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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
September 13, 2007     Shelton Mason County Journal
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September 13, 2007
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Allyn sewage job gets the go-ahe A contract for the Allyn Pump Station Improvement Project was awarded by the Mason County Commission over some objections. The winning bid on the job was made by Pape &amp; Sons, Incorporat- ed of Gig Harbor in the amount of $234,198.75. This project is designed to in- crease overflow capacity and reduce the potential for a sew- age spill into marine waters at a pump station located along the shores of North Bay. A sewage spill at this thcility results in the closure of prolific commercial and recreational shellfish beds in the area. Commissioner Tim Sheldon noted that the engineer's estimate for the project was $129,851.79, which is about half what the com- pany ended up gaining in its bid. Acknowledging that the project had been delayed from its earlier schedule and as a result would need to be done in the winter, which could cost more, Sheldon still wanted to wait longer and not approve the amount at that time. "Time is of the essence here," Commissioner Ross Gallagher said. Gallagher noted that the agree- ment calls for the work to be done by November 1, which is when New crew for women's club (Continued from page 19.) which will be distributed to the Pioneer School by Neuerburg. Rose Benz introduced the speaker, Patty Ayala Ross, who gave an interesting report on the Timberland Regional Library. She said that 1,700 kids signed up for the library's summer reading pro- gram and most of them finished the program and received certifi- cates for their accomplishments. A letter was received from Judy Moore thanking all those who SADD sets meetings for Wednesdays (Continued from page 13.) Oregon, and are eligible for hun- dreds of dollars in scholarships from the local Kiwanis. SADD Club, or Students Against Destructive Decisions, will meet in the choir room on Wednesdays during the two lunch breaks. Members will be preparing for fund-raisers benefiting travel to the national SADD conference, as well as events dealing with the prevention of drug abuse, under- age drinking, violence, suicide and driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol. Students who enjoy running and want to get in shape should see Mr. White in Room 412 or meet the cross-country runners any day at Highclimber Stadium at 3 p.m. for more information about cross- country. THE FIRST SESSION of driv- er's ed at SHS started on Wednes- day, September 12, with the class running from 2:40 to 4:40 p.m. Stu- dents who want to be in the next session should register with Susan Carroll at the Activities Window. The student will need to make a down payment of $150. See Mr. Apple in the office after school if you're signed up for the first ses- sion and you need a waiver form to get your permit. German Club will be planning this year's club field trips and candy sale. New people are always welcome. English is spoken. Students: The deadline for mak- ing up any incomplete grade from second semester of last school year is October 2. Remember, it is your responsibility to contact your teacher and to complete the assignments and tests in order to receive a grade. The registration deadline for the, SAT is October 2. Please visit the Web site at www.eollegeboard. cam for more information and registration. The ACT registration deadline is November 2. Please visit their Web site at www.act- for information and helped with the Kids' Carnival in August and volunteering to chair the event next year. Among several announcements made were the following: nomi- nations for Citizen of the Year are sought by September 18; the Pinochle Club is looking for new members; people who do tradition- al needlework, knitting, spinning and crocheting are needed for the Garden Club Apple Squeeze on Saturday, October 6; more people are needed for the Community Emergency Response Team; the Coast Guard is looking for vol- unteers who live on the water, to serve on their Citizens' Action Network; the Harstine Commu- nity Chorus is rehearsing from 4 to 6 p.m. on Sundays in the com- munity hall; and volunteer tast- ers are still needed to sample food prepared from recipes submitted for inclusi6n in the new Women's Club Cookbook, with about 100 recipes still to be tested. RUGS. & ROCKS? Come