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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
September 13, 1962     Shelton Mason County Journal
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September 13, 1962
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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. ,V,i ,?I !!( ";?:: , ....... &apos;!Dtember 13, 1.962 SHELTON--MASON CO JOURNAL -- Published in "Chrttmatown, U.S.A.," Shelton, Washington Page 17 .....• ) . i |, , iq i . i i i ii i /i i i . . i ................. ! i ..... e  e-':  .... • • • I , • I • (l,ll. I III],ICNT were Mrs. Thursday, Septemo. Farewell Party Held For Vmtlne: Pioneer Area Man Gets Troehy in Trail Ride At Tenlno I '++ + '++'+'++ A 'GOOD BU.Y:'? C]}eck..this immaculate 2 ky, Cathy, and Janie fronl Olym- ;olq)act step s wing l{itcnen, m'ignt dining area, cozy w v . . |  ....... ia; Mr "and Mrs..lobn Corm ant _"'"" ,'":" ,+., +,,/, ,,,o+. ,,,u+o o,, two ,o,. C0uole From Ireland Wednesday ,,. +. T+, -. :,,o ,,,+. ,,,,+o +, he,,., ,,, ,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,., + ,+ ,,,,, ,,,',n ,,.,, ,,,,,+ """ t  " . - , g [ ...... . . . ................ • :....c..'e ..... :..'in and , 1 .,, ' ll' Wen;t" ), Y of roomIist follono.g udenfor nric(andofChildren$6 600 to IOITlp. No close, - :  PIONEER., .-= Last' Satmd. y and lm(I .... rt bbed so d;c n't finish. .... the Nu lter llld M:olIv Taylr. x ,e : nd M ':s ]iltd' i:o"N(ll- ,:' } ,-'tilt] '[tV t;._ Fun(lay -¢¢ere two glorions days rema.ining 20 miles St ida3 a all fled to rl((. t *VeSt(l'l-i 1)las - Mls L([m C ill ld iodoer lill _ ' K ..............  for the State 60 mile Chanlpion- D(ug Bishop and Jlldy //ledrick (u'e St ndnv at the Zone Champ- "' •. " : ' . I -,J ', {'c [T lIr t"Ule 'S De s Mrs Jim . . • ' ..... alld I (t'allnt; [1' till( Mis ..... c__ 0RS DR ,, • " er ver el om come By [ t y • .y al yette, SlSlel :" ... eh[ Trad Rde at the AI Loran' were amen lbP Shelton rot ws mnshi show held 'tt lh( l' wt , , I EAM Homes of ths cahb . y s d . ., .  .  • .. P t, ' " g ......... .' P r : " . ...... ' eek and I)(,n und I. ntty. r le Ruilt like the "Rock of Gibraltor"--This 2 BR home SKOKOMISH -- _After. t!le La)¢e and ,am]ly,. then we- Ranch at Tenmo Ed Carney Is- Dorothy Hogben and Ch ck Chur- tan'gr(unds beg n n o' at 12 30 TI ,, r ),  •  ,m ' " beiw .... , " • '  , " ' ¢ . ,  ' . ' , .  "- ...... e .( ,l.\\;'vll. ]e I [. s o . 00d floors ftlly )lsteled tiled dainboards stove re- Wednesday evening Bmm s}uoy, natcnee wnele [ney ws]tea all land Lake remdent and past pres- chill we 'e the two j dges ([ tim pnl Sat 'day at th, furgot nds ..... ,. ;., ,,,  ...... HI.,, ........ , ,,.a,, i,matched washe, and dlve, drones and rua's sLav The a going away pm[y was nero m mare sise] als. vnz '. ,znm dent of tile Bell Riders won a rd. Dorothy md he]' well kmwn lbe Zone will sponsor ] all hn- ,:,,,] hi i,,..,,, ..... * ....  kn,w ! }r.d iS manicured to nerfection and has a barbecue pit honm of M. and Ms; Alfred Be}}, ,-nd husband, and later treeing m beautiful trophy for fu'st place m Arab Stalhon "Sejanus" have n(1- mr show and points earned will i, ....... i,vot,c .... iu 1 ....... "*ralfr • " • -" , • o • • arents of Rev wauace ell, lne tofleo at .milensourg .. .... . , .  .......... . . ...e ,,: ......  .......... ., ........... _ h, mt trees All wtlnn eas walkmt,' dmtance of stores P .... the heavy weight dlWsmn x ltt-i a den ln,tny l'lllles dnd l On SO m,Lny count tow; t c the Cha Ullmnsh p vh,,t rh;, , no ,, ,;,uhm ,., mo,,n Y0Ull buy--- $9,000. _,1'i InCOUNTRY H?ME Locat, ed on 33 sprawling ...... utes from ton. This home has a dining room, IIil•  " " ' 'pasement and 2 car garage. Ideal for the large fam- /IIIIIlII"r  'i SOd in raising horses'or beef. An 18 carat value -- ..,a ,, ], 140Acres. 3BRhome, spring and creek on prop-  el  "\\;'"Itmber Large 19 stall barn 13 acres cleared An 1 i ]-' )b" HoLlY or , I] a ' -" ..... ,=6- gat , $19,100. Terms. , V S/J6 tfn I I ----'(- ..... rIME II' Classiiined : 2'UItE " " ...... IlI column" ' .... II, U, , dining room, 6 rooms in all, fireplace, garage, , f tha" er a'l'ru III Card o ..... ,l.l  month until down payment of $50(} is pazd. Person III er notices la . :,'II'k$L ,_-. _ ,_ Ill $1.00 or $2.00 w .IE, 5 rooms in all, nice location, $5 O00. $50 per month ,--,vv art IiI inch. lllle" :Paid. 