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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
September 13, 1962     Shelton Mason County Journal
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September 13, 1962
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Lcations ,nth of the pro&apos;- mid al ih.' lime 'I', if he ]io llI)i l'l)vtq)ll'lll', ]I IllS[ 0 fl'ict'l" llllik ilU4 l[lill i,l Ill,' HIP" I lllpl'oVl'llllqil,g LIS Iili (d • lho IHlr- p:dd alllUlaIIv I mr, nil (h.f.rrcd (if' SiX tlOl" ('('ll|- "i(h:d. Thai any full lavi0nl ,' l S{Illl )I'V I'OS ,hlin (ll,od. Tho Family Picnic ,atson, Abor,h,en, <'pe}'ding this week "vacationing I  BUnday at: their ]'ere at t:he home (if Mr. and Mrs. i ho.e for., ,.<.,p ',..',k Cool)e,'. , I Jhe day was ST)eat Mr 'rod Mrs t-teary t.:nappell byate," skiing'. 'Wet- and M( :rod :Irs. Wini'am Wright ;bad lip to six ski- were weekend guests ill Spanaway uaat and it was "l :t the home of the William Wright, BHELTON--IAS0 C0 ZOLrRIAI5 -- PuIslie/hi "OtstY,sOtt, 7.9.X., 85elton Wmstlnd, Hosts For Young People ]and, Idaho. APPARENTLY the Indian snm- mer weather kept most of the members of the Lake Nahwatzel Vohmteer Fire Department at home as only a very few attended the annual meeting Sunday AI Tupper, new owner of the Resort, was elected president, Clifford Legal Publ!cations ' NO'PICE OF lllqARTNG ON MANON COUNTY liUDGIT N()TICE IS I-IEBF, IY GIVEN. that tile (7. Ollllliissionors Of {ason Cotlnty lmvo cmnl)h'ted an:l l)laved (m rile theil' H'el Jlllina r.v budgeI I'( If' Mason County I'o1" ltlo fisval year of 1963, a eo)y o which will be furnished any citizen w m w 1 call at this office for FIIIInc. NOTICI.] IS FURTHER GIVEN that this Board will meet at the Courthouse in Sbellon (in the 1st day of October, 1962. ai the hour of 1:30 I).m., for tile ii Legal Publications ........ i . ii ..... , i summons, to wit. wiihiu sixty (60) days afloF tile 23rd day of August, 1962. ln(l defend Ahe above entitled a(qion, in the above entitled court, and answer the comphdnt uf the p)aintiff, and serve tt COI)Y of your allsWor tlpon th( Ull(tcl'sJgnod atlot'ney at | is of rice behw s|.a|l(l and ill case of yOl.ll' fuihlr( SO lo d(), jlldgulent will I)e rtlld*l't!d against .yell accol'ding to tile dell|and or lhe Ct)lllllItlillt, which has I)(!ctl fih,d wilh tile clerk of said court. Thai the Cause of action herein is i I i i ii I i i i Legal Publications ................ , ........ - .......... ,,. ,, ,L ....... ...... , NOTrci,: oF tWDV, E HEatt( Notice is hereby given that the oard of CommisMonors (if Public Uttl- ity District No. ;l of Mason County. Washfngtoa, have prel)ared a budget for tie year 1,()63 and that a final hearing oa i;he I)rOl)()sed budget will be held in tim i)ffi(:es of the District Ill hird and Ci)ht streets. Shelton, Washington, at 1:00 p.m. October 1, ] 962. T. W. WERE, Secretary 9/13 and 9/27 2t NOTI(!E OF hill)GEl? Ill,'ARINfi ,nhlinin;z l imh(T rt'l)()rl and wtilioa }ii)::, ,a?.the yotlngaters (,rials is l)rl)hih- asking lilt, (h)ili'l to dl I in e, qm)ving pr()v(' said final re} i }Fell and'dipped ;is ('" (.I'! rl the Lake There '" " '" " ' " ' $iI Water skiiv.g on .ands, Illltil ll/e I ( il ii ( the the /mo t'cha.o lu'icc has NOTICI'] IS l PIIRTH t fh'st su,d. Faid f nd "ci)o)'l aad sat lnally bellil/d iribulion will lie hea'! S'I t' t '' Ili:] at 0'chick ill tit(' fol'0ll0L l•lil,IIl ill ih(' Court 14( l .ls l'e made .#,: iOli, (d' oils. g•a,- L: ' Albert Northey, ,,<.a> ;,r . It  Ii¢( to {;',  ",,r  ,,•(;l,tt$iil 1 .... '. ii " • "" • ' " . ' ':":Iil ' ) lvtaLIocl¢ and lllld IIl'S(l\\;'aliiillS .Vlls]llligIoll a lJ " ) 10umai Want 0000:000ope, ;, '' '-:' ..... 'iaSide, Ore. early ........ -- ---dg°i'aing to attend triers: /?