September 13, 2007 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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0W$i97 Columbia River Hhellon IIIgh 7:0(} PM
0W07/07 Renan Renter, lligh 7:04) PM
09/14/07 Lake flurry lng Htd 7:00 PM
0W$I/07 WllIon Stadium Bowl 7:0(I I'M
09/t/07 North Thur.ton 8helton lligh 7:04) PM
I0/007 TimbeHine outh Hound 8td 7:00 PM
i1 C,pltal,c Te,, bolt. 1.6h .:.o M
IWlll/07 Yelm Bheli)n High 7: PM
IWIIB07 Clover Park Harry Lung tttd 7:60 PM
1O/ Capital Shelten Iligh 7:00 PM
0g/01/07 Tumwuter Jamboree Tumwater High 90 AM
0i Central gitlmp C Kliaap High 6:30 PM
Kings WNt Jam. IJV, Kitsap Pevtllon 4:0(I PM
North Mmmn N Maon High 7:00 PM
0g]l 1/07 North Thurtten 8helton High 6:45 PM
|117 Y Tolrnamet Yeim High 9.q}0 AM
107 Yelm Bhellon High 6:41$ PM
0 Timberline Timberline High 6:46 PM
Centralla Centralia High 9O AM
0Wll07 Capital flhelton Iligh 6:45 PM
0117/0'/ Clover Park Clover Park High 6:46 PM
Olympic IJVi Olympic H8 9:00 AM
|1 Lakm , Lakes High 6:45 PM
10 North Thuten N. Thurten High 6:45 PM
10/J 1/07 Yelm Yelm High 6:4fi PM
10/1697 IJheltn C Tourney Hheiton High 9:00 AM
IWlff Timlmrilne Bhelton Iligh 6:45 PM
118RI7 Capltel Capitnl iltgh 6:45 PM
10/N/ Hloek Hills JV Trnt Black liiils lilgh 9d)O AM
14lglk7 Clover Park HhelUm Iligh 6:45 PM
107 Laktl Hheltan High 8:45 PM
heaguo Relay. Clover Park Iligh 4z00 PM
0Wl 1/07 Olympia .lhelton Iligh 4:0@ PM
(}0/18/0'/ North Tbmkm N. Thurton High 4,'00 PM
01/07 Centralla Shelton High 4:00 PM
08//F/ Capital Hhelten lligh 4.'00 PM
1(}704/07 Lakes I,akt High 4:0@ PM
10/015/07 Yelm Yelm High 4:00 PM
10/I 1/07 Timberline Bhelten lilgh ,i.)0 PM
I l/0l/tW Dietrlet Hiving Hagen lligh 10¢10 AM
11.@ District I|tun H/gh 10;30 AM
I I-lO State King County Aq,Ctr, 0 AM
!]0 Jambere Tumwatr 8tadium 6,'0 AM
Hills Tumwater Stadium 6:.50 PM
1'=mwater Hhelton High 70 PM
011/07 Clover path Harry Img gtadlum 7.q)0 PM
INt/1810T Bremeftor, Bboltm High 7.0 PM
0@/!11/07 North That*ton R, Bound tltadium 6. PM
Timberline 8helten High 7. PM
0B&fff/ Lakee lh#lten liigh 7,'00 PM
0AIT/OT Capital Capital High T.'00 PM
I Gt011/ff7 ¥eba Yelm High 7.0 PM
10/q04/0T Clover Park Shelton High 7:00 PM
1107 Olympic 8helton High 7:00 PM
10ft 1/97 North Thuraten Bhelten lligh 7.t)0 PM
10lff07 Timberline 8oath 8ound Stadium 6.10 PM
IWllgO'/ Harry I.ang 8tadlum 7:(N} PM
10?ga/07 fpltal Hheltan Iligh 7. PM
IO/'JS7 Yelm lhelten High 7.'(X) PM
Brenuw¢o Shelten lligh 4:00 PM
(10/W07 Capital Invite Capital Illgh 4:60 PM
0W|8/0*/ WOC Preview ' Capital High 4:(}0 PM
0Wilt/e7 tlt Creek Invite Bait Crtvk/PA 6:00 AM
i07 N. Thulsten N. Thmhm High 4:0() PM
Mt. Wmt Invite MIMoula, Montana 9:00 AM
Olff07 Timberlinm St, Martin'. 4:00 PM
I0/04/0 Horth ']t.ten Shtdten High 4:00 PM
I0/0 Hoqtdam Invite lloqutam High 9:00 AM
10/11/07 ]zke Ft. 8teliamm 9:00 AM
IOPAO/07 League Ft Sttdhtcuom 6.'00 AM
|07W? District American Lake 9d}0 AM
] 1110/07 8tt Bun Wlllow, Pasco 9}(l AM
