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in Mason County
Court Judge Victoria
jurisdiction during the
under the influence:
A. Gwynn, 16414 134th
iKPN, Gig Harbor, $1,034,
364 suspended; Lennie
606 East Fir Street,
$1,509,365 days, 363 sus-
' Han-
70 NE Dulalip Land-
first degree, $543, 90
suspended; Patrick Fran-
Jr., 26205 16th Avenue
Des Moines, first degree,
days suspended.
while license sus-
or revoked: Kim E.
528 Division Street, Port
third degree, $243, 90
Suspended, and no valid
license, $260, 90 days
Mary Helen Phillips,
Binns Swiger Loop Road,
four counts third degree,
days suspended, $613, 90
suspended, costs and trip
violation, $250, 365 days
David S. Bowen, 1256
Road, Port Orchard,
$310, 90 days, 80
Dylan Strobel, 6501
Road, Grapeview,
$503, 90 days sus-
valid operator's license:
Draven, 2145 llth
Bremerton, and no liability
and driving with wheels
$1,263; Michael J.
27051 North High-
)l, Hoodsport, $260; Wade
15728 SE 381st Place,
insurance: Mat-
Sorg, 560 SE Mill Creek
$538; Kacey D. Sim-
1040 SE Bloomfield Road,
$538; Brandon C. Lane,
Binns Swiger Loop Road,
and expired vehicle tabs,
i; Christie L. Effelberg, 210
Surf, Hoodsport, $538; Joel
980 West Golden Pheas-
Shelton, $548; Cliff R.
62 Myers Road, Bremerton,.
too fast to avoid colli-*
$535; Clyde D. Strichling,
Leffler Lane, Grapeview,
Elizabeth M. Bentley, 70
Rustic Lane, Shelton, and
left of centerline, $573;
L. Black, 40 NE Woodside
Tahuya, $285.
Cody Anthony
12110 South 312th Street,
minor in possession or
of alcohol, $250.
in Shelton Munici-
Judge Amber Finlay's
during the past week
under the influence:
Bernadette Kerin, 40
I'Iartstene Place, Shelton,
365 days, 364 suspended.
while license sus-
or revoked: Danny
Nicolas, 1718 Madison
Shelton, second degree,
365 days, 360 suspended,
community service, and
to yield right-of-way, no li-
insurance and no valid ve-
registration, $280.
issuance of bank
Kami Renee Palmer, 1015
Drive, Elms, $150.
of marijuana:
St. Dennis, 195 SE
Port Orchard, $243, 90
suspended, 10 days corn-
service, and no liability in-
Divorces Granted
Parker and Matt
W. Wood and Bernice I.
New Cases
Silverstein against Sue
unlawful detainer.
Mutual Fire Insur-
against Jesse Goin
Doe Goin, tort motor ve-
New construction over $5,000,
shoreline work and other major
projects receiving permits during
the past week include:
Robert Nutt, 4040 West Shelton-
Matlock Road, Shelton, remodel,
$10,000; Ed Makoviney, 4401 West
Dayton-Airport Road, Shelton, res-
idence, $339,294.75; Regina Han-
nan, 2731 NE Old Belfair High-
way, Belfair, carport, retaining
wall, $14,968.80; James Warren,
261 East Schneider Road, Shelton,
addition, $72,663.60; Keith Cook,
650 East Jensen Road, Shelton,
garage, $57,904.80; Dine Marti-
nelli, 891 NE Capstan Rock Road,
Tahuya, residence, $168,332.80;
Wesley Brand, 1740 SE Crescent
Drive, Shelton, manufactured
home, $173,848; Michael Philbrick,
351 East Ballycastle Way, Shel-
ton, residence, $146,624.95; James
Appel, 11351 East State Route
106, Union, pier, ramp and float,
$20,238; Richard Lee, 101 West
Lambert Lane, Shelton, residence,
$138,021.40; Gary Sims, 321 East
Daniels Road, Shelton, residence,
$187,616.60; Gary Bushnell, 400
NE Tahuya River Drive, Tahuya,
residence, $276,651.55.
