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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
September 13, 1962     Shelton Mason County Journal
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September 13, 1962
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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P8 16 S1ThDLTON--MASON COIINTY JOURNAIJ  PubUshe¢l in "Ohrishnastown, U.S.A.," Shelton, Washin ii , i , For e i i i i ii u,, PIONEER SAWS sales and service. We are open Sundays. Straiten Mrine Hfllcrcst Hardware. 426-8163, 3/29 tfn condition• $10.50 with case. Ziegler&apos;s 7/19 tfn Cme1"a Shop, . ............................. 0S-/l--Ybik-L-k? Now Is the time to apply Moss}to from Gray- stone of 8helton. Free use of spread- er• Phone 426-6661. 4/19 tfn $100 value for $75. Terms, 426-3649. B 4/5 tfn supplies. John Rico. Phone 426-6108. rec demonstrations. R 1/7 tfn trailers, boats, campers. $198.50. Saedpev Motor Shop, 426-4602. 12/7 tfn Y-(-'=(--P- more water a-n-d longer with Falrbanks Morse pumps. ee them at Shelton Electric Co,, 419 Railroad, 3/16 tfn a, $89.50- $69.50. Ziegler's Ca- mera Shop. 7/19 tfn CH:, BCK TOP IOIL, fill dirt reed and fill gravel, washed sand and gravel, drainage gravel and pea gravel for driveways. Norman An- derson, phone 426-3552. John's Creek Sand an Gravel, Bayshore. 7/25 tfn FOR S-'A--L,  Used KT;'n auto- nlatie .washing nlaeiline• Good con- ditton. Phone 426-4222. S 9/13-27 31 '()'J--'Il gravel fill dirt, F.-- Ogden, 426-6156, 2/12 tfn amazing, improved finish for floors and furntture that lasts and lasts and lasrts, 5125 tfn ' pulleys and shafts. All typee sal- vage; Shelton Junk Co., First and Mill, phone 426-8626. 9/8 tfn '-'='-Lre" selectlon o re- 1 ¢ndltloned ranges, refrigerators, Washers, drers. Eells & Valley &l>- lillance Cenr. 615 tfn MI''TYR---F'L O W E R arrangements, Yvr Craft, Hobby and Healthcor- n0rs, Bar-Din, 520 Franklin, upen Thursda and rlday. B 6/22 tfn pel. Peymanent finish and sealer, does not discolor with age. See Graystone. 5/25 tfn IIT BOY PAINTS --=-*e at# open Sundays, Shclton Marine, Hillcrest Hardware. 426-8163. 3/29 tfn tqallyraith Golf Green. Graystone of S!ielton. 426-6661, 4/19 tfn ,, ,,, ,,,i,,, , , i,,, i ,,,,, For Sale Sporting Goods ANTIQUE SOLID OAK dresser, two BOATS -- 8 omd 10 ft. prams, $40 and etlests, child's training cimlr, Phone $60; 12 ft. fisherman, $80; runabouts 426-2409. Inquire 1611 King St, 12 and 14 ft., immediate delivery. D 9/6-20 Any size on order. M. J. Hooker, Ri;lCiitiN--iN(}iNEt(X,i(ip-=-Xini0hi 1015 E:.Dcarborn, 42658511,,..Ba" i like new for sale, 426-6845, ) n, ao-u,',  /a m EVINRUDE SALES and semce. We are open Sundays. Shelton Marine Hill(rest Hardware. 426-8163. 3/29 tfn BOAT FOR SALE -- 18  inboard run- about, ]60 h.p., $1495, eMl TW 8-2296 or see at Hood Canal Marine, Union. D 8/9 tfn BOATS, MOTORS, TRAILERS, equip- ment at Walt's Marine Supply, on beautiful ood Canal. Phone Hoods- port TR 7-5244. 1/19 tfn munition. 243 $2.80; 30-30 2.70; 270 7 x 57 Mouser, 308, 30-06 $3,10 per box, your cases; 30-06, our eascs $3,60 per box. J & M Shooers Sup- ply, P.O. Box 273, Shelton, Wash. Ph. 426-2448. 8/30 tfn T 9/13 tfn WAX NO MORE -- PYLON q-ul-cl transparent plastic coating, never needs waxing, polishing or scrub- bing. Ideal for all surfaces, inside otc out. Sen Graystona. 5125 tn EMERSON TV anl--stel:e().-Sec-the'n at Johnny's Music Box. 205 Cota St. TRADE your old camera in on a new Zeiss 35ram automatic at our new discount price. Reduced' from $132.50 to $99,50, Limited time only. Zieglcr's _ ca!,!ra S.!op ._ ........ __.