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14 8 _TrLPON.-.MA,qON cr0 3"0URNAE -- lblished tn "ChrLfma.°,fo'wn, U.q.A.Y qheKon, WasMngtmi
r Ie al Publications Legal Publications Legal Publications Legal Publications Legal Publications Legal Publications
NOTI("I'' ()l ' iIEARfNG O)N NO. 381 Original ('erttfl(.aie N.. 7, Roll 6. includhlg the dab, nl which snhl (.er* acvor(linv (o rvciprocal nvree- colnv such. vnn purch:;:e tatehlnds.
ANHESNMI".NT ROLl, t)]" ]L.I.IL NO. 17 :N()TI('E AND BI)MMONS IN" page 225. line 10. assesso([ To ]WarR :ificate was issued, nh,nl wilh Simpson Timbre' ('ran- Al)pli(u((ion :'o. l'.62'.l
NOTICF] IS 11El:[FHY GtV].N thai COI'NTY TAX I"{}IiEC].()S[ ltl'] I:ay ('t ux; As.e:s.)"s T)'ael 33 of An..," ph.adin', answer, ,al)pearanee. p llv, (,.ph': (d" whivh are (m file The lidelauds of Hw s,,cond
lhe a.sos:men( roll fro' L,.LI). No. ]7 NO. 46 :W 1) NIO,L, ,%.v. 19, Twp. 20 N.. Range or proce.s, shall bc s !F\\;'(,d IljhHl lh' Ill lib' I)lsiri('l Hlld ()h'llll)i oj'l'l- Cjtt.q.<. ov, nvd by IlW Slab' of VHSh-
La b),(,n duly I)rvr.lrtd an In'or)deal TN THE ,qUPERIOR COIJ'RT OF' THE 3 W.W,M.. pl)rlil'tdar]y d(,serlbe¢l 1L h)l(h,)'sia,'| dt(n')iev for P]ain(iff. Mn- ee.. inghm. iltmh' ill Irolll of. a(]ja-
by law and i'ib,d ill i}u' office of lh(; STATE OF WASHINGTON lt()] beghlllil|g' al th,' (|tl;lrlt'F s(wlh)ll (':w- son C()II)IIy, Ill ]lJs ol'fir' b,'low si:Hed, ('olnph'h' {'ollIFll{'l )l)If] Si)('Ci['J('tl" €'PllI [€) I)I' DbllltilIL" llp()ll [h:d IHIF-
Ch'rk of tl'm City :,f She,lton, Wash- MASON COUNTY m'r on th(! blast side' of See. .19, said an(l a t:()py tht,r(,of fih,d wilh lhc It(ms llHly bl, (,xtllll[llt'd .qt Sh(,|[()n lh)ll oi" |}it. ll()l'lb 15.65 l'('l'I ()1"
n)glon. "MASON COIINTY, WASIIINCITON, a Twp. and Rang(,, thence North 70" 52' Ch,rk of ill(' above eniith,d (?oilrt. l)islri(.l lh,a(hlUa)'l,'rs. C(,llniy All- (h)v('rnl)l('id L()| :], t,('.iJi))l 21.
NOTICI IS ]l'I RTIIER (]TVIN that Mlllticipal C()rl)oration nnd t)ae t)f tile 53" Wt,st 22,10.01 ft., to ih(. inltial ditt)r'..: .I'fic(,. and (,ffh't, ()l' th,ln- T(,',vtl.'<hi]) 22 Nt)rih, Rang,, 3 W,.,t.
the }wui'in; on said roll will l)e lwld Coaulit,a of file State t')f Washil|gton, pt,lnl. ]ir()I|l [hell(.|, l'Hll North 'lD ° '|ISOII Collnt', )IliSSh)ll(q" of l))ll)lJc l.alUlS. () ym- %V.M,, lyi)l'( BI)lllil el tl ]Jl)l' Hill-
on TH(,sdty, the ,()Ill (lay of ()r, tob(,r llalnliff, IW Easl 79 fi..; lh(,ac(, Nor(h 32" 10' A MunJcil)al Corl)oralion Ilia. l)illg vast f)'.m ;t point which is
I,(|62. |;H the hou|' (,J' (we o'('lock ill II).e .'S. Wesl 50.85 ft.; lhenct, S(mth ,"1,9 ° 18' Jr)):IN B. ('.f)LI(, Tl'(,ztLlrel' T() ba :;(,hi nl Sh)'Ilon l')L'<lricl S,)uth I:;N() l'('(q Jr(till Ill(, )lol'Ih-
;lli).rllooe ill 111(, (olltlll]S,..lil)n (?hal)ib(.l'S Wayne L, Sill(k, all j)ersons hol,ein* Wesi 94 ft.; lh(m(.e St)lltil 5if" 42' ]iJ/|8t I}YF()N E. McCLANAIIAN, ]Ivadqtlill'lcr, ()ll Ttl'sday, ('l )- ,;'i'sl ('(}r/h'r ()I' (h,;'(,rlllnonl Lid '2,
in till, City Hall, Shelton, Waslfing- aft(,r nalw,d 'Is owners of any el' the. 47.5 ft. to lho initial l)oini, O)ll|:JJlli)lg ]:'r()s('ctHJng" Altot'nt'y. and Allot'- l(,)nb(,r 25, 1962. it I0 ()'(h)('l< ram. shill S(,(,th)n 26, v¢i(h a f)'(mta(, ()f
.t0 ucres, nlor(, t)r less, ALSO be- )icy f()r Plail)llff herein. 1.73 l JILt'a( clmias, m(n'(' or Ics:,
l()n. b(,relnafier described real property,
NOTICE IS ]"()'RTI4EII GIVEN that und all p,.rsons unknown owning or ginning at the quarter se(.lion ro|'|wr
all l)¢,rsoos who may d(.si)'e to object (hal)|ling 1o own, or having or clalel- ()n tlw East side of St,c, 19. said (SEAIJ Any sale whivh hns l)('(')| t)ff(,r(,d, apl)rais('({ a( $20t).0(') l.'r ('h:lil) ()r
(}vq'eIo .,<h,ll make surh eL)joel ons Ill tog L() huve, any right, ti( (,, estate, Twp. and Ra}:ge, li)en¢,(, North 70" 52' ()ffic( lind Post Offi('(. Address ()f and for whl('h )l(, l)i(i, arc r(,coiv(,tl ,:l.)(;.0{).
