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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
September 13, 1962     Shelton Mason County Journal
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September 13, 1962
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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:'day. A niece nd Rosie had een planes to she and her being on their Alaska. Sun- accompanied trip to West- dowed consid- was a lucky of the seven boat. ES are clear- their present The old cabin, by Mrs. Ba- wn. Roy found ; of the Hood ed here in the Andy Seotts ,ening reading d ill the ads cal merchants 29c lb.; Purex i lb Names of] mr freely. The l 1933 tells of • I e eonstructmn i hool building• rces would be se interesting Journal Wad FA Available to you prescription, o NEX. You or your money exercise, of so-called or cookies, or NEX is a tiny lowed. When cause tile and decreases Ybur weight as your own you eat less, yoU of excess fat ana NEX costs $3,00 t GUARANTEE: If t reason just druggist back. No is sold McCON KEY Evergreen Mail orderJ lORE TIME FOR M6 YOUR LUNCH ¢ Manley's Quick Servia nt's Lunch -- NO VI'S HOME-MADE PiES (Nuf Said!) )me-Made Clam Chowder TheSe cool • Y' LKING for our patrons next to Manley's Founlain 125 Cota Street RE CLEANLINESS IS A RI TUAId "; FOR REAL SAVINGS FIRE INSURANCE See Your IOM NORT |GLE-- HERB Angle Agency bad I U 0X Y ONLY STA ITS 7 and Friendly TECHNICOLOR' 3IELTONMA30N COUNTY JOURNAL Published in rCChristmastown, U.KA.," Shelton. Washington So cial Even ts Society Editor • Marj Waters • Phone 426-44:12 AUGUST WEDDING FOR THEM i ::iii$ i: ................ iiii!!!iii!!iiiii!i!'!ii:i';i!71'i MR. AND MRS. LARRY ETHERTON Were wed in the Bethel Lutheran Church of Shoreline by Dr. Carl O. Pederson August 25. She is the former Miss Gall Louise Lutes, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Lutes, Seattle. His parents are Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur N. Etherton, Grapeview. Mr. Etherton is a graduate of Irene S. Reed high school and attended WWC. The newlyweds will make their home in Everett. HARTY LUHD , (recently of Palm Springs) ' . at the Lowrey Organ & Saturday HigMs in the Shelton Hotel PRACTICAL NURSES WEEK SEPT. 10-14 This week, September 10-14, has been named Practical Nurses Week. Displays can be seen az',ouad town in regard to the work done by this group. It has been noted that 25,000 practical nurses graduated this year but there is a need for 200, 000 more next year. The local group meets every 2nd Monday. of the month at the Nurses Cottage next to the Shelton General Hospital. VISITORS FROM ALASKA Mr. Dan Loitz and Miss Marilyn Brice from Ketchikan, Alaska Vis- ited last we, ek with his grandpar- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas.. Loitz. Miss Brice is attending the Uni-- versity of Oregon and Mr. Loitz is going to the University of Arizona. CYO Officers And Leaders Guests At District Meeting The Catholic Youth organizalion held a t)otrd meelmg recently ill the hornc of Marslm Smith to make ])hms for activities for the ne\\;v school year. The officers an advisors were :@ecial dinner guests of the Tac- (ma district at Holy Cross Parish in Taeoola for a Wes[ern Deanery meeting. Bill Le Drew, vice presl- dent of Western Deanery, con- dueLed the husiness meeting. Jim Doerty, Kelly Fredsoll, Fra21 Dee- moo and Marie Warnes ha,re been hominatcd for deanery offices. The first regular meeting of the CYO will be held at 7 p,m. next  Tuesday ill the ehurcil social hall. ,Every Catholic boy and girl from ophomore through senior is in- vited Lo Mtend. Meeing, will be held on hc first and third Tues- clays of every month. ........................ Iota Chapter Hosts Scholarship Winners At Luncheon Meeting The Iota Chapter of Delta Kappa Gamma. an educational honorary for women teachers, held a lunch- eon meeting ,Lurday at the Tyee in Olympia. Honorary guests of the chapter were three girls who were awarded $100 scholarships to further their college training. Mrs. Elizabeth Kast, scholarship chairman, pre- sented Jill Esser of Olympia high school who will attend Whitman University this fall; Su.zanne Wet- ter, Shelton high school, who will be going to Western Washington College; and Betty Joan Nelsen of Yelm high school who has chosen Central Washington College. Mrs. Eileen Spaiing, program chairman, presented another fu- ture teacher, Gloria Frisch who delighted the group