/ereasl/00g0000llpnvention being e00ur°°d to 00l,o ed Amendment to th lncreastn00 Levy Periods' tate (:onstitution 00ted on NOVEMBER 6, lJJll IIII LtJ I • Office of Victor A. M eyp • Secretary of State, State of v ' Concern/ the State Constitution, and the 3olrit Legislature hereinafter referred for the consideration of the voters le proposed amendment to the follows: : ;ii FFICIAL BALLOT TITL te Senate Joint Resolution No. J SCHOOL DISTRICTS: ',REASING LEVY PERIODS te Constitution be amended voters to authorize tax limit at a specified maximum [or operations and/or n or propositions be a ljority, and the nnmber lutes not less than forty e last preceding general , By the Senate and House of 'ashington in legislative session general election to be held in this ;ucceeding the first Monday in NoW )mitted to the quallYied electors and ratification, or rejection, an on 2 as amended by e State of Washington, by .signated as subsection (d) subsection (d). nd in the manner in this sub,, or levies at a y. be authorized at anl )f years not in excess of four for a le roposition therefor has beet st three-fifths of the electors the number of persons yetis te not less than fort .'ast at the any tax levy is authorized subsection mine annually thereafter authorized or levies for the for )f each tax lev so authorize[ .quired to produce the t. )ositions to operations or )ital electors of a school district be submitted not more than Jr. faniily. Mrs. Wright stayed over for a week's visit. Mr. and Mrs. James Bleekcr had as their drep-in guests last Thin's- day ewming. Mr. mid Mrs. Lee: l)a wsou. Mrs. Lee Dawson was a Wednes- day overnighL guest in Seatl:le at the home of her son, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Pig'g'. Thursd'ty morning she had the pleastu'e of accompanying her youngest grandson, lffiltlt'y, to school for his first day in the first grade. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Ford vis- ited Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Crapeau at the home llear the Hatchery. Snnday overnight guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Hansen and the latter's mother, Mrs. E. Kroffitt, were Mr. and Mrs. Banko Thyme and Mr. and M['S. Ralph Mitchell, all o£ Fruit- Amendment to the J Constitutioa On NOVEMBER 6, 196Z , Offi! of Vfetoi &, MeyeI, --, ,' 8Iretar of State, Stale of Washln(li0111 00.eer= • i to the State (nstltutto zad the 3olnt Resoh Legislature hereinafter referred to, there is the consideration of the voters of the Stat the proposed amendment to the ¢on6titutlon ol tl follow IAL BALLOT TITL House Joint Resolution No. 1 CITIES, TOWNS) LEVY PERIODS Constitution be amended to permit voters to authorize tax levies in excess limit at a specified nlaximum rata for capital outlay, if the prbposition or approved by a three-fifths majority of voters voting thereon constitutes percent of the votes east at the last election in such city or town? i By the Senate and House of Representativel ,ton in legislative..session assembled: eI¢tion to be hId In this stat on the feeding the first Monday in November, 1962, to the qualified electors of the" state, and .ratification, or rejection, an amendment 2 as amended by Amendment 17, of the State of Washington, by adding thereto a designated as subsection ( ) which shall read subsection or in the manner in this subsection )ecified maximum rate for each ,ear any single election for a specified number of four years for a levy for capital outla, therefor has been approved by a malority ths of the electors voting thereon at which )ersons voting on the proposition shall ,ercentum "of the total number of election in such city ,or i is authorized pursuant to the provisions of the or town shal thereafter the amount of funds required, or levies of the city oF town for capital the limits of each tax Ievy so authorize d at the rate required to produce the amoun as at to authorize dditional taX} be submitted to electors of election hether called for this be submitted. l submit to the electorate )roposition to authorize for an3 )roved a :ion 1'or the same ne submit to the electorate prior authQrization, a ne (1) That the authorization will be ade( ions of the district that the supersede the authori come effective until the fir' of the election at which )ecified