to the Cove, relax. touch and enjoy Nature in all her beauty. Bup if you like, or browse. Excellent, natural DECOR to enhance the BEAUTY of any room in your home? INSPIRATION for Creative People Children welcome! !l ock Hounds inuitedl] FREE Crystals 1 FREE Nature center tours 1 '> FREE Educational material < ,> Complete Flooring Showroom, Full Lapidarp Shoppe - Sculpture & Gift Art > Rocks & Minerals Magical Crustal Water $I per vial includes crpstal, but pou haue to make pour own wishes. registration. We are all students of the unluerse, l See. touch and feel the chemical ] elements pou are made of here. Who I knows, you might feel a connection. [ ='-Presentinq sent Artist KEVIN FLOT Artist. Designer. Visionary 'Multidimensional Galactic Impressions" Specializin9 in brakes, exhaust and custom work FREE ESTIMATES & FLUID CHECKS "Quality and Trust That's Hometowne Service" I I Open lO:30am-6:OOpm Tuesdall-Saturdap II:0Oam-5:OOPm Sundap 425-8111 Linda Glendenning & E/son Baugh 510 SE Old Arcadia Road 2.3 miles out Arcadia Road SheRon, WA 98584 Page 20 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, September 13, 2007 tides are high in-North Bay. Since the proposal concurred with county staff recommendations, he agreed to proceed. "I just feel like I have to sup- port this," Commissioner Lynda Ring-Erickson said. Ring-Erickson said she shared Sheldon's concerns about costs, but noted that the county didn't initially receive a bid when the opportunity was first posted and wasn't able to finish the job by Oc- tober 1, as it had hoped. She mentioned that windstorms like the one that struck Mason County last winter can down trees and block a road for several hours Welding class will be offered Olympic College Shelton will be starting a welding technol- ogy program. Instruction will be funded by a state grant. For more information, call Rose Ferri at 432-5423. before crews can clear it, and this can delay progress on other con- struction projects. Keeping in mind the potential costs to the lo- cal shellfish industry and water quality in Puget Sound, she said she believes this work needS' done as soon as possible. Gallagher and Rin voted on September 4 to the contract and Sheld011 against it. H ]34arriage "  Applying for marriage licenses, according to the Mason County Auditor's Office, were: Robert Fitzhugh Singh, 22, San- ta Monica, California, and Shirley Ann Miles, 21, Las Vegas, Nevada. Timothy A. Weaver, 34, Union, and Heather Yvonne Dreweck, 27, Union. Michael Eugene Lee, 24, Shel- ton, and Karen Marie Grabicki, 25, Shelton. John David James Wolfe, 21, Eglin Air Force Base, Florida, and Jessica Lorraine Neely, 20, Shel- ton. Travis Jeremiah Larrabee, 27, Montesano, and Traci Lynn 24, Montesano. Jan Jason Pflughaupt, and Mikele Allene Elma. Craig Scott Erichson, Cleary, and Elizabeth MaD ' White, 40, McC]eary. Brett Eugene Stevens. ey, and Dannielle Lynn Lacey. Byron J.R. Hill, 51, and Teri Lynn Utheim, 41' ton. Kevin Daniel and Nichole Melissa lyn. 0000roudly 00'esents for the 2007-2008 Concert Season: The Limeliters October 3, 2007 .... 7:30pm The I,imeliters launchect their career in 1959 at San Dancisco's thmous hungry i and soon emerged as a donfinant voice in the 19(i0's ti)lk music scene. A string of best-selling albums for RCA, frequent appearances on television and the Coca- Cola.jingle, "Things Go Better with Cokc," quickly made them a household name. Many tflentcd new members have been tbatured through the years, but the sound that the group pioneen,d has always remained intact, leeaturing signatun' harmony, whacked out humor and cont('mporary satire, The IJmeliters haw an infectious energy and enthusiasm thal is sure to (telighl our audience. Sourdough Slim November 3, 2007 7:30 pm From the moment ti:ce-whecling cowhand Sourdough Slim swaggers on stage, it's that everyone is in for a rollic.king good time! This fast-paced timnyman is also an winning yodeler who sets his ramblings of western lore t(> the h)t)ing rhxlhm of unibl tunes, ttaving garncredjaw-dropping awe at the IAncoln Center and :l'hc Kemwdy Sourdough Slim's show is perhaps summed up best by one Carson (:ily reviewer: members, impressed t W his cascading yodels while two-stel)pin' and lingering the strapped to his chest, were speechless when he did "all thosc,,things and sf>un a ttat sinmltancously." Unl)elievablc! California Guitar Trio January 20, 2008 3:0()pro While the Calitbrnia Guitar Trio's stunning virtuosity and sly sense of humor have earned them a trvent tbllowing, they continue to garner acclaim ibr their whMwind fusing of classical, rock, blues, jazz, world music, progressive, and California "surf music." They have toured extensively in the U.S., Japan and Europe, and have shared the stage with King Crimson, Tito Puente, and Peter Rowan, among ninny others. Their nmsic has been fi'aturcd at several Olympic Games and on many n@or networks. With shimmering clean acoustic sounds blended with ambient electronics, the California Guitar Trio brings filsion music to an entirely new lewq. French Chamber Orchestra March 14, 2008 ........ 