__s/s tf___2 ALDER, Maph: and old growth wood for sale. Any length. Phone Olivei" Petty, 426-2352. 4/29 tfn stamps for sale at the Journal, $1.25 each. 227 West Cota. 12/1 tfn Music :Box, 205 Cots St., phone 426- 4302. 2/1 tfn BARDIN'S GIFTS and Novelties. The shop of hundreds of "hand-madeW' i .. 520 Franklin. Open Thursdays, and Fridays. B 5/24 tfn: and fireplace wood $14,00 cord. Ph. 426-3010 after 6 p,m. F 7/19 tfn  fffi:g" I) 5B--[;ic y ck=C-L'ffiS- n ;i-7-$ gi .__Phone. 42_§:8200: ...................... s/_'a tf - LOGGING hgCll for a John Deere. John Dinning, Star Rt. 2. Box 119. Phone 426-6837. D 8/30 9/1.3 Reasonable. Phone 426-6007. .......................................................... s._s/O__P/..a. Felt SALE .... 20" apt, size range. Clean, reasonable, Four {lrltw(H' dresser. Phone 426-212L L 9/6 tfn Slab $12.50 a c.rd; Pole Wood Alder and Maple, $16 cord. 426-4807. S 9/0 tfn iiiollnted oll wh(els, plus chains, 4 tires stlitable for recap. All tires WSW 7-50-14, Bendix automatic borne ironer. Call 426-3225 after 5 p,ln. , A 9/13-27 Used Cars FOR SALE .... '56 Ford wagon 4-door, good buy. 426-6845. T !t/13 tfn fl i N'I'ERS "-'"C/:ii)i=(E --:::--6ifi:::;iiTi:i (Iriv( Jeep with eneh)s(!d cab, Good (ires, runs good, $325, Call 426=2420 ,,it!!,: S i).i,,. ......................... D. 9(!a:7 " FOR SALE -- Campin trailer, sleeps four, $350. Phone 426-8486 after 6 p.m. M 9/6-20 For Rent FOR RENT -- One bedroom furnished house, ideal for single person or old- i .... e r 0upl e: ._Pl>'_'.n2.426 -6_!S.. P!?0. try_' FURNISttED -- Two bedroom home $45. Water, lights, garbage and garage, furnished. 426.3870. S 8/30 tfn FOR RENT -- Two room furnished, heated apartment. Adults only. In- quire 311 No. First, phone 426-3025. ............................. ___/_L_kCn LARGE TWO bedroom apartment, hemted, close in. Call 426-6283. For Rent Pets, Livestock r --___ coMPAcT TWO BEDROOM Itillerest IIACK TO SCHOOL SPECIAL! Six home, completely redecorated with Labrador ptlppics lo give away[ Ph. large closets and electric heat. At- ,126-8369, Andy Tuson 9/13-20 taeiLed garage and large utility .................................................... ILorch. Range and refrigerator• Call POLICE DOGS for sale. Phone 426- 426-4667 or 426-4870 after 4:30. .......................................... E__g&20 TWO BEDR()OM Duplex nnit, heat, garbage, sewer, water, unfurnished, $60• Spcclal rates for ehlerly wo- nmn• 426-3575. J /6 tfn mcnt. oil furnace, range and refrig- el•ator, 1302 Cola St. 426-2081, B 9/6 tfn .................................. ___S__S__/3 gn FOUR-ROOM furnished apartment for ................................................................ rent. Call 426-6345. S 3/30 tfn GATEWAY APARTMENTS -- Fur- nished modern apartment for couple FOR RENT -,- Five room apartment o1" single person• 218 Io, First, Ph• furnished, water, garbage, sewer, 426-4481 or 426-4895, G 9/6 tfn paid. downtown, Phone 426-6564.  .................................................... • B 8/23 tfn CLEAN, comforlable, one and two bed- 6128. J 9/13 FOR SALE -- 7-m-ntis-old Ilolsiein heifer and one. nlonth old Guernsey heifer. Both re.' $75, Phone 426-835,1. P 9/13 ,CO---SX£?7?L-i :ek-i'i--di-ig ;(ar;,_ (-',oil saddle and equipment, Phene 426- ._373: ........................ ±% s ! A.S OL a SADDLE HORSES and one well broke Apaloosa work team, Also, two driv- ing buggies ill good condition, Boyd Zepp. Phone 426-6743. 8-16 tfn Kh R- -S X L K'-2--B i r S" KKff i r. . f 60_ g h - skin gelding. $250, Call 426-8920. For Rent O'-t'y--{,G'&N'-Xi,J-'{-'•2'h'fig' '57 V()LKSWAGON .... V,,ry good con- MUSIC BOX, 205 Cots St• 4/12 tfa (liiioB. '.t2 t)odg,, G.I. 4-whe(d dlh, e ............. 