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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
September 13, 1962     Shelton Mason County Journal
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September 13, 1962
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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!;:q }. Page 18 SHELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL  Published in "ChTqstmastown, U.S.A.,'" Shelton, Washington Thursday, sHtaurdS00inntes:00}nodur00Ghra°00leH;ShisYear H U BA N [) p L[AS [ R Oo:: be et.tleing down. Our school is in prepar¢ltion for the gavel has four grades this year witll three in *l:( , sixth, three in tim tourth, three in the third and Mike Glaser, the lone first: grader. A new furnace has been instal- led in the basemenl with vents up to the class room. This en- ables the children to enjoy the warm comfort of the basement for extra class room or for playing during bad weather. Tile "new" vsed desks have been delivered and all seems now completed to make this a very good school year. OUK NEW teacher is Mrs. Dor- ctily Green. She and her husband Tyra are .taying in the Paul Chat- fees guest cottage, ilra. Green taught year at John Rogers chool in Olympia. The children are learning basic Spanish, and we have. learned ix) guess its p0- tatoes they want passed and "Good nlorning nlom" in Spanish, • Beulah and John Hitchcock and Lyle and Marlene Hitchcock and children utterlded ihe World's fair Saturday. They didn't see "Elvis" but did ace all the movie tnlcks :nd equipnlent required to make L movie. They returned home Sun- 6ay. Irvie Wingert reports 21 boats docked overnight at the Garold's Cove State Park and many boats a:t the Squaxin Island Sa]twgter State Park. ltARSTINE ISLAND Women's Club nlet st the Lhrer home on !,'hursday. Naoma served lasagna. and the report is it was utterly d,liciou and everyone want the recipe; Comnlitteea for the year were named gild two new commit- tees added, Tile new ones are: Telephone, Meeks and Mry Baunsgarl; entertatnnlent, Na.o- in Lohrer ann Moniea P]fdham; standing committees are Sunshine., Mable Baamsgard; Visiting com- mittee, To call on new residents ave Ann Ya, tes an(] Margaret Mc- Culloeh. It was decided to have t..o-hosteaes. The next meeting will be Oct, 4 at the Mary Bauns- gm'd honle with Mable Baunsgard assisting, Tlerc were 14 members nd one guest at,. tile meeting. IIARSTINE ISLAND election board was r]]anned by Mrs. Gun- ner Johnson, Mrs. Dorothy Smith and Donetie Glaser, with Mrs. Maxine Waits coming in as clerk at 6 p.m. Results wilt appear in vnothcr part of today's paper. School board met Monday nigllt, at the school. There will be no school Monday, Sept. 7. The chil- dren will attend the Puyallup fair on Wednesday, Sept. 19. (;lenn and Carmen Yates were vc-ry pleasantly :-;urprlsed when one of Glenn's old scllool chtmls] [rent Vra.y, Colo., dropped in for e. visit, Virgtl Donowin, ills wife t alld lhrec children, now living tn Fiehland, where lle is sail)loved at / lhe Hanford Atonfic ICn(rgy'plant, I • 'ipent the weekend llere, enjoying[ tile cla.m tides and especially tile Labor Day danes. It had been 15 years sines Glenn and Virgil had ;een each other, bill after visiting Ha ratine, enjoying its scenery and a visit at tile Yates, you can bet they'll be back sgain soon. 'ARREN YA'i?I!'