'iew I I I "Not Resl..,ii ,,".li,:'. -- 6-8926 NO. )pointment E GUEST i H PAID R RIDE Stables Phone 898-2428 9/13 - 20 ii Istate E -- Very rcason- 2_:. ...... _w_90_:. [I(H'• Conlt)act two hollle. Collll)lctely h(:at largc (!loq- l)orch, aLLot led t, own(t/' will car- ,126-.1870 evenings. .......... # ?03__u_,} --- Thl'Ct) bedroonl, d fh,ors, fircphict'. Ile(l garage, fenced Mt. View S(!IIOOI rcfferson• 426-4652. ......... i 9!l._gn t : 20 acrcS, six" spring watcl' and !S of pasttlrc land. Call 426-8397. ........ M: 9113 tn} .GN -- TlIqc. bed- school. Built-in .ttractive fireplau( -car garagc, half Phone 426-8682 al- L 8/23 tfn :on. 1 bedroom all }'ireplace. garage, es. 110 ft. gravel berries, wooded imns, 426-8769. A 8/9 tfn WO bo.droonl llonle blocks from towl; sonablc. Call 426-, 7/19 tfn ,c and bulkhcacL . $3500. $1000 dO. ').6-6867 evenings. B 5t2-t tfn lrooln hollle. Fanl- It-in broiler, wall- range, dishwasher, Pllone 426-8078. 7/'19 tfn ceased. .i,¢i' ';lll0*' '; F a°;';,, lovely 3 °r. ,,,, built-in .-0i ,th private ,u'af.t;0°ln and] !th % ,rnparable Pu;Ii¢'i'0:L A C E F, that thi ¢0st any f .,., a  ife ts, church .m0re about OF ou, lllfortable . of lld : lyre. two-bedroom Hlll- lshed or unfurn- e, corner lot, close ores, ust Inovs. u'gains. Phone 426- evenings. ........... "-._ .>2!k t. tn iroela, livlngroom, 'apes. Small down d or not. Phone ............ c . s f'.,_. t', ;e bedroom house, fireplace, electric 0 weekdays after IS 4112 tfn -lf-/i: ---K/r- h- fs-fiKd tee bedroom sub- )r sale el. lease. S 715 tfn room hotlee, new $2500. Terms con- ............... O_./,_.K. room $3200. Five- down, $50 per me. [837. B 5/25 tfn acres. Good three odd out buildings. lelton. Phone 426- W 8/16 tfn :res with peat bog 660' read frontage. )f repair. Drilled rea, lasy ter|lls, ttarbor 857-2287. S 8/30 9/13 ,ET, 100 ft. water- ft. deep. lnqulre c 2. Box SOS, hel- L 8/30 tfn house to be moved one d26-3098. Hen- !ferson, L 7/19 tfn s,red sonic berries 3urn and other out tools, furniture 1 price $9,000 some 1. Rt. 3 Box 394, Hton, Wash. ........... ?!J:::V:7 ;cellcnt downtown h'oonm, 2 baths, ,m. R. It. Ieeenan, .......... K_6/a _t!. lex 84x2g with 10 Stewart street or N 7/23 tfn &,-'i',riick- &" :i|.y :01. J3 9/6 tfn ; (8i:]i/i K I bi:-i 2o '.E /.V IIl('llt., ;t0 ])(!r :w,'sl, taxc.% L.l,l). -v,,nings, ,126-,1266 T 9/6 Ira ...... Close t.o llih mnL with fllrnat'c, I'JCe, , [q, :)U0. EIIy ;7(}1) CVCIlJlIgS, T 9/6 tfn Notice is hereb dersigned have  offering a comfortable 2-bedroom home in a good lmve qualified a YOU Can own with no money down and only rent to tale of Israel r'u r  " ceased: Ili'at all Pa  possible.g°°d class home and won't last long! See this against said de!C qU red to sel'vel n on said. Cecil S NCES, SHADED SWEEP OF LAWN .... Callisen,Callison, I-h:nrYer ther,' )rely 3-bedroom, 2-bath rambler, with attractive at the address .0st range and oven, colored fixtures, master tlic same with t]0 private bath, two large stone fireplaces, comfort- together with :!r; and lots of storage space at $17,500. We know within six mon;tl first publication m e in comfort, appearance and location. same will be be rre Date of first .^Ii:" , LACE FOR THE FAMILY TO CALL HOME! . . ' 6th, 1962. C that this well built and spacious 4-bedroom home CECIL P. RICYIARD U'C[: I any family, lts many fine features include full ItENRY ' )[Ill a wife-designed kitchen and is located close to ROBRT D; t,.4I churches work! lts price is $13,750 Let Executors °o dfl,.J#.I,7 and .. • Address :. Il@ll,':l about this one. Seattle, Gatet :I" + -- ogle, Bogle ,at¢¢:.:@,I?| OUR BEST OFFERINGS! ... Attorneys for s Id" '! Floor Nort¢,,* - ' 2-bedroom and den home. You'll like the 1.1th bl?td l the full basement, the glass doored fireplace, the cattlc SUnny breakfast nook .