Also: Desmond Murphy, 3145
East North Island Drive, Shel-
ton, residence, $180,935.65; Mark
Forster, 320 East Phillips Lake
Loop Road, Shelton, dock, $5,100;
David Carnahan, 481 SE Al-
pine Avenue, Shelton, residence,
$156,984.80; Eugene White, 123
SE Earsley Lane, Shelton, ga-
rage, $111,272; William Lemke,
151 East Aycliffe Drive, Shelton,
residence, $143,282.80; Glen Sims,
370 East Wilson Way, Grapeview,
residence, $238,393.50; Rodney
Lake, 60 East Cardinal Court,
Allyn, enclose patio, $6,745.60;
Steve Cairns, 320 East Bucktail
View, Belfair, garage, $22,766.40;
James Mace, 11361 East State
Route 106, Union, pier, ramp and
float, $32,051; Michael Hardin, 91
East Willey Lane, Shelton, resi-
dence, $213,639.30; Daniel My-
ers, 41 East Oakland Bay Drive,
Shelton, garage, $65,934; Paul
Huckaby, 720 East Trails Road,
Belfair, residence, $179,303.85;
William Nielsen, 401 West Reeves
Hill Drive, Shelton, residence,
$203,879.15, and also garage,
Also: Marianne Painter, 70 East
Smith Cove Way, Shelton, home,
$79,544, and garage, $8,379.30;
Tricia McKinley, 470 East Bridg-
er Lane, Shelton, residence,
$207,597.10; Chris Creighton, 20
North Wynochee Drive, Hoodsport,
garage, $21,080; Kelly Montgom-
ery, 166 East Lakeway Drive, Shel-
ton, residence, $167,681.10; Dan
Brown, 320 West Lake Isabella
Loop, Shelton, garage, $66,763.20;
Steve Guardaben, 71 East Wood-
land Drive, Shelton, garage,
$17,707.20; Goldsborough, Limited
Liability Company, 110 NE Laurel
Road, Belfair, deck, $42,550; Brad
Sollock, 81 East Pirates Creek
Road, Shelton, garage, $15,177.60;
Rob Wood, 981 SE Phillips Road,
Shelton, residence, $160,568.80;
John Ham, 101 North Fairway
Drive East, Hoodsport, residence,
$116,129; Alan Duback, 113 East
Pine Tree Point, Shelton, garage,
$25,085.20; Fred Bader, 161 East
Michelle Drive, Union, garage,
No value was listed for the fol-
lowing projects: Gaylord Thayer,
180 NE Sanctuary Lane, Tahuya,
manufactured home.
September 4:4:55 p.m., with
police, minor injury, car struck a
fence at 914 Ellinor Avenue; 5:30
p.m., possible structure fire, West
Railroad Avenue and North Fifth
September 5:11:44 a.m., smoke
investigation, 2303 King Street.
September 6:1:08 p.m., smoke
investigation, 305 West Euclid
September 7:1:33 p.m., smoke
investigation, 2505 Olympic High-
way North.
Tuesday, September 4
00lignments • Brakes • Suspensions
We Service:
• Trucks * Semis * RV°s * Trailers
29th Ave. SW #101 Tumwater
Mon.-Fri. 8am-5 360" 943--81 36
A caller reported finding "gang
graffiti" on the portable buildings
at Bordeaux Elementary School.
Just after 1 p.m. police respond-
ed to a report of a disturbance in
front of the Shelton Civic Center.
A caller from the 800 block of
South First Street reported receiv-
ing a threat to kill.
A caller from the 1000 block of
West Franklin Street said some-
one was hacking into the caller's
computer on a regular basis.
Wednesday, September 5
An attempted break-in at a res-
idence in the 1400 block of Puget
Street was reported.
A burglary at a residence in the
400 block of Arcadia Avenue was
A caller from the 400 block of
Chestnut Street reported receiv-
ing threats over the telephone.
At 5:13 p.m. police responded to
a complaint about an off-road ve-
hicle in the area of H and Madison
Officers responded at 8:57 p.m.
to a report of a disturbance involv-
ing six or seven people in the 2000
block of Ferry Street.
At 10:23 p.m. a caller com-
plained about noise in the 200
block of Turner Avenue.
Thursday, September 6
A caller from the 900 block of
Alpine Way reported the theft of
credit cards and personal identifi-
cation information.
Officers responding at 1:50 p.m.
to a report of a disturbance in the
800 block of South Eighth Street
requested the assistance of depu-
A caller complained about a dirt
bike operating in the 1900 block of
Lake Boulevard.
An attempted break-in at a
residence in the 200 block of South
Ninth Street was reported.
