September 13, 2007 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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September 13, 2007 |
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IANY ROYAL, right, a staffer of the Northwest
Fisheries Commission, listens to an archaeologist
Its making sure work crews breaching dikes in the
aish estuary don't damage any relics which might
r arthed.
|atch'ng th
1 e river
iDw after breaching
lt,J •
Skokomlsh dikes
tinued from page 3.) Puget Sound chinook - all listed
h of the property as well as
;, ][!t finfish and shellfish, said
II)ublanica, the Skokomish
f- Senior lands planner. "The
ants to see the river flow
i ,,
i fl ough the delta.
as "threatened" under the federal
Endangered Species Act.
Funding for this phase of the
project came from the state of
Washington's Estuary and Salm-
on Restoration Program. The
' UNDER WAY this funds will be administered by the
118 the first part of a multi- Mason Conservation District. Ad-
effort to restore more than ditional support has been provided
:' s of the estuary to its his- by the Pacific Coast Salmon Re-
,*, lrlditions, including the res- covery Fund, Washington Salmon
f nearby Nalley Island Recovery Funding Board, City
][Year. The Skokomish River of Tacoma, Mason Conservation
:0.aly river in the Hood Ca- District, PUD 1, the U.S. Army
ia that directly supports Corps of" Engineers, the U.S. En-
leanPannsular blu 2r:u :in? thm: alo PI: e t i°bn 1 Aage:cy
00lpact tees looming
00[er Peacock Ridge
tinued from page 1.)
1 ason County to adopt or-
dl ces establishing impact fees
homes to help pay a por-
am School costs.
i I€OCK RIDGE developers
Ying the value of the land
le for the school site will be
f,lred by the district during
111Ons about mitigation fees,
ld. "That's a road we'll be
) llown with them very soon,'
ldmember Sue Mceaus-
• iid she was concerned about
tlVelopment's traffic impact
aearby North 13th Street-
"liP, Way intersection. The de-
will have to do a traffic
i Study, which is required by
, Zk said.
Usland pointed out the
taent is within walking
of Shelton High School,
Bay Junior High and
Olympic Middle School. Zook said
the city is very interested in safe
walking paths to schools, as well
as safe pullouts for school buses.
Last April, an attorney rep-
resenting Boston Harbor Land
Company told Shelton city com-
missioners the development would
include space tbr a new school,
parks, neighborhood commercial
firms, including, perhaps, medical
facilities, residences and "lots of
open space."
"WE'D LIKE TO be within the
city limits," he said. The property
now rests outside the city limits
and would require annexation.
Even if the development starts
as a "county" project, the company's
goal is to be annexed into the city,
the attorney said. It will be built to
city standards, and the utilities will
be top-rate, the attorney added.
by Dave Hudson
:,t only is hesitation upon acceleration annoying, it can
OWnright dangerous, especially when stalling is involved.
,e cases, the problem can be traced to a malfunction-
Xhaust-gas-recirculadon (EGR) system.The EGR system
oxides of nitrogen emissions (air pollutants that form
nitrogen and oxygen combine under high temperature)
acceptable level by re-circulating exhaust gas through
intake manifold and into the combustion chambers.The
Ust gas curtails the formation of oxides of nitrogen by
ring the temperature inside the engine.The EGR should
J!ntroduce exhaust gas into the manifold after the engine
. If it does so while the engine is cold, the vehicle will
and )robably stall.
n't wait to have your car fixed if it's stalling or hesitating on
i clo expert repairs and maintenance using the latest
ilUterized equipment to diagnose complicated problems.
NE°mer satisfaction remains our top priority, so we offer free
lPates, a nationwide warranty on our work, and towing too.
60-426-9637 to schedule an appointment at our shop,
tniently located at 31 E. Vance Ct. "We care about auto
• D o
The EGR valve in older
is likely to be mechanical
newer models are electronic.