in this subsection ecified in ed, That the secretary of state sl anal amendment to be l; .receding the election in a weekly 'the state in which such a roll submit to the electorate upon aulhorlt. to authorize additional levies 'ear for which such electors have, - under the auth0rit ' of this sub Z )ose. A or town ma 7 however at, electorate a" proposRion to substitute a new authorization for the same authorized will be adequate to fulfill all eono or town incurred by reason of the substitute proposition shall. prior authorization and by its terms until the first tax levy year following at which it was authorized and then be authorized b tle superseded author- in this subsection shall be deeme in this section. That the secretary of state shall cause the amendment to be published for at least Preceding the election in a weekly newspaper In the state In which such a newspaper is eh 10, 11. " Passed BERG, JOHN L. f the Senate. PLANATORY COMMENT ,  nderscored do not appear in etlr t It is now written but will be p#t Is adopted, ---- ers Secre ar of the slat , t y State of d c. fy that the above is a full, true :(1 I#J enate Joint Resolution No. 1, P.¢,se • TIIIp #*" State of Washington at its ,ittt¢ L : from the original of said S bs file in my office. .$#tPI d and the Seal at the State of gust, 1962. on ( VICTOg  .  passed the Senate March Sl. llll. JOHN A, CHERBERG, President 05 the Sea. XPLANATOEY COMMENT adereored do not appear In Our Stete It is now written but will be put in it I adopted. Secretary of State of the State of Wash* that the above is a full, true and correct I'Iouse Joint Resolution No. 1, passed by the State of Washington at its Thirty-seventh from the origlnal'of said Substitute Joint file In my office. and the Seal of the State of Washlngtmt 1962. Reeves, vice president; Lawrence Hansen, secretary-treasurer; and Clifford Ford, Amel Tveit and Lee Dawson, trustees for the coming year. The first Tuesday evening el each month will be the meeting night for the officers. Let's not lose interest iu our worthwhile project, neighbors, as the enemy "Fire" can strike anyone and any- where at any time. $,RA-Vi0!ai0-00 Fine, Jail Sen!ence John E. Hubhard  as fined $100, assessed costs of $2.50 and sent- enced to serve 10 days in jail on weekends on a charge of violation of the Safety Responsibility Act il; Shelton [;alice Court Monday night before Justice Rolla Hal- bert. Other cases on the docket were William Bacldund, drunk in pub- lic, three days in jail; Richard J. Anderson, disorderly conduct, 15 forfeit; Robert. C. Olson, dis- orderly conduct, dismissed; Orin S. Baumbaugh, speeding, $10 fine and Gary L. Cakes, no arterial stop, $10 forfeit. Try A Journal Want Ad i)urpos( of fixing the final budgei. ;llid any laxl)ityer nl,ly al)llear at said ll(,ttl'ing and b(" tleard for or aa)nst t:ny luu't of said budget. DATED at Sholton. Washington thls dlh day of Sr, ptembor, 1962, t'I()al'd (ll' C(lunly Conllll]ssioners ()|' :lSl)ll Cotlll|y, Wash[IlK[on. C. NOLAN MASON ':iSOll C()lUlty Auditor nnd Ex- Oflicio Clerk (if lhc Board. 9/13-20 2t NOTICE OF B[IDGET nEAltIN(: Notice is tmr(dw given that the C(inlnlisSi(iners O .fSOll Cotlnly Fire 1)islricl No. 3 at Gralleview, Wash- illgh)n llave conipleted their prclimi- nary ])u(lget for the fiscal year 1.98. The board of Commissioners of said fire district wilt moot at 8 p.m. at tile Gral)oview Fire Hall on Sel)lember 2d, Lq62 fop the t)urposc of fixing and a(h)l)ting :mid budget, Any taxpayer }) ty al)pcar at tile above nnntioned thlle and I)lace and b( beard for or against any part of said budget. Dated at Grapevicw, Washington, this Mxtb day of Sci)tember, ]963. ARTHUR F. ZEHE. Secretary. 