with her folk songs. Anderson, Erickson High Pinochle Scorers High ,scores at the Eagles' Sept- ember 8 card party went to Philip Anderson and Clara Erickson with Ernie Stuck and Avis Saeger tak- ing 2nd place. Ernie Sweiger and Vi Laugen won the traveling pinochle. The next card party will be held at 8 p.m. September 22 at the Eagles airport hall. The public is invited to attend. ' so safe you could extinguish a match in it! oil jus can't burn until atomized in your furnace. Actual tests show a natch, or even a burning torch, plunged in a container of furnace oil Mll go out instantly. What better proof that oil heat is safest of all! You need Wer worry about short circuits, fires in electrical systems or gas explosions. /U can relax with safe, dependable oil heat. ! OIL HEATS BEST... COSTS LESS High &hod 5po t/ight THE GREEN WDDL DRESS she is modeling in the above picture brought Chris Bunnell first place in the Drss Revue at the Mason C,ounty Fair taat month. Chris, an ISR senior, will soon be going to Vakima to enter state-wide competition in this 4-H sponsored project. This year's first prize winner in the Dress Revue at the Mason County Fair. Chris Bunnell. is an 5SR senior this year. In addition to first urize for the green wool dress Clris is modeling in the above picture, she received blue ribbons on three cotton dresses she also entered. Chris will be going to Yakina this month to compete in state- wide competition. She developed her sewing techniques as a mere- }_,or of the Little Egypt Sew and Sews 4-H Club of which she has been a member for years. She also belongs to 4-H Builders. Although she excels in sewing, Chris' schedule at ISR this year sounds am though uhe has serious ideas in mind for the futnre. Her subjects include Chemistry, Alge- bra III& IV, Senior Lit. & Comp., Advanced Typixg and Civics, Pep Club, G.A.A. and Honor Society are included in her scimol activities. Outside of school she. is a'member of Young Life as well as the two afm:ementionel 4-I:I clubs, She lists sewing, swimming, PlapSchool To Be Oul!ined At First Pro School PTA Meet Pre-school PTA will hold its first meeting of the year at 8 p.m. next Monday at the Evergreen school. Anyone having pre-school children or interested in the pre- school age child is urged to attend. The programs are aimed at the age group from birth to school age. At Monday's meeting Mrs. James Fletcher will outline the l)rogram £or the play-school which s sponsored by the Pre-School PTA. The Play-School is for children 3 to 5 years of age and will begin October 2. Those interested in en- rolling their children may do so at the meeting. For further in- formation call Mrs. Calvin Poe, 426-8658 or Mrs. Jerome Stein, 426-8078. MRS. WILEY CHOSEN NEW PRESIDENT BY MEMBER OF WCTU Mrs. Nena Roberts entertained the Woman's Christian Temper- ance Union at its result.luncheon meeting last Friday. Following the business meeting which legan with salutes to the American Christian and Temper- ance flags, Mrs. EwMene Farrell played seveal selections on her ac- cordion, The following officers were elected for the coming year: Pres- ident, Mrs. AzwiUa Wiley; vice pres., Miss Marian Johnson; corre- spondiag 'oec., Mrs. Gertrude Sae- ger; recording see,, Mrs. Manilla Galloway and treasurer, Mrs. W. H. Snelgrove. Mxs. Snelgrove was presented with a birthday cake which was baked 'by Mrs. Palmer Roberts. The/group sang Happy Birthday to her. Mrs: uelgrove is ta long-time member and efficient Secretary of the ffou. M,rs. ,0live Quartier will enter- tain the next meeting at which time, the president will announce her list of directors. cooking and baking as her favorite hobbies. Chris is 5'5" tall. She has brown eyes and black ham She made her appearance into the world May 12, :1945 in Bremcrton, Wash She was a tiny baby wtlen she moved to Shelton. Chris lives with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Bunnell on the Agate side of Hamnersley Inlet She has a married sister an(l two brothers, ges 1,l and 12. It is a little e'u'ly to be sure about plans for the future but Chris thinks she will either go into ran'sing or enter Bcauty school after graduation. ,rhatever she chooses, her talent for sewing v/ill a.lways 'tSsllre her of being well i dressed ............................. Candle Making Project For Rainier Guild The Rainier Orthopedic Auxil- iary hehl its Sptcmber meeting last \\;Vednesday evening at the borne of Mrs. Robert Nell. Work plans for