• 5:1" W('st 22.10.01 ft.; Norlh 7(,) `' 18' 2t( )')ey for P]nintiff: shall n()I l)e re-ofl'('v('d unlil it has mus( :.)sit ]lay a $5.00
writing' and tilt. lhe samv wilh ")he i))t(,r(,st or (,qullv in and to sald prop- l)v(,n |.eadvt,rl],.d. If all sah,s r:um.t
tlll(1)!|'slgIl'd Ch,rk at (')r prior to %he erly or any part ther,ot', Defendants: Easl 79 fl. and North :12 10' Wt.s(, Mason CoLIaly Cotn'lhotlse, stllItlh)ry f('('.
dab: fixed for said bearing; that at You, and each of you, are he|'eby 50.85 fl. I€) thv initial poinl or thls 111,- Fh(qh)n, V(as])ingtt)n. be off(red wlthin the .'4])t'CJ]'i)d till](' Lora|,'d (m Ill(" n()rlh sJ(h' of
said tinle and place st) fixed and a| Imlifi(,d tlmt tlr above named Plain- m,rlpth)n; thence No|'th 39" 18' East 9/13-20-27 I0/,I-11-18 6t on )he a(Iv(,rlised dat(., )he sale ,.<hall lh)(,(l Cannl a})(,ut '2 mih,s t,asl of
................................. )'()n|i)nl(' ()ll |]D' l'olh)wJllg t IV l.'lw('en T:II)lya ill ctlst,'rl) iVhlsol) Cot]lily.
t}G I'[., ll|o]'e O1' les, (`o (he eo)H(,r |he hot]l'. of |)'It o'rh,('k H,In. and fetal" To It(' s(d(l n( S]|(']|()ll, (.())lllly
m)eh other times as the hearing may [,if|', Mnson C()unty, a Municipal Corp- ¢)I Goldsborough Cr(!ek; then(,(, fol- NOTICE OF SALE
l,)(, eontinued I)), tlm City Colnnlissinn orath)n, and on of the lawfully or- t)'t,h)rk ]).m. Sva|, ()n 'ru ,s v, S('p|ember 2;,,
w II sit as a b()ard of equallza,ion for ganized and existing (!ountles of the l,wing the eent),r of said (:r(,ck in a I11;' VAI,UAI¢I,E MA'I'EIt]AI.
the ptlrI')oe of e()II.JderlllK sIleh /'))]I FAah, of W,,s|)]ngton, Is )he owner Southeasi(,rl.v dire):tion ,19 ft. ; |hence I)N S'I'ATE LANI) Said timher on aaid l:md will l)e sold ]962, a| ]0 o'rh)('k a.m.
Pnd al s||ch h('aring will co|miller and holder of a (<.rtiflcate of delnl- Sou|h 39" 18' West II0 ft.; tD(!n(.e STATE OF WAS]]IN()TON, ]3EPA|.T- f,)r no( l,,s: |han l]w appraised value,
North ',)2" 10' West 51|,85 l'l. to lit(: I%IENT OF' NATIIRAL I.ESOIIf-(.I'JS, as al)pra.iscd )%' |he C,)nmlii.n(,r ()f A )l)li('a|i.n No. 13|;6.1
The id'huHls ()[" |he st,cond (']:)ss.