'j-SdN/IAL-'EQIJIPMICN T ............. nmclmnleally g(,,d. Body floor. 877- 5336 Ho )(is )Olq S 9 6 o CHAIN SAWS, Rotaly Lawn Mow S, -  ..-. : .. ................................. Reel Lawn Mowers, Gardm Tillers, I ))3 FeEl) ..... $250 r w 1 tl'a(le * I' a Y'loor Waxcrs aod Polishes, Wheel pickui*. :Ri" Rollaway bed, $20. B(,a- Barrows, Electric Saws, Electric dix (omblnat on .'t{s n r-dry(r, $50. Drills. Sailer Saws. Sanders, Exten- Lik(' sew 1)oriable waler cooler, $'1(l, sion Ladders, Step Ladders, Pipe [125 N(,. 5th St.. Downstairs. L 9/13 Wrenches, Shelton Marine Supply, 426-816. 6/7 tfn i0RI:f'"B'JJIJEBE'iRiES for-' s,ile, 25€ per imund, $'1.25 for 14 lb. pail. SEPTIC TANK Ebet' lard( Blueberry Nursery Route. 2. BOX a9a, Olympia. Phone FL 2- INSTALLATIONS 80al, 8/9 tfn J:>Is'i-'I;XYf'i']i;}ira,i'd(-"di}h;rft,li"ihbh) "wltb 'iRN2C)S'r SEPTIC TANKS 4 chairs was $:{04.95 now $8,1,00. Sears ! 100-gal. 250-gaL, 500-gal., (atalog Sales Of f if'c, Evergreen 750-gM. Square, Phone 426-8201. 8/J6 l.fn N/W-Ttii£TLES"aL/d-"gi)lhfisJiln ', -'638 Drain Fields, Ditch Digging ..are:dia=.4a6.:la?S: .......... y_S/lq !fn SHARER DIGGING SERVICE ........ Phone 426-3660 P,I..I I,I-,E;ItI.II.S Yml l)i"k, 15(: per lw)und. Ebcrhnrdt 1) u,!b(,r'v Nut's- 8-18tfn ,,rics, Rt. 1, Box 392, ()lylol)ia• FI, 2- - 031. 8/30 lln i" RUiT. ..... JARS. i ,aii" "i'[d )1 ;;; 7"(f,;{i l)I; I il i;] {[' = Hii ]]j lllg L)'(I, bath lub, oilmr th,ns. LU- si,,, R,,ul,, a, Uo. sos. L '/6-2o NEED A FENCE? IiORSE'" MANIJRE - --- Fr,sl')' o); old. $3.00 pickul} h,:ld, U haul. Phon( 42b- 8,176. M. Taylol'• :t/la tfn t,'{iI{"S) Lt'J"':L" "i '{ "Fi_, 8wans(;ii " i:i.,,d ar siril, boat. $95, St(u']Jng I)oat tratler. $95. $275 for both. Phon,: .126-4184. or 426-6233. S 9/13 tfn yourself with nothing down, usual- F(SF[" S'h] :2--J(;k::iWic,(-6-qt.p)'es. ly $10 per month. Nlll'( eo()kcr f(}r canning OF cook|)') ,;ore)dote meals, Exvelh!nt c(,ndition. Fast guaranteed service or de- ,z12.50, Phone 426-'t757. S 9/13 tim livery. FREE estimates. ..... /V, Glen Watson Ph. 426-3170 ., ,  , , t t t NeED CASH seal famous Knapp DICK'S TRANSFER Aerotred Shoes. Full or part time. High commissions plus b o n u s. and Delivery Complete lhle for men and women. Equipment furnished free. Write Phone 426-6364 to W. J. Theisson, Knapp Bro. Shoe Mfg. Corp,, 6401 E. Fh)tilla Moving Anywhere Stneet, Los Angeles 22, California. In Mason County 9/6 - 13 ' ' I ....  L I I LJ [I r I  I" ' " HAND saws Boat Building & TABLE SAWS Repair, Fiberglassing SHARPENED Seaswift Marine 20 E. PiNE H 2/8 tfn 2316 Olympic Hwy. No. Phone 426-4652 t J -- ] CIIRISTMAS WITH AVON EXCITING, PROFITABLE. We are especially interested in ladies from Union, Dayton, Matlock and Camp Grisdale. Apply now, get established in time for peak Christmas selling. Write or Call AVON, 604. Ellinor St., Silelton, 426-6426. 8/23 9/6 i ONE BEDROOM, furnished duplex, downtown, $40.00. Phone 426.2081. B 8/16 Un FOR RENT  Two hedroom unfurn- ished apartment. Hot water heat, city utilities, range and refrigera- tor furnished. Holly Hill Apts. Con- tact Apt. No. 2 or 426-2493, or 426- 2446. B 5/18 tfn FOR RENT  One-broom furnished roonl, furnished cottages with or without linens or TV. Heat, elec-i trieity, 'watdi-, gal'bagc collection ilL- eluded in low weekly ol. monthly winter rates. Mill Creek Motel. Call 426-4420. 