7:30 pm Each mcnfl)cr of the inconq);ual)h' French (lh'amhcl ()rchcslla €.tl passion tbr nmking nmsic wiltl the {'lll'l'y, Icchni,luc and ;lllcnlion thai lruc ch:mfl)er nmsic requires. The group pcrlbrms ,ctulmly kn(>wn French soh fist and collduch )rs, i tl(:lll(ling N 1 au)'i('(' ,\\;nd if', ( ; u and Fr('dbric l.od('on, in venues all :tcross Em'ol)C. and mmlc a debut at the Linc(dn Center in 2002. Acclaimed as ,me of orchestras, lhe French Chamber Orchestra is cq.;dly al widl ('lassical, romanlic and contcml)orary music, and titkt.s a ] I)ringmg tbrgottcn nmstcrpicces u:) liti'.., at "must-s,'c'" li,r  tmmbcr Misty River April 26, 2008 - 7:30 pm Audiences are simply captivated by Misty River, an all-tbmale quartet (two of whom are mother and daughter), who sut)F, ort their Imaufiful vocal blend with guitars, bass, fiddle, accordion, and (:law hammer styh" banjo. They pcflbrm masterful arrangements of a wide variety of Americana music, including lavm'ites from tolk, country, bluegrass and Cehic roots, seamlessly im'm'porating haunting ballads and award-winning ofinal songs. From huml)le "open mic" bennings in Eugene, Oregon, to representing the U.S. at the Shanghai International Music Festival in China, Misty River's popularity continues to expand. And the Riwu" keeps rolling as riw'rs do, touching people at each stop along the way. Membership cards mailed upon payment. , fffff.FN T@00fe0000'V00fU'C00TTO'N .......... " [] N,'w Membership I [] Renewal I Make Cheek Payable: [] Adult .......... I Mason County Concert Association (MCCA/ [] Student ....... : I p.o. Box 1572 [] Family ...... $ I Shehon, WA 98584 Total Enclosed i Nameis/ I ! Address I I (,ily/Zll Phone I I Email Address I last children if thmily ,nembership I II ist of student name(s) if student memb(ship(s) 'r Allyn sewage job gets the go-ahe A contract for the Allyn Pump Station Improvement Project was awarded by the Mason County Commission over some objections. The winning bid on the job was made by Pape & Sons, Incorporat- ed of Gig Harbor in the amount of $234,198.75. This project is designed to in- crease overflow capacity and reduce the potential for a sew- age spill into marine waters at a pump station located along the shores of North Bay. A sewage spill at this thcility results in the closure of prolific commercial and recreational shellfish beds in the area. Commissioner Tim Sheldon noted that the engineer's estimate for the project was $129,851.79, which is about half what the com- pany ended up gaining in its bid. Acknowledging that the project had been delayed from its earlier schedule and as a result would need to be done in the winter, which could cost more, Sheldon still wanted to wait longer and not approve the amount at that time. "Time is of the essence here," Commissioner Ross Gallagher said. Gallagher noted that the agree- ment calls for the work to be done by November 1, which is when New crew for women's club (Continued from page 19.) which will be distributed to the Pioneer School by Neuerburg. Rose Benz introduced the speaker, Patty Ayala Ross, who gave an interesting report on the Timberland Regional Library. She said that 1,700 kids signed up for the library's summer reading pro- gram and most of them finished the program and received certifi- cates for their accomplishments. A letter was received from Judy Moore thanking all those who SADD sets meetings for Wednesdays (Continued from page 13.) Oregon, and are eligible for hun- dreds of dollars in scholarships from the local Kiwanis. SADD Club, or Students Against Destructive Decisions, will meet in the choir room on Wednesdays during the two lunch breaks. Members will be preparing for fund-raisers benefiting travel to the national SADD conference, as well as events dealing with the prevention of drug abuse, under- age drinking, violence, suicide and driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol. Students