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September 13, 2007     Shelton Mason County Journal
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September 13, 2007
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dedication: ., - No Fudd.y duddies these00 ,the cient .... pucker' ROBERTSON cooperative smmy the eighth annual Fudd- Draw Tournament was h54ted last weekend in Calla- 4'[iark .- '",.[icated this year to the "An- ir,¢lIuddpucker, '' Elmer tIerrel, t00'l illness and subsequent re- rl fiited his activities to base- (and occasionally umpir- .te last weekend), tle yearly ihltll bash was played under the ' i. familiar draw procedure, hsix, teams culled from the lo- tld Olympia) ranks playing :.-,m t the banners of six Fudd- sponsors. t those interested, in such I-ane matters, EJs Glass, "ed by tourney MVP Bill ,gJrton, went 5-0 to take top ', followed by Black Star, )Ucking, Shelton Floor Cov- tg nlKamm Trucking and Bob's l ['')l. Y OPENED SATURDAY Lizg with Black Star edging claJ :Tavern 18-17 with James , lid Tony Benedict homering hel l the way. Ralph I)elamar- l Keith Hayes garnered Ibm" , ach for Bob's. s rainy Willis homered twice ]rove in seven to pace EJ's l 12-9 win over Fye Trucking. BI !Iowland went deep tbr Fye. a hlton Floor Covering over- : back-to-back first-inning t$ runs by Ricky Miller and rl ,Uther to drub Kamin Truck- l| -2. Cody May and Paul Can- ldi ihad three hits each to pace fianers. E SARTORI'S bases- l a g double highlighted a Fye re nag top-of-the-seventh rally t he Truckers held off Black Le 15-11. Tracy DuChene went h !for four for Black Star.  in used a nine-run sixth- S ' ' pree to outdistance Bob s Ray Bartroff tripled and ted for the winners. '8 topped Shelton Floor Cov- I 17-9, banging out 23 h!ts. .  Trucking and Bobs ex- fied eight-run innings early '. the Truckers pulled away :clk Star held on to gain a tl:in over Shelton l leer Cov- winning run for Black Star. SUNDAY'S ACTION opened with EJ's besting Kamin 19-16 by scoring eight runs in the top of the seventh after spotting Kamin a nine-run fourth inning. Shelton Floor Covering scored nine in the sixth to get past Fye Trucking despite a pair of home runs by Kelly Bogh. EJ's whitewashed Bob's 11-0. Black Star jumped out to a 12-0 lead after three innings en route to a 12-4 win over Kamin. Bob's Tavern scored seven in the top of the seventh and held on for an 11-10 win over Shelton Floor Covering. Shelton Floor's Lori Goodburn went four for four. Kamin broke open a 7-7 tie with an eight-run top of the seventh keyed by Lori Luther's two-run double and downed Fye 15-8. And in the tourney finale EJ's claimed the top spot with a 12-9 win over runner-up Black Star. TOURNEY HONORS went to "Most Valuable Players" Bill Remington and Staci Miller of the champs and to all-stars Paul Canright, Kacy Crump and Nan- cy Samples of Shelton Floor Cov- ering, Ralph Delamarter, Liezl Carlsen and Kory Cline of Bob's Tavern, Ricky Miller, Ray Bartroff and Lori Luther of Kamin Truck- ing, Jeremy egg, Nancy Drake and Tracy DuChene of Black Star, Jeramy Willis, Dawn Thompson and Pat Malone of EJ's Glass and Gabe Sartori, Traci Bishop and Jeff Dreon of Fye Trucking. Sportsmanship awards went to Brian Willis and Traci Bishop. Statistical leaders for the tour- nament were Paul Canright (.875 average), Sean Howland (four homers) and Jeramy Willis (15 rbi) among the men and Rosina DePoe (.688 average) and Kelly Bogh (two homers and eight rbi) among the women. (EDITOR'S NOTE: Tourney director Scotti Crump gave special thanks to the aforementioned Fudd sponsors as well as to Chuck Rob- ertson, Brian Willis, Pat Malone, Greg Lester and Elmer Herrel and advised that donations were made by Little Creek Casino, Bob's Tav- ern, Jenny Sartori, Golden Pheas- stid  Saturday s final contest, ant Tavern, Tracy DuChene, Jill Y egg went three fbr three Hartline, Tammy Neese and Tina f;atriple, scoring the eventual Slye.) :i00-Seahawk Al Hunter keynote Kings dinner ler Seattle Seahawk pro will be used to help keep player 01!1 player Otured