9/6 tfn FOR RENT--Two bedroom furnished waterfront cottage, $40 per montlL. No dogs. Ph. Hoodsport 877-5528. A 9/13 FURNISHED COTTAGE £or rent, Call B 8/16 tfn FOR SAIE: Cute. frisky Labrador puppies, $10.00 each, 426-3579.. J 8/9 tfn , Hay & Feeds Top Quality Bud Cut ALFALFA DAIRY HAY house, water and garbagNf5/hd  426-8423. W 9/13-27 -- We Serve the West Coast -- GARAGE FOR RENT at Goldsborough [ Phone 426-8150. FOR RENT -- Two bedroom unfurn- Load Lots Only - Call Collect Ev. FOR RENT -- Modern furnished ca- Inhed house, avallablc Sept. 21. Elec- apartments, soufl second, $6 month. [ bins, water paid Phone 426-4276 t-c 1(at, w re.d lor washer-dryer, Quincy H & Grain Co. ............ ___S 5ll_ff_nn [ " C 8/2 tfn $55 per too. Water furnished. Inquwe George & arysvllle, Wash. FURNISHED APARTMENT available ] ..........  ..... 642& Dearborn P 9/13 tfn ,Sunset 1-2180 if no ans. eL 9-2503 at Goldsborough Apts. S 4/4 tfn SLEEPING ROOMS with kitchen pri- " ....... =- ............. : ....... 7 ........... vilees for r °-* %, , I, a N.i. OR RENT --- Two b drooln unfurn- AP--TMEl2?---fo,ron't I ,.=our,,., .... v,,one ,,"" 3 .o, ,," =,*'1 a. tfn ished house at Arcadm Point. New- __ -oo, .... , .... -- ly redecorated. Ph. 426-2392, downtown. Laundry and utiiltiesIFO R RENT -- Reed Apt.  bedroom, W.13-27 Lost and Found furnished, except lights. Phone 426-I 2461 or 426-3283. B 8-9 tfn [ unfurnished, garage, yard. Call La :-i%-NT----Tw-{on-77irnfsl?l Blssonlers Agency, 426-4666 or 426- house. Will pay city utilities, $55 LOST -- Bhm parakeet Monday at OVE-i'-G-HTI--(),--WND--g-u't I 4336. D 3129 t.fn per month, 325 So. 3rd. Phone 426- Agate', Ilalf mile from Pioncer school. you haven't room for? Send them: to Lawton Apt.-Motel. Apartments i R---c .... 8712: .................................. - -5-!---9-(!a-trn Tame family pe, t. Band on h'.g. Pil. now available by day, week or( half block fronl Thriftway Store FOR RENT -- Two hedroonl house ,126-3267. I D 9/13 { ) month. Phone 426-212I or 426-8177. i 1516 Suuunit Drh'e. Inquire at 629 at 1411 Raih'oad. Phon 426-2435. Lost ---Ci'ali:ii'[)ic{i(i}.',-s-il,;e7,-w{tli-in 7/16 tfn Cots or phone 426-6663. C 8/16 9/6 B 9/13 9/27 3t last eight nlontlls, around Jr. High ........  ............................. t ........................................................ SCIIOO] areas, or downtown. Charnls SPA-CIOUS'-0"-"a--nd  fur'nis FOR RENT -- Waterfront with view. FOR RENT --- Mt, View, two bedroonl include initialed heart, carpenter's bedroo,,n apartmont lots of closets, Modern one-bedroonl home with ad- Llnfurnishod houss, garage. Phone level, hydrophme, nlaple leaf etc. clean and neat. Very pleasant place ditional sl.eping space upstairs. 426-2159. 1I 9/13 tfn to live, Edgewood Apartments, Air- Phone 426-8435• Me 8/18 tfn port. 426-3772, S 3/19 tfn F'(5t--I:tI'NT-C)-R'-S..LE --'-fJ--hectr--nl ONE BEDROOM furnished apartment FOUND -- Bhlc Tick, fenmle with #OR" RENT-or-e.--L-a-e one bed- house with attached garage, unfurn- room house, close to school, fenced }shed. 426-2250. R 8/23 tfn yard, Phone 426-2259. S 4/26 tfn LAWTON APARTM,ZNS, ch FOR RENT  One bedroom, up- units ideal for single men or we- stairs apartment. Ceramic tile kit- men. Also attractively furnished on chert and batlL. Ample closets. Phone bedroom apartments. All untllities 426-6424 after 5 p.m. J 7/19 tfn furnished, except light. Reasonable. .................................................................................... Phone 426-2121 or 426-8177. IT'S A CINCH to cleau upholstery 12/4 tfn and earpet in a jiffy with Blue Lush'o. LunLbernlen's Mercantile Co. G-tSL, D-S-B(JP.-OUGI-IT-RI-LE-R'--PARK ._ 9/13. Convenient to mills and downwnl stores. City sewer and water. At highway bridge. S 4/4 tfn (icIKIX school for ssle or reet. (Jail d26-3132 for details, D 9/6-13 FOR RENT -- C[e-tn one-bedroom, furnished house. Phone 426-4644. ....... . ......... S 7/26 tfn F()ii- RENY-=:--Twf-i;(d,:i-;Oiii--iiosi Oold Storago Lookers electric rsnge and rofrgerato,' in ehldcd. Garage attached, P. J. Burke, 1102 Fairnlont St, Phone 426-2153,  .......... 