on
to send the happy couple on their
way midst showers of rice and
good wishes. Unable to Lake time
off from his job aL Boeing Air-
craft Co., Richard and Carol had
to postpone their honeymoon trip
vnd are getting settled in their
home in Tacoma.
An op,m house at. the Grape-
view home of the groom's par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Okonck,
was held later that same evening
which gave many of their friends
an opportunity to drop in and
share in the joy of this happy oc-
The newlyweds enjoyed a first
dinner in their new home on Sun-
day when the "folks" came to call
thoughtfully providing the groc-
eries. The "folks", of course, were
Underground Utilities
By Hour or Contract
DIAL--426-6203 426-3433
707 South First
i, i i i
ANOTHER OF Grapeview's
young men who snceumbed to the
"tender trap" of matrimony this
month was Raymond J. Schwinn,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Schwinn. He and Miss Marjorle
Grace Krieger were wed Sept. 1
in Aberdeen. She is the daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Krie-
gcr of that city. Following a
honeymoon trip arotmd the Olym-
pic Loop and a visit with Ray's
parents in Grapeview, the young
couple are at home near McChord
Field where Ray will be stationed
with the Air Force until Febru-
Deliciously tempting smoked
salmon "ala Clem" claimed the
spotlight for a delightful buffet
"uppcr served in the Clem Holl's
flower-bedecked patio last Thurs-
day evening. Clem's culinary pro-
wess was tested and duly ac-
claimed, not only by his wife,
Marge, but all the guests as well,
3udging by the way the food dis-
appeared. Enjoying the fine fare
wet'e the Julie Stocks, Ed Okon-
eks, Fred Lutzes, W. G. Clay-
tons, Jr., C. W. Seiners, Russ
Wells, "Spec" Fredricks, Howard
Cooks, Howard Seiners and Bud
Welch plus Leslie Okonek, Chief
&'nd Georgia Clayton and Liz, Don
and Kristi Somers.
The U.S. Coast Guard might do
well to investigate a possible ad-
dition to its reserve forces if Orin
Soule's activities this past Mon-
day aftenaoon are an indication
of his capabilities. Sighting a
small outboard cruiser'which hB, d
broken loose from its moorings
snd was bobbing helplessly toward
Rocky Bay, Orin rescued it, tow-
ing it in to the A1 Richards where
it is anchored. RetreaDing to
Souel's Cove he spotted another
boat floating at the mercy of the
wind and waves, so he brought
that one to shore also; this time
to the Walter Clayton beach. It
is a yellow boat, the "Ruff
Ready". Unfortunately, Les Rice's
pretty blue and white cruiser
broke loose and floated away on
the opposite side of Treasure Is-
land, out of Orin's sight and, at
this writing is still missing some-
where near Rocky Bay. Julie and
Doris Stocks' little runabout,
"Jude", took off raft and all with
the idea, no doubt, that the wa-
ters around Victor were calmer.
No danmge was done, apparently.
school can boast of an enrollment
of 30 youngsters to start off the
lall semester, thanks to the addi-
tion of eight newcomers. First
Our budget plan spreads the cost of your heating oil over ten
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ridge, James Query, Terry Fraz-
er and Jane Pogreba.
An addition to the third grade is
Kathy Query. The upper room tea-
cher, Art Zehe, welcomed three
new pupils; fourth grader, Den-
his Frazer, fifth grader, Don
Query and seventh grader Eddie
Smith. Mrs. H. P. Hlllman is
again tempting the youngsters'
appetites with her nourishing lun-
ches and Orin Buckingham keeps
lhe wheels tmTling on the school
MOTHERS' CLUB held its first
meeting of the year last Wednes-
day in the school lunch room. Of-
ricers elected for this term are:
President, Shirley Engen; vice
president, Elizabeth Gatlin; secre-
tary, Ernestine Nicklaus and
treasurer, Ann Westberg. Several
of the mothers have agreed to
accompany the youngsters on Ms.
son County day to the Puyallup
Fair Tuesday, Sept. 18.
A leisurely family visit kept
lhe Bob Battles family busily and
happily occupied over this past
weekend. Saturday, Carole's mo-
ther, Mrs. Maxine Collins with
brotaer and wife, Mr. and Mrs.
Stephen Collins came over from
Seattle. Sunday the group was
joined by Carole's aunt and uncle,
Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Howisey
and their three children. Boating
and water skiing at Pirates Cove
was followed by dinner and gener-
al family, visiting,
We are happy .to welcome two
new families to our community.