guest 8helton Kil ' ]!esents The [t and at I'  Shelto] ?ission A1 Hunter will be tomorrow night Kings Youth Foot:- Spaghetti Bowl" auction starting at 5:30 Shelton Civic Center. is $5, and proceeds registration fees down and the organization's various equipment bays appropriately stocked. Before becoming a Hawk, Hunt- er was a thousand-yard rusher for the Notre Dame team that won the national championship in '73. -tough ere.amp .uffs • r spike girls , girls of Climber volleyball 'l to a pedal-to-the-metal °i [ast week, taking on a pair of '€'tough nonleague opponents. '[s Played Central Kitsap and "L Mason, and we lost both laes 0 and 3," reports head teve Morgan. "Both teams ll, ighly successful last year. " It€ted fifth in the 4A and North i' 1 Played at state on the 2A d returns all six starters. ;  % had a rough go of it against tiaPecially with our return of tAgainst North Mason we tl!, tauch better on defense and I[k:'t )f serve. It was a fun match j!tch, with some long rallies. €, each game, North Mason afour to five-point run that was the difference." Morgan notes that Annie John- sbn led the team versus CK with nine digs and Briana McKinley had eight to do the same against North Mason. Jessica Scovell had five kills to lead in that depart- ment against North Mason. In jayvee action, meanwhile, the Climbers lost to Central Kit- sap 0-2 and defeated North Mason 2-0. Coach Steve Beck cited great progress by some young players, most notable among them Carly Madison for hustle, Hanna Erick- son and Amanda Stevenson for net play and Amanda Smith for passing. Neither of the Climbers' open- ing foes had a C squad. NOPE, JUST THE usual gang of free-wheelin' fun-lovers, as evidenced by these midday peeks Saturday during the rec softball community's eighth annual Fuddpucker Draw Tournament in Callanan Park. That's veteran director and perennial all-star Scotti Crump in customary de- meanor at the top right, and getting the nah-ya-didn't grin from base- runner and tourney MVP Bill Remington in the nearmost shot is daugh- ter Kacy Crump. Inset at the top are briefly sidelined veteran Brian Willis and fingertip-catch-making outfielder Howard Bullet. Our pas de duo in the nearmost inset? Third-baseman Tori Willis - Brian's daughter-in-law - and baserunner Jay Marshall, who incidentally got called out on the play despite his clearly chivalrous braking. --..-..--Golf Limerick Lake Limerick's lady 18-holers "Threw Out Their Worst Hole" in weekly competition September 5. The results: First flight - Marsha Berry 85 and Lesley Robertshaw-Mosley and Rita Lipinski tied at 92. Second flight - Betty Dean 100, Diane Pollard 102. Third flight - Gail Gagner 100, Barb Eberhardt 112. Chip-ins - Mary Lou Trautmann (6th and 17th holes) and Barb Eberhardt (12th). The club's nine-hole ladies, meanwhile, yielded the following: August 31, Hidden Hole First division - Lesley Robertshaw-Mosley 30, Gayle Wilcox 31, Ann Wooten and Rita Lipinski tied at 32. Second division - Marie Bierward 27, Jeannine Jacob 30, Barb Eberhardt 32. Third division - Judy Hansen 25, Sharon Hadsal131, Rosie Bowcutt 34. Chip-in- Judy Hansen (16th hole). September 5, Gross Minus Worst Hole First - Adele Scott, 45. Second - Ann Johnson, 46. Third - Barb Dennis, 47. September 7,T's & F's First division- Lesley Robertshaw-Mosley 16.5, Gail Gagner 18, Joyce Reynolds 19. Second division - Barb Eberhardt 19, Judy Hansen 19.5, Marie Bierward 20.5. Third division - Marilyn Feist 19.5, Pat Wass 20.5 and Rosie Bowcutt and Sharon Hadsall tied at 21.5. Birdie - Lesley Robertshaw-Mosley (13th hole). Youth cheerleading expo here Saturday Youth cheerleading's Electric Extreme of Shelton will hold a special fund-raising "expo" this Saturday from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Shelton Moose Lodge on Craig Road. Coordinators promise there will be products aplenty from the likes of Tastefully Simple, Pampered Chef, Avon, Tupperware, Home Interiors and Gifts, Cookie Lee Jewelry, Creative Memories and more. They add that partial proceeds will go to the Electric Extreme cheerleaders. Thursday, September 13, 2007 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 23 dedication: ., - No Fudd.y duddies these00 ,fhe eient .... pucker' ROBERTSON cooperative sunny the eighth annual Fudd- 0 Draw Tournament was hsited last weekend in Calla- 4t[ark .