0WOfff Aberdvnn Alderbrook 3:30 PM
0/07 WCC damltree Tahoma Valley 3:30 PM
17/07 Alderbrook (;C 3130 PM
0WIg// Tlmltne Capital City 3:30 PM
River Rkige Aldorhrook 30 PM
Lakes Ok Hk Golf ':30 PM
0BW0? North Thurston Alderbrook $:30 PM
l 0/05/07 Capital Alderbrook 5:I PM
104/0 Clover Park Meadow Park 3:30 PM
10/09/07 Yelm High Alderhrook 5:10 PM
10/16-17 W( Tournament Tomwa(r Valh,y TEA
0&q07 North Thuraton N. Thurston High 4:(XI PM
10/07 I,tku 8helton Hlgh 4.'00 PM
OWII/07 Yelm Bhelten High 4:00 PM
OWI4/ff7 TJmberUne 'lmb,rllne Higb 4:0(} PM
11117 North Kllnpl NKIIH :(:30 PM
0/17&W Capital Capital liigh 4d PM
/lP/07 Clover Park Hhelten iiigh 4,0 PM
1/1]07 North Thurten Hheitan ltigh 4:00 PM
08time7 lmktm l.mkN lllgh 4:00 PM
0/It8/07 Yelm yeiw lllgh 4:00 PM
10tlfl Timberline Hhelten High 4.)0 PM
10/007 Capital Hhelton High 4.'00 PM
l(t07 Clover Park Clover Park High 4.'00 PM
10/10/0'/ Hremerton Bhelton High 3:$0 PM
Football's Kings
here Saturday
Age-group football's Shelton
Kings are at home this Saturday
in Highclimber Stadium.
Taking on their counterparts
from Aberdeen will be the Varsity
White team at 10 a.m., the Red
Jayvee squad at 1:45 and the
Minor Red team at 4:15.
Hosting their Montesano rivals,
meanwhile, will be the Varsity
Red squad at 11:15, the JV White
contingent at 12:30 and the Minor
White team at 3 p.m.
There's a new game in town,
says city rec director Mark
Ziegler. Dodgeball.
"No, notthemean-spiritedgame
of grade school," he says, "but the
recreational sport that you can
enjoy as an adult."
THE CHLORINE CLIMBERS of '07 gather for photo posterity before
turnout Tuesday. From left in the back row are Hannah Reed, Brittany
Janda, Molly Mahony, Brittany Kazzdorn, Jackie Miller and Mikki
Crump. Next row in: Kathryn Myers, Kelsey Frazer, Symone Littlefield,
Sydney Gaa and Timmi Goodburn. Next: Mary Benn, Hayley Barnard,
Melissa Griffith, Kylie Cochran and Jenny DeAndre. Next: Sierra Diaz,
Tabitha Speigle and Chelsea Peek. And in the front: Veronica Speigle
and Mallorey Ross. Not pictured are veterans Summer York and Carlene
Twiddy. For the girls' first-week results, see next week's Journal.
Alderbrook yielded the follow-
ing the pa$t week:
September 3, Labor Day Wlnners/Loser-
First - Rick and Marnie Dominy & Jim
and Lynn Conner, 181.
Second (tie) Donna Taylor, Gary White,
Dave Rosenberg & Sharon Dufresne and
Mark and Karen Burns & Phil and Ginny
Chitwood, 187.
Fourth - Dave and Caroll Hardesty &
Bill and Robin Ziegler, 191.
Fifth - Fred and Judy Wolgamott &
Wayne and Dusty Blair, 195.
Sixth - Del and Cheryl Goad & Jim and
Jan McClure, 196•
Seventh - Wayne and Dee Bishop &
Virgil and Mickey Morgan, 199.
Losers (tie)- Wally and Marie Good
& Lee and Sharon Ferguson and Trenton
and Cynthia Tibbetts, Jerry Clausen & La-
verna O'Neil, 231.
September 6, Ladles Club Selective
First division, 18 holes - Maxine Baillie
25, Ronda Manspeaker 25.5.
Second division, 18 holes - Laverna
O'Neil 23.5, Betty Olson 25.