m.'ch (')}.)j(ctions mad tberelo or any quency issued In one certificate in
)tort therof, and will eorr('ct, revise book fornl and dated the 7th day of initial point (:ontalniaK .I0 a('r(,s, I(,)'I L, Cole, Comnfi:sit)ner of Pub- Pu})li(' Lands ill |Iw )mmn,'r |)
r.iRe, Iow,,r, (,il!ingo ()r )aodH'y stlch )*p|()Ii|),q', I!|{12 |)y )hi! TreaBnrer of l)o)'t or less, all being in the SW4 It(, Lands. by law. a notice ()f WJlJ)'h is now on o.'ll()(l i)y |hi' St;t|(' of WashJllIoll,
N]:L Y),ar in Certificale J9,71 Ct.|'[iI'i- No(i(.|. i,< he|'(.by Kiven thai on Tues- fih. in |hi' ofl'i(.t. ()f |hi. AtI(Ii|(H' (d' said siltlal(' ]11 Ir()nl ()f, o(ljw(.))i h) or
roll or any part lher(,))f, t')r set asitl() t-mid Ma:mn C(mn|y, Washiagloa, and " ahltI(ing i|i)())i lh, .,())|lh 81) f(,ol ,f
mu'h roll :)nd el'dot th|[| st|ch aIs('ss - is||()d to tim said Mason Ct)unty I'{)|" eal), $15,67, day. |hi. 251]) day of Septt,alb)'r, ]962, c(,unty, an(| i)istri('( ...dmi)d.Ir:l(.r of
said dJs(rie|, tht' )lon'[h I:{(X) |'O('| ()|' ('over)Itlle)H
I|(qttt be |111|111" d(' nov|). :is lo such the seviq'a] llnlot|n[s (hle and owing OrigI|lal ('(*r(llh, a(e No. 8, iRoll 7, (.l)|unu,neing al tea o'(]o).k ill |he f()Fo-
body shall appear just and equ]tal)le for taxes on (,ach and (,very lot, tract, page 2{), llne 6, assessed t)) Fried W. no))|l t)f said day, al tlm Shelt(In, Dis|- 'lrms t)l' st|h. ar(,: cash t)r install- Lot '2, St,(lion 26, Township 2'2
::nd )hen pro(,(.t,d it) eonflrm "the same or parcel ef land hereinafte|' nlore ]uding; Vacated po|'l[on of Sherwaod riot Headquarlers. h)cat),d at Sholton m).nt plan basis. N()r|h, )b)nKo 3 "V('s(`. vV.M,, hav-
by ordinan(,e, ptd'tJeular]y deser]tH,d aIld set re)'|)1, Avenu(, I0' wide n|] jam,n| to Lots 9 County of Mason, Stai(. ()f Washington, I-)T,:1'r [., C()IAq Jng a fr,)n|age of 1.4.1 ]i):('al chains.
DA'.r'ID TIIL llth day of SeI')lenl- suid atnounl being set out opposite Ind 10, Block 72, Allyn, aec()rding I).,,' the Dis|riot Adminis]rator of shill Commissi-n(u" td' Pull]i(' Trends mr)r(, ())' h,., appraised a| $2 000
1)er, 1962. f, ach parth'nlar descrlptlon and belng h. the recorded Plat th(,reaf on file Dist|'i(.t. )hi. timber t,n the folh:,ving 8/':0 9/(;-13-20 ,It i),,r vhain ()r $22.00.
/s/ AI,M'A CAT'['() lhe amount duo and (h,lhtquent upon it| )he office el )he Andltor el Mason d(scr'ibt,d stale h|nd will bt: sold at Purch;is(.r |nusl n[s(') l)ay a $5.00
)nblic n||c|ion to )he l|igh(',t bidder s ttu o,3' fv(,.
Clerk of th), City of cach parlleular ]el, tract, or parcel County, Year in Certifiva|t" 1,(.157, Cer- N1)'rI1'l,', I11," ,(,:.AI.E l(,ca((,(i ()n (he no)'lh<.rly side
of land respecth'ely for taxes for the tiftcat( $.5,('], o-wil: O1,' ST:tTl,: 'rll)E LANI)S of H,)t)d Cnr ) about 8 miles south-
ShelIi)n, Wshington9/13.20 2t years 1.956 and 1957 for which aald Applicallon No. 27823 TATI,'. Ol" WASItlNC, T()N, :DI,- v.,cst )|' !h,]l'air and wi|hi))Ihe P(,rt
asoll Oot(nt}: claims right of fore- That any of 1he foregoing lois, Pelis),i)(,)'k Thinntnl4' located tiT)- PAHTMENT ()F NATURAL, ]E- ()f TahuY:l ll Mason Ct)ln|v.
NOTICE f)lP GR(}UND 1VATEll elosllre as w|ll n|(|re Slw.ciflcally ap- trm'ts, or :)l(rcP]s Of laIId h,reinbefore. ])l't)X]rll)lt(!ly 6 al]l(!b llol'|]lv('st of SOUI).CES, Ber| L. Cole. Comm)s- To I)e sold al Sh(,lh)n, Co) 1|.'%"
]¢IG||T APPI.ICt'I ION NO, 619 pe0.r by referqlce io ea(;h .particular described rind having been included Mat]ock, The sale is ('(l|nl)o,e(l O|' ioIl(q' Of l-till)It*.: L:lll(l. So:I|, tm Tut,s(iay, Sel)hmd)er 25,
STATE ()I," WASHINf;TON, ()IIaICE descr'ipthm heroin, togelher with o.t] ta (he Cerlifieate of De]i|lqlleney here- all lr'e(,s marked ,itll |)aillt witll- NOTICI,] IS I[I,H.E11Y GIVEN. That ]962, tit 10 t)'ch,ek a.]ll.