A caller from the 1200 block of
West Franklin Street reported ha-
rassment via text messaging.
Friday, September 7
A caller from a business in the
1500 block of Olympic Highway
South reported forgery.
A caller from Blitzen Lane re-
ported possible identity theft.
Stafffromthe office of Child Pro-
tective Services of the Washington
Department of Social and Health
Services requested police assis-
tance at Oakland Bay Pediatrics.
A caller reported seeing a man
masturbating in a vehicle parked
in a lot in the 100 block of Wallace
Kneeland Boulevard.
Vandalism to a vehicle parked
at Shelton High School was re-
At 11:41 p.m. a caller com-
plained about two dirt bikes caus-
ing a disturbance in the parking
lot at Shelton High School.
Saturday, September 8
At 2:15 a.m. a caller from the
900 block of West Birch Street said
a motorcyclist was racing around
the neighborhood with no lights
A caller reported finding "gang
graffiti" on a garage door in the
1700 block of Ferry Street. Van-
dalism at a residence in the 1700
block of Boundary Street and to
a residence under construction at
Boundary and McKinley streets
was reported. Three callers from
different addresses in the 1900
block of Stevens Street reported
vandalism. Vandalism to a win-
dow of a business in the 200 block
of South Second Street was report-
A stereo was reported stolen
from a vehicle parked in the 500
block of West Franklin Street.
A caller reported the theft of
checks from a residence in the
1500 block of Center Street.
Detectives received a report of
an alleged rape.
Officers responding at 11:20
p.m. to a report of an "aggressive"
patient in the emergency room at
Mason General Hospital requested
the assistance of deputies.
Sunday, September 9
At 12:13 a.m. a caller complained
about noise in the area of Bellevue
Avenue and Division Street.
A light-brown Honda was re-
ported stolen from'a parking lot at
the hospital.
Monday, September 10
A 15-year-old student report-
edly was found with tobacco at
CHOICE High School and suspect-
ed marijuana, drug paraphernalia
and tobacco reportedly was found
on a student at Shelton High
The possible theft of mail from
boxes in the 1000 block of Fair-
mount Avenue was reported.
At 11:16 a.m. officers responded
to a report of a fight in progress
in the 3000 block of Johns Prairie
A janitor at Mountain View
Elementary School reported find-
ing beer cans, fire-starter materi-
als and a pillow on the roof on the
back side of the school.
At 11:21 p.m. a caller com-
plained about noise in the 900
block of Thomas Avenue.
The Mason County Jail record-
ed populations as follows during
the past week:
Wednesday 116, Thursday 120,
Friday 117, Saturday 122, Sunday
123, Monday 124, Tuesday. 122.
Tuesday, September 4
Tools were reported stolen from
a pumphouse at a place on East
Shetland Road near Shelton and
all the wiring was reported stolen
from a pumphouse on East Johns
Prairie Road near Shelton.
Squaxin Island tribal officers
received a report of the theft of hy-
draulic equipment from a construc-
tion site near Little Creek Casino.
Vandalism at a place on SE Tys U1
Tad Loop was reported.
Skokomish tribal officers re-
ceived a report of a fisheries viola-
tion along North River Road.
Wednesday, September 5
Fire District 2 responded at 3:57
a.m. to a report of an illegal burn
at 1091 NE Larson Lake Lane,
At 12:19 a.m. Squaxin Island
officers responded to a report of a
disturbance in the parking lot near
Kamilche Trading Post.
An 18-foot dinghy with a three-
horsepower engine was reported
stolen from a place on East Chap-
man Road near Shelton.
Skokomish tribal officers re-
ceived a report of the theft of
checks and cash from a residence
on North Reservation Road.
A liquor law violation at North
Mason High School was reported.
A caller from NE Newkirk Road,
Belfair, reported identity theft in-
volving the use of a credit card.
Thursday, September 6
Fire District 2 responded at
6:31 p.m. to a request for a burn
investigation on NE Eagleview
Lane, Belfair, and at 10:04 p.m. to
the report of an illegal burn at 331
East Schooner Loop, Belfair.
Detectives received a report of
an attempted rape. Another caller
reported an alleged sex offense.
Water pipes at the Mason Coun-
ty Fairgrounds reportedly were
damaged when a vehicle hit the
pipes and took off.