Bayshore's annual Charity
Pro-Am Tournament is set for
September 14-15, reports club
pro Brian Davis.
"Some of the area's best pro-
fessionals will be competing
along with amateurs for team
and individual prizes," he says.
"Our title sponsor once again is
the Hiawatha Corporation. With
their help over the years along
with other local businesses who
sponsor holes, we have raised
over $20,000, which has all gone
to local charities here in Mason
For more information call
Bayshore at 426-1271.
The club's ladies, meanwhile,
played "Points" in their regular
ers "Threw Out Their Worst
Hole" in weekly competition
September 5. The results:
First flight - Marsha Berry 85 and Les-
ley Robertshaw-Mosley and Rita Lipinski
tied at 92.
Second flight - Betty Dean 100, Diane
Pollard 102.
Third flight - Gall Gagner 100, Barb Eb-
erhardt 112.
Chip-ins- Mary Lou Trautmann (6th and
17th holes) and Barb Eberhardt (12th).
The club's nine-hole ladies,
meanwhile, yielded the follow-
August 31, Hidden Hole
First division - Lesley Robertshaw-
Mosley 30, Gayle Wilcox 31, Ann Wooten
and Rita Lipinski tied at 32.
Second division - Marie Bierward 27,
Jeannine Jacob 30, Barb Eberhardt 32.
Third division - Judy Hansen 25, Sha-
ron Hadsall 31, Rests Bowcutt 34.
Chip-in -Judy Hansen (16th hole).
September 5, Gross Minus Worst Hole
First - Adele Scott, 45.
Second - Ann Johnson, 46.
Third - Barb Dennis, 47.
September 7, T's & F's
First division - Lesley Robertshaw-
Mosley 16.5, Gail Gagner 18, Joyce Reyn-
olds 19.
Second division - Barb Eberhardt 19,
Judy Hansen 19•5, Marie Bierward 20.5.
Third division - Marilyn Feist 19.5, Pat
Wass 20.5 and Rests Bowcutt and Sharon
Hadsall tied at 21.5.
Birdie - Lesley Robertshaw-Mosley
(13th hole).
leads X.
Climber cross-country
captain Dan Paine
his two-time age-group
can credentials with a
performance in the
tional last weekend.
The senior standout
the lead pack in the
field and wound up sixth
with a personal-record
ing over the fiat-and-fast
Capitol Lake course.
"That was an
I was tickled t' death
says Climber coach Daryl
"He's never been under
utes on the track, so I can
he's in the best shape
ever been in.
"And, you know, he
what I call that 'Senior
and I just think he's ready
up now to that elite
pete against some of the
tance runners at all levels
Miles Unterreiner of Gig|
defended his title
cord 9:09. Lakes' Seth
second in 9:30.2 and
Shane Geiger fifth, just a
ahead of Paine.
Other Climbers
table placements in
vite, says White, were
Alana Langdon, 10th in
girls' race, and
Gwen Milroy, 15th out
ners in the sophomore
Last week the Climbers
with a home duel with
ton and wound up with
the boys losing
absence of foot-injured
Luke Pittman and the
ning behind state-veteran
Sarah Brownstein's
"I'm excited about our
says Coach. "We're gonna
right. Capital's girls are
formidable group. I mean
just nobody in our lea
now that can compete
But we should be right
any of the other teams."
Grid Climbers Blood
outlast Rent0n
(Continued from page 21.)
Coach, the victory came at a high
cost. Junior veteran linebacker
Kevin Eichhorn fractured his fe-
mur and will be out for the sea-
"Fortunately for him he's rela-
tively young and recovery from the
injury isn't as catastrophic as they
first thought," said Hinkle. "They
first thought there was ligament
damage as well, but that didn't
come to pass.
"They have Renton speed, but
they have it in about three or four
more positions. Renton was fairly
quick in the backfield, and Lakes
has that across four or five - both
in the backfield as well as receiv-
ers. So we really have to be disci-
"Well," said Hinkle, "the compo-
nents that we are shootin' for are,
Number One, ball control on offense
- we wanna maintain security of
"So it was just the femur break the thing for as much of the foot-
ball game as possible, obviously
(Continued from page
elbow." He grins ruefully.
Plus she got a couple o'
was a pretty physical
"But I thought the refs
good job of getting it
trol," he says. "It took a
mean, you've got two
really know each other;
a lot against each other
summers; we play in
against each other; we
up our own little
against each other, a
"So we know each other;
a natural competition and
there. And it's gonna be
tive and physical."
the incident, however
tional, turn the two
on a volleyball-sized court. The
"dodgeball" is an eight-inch foam
ball with rubber coating so as not
to sting or cause injury. The ob-
ject is pretty much what you re-
member from your grade-school days.