- €",[icated this year to the "An- ir,¢uddpucker," Elmer tIerrel, Ee illness and subsequent re- rl 1a. ited his activities to base- iell!rlg (and occasionally umpi,'- .tlte last weekend), tlae yearly ih*aqtll bash was played under the ' i. familiar draw procedure, has|six, teams culled from the lo- tld Olympia) ranks playing .'.-E the banners of six Fudd- Y. sponsors. t those interested, in such i .ane matters, EJs Glass, "ed by tourney MVP Bill ,gllrton, went 5-0 to take top ', followed by Black Star, )Ucking, Shelton Floor Cov- nlKamm Trucking and Bob's l r'l. Y OPENED SATURDAY Lizg with Black Star edging cla] :Tavern 18-17 with James ,, ld Tony Benedict homering hel l the way. Ralph I)elamar- l Keith Hayes garnered tbur , ach for Bob's. s rainy Willis homered twice ]rove in seven to pace EJ's l 12-9 win over Fye Trucking. 131 ffIowland went deep tbr Fye. a ielton Floor Covering over- : back-to-back first-inning te runs by Ricky Miller and rl ,Uther to drub Kamin Truck- a| -2. Cody May and Paul C, an- adi ihad three hits each to pace rianers. E SARTORI'S bases- l a g double highlighted a Fye re ang top-of-the-seventh rally t he Truckers held off Black e 15-11. Tracy DuChene went !for four for Black Star.  in used a nine-run sixth- S ' ' pree to outdistance Bob s Ray Bartroff tripled and red for the winners. 8 I topped Shelton Floor Cov- I 17-9, banging out 23 h!ts. .  Trucking and Bobs ex- led eight-run innings early . the Truckers pulled away :dck Star held on to gain a tldiin over Shelton 1 leer Coy- winning run for Black Star. SUNDAY'S ACTION opened with EJ's besting Kamin 19-16 by scoring eight runs in the top of the seventh after spotting Kamin a nine-run fourth inning. Shelton Floor Covering scored nine in the sixth to get past Fye Trucking despite a pair of home runs by Kelly Bogh. EJ's whitewashed Bob's 11-0. Black Star jumped out to a 12-0 lead after three innings en route to a 12-4 win over Kamin. Bob's Tavern scored seven in the top of the seventh and held on for an 11-10 win over Shelton Floor Covering. Shelton Floor's Lori Goodburn went four for four. Kamin broke open a 7-7 tie with an eight-run top of the seventh keyed by Lori Luther's two-run double and downed Fye 15-8. And in the tourney finale EJ's claimed the top spot with a 12-9 win over runner-up Black Star. TOURNEY HONORS went to "Most Valuable Players" Bill Remington and Staci Miller of the champs and to all-stars Paul Canright, Kacy Crump and Nan- cy Samples of Shelton Floor Cov- ering, Ralph Delamarter, Liezl Carlsen and Kory Cline of Bob's Tavern, Ricky Miller, Ray Bartroff and Lori Luther of Kamin Truck- ing, Jeremy egg, Nancy Drake and Tracy DuChene of Black Star, Jeramy Willis, Dawn Thompson and Pat Malone of EJ's Glass and Gabe Sartori, Traci Bishop and Jeff Dreon of Fye Trucking. Sportsmanship awards went to Brian Willis and Traci Bishop. Statistical leaders for the tour- nament were Paul Canright (.875 average), Sean Howland (four homers) and Jeramy Willis (15 rbi) among the men and Rosina DePoe (.688 average) and Kelly Bogh (two homers and eight rbi) among the women. (EDITOR'S NOTE: Tourney director Scotti Crump gave special thanks to the aforementioned Fudd sponsors as well as to Chuck Rob- ertson, Brian Willis, Pat Malone, Greg Lester and Elmer Herrel and advised that donations were made by Little Creek Casino, Bob's Tav- ern, Jenny Sartori, Golden Pheas- sd  Saturday s final contest, ant Tavern, Tracy DuChene, Jill Y egg went three fbr three Hartline, Tammy Neese and Tina a triple, scoring the eventual Slye.) :i00-Seahawk Al Hunter keynote Kings dinner ler Seattle Seahawk pro will be used to help keep player 01!1 player Otured guest 8helton Kil ' !esents The [r and at I'  Shelto .qission A1 Hunter will be tomorrow night Kings Youth