--- You'll have a view of the pics and a privaIe patio -- $450 down and move in! PLUs PREST,GE;... Att,),'ney at i:a,w 125,/.,. NortJ} t{anto kTURAL FOR THE RANCH MINDED FAMILY!! hclton, WaS- .... sold completely stocked and equipped. All and stoci included -- just move in and a Shelton n 2 landscaped d and built by scll because of ightly unfiuish- akc a stlbstall- t bc sccn to bc )y appointincnt 735. 9/6 it IN THE a dandy barn with milking parlo r, electric milk- milk tank; a cute 3 bedroom bungalow with fenced with pretty sream winding through the Like to see it? I'{ICH ARD filed in the 0: Court a final distribution. lie said erty to i:h and to nd ni.nt rstrLX ; petition will of October, the. forPnoell thereafter as at the court titlcd court, Shclton. at whicl interested z]nd file o test the sune. Dated this 31 By : Glem E. ALLorney ell Bldg, Shelton, who have spent the sumnler with lheir son and family. The table was attractive with silver candel- abra and white candles. A large cake served as a centerpiece, bak- ed and decorated by Mrs. Stella Cleveland, and was very approp- priate with a map of America in one corner and a boat headed for Belfast, Ireland. Mrs. Ida John- son and Mrs. Mary Valley poured and Mrs. Mildred Johnson cut the cake. A silver offering was given the Bells as a going-away gift. The Bell made a host of friends while here and will be gyeatly missed. Mr. and Mrs. Pete Pittorf, Spo- kane, is visiting their daughter, Bob Whitmarsh and family. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Bollinger and laughter Sandra and Mr. and V[rs. Kelsey Tanner made a leis-i urly trip around the Olympic Loop recently, stopping at Sol Duc and La Push and report a very enjoy-i able trip. Charles Coble, son of Jack Co- ble and nephew of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Coble left fro' Fort Ord, CaN ifornia to begin his military train- ing in the Army. We are sorry to report that Jack Coble is con- fined in the Vets hospital at Van- couver. MRS. RON PORTER and daughter Alison Lee; of Santa Ana, Calif., who have been visit- ing her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Johnson, left by plane from Portland, for San Francisco, where she was joir, ed by her hub- band for the trip to Santa Ana. After seeing their daughter off, Mr. and Mrs. Johnson drove on to Tillamook, Ore., where they spent the Labor Day weckend with Mrs. Johnson's brother and family, the Woody Jones'. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Deyette and family enjoyed a trip down the Columbia River and over to Sun- nyside, where they stopped to visit • DOWNTOWN, WALK TO CHURCH and Shops. Attractive 2-bedroom home. Hardwood floors. Well insulated. Electric heat. At- tached shop area will make large 3rd bedroom. $6,000. • 4 BEDROOM HOME ON DOU BLE LOT. Southwest edgeof town. King-size living room with fireplace. Pleasant kitchen, utili- ty. Big garage and shop, paved. Garden, tree studded. All for $8, 500. • 4 BEDROOMS, HILLCREST. Well located family home. A most attractive living room, fireplace and nicely appointed dining room. Loads of storage, deep closets. Full basement includes garage and ex- tra room. All for $11,500. • I S LAN D LAKE WATER- FRONT HOME. 4 bedrooms, large sun-deck, dock. Housewide front windows floor to ceiling. Spectac. ular views of Lake and Olympics. Modern low roofed design. Board and batten exterior, An easy 3 -- CALL MARV VOSS -- 426-8074 miles. Warm waters, relaxed at- mosphere. Full price only $12,500. A. ROY DUNN o HILLCREST, 2 FINE BED- REALTOR 126 Railroad Ave. i ' Preferred Properties by Waterfront Realty Ave. Phone 426-8277 SUBURBAN opportunity to 'ban property You will for the own- Which can be )0 per month. eeds a handy- ia good buy ince Himlie FOR three acreS, 'il ,J 26-2200. V I E W h  OWner must. sell :.e. This one has 00tehen, separate .'.7 d . u .full basement. :crate the extra 'lli, e excellent view t,!;'l L Priced at $10, bed om t il FURNISHED "----.- od 2 bedroom 2 and3 .111.