Interested? Registration dead-
line is September 14. Fees are $20
per individual and $100 per team.
Call the rec office at 432-5194 or
go to
The game consists of two Tuesday get-together. The re-
teams of six players squaring off, sults:
First division - Coralie Waiters first and
Mary Lou Wicken and Billie Elms tied for
Second division - Kaye Knudsen first.
Nine-holers - Joann McComb first.
Fewest putts - Coralie Watters and
Joann McComb.
Chip-ins -Toni Stevens (2nd hole), Lu-
ana'Ellis (5th) and Joann McComb (9th).
Lake Cushman's ladies waged
medal-play competition Septem-
ber 5, to these ends:
First division - Wynne Wright first and
Mary Hull and Shirley Mitchell tied for sec-
Second division - Ruby Isaacson first
and Charlotte Ockerman and Bobble Mak-
er tied for second.
Third division - Gall Collyer first and
Judy Keiffer second.
Hole-in-one - Charlotte Ockerman
(15th hole).
Chip-in - Shirley Mitchell•
The club's "Lady Niners,"
meanwhile, waged "Pink Lady"
competition September 4. The
First - the team of Georgia Pederson,
Lorna Burgwln & Vicki Sotka.
Second - the team of Phyllis Minteer,
Kessie Smith & Norma Morton.
Birdie - Norma Morton (6th hole).
Chip-in - Molly Frazier (7th hole).
Lake Limerick's lady 18-hol-
Page 22 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, September 13, 2007
- which is till big-time; femurs are
pretty strong, and when you break
'em it's pretty painful."
WHAT MADE IT even more
traumatic teamwise, as it hap-
pens, was the fact that the colli-
sion that caused the fracture was
between teammates.
"They ran into each other at-
tempting to block a punt," said
Coach, "and he caught the other
boy's helmet in the thigh. And it
was just one of those things that
happens in football every once in
a while."
lend emotional support among
Kevin's fellow Climbers, added the
coach. And little wonder.
"He's well liked and well re-
spected by his teammates," said
Hinkle. "And it's a big loss because
of the amount of work he put in in
the off season and the experience
that he brings - and the intensity.
"But it's just one of those things.
Now somebody else has gotta pick
up the flag and carry it..."
morrow night's Climber foe.
"And we all know Lakes is
pretty solid." said Hinkle. "They're
in the top one or two teams in the
state. They've got four or five D-1
type of prospects, according to the
people who make those prognosti-
keepin' it out of their hands - and,
Number Two, our defensive ap-
proach is to have a couple wrin-
"They run a spread, open of-
fense, and they're just tryin' to get
ya spread out horizontally so they
can find creases vertically. And we
wanna be as sound on defense as
possible and yet come at 'em from
a couple angles they didn't antici-
pate. So that's our objective there.
Hopefully secure a turnover or two
and I think we'll be all right.
"You know, we've got a pretty
good squad. I mean, we're kinda
stumblin' right now, a little bit.
But we should be pretty good."
Coach, evidence of that was actu-
ally easier to see in the first half
Friday than in the seemingly more
productive second half.
'[ou know," he said, "it's a good
sign when you've got a team that
understands that they have to bat-
tle and maintain composure. And
the kids did, to a large degree."
Tomorrow night's league open-
er at Lakes starts at 7 o'clock
- not at Lakes per se but at Clover
Park High School. "It's two high
schools in that school district, and
they share the stadium at Clover
Park," said Hinkle. "It's where
we had that little playoff scenario
(last year). Nice facility."
meeting into a grudge
"I hope not," says
, st
try n remind the kids of th
just be aware of it as
into the next game: 'Play
Don't be malicious.'
"I mean, you hope
that you run a program
enough to say, 'Hey,
gotta be behind us.' You
in the Tumwater match
nior veteran Kassi Profitt
assist by California
cole Green. "Good little
Coach. "Equalized with
about 10 minutes, 12
in the half."
Against Black Hills two
earlier the Climbers
behind as well, tallying
seconds before halftime ov
assisted shot by senior
Brit Bowman.
In both contests his
had opportunities
the go-ahead goal, says
but they couldn't
"We've gotta finish
But does Coach like wb#t
seeing otherwise?