.'4 and children Uonnie lind H:trley spellt Sunday visiting \\;Va.rren's folks, tile Stan Yate8. He got. his new boa.t slid returned florae Sunday fright. Stan went a.s far as Bremerton with, l,tnl and brought his car tlome, Last, S',tmxiny t3etty Jean Laur celebrated her 12l:h birtllday an- niversary. Tuesday Mrs. Shultes celebrated her day Friday, Sept. 14 little Rusty Yates will celebrate his second birthday and then on Sept:. 18 his morn and dad cele- brate their eighth wedding anni- versaa-y. To each of yogi, we as.y, "we llope yOllr d'ty was happy arid the best you ever had, or will t-;ire", a tile ease rnay be. Last'Sunday AI and Monies I':ridanl had as fileir qlests Mr. ;,1(1 Mrs. ,leas Wolf, Sbelton, and Mrs, "r01i"S a,unts and uncles, Mr. and Mrs, lud Phillips of Nebra.s- ks, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Philllpsl of Seattle, Hld Mr. and Mrs. Dale; Phillips of Califoruia. Monday the YTidham. took a drive to Tacoma, Puyallup a.nd Sumner, and rel:urn- td home Tlleada.y metaling. Harstine Inland Social Chlb wi)! llold its first, meeting of the new calender ','ear t.lll Friday night at 7:30 at. the hall. George Waite Jr.. the. new president, will pre, F!de. HAIfSTINF ISLAND Grange naecting. Bring a sack hmch. Cof- fee will be served by the Grange. State Rep. Roy Ritner was a donday afternoon caller at the H. A. and H. V. Glasers. On the way to the ferry Sun. day we noticed smoke coming out the chimney of the new Seward imme. Thera and Gent are "camp- ins ill" for now. JUST A REMINDER that the Garold's Cove Marina will be open only two days a week, Saturday and Sunday, for the rest of Sep- tember anti closed October thl May. We had tim pleasure of meet- ing Mr. and Mrs. Sebering of Hay- fork, Calif., who will be staying at the Marina through this win- tel Also the HaraHne Island Gro- cery store has resumed winter bourn. They will be closed Mon- days. Hours on TUesday through gunday will be 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. Thursduy afternoon a boat withl a 40 horse motor was tied too short and sank. It wedged itself in between the piling at its dock and John Lee Goetach and Mar- tin Goetach were called on the "rescue 8" mission. It took sev- eral hours to free the boat. No estimate of damage lhmigh on the motor. The L. Jerrells and Mrs. Tom Tienlcy are busy making ceramic tables. Mrs. Tierney's is a coffee table 48" in diameter, in shades of green. We understand it is a real beauty. THE DOGWOOD trees are in bloom again and are really beau- liful. Their beauty Is sonlewhat ,poiled by the brown, dried, trees and bmlsh surrounding them. Al- so the unsightly beer bottles and beer eana tossed along the road also detract from our "Keep Wa- .,;hington Green" slogan. This week's total of cars cros- sing ran" ferry is 629. Mr. an(l Mrs. George Duven- dack, Bozernan, Mont,, are visit- ing the Sid Bammgarda for a few tays. Mr. Duvendaek and Sld were :oonlmatcs in England during the war. To A ila,I)py Lunch Box Scllool has slarted once again The children think scllool u. sill; They tla.te to see tile end of Sum- lllPI' l:r in The end of happy sllrlrlller Slln; ut with all I'ollr of Inine ill school, ABC's plus the Gohl,,n l¢ule, Ar'olnld lily house .VOrl olin Ileal" ;1 pin drop After Joim nlakes his morning stop ; For peace and quiet I'm really gla(L But packing four lunches naa.kes me sad. No two likes are just the santo .... Peanut butter, jelly, tnna are a few