Vandalism to a fence around
property on NE Barbara Boule-
vard, Belfair, was reported. The
caller said someone had taken
wooden fence panels.
A burglary at a residence on SE
Arcadia Road just outside Shelton
city limits was reported.
A complaint about off-road ve-
hicles came in from a caller on NE
Tahuya River Road, Tahuya.
Friday, September 7
Fire District 2 responded at 8:44
p.m. to a request for a smoke in-
vestigation at 170 NE State Route
300, Bel|hir.
A vehicle prowl in a parking lot
at North Mason High School was
reported. A caller said the caller's
15-year-old child was being bullied
and threatened on the North Ma-
son campus.
Squaxin Island officers respond-
ed at 12:32 a.m. to a report of a dis-
turbance at a residence on SE Nak
Sub Loop. A caller from Kamilche
Trading Post said someone tried to
pass a counterfeit bill.
Complaints about off-road ve-
hicles came in from callers on East
Trails End Drive, Belfair, and East
Hickory Place near Shelton.
Skokomish tribal officers re-
ceived a report of possible drug and
liquor law violations at a residence
on North Tribal Center Road.
A 11:14 p.m. a caller com-
plained about noise coming from a
band playing in the area of Maggie
Saturday, September 8
At 12:15 a.m. Skokomish offi-
cers received a report of possible
vehicle prowling in the parking lot
at Lucky Dog Casino. Items were
reported stolen from a vehicle
parked on North Nalley Farms
Burglaries at residences on
North Lakeshore Place and on
North Eagle Place at Lake Cush-
man were reported.
Callers complained about off-
road vehicles on SE Mill Creek
Road near Shelton and East Trails
End Drive near Belfair.
At 11:27 p.m. Squaxin Island
officers received a complaint
about an all-terrain vehicle on SE
T'Peeksin Lane.
Sunday, September 9
Fire District 2 responded at
7:38 p.m. to a request for a smoke
investigation at 2451 NE Tee Lake
Road, Tahuya.
Break-ins on East Manzanita
Court and near Milepost 9 of East
State Route 106 in the Union area
were reported.
Squaxin Island officers received
a complaint about an all-terrain
vehicle on SE T'Peeksin Lane.
Monday, September 10
Vandalism to two vehicles
parked on Railroad Avenue just
east of Highway 10l was report.
A caller reported the theft of'
medications, tools and other items
from a camping trailer on East
Timberlake West Drive.
A boat trailer was reported sto-
len from a place about 10 miles out
NE North Shore Road, Belfair.
Skokomish tribal officers re-
ceived two reports of fisheries vio-
A break-in at a residence on
East Stavis Road near Shelton
was reported.
Squaxin Island officers received
a report of trespassing on SE
T'Peeksin Lane.
At 8:46 p.m. a caller complained
about fireworks in the area of East
Blue Willow and Lavender lanes
scaring the caller's horses.
Deputies responding at 10:39
p.m. to a report of a fight in prog-
ress at a residence on East Blevins
Road North requested the assis-
tance of Shelton police officers.
00lrrested but
not charged
No charges were filed in Mason
County Superior Court against a
Shelton man arrested in connec-
tion with an outdoor marijuana
growing operation. William Lee
Cole, 49, of 5090 West Cloquallum
Road, appeared for arraignment
on September 10 but was released
from all orders imposed on him by
the court. Cole has a medical mar-
ijuana prescription, according to
Deputy Prosecutor Mike Dorcy.
We deliver
carry kerosene. Located at Sanderson
TII[ Industrial Park
Thursday, September 13, 2007 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 29
in Mason County
Court Judge Victoria
jurisdiction during the
under the influence:
A. Gwynn, 16414 134th
iKPN, Gig Harbor, $1,034,
364 suspended; Lennie
606 East Fir Street,
$1,509,365 days, 363 sus-
' Han-
70 NE Dulalip Land-
first degree, $543, 90
suspended; Patrick Fran-
Jr., 26205 16th Avenue
Des Moines, first degree,
days suspended.
while license sus-
or revoked: Kim E.
528 Division Street, Port
third degree, $243, 90
Suspended, and no valid
license, $260, 90 days
Mary Helen Phillips,
Binns Swiger Loop Road,
four counts third degree,
days suspended, $613, 90
suspended, costs and trip
violation, $250, 365 days
David S. Bowen, 1256
Road, Port Orchard,
$310, 90 days, 80
Dylan Strobel, 6501
Road, Grapeview,
$503, 90 days sus-
valid operator's license:
Draven, 2145 llth
Bremerton, and no liability
and driving with wheels
$1,263; Michael J.