(IF SUPt,RVISOI{ OF WATKIt :RE,- interest, costs, and penal|ies tner'een to(ore issu-d t)) Mason C)unly will be In nmrl(ed sale area boundary and )n T(|t,sday, the 25th day of Sep|em-
OUt¢.CES, Olympia. np t|) and includhg the 7th day of sold subject to any h)cal improvenmnt properly lines on SELk SWI, Sec- l)(.|', 1962,, ).t)r)mum('ing al It',)) o'clock Any snle whi('h has been offered, and
TAKIi] NOT/CF': S(:pte|aber, 1962, and the nalne of the assessments re|, paving, drainage, it'- lion 21 and part NW'i NW!',. sec- m (hi. forenot)n of Sail] (1:|y. at the f()r which no bids are rcc('Jvt'd shall
Tl/at CITY OFTACOMA, Depart- person, firm or eorpo|,ation to whom rlgathm, or any other klnd or sort tion 28, all in Townshi|). 21 Ne|'th, C()un|y (?(.)tl|'I llou:e in the ci(y t)f n(d l.w rv )('|'ered (|ntil it has b,'(.n re-
men) of P|)l)lie Utllilies of Tacolna, or whic|l 3uid property is assessed 1)e- of local in)prove|)lent asm.ssnlent law- 1Lange (i West, W.M., c()nlaininK Sht,l|oll, co)m|y ()|' M...)n. Stab. of mh'er|is),d. If all sales cannot be of-
Waahington on At|gast 13, 1962,/lletl ing set f,)rth with each partleuhu' fully assessed. 65 acres, |lie|'(, of less, comprising Was)ling(on, t)y lilt' CoLlll|y Audit))|' of |'('rod wi|hin the .l)ecit'ied tiele on
pp]tcalion for I.)e|'rllit LO withdraw flesu'il)tion, all of said l)roperty I)elng That all of "the several arnonnls approximately 182,(Kle bd. ft, of said co|in|y, the ',)llowinK des(',l'ib(,d the a(h'erli,-ed datt., the sale shall
ituated in Mason County, State oI h¢,reinabove set opposite the s.verat
lnblk', groul)d wat(.rs through a weft Douglas fh'; 16,000 bd. ft. of hen)- 2nd class ti(telands, iogclher wilh |he ('¢mtimm (in |hi, following day between
• ,dtuated within NW!SE!., of .Settler| ashinghn|. and being more partlcu- desc|'iptlons of each partielllar lot, ](wk and 3,000 bd. ft. of cedar,, or ilIii)r();'(,izl('l)( sitt)m(,d |h(,reon, will l)('i the hours t)l tPn o'('Iock a.ln. anf
20, Township 23 N,, :Range 4 W.W.M.; [arly desrrlbed as follows, to-wit: a total of 201,0IX) bd. |'t, sohl at pui)lic aucti()n to ill(" high(,st fm|r o'('h)c.k p.m.
il: l/lasc)n C()t:lnty, in tl|e al'llotltlt of Minim n |n acc(,))iable bid: I)idder therefor, 1e-wit: Said lands will L)e sold for no1 loss
tract, or parcel of.real property bears
interest at tln rate of twelve percent
7/= gallonu per n)inute, sul)j(et Io ex- Original Certificate No. I, Roll 2, (12%) per annum from and lneludlng $2,743.5{). NOTE--No mw ).x(,e|)l ci|iz(,ns of |]mn the .tppraised v:tlue ahove stated
)sting righis continuously, each year lage 3. line 14, assessed to Wayne L. 1he 7th day of September, 1962, until Tin)bet will he sold on a cash |he Uni(`e.d State.% or persans who and upol| |hi" tt, l'lllS and condith)as
for the purpose, oi' dt,n|estie supply !ituck; NE' NE)A Sec, 2 Twp. 19 N., the payment thereof be made., or judg- or instalhnent plan basis. Timber have declared th(.ir inlen(ion to be= followinK:
Lang() 3 W.W.M., conlailflng 40,53
for Lake (h|shman Sh|te Park. aorea, ])|ure of leas, Yea|' in Certlllcate ment entered, herein, must b(, removed 1)rh)r Io Decen--
|)or 31, 1963.