they ]anle. I've 180 days of tiffs nlornillff rush, Phls different ways to serve their 1111,1811, So for "huleh box ideas" I would be glad If you don't help me, I'll Soon go m ad; So eonle on readers, hel I ) me with this blmch, (ive lne solne new ideas for their hlnch. Library Problems A comn littee of Lhree representa. Lives from county and three from the city ham b0en appointed to study library problems in Shelton and Mason Counly and llla kc rec- ommendations to tile two conllni' sions. City representa tive aPlminted this week hy Mayor Irank Trarvia are Mrs. Susie Paulcy, Mrs. Frank Willard and Herbert Nelson. County representatives appoint- cd previously are Mrs. Margaret Livingston. Belfair; Barry Stroud, Rt. 2 and Joyce Dick, Shelton. The City lnainLains Its own li- brary, which is used by a number of eounty rosidenLq without cllarge. The. county ia joined wtttl Thurs- ton Counly in the Puget Sound Regkmal Library which provides bookmobile semdce to rliral areas. DON'T TRY TO FIGHT bug and fungus In your garden without the agricultural bulletin "HOME GARDENS". It's for you free from your Extension Smwicc. [ NEW GROP, YOUNG- SHUR-FRESH HENS I0- 14-LB. AVERAGE Ib € BEEF ROAST ,, 49 c CHUCK STEAK U. S. CHOICE , 59 c GROUND BEEF 2'/00i001 °° Dressing Margarine SHUR-FRESH LE JU]{:E 6HUR-FRESH SALAD 32 OZ. BOT. ALLSWEET POUND CARTON d i /:i BISQUIC 40 OZ, .... PKG. ONLY COFFEE SHUE FRESH DRIP - REG. (2 lb. Tin $1.17) POUND TIN 32 OUNOE BOTTLES FOR 49' 5/'1 • ,. € 1962 DODGE Cnnnamon Rolls 29 AFEW LEFT--HURRY Bread00 ,34 c BIG00usedTRAnEScars Tuna Fish 3/'1 ,-'54P0NT|AS.lakeyo.rp,0k-$'4§.00 T.V. Dinners 7?0000ii 49' STOOEBAKER O00AMMON... 000.00 DARIGOLD r TALL TINS FOR I0€ OFF I0 LBS. FOR SHUR.FRESH FROZEN 6 OZ. TINS / See Bud Pauley a! PAULEY MOTORS lut & RE. Phonc 426-8:18,3 RIGHT TO LIMIT PEACH ES 1 FANCY WASHINGTON ELBERTAS There is no finer peach available anywhere, the pick of the orchards rushed from grower to you. 26 LBS. HALES FANCY WASHINGTON GROWN TIME TO CAN NOW. STOCKS ARE AT THEIR PEAK. 26 LBS, pFAD COMBINATION FANCY& EXTRA FANCY mlU[1 U I nlp' BARTLETT$ 28 LBS. DRiIMl:00 ITALIAN -- CAN NOW Ill 1 " V [] . hp  WASHINGTON GROWN 30 LBS. ,:i POTATOES MARK  Dan Olsol in vain for a pass just pening football game won, 26-12. Shelton this Friday night at Lo, 4-Hers Fair 4-H members tings in the judg- at Weste.rn Wa- PUyallup. thing Team re- and were 13t.h patting teams. Swea ringcn, Frank and adging Team Ruth Chambers and Were award- Were 11th place FOODS Team re- Uler and ranked Elaine Ze- 'e, Sandra Bedell were members Tea.m WaS with 10th were: Bette eth, Kathleen team re- Stodden, Snyder md L , GARDEN Team i, en posted at the  UZanne Wetter ,a'2Y produck dem- l},u i( for this have "aCed A colle e 9Uld • g 'N be the award iv a, ce "top. ,mnera from the I: John Hubbard: Ill ; Patricia Bour- €) Keven rl Shelton, OOner, Grape- Evers, Shel- Patty rum, Shelton, Eill Stodden elec- Toni O1- !nd Linda Trot- Lag. Open 3ters who will for the election C. Nolnn Ma- , Voters earl egistration of- in which they who have reeinct to an- 21 to register rs \\;vho h,'lve rst timc and ransfer tleir precinct lo Iline. Dam faci age it i,, CODI firs1 Dickers are ::h Christnias IlI'eas of Ma. sllDervisor or' office of the N(ttnral Re- ellsive da nil ge Cone pickers dow|l culti- Or broken out Led in areas been fertil- will al'e Sh ])IC'I tell( wee thin last T sent 1,18 ald