who enjoy running and want to get in shape should see Mr. White in Room 412 or meet the cross-country runners any day at Highclimber Stadium at 3 p.m. for more information about cross- country. THE FIRST SESSION of driv- er's ed at SHS started on Wednes- day, September 12, with the class running from 2:40 to 4:40 p.m. Stu- dents who want to be in the next session should register with Susan Carroll at the Activities Window. The student will need to make a down payment of $150. See Mr. Apple in the office after school if you're signed up for the first ses- sion and you need a waiver form to get your permit. German Club will be planning this year's club field trips and candy sale. New people are always welcome. English is spoken. Students: The deadline for mak- ing up any incomplete grade from second semester of last school year is October 2. Remember, it is your responsibility to contact your teacher and to complete the assignments and tests in order to receive a grade. The registration deadline for the, SAT is October 2. Please visit the Web site at www.eollegeboard. cam for more information and registration. The ACT registration deadline is November 2. Please visit their Web site at www.act- for information and helped with the Kids' Carnival in August and volunteering to chair the event next year. Among several announcements made were the following: nomi- nations for Citizen of the Year are sought by September 18; the Pinochle Club is looking for new members; people who do tradition- al needlework, knitting, spinning and crocheting are needed for the Garden Club Apple Squeeze on Saturday, October 6; more people are needed for the Community Emergency Response Team; the Coast Guard is looking for vol- unteers who live on the water, to serve on their Citizens' Action Network; the Harstine Commu- nity Chorus is rehearsing from 4 to 6 p.m. on Sundays in the com- munity hall; and volunteer tast- ers are still needed to sample food prepared from recipes submitted for inclusi6n in the new Women's Club Cookbook, with about 100 recipes still to be tested. RUGS. & ROCKS? Come to the Cove, relax. touch and enjoy Nature in all her beauty. Bup if you like, or browse. Excellent, natural DECOR to enhance the BEAUTY of any room in your home? INSPIRATION for Creative People Children welcome! !l ock Hounds inuitedl] FREE Crystals 1 FREE Nature center tours 1 '> FREE Educational material < ,> Complete Flooring Showroom, Full Lapidarp Shoppe - Sculpture & Gift Art > Rocks & Minerals Magical Crustal Water $I per vial includes crpstal, but pou haue to make pour own wishes. registration. We are all students of the unluerse, l See. touch and feel the chemical ] elements pou are made of here. Who I knows, you might feel a connection. [ ='-Presentinq sent Artist KEVIN FLOT Artist. Designer. Visionary 'Multidimensional Galactic Impressions" Specializin9 in brakes, exhaust and custom work FREE ESTIMATES & FLUID CHECKS "Quality and Trust That's Hometowne Service" I I Open lO:30am-6:OOpm Tuesdall-Saturdap II:0Oam-5:OOPm Sundap 425-8111 Linda Glendenning & E/son Baugh 510 SE Old Arcadia Road 2.3 miles out Arcadia Road SheRon, WA 98584 Page 20 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, September 13, 2007 tides are high in-North Bay. Since the proposal concurred with county staff recommendations, he agreed to proceed. "I just feel like I have to sup- port this," Commissioner Lynda Ring-Erickson said. Ring-Erickson said she shared Sheldon's concerns about costs, but noted that the county didn't initially receive a bid when the opportunity was first posted and wasn't able to finish the job by Oc- tober 1, as it had hoped. She mentioned that windstorms like the one that struck Mason County last winter can down trees and block a road for several hours Welding class will be offered Olympic College Shelton will be starting a welding technol- ogy program. Instruction will be funded by a state grant. For more information, call Rose Ferri at 432-5423. before crews can clear it, and this can delay progress on other con- struction projects. Keeping in mind the potential costs to the lo- cal shellfish industry and water quality in Puget Sound, she said she believes this work needS' done as soon as possible. Gallagher and Rin voted on September 4 to the contract and Sheld011 against it. H ]34arriage "  Applying for marriage licenses, according to the Mason County Auditor's Office, were: Robert Fitzhugh Singh, 22, San- ta Monica, California, and Shirley Ann