|  " eStly furnished. Hood C .,tl# : I,_'t[ aaSbutdone exten- & Ins00'- he neeo00 a Hoodsport  iced aL $6,750 ;i'i lrae the existing TR 7.521t Your Doui)lc wall l'oO f, alunll stained tion, roofi doors, insl AS Writc OF TOWN rvelous 2 bed- located just mits. It of- wit h its yard plus which in- Water for irri- go6d out Call Waterfront 2200 sinP REDUCED PRICEI WATERFRONT PROPERTY Here is an excellent water- front property at Totten Shores. There is 150' of low bank front- age, roomy 3 bedroom cabin with fireplace, drilled well 'and a wooded setting. The price now is only $9,950.00 with easy terms. PLEASANT LIVING Call for a showing of this ex- tremely immaculate large 3 bed- room home. This home offers a suburban atmosphere with a conventional w e s t e r n style. You'll enjoy the many out- standing features that go to- gether to make this home the buy of the week. Call Vern Dronen for more details. YOUR FAMILY HOME Look today. See this spa- cious 4 bedroom Hillcrest home with rec. room. You will want to see the large bedrooms roomy kitchen, patio and fenced garden area. Newly redecorat- ed inside. Priced at $12,750. YOU WILL LIKE IT Here is the perfect 2 bedroom home with pacious carpeted living-dining area, roomy bed- rooms, full basement with rec. room, 2 fireplaces, beautiful yard plus many other features. Call Vince Himlie today for more information. --- Evenings Call -- -- Vern Dronen -- Marden Stroud 426-4318 426"4000 ROOMS, one master-size, one twin size. Spaoious 14'x21' living room, hardwood floor. Separate family dining. Nice kitohen-utility. Au- t0-furnace. Basement with car, boat storages, and shop. Fenced rear lawns. Full price $12,500. Terms arranged. • PRICE REDUCED $1,500 ON ANGLESlDE BE.AUTY. 5 gra- oious reoms, plUSh carpeted living room, dining room, hall and on in- to the bedrooms. Fireplace, ra- diant heat. 1//2 baths. Drapes and appliances are included. Rear lawn is fenced nigh fop patio- privacy. Garage and carport, This lovely home wlll win your approval with special emphasis on the new low price of $15,000. Terms. • 3 CHARMING BEDROOMS, 2 BATHS, long, io,w and lovely, Large landscaped lot, Mr. View. Well located onnewly paved street. Glowing hardwood floors. Attrac- tive living and dining rooms. Breakfast space. Modern kitchen includes 5 matched appliances. 2 --aled garage Farad room car a= F A ' ' y potential. . • • Furnace. Like new for only $16,500. FHA $900 wn and costs. • sECLUDED FARM, BE- TWEEN SHELTON-OLYMPIA. 35 acres, 5 ¢iear, spring, creek. Fur- nished 6 room country home. PLUS i, Io€1 house. Small barn sheds • a.-- -- ru'" ' ' paddock. P its, garden. An ex- cellent buy at $7,900. Assum ^ = --^,thlv after substantial down i!7:;:2676l/L°hn Devereux for de " • ASK US ABOUT: small Farms, Suburban Homes Large Farms, Large Acreage Waterfront Properties MANN REAL ESTATE CALL 426-6592 ANYTI M E 321 South First Street SHELTON EVENING8 CALL JOHN DEVEREUX ,,HOME-FINDER,, AT 426-8544 Mr. and Mrs. ArLhur Johnson drove to Tenino, one day last week and had dinner with Mrs. Johnson's nmther, Mrs. Cliff Gen- dreau. MR. AND MRS. BUS Burgess, Shelton, were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Twidwell. Mr. and Mrs. George Puder- baugh and family spent Sunday with Mrs. Puderbaugh's mother, Mrs. Myrtle Brown of Agate. The Puderbaughs, who have recently moved into the Valley, are living in the home previously occupied by the Morkens. The Community Club will hold a card party, this Saturday eve- ning, starting at 8:15 p.m. Mrs. W. E. Bray is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Harry Hess and family at Sunset Beach. Mr. and Mrs. Leo VanCleave left on a 10-day vacation, going to Hanford, Calif., to visit their son and flaughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. George VanCleave, and to ,ee their new grandchild. Jim Dailey and George Twid- well made a trip east of the: mountains, over the weekend and: brought back a load of hay. Mr. and Mrs. ROY Tanner, and Mate Smart attended the dedica. t'on of the new Shaker Church on the Reservation, Saturday, and eport the dinner was very delic- ious, which was served to the public. Mr. and Mrs. Haldane Johnson and baby son were dinner guests i of Mrs. Johnson's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Neff Simmons in Pot- latch Sunday. MR. AND MRS. Chester Valley drove to Bremerton and called on Mr. and Mrs. Bob Nesser Sunday. Mrs. Gladys Tozier accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Roy Coble on a trip to Sequim and Port Townsend Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Les Crossan are the proud grandparents of a grandson, born to Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Twidwell, last week, weigh- ing in a little over nine potmds. He is welcomed by a sister, Deb- bie. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Brown left 1or their home in Morro Bay, CaN ifornia after spending a month with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Tanner. While here the Browns and Tan- hers drove to Renton and,visited 2Irs. Brown's daughter and fam- ily, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Rowans. Mrs. Mate Smart's niece and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Dan total of 493.8 points. Ed's wife and two children were on hand to cheer him across the finish line. A1 Lorang finished first in he middleweight division with 10 points giwng him the grand championship trophy. Marie Fessler copped first in the light weight class with 504 points whieh earned her the reserve champion place. Many friends and families camped overnight to be on hand for the fired day. Leo Bishop rode his palomino, "Shad- rack", the first lap but found trophies, earning a t)lace in ttle American Trail Horse Association with Sejanus being one of tln'ee horses in the Unit;,d States chos- en for this honor. Twenty two mend)ers of lhe Bell Riders met Friday at the Capitol Hill Club House. Guests Red and Cleo Rowe were intro- 6uced by Jim Taylor, president. Hosts for the evening were the Glenn Correa family. A letter from the Pacific Zone was read sl:ating that Darrell and Ben Williams were qualified to ride in Keyhole Belfair Students Plan To Head Back To College Campuses [r. and Mrs. Fred Sjoholm in Ev- erett and going on to New West- minister, B. C. where they spent Some time with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ericson and Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Johnson. Mrs. Doris Neff, accompanied by her parents, Mr. and Mrs, tes- ter Crossan, made a trip to Calif- ornia recently to meet her hus- band Dale, who just arrived from the Orient, and will be receiving his discharge from the Navy, ome time next month. Mrs. Alice Heienius of South Tumwater, Mrs. George Valley, Sue and Jan cf Island Lake, ws- ited at the Chester Valley home on Sunday afternoon. This Friday night, Sept. 14 at p.m. is the regular meeting of the Grange. Ry Carolyn Freelin Jim Davis, Tom Pidduck, and BELFAIR- The exodus of lo- George Ison will enter Olympic cal young people for various col- College as freshmen. Jean Kunzl leges is beginning. From North will travel east to attend Wash- Mason's 1962 graduating class: ington State University at Pull- man, as will But.oh Bead, who 'Voods stopped for a visit on their is entering Eastern Washington way to the World's Fair. College of Education at Cheney. :Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Gonzales Jeri Matz will attend the Uni- cnj0yed a trip to: Ocean Shores versity o Washington, and Emily on 'Sunday. Gire will begin her studies at Lin- :' MISS GLENDA GEE and tield College in Oregon. grandmother, Mrs. R.  H. Pulver Carolyn Kunzl, Charlotte Brin- of Burlington visited Mr. and Mrs. son, and John Stokes will be soph- Glen Gee over the weekend, emores at Olympic College. Re- Miss Esther Johnson accompa- turning to the University of Wa- nted Mr. and Mrs. Waldemar Ris-shington for their soptmmore year ke, of Shelton, to Salem, Ore.i and will be Leslie McDonald, Barbara pent the weekend with Mr, and Nelson, Carol Mattus, and CarD- Mrs, Elmer Jantzen. lyn Freelin. Also a sophomore at :Mr. and Mrs. Eric Sjoholm were the University will be Karen Ko- overnight guests of Mr. and Mrs. rack, who is transferring there Hayes Davis eli Senttle-and while from the University of Puget on vacation the Sjoholms visited Sound in Tacoma. Jim Wilson will retm-n to Linfield College as a Junior, and Ted Wing will be a Junior at Central Washington