Any objections nnls( be accompanied
by a two dollar ($2.00) recording fee :1957, Certificata $27.05. You, and each of you, are hereby
,,,,d n00ed wit), Slat,. S.p00,,00lso00 , Ce.ll.eat00 So. o. 00,)ll 2, su.,,,,|,ned t. appea,' within (6O) On o,' 00,efo,.e Septe,),bo,. Governmental Continuity Durlno
,,0) ,. ,i.e 5, .',.,,ssed ,o Wayne L. da. af, e,' tl, o date of the fi,'st ,,.bll- at ,0:00 a.,.., ea|,t, biddo,' ,,,,,st . ..... ,
ilt|es. tn. h'and' and' offi(']al seal tuek, N,'. SEA NE)A, Sec, 2. Twp. eat)on of tt|ls summons and notice, nlah'e a n'linllnlnn deposit of
lb N., :Range 3 W.W.M., colrtalnlng to-wit: within sixty days after the , $274.85 ),lt,s a $,00 b.l of ..le fee, mergency Periods
thts 31st day of August, 1962. 20 acres, more or leas. Year in Certifi= 1,l, ll (lay of September 1962 exclush.e ] (,r a total of $')79,35 in the form of ' -
M. G, WALKER, eale 1957, Certificate $4,07. of Raid date, and defend the above] eash. money orde) or certified
entitled .,, ,.,o,,: ,..,.o0, ':""' """'" '"'" """'""° r p a"ro-ose Amendment m*- the
S|ato Sat)(q'visor of Water Orighml Certificate o. 8, lo]I 2, court, and serve a copy oi' your answer[ an openh)g bid at (,lie al)praised
[esoilr,c¢s. 9/13-20 2t |)age 42, line .5 aaesaed to lmil B al- t(pon the undersigned attorney for I price. Upon award of 1his sale, the
It, tile, Int.aroat in Asaessor's Tax plaintiff, at his office address herein-[ respee|ive all,posits shall be re-
..,.:, .,0 ..0,: ,, 00.o.o ,,.,o. o, ,,,,, o,,**..,, ..., .,,,.,.., .., State Constitution '
:NOTICE 10 CI'.'DITO] 8 W.W,M. parlic),flarly described as hereinabove set h)rtb ripen each of [ ders. The pt|rchas(:r must pay the
IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE all 'tld(.land of the Second class sit- said )|'acts oz' parcels of real properly balance I)etwoen the bid deposit
TATE OF WASHIN(TON FOR uuted in Thurston and Mason Colin- of which you are the owner or tel)-] and l he full bid price on the day
MASON COUNTY (Ix) Probate) tieR, described a. beginning at a stake uted owr, er, or in which you own or [ of sah., or may it" the pn|'ehaser k
LIn the matter of the estate of identi('al with 1he Southwest corner claim to own or have, or (lain)to have,, so) el(,cts r,l t).. of sa,e, .ay o voted on NOVEMBER 1962,
LEROY S. I'REEMAI Dee),asr, d. of State Oyster Re,erve in front of any rtght, title or interest the|'ein, [ an additional amount "ttl bring tim I
NOTICE IS ItEREBY GIVEN thai Sec, 23, Raid TWp. and l:ttmge, tltence tog(,ther with all costs, interest or] total ana)un| el' the del)osil, ex- ......
the undor,qlgned ha boon ap])01n[ed t(, meander corner to fr(itlonal Bec, penalties attached thereto. [ (,h(sh'e of fees, io oqna[ 25rt of
and has qualified a 1he Executor of 23 and 26, said Twp. and Range bears )he full bid price b:ts(.d on lhe
the Estat(. of LEIOY S. FI'tEEMAN. South 89" 02' East 1g.87 chains; thence In I1)e event of yot|r failure to ap- [ erulse (stin'm(e, provided )hat aul:h l__
lecaas(d; that all 1)el'rains having fronl said initial point South 53 ° 16' pear and defend mw, h action and pay [ deposit shall not be less than OllC@ of V/ctor A. Meye
ell;dins against said deceased (Ire here- _'est ah)ng the Northwest, boundary the anmunt due on such lot, tract, $2,000.00. Thi. bahmce may be paid / Secretary Of State, State ot Washingt01,
by req'(lired to serve tile same. duly line of the State Oyster Reserve, or parcel of land assessed to you, [ by personal cheek, lYpon award of
e "
orified, on the undersigned ON- (,ontaining 5.50 acres more or less. or In whlet you hay an interest" as l sale, purchaser must also fu).nisl
Ai, D I'REEMAN or his attorney of Years in Cert ficate 1'956 and 1957, bereh|above stated, judgment will be [ a cash l:)ond of $200.00 in tl|e fornl 0 om It Mat, Concerto
z'(eord at. 1he address below stated Certificate ,')33.93. rendered against you and against the( of cash, rI|oney older or certified "
and fi](, it|r, sam,, with th), Cl('.rl Orighral Certiflea/e No. Roll 2, h)t, if'act, or l)arcel of ]and, fore- [ check, to guarant),e con)l)liance
)1t' the said ('ou|'t, together with proof pnge 137, line 11, assessed 4 Thomas closing l]|ere))n the lien o1' Mason I with all terms of the bill of sale. In obedience to the State Cortltutioa, and the Joint Roluo
of st|oh servi(,e wilhin mix months af- J. B]evins; AsseasoI") Tract 1. of NW,I County for its certificate of d(!linqu(,n- All ch(,eks, money orders, etc. are On of the State Legislature hereinafter refeiu'ed to, there Is
ter the 11|||), of first pablicatlm ef SE% except :Right of Way, See. 31, ey, which ln|:ludes all tsxes, I)ena|t|es, to be nmd(: payable to the Cna-
this notic), or the same will 1)e ba|'red. Twp. 2 N., Range 3 W.W.M., partic- ] interest, and cl)ais against said lots. missioner of Public Lands. hereby published for tile consideration of the voters of the State
:RENAL1.) L..FR]EMAN ularly described as tim South 20s ft.' tracts, or par(,els of-land ),l|) to an|l Accessibility: Pllr'C]laser l|lay llSe Of Washington, the proposed amendment lo the onstitution of
Jol|n ]t. l(ra)n('|' of East 20.q ft of said NW, IE,
Attorn(,y f(,r Estate (,(,ntainlng 1 acre, nmre or less. Year le )mid state, as followst
and l"e00, (>ff00,e in C,,,t....,. 00.57. Ce, t,fic.te Voters' Pamphlet--Publication and Distribution '
Mason Ctmn|y Courthouse Original Ccrliflcate No. 5, :Roll 4,
p,,g,, 1.41, il,|,: 4, aase,ed to O.W. *- ..... 4)FFICIAL BALLOT TITLE ......