In the little cottage by the Grape-
view Store are Mr. and Mrs. Den-
i nis Townsend and their infant son
i Marlin. Towsend, who is employed
!by the Olympic Drill Company
fin Shelton, is at present enjoying
his two weeks vacation.
The George Frazers and their
three sons are the new occupants
of the former Donn Marsh resi-
0ence (now owned by Mr. IV[or-
ris, as most of us know). This is
a happy situation in more ways
than one, for we are not only
happy to welcome new neighbors
kut are delighted to see our grade
school attendance boosted.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Baulig
and daughter Ardlth are enjoying
a week's vacation here at their
heach cottage. Enjoying their hos-
pitality at dinner Monday evening
were Mr. and Mrs. Walter Clay-
ton, St., with granddaughter
Excitement at "Spooner's Land-
ing" recently was of the pleas-
nt family, fun type wlten cousins
'.rein Prague, the Misses Nora
and Mary Jo Wheeler visited for
several days. Staying with their
:grandmother, Mrs Faye Michell,
Ithey toured various parts of Ma-
son County, spent a day at Mount
i Rainier and one at Hurrican Ridge
and also took in the World's Fair
in Seattle. After their westward
trip across the United States, their
return will be by train through
Canada with a proposed stop at
Niagara Falls before sailing from
Fifteen members of the 4-H
Builders Club spent a recent over-
night "roughing" it as Gerald's
Cove camp grounds on Harstine
Ysland. Chaperoned by leaders Mr.
and Mrs. Ray Edwards and Mr.
mid Mrs. Robert Whitmarsh, the
kids had a grand time, in spite
of cool weather, swimming, play-
ing football and eating those es-
pecislly satisfying "cook-out"
meals. Incidently, the Builders are
on the lookout for new members
to join their group.
'-4-H "Barnacles" met last Thurs-
day afternoon after school at the
home of Leader Mrs, Jubie Hicks.
Record books, due this week, were
checlted and worked on.
THAT TRIM 42 foot Chris
Craft moored in front of the How-
ard Seiners' home last Saturday
was the "Miss Kay II" out of
Everett, owned by Mr. and Mrs.
By Joyee Scott
HOODSPORT Shortly after
retiring on Friday night, Mrs.
Karl Linscott slipped away from
loved ones and friends. The week
had been a busy 'one, filled with
pleasant activity---Allie Ahl's par-
ty, the Garden Club picnic, guests
in on Thursday evening, the Lil-
liwaup party on Friday night.
Much as those who knew and
loved Vera will miss her, we can
rot help but be thankful she was
spared the suffering so many nmst
bear. Mr. Linscott has with him
at this time their four children,
Kenneth, Ruth Hadley and Betty
Raines from Seattle and Verna
Andrew from San Diego, Calif.
Scores of friends and relatives al-
l:ended the services in ShelLon on
Monday afternoon. Our sympathy
is extended to the family at this
says a month sounds better to
Two local girls, Bert Ing and
Clareda Bearden, will bc brides
ibis month and l9t:h were feted
aL showers this past week.
MRS. G EOI{( IANNA Fuller,
fro'met local girl now living in
Olympia, entertained in the Hoods-
port home of her mother, Mrs.
George Riker, in Clareda's honor
Saturday afternoon. Fifteen guests
enjoyed an afternoon of visiting
before Clareda opened her gifts.
She will be married aL H)od Ca-
nal Community Church Sept. 29
tc Robert Turner, Richmond, Cal-
Faith Evans, Madge Robinson,
Bessie Hale, Chaz Reeder, Billie
Astley and Joy Kilbourne were
hostesses for Bert Ing's shower
Wednesday night at Holiday
Beach. Fall flowers, mostly yen
way to Fairbanks, Alaska. Sun-
Rosie on a fishing trip to West-
port. Fishing has slowed consid-
erably but Isabelle was a lucky
gal and landed one of the seven
brought in on their boat.
THE ROY PIERCES are clear-
ing a site next to their present
home for a trailer. The old cabin,
formerly occupied by Mrs. Ba-
eon is being torn down. Roy found
a number of copies of the Hood
Canal Courier, printed here in Li]e
early thirties. The Andy Scotts
spent a pleasant evening reading
Food prices listed in the ads
would cause otr local merchants
to shudder---coffee 29c lb.; Purex
13c qt.; cheese 19c lb. Names of l
many residents appear freely. The
issue for Dec. 22, 1933 tells of
the beginning of the construction
of the Hoodsport school building.
I'm sure the Pierces would be
Available to you
NEX. You must
or your money
exercise, laxativeS,
ot so-called reducing
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NEX ts a tiny
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NEX costs $3,00
reason just return
druggist and get
back. No
is sold
HOOD CANAL PTA will gather
at the Junior High School for
the first meeting of the present
school year Monday, at 8 p.m.