27051 North High-
)l, Hoodsport, $260; Wade
15728 SE 381st Place,
insurance: Mat-
Sorg, 560 SE Mill Creek
$538; Kacey D. Sim-
1040 SE Bloomfield Road,
$538; Brandon C. Lane,
Binns Swiger Loop Road,
and expired vehicle tabs,
i; Christie L. Effelberg, 210
Surf, Hoodsport, $538; Joel
980 West Golden Pheas-
Shelton, $548; Cliff R.
62 Myers Road, Bremerton,.
too fast to avoid colli-*
$535; Clyde D. Strichling,
Leffler Lane, Grapeview,
Elizabeth M. Bentley, 70
Rustic Lane, Shelton, and
left of centerline, $573;
L. Black, 40 NE Woodside
Tahuya, $285.
Cody Anthony
12110 South 312th Street,
minor in possession or
of alcohol, $250.
in Shelton Munici-
Judge Amber Finlay's
during the past week
under the influence:
Bernadette Kerin, 40
I'Iartstene Place, Shelton,
365 days, 364 suspended.
while license sus-
or revoked: Danny
Nicolas, 1718 Madison
Shelton, second degree,
365 days, 360 suspended,
community service, and
to yield right-of-way, no li-
insurance and no valid ve-
registration, $280.
issuance of bank
Kami Renee Palmer, 1015
Drive, Elms, $150.
of marijuana:
St. Dennis, 195 SE
Port Orchard, $243, 90
suspended, 10 days corn-
service, and no liability in-
Divorces Granted
Parker and Matt
W. Wood and Bernice I.
New Cases
Silverstein against Sue
unlawful detainer.
Mutual Fire Insur-
against Jesse Goin
Doe Goin, tort motor ve-
New construction over $5,000,
shoreline work and other major
projects receiving permits during
the past week include:
Robert Nutt, 4040 West Shelton-
Matlock Road, Shelton, remodel,
$10,000; Ed Makoviney, 4401 West
Dayton-Airport Road, Shelton, res-
idence, $339,294.75; Regina Han-
nan, 2731 NE Old Belfair High-
way, Belfair, carport, retaining
wall, $14,968.80; James Warren,
261 East Schneider Road, Shelton,
addition, $72,663.60; Keith Cook,
650 East Jensen Road, Shelton,
garage, $57,904.80; Dine Marti-
nelli, 891 NE Capstan Rock Road,
Tahuya, residence, $168,332.80;
Wesley Brand, 1740 SE Crescent
Drive, Shelton, manufactured
home, $173,848; Michael Philbrick,
351 East Ballycastle Way, Shel-
ton, residence, $146,624.95; James
Appel, 11351 East State Route
106, Union, pier, ramp and float,
$20,238; Richard Lee, 101 West
Lambert Lane, Shelton, residence,
$138,021.40; Gary Sims, 321 East
Daniels Road, Shelton, residence,
$187,616.60; Gary Bushnell, 400
NE Tahuya River Drive, Tahuya,
residence, $276,651.55.