"Well, we have an
amount of
at the varsity level,
vees are undefeated
0W$i97 Columbia River Hhellon IIIgh 7:0(} PM
0W07/07 Renan Renter, lligh 7:04) PM
09/14/07 Lake flurry lng Htd 7:00 PM
0W$I/07 WllIon Stadium Bowl 7:0(I I'M
09/t/07 North Thur.ton 8helton lligh 7:04) PM
I0/007 TimbeHine outh Hound 8td 7:00 PM
i1 C,pltal,c Te,, bolt. 1.6h .:.o M
IWlll/07 Yelm Bheli)n High 7: PM
IWIIB07 Clover Park Harry Lung tttd 7:60 PM
1O/ Capital Shelten Iligh 7:00 PM
0g/01/07 Tumwuter Jamboree Tumwater High 90 AM
0i Central gitlmp C Kliaap High 6:30 PM
Kings WNt Jam. IJV, Kitsap Pevtllon 4:0(I PM
North Mmmn N Maon High 7:00 PM
0g]l 1/07 North Thurtten 8helton High 6:45 PM
|117 Y Tolrnamet Yeim High 9.q}0 AM
107 Yelm Bhellon High 6:41$ PM
0 Timberline Timberline High 6:46 PM
Centralla Centralia High 9O AM
0Wll07 Capital flhelton Iligh 6:45 PM
0117/0'/ Clover Park Clover Park High 6:46 PM
Olympic IJVi Olympic H8 9:00 AM
|1 Lakm , Lakes High 6:45 PM
10 North Thuten N. Thurten High 6:45 PM
10/J 1/07 Yelm Yelm High 6:4fi PM
10/1697 IJheltn C Tourney Hheiton High 9:00 AM
IWlff Timlmrilne Bhelton Iligh 6:45 PM
118RI7 Capltel Capitnl iltgh 6:45 PM
10/N/ Hloek Hills JV Trnt Black liiils lilgh 9d)O AM
14lglk7 Clover Park HhelUm Iligh 6:45 PM
107 Laktl Hheltan High 8:45 PM
heaguo Relay. Clover Park Iligh 4z00 PM
0Wl 1/07 Olympia .lhelton Iligh 4:0@ PM
(}0/18/0'/ North Tbmkm N. Thurton High 4,'00 PM
01/07 Centralla Shelton High 4:00 PM
08//F/ Capital Hhelten lligh 4.'00 PM
1(}704/07 Lakes I,akt High 4:0@ PM
10/015/07 Yelm Yelm High 4:00 PM
10/I 1/07 Timberline Bhelten lilgh ,i.)0 PM
I l/0l/tW Dietrlet Hiving Hagen lligh 10¢10 AM
11.@ District I|tun H/gh 10;30 AM
I I-lO State King County Aq,Ctr, 0 AM
!]0 Jambere Tumwatr 8tadium 6,'0 AM
Hills Tumwater Stadium 6:.50 PM
1'=mwater Hhelton High 70 PM
011/07 Clover path Harry Img gtadlum 7.q)0 PM
INt/1810T Bremeftor, Bboltm High 7.0 PM
0@/!11/07 North That*ton R, Bound tltadium 6. PM
Timberline 8helten High 7. PM
0B&fff/ Lakee lh#lten liigh 7,'00 PM
0AIT/OT Capital Capital High T.'00 PM
I Gt011/ff7 ¥eba Yelm High 7.0 PM
10/q04/0T Clover Park Shelton High 7:00 PM
1107 Olympic 8helton High 7:00 PM
10ft 1/97 North Thuraten Bhelten lligh 7.t)0 PM
10lff07 Timberline 8oath 8ound Stadium 6.10 PM
IWllgO'/ Harry I.ang 8tadlum 7:(N} PM
10?ga/07 fpltal Hheltan Iligh 7. PM
IO/'JS7 Yelm lhelten High 7.'(X) PM
Brenuw¢o Shelten lligh 4:00 PM
(10/W07 Capital Invite Capital Illgh 4:60 PM
0W|8/0*/ WOC Preview ' Capital High 4:(}0 PM
0Wilt/e7 tlt Creek Invite Bait Crtvk/PA 6:00 AM
i07 N. Thulsten N. Thmhm High 4:0() PM
Mt. Wmt Invite MIMoula, Montana 9:00 AM
Olff07 Timberlinm St, Martin'. 4:00 PM
I0/04/0 Horth ']t.ten Shtdten High 4:00 PM
I0/0 Hoqtdam Invite lloqutam High 9:00 AM
10/11/07 ]zke Ft. 8teliamm 9:00 AM
IOPAO/07 League Ft Sttdhtcuom 6.'00 AM
|07W? District American Lake 9d}0 AM
] 1110/07 8tt Bun Wlllow, Pasco 9}(l AM
0WOfff Aberdvnn Alderbrook 3:30 PM
0/07 WCC damltree Tahoma Valley 3:30 PM
17/07 Alderbrook (;C 3130 PM