The Executive Committee will
setwe refreshments. All parents
are urged to attend.
Mrs. Pauline Rydeen is hap-
pily anticipating a jet flight east
to visit relatives. She left Wed-
nesday to spend a few days in
Seattle before taking off. A sis-
ter and brother-in-law will accom-
I,any her east. The trip is planned
to last two weeks but Pauline
Nell Fowler. Accompanying the
Fowlers were their children, Niles
and Kay, and Mrs. Fowier's mo-
i ther, Mrs. Anderson. They stayed
for lunch and a brief visit with
Murial and children, foIlowed by
a quick tour of the winery be-
fore returning to Gig Harbor
where they anchored for the night.
A SURE SIGN that grape sea-
:,on is just around the corner is
the return of our beloved John
McGlothlin, who arrived in Grape-
view last Sunday with his wife
Emma from Siloam Springs, Ark.,
after an absence of nine months.
Jolm and Emma have been stay-
,,inff with Lloyd and Faye Richey
at their Stretch Island home. Ac-
companying the McGlothlins are
Entma's daughter, Mrs. Tim Wat-
son and daughter-in-law, Mrs. Bob
Townes. The visitors along with
Faye, enjoyed the World's Fair
iu Seattle Monday and Emma and
he two girls journeyed to Victoria
The Web EtherLons and Earl
Parks welcomed a happy houseful
i f • ,
io relahves thin past weekend.
Arriving on Friday were cousins
of Earl's, Mr. mad Mrs. Perry
Carmichael, Bedford, Iowa, and
Mr. and :Mrs. Ivan Carmichael,
Cheyenne, Wyo. Saturday Earl's
sister's daughter and son-in-law,
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Marley, arrived
lrom Bedford, Iowa. And joining
all to round out the congenial f:
mily gathering Sunday were the
Etherton's daughter and family,
Dal, Barbara, Jeff and Jay Smith
from Mm.wsville, and their son
and his bride, Larry and Gaff Eth-
erton from Seattle.
WWI Vets And
Auxiliary Meeting
lIadrona, Barracks No. 1462,
Veterans of World War 1 and the
Ladies Auxiliary wilt hold their
September meeting at 8 p.m. to-
night at the Memorial building.
At this meeting plans will be
made for the 1963 membership
drive and a further report will be
made on the State Department
Following the business sessions
there will be entertainment, re-
freshments and a social hour. All
World War.I-Veterans and their
Ladies are urged to attend his im-
portant meeting.
low, were beautifully arranged by
Marge Gibson. Chaz Reeder en-
tertained the group with some of
her "original" songs, carrying out
the bridal theme. Beri will be
married to Bill Fredson, Shelton,
in a small family wedding at
Holiday Beach Sept. 15.
RUDY SCHWAB has had a
crew of fish markers busy this
past week. Jean Bearden, Mary
Jane Sund, Phyllis Pierce and
Lillian DeVoe from HoodsporL and
Sally Selvidgc, Rea Brown and
Anne Campbell from Shelton are
the hardy gals who are doing the
The opening day of school was
a big day in the lives of 18 little
boys and girls in our town as
Ihey enrolled in the kindergarten
taught by Betty Schwab. Seeing
a real whale boue, getting ac-
quainted with a dragon fly, with
a little number and cutout work
an the side, were just a few of
the things enjoyed by,Dwight Ad-
dleman, Dale Anderson, Becky
Bates, Tammy Blackwell, Shan-
r.on Rae Bloomfield, Nanci Dean,
Rhonda Endicott, Dana Frint, Ke-
vin Gwinn, George Jarvis, Mary
Johns, Kevin Johnson, Carl Mil-
ler, Kathy Nesbitt, Jeff Pill, Lau-
rie Robbins, Bobby Rollevson and
Denise Twedt this past week. The
class meets each Tuesday, Wed-
nesday and Thm'sday morning.
MIL AND MRS. Ernest Worl
were over from Wesley Gardens
to attend the Garden Club picnic
at Potlatch State Park Thursday.
They were 'overnight guests in
the home of Mr. and Mrs. William
Rosie Smith visited in Tacoma
at the home of her sister, Mrs.
ghtd to share these interesting
papersl . .with others..,.1_ -.__
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Try Manley's Quick Servi_.,n [:i
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Try Our Home-Made Clam Chowder These Gool
FREE PARKING for our patrons next to I. W'/k'
Manley's Founlain
125 Cota Street
& Satur[
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Angle Agenoy
4th & Railroad Phone
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