Also: Desmond Murphy, 3145
East North Island Drive, Shel-
ton, residence, $180,935.65; Mark
Forster, 320 East Phillips Lake
Loop Road, Shelton, dock, $5,100;
David Carnahan, 481 SE Al-
pine Avenue, Shelton, residence,
$156,984.80; Eugene White, 123
SE Earsley Lane, Shelton, ga-
rage, $111,272; William Lemke,
151 East Aycliffe Drive, Shelton,
residence, $143,282.80; Glen Sims,
370 East Wilson Way, Grapeview,
residence, $238,393.50; Rodney
Lake, 60 East Cardinal Court,
Allyn, enclose patio, $6,745.60;
Steve Cairns, 320 East Bucktail
View, Belfair, garage, $22,766.40;
James Mace, 11361 East State
Route 106, Union, pier, ramp and
float, $32,051; Michael Hardin, 91
East Willey Lane, Shelton, resi-
dence, $213,639.30; Daniel My-
ers, 41 East Oakland Bay Drive,
Shelton, garage, $65,934; Paul
Huckaby, 720 East Trails Road,
Belfair, residence, $179,303.85;
William Nielsen, 401 West Reeves
Hill Drive, Shelton, residence,
$203,879.15, and also garage,
Also: Marianne Painter, 70 East
Smith Cove Way, Shelton, home,
$79,544, and garage, $8,379.30;
Tricia McKinley, 470 East Bridg-
er Lane, Shelton, residence,
$207,597.10; Chris Creighton, 20
North Wynochee Drive, Hoodsport,
garage, $21,080; Kelly Montgom-
ery, 166 East Lakeway Drive, Shel-
ton, residence, $167,681.10; Dan
Brown, 320 West Lake Isabella
Loop, Shelton, garage, $66,763.20;
Steve Guardaben, 71 East Wood-
land Drive, Shelton, garage,
$17,707.20; Goldsborough, Limited
Liability Company, 110 NE Laurel
Road, Belfair, deck, $42,550; Brad
Sollock, 81 East Pirates Creek
Road, Shelton, garage, $15,177.60;
Rob Wood, 981 SE Phillips Road,
Shelton, residence, $160,568.80;
John Ham, 101 North Fairway
Drive East, Hoodsport, residence,
$116,129; Alan Duback, 113 East
Pine Tree Point, Shelton, garage,
$25,085.20; Fred Bader, 161 East
Michelle Drive, Union, garage,
No value was listed for the fol-
lowing projects: Gaylord Thayer,
180 NE Sanctuary Lane, Tahuya,
manufactured home.
September 4:4:55 p.m., with
police, minor injury, car struck a
fence at 914 Ellinor Avenue; 5:30
p.m., possible structure fire, West
Railroad Avenue and North Fifth
September 5:11:44 a.m., smoke
investigation, 2303 King Street.
September 6:1:08 p.m., smoke
investigation, 305 West Euclid
September 7:1:33 p.m., smoke
investigation, 2505 Olympic High-
way North.
Tuesday, September 4
00lignments • Brakes • Suspensions
We Service:
• Trucks * Semis * RV°s * Trailers
29th Ave. SW #101 Tumwater
Mon.-Fri. 8am-5 360" 943--81 36
A caller reported finding "gang
graffiti" on the portable buildings
at Bordeaux Elementary School.
Just after 1 p.m. police respond-
ed to a report of a disturbance in
front of the Shelton Civic Center.
A caller from the 800 block of
South First Street reported receiv-
ing a threat to kill.
A caller from the 1000 block of
West Franklin Street said some-
one was hacking into the caller's
computer on a regular basis.
Wednesday, September 5
An attempted break-in at a res-
idence in the 1400 block of Puget
Street was reported.
A burglary at a residence in the
400 block of Arcadia Avenue was
A caller from the 400 block of
Chestnut Street reported receiv-
ing threats over the telephone.
At 5:13 p.m. police responded to
a complaint about an off-road ve-
hicle in the area of H and Madison
Officers responded at 8:57 p.m.
to a report of a disturbance involv-
ing six or seven people in the 2000
block of Ferry Street.
At 10:23 p.m. a caller com-
plained about noise in the 200
block of Turner Avenue.
Thursday, September 6
A caller from the 900 block of
Alpine Way reported the theft of
credit cards and personal identifi-
cation information.
Officers responding at 1:50 p.m.
to a report of a disturbance in the
800 block of South Eighth Street
requested the assistance of depu-
A caller complained about a dirt
bike operating in the 1900 block of
Lake Boulevard.
An attempted break-in at a
residence in the 200 block of South
Ninth Street was reported.
A caller from the 1200 block of
West Franklin Street reported ha-
rassment via text messaging.
Friday, September 7
A caller from a business in the
1500 block of Olympic Highway
South reported forgery.
A caller from Blitzen Lane re-
ported possible identity theft.
Stafffromthe office of Child Pro-
tective Services of the Washington
Department of Social and Health
Services requested police assis-
tance at Oakland Bay Pediatrics.
A caller reported seeing a man
masturbating in a vehicle parked
in a lot in the 100 block of Wallace
Kneeland Boulevard.
Vandalism to a vehicle parked
at Shelton High School was re-
At 11:41 p.m. a caller com-
plained about two dirt bikes caus-
ing a disturbance in the parking
lot at Shelton High School.