0WIg// Tlmltne Capital City 3:30 PM
River Rkige Aldorhrook 30 PM
Lakes Ok Hk Golf ':30 PM
0BW0? North Thurston Alderbrook $:30 PM
l 0/05/07 Capital Alderbrook 5:I PM
104/0 Clover Park Meadow Park 3:30 PM
10/09/07 Yelm High Alderhrook 5:10 PM
10/16-17 W( Tournament Tomwa(r Valh,y TEA
0&q07 North Thuraton N. Thurston High 4:(XI PM
10/07 I,tku 8helton Hlgh 4.'00 PM
OWII/07 Yelm Bhelten High 4:00 PM
OWI4/ff7 TJmberUne 'lmb,rllne Higb 4:0(} PM
11117 North Kllnpl NKIIH :(:30 PM
0/17&W Capital Capital liigh 4d PM
/lP/07 Clover Park Hhelten iiigh 4,0 PM
1/1]07 North Thurten Hheitan ltigh 4:00 PM
08time7 lmktm l.mkN lllgh 4:00 PM
0/It8/07 Yelm yeiw lllgh 4:00 PM
10tlfl Timberline Hhelten High 4.)0 PM
10/007 Capital Hhelton High 4.'00 PM
l(t07 Clover Park Clover Park High 4.'00 PM
10/10/0'/ Hremerton Bhelton High 3:$0 PM
Football's Kings
here Saturday
Age-group football's Shelton
Kings are at home this Saturday
in Highclimber Stadium.
Taking on their counterparts
from Aberdeen will be the Varsity
White team at 10 a.m., the Red
Jayvee squad at 1:45 and the
Minor Red team at 4:15.
Hosting their Montesano rivals,
meanwhile, will be the Varsity
Red squad at 11:15, the JV White
contingent at 12:30 and the Minor
White team at 3 p.m.
There's a new game in town,
says city rec director Mark
Ziegler. Dodgeball.
"No, notthemean-spiritedgame
of grade school," he says, "but the
recreational sport that you can
enjoy as an adult."
THE CHLORINE CLIMBERS of '07 gather for photo posterity before
turnout Tuesday. From left in the back row are Hannah Reed, Brittany
Janda, Molly Mahony, Brittany Kazzdorn, Jackie Miller and Mikki
Crump. Next row in: Kathryn Myers, Kelsey Frazer, Symone Littlefield,
Sydney Gaa and Timmi Goodburn. Next: Mary Benn, Hayley Barnard,
Melissa Griffith, Kylie Cochran and Jenny DeAndre. Next: Sierra Diaz,
Tabitha Speigle and Chelsea Peek. And in the front: Veronica Speigle
and Mallorey Ross. Not pictured are veterans Summer York and Carlene
Twiddy. For the girls' first-week results, see next week's Journal.
Alderbrook yielded the follow-
ing the pa$t week:
September 3, Labor Day Wlnners/Loser-
First - Rick and Marnie Dominy & Jim
and Lynn Conner, 181.
Second (tie) Donna Taylor, Gary White,
Dave Rosenberg & Sharon Dufresne and
Mark and Karen Burns & Phil and Ginny
Chitwood, 187.
Fourth - Dave and Caroll Hardesty &
Bill and Robin Ziegler, 191.
Fifth - Fred and Judy Wolgamott &
Wayne and Dusty Blair, 195.
Sixth - Del and Cheryl Goad & Jim and
Jan McClure, 196•
Seventh - Wayne and Dee Bishop &
Virgil and Mickey Morgan, 199.
Losers (tie)- Wally and Marie Good
& Lee and Sharon Ferguson and Trenton
and Cynthia Tibbetts, Jerry Clausen & La-
verna O'Neil, 231.
September 6, Ladles Club Selective
First division, 18 holes - Maxine Baillie
25, Ronda Manspeaker 25.5.
Second division, 18 holes - Laverna
O'Neil 23.5, Betty Olson 25.
Bayshore's annual Charity
Pro-Am Tournament is set for
September 14-15, reports club
pro Brian Davis.