Auditor's budget starting
county spending process
'Tis the season for Mason County
department heads to submit their
budgetary wish lists. The staff in
the office of Mason County Audi-
tor Karen Herr has compiled and
itemized these budget requests
and submitted a preliminary bud-
get for 2008 to the Mason County
Chief accountant Theresia Eh-
rich said that as an added incen-
tive the auditor awarded chocolate
to the four departments which
submitted their requests on time.
For the first time in years, the peo-
ple in the auditor's office haven't
had to forfeit a portion of the La-
bor Day weekend to get the budget
"This is a big project to accom-
plish in a very short period of
time," Herr told the commission-
ers at last week's meeting.
The preliminary budget pre-
sented in detail all proposed ex-
penditures and all proposed rev-
enues for each department of the
county government. Based on
previous strategic plans and the
community needs they see and be-
lieve should be addressed, officials
of each department indicate an
amount of money needed to fund
programs and services.
Employees in the auditor's of-
fice present this preliminary bud-
get to the commissioners to con-
sider when making final decisions
about the 2008 budget. In addi-
tion to 2008 departmental budget
requests, the preliminary docu-
ment includes actual income and
expenditures for the years 2005,
2006 and 2007. Also itemized and
listed are the 2007 budgets and
any amendments to the current
spending plan approved through
July 31.
As of that date, the current
expense fund 2007 budget with
approved supplemental appro-
priations is $31,348,328. Looking
ahead to 2008, the preliminary
current expense budget revenues
presented with an estimated begin-
ning fund balance is $28,899,819.
This represents an increase of
$2,448,509, or 8 percent from this
The 2008 current expense bud-
get revenues presdnted without
the beginning fund balance are
$1,175,540, or down 4 percent from
this year. The 2008 preliminary
current expense budget expendi-
tures presented with the ending
fund balance is $33,755,280, which
is up $2,406,952 or 8 percent from
this year. Planned expenditures
without the ending fund bal-
ance are $31,226,630, which is up
$2,374,483, or 8 percent.
Commissioner Tim Sheldon
said he would like to discusg ex-
penditures in the office of the Ma-
son County Fire Marshal.
"You guys work really, really
hard and I think very few coun-
ties have the amount of confidence
and the credibility in the amount
of documents that you have," Com-
missioner Lynda Ring-Erickson
told Herr and her staff.
Welte]:, Dahman arts
find tl00Leir home at fair
Two Mason County residents
recently won honors in "home arts"
competition at the Puyallup Fair.
C.J. Welter of Belfair is the
grand champion in the needlepoint
division of the competition. Kelli
Dahman of Shelton won the sweep-
stakes award for jam and jelly and
is the reserve grand champion in
the preserved foods division.
Examples of the domestic ex-
cellence will be on display in the
Home Arts Department during the
course of the fair, which contin-
ues through September 23 at 110
Ninth Avenue SW in Puyallup.
where Money does grow on trees S
Helping local businesses(row for over 30 yrs
Holidays are just around the comer
let another year go by with missed profits
Affordable Rates
Full or Partial Accounting
Payroll, Monthly & Quarterly Reports
Job Costing, Monthly Client Billing,
Reconciliations, Customized to your needs
Tax Prep for Individuals & Businesses
Remember !!!Tax Time is fast
2523 OIvmpic Hwy N Shelton, WA 98584
(Next to th Royal Shanghai)
..Individual Tax returns start st $65.00
Model 663-91 Model 663-91
(151397) (15356)
• No special primers needed
on previously painted surfaces
• Excellent durability in all climates
(152923) (151501 )
& cracking ......
w/metal ferrule
Model CFG989)EACHl-13
• Fastest and easiest way to patch "orange-peer' and
splatter drywall textures
• Simply dial in the new nozzle to match a wide
variety of texture patterns
° Ultra-fast drying time 99
• Covers approximately
110 sq. ft.