8/3o 9/6 nished, heated apartment, with steve Lemke Service and refrigerator. Adnlts oul 311 9 s N. 1st. Phone 426-3025. '16 tfn Phone 426-6779 Furnished one Bedroom Downtown Apt, Call VInce Himlie Waterfront Realty 426-8277 8/30 DISTINCTIVE APARTMENT NEAR SCHOOLS LARGE GARDEN VIEW WINDOWS, 1 BEDROOM, CARPORT, WASHER-DRYER INCLUDED. UNFURNISHED. ADULTS $55.00 818 PINE ST. PH. 426-3357 8/23 tn i i 00LOR TELEVISION tfn THE BEST USED FURNITURE AND APPLIANCES 6-pc. Maple Dinette, drop-leaf table .............. $59.50 Daveno, very good ................ $79.50 Beautiful, long-lasting, western 2-pc, Sectional ...................... $75.00 red cedar fences of distinction by Davenport and Chair ............ $65.00 Versapanel. Installed or do-if 13 ca. ft. Kelvinator Refrigerator. ............... $125.00 Zenith 21" T.V., very good $79.50 Zenith 19" T.V., excellent, like new ........................ $175,00 Zenith 21" T.V, absolutely like new ........................ $109.50 Bunk Beds, new mattresses $59.50 Oaldand Auomatic Wood Heater ............................ $100.00 till I I -- ,  ' , i , , Kelvinator 18 cu. ft• Freezer, Upright ........................ $250,00 Oil Heaters .......... $15.00 to $49.50 5-pc. Chrome Dinette ............ $49.50 Kelvinator Refrigerator, like new ................................ $150.00 Maytag Wringer Washer .... $59.50 Zenith AM-FNf, Stereo, T.V. Comb}nat}ca -- Warm Maple Finish. Colonial Style -- SAVE $200,00 Olsen Furniture Co. 328 Cots St. 426-4702 i,, t handcrafted quality- the best costs no more Friendly, convenient credit USED Olsen Furnilure FURNITURE & APPLIANCES LUMBERMEN'S MERCANTILE Home Furnishings -- 2nd Floor Eells & Valley Applianoo Oonler CASH PAID FOR Your Washer.Dryer Headquaders Good, Clean, Used Furnitur0 f   M and Apphan©es. T " s A CA,L K LL,'S FURNITURE 4,6.,4,, ; t.....J I ' 'FOR DEPENDABLE N G APPLIAHCE SERVICE , ALL MAKES & MODELS OALL YOUR FRIGIDAIRE DEALER Always Ihe best deal, by Georget at Eells & Valley 2nd & Cota St. Phone 426-4663 3/2 tfn Lumbormon's Mer©anlile D0. 3rd and Railroad Phone 426-8211 9/13 tfn for rent. Heat, water and garbage furnished. Inquire 1119 Franklin. o ( Apt. 5, 9hone 46-696. B 9/13 tfu FOR REN'P'----M-o(iq,i{-1)5-(ii-iOtf[l-g-e. partly furnished. Living roonl, bed- roonl, kitchenette. $30 me. PieRe ing Pass. No dogs. Pimne /126-3757. S 9/13 tfn RENT A TELEVISION SET AT OLSEN FURNITURE 328 Cota Ph. 426-4702 Reward. Pllone 426-4054. 8/30 9/27 very young PUps. Contact Bill Mahar, pllone Chchalis 245-3767. M 9/6-13 MisCellaneous " N o T 1 c E On and after this date, Septenlber 13, 1962, I will not be responsible for any debts contraeted by anyone oth(;r ttlan n)yself. ---Willianl W. Wilson 9/13 10/4 Wanted V'ANTli]D BY LADY ALONE--T1i,'ce l'f)OIII a,pllr{lnen{ fut'nis}l(,(I. MLISt be i Classified Service A, F. OPPELT, nlassuer, will be at City Center Mote.l, corner First & Alder, each Wednesday, to giv, ... U'eatfln(2nts.-- ............... Q___7L/2 __t{l McCULLOCH SALES and Service. W are open Sundays. Shelton Marine Hillcrcst Hardware. 426-8163. HAVE GUN WILL SPRAY! Exterior and interior. Free estimates. Work guaranteed. Bennett Painting Co. Phone 426-3248. 5/10 tfn ROOFING, blown reek wool insula- tion guaranteed. Ph. 426-6417. 6/:,)0 tfn Wanted LADY WANTS 'fqOEi'[ by hour o1' day. IIas own electric scrubber. 