9/13-20 2t NO. 8264 SUMMONS I|Y PUBLICATION IN THE SUPERIOR COURT O]P TIIE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY REVEL W. MISSMER. Plaintiff, VS. MARIAN REINBOLD MISSMER. Defendan STATE OF WASHINGTON TO THE SAID MARIAN REINBOLD MISS- MER. DEFENDANT" You are hereby sumnloned to ap- pear within sixty (60) days after the date of the first publicatian of this Qualifieatlons of Voters I i Proposed Amendment to the State (onstitution to be voted on NOVEMBER 6, 1962 Offies of VI A. Mey ""  IIa'etar¥ at State, State of Washlngto o Wem It MaY Concerto In obedience to the State Constitution, and the Joint Resolu* t/on of the State Legislature hereinafter referred to, there Is hereby published for the consideration of the vots of the State of Washington, the proposed smendmet to the constitution of the said state, as followsl , OFFICIAL BALLOT TITL------------= / House Joint Resolution No. 19 ( / QUALIFICATIONS OF VOTER  Shall Article VI, Section ! of the State Constitution relating to qualifications of voters be amended to reduce the periods of state and county residence re- quired for voting at all elections; eliminate disquali- fication from voting by Indians not taxed, and allow citizens intending to make this state their permanent residence to vote for presidential electors or President and Vice-President of the United States, after sixty days' residence? Be It Resolved, By the Senate and House of Representatives Ot the State of Washington in legislative session assembled: THAT,, At the general • election to be held in this state on the Tuesday next succeeding the first Monday in November, 1962, there shall be submitted to the qualified voters of the state for their approval and ratification, or rejection, amend- ments to Article VI of the Constitution of the State of Wash- ington by amending section 1 thereof and by adding a new section thereto to be known as section 1A, 8o that 8aid section will read as follows: Article VI, section 1. All persons of the age of twenty-one years or over, possessing the following qualifications, shall be entitled to vote at all elections: They shall be citizens of the United States; they shall have lived in the state ((ea yes, e)) six months, and in the county,_ ((dadmet   i-th¢)) city, town, ward or precinct thirty days immediately preceding the election at which they offer to vote; they shall bb, able to read and speak the English language: ((IXCV:DD,-RWrrt m6 tared   be  the  franchisa; F-)) PROVIDED, That this amendment shall not affect the rights of franchise of any person who is now a qualio fled elector of this state. The legislative authority shall enact laws defining the manner of ascertaining the qualifications of voters as to their ability to read and speak the English language, and providing for punishment of persons voting or registering In violation of the provisions of this section. There shall be no denial of the elective franchise at any election on account of sex, Article VI, section 15,. In consideration of those citizens o the United States who become residents of the state'of Vashtng- ton during the year of a presidential election with the intention )f making this state their permanent residence t this section i for the purpose of authorizin such personsr who can meet all _ualiflcations fr votin as set forth in section 1 of this Articlo except for residence) to vote for presidential electors .or nn the office of President and Vice-President of the United States 1 as the case may be, but . no other, provided, that tich persons " ave resided in the state at least sixty days immediately, preced,; ag the presidential eiection concerned. - The legislature shall establish the timel manner and plac f_or'-such persons to cast such presidential ballots. And Be It Further Resolved, That the secretary of state shall cause the foregoing constitutional amendments to be published for at least three months next preceding the election in a weekly newspaper in every county in the state in which such a newspaper is published. P$$$edtheNSeateeFebru_ary 22, 1961 Passed the House Februsr¥ I0, ltlL . - .......... Speaker o$ iha Hous EXPLANATORY COMMENT t All Words enclosed in double parentheses and lined Ihrough are in our State Constitution at the present and are being taken out by this amendment. All words under- scored do not appear in the State