College of Education in Ellens- burg. Ellen Bert will begin her HERB ROTTER and ASSOCIATES ', Herb Rotter, Broker Walter George, Assoolate Broker Office  Phone 426-6642 Evenings  Phone 426-3530 2 BEDROOM HOME DOWNTOWN, I fireplace, garage, auto- matic heat. $6,850. Terms. $ $ $ * 1 ACRE -- 3 ROOM HOUSE. Full price $1,750. Terms. $ $ $ $ 3 BEDROOM HOME -- 4 LOTS. Good buy at $6,000. Terms. $ * * $ WELL WOODED ACRE TRACT located at Totten Shores. Price $1,050. $ $ $ $ 10 ACRES GOOD GARDEN SOIL in Skokomish Valley with 2 bedroom home. Full price $3,850. Terms. HerbRotter & Associates REAL ESTATE 124 North lit 8treet Union TW 8-2429 EXOEPTIONAL VALUES A SOUND BUY FOR YOU This home has had excellent care -- 2 bedrooms -- roomy living room with oil heater -- modern kitchen with steel cabinets -- large utility room --- fenced yard -- exterior has new paint job. It's a steal for $8200• DAPITOL HILL DISTRICT 2 bedrooms -- part basement -- garage  concrete founda- tion -- cedar siding -- A sound buy for only $5600. COUNTRY GENTLEMAN RIGHT IN TOWN \\; 3 bedrooms -- sunny and bright describes this kitchen -- separate utility room --cement foundation " 3 extra lots filled with fruit trees -- berries  grapes -- garden --- flowers -- All this located in town and priced to sell for $10,500. EXTRAORDINARY VALUE ON THIS HOME Located on 2 lots -- 3 large bedrooms -- walk-in closets in master bedroom -- utility room  gourmet-designed kitchen with large breakfast room  Birch cabinets -- stainless steel sinks furniture arranging is easy in this appealing livinff room with brand new fireplace -- electric heat  attached garage with room above for extra room -- washer and dryer combination included in this buy for $11,500. OWNER HAS TO MOVE TO ANOTHER POSITION 3 bedrooms -- breakfast nook -.. fenced yard -- 100 x 100 lot size. Excellent buy for $7300. LOOKS LiKE A CAPECOD COTTAGE Comfortable two bedroom home with room upstairs for two more. Easy-to-heat. Fenced yard with outdoor fireplace in de- lightful patio. The outside has new paint job, separate garage new fruit room. Also extra lot. For $8250. FOR THE YOUNG COUPLE STARTING OUT Right in the middle of town. Two bedrooms, living room, compact kitchen, easy-to-care-for, new roof. Only $6900. MORE THAN YOU "EXPECT FOR $20,500. There are not enough words to describe this beautiful water- front home. Two bedrooms, dining space, living room, all car- peted, big friendly fireplace, push button kitchen, extra large utility or sewing room, all plaster, carport, woodshed, toolshed; fruit room, no steps--all in slant sidewalks, breathtaking view. 60 ft. waterfront 300 ft. deep, includes tidelands, many more fea- tures for you to look at. ANGLE AGENGY Real -- Insura00ee HERB w Phone 426.8272  DICK SUE DANIELS 426-3434 DONALD (BEAN) DANIELS senior year aL the University of Washington. School is a change back into outine for these and other yotmg l:eople. Mr. and Mrs. John Jacob- sen and youngsters C1);de, Kristi, and Heidi Ann returned from a trip along the Oregon Coast and into .California, wh'ere they visit- ed relatives, in time for the open- ing of school. Daughter Kristi made it to scho, but tot twin brother Clyde the date was post- poned a bit to make time for a l rip to Harrison Memorial Hos- pital, where he underwent a ton- sillectomy. MEMBERS OF TIIE Baptist Youth Fellowship of the Belfair Community Baptist chm'ch en- joyed campipg trips late in Aug- ust. The senior and junior hi,4'h groups camped Lhrec days Au K . 27, 28 and 29 at Kalaloch, on the Washington coast. The trip in- clnded a mile hike to reach the beach where the group set up camp. Four nlembcrs of the col- lege-age division of the B.Y.F. and Mr. Elmer Slagle, Who served as long-suffering chaperon, camp- ed the night of Aug. 28 at Stair- case Campground above Lake Cushman and on Wednesday climbed over four miles to Flal)- ack Lakes. Mr. Slagle, Karen Ko- vack, and Jody Nohel continued io Mount Gladys Divide and as- cended Mount Gladys, making quite a trek out of the day's trip. Deanna Jeanne Kovack became the bride of F. Fredrick Dawn in evening nuptials Sept. 1 at the