Sh|qion, Washington. 9)13.20.27 10/4 d! Johnson; Undivided nne-half Interest - "
., ..,, Proposed Amendment to the
NOTICE OF tlEAItiN( ]'{(]lIIge 5 V.W.M,, ('ootatning It) acres,
NOTICE IS IYh]I'tl,:l::Y (I[VICN that ));ore or less, Y(,m' in Cerlif(eate. 1957, House Joint Resolution No. 9 .
the cily C(,r|||nission of the City of Ce|'ttficate $:£15, i
... ..,o,o ,.,, ,,.,.,,,., ,,,...,,,,.,,. 0..o. 0 State ..............¢^--*;*-*;^n GOVERNMENTAL CONTINUITY DURING
lile the t)rl,limin.t)'y I,(|dget |*t)l. the : pag'o (;7, lit)(<) Ill, ussessed to A. L,
(Hty of Slwlton f,))' )he yetr 191;3, a ]?e|'werda; H'illcr,st, Tract i of Lot 4. EMERGENCY PERIODS
COpy ()f whJ¢'h will ])(. furnished any Blo(q 1 txctq)t South 10', parlieu]arly
titx )a. ? II I 1| t|t 1 ( (
I ." ...... : :- de,, :rib 'd )Is the South end of Lot ,1,
N()TICE IS UlTHE( gW,;N mat I,,,; at a point 127.50 ft. Soath tO voted on NOVEMBER 6, 1962 Shall Article II of the State Constitution be amended
the City Cu(rm(issmn el tne tnU)" |)z oJ' .I,h Northwest petal of Lot 4:
helt)n will nw(t i|| the Cornn)ismon-ltlJ(, > S6ut,h 97.54 ft, thence East ...... . - , ' .... ' by adding a section empowering and directing the
?rs'. ooi'a at ,t!e C',y. Hall f/n the'{ 60f ;t,;:'th*,nco Noflh 9676 i't,, )hence legislature to provide a ,-method of temporary suc-
l|rsl ((ay ( I O( (el)el i ID'. at 0{) P nl ( f f i * ) " .....
• . : ! ". ..-. • .., ?," st 60 t. .r(, or less tO th(" North-
' :) )" t ) ' ' ' ) ' ' ' ''t )' ' ' ('" f ) X '' " t '' 'i ' ' '' t ') ( ' ' ( '' ') t Z 10 ' k Z ' X ( ( ' L) Office of Victor A. Meyers, cession to elective and appointive offices when because
budget for th(- City (ff She(ton ror l ]() ft" in" v,'id(1) ,tl the' Sol'It)l" ('Ld
the yea)" 1963, arid any taxpayer nm,v[o. T ,;t 4 wl i)'h s l)i',,pe 'ty of 1he Secretary of State, State of Washington, of an emergency resulting from enemy attack the
|tPl)e,r :it Y:lid )) 'I z|g tnd I)e heard (. |v i')f si.It'm )' -|I )|" 4vv ,f .,.,wo,:
• ( ...................... incumbents are unavailable to act and further em-
for or ag'Jmst any p'(r| t)f aId budg't l )' ( r In " to tz( ( o e
i :; , .... .. [ ,n ,, (( d g t ' )c ,d d Plat e Whom It IV/a( @onoerm powering the legislature to depart from certain con-
ALMA K: .?A3"IO, (.le|'g |thereof on file in the office of the
Cily of Sh(,Iton ...... [ Aud|tor of Mason County. Year In
• ./-v t C,,rllfic.le ]957, Cerlificate $2.04. obedience to tha State Constitution, and the Joint Resolu= stitutional provisions if, in discharging this duty, the
)ton o! the State Legislature hereinafter, referred to, there is emergency renders compliance impracticable?
Abolishing Restrictions on Land Ownership hereby published for the consideration of the voters of the State
..... , ....... of Washington, the proposed amendment to the constitution of
the aid state, as follows: Be It Resolved, By the House of Representatives and Senate
Proposed Amendment to the ., the State of Washington in legislative session assembled:
OFFICIAL BALLOT TITLE , , THAT, At the generaI election to be held in this state oll
State Constitution ,,. Tuesday next succeeding the first Monday in November)
Senate $oint Resolution No. 9 1962, there shalI be submitted to the qualified electors of the
state, for their approval and ratification, or rejection, an amend-
to be voted on NOVEMBER 6, 1962 VOTERS' PAMPHLET--PUBLICATION' ment to the State Constitution by the addition thereto of a new
- AND DISTRIBUTION |ection to read as follows:
NEW SECTION. Article , section 42. The legislature, In
Office of Victor A. Meyera, Shall Article If, Section 1, Amendment 7 of the State order to insure continuity of state and local governmental oper-
k¢e4ary f State, State o Washington, Constitution which presently directs the Secretary of atlons in periods of emergency resulting from enemy attack.