Constitution as it is now written but Will be pat in it this amendment is sdopted* I, Victor A. Meyers, Secretary of State of the State ef Wash. lngton, hereby certify that the above is a full, true and correct copY of House Joint Resolution No. 19, passed by the Legislature of the State of Washington at its Thirty-seventh Session, as appears from the original of said Joint Resolution now on file in my office. Witness My Hand and the Seat of the State of Washington) thls Ist day of August, 1962. [] for It divorce between tile parties I),I)ovo llllllIO(i whl# l'(!ill l)llltllt i l'] • and (l(tITtlldllll. liave It% ed Si!llal'ale and apart for more ttlan five yeal's lalt past. ,IOHN C. RAGAN Attorney for Plaintiff Office & Post Office Address: I3ell Building ]21 South Fourth Sh'eet Shcltt)n, Washington 8/23-30 9/6-13-20-27 6t ................... -! NOTICE ()1 ' III]I)GET IIEARING The Ci)nmfissioners of Mason County Fire District No. 2 having approved 1he prelinlhiary budget for ],lRi;I will meet September 25, 1962, at the Bel- fair Fire Hall. 7:00 p.m., for final ap- tHoval. Any interostod voters in the District are invited to attend. IOWARD I. TRAMMELL, Secretary Mason County Fire District No. 2 P.O. Box ]26 ]elfair. Washington 9/I3-20 2t NOTICIL' IS HEREBY GIVEN that tli( Board of Coniinissioners of the tort (,f l-toods])ort have conlploted all( placed on file theh' prelhninary Bu, lgel for the fiscal year 1963 and that th • Eoard of Port District Commissioners will meet at Dick's Mobil Service Sta- tH)n, Hoodsl)orl (')11 Oct. I, 1962 (Mun- day) ul 7:30 p, nl. for the ptn'pose or fixiag the final budget. Any Taxpayer iilay appelLr at the lmve mentioned time and place and :be heard f.r or against any part or said budget. Dated at IIoodsport. Washington by order of the Board. II. E. LOCKWOOD, Socretary 9/13-20 2t NO. 826I SUMMONS BY I'UULICATION IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE O1 WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY DALLAS ELIZABETH SAVAGE, Plaintiff, vs. ALVA T. SAVAGE, Defendant. NO. 3387 NOTICE TO CREDITOR IN THE SUPERIOR COURT (iF THE STATE OF WASItINGTON FOI MASON COUNTY In the Matter of the Estate of ED- WARD KRABBENHOFT. Deceased. Elizabeth Burzloff, is the appointed tad qualified Administratrix of said estate. All persons having elainlt against said deceased are required to serve the stone in duplicate, dfly ver- ified, on said Admmistratrix or her attorney, Robert L. Snyder at the address below stated, and file the same with the Clerk of' said Court, together with proof of such service, within six nlonths aftc, r the date of first publication o£ this notice, or the same will be barred. DATE of first publication: August 23, ]962. ELIZABETH BURZLOFF, Administratrix ]309 2nd St.. S.E. Puyallup, Washington ROBERT L. SNYDER Attorney at Law 125b N. 5th SImlton. Washington. 8/23-30 9/6-13 4t STATE OF WASHINGTON TO THE SAID ALVA T. SAVAGE, DEFEND- ANT: You are hereby summoned to appear withiu sixty (60) days after the date of the first publication of his summons° to-wit, within sixty (60) days after the 16th day of August, 1962 and dee fend the above-entitled action in the above-entitled court, and answer the I complaint of the plaintiff, and rw a copy of Your answer upon the tin der signed at[orney at his office b!lg stated; find in case of your failur s to do, judgment will be rendered against you according to the demand of the compla:int, which has been filed with the clerk of said court. That the cause of action herein is for a divorce between the parties above named wherein Plaintiff alleges cruel treatment on the part at the defendant. (st GLENN El CORREA ..Attorney for Plaintiff Offic'e and Post Office Address: GLENN E. ,CORREA ell Building 121 South Fourth Street Shelton, Washington 8/16-23-80-9/6-13-20-6t Pubti00on of i1 U&I _J ...... I, o J . J L ml I I I - --- ......... it... I Ame00me00s I1 II J , / \\; Proposed Amendment to the] State Constitution to be voted on NOVEMBEI00 6, 1962 Office O Vicar A. M.eyers, Secretary of State. Stat of WashinSm, To Whom R  On**rm I In obedience to the State Comtitutton, and t $olnt Rth flon of the State Legislature hereinafter referred to, there is hereby published for the consideration of the voters of the State of Washington, the proposed amendment to the ¢onstituttoa the said state, as follows= ........ - OFFICIAL BALLOT TITLE, , Senate oint Resolution No. P. PUBLICATION OF PROPOSED CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENTS Shah Section 1, Article XXIII, of the State Consfltu. tion requiring publication of the text of each proposed constitutional amendment in a weekly, newspaper in each county for threo months prior to the electron, be amended so as to require only that notice of the pro- posed cdnstitutional amendment be' published at least four times during the four weeks preceding the ele¢. tion in every legal newspaper in the state? I I I I I Be It Resolved, By the Senate and House of Representatlv of the State of Washington in legislative session assembled: THAT, At the general election to be held In th state on t Tuesday next succeeding the first Monday in November, 1961, there shall be submitted to the qualified voters of the state fo their approval and ratification, or rejection, an amendment tO Article XXIII, section I of the Constitution of 'the Stats Washington, to read'as foUow: Article XXIII, see)ion 1. Any amendment or amendmel!tl tO Constitution ma b proposed In either branch of tim legislature; and it the same shall be agreed to by two-thir ot themembers elected to each of the two bouse, such praPea amendment or amendments shall be entered on thei ournak, with the aye, and noes tron, and be submitted tO tl qualified electors of the state !or their approval, at the next gerieri e|l- t/on; the people approve an d ratify such amendment r amendments, by it maJo,r{ty of the; electors taming thlieol,/th!l same shall become part of this Constitution, and proclamati0 thereof shall be made by the governor: PROVIDED, That M more an one rae.dment be submitted, be, shall lle. mitted in such a manner that the people may vote for or against such amendments separately. Tho legislature shall also cau notice of the amendments that are to be submitted to the peoplt 'to be published (( 4ee   ba, ee    tk .eleeti l a weel  in  ,ty wbe a twepepee is.  4br-.eut 4ke Melt)) at .least four times durin the four weeks next precedin the eleet!0n i every legal newspaper i n the tate: POVIEDt. That failu f any newspaper to' publish this notieeshall .not ,he Interpreted as affecting the outcome of the lection. __- ± . _ Be It Fur/)her Resolved, That the secretary of state shall cause the foregoing constitutional amendment to be published for at least three months next preceding the election in a Weekly newspaper in every county in the state In which such a new paper ts pubh.'shed. assed the House March 8, 19 Paed the SenattIebBr J, 19, JOB-N L. O'BRIEN, JOHN A. CIRBF.,RG, • peakr o$ the Hout. Prek o3 l lsnaN. lSXPLANATORY COMMENT i" words enclosed in doubl# parentheses  rough are in our State Constitution at the l'esent are being taken out by this amendment. &ll worl under mored do not appear in the State Constitution as it Is mow written but will be put in it  ImmIm. ent is Maple& I, Victor A. Meyers, Secretary of State of the State of Was Igton, hereby certify that the above is a full, true and correel copy of Senate Joint Resolution No. 25, passed by the Legislature of the State of Washington at its Thirty-seventh Session, as !ppears from the original of said Joint Resolution now oa in my office. Witness My Hand and the Seal o/ the,Stato of zst da at u 962. I • i i u = ! , Legal Publictmns ] Le$al Publications NO. :13119 , I NO. 3339 NOTICF TO CRI,:DIOIIS I NOTICE OF IIEARING " - t FINAL REl'Olt'l AND PI'TITION IN THE SUI ERIOR (.OI RT OF THE I w,,,* ,st,,,D,,,*,,.,,i.. r ,e, a ") *!*v a., I sis)*, • i.e STATE OF WASHINGION I(.R , , ," a , ,. ott.m,v . PnaTE ] IN 'IHE SUPLRIOR COURT OP THE ,"'.'