Model 4055
Prices effect September 13 - 16, 2007. Limited to stock on hand. U-Haul pricing. Delivery available for additional cosL
www. lu m berme n s. net
114 E Cedar Street
Weekdays 7:00-6:00
Saturday 8:00-6:00 Sunday 9:00,5:00
Thursday, September 13, 2007 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 7
IANY ROYAL, right, a staffer of the Northwest
Fisheries Commission, listens to an archaeologist
Its making sure work crews breaching dikes in the
aish estuary don't damage any relics which might
r arthed.
|atch'ng th
1 e river
iDw after breaching
lt,J •
Skokomlsh dikes
tinued from page 3.) Puget Sound chinook - all listed
h of the property as well as
;, ][!t finfish and shellfish, said
II)ublanica, the Skokomish
f- Senior lands planner. "The
ants to see the river flow
i ,,
i fl ough the delta.
as "threatened" under the federal
Endangered Species Act.
Funding for this phase of the
project came from the state of
Washington's Estuary and Salm-
on Restoration Program. The
' UNDER WAY this funds will be administered by the
118 the first part of a multi- Mason Conservation District. Ad-
effort to restore more than ditional support has been provided
:' s of the estuary to its his- by the Pacific Coast Salmon Re-
,*, lrlditions, including the res- covery Fund, Washington Salmon
f nearby Nalley Island Recovery Funding Board, City
][Year. The Skokomish River of Tacoma, Mason Conservation
:0.aly river in the Hood Ca- District, PUD 1, the U.S. Army
ia that directly supports Corps of" Engineers, the U.S. En-
leanPannsular blu 2r:u :in? thm: alo PI: e t i°bn 1 Aage:cy
00lpact tees looming
00[er Peacock Ridge
tinued from page 1.)
1 ason County to adopt or-
dl ces establishing impact fees
homes to help pay a por-
am School costs.
i I€OCK RIDGE developers
Ying the value of the land
le for the school site will be
f,lred by the district during
111Ons about mitigation fees,
ld. "That's a road we'll be
) llown with them very soon,'
ldmember Sue Mceaus-
• iid she was concerned about
tlVelopment's traffic impact
aearby North 13th Street-
"liP, Way intersection. The de-
will have to do a traffic
i Study, which is required by
, Zk said.
Usland pointed out the
taent is within walking
of Shelton High School,
Bay Junior High and
Olympic Middle School. Zook said
the city is very interested in safe
walking paths to schools, as well
as safe pullouts for school buses.
Last April, an attorney rep-
resenting Boston Harbor Land
Company told Shelton city com-
missioners the development would
include space tbr a new school,
parks, neighborhood commercial
firms, including, perhaps, medical
facilities, residences and "lots of
open space."
"WE'D LIKE TO be within the
city limits," he said. The property
now rests outside the city limits
and would require annexation.
Even if the development starts
as a "county" project, the company's
goal is to be annexed into the city,
the attorney said. It will be built to
city standards, and the utilities will
be top-rate, the attorney added.
by Dave Hudson
:,t only is hesitation upon acceleration annoying, it can
OWnright dangerous, especially when stalling is involved.
,e cases, the problem can be traced to a malfunction-
Xhaust-gas-recirculadon (EGR) system.The EGR system
oxides of nitrogen emissions (air pollutants that form
nitrogen and oxygen combine under high temperature)
acceptable level by re-circulating exhaust gas through
intake manifold and into the combustion chambers.The
Ust gas curtails the formation of oxides of nitrogen by
ring the temperature inside the engine.The EGR should
J!ntroduce exhaust gas into the manifold after the engine
. If it does so while the engine is cold, the vehicle will
and )robably stall.
n't wait to have your car fixed if it's stalling or hesitating on
i clo expert repairs and maintenance using the latest
ilUterized equipment to diagnose complicated problems.
NE°mer satisfaction remains our top priority, so we offer free
lPates, a nationwide warranty on our work, and towing too.
60-426-9637 to schedule an appointment at our shop,
tniently located at 31 E. Vance Ct. "We care about auto
• D o
The EGR valve in older
is likely to be mechanical
newer models are electronic.