426- 4378. V /16 tfn BABY SITTI1VG JOB VCANTED --- Steady, very reasonable, 426-3762. W 9/6-13 WANT SMALL used Cement mixer. Pllone .126-8108. W 9/13-20 FULL TIME HELP WANTED Apply In Person A & W Drive In Mt. View WANTED Ud Furniture Will Buy or Consign KELLY'S FURNITURE Phone 426-2411 Saddle Horses Rented Horses Boarded Special Fall & Winter Riding Rates By Appointment -- ONE FREE GUEST FOR EACH PAID ONE HOUR RIDE Double D Stables Union, Wash. Phone 898-2428 9/13 - 20 Real Estate DUPLEX FOR SALE -- Very reason- able. Pllone 426-8423, W 9/13-27 FOR SALE by ownec. Conlpact two bedroom Hillercst home. Conll)lctely relminted, electric heat large clos- ets, large utility porch, attac led garage. 275 down, owner will car- ry contract. Ph, 426-4870 evenings. E 9/13 tfn 3:XZ:)iigi;N-,KL]i:S- iid--;-(;i:i;h;?Tw: HOUSE FOR SALE -- Three bcdroom, plastered, hardwood floors, fircplaec, large utility, attached garage, fenced (lllitt alld clean oil h)wer fh)or. Wrile in patio, (:lose to Mt. View SCILOOI BOX B, e/o Journal• !)/13-27 and stol'cs. 2128 Jefferson. 426-4652. H 9/13 tfn WkN'rJD-TO ]UY old ct;ins.-CoPl')(.r: .......... =: ............................................... silver, gold. Call after 5 l').nl, 426- FOR SALE or lease: 20 acres, six- 3555, Bruce Goodwin, G 9/6-20 care for your children in Iny honle. Phonc 426-6391. A 1/11 tfn TREES "TOPPED. trinuned, removed. Larry's Tree Surgeon Service. 426- 4823. 2/13 tfn rolet -ton truck, 6' x 8'. Phone Union TW 8-2362. D 9/13 rlusses ill Ballet, tap, jazz, acrobatic batoll and halh'oonl, Wednesdays. M(unorial }II(Ig, 9/13 trn WANTED-= 100ff-%gp-lia b i--ffr 8 s--OK Rubber Welders. Mt. View. 1/10 tfn Yoonl lloose with sprhLg water and wood. Twelve acres of pasttlre land• Partly hu'nishcd. Call 426-8397. Mc 9/13 tfu ATTRACTIVE DESIGN -- Tlp;e bed- rooel honle near scliool. Built-in range and ovcn, attractive fh'epla(, electric heat, two-car garagc, half block of pr)llerty. Phone 426-8682 af- ter 5 L 8/23 tfn miles No. of Shelton. 1 bedroom all electric home. Firephtcc. garage, Slml), on i ,2 acres. 110 ft• gravel beach, fruit trees, berries, wooded back lot, Oak Adanls, 428-8769. A 8/9 tfn • . -: ........................... (- ............ __ ................................................ are open Sunday. Shelton Marnle, ItANDY MAN -- Odd lobs. If you MUST SELL Icy two bedroonl llomc 14illercst Hardw;ire <126-8163. think it can't be fixed call Henry inInediitu,ly. Two hie( cs from towr ........................................... 3/28.tfLl ..... L_a_ndi.s._42673099_g. - .............. _2/._!2tfn on ll/: lots lcasonablc. Call 42@. FURNACE CLEANING, repairing, in- SAW FILING, grinding and re-tooth- stallations, oil conversions. Shelton ing, All work guaranteed, Ted Ber- Furnace Co,, 321 So. Third, Dial 426- ry, 627 Wyandotte, phone 426-2433. 6121. 5/1 tfn 3/8 tfn and general IIlaSOU work. Call Reasonable. Phone 426-8058. Hodgsons first! Phone 426-6844. T 8/30 tfn H 6/21 tfn i)-OS-TWfi,-E---AN-TE-D---.---i---y(1 i:ffis-iiiT--XfJ---GS-KK--n-s{fii:i6h-: need $300 before Clu'istnlas; 1 can Jlnt Pauley Inn.-501 Railroad Ave. llelp you. No expcrience, no iuveM- Ptmne 426-8231. 4/28 tfn meat necessary. Write Box E, c/o Journal. 9/13 tJ Art's Bulldozing! Excavating -- Cement Gravel Fill Dirt ARTIFICLAL BREEDING service pro- Art Indahl yen, and highly classified sires. Dairy, beef and charolais $7.00. Pi- Ph. TR 7-5454 Hoodsport, Wash. per Brothers Inc. John' Caulfield, 426-2084 C 12/15 tfn 5/17 tfn ............... JFROME BurKE ............. REFRIGERATOR and freezers, re- conditioned, reasonable. Shclton Ro- frlgeratlon Service, 315 Cota, phone 4.6-8082 day or night. 1/18 tfn chimneys, planters, call R. E. Mason, 426-2278. 3/1 tfn GARDEN rotovating, field plowing, barnyard fertilizer, well-aged alder sawdust, pit run gravel compost fertilizer. Phone 426-8678. ' 4/5 tfn accurate preeision grinding. Now a Saer Motor Shell. Hlllcrest. Phone 428-4602. 