.'" :'2"V,'" .... , "'/,  '7"'2 " ,. I STATE Ol" WASHINGTON li'()]: In Lilt. vtatter o1' tno EslsIC ( [ | MA ")M • ........  " , . . :. ' .,.,..or.. (2OUNTY FRED J, PHILLIPS, Decensect. 1 Iu Lhe Matter of the Eslaio of NOTICE !S HEREBY GIVEN that ANNA NELSON De, ceased, tll undcrs gned ha. been a)l)olntcd Vh;tinia A,• (ilarri(,r, Exo(utrix (if alld has qualiricd as the Exeeutrix said Eslato, lia. fli,,d witll said Cou['t ol the Estalc of Fred J, Piiillips: de.- her final rellort and tictilion for dis- ceased; that MI persons having c a sis trlbutkm, asking lira Court to settle against said deceased are liereby re- said report, distribul,c the I)roperty qtlired tt) serve lhe saute, duly veri- fied, oil the undersigned Executrix (il her ath)rney of record at the ad- dress I)ehlw :dated and file the same with the Clerk of the said court, to- gether with proof of such service within six nu:mths after Lhe date of lirst publieaiioa of this notice or the lallle wtll be blirred, Date of firsl publication: Seplembcr it, 1962. MIRIAM S. PItILLIPS, Executrix Glenn E. Corraa ' Attorney for Estate ]t, lt Building Shelton, Washington 9/6-13-20-27 4t NO. 3391 NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY , In 1he Matter of the Estate of EM- MY C. PETERSON. deceased. Axel Peterson is the appointed and qualified Executor of said estate. All pcrsons having claims against said deceased are required it} swve the same ia duplicate, duly verified, on said Executor or his attorney, Rob- eft L. Snyder. at tim address below stated, and file the same with the Clerk of said Courl, together with proof of such service, within six months after the, date c)f fh't publi- cation of this notice, or the same will be barred, DATE of first publication: Septent- ber 6, 1962. AXEL PETERSON, 1912 Boundary Sholton, Washington , Robert L. Snyder At rney at Law 1 , North 5tit ton. Washington, 9/6-13-20,27 4t NO. S38S NOTICE TO cHlt'F.DITOIIS IN TI4E SUPERIOR COURT O  THE LRTATE OF WKSHIN@TON FOR MASON COUNTY In the Matter of the Estate of WILEY WILLIAM MAY, Deceased. Auda Zelvia May is Ute apl)ointed and qualified Adminlstratrix o said estate. All persons having clalnis against said deceased are requh.ed to sel e. ttte same in duplicate, duly veri- fie . oh said AdmtRistratrix or her attorney, Robert L, Snyder at tne address below stated, and file the same with the Clerk of said Court, togethea, witi] pl,oof of such service. within six montlm after €lie date of flr publication of this notice, or the mmm will be barred. DATE of first publication: August 16, 1962. AUDA ZELVIA MAY Adminlstratrix Route 2. Box 65 Shelton. Washington ROBERT L. SNYDER / ttorney at Law 1 5 North 5th elton, Washington 8/16-23-30-9/7-4t tl, the ))el'sons thl.reto i.ntilied and tc discharge sllid Exl.cutrtx. SIttd rc- lmrt and p,gltlon will be heard on tbo 5th illiy of Or, toiler. 1962, at l(I a,nl, in the Coul.troolu of said Colirt. in tile Counly Courthouse al Shettori, WsshingLoa. DATED THIS dlh day of September. ]962. IIARRY DEYETTE, Ch,rk of the Superior Court. by: Techht Vernlinioll Deptlty Clnrk. Robert L. Snydr Aliorney at Law 125! N. 5th Slwlton, Washington. 9/6-13-20-27 4t NOTICI, OF %rATER RIGIIT API'LICATION NO. 17459 STATE OF WASHINGTON. OFFICE OF SUPERVISOR OF WATER REo SOURCES, Olympia. TAKE NOTICe: That WESLEY E. ALDERSON of Taconm. Washington on August 1G. 1962. filed application fur pernllt tO divert the t)ubIir waters of an un= named spriag tributary of Hood Canal, i1, Ihe nlllount (if 0,01 second-foot, subj('('t to (xtsting rights, continuous- 13" each year for the I)nrposc of do- nmstic Supply that {he approximate ])oint of 0iversioli is located wlthln SW,6 SWtl of Section 20. Township 2: N.. Range 3 W.. W. M., in Maim County, Any objections must be accompan- ied by a Lwo dollar ($2,00) recording fer, and filed wi, th the State Super- visor of Water Resmlre, es wit]fin tlfirty ("30) days from Septeniber 13, 196, Witness my hand and official seal lhis 28th day of August, ]962. M'. G+ WALKEI?., St:te Sapervisor of Water iesources, 9/6-1B 2t NO. 31191 