Auditor's budget starting
county spending process
'Tis the season for Mason County
department heads to submit their
budgetary wish lists. The staff in
the office of Mason County Audi-
tor Karen Herr has compiled and
itemized these budget requests
and submitted a preliminary bud-
get for 2008 to the Mason County
Chief accountant Theresia Eh-
rich said that as an added incen-
tive the auditor awarded chocolate
to the four departments which
submitted their requests on time.
For the first time in years, the peo-
ple in the auditor's office haven't
had to forfeit a portion of the La-
bor Day weekend to get the budget
"This is a big project to accom-
plish in a very short period of
time," Herr told the commission-
ers at last week's meeting.
The preliminary budget pre-
sented in detail all proposed ex-
penditures and all proposed rev-
enues for each department of the
county government. Based on
previous strategic plans and the
community needs they see and be-
lieve should be addressed, officials
of each department indicate an
amount of money needed to fund
programs and services.
Employees in the auditor's of-
fice present this preliminary bud-
get to the commissioners to con-
sider when making final decisions
about the 2008 budget. In addi-
tion to 2008 departmental budget
requests, the preliminary docu-
ment includes actual income and
expenditures for the years 2005,
2006 and 2007. Also itemized and
listed are the 2007 budgets and
any amendments to the current
spending plan approved through
July 31.
As of that date, the current
expense fund 2007 budget with
approved supplemental appro-
priations is $31,348,328. Looking
ahead to 2008, the preliminary
current expense budget revenues
presented with an estimated begin-
ning fund balance is $28,899,819.
This represents an increase of
$2,448,509, or 8 percent from this
The 2008 current expense bud-
get revenues presdnted without
the beginning fund balance are
$1,175,540, or down 4 percent from
this year. The 2008 preliminary
current expense budget expendi-
tures presented with the ending
fund balance is $33,755,280, which
is up $2,406,952 or 8 percent from
this year. Planned expenditures
without the ending fund bal-
ance are $31,226,630, which is up
$2,374,483, or 8 percent.
Commissioner Tim Sheldon
said he would like to discusg ex-
penditures in the office of the Ma-
son County Fire Marshal.
"You guys work really, really
hard and I think very few coun-
ties have the amount of confidence
and the credibility in the amount
of documents that you have," Com-
missioner Lynda Ring-Erickson
told Herr and her staff.
Welte]:, Dahman arts
find tl00Leir home at fair
Two Mason County residents
recently won honors in "home arts"
competition at the Puyallup Fair.
C.J. Welter of Belfair is the
grand champion in the needlepoint
division of the competition. Kelli
Dahman of Shelton won the sweep-
stakes award for jam and jelly and
is the reserve grand champion in
the preserved foods division.
Examples of the domestic ex-
cellence will be on display in the
Home Arts Department during the
course of the fair, which contin-
ues through September 23 at 110
Ninth Avenue SW in Puyallup.
where Money does grow on trees S
Helping local businesses(row for over 30 yrs
Holidays are just around the comer
let another year go by with missed profits
Affordable Rates
Full or Partial Accounting
Payroll, Monthly & Quarterly Reports
Job Costing, Monthly Client Billing,
Reconciliations, Customized to your needs
Tax Prep for Individuals & Businesses
Remember !!!Tax Time is fast
2523 OIvmpic Hwy N Shelton, WA 98584
(Next to th Royal Shanghai)
..Individual Tax returns start st $65.00
Model 663-91 Model 663-91
(151397) (15356)
• No special primers needed
on previously painted surfaces
• Excellent durability in all climates
(152923) (151501 )
& cracking ......
w/metal ferrule
Model CFG989)EACHl-13
• Fastest and easiest way to patch "orange-peer' and
splatter drywall textures
• Simply dial in the new nozzle to match a wide
variety of texture patterns
° Ultra-fast drying time 99
• Covers approximately
110 sq. ft.
Model 4055
Prices effect September 13 - 16, 2007. Limited to stock on hand. U-Haul pricing. Delivery available for additional cosL
www. lu m berme n s. net
114 E Cedar Street
Weekdays 7:00-6:00
Saturday 8:00-6:00 Sunday 9:00,5:00
Thursday, September 13, 2007 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 7