1/15 tfn - "B V-Y--gh -ia-Tff, ff/8 ?i97 i'-a-dfa-: I tors cop er alvge of all kinds, l Shei't@n yen'k Co 'irst and Mill] Streete. Phone 426"86:J6. S 4/7 tfn! CHEM CLEAN Does more than just clean, it will remove stubborn spots, restore the original lustre to your fabrics. Rugs and upholstery are dry and ready to use within two lours aft- er cleaning. Available at Lumber- men's Mercantile. K . i i i!11,1 U l ,i BOOTH CONSTRUCTION CO. HOUSES MOVED, RA.ISFd:) and FOIYNDATIONS Phone 426-6441 3/27 tfn . i 1. SEPTIC TANKS Drain fields, Digging, Sewer. Marr Const. Co. Phone 426-3053 Rt. 3, ibex 623 If no answer, Phone 426-6183 C-------T-- 4219, 7/19 tfn N E - Xjik fii--i--BW@-sif6i:--ft}i-aj, well, soptic tank and bulkhead. Young h,ult trees. $3500. $1000 dh. Bardin's, phone 426-6837 evenings. B 5/24 tfn lly room with built-in broiler, wain to-wall earpcting, range, dishwasher, washer and dryer. Phone 426-8078. S 7/19 tfn crest benin, furnished or unfurn- ished, large garage, corner lot, close to echool and stores. Must move. ,OARLOAD SALE: IMMEDIATE DELÁVERY KENMORE 7 cycle AUTOMATIC WASHERS were $219.95 NOW $189.9 KENMORE MATCHING DRYERS - were $154.95 NOW $143.00 YOUR CHOICE COLDSPOT 17 cu. ft. UPRIGHT FREEZER Stores 600 lbs. Food, Porcelain Lined SAVE $50.95 NOW $199.00 OR Thursday, 13, 1969 COLDSPOT 17 cu. ft. CIIEST F'le-',,,.,.,., Stores 600 lbs. Frozen Food, Porcelain Lined SAVE $65.95 NOW $199.00 SEARS CATALOG SALES 0FFIGE Evergreen Square --- Shelton Phonc 426-8201 9/6- 13 FOR A "GOOD BUY"? Conlpaet step saving kitel new heat-saving fi room for garden and last long for price DREAM" Homes oft like the "Rock of , fully plastered, washer and drye is manicured to perfec fruit trees. All within eas buy--S9,000. )M COUNTRY HOME minutes from town. Th and 2 car gara in raising horses or t UI lZl tl'ass'-'e  140 Acres. 3 BR hen Large 19. stall t RateS at $19,100. Terms. 15 words or i ON MT. VIEW. Close charge) $1 room with firepla( $1.60 two at $7,500. Terms, $5: three insertions 25¢ '"PAY RENT WHEN Yet larger ads on THESE TWO LIKI Classified column inch. dining room, 6 rein Card of nlonth until down p er notices 1 .: $1.00 or 5 rooms in all, nice loc inch. Paid. "Not $1.50 per All must he ESTATE -- be paid i 119 So. 4th -- Phor I n/;w'il e Evenings C • ---r"  A1 LaBissoniere, Ph( m necesua #. • i e, Ph. 426-8806 Ha MASON00Q EXCELL In the :MI  ;lt " ' RAEL RENTAL SLl00 ceased . Notice is hcreU'oCt' ll0W offe de,.signe0000, ,comJo0000 );ave qual_.eal 1 o W w.ltn no n t,,tc ,,f agoo.d class home an, ceased" tllV'$ ' aS Phssible against s - " ........ toge'{her 'e wo Iar? will(in sl°:gL first publ table in comfort, at :U 00,CE FOR T"E FAM 6th, 1962. that this well built an CECIL any family. Its ma RICHA: a wife-designed kitcl churches and work! Executors about this one. Addros Bogie. Bot )F OUR BEST OFFE Attorneys 2-bedroom am 1.1th Floor the full basement, th cattlc 4, SUnny breakfast nook pics and a privaIe pat}, NOTI( ICE PLUS PRESTIGE! IN THE home is locat:ed close t( STATE MASON The owner is In the is an exceptional home MAUDE H. an appointment. Billie Mac ed and quali tate. All perso A WESTERN STYLE said deceased buy this unique IOII the sallle ill on said include a lovely Robert L. ShY( yard with patio and low staled,  Condition in every wa the Clerk of See it now! proof of months after tion of this mJ ENJOY THE FI bc barred. DATE of first 2 baths with bey 6, 1062, kennels, picture ] is(}active features of 2025 the ultimate in g Sh,dton. nOW, to see one of S R()bert L. snydCr ',' Attorney at Ifl.W 125'/a North .tl..,toS FOR THE R, 8hclton, WaslLlm, . sold completely equipment and stock a dandy barn with n steel milk tank; a cu fenced with pretty Like to see it? NOTI FINAL IN THE MASON Ill tile RICH ARD NOTICE DORIS iiled in tile Court a distribution, tle said erty to the and to ndaistratrix ; petition will <if October, the forenooU thereafter as at the court titled court, Shclton, at which interested ond file o test }be sanle. Dated (ILia 31 Clerk By : Glenn E. Attorney fo }ell Blc Shelton, Will sell at real bargains. Phone 426- 8549 aftcrnoons or evenings. ........................................... L,_ M )!_:tLt_tn SALE -- Large bcdroew., livlngroom, diniug, carpet, drapes, Small down l)aymcut furnished or not. Phone 426-4336. C 8/2 tfn 'd K-gXL---- T]ii:-g  Ki - ffh-i{qg, bath and tlalt', fireplace, electric heat, call 424J-2240 weekdays after 5 p.m. B 4/12 tfn TWO BEDROOM partly furnished suburban and three bedroom sub- urban homes. For sale el. lease. Phone 426-4147. S 7/5 tfn puInp and well. $2500. Terms con- sidered. 426.8397. O 6/'28 tfn room, $4200. 10% down, • $50 per me. Near Dayton. 426-6837. B 5/25 tfn ])'OR SALE -- Flvc acres. Good three bedroonl house, Good out buildings. Two tnilcs fronl Snclton. Phone 426- 3208. W 8/16 tfn ) ib R-sT/Eg -2: -2 -di:;ff--ffiC//e a f-55 g an(l solne tinlber, 660' read Irontagc. Ilouse ill need oI repair. Drilled well. Grapcview area. Easy terms. Call collect Gig 11arbor 857-2387. S 8/30 9/13 tlAMMERSLEY INLET, 100 ft, watcr- honle on front approx 1000 ft, deep. lnqulrc north of Frank Lusts, Route 2, Box 808, Shcl- Neat _to! _ (Aak'P= ................ _K 8/_oj_r9 h, nd. FOR SALE  Small house to be moved Real or torn down. Phone 426-8098, Hen- . .:y._i:,andis:_ '_2828 J_.effer_son:_ L__7/19 tfn FOB. SALE: 1.0 Aeres logged off laml about I;/'. acres cleared some berries 2 bedroom house, barn and otller out buildings, garden tools, furniture will sell as is, total price $9,000 some lel'UlS. Jaek Slnltll. Rt. 3 BOX 394, Arcadia read. Shelton, Wash, 7/12-9/27 NEW-H0:M E--- Excllcii{-it6wi, f0-Wii location, three bedrooms, 21 baths. panelled living Fo0nl. R. H. Keenan, . find all d. 1}.ire!!: ................... K_.6/2!.__I leer SALE -- Dnpiex 84x28 with 16 lots. Inquire 1726 Stewart street or phone 426-81o0. N 7/23 tfn 2 i:.)--kCR.ES i;if-18\\;:;il,v-(n.ih,k- t -tiity limits, $.1,000, 426-2081. B 9/6 tfn 1!'OR SA'LI':275200-0I' ' ¢;i:ifKh,iiTi 20, ' '. :[00, IIO down |n(.vlll ellt, $30 ])er llI)lllll ilL(!lld('s inlercst, |axes. L,I,I). ) I l)l,)n, ,126-67( 0 evem ilgS, 426-,1266 days. T 9/6 ((.u School. Full baselneut wilh fnrnace. l"ir,'l)htce. Full 1))'ice, $8,50(|. Easy te1'1118. 1)lloue ,126-6700 cvcnilIgS, T 9/6 tfn FOR t]lree acreS. 426-2200. 3 bedroom PanoramiO tidelmds, sonle $ 2 and 3 bcdr°0 Hood & Hoodsport TR 7-521t Your I)ouble wall rl)(if, alUll stained ties, roof}! doors, ins| AS Write 1 For Sale in Shelton Beautiful home on 2 landscaped lots, was designcd and built by owncr who must scll because of illness. As this hon|e is lightly unfinisil- cd, buyer can nlakc a substan- tial saving. Must bc seen to bc apprcciatcd. Can bc shown by appointment only. Call 426-4735. 9/6 it 2200 -- CALL MAR A. ROY D REALTOF Preferred Pn by Waterfront We. SUBURBAN opportunity to i ban prolerty You will for the own- hich can be per month. eeds a handy- ia good buy ince Himlie VIEW must. sell This one has separate L ate the extra excellent view Priced at $10, IRNIsHED 2 bedroom furnished. done exten- he needs a at $6,750 ae the existing 0 TOWN 2 bed- located just mits. It of- with its yard plus which in- Water for irri- godd OUt Call Waterfront -- Evenings -- Vern Dron 426-431