"Some of the area's best pro-
fessionals will be competing
along with amateurs for team
and individual prizes," he says.
"Our title sponsor once again is
the Hiawatha Corporation. With
their help over the years along
with other local businesses who
sponsor holes, we have raised
over $20,000, which has all gone
to local charities here in Mason
For more information call
Bayshore at 426-1271.
The club's ladies, meanwhile,
played "Points" in their regular
ers "Threw Out Their Worst
Hole" in weekly competition
September 5. The results:
First flight - Marsha Berry 85 and Les-
ley Robertshaw-Mosley and Rita Lipinski
tied at 92.
Second flight - Betty Dean 100, Diane
Pollard 102.
Third flight - Gall Gagner 100, Barb Eb-
erhardt 112.
Chip-ins- Mary Lou Trautmann (6th and
17th holes) and Barb Eberhardt (12th).
The club's nine-hole ladies,
meanwhile, yielded the follow-
August 31, Hidden Hole
First division - Lesley Robertshaw-
Mosley 30, Gayle Wilcox 31, Ann Wooten
and Rita Lipinski tied at 32.
Second division - Marie Bierward 27,
Jeannine Jacob 30, Barb Eberhardt 32.
Third division - Judy Hansen 25, Sha-
ron Hadsall 31, Rests Bowcutt 34.
Chip-in -Judy Hansen (16th hole).
September 5, Gross Minus Worst Hole
First - Adele Scott, 45.
Second - Ann Johnson, 46.
Third - Barb Dennis, 47.
September 7, T's & F's
First division - Lesley Robertshaw-
Mosley 16.5, Gail Gagner 18, Joyce Reyn-
olds 19.
Second division - Barb Eberhardt 19,
Judy Hansen 19•5, Marie Bierward 20.5.
Third division - Marilyn Feist 19.5, Pat
Wass 20.5 and Rests Bowcutt and Sharon
Hadsall tied at 21.5.
Birdie - Lesley Robertshaw-Mosley
(13th hole).
leads X.
Climber cross-country
captain Dan Paine
his two-time age-group
can credentials with a
performance in the
tional last weekend.
The senior standout
the lead pack in the
field and wound up sixth
with a personal-record
ing over the fiat-and-fast
Capitol Lake course.
"That was an
I was tickled t' death
says Climber coach Daryl
"He's never been under
utes on the track, so I can
he's in the best shape
ever been in.
"And, you know, he
what I call that 'Senior
and I just think he's ready
up now to that elite
pete against some of the
tance runners at all levels
Miles Unterreiner of Gig|
defended his title
cord 9:09. Lakes' Seth
second in 9:30.2 and
Shane Geiger fifth, just a
ahead of Paine.
Other Climbers
table placements in
vite, says White, were
Alana Langdon, 10th in
girls' race, and
Gwen Milroy, 15th out
ners in the sophomore
Last week the Climbers
with a home duel with
ton and wound up with
the boys losing
absence of foot-injured
Luke Pittman and the
ning behind state-veteran
Sarah Brownstein's
"I'm excited about our
says Coach. "We're gonna
right. Capital's girls are
formidable group. I mean
just nobody in our lea
now that can compete
But we should be right
any of the other teams."
Grid Climbers Blood
outlast Rent0n
(Continued from page 21.)
Coach, the victory came at a high
cost. Junior veteran linebacker
Kevin Eichhorn fractured his fe-
mur and will be out for the sea-
"Fortunately for him he's rela-
tively young and recovery from the
injury isn't as catastrophic as they
first thought," said Hinkle. "They
first thought there was ligament
damage as well, but that didn't
come to pass.
"They have Renton speed, but
they have it in about three or four
more positions. Renton was fairly
quick in the backfield, and Lakes
has that across four or five - both
in the backfield as well as receiv-
ers. So we really have to be disci-
"Well," said Hinkle, "the compo-
nents that we are shootin' for are,
Number One, ball control on offense
- we wanna maintain security of
"So it was just the femur break the thing for as much of the foot-
ball game as possible, obviously
(Continued from page
elbow." He grins ruefully.
Plus she got a couple o'
was a pretty physical
"But I thought the refs
good job of getting it
trol," he says. "It took a
mean, you've got two
really know each other;
a lot against each other
summers; we play in
against each other; we
up our own little
against each other, a
"So we know each other;
a natural competition and
there. And it's gonna be
tive and physical."
the incident, however
tional, turn the two
on a volleyball-sized court. The
"dodgeball" is an eight-inch foam
ball with rubber coating so as not
to sting or cause injury. The ob-
ject is pretty much what you re-
member from your grade-school days.