Miles, 21, Las Vegas, Nevada. Timothy A. Weaver, 34, Union, and Heather Yvonne Dreweck, 27, Union. Michael Eugene Lee, 24, Shel- ton, and Karen Marie Grabicki, 25, Shelton. John David James Wolfe, 21, Eglin Air Force Base, Florida, and Jessica Lorraine Neely, 20, Shel- ton. Travis Jeremiah Larrabee, 27, Montesano, and Traci Lynn 24, Montesano. Jan Jason Pflughaupt, and Mikele Allene Elma. Craig Scott Erichson, Cleary, and Elizabeth MaD ' White, 40, McC]eary. Brett Eugene Stevens. ey, and Dannielle Lynn Lacey. Byron J.R. Hill, 51, and Teri Lynn Utheim, 41' ton. Kevin Daniel and Nichole Melissa lyn. 0000roudly 00'esents for the 2007-2008 Concert Season: The Limeliters October 3, 2007 .... 7:30pm The I,imeliters launchect their career in 1959 at San Dancisco's thmous hungry i and soon emerged as a donfinant voice in the 19(i0's ti)lk music scene. A string of best-selling albums for RCA, frequent appearances on television and the Coca- Cola.jingle, "Things Go Better with Cokc," quickly made them a household name. Many tflentcd new members have been tbatured through the years, but the sound that the group pioneen,d has always remained intact, leeaturing signatun' harmony, whacked out humor and cont('mporary satire, The IJmeliters haw an infectious energy and enthusiasm thal is sure to (telighl our audience. Sourdough Slim November 3, 2007 7:30 pm From the moment ti:ce-whecling cowhand Sourdough Slim swaggers on stage, it's that everyone is in for a rollic.king good time! This fast-paced timnyman is also an winning yodeler who sets his ramblings of western lore t(> the h)t)ing rhxlhm of unibl tunes, ttaving garncredjaw-dropping awe at the IAncoln Center and :l'hc Kemwdy Sourdough Slim's show is perhaps summed up best by one Carson (:ily reviewer: members, impressed t W his cascading yodels while two-stel)pin' and lingering the strapped to his chest, were speechless when he did "all thosc,,things and sf>un a ttat sinmltancously." Unl)elievablc! California Guitar Trio January 20, 2008 3:0()pro While the Calitbrnia Guitar Trio's stunning virtuosity and sly sense of humor have earned them a trvent tbllowing, they continue to garner acclaim ibr their whMwind fusing of classical, rock, blues, jazz, world music, progressive, and California "surf music." They have toured extensively in the U.S., Japan and Europe, and have shared the stage with King Crimson, Tito Puente, and Peter Rowan, among ninny others. Their nmsic has been fi'aturcd at several Olympic Games and on many n@or networks. With shimmering clean acoustic sounds blended with ambient electronics, the California Guitar Trio brings filsion music to an entirely new lewq. French Chamber Orchestra March 14, 2008 ........ 7:30 pm Each mcnfl)cr of the inconq);ual)h' French (lh'amhcl ()rchcslla €.tl passion tbr nmking nmsic wiltl the {'lll'l'y, Icchni,luc and ;lllcnlion thai lruc ch:mfl)er nmsic requires. The group pcrlbrms ,ctulmly kn(>wn French soh fist and collduch )rs, i tl(:lll(ling N 1 au)'i('(' ,\\;nd if', ( ; u and Fr('dbric l.od('on, in venues all :tcross Em'ol)C. and mmlc a debut at the Linc(dn Center in 2002. Acclaimed as ,me of orchestras, lhe French Chamber Orchestra is cq.;dly al widl ('lassical, romanlic and contcml)orary music, and titkt.s a ] I)ringmg tbrgottcn nmstcrpicces u:) liti'.., at "must-s,'c'" li,r  tmmbcr Misty River April 26, 2008 - 7:30 pm Audiences are simply captivated by Misty River, an all-tbmale quartet (two of whom are mother and daughter), who sut)F, ort their Imaufiful vocal blend with guitars, bass, fiddle, accordion, and (:law hammer styh" banjo. They pcflbrm masterful arrangements of a wide variety of Americana music, including lavm'ites from tolk, country, bluegrass and Cehic roots, seamlessly im'm'porating haunting ballads and award-winning ofinal songs. From huml)le "open mic" bennings in Eugene, Oregon, to representing the U.S. at the Shanghai International Music Festival in China, Misty River's popularity continues to expand. And the Riwu" keeps rolling as riw'rs do, touching people at each stop along the way. Membership cards mailed upon payment. , fffff.FN T@00fe0000'V00fU'C00TTO'N .......... " [] N,'w Membership I [] Renewal I Make Cheek Payable: [] Adult .......... I Mason County Concert Association (MCCA/ [] Student ....... : I p.o. Box 1572 [] Family ...... $ I Shehon, WA 98584 Total Enclosed i Nameis/ I ! Address I I (,ily/Zll Phone I I Email Address I last children if thmily ,nembership I II ist of student name(s) if student memb(ship(s) 'r