State to send each registered voter a copy of the shall have the power and the duty, immediately upon and after
Whom It Ma @oneerm voters' pamphlet (a publication containing the laws adoption of this amendment, to enact legislation providing for
In/bedience to the State Constitution, and e 3olnt Resolu- and constitutional amendments referred to the people prompt and temporary succession to the powers and duties of
of the State Legislature hereinafter referred to, there is together with arguments for and against each meas- public offices of whatever nature and whether filled by eleetio
hereby published for the consideration of the voters of the State ure) be amended so as to require only mailing to each or appointment, the incumbents and legal successors of which
of Washington, the proposed amendment to the constitution of indiwdual place of residence, together with such other may become unavailable for carrying on the powers and duties
It)e said state, as follows: distribution as the Secretary of State deems neces, of such offices; the legislature shall likewise enact such other
sary? measures as may be necessary and proper for insuring the con°
OFFICIAL BALLOT TITLE ........ tinuity of governmental operations during such emergencies.
' Legislation enacted under the power= conferred by this amend-
Senate Joint Resolution No. Zl Be It Besolved, By the Senate and House of Representatives ment shall in all respects conform to the -remainder of tha
of the State of Washington in legislative sessiou assembled: Constitution: PROVIDED, That if, in the judgment of the leg)so
la'ture at the time of disaster, conformance to the provisions
ABOLISHING RESTRICTIONS ON THAT, At the general election to be held in this state on the of the Constitution would be impracticable or would admit of
LAND OWNERSHIP Tuesday next succeeding the first Monday in November 1962, undue delay, such legislation may depart during the period of
there shall be submitted to the qualified voters Of the state for
emergency caused by enemy attack only, from the following
Shah the constitutional restrlctlon upon the owner- their approval and ratification, or rejection, an amendment to
ship of land in the rState of Washington by certain sotions of e Constitution:
non-citizens be removed by repealing Section 33,, Sir- Article II, section 1 of the Constitution of the State of Wash-
lngton, as amended by Amendment 7 by adding thereto a new Article 14, Sections 1 and 2, Seat of Government;
t¢le II, as amended by Amendments 24 and 29 of the
State Coastitution? subsection to be known as subsection (el, reading as follows: Article 2, Sections 8, 15 (Amendments 13 and 32), and 22,
Article If, section I, subsection (e). The legislature shall Membership, Quorum of Legislature and Passage of Bills;
.............. provlde methods of publicity of all laws or parts of laws, and Article 3, Section 10 (Amendment 6), Succession to Gover-
Be It Resolved, By the Senate and House of Representatives amendments to;the Constitution referred to the people with norship: PROVIDED, That the legislature shall not depart from
the State of Washington in legislative session assembled: arguments for and against the lawsand amendments so referred. Section 10, Article 3, as amended by Amendment 6, of the
The secretary of state shall send one copy of the publication to State Constitution relating to the Goyern0r, s office so long as
THAT, At the general election to be held l this state on the each individual place of residence in the state and shall make any successor therein named is available and capable of assume
Tuesday neXt succeeding the first Monday in November, 1962, such additional distribution as he shall determine necessary to Jg the powers and duties of such office as therein prescribed;.
there shall be submitted to the qualified voters Of this state, reasonably assure that each voter will have an opportunity to
Ior )hair adoption or rejection, the following proposed amend- study the measures prior to election. These provisions supersede Article 3, Section 13, Vacancies in State Offices;
merit to the Constitution of the State of Washington: the provisions set Iorth in the last paragraph of section 1 of Article 11, Section 6, Vacancies in County Office;
Section $3, Article H and Amendments 24 and 29 amenda(ory this article as amended by the seventh amendment to the Con- Article 11, Section 2, Seat of County Government;
ereof, of the Constitution of the State of Washington are each stitution of this state.
Article 3, Section 24, State Records.
hereby repealed. Be It Further Resolved, That the secretary of state shall
And Be It Farther Resolved, That the secretary of state shall ¢,atum the foregoing constitutional amendment to be pub- And Be It Further Resolved, Tha the secretary vf
use the foregoing constitutional amendment to be published lished for at least three months next preceding the election in |)ate shall cause the foregoing proposed constitutional amend°
or at least three months next preceding the election in a weekly weekly newspaper in every county in the state in which such ment to be published for at least three months next preceding
mewspaper in every county ha the state in which such newspaper a newspaper is published, said election, in a weekly newspaper in every ¢ounty where a
t, published. Ped the Senate February 14, 198L Passed the House March 6, 1961. newspaper is published throughout the state.
L. O'BRIEN. JPed the Senate March 7. 1961. Passed the House March 8, 1961,
IPSsed the H,?,BIvh S ,, ased the Senate Pebruary A. 196L Pr¢#ident oJ €he Senate. JOHN Speaker OI the HO,. JOHN L. O'BRIEN.
