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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
September 13, 1962     Shelton Mason County Journal
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September 13, 1962
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Thursday, 13, 1962 SHELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL-- Published in "Christmastown, U.S.A.," Shelton, Washington Page 13 AA LARGE day Morning Nips ensln MatiockArea  I}0ra Hearing ii,  We had a frost @lty Saturday morning pe SOme folk's gml. range held their rcg- . 6 riday ni ht and de- then Booste Night Mrs. Larry Chamberlin in Olym- pia. Mr. and Mrs. William Harris of Montesano were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Elvin Hearing. MIL AND MILS. EDWARD Val- ley spent Sunday niglt with Mr. iests of Mr and Mrs. and Mrs. Hiram Kingery of Bra- Ward were lIrs. Doyle geae, Ore. lz'. and n of Montesano, and s. Harry Rickert of 3daas, Ogden, la!e, w days with Utah,the Ken-iS I: . m family .g8. Lud'Iossmaier are £)07 :IN",'- again. A son was . and B :@orating ,.oo,o 69 !Operation rP are happy to _ • J. W. Rayson h,;, rapidl from sur- .......... - ........... '(a. last eek at the CORN, PEAS  ...Hope to see you 'al soon, Mrs. Ray- OR MEXICORN  t s, Darl Goldy en- Hiblets 5 ?  h  aY visit on Sunday, I.' lesday of last week Green ,.u ias " " " , . Mr. and Mrs. Giant.. Tin  , aa and Duane, Cor- ---'-- ........ -----:=-- h L a.eSday, the group r Waup with Mrs. tMS or Chowdersnow,s .....  fini S • ..,,t L'rhis was, the first A I K. . Zoyer with her it ees were really l:,a: chance to dig C ', lip oysters for the Jutherfords have been lting their house a  White Looks real in the I-IcR- Mrs, Don Shelton, and son. Ad- Tacoma, were 1  n the home of Adams. ,.':: ..... ....:..;..:z. family, Long- ..." • ] parents, Mr. : ".:!.:::.. i Sunday. "::':"  With Bill Kidd L Steve Rezniscek Morris Rebman Valley. der, Juicy Nelson and ? Well.Aged called on Mr. Sunday. Meats--VNF visited Sat- Valley Finest Quality rs. A. 2¢[. Ev. Lowest Prices With Mr. and motored to A SHOP-RITE to visit her EXCLUSIVE! M,.. a,d Mrs. A-=, a Sunday eal- tN 5 TINS300 $ I 'S 'Jrlapman home. King and !l ' Visited Monday ; ' z'. barl . ndersons had as ' ra. and children Wayne Clary, de luncheon guests &OZ. h ,i:.a Scott were Mrs.  1 Mrs. Elizabetl Afternoon drop- TINS I; l.,.s. Rose Phil: :lli, t(Ighters, Helen and la, an, Shelton, was 3ZEN 0 "o guest of Mrs. 6-OUNCE TIN  ae illness of his | ,. , b arid lussell Ste- let rb°r were Friday a-the Jesse Alcl- ITOES :" hez , motored to ]! a. 'e Darlene regis- €€. te Washington °ie,-, ay ,u registered for , at St . Martins Ittllberts are ver .! ",I€ ell, ' Y r lVl*--W Hammond i' ,'% yc :Mr. and Mrs. i'lley ctacl Mr and Vrs. .Kt.a kokomish VaN I evening of IONS ,, 'ITS. I|E]ILI_ N R/c. POUND 00RAPES I 0 Ilil%_ lazde Mch'vins POUND :i.k¢  Sad Mrs. aes Bi: ,l'.a tUlday at the 'li]]:' " lianl L. Brown I[!.)'a'm..  ,aelt°n, called on ;L@:%y'', C. Rrown and .i1: .Pa.l,[. veaing. i iqay - .ga thel'cd Sal,ur- i]%' "t the L. A. Todd .I;: &lr l,,,,,so. Those t ]%1' l'r,,..erry, Mr and IIV# _ rCii ,,, cl,nd- ik I'L ,'". Shclt..on, Mr. 'l*Vha,, old, Donald and I't  p0(|u, aIld Mr. and  V ,,, , Manchester. ..... r:} II'III'2NIII, motored tt lhc Forestry hfficld ",ml D'tr ;tll(l Mrs. l,es r d d REE v--: oor.i to 'i',,- 'Y of slmp- 2. :I,O,Vlt 3nd S RESERVED Sun- sister, Mr. slid dy. Mr. and Mrs. Lad Rossmaier spent Saturday with the Arthur Sharps, Olympia and visited Mrs. ] Larry Chamberlin and new grand- son at the hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Gribble and son Don were Friday evening dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Brehmeyer Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Helin were drop-in Dmsts. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Pollard, Camp Grisdale spen't Sunday with the Herbert Brehr0eyer Jr., and Sunday evening. Harvey Singleton, Livermoor, Calif., Mrs. J. R. Sing- leton and Mr. and Mrs. I. C. Ford, were callers at the Herbert Breh- meyer Jr., home. MR. AND IIS. Arthur Sharpe and family, Olympia, were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lud Rossmaier. Harvey Singleton, Livcrmoor, Calif., spent the weekend with his grandmother, Mrs. J. R. Singleton and his aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. I. C. Ford. Harvey goes back to Berkley, Calif., to enter the University. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Pierce, Shel- ton, and Mr. and Mrs. Blain Bunce, Olympia, called on the I. C. Ford family Saturday. MR. AND MRS. KERMIT Smith of Vancouver spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs I. C. Ford. Friends here are saddened by the sudden death of Erik Fors- ber, Olympia, Saturday after- noon. He had lived many years at Friskens Y, and leaves three daughters, who all are graduates of Mary M. Knight school. Denny and Ricky Hopkins, Shel- ton, spent a few days last week with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Breimeyer Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Dawson and Mr. and Mrs. Dave Haddock and family spent Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Crabtree. SUNDAY GUESTS of the Fred Crabtree' were Mr. and Mrs. Ray Caulfield, Shelton. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Wood, Lan- caster, Calif., are spending a few days with their nephew and niece Mr. and Mrs, Jake Trimble of Simpsons Salmom Hatchery. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Trenck- mann spent the weekend in Seat- tle with their daughter Joan Trenckmann. Mr. and Mrs. Gene Brown spent the weekend with Mrs. Brown's folks, Mr. and :Mrs. Merl Potter, Port Townsend. They also visited th¢ Jick Dennis family there. THE GENE BROWN spent last week Monday at the World's Fair in Seattle. Mr. and Mrs. Ener Lackstrom Seattle, and Mrs. :Mary Cash and daughter, :Betty Ann, and boy Union Woman Finds Business Continues After Try At Retiring By Ethel Dalby ('nts, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Timm Sr., taking advarlLage of wat may be who is pa.'t 80 and a trifle lame, UNION - ..... When Mrs. Howard Brenler[;on. Ihe last. of the bright sunny days mtrehcd ,tvound :lie room of the Walters closed shop after Labor The llood Canal Woman's Club ot' this season, community hall along with her Day, and as she hought to retire convenes Thursday at the club- Byron Winne made a lone-man older brogher Mr. Krise, she still to her home, she was mistaken, imuse at Potlatch. No program is trek to the mountain area, of the carried much of the earlier hand- The orders for doll clothes which scheduled, this being a meeting upper Dosewallips last Fridays' some features. She and Mr. Krise had come to her "Button and"'o£ the executive board, and spent, two days in the wilds, both being membe:s of the Shaker Bows Shop" operated by herself Local friends, and members of end noting trailsways blue with faith wecc presented with lighted tar five successful years, then lhe Hood Canal Woman's Club the luscious mountai'n blueberry, candles as they entered the church. came to iaer home address, from and the Garden Club wish to ex- oh the downtrail, and no recepta- They both stood during the cere- California and other distant plae- mony, she on the women's side, press their deepest sympathy to cle to pick them in. es. At the present time she has • and he an the men's side of the