NOTICE TO CIt'F,1DITORS IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY (In Probate) In the Martin" of the ]stale of CORAL 'IffAR'VEY PALMER. Deceamd. NOTICE IS I.IEREBY GIVEN that the undersigncd, Dorothy I. Palmer, has been appointed and has qualified as Administratrlx of the estate of Coral ttarvcy Palmer. d,eeased; and lhat all persons having elainis against the said deceased or the said estate are hereby r(,quired to serve the SaIlle, duly verified With the necessary rou- t:hers attached upon tbe nnderslgned Adminlstratrlx or her attorney of rec- ord at tlie law office of R, Franklin Houston. Angle Building. Sheiton. Washington. add file such claims to- gether with proof of service with the Chrk of the,above entitled Court with- in six (6) nlonths after the date of the first publication of this notice, to- wit: 13 Soplelllber 1962, or all cla|/ill not so present0d and fih, d will be forever barred. DOROTHY I. PALMER A dministratrix of the Estate of Coral tbtrvey Palmer. Deceased. Address : Hoodsport. Wa,dlington. B. Franklin Iteuston Attorney for said Estate. Angle Bldg.. Shelton. Wash. 9/13-20-27 I0/4 4t Temporary Per?ormance'o? 3udkla! Duties Proposed Amendment to the, State Constitution to be voted on NOVEMBER 6, 19600 -- . • L _ Offi of Victor L Me¥, lletar¥ at State, 8tta of WMhingtt, Te Whom It ill 0eneern, In obedienca to ,the State Constitution, and the $oint Resoluo tion of the State Legislature hereinafter referred to, there is hereby published for the consideration of the voters of the State of Washington, the proposed amendment to the €onstltUtlon at the laid state, as follows: I OFFICIAL BALLOT TITLE,  I. _., House Joint Resolution No. TEMPORABY PERF0]gMANCE OF SUDICIAL DUTIES Shall A!ttdl IV o! the Stato Constitution be amended by adding a new section providing that when neces. sary for the prompt and orderly administration of justice a majority of the supreme.court is empowered to authorize judges or retired judges of courts of record jn this ste to perform, temporarily, judicial duties in tlie supreme court , and to authorize any superior court judge to perform judlcml duties in any superior court 0f :this state? L [ Be It lved, By )hi Senate and House of Reprentatlvol ef ihe State 'of 'Wal!lngt0n in legislative session assembled: THAT, At the geneetl election to be held In this !ta o. the Tue$_da¥ next iuee[Ing the first Monday in N0v!ber, 1961, there shah be submitted to the qttallfied voters oir this state, for their ipprovai and ratification, or rejection, an amend, men) to Article IVof the Constitution of the State of WasMagton" by adding thereto a new section to b0 nUmbared section 2(at Of Article IV, _Which shaHread U follows: ec![bn l(a). 4,Vhn necessary, for the prompt and r¢lerlF tniinistrati0n at < J titice  m a]or'i{ of the SUprei Court l, em0wilrl f0 aiithSFIi#}fidges or retire Judges of courts of lecltrd 0! this State) tp perform, temporarily, judicial duties, i, the Supreme Court(and to auihorize any superior court_jug;: to:perform judieta| 'duties in any superior coqrt qlf, i'tHi'i;§(iii Be It Further Resolved, That the Secretary of star# shah causo tho foregoing constitutional amendment to be pub- lished for at lealt three months next preceding tha election, Ill some weekly lWSpaper, in every county where • newspaper Is published throughout the state. IPalled the Senate March ,19SL Pa$hLH,Rilte,h $, ,Ml • JOHN A. CHERBEG, Pr¢ldsni ol thl $tnil Speaker o! €€ Houri, gXPLANATORY COMMENT AU wori underored de not appear in our State Constitution as II Is ow written but will be put ia ff tl amendment hi tdoted. I, Victor A. MeYers, Secretary of State of the State of Wash., lngton, hereby certify that the above is a full, true and correct copy of House Joint Resolution No. 6, passed by the Legisla- ture of the State of Washington at its Thirty-seventh Session, as appears from the original of said Joint Resolution now on flit in my office. Witness My Hand and the Seal of the State of Washlngtol this 1st day of August, 1962. [] II