P¢(udden( o] thS ,e))WAe. ,, President ol the Senate, P(ak(r o$ She House,
" " " |, Vlcter A. Meyen, Secretary of State of the State of Wash- -- '
I, Vk4o¢ A. Meyer% Secretary of State of e State of Wash- Ington, hereby certify that the above is a full true and correct 1, Victor A. Meyers, Secretary of State of the State of Wash=
gton, hereby certify that the above is a fuji, true and correct eopy of Senate Joint Resolution No. 9, passed by the Legislature lngton, hereby certify that the above is a full, true and correct
copy of the.Senate Joint Resolution No. 21, pssed by the Legisla- ef the State of Washington at Its Thirty-seventh Session, as copy of House Joint Resolution No. 9, passed by the Legislatu're .
ture of the State of Washington at its Thirty-seventh Sesalon, appears from the original of said Joint Resolution now on file of the State of Washington at its Thirty-seventh Session, as
as appears from the original of said Joint Resolution now on file In my office, appears from the original of' said Joint Resolution now on
In my office. Wl(ness My Hand and the Seal of the State of Washingto file in my office ....
Ivim¢ and the Seat of the State f Washingto this 1st day of August, 1962. Witness My Hand and the Seal of the State of Washington
S.I day ( AUSUSt, 196 this Ist day of August, 1962.
A Legal Publication VIC2E A. MEYERS A Legal Publication VICTOR A. MEYERS
rOm e Oite Ot Serretry V State /rom the Office of ecretar of Sta A Legal Publication VICTOR A, MEYERS
Yrom the Office ot _ =. Secretary o! State
__ Legal Publications / al
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171',!S('l'iIT('(I J]l" SOl:(Jolt :{ of ch:IITl('r 2tl{
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*" Journal Wad
ColIHll|ssion(!r of PllbliP fAlncIs
8/:{0 9/6-1B-20 4t
00chool Districts: Increasing Le
Proposed Amendment to
State Constitution '
to be voted on NOVEMBER 6, 19000
Office of Victor A.
• Secretary of State, State ol
Yo lqhom It . Co'neerm
In obedience to the State Constitution, and the Joint
)ion of the State Legislature hereinafter referred
hereby published for the consideration of the voters
of Washington, the proposed amendment to the
the said state, as follows:
Substitute Senate $oint Resolution No, |
Shall the State Constitution be amended
school district voters to authorize tax
of the 40-mill limit at a sl
to four years for operations and/or
the proposition or propositions be
three.fifths majority, and the number of
thereon constitutes not less than forty
votes east at the last preceding general
district? :!'
lie It Resolved, By the Senate and House of
of the State of Washington in legislative session
THAT, At the general election to be held in this
the Tuesday next succeeding the first Monday in Nove
there shall be submitted to the qual;ied electors
for their approval and ratification, or rejection, an
to Article 7, section 2 as amended by
Constitution of the State of Washington, by
ew subsection designated as subsection (d)
Article section subsection
for the purposes and in the manner m this subs
School district tax levy or levies at a
for each 'ear ma be authorized at
specified number of Fears not in excess of four
for operations or four for a lev
both when th e proposition therefor has bee
majority of at least three=fifths of the electors
at which election the number of ersons votin
t!on shall constitute not less than for
number of votes cast at the
such district. If any tax lev,v is authorized
rovisions of this subsection
district shall determine annually thereafter th
required from the authorized or levies
of the schools of the district for
,vithin the limits of eaeh tax so authorize
made at the rate required to produce the
ined as aforesaid.
The proposition r propositions to
|evies for aerations or )ital
submitted to the electors of a school district
whether called
purp_ose, but ma, be submitted not more than
No district shall submit to the electorate
this subsection a'proposition to authorize add
current or outla for an.
Such eleetors roved a
ItS, of this Subsection for the same
however at any time submit to the electorate
for auth( a
the same ourpose: PROVIDED ) That the
b' the substituted authorization will be ade(
of the district
authorization that the
shall b its terms supersede the authori:
terms shall not become effective until the
following the date of the election at which
and thep be in lieu of
seded authorization
The procedures specified in this subsection
umulative to the other procedures ecified in
And Be ]t Resolved, That the secretary of state s!
foregoing constitutional amendment to be 1
three raonths next preceding the election in a
In every county ha 'the state in which such a
]Passed the Senate Mareh 10 rl. - Passed the
President oJ the Senate.
All words underscored do not appear in or
Constitution as It is now written but will be pnt
this amendment is adopted.
I, Victor A. Meyers, Secretary of State of the stat
|ngton, hereby certify that the above is a full, true
copy of Substitute Senate Joint Resolution No. 1,
Legislature' of the State of Washington at its
Session, as appears from the original of said S
:Resolution now on file in my office.
Witness My Hand and the Seal ol the State of
this 1st day of August, 1962.
\\; Legal Publication
,,'rom t Office o!
13, 1962
lSon, Aberdeen,
at; their
for a group
day was spent
skiing. WaL-
to six ski-
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the youngsters
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to the State nstltut
Legislature hereina
the consideration
the proposed emendm
t follow
House Joint R
Constitution b(
Voters to authoriz
limit a( a specifie
for capi(ai outlw,
approved by a
voters votin
percent of th(
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By the Senate and
gton In legisla !
election to b
:eeding the first Mc
to the quali
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2 as amended b
State of Washing
designated a subsecti
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any single eleti
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therefor has bee
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as aforesaid.
roll submit to the
to a
under t!
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in this st
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Preceding the electi
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erseored do no!
a4 it is now written
is adopted,
Secretary of S
that the above
House Joint Resoh
State of Washing
from the origina
file In my office.
and the Seal o