Belfair. Compmnity Baptls church• Rev. Milton Gire perform- cd the double ring ceremony in a setting of yellow and white gladioli, dahlias and ivy. Parents of the couple are Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kovack of Belfair and Mrs. Florenz Dawn of Seattle. Sister of the bride, Karen Ko- vack, served as maid of honor, and bridesmaids were Mrs. Dick Bender and Mrs. John Phillips, the bride's cousin. Helen Froelich, an- other cousin of the bride, was flower girl. The ffroom chose his brother, F. Alan Dawn, as best man. Ushers were Dennis Parge- ler and Darryl Quincey. Orville Weeks was soloist and Fred My- ers played the-organ. Assisting with the reception in the church were Mesdames John Matson, Mel- vin Guy, Robert Sulesky, Arthur Berry, Darryl Quincey , Jack Dean, and Kenneth Spongier. The new- lyweds are at home in Ballard af- ter a honeymoon trip on the Ore- gon Coast, HOME ON A month's leave item the Air Force is Brian Shel- ly, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Shelly of the South Shore. Brian, who is an Airman 2/c, is stationed at the Travis Air Force Base in California, Another young man returned l:ome recently is John Stokes, son of Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Stokes, who has spent the summer as life- guard at Moran State Park on Orcas Island. John returned to his home on the South Shore Sept. 4. T)e first fall meeting of the Evergreen Garden Club will be t:eld Sept. 20 at Alderbrook Inn where the members will be guests out-going president, Mrs, Claire Bogle at a luncheon. Heading s day'u program will be the nstallation of officers for the club's 1962-63 year. The new pres- ident will be Boyd Hunter. The group's vice president will be Mrs. Robert K. Johnsen; secretary will be Mrs. Ethel Randall; and the new treasurer will be Mrs. Glenn Criss. Beautiful weather and good fishing in the Hoh River area. made a week's trip enjoyable for Mr. and Mrs. George Oakhmd. They camped with their trailer on lhe river until Sept. 8, when they returned home vm, Ocean CitY amd brought with them their niece Phyllis Shriner, for a stay until Tuesday, when Miss Shrlner left for Aberdeen and Orientations Day at Grays Harbor Junior Col- lege, where she will be a fresh- man. show next year. The show will short at 12:30 p.m. promptly. The Bell Riders will sponsor an epen playday at the Posse gr(mnds Sept. 30 with a 50 cent per rider charge for the at'I.ernoon's games. A l)othlck dinner is-planned also. THE SEI)TEMISEI PTO nleet- ing at Pioneer was opene(t by Mrs. Ray Walker, president. An interesting program was given hy Mr. and Mrs. Clive Troy whose colored slides included historical mohnmenLs and statues of famous people from Boston down through Washington, D.C., Florida and Texas. Refresilments were served by Mrs. R. P. Hammond. A short business meeting" was held. An an- nouncenent was made that a red rose bush had been ;ent from the PTO to Elnmr Julian who had rctit'ed as eustodian and bus driv- cr this year. Max Mikkelsen was iutroduccd, as the new custodian, as was Miss Selma Solhiem, the new second grade teacher. An intm'esting baby shower was given by the VFW, Friday, Sept. 6th. Morn Gates was home ex- pecting, 3o Pops (Don) Gates hact the fun of opening all the many packages. There were two large, boxes with artificial gates across the front, one saying 'Morn" and the other "Pop", which held quite an assortment of baby foods. "Morn" held packages with bibs, blankets, sweater sets, and many other useful items. Two birthday at the Taylor's on Sept. 8 causes confusion. Jay was 18 and Carl mght. Six friends of Carl's, Loren Stroud, Jim Vik, Rollie H.mmond, Nate Thomas, David Castle, and Donald Magels- sen w, ere present to enjoy the £ames and refreshments. .Tack W. Yeck, son of Mr. and Mrs. Yeck of Agate, returned last. week from a summer in Alaskan waters on the fishing boat "The Mayflower". Jack was able to ]'e- turn on the "Tonk", whicb docked r,t BellinKhanL and front there he rode a bus Lo Olympia and was met by his parents. Sunday, lhe ninth, a coming home and birthday party was given in his bonor celebrating 22 