the year were laid out, at the business meeting. The group plans t,o sell Christ- nms candles this year and. am in the past will feature the hand- made beeswax candles that may be ordered m a variety of colors. As an added fealure this year, ceeorated hceswax candles will be New Schedule For Sheltoa Guild The first regular meeting of the season for tl'.e Sheltoa Guild will be held at 8 p,m, tonight at the home of Mrs. Lois Hunter, 1.711 A.dams Street. Mrs. Rose Vgarnes will be co-hostess. The meeting dates have been changed from the first Thursday ol the month to the second Thurs- day. Meetings have been sched- uled to start in September instead of October. AU mmbers are urged to at- tend s projects for the coming year ,@.ill be decided on. Any mem- bel" with outstanding dues may bring them to this meeting. made by the members Surprise Party For 40th Anniversary Mr. and Mrs, Je.% Hill were given a surprise party last Sunday on the event of their 40th wedding anmversary. The couple was mar- ried in Salem, Oegon on Septem- ber 9, 1922. They have made their home at Mason Lake since 1933. Their daughter, Mrs. George Pitts, arranged the get-together for friends and relatives in honor Page 11 Republican Women., Hood Canal Club To Formulate 1962-63 Activities The Hood C:tnai Vomans Club wil] hold its first meeting of the 1962-63 year next Thursday at the Potlatch clublwuse. Mrs. Walter D. Thwaites. President. will star' the t msiness meeting at 11 a.m. Mrs. Vcrnc l-Iill. Hostess chair- man, has announced that the }loodsporL women will act as llln- cheol ho.tcsses. This committee includes the Mesdames Herbert Dickinson. William Gilbert and Verne Hill. This first meeting will be of .,:portal importance and interest to all members in formulating the club's activities for the year. Pans will also be made for the Gctober 9 meeting at which the Cub will be hostess to the Dist- rmt Federation of 'Women's Club. 2his special meeting will be held at Alderbrook. EXECUTIVE BOARD OF PTA COUNCIL TO MEET The Mason County PTA Council will hold its first executive board meeting of the fall at 9:30 a.m. this Friday in the library at Ev- ergreen school• All officers and committee chair- men are urged to be present. Use Journal Wad Ads To Present Speaker At Dessert Tea "A Wmnan's Eye View of Poli- tics" will be tle title of a tall( l,@ Mrs. James "vV. Bryan ,Jr. of Brem erich at the Dessert Tea to be hel'd from 1:30 - 3:30 p.m. next Aretlne - day in lhe East.wood Room at A. derbrook Inn. The Tea will bt, sponsored by the Mason C(mnt, "vVmncn's Republican Club :Mrs. Bryan is tile edncalitl chairman of the Washington Stat'e Fcderatiol of Women's Republican Clubs. Reserwxtions for the tea ma, he Inade by calling Mrs. Gny .N,)t:- ris. ,126-6066. Alice Dielle. 428:. 3416, Mrs. Ran(tall l]ldyke q9- 2277 or Mrs. George Shacldeford. Belfair. CR 5-3002. LOYAL ORDER OF MOOSE Shelton Lodge No. 1684 Gerry Hart, Governor Phone 426-3047 .... Russ Morken, Secretary: Phone 426-4071 MEETINGS HELD EACH 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of the Month 8 p.m. Airport SAF E BOXEs Private -- Confidential -- Economical @ Your Privacy our first concern , I Cheerful Service @ EmergencyAir and Communication System ,, @ Wide choice of Boxes @ $5.00 Yearly (plus tax, key, deposit) Shellon Branch Thurston County Federal Savings & Loan Association Accounts Insured to $10,000.00 by the F.S,L.I,C. 9 A.M, - 4 P.M. Monday thru Thursday 10 to 3, 4 to 5:30 Fridays Home Office Branch O{flce 5th & Capitol Way • 313 Railroad Ave. Olympia, Wash. Shelton, Wash. SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES . Private, Confidential, Economical AMAZING ECO#OM00 USES 1A THE DETERGENT AND BLEACH.,. AND LESS WATER THAN O.THER AUTOMATICS! MATCHING WESTINGHOUSE "HEAVY DUTY" ELECTRIC DRYER NEW WESTINGHOUSE "HEAVY DUTY" LAUNDROMAT00,;,o00:;, '290 ONLY PER WEEK PRICE TO $249.00 The re's no washing lob that's too tough for this "Heavy Duty"Laundromat to handlel The most stubborn stains and dirt are re. Ioved quickly and €omp[etely with its ex- clusive Multi.Speed Tumble Action. Four washing cycles, Suds 'N Water Saver, Handy Weighing Door, Giant-Size Capet. Ity, are just a few Westinghouse features. "Heavy Duty" means your Westinghouse is built better to last longer, too o .. to per. form better.., with a minimum of servic. Ing. Come]hi See a demonstration todayl Yo ca be re,.,if i'= Wutinltow¢. Shelton Eieotric Co. 419 Railroad Ave. Phone 426-6283 I