had to (:all on a daughter, Joan, Carl Linscott and members of the Mrs. Annie Whitner (Mrs. Dave church as is typical of the old-time Bremerton, to lend a hand in help- family on the passing of Vera Whitner fifty years ago)and one Quaker Church members. Linscott last Friday. Mrs. Ltns- of Union's early residents now liv- Mrs. Clara Gwin had as house- ing tnrn out the doll clothes in colt had been a very active and ing at Kamilche was a visitor guest last week her friend Lucille order to fill orders, faithful member of both groups along with her bzother Mr. Krise Thornton, Seattle. Mr. and Mrs. Pat Nilson left and had through the past many and attending the dedication cere- for Victoria Saturday morning to years of her membership contri-many of the Skokomish Shaker r ]I4|I|M u]0ur "----'-6;;-- !spend an early fall weekend va- buted much of her talents and Church Saturday evening. The cation in the picturesque old Ca- nadian City. ability. She will be greatly missed .Whitner family lived here for She if[' 0ffi0e[ Mrs. Lucille Wojohn, assistant by her .friends along the Canal many years, the children attending r s s and clerk at Union postoffice, was and throughout Mason County.. ihe old time Union City school. Arrests by the Mason County in charg'e while Wands Nilson, UNION CITY Masonic Lodge When the family left Union their Sheriff's Office this week included postmaster, wa attending a re- No. 27 met Thursday at Union large old home stood vacant for Raymond O'Brien, exceeding post- tresher course for instructor of Masonic Eall. Some 70 members! many years, and was later put- eded speed limit; Jerry M. Lures- Key postoffices heid in Seattle being present to enjoy the eve- chased by the late Charles Lewis, den, drunk in public; Thomas B. last week. ]ling with visiting Masons from Shelton. Brown, drunk in public; Herbert At the Robert Butler home over other lodges. A highlight of the WHEN THE famous artist pho- B. Johns, driving in violation of the the weekend was their grandson evening was the presentation tel tographer and author of the noted S ale ty Responsibility Act and Rabble Goodwin of Island Lake, Steve Ahl of his "fifty-year pin i collection of Indian protographs Michael O. alien contributing to and who is also starting his first in Masonry". District Deputy and data collected for the volumes the delinquency of a minor. year in school. Rabble is a son John Wing Huson, District No. 12, "Indians of the, Northwest", one Johns was fined $100 and sen- of Mr. and :Mrs. Mmky Goodwin Tahuya, gave an inspiring address set of which is ow in possession of tenced to 10 days in jail with nine of Shelton. on Masonry. Refreshments from the U of Washington library, was suspended Oll the condition that the MR, AND MRS, A. C. Mercier the Stcwarts department rounded in Union years ago with the late fine is paid. made the drive to Seattle last out the evening, and were served Edwin J. Dalby who acted as his - Friday spending the day visiting by Thomas Turner and Lud An- int'erpreter and also staff-w.riter !friends and former neighbors of dcrsen, i traveling about the Northwest that place. At the Mercier home Robert Gwin-Master of Union with him, Mr. Curtis saw and also at the present time as house City Lodge presided, appreciated the youthful beauty guests are Mr. and Mrs. A. Kayat Waldo S. Chase and a friend of Mrs. Whitner and talked her :of Salvang, Calif. tram Seattle are off to the hills, into petitting him to photograph' Alderbrook Inn filled over the bent on camping out, monntain her. weekend with members of the climbing and sketching trip are Salurday night as Mrs. Vhitner' Liberal Arts Seminar of the Uni- versity of Washington. The Hood Canal Parent-Teacher