Foot:- Spaghetti Bowl" auction starting at 5:30 Shelton Civic Center. is $5, and proceeds registration fees down and the organization's various equipment bays appropriately stocked. Before becoming a Hawk, Hunt- er was a thousand-yard rusher for the Notre Dame team that won the national championship in '73. -tough ere.amp .uffs • r spike girls .t girls of Climber volleyball .1 to a pedal-to-the-metal ,i [last week, taking on a pair of €'tough nonleague opponents. :'[ Played Central Kitsap and L Mason, and we lost both lqes 0 and 3," reports head teve Morgan. "Both teams lh ighly successful last year. " ['¢Ced fifth in the 4A and North i' Played at state on the 2A ¢hd returns all six starters.  % had a rough go of it against tiPecially with our return of tAgainst North Mason we tJ! rauch better on defense and I!') )f serve. It was a fun match j!tch, with some long rallies. "I TM €, each game, North Mason four to five-point run that was the difference." Morgan notes that Annie John- sn led the team versus CK with nine digs and Briana McKinley had eight to do the same against North Mason. Jessica Scovell had five kills to lead in that depart- ment against North Mason. In jayvee action, meanwhile, the Climbers lost to Central Kit- sap 0-2 and defeated North Mason 2-0. Coach Steve Beck cited great progress by some young players, most notable among them Carly Madison for hustle, Hanna Erick- son and Amanda Stevenson for net play and Amanda Smith for passing. Neither of the Climbers' open- ing foes had a C squad. NOPE, JUST THE usual gang of free-wheelin' fun-lovers, as evidenced by these midday peeks Saturday during the rec softball community's eighth annual Fuddpucker Draw Tournament in Callanan Park. That's veteran director and perennial all-star Scotti Crump in customary de- meanor at the top right, and getting the nah-ya-didn't grin from base- runner and tourney MVP Bill Remington in the nearmost shot is daugh- ter Kacy Crump. Inset at the top are briefly sidelined veteran Brian Willis and fingertip-catch-making outfielder Howard Bullet. Our pas de duo in the nearmost inset? Third-baseman Tori Willis - Brian's daughter-in-law - and baserunner Jay Marshall, who incidentally got called out on the play despite his clearly chivalrous braking. --..-..--Golf Limerick Lake Limerick's lady 18-holers "Threw Out Their Worst Hole" in weekly competition September 5. The results: First flight - Marsha Berry 85 and Lesley Robertshaw-Mosley and Rita Lipinski tied at 92. Second flight - Betty Dean 100, Diane Pollard 102. Third flight - Gail Gagner 100, Barb Eberhardt 112. Chip-ins - Mary Lou Trautmann (6th and 17th holes) and Barb Eberhardt (12th). The club's nine-hole ladies, meanwhile, yielded the following: August 31, Hidden Hole First division - Lesley Robertshaw-Mosley 30, Gayle Wilcox 31, Ann Wooten and Rita Lipinski tied at 32. Second division - Marie Bierward 27, Jeannine Jacob 30, Barb Eberhardt 32. Third division - Judy Hansen 25, Sharon Hadsal131, Rosie Bowcutt 34. Chip-in- Judy Hansen (16th hole). September 5, Gross Minus Worst Hole First - Adele Scott, 45. Second - Ann Johnson, 46. Third - Barb Dennis, 47. September 7,T's & F's First division- Lesley Robertshaw-Mosley 16.5, Gail Gagner 18, Joyce Reynolds 19. Second division - Barb Eberhardt 19, Judy Hansen 19.5, Marie Bierward 20.5. Third division - Marilyn Feist 19.5, Pat Wass 20.5 and Rosie Bowcutt and Sharon Hadsall tied at 21.5. Birdie - Lesley Robertshaw-Mosley (13th hole). Youth cheerleading expo here Saturday Youth cheerleading's Electric Extreme of Shelton will hold a special fund-raising "expo" this Saturday from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Shelton Moose Lodge on Craig Road. Coordinators promise there will be products aplenty from the likes of Tastefully Simple, Pampered Chef, Avon, Tupperware, Home Interiors and Gifts, Cookie Lee Jewelry, Creative Memories and more. They add that partial proceeds will go to the Electric Extreme cheerleaders. Thursday, September 13, 2007 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 23