Interested? Registration dead-
line is September 14. Fees are $20
per individual and $100 per team.
Call the rec office at 432-5194 or
go to
The game consists of two Tuesday get-together. The re-
teams of six players squaring off, sults:
First division - Coralie Waiters first and
Mary Lou Wicken and Billie Elms tied for
Second division - Kaye Knudsen first.
Nine-holers - Joann McComb first.
Fewest putts - Coralie Watters and
Joann McComb.
Chip-ins -Toni Stevens (2nd hole), Lu-
ana'Ellis (5th) and Joann McComb (9th).
Lake Cushman's ladies waged
medal-play competition Septem-
ber 5, to these ends:
First division - Wynne Wright first and
Mary Hull and Shirley Mitchell tied for sec-
Second division - Ruby Isaacson first
and Charlotte Ockerman and Bobble Mak-
er tied for second.
Third division - Gall Collyer first and
Judy Keiffer second.
Hole-in-one - Charlotte Ockerman
(15th hole).
Chip-in - Shirley Mitchell•
The club's "Lady Niners,"
meanwhile, waged "Pink Lady"
competition September 4. The
First - the team of Georgia Pederson,
Lorna Burgwln & Vicki Sotka.
Second - the team of Phyllis Minteer,
Kessie Smith & Norma Morton.
Birdie - Norma Morton (6th hole).
Chip-in - Molly Frazier (7th hole).
Lake Limerick's lady 18-hol-
Page 22 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, September 13, 2007
- which is till big-time; femurs are
pretty strong, and when you break
'em it's pretty painful."
WHAT MADE IT even more
traumatic teamwise, as it hap-
pens, was the fact that the colli-
sion that caused the fracture was
between teammates.
"They ran into each other at-
tempting to block a punt," said
Coach, "and he caught the other
boy's helmet in the thigh. And it
was just one of those things that
happens in football every once in
a while."
lend emotional support among
Kevin's fellow Climbers, added the
coach. And little wonder.
"He's well liked and well re-
spected by his teammates," said
Hinkle. "And it's a big loss because
of the amount of work he put in in
the off season and the experience
that he brings - and the intensity.
"But it's just one of those things.
Now somebody else has gotta pick
up the flag and carry it..."
morrow night's Climber foe.
"And we all know Lakes is
pretty solid." said Hinkle. "They're
in the top one or two teams in the
state. They've got four or five D-1
type of prospects, according to the
people who make those prognosti-
keepin' it out of their hands - and,
Number Two, our defensive ap-
proach is to have a couple wrin-
"They run a spread, open of-
fense, and they're just tryin' to get
ya spread out horizontally so they
can find creases vertically. And we
wanna be as sound on defense as
possible and yet come at 'em from
a couple angles they didn't antici-
pate. So that's our objective there.
Hopefully secure a turnover or two
and I think we'll be all right.
"You know, we've got a pretty
good squad. I mean, we're kinda
stumblin' right now, a little bit.
But we should be pretty good."
Coach, evidence of that was actu-
ally easier to see in the first half
Friday than in the seemingly more
productive second half.
'[ou know," he said, "it's a good
sign when you've got a team that
understands that they have to bat-
tle and maintain composure. And
the kids did, to a large degree."
Tomorrow night's league open-
er at Lakes starts at 7 o'clock
- not at Lakes per se but at Clover
Park High School. "It's two high
schools in that school district, and
they share the stadium at Clover
Park," said Hinkle. "It's where
we had that little playoff scenario
(last year). Nice facility."
meeting into a grudge
"I hope not," says
, st
try n remind the kids of th
just be aware of it as
into the next game: 'Play
Don't be malicious.'
"I mean, you hope
that you run a program
enough to say, 'Hey,
gotta be behind us.' You
in the Tumwater match
nior veteran Kassi Profitt
assist by California
cole Green. "Good little
Coach. "Equalized with
about 10 minutes, 12
in the half."
Against Black Hills two
earlier the Climbers
behind as well, tallying
seconds before halftime ov
assisted shot by senior
Brit Bowman.
In both contests his
had opportunities
the go-ahead goal, says
but they couldn't
"We've gotta finish
But does Coach like wb#t
seeing otherwise?
"Well, we have an
amount of
at the varsity level,
vees are undefeated