Association will hold their first meeting of the year Monday, Sept. 17 at 8 p.m., at Hood Canal Jun- ior Higil school. This will be an occasion for parents to meet the new members of the teaching staff. Mr. and Mrs. John Dennl- ,,:on as joint Presidents will pre- side. Mrs. Dick Buechel, who is a member of the program com- mittee will have santo interesting suggestions to present along the way of entertainment. MARY BUECItEL, who left last Tuesday  week ago to enter the Academy of Holy Names in Se- attle, was home over the week- end, and brought with her a class- mate, Cathy Brock, who is a niece of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Smith. Uriion. Also regis- tered at the Academy is Linda Hale of HoodsporL Helen and Bill Tnnm have a busy two week schedule ahead of them when they will be foster parents to seven month old Jeff Timm, their nephew, while the parents, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Timm, Bremertoq. arc on vacation in CaT- ifornia. Guests at the Timm home Sun- day were Mrs. Agnes Larson, Bill's aunt from Wisconsin, and his par- friend of Woodin,,ilie, were week- end guest of the Max Cash fam- ily. , Mr. and Mrs. O. Pinnerspet, Ab- erdeen, called Satm'day on Mr. and Mrs. Max Cash. A New" Shipmenl Is Just In . . . Lovely, Lively BREAKFAST FURNITURE Adjustable 4 and 6 0NAIRS ,,om'49SO METALcRAFI: EI00LLS z VALLEY i The Best Deal, -wt SERViCe ALL THAT We SELL" By George Building Permits Get Commission Approval ' Building permits were approvecl by the Mason County Commission Monday to Stanley J. Sushak, gar- age, $150; Helen A. MeCann, car- port, $100; O. R. Taylor, garage, $300; Howard D. Ellison, concrete bhmk residence, $1,5[)0; E. G. Tet- reault, 1)iling, $150 and H. E. Pen- no, piling, $300. A new phase of waterfowl stu- dy involves examination of duck wings mailed in by ttunters. FLOYD GIBSON Call Hoodsport TR. 7-5237 Our Hood Canal Rc prcsentaUve KIMBEL MOTORS Chrysler-Plymouth Cars international Truokll BEDDING HEADQUARTERS BEDROOM SETS BEDSTEADS Twin and Full Size  Regular and Bookcase HOLLYWOOD FRAMES -- HOLLYWOOD HEADBOARDS ROLL-A-WAY BEDS BUNK BEDS SPRING AIR BEDDING KOYLON LATEX FOAM BEDDING ANY SIZE BEDDING 30 in.--3/.TwinF'.::!QueenKtagSup er King • Furniture Departmcnt---2nd Floor • IfnmJ M I:IICAIITILI[ TENDER AND TASTY PORK SHOULDER ROAST ....... 33" PORK STEAK LEAN 49* BLADE CUTS .................................... LB. ":':'@':' IIID @Tl:lll' u, S. CHOICE VERIFINE, n,u o,,=-n ................................ ". 95' A ......... ru.a oRuo.uc 00OON,.00 ................ 'b .'! :: ":: Jl , LEAN, " .... " PORK HOCKS ECONOMICAL ........................ LB. 19' CORHED BEEF ................................ LB. 79" CUTS FOOD COSTS PRICES EFFECTIVE SEPT. 13-14-15 HT TO LIMIT PEACHES S|S9 . %2 o ronF= t: ELBERTAS --= The best quality, n  large size blushing beauties. SHOP WITH CONFIDENCE AT SERVE-U. 26-LB. BOX CABBAGE LOCAL FRESH LARGE HEADS € APPLES EY, TRA FANCY JONATHANS, First of the Season t.B. FRESH GINNAMON ROLLS S.0R-FRES. 29.* 6 Roll Poly Bag PULLMAN SANDWICH LOAF Shur-FreShDark or 22V2-OZ.Light 34€ SEEDLESS GRAPES 2/29 ,c FREESTONE PEACHES 4/'1 PURE CANE SUGAR CB].I'I;]) 002.49 EVAPORATED MILK ORITE 8/Sl LUNCHEON MEAT PERFECIo:PNE'DWICHES 39' BATHROOM TISSUE4R:IIP kZEE ASS'T 3/'1 II [COhu '' FFEE 1.17 , ALCOA ac -- ,* |II -- -- '1  i11'iI51 hTCIS - ALUMINUM FOIL  FOOT ROLL 29 II @DADI(II: !£ PDl::Alill ll Q L "'" , II I IIIr i1 I SWANI;N'S -II I,  15 , , , SWIFTS ,* SERVE-U SAVES-U DOLLARS! T;';teSr, yr';;"o,;Wi'':;'e'.:: ,,,,....,,,...,o. s " I RALPH'S Illl:eefill hil EA.Y POUR .18-oz. Q'¢ I =.-.. .... . %/]W  .,...,. :/,/ .'OOVnV'L ,oo-, on Irkl||cresr .%1) ,:;:: i!,} [ POST GRAPENUTS 29 I '- Ili