years of in- teresting events, capped by this t:rip to Alaska. tn(:l danoelolls b(,aFilg is uo| o- inl" inlnotic(*d alld aninfor(,t.d in ]'egard to law ,TlfOl'c()nlent, The l)e. hairy for reel€less boat ope|'ation, which endangers life, limb or pl'- !petty of any person, tq:) to one in jail and up to $200()fine. This is a criminal offense in ad- cition to a civil offense attd ean be prosecuted under either law. At 8:15 p.m. Satm'day ,m Ham- mersley lnlet an outboard motor l:oat approximately 15 feet. long with a long curve (m the chine (possible. a Reinel make) painted white, rece.ntly over blac, k 'Ol a v<ood huli, came from the direction of Arcadia Point, to where Barrie Stroud anoores his sail boat and his brother David had a'small dinghy moored also. A man was seated in the bow, a woman.'ft 'tile forward controls, and Olle hill n ]mar the motor. This boat was deliberately maneuvered /the times in a row attempthfff to r, wamp the boats lied up. The last time a colli.i0n oc- el[red. Satisfied with their'dam- age the boat term'ned in th di- rection it had come. Fivd :per- sons were. just a few feet away and witnassed the whole proced- ure. The Sheriff's dcpartmnt. Was called and Deputy Sheriff Joe Gatchel has been investigating 'the matter. A repot't: has been Sellt Lo the Coast Guard District 13 in Se- iattle. Local lab technicians 'ha4Je wood fibers and paint sample on which tests are being made; i.Any person having information .con- cerning a boat answering to ttfis deseription should call the Sher- iff's office. Also in the future any ode witnessing eradic and dan- gerous boat maneuvers, tare thc mmber, a description, and call the Sheriff immediately! ' i MT. VIEW ALLIANCE CHURCH Washington and J Sts'. Sunday School ............ 9:45 a:m, Morning Worship .... 11:00 a,m. A. Y. F ......................... 6.00 p.m. Evening Service ........ 7:00 p.m. Prayer Hour (Wed.) 7:30 p:m. Eugene Breid, Pastor . / FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH 5th and Cota Rev. E. C. Knautz, pastor Rev. Alfred Sandoval, Christian Education Director SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 1962 9:30 a.m. Sunday School. 11:00 a.m. Morning Norship. "Dangerous Words" 6:00 p.m. Youth Groups. 7:00 p.m. Evening Service. , "The Popular Answer" THE METHODIST GHUGGH North 4th and Pine Streets ROBERT R. RINGS, Minister 9:30 a.m. Sunday School and Morning Worship. 11.:00 a.m. Morning Worship 6:30 p.m. Youth Fellowship • i iiiii i iiiiiimUll I P i1#11111 II, You Are Welcome At The Friendly SItE LTON ASSEMBLY OF GOD 130 East Pine Street MASON YOUNGLUND, Pastor HEAR! Evangelist Wesley F. Morton Sunday, 11:00 A.M. and 7:00 P.M. Tuesday through Friday 7:00 P.M. SUNDAY SCHOOL ............ "Back To School" . ........... 9:45 A.M. i ST. DAVID'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH ' ,Fourth and Cedar, Shelton, Washington The Rev. Clarence A. Lody, Priest 7:30 A.M. .... Holy Communion 9:30 A.M, --- Church School and Adult Bible Class :" 11:00 A.M. --- Divine Worhip The Church is always open for meditation and prayer I FOURSQUARE CHURCH ....... 910 E. Dearborn REV. LEWIS WYSONG, Pastor Sunday School  9:45 a.m. Young People's Mtg. 6 p.m. Morning Worship .11 a.m. Evangelistic Service 7 p.m. Wednesday Night--Bible Study and Prayer Meeting--7 p.m. "The Church Where Everyone Is Someone" = i i= !=lm, - FAITH LUTHERAN CHURCH ..... ; 7th and Franklin Street 8:15 Early Morning Worship Service , , 9:30 Sunday School and Adult Bible Clas 11:00 Morning Worship Service ' CARL J. CARLSEN, Pastor Affiliated: Lutheran Free Church -- National Lutheran Colmcil i i i i iiii i FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH ' Alcadta and Lake Boulevard Bible School .: ...... 9:45 a.m, Youth Meetings 5:30 p.m.  Worship ............ 11:00 a.m. Family Service 6:30 p.m.  Wednesday  Bible Study and Prayer  7:30 Child Care Service Available at 11:00 Service 302 Alder St., 8helton, Wash. Sunday School 9:30 .m. Church 11 &.m. Wednesday evening teatimony meetings 8 p.m. Reading room located in church., Reading room hours 3 to 4 p.m. Men. & FrL Wea. evemng 6:45 to 7:45. i i - ,m