Saturday, September 8
At 2:15 a.m. a caller from the
900 block of West Birch Street said
a motorcyclist was racing around
the neighborhood with no lights
A caller reported finding "gang
graffiti" on a garage door in the
1700 block of Ferry Street. Van-
dalism at a residence in the 1700
block of Boundary Street and to
a residence under construction at
Boundary and McKinley streets
was reported. Three callers from
different addresses in the 1900
block of Stevens Street reported
vandalism. Vandalism to a win-
dow of a business in the 200 block
of South Second Street was report-
A stereo was reported stolen
from a vehicle parked in the 500
block of West Franklin Street.
A caller reported the theft of
checks from a residence in the
1500 block of Center Street.
Detectives received a report of
an alleged rape.
Officers responding at 11:20
p.m. to a report of an "aggressive"
patient in the emergency room at
Mason General Hospital requested
the assistance of deputies.
Sunday, September 9
At 12:13 a.m. a caller complained
about noise in the area of Bellevue
Avenue and Division Street.
A light-brown Honda was re-
ported stolen from'a parking lot at
the hospital.
Monday, September 10
A 15-year-old student report-
edly was found with tobacco at
CHOICE High School and suspect-
ed marijuana, drug paraphernalia
and tobacco reportedly was found
on a student at Shelton High
The possible theft of mail from
boxes in the 1000 block of Fair-
mount Avenue was reported.
At 11:16 a.m. officers responded
to a report of a fight in progress
in the 3000 block of Johns Prairie
A janitor at Mountain View
Elementary School reported find-
ing beer cans, fire-starter materi-
als and a pillow on the roof on the
back side of the school.
At 11:21 p.m. a caller com-
plained about noise in the 900
block of Thomas Avenue.
The Mason County Jail record-
ed populations as follows during
the past week:
Wednesday 116, Thursday 120,
Friday 117, Saturday 122, Sunday
123, Monday 124, Tuesday. 122.
Tuesday, September 4
Tools were reported stolen from
a pumphouse at a place on East
Shetland Road near Shelton and
all the wiring was reported stolen
from a pumphouse on East Johns
Prairie Road near Shelton.
Squaxin Island tribal officers
received a report of the theft of hy-
draulic equipment from a construc-
tion site near Little Creek Casino.
Vandalism at a place on SE Tys U1
Tad Loop was reported.
Skokomish tribal officers re-
ceived a report of a fisheries viola-
tion along North River Road.
Wednesday, September 5
Fire District 2 responded at 3:57
a.m. to a report of an illegal burn
at 1091 NE Larson Lake Lane,
At 12:19 a.m. Squaxin Island
officers responded to a report of a
disturbance in the parking lot near
Kamilche Trading Post.
An 18-foot dinghy with a three-
horsepower engine was reported
stolen from a place on East Chap-
man Road near Shelton.
Skokomish tribal officers re-
ceived a report of the theft of
checks and cash from a residence
on North Reservation Road.
A liquor law violation at North
Mason High School was reported.
A caller from NE Newkirk Road,
Belfair, reported identity theft in-
volving the use of a credit card.
Thursday, September 6
Fire District 2 responded at
6:31 p.m. to a request for a burn
investigation on NE Eagleview
Lane, Belfair, and at 10:04 p.m. to
the report of an illegal burn at 331
East Schooner Loop, Belfair.
Detectives received a report of
an attempted rape. Another caller
reported an alleged sex offense.
Water pipes at the Mason Coun-
ty Fairgrounds reportedly were
damaged when a vehicle hit the
pipes and took off.
Vandalism to a fence around
property on NE Barbara Boule-
vard, Belfair, was reported. The
caller said someone had taken
wooden fence panels.
A burglary at a residence on SE
Arcadia Road just outside Shelton
city limits was reported.
A complaint about off-road ve-
hicles came in from a caller on NE
Tahuya River Road, Tahuya.
Friday, September 7
Fire District 2 responded at 8:44
p.m. to a request for a smoke in-
vestigation at 170 NE State Route
300, Bel|hir.
A vehicle prowl in a parking lot
at North Mason High School was
reported. A caller said the caller's
15-year-old child was being bullied
and threatened on the North Ma-
son campus.
Squaxin Island officers respond-
ed at 12:32 a.m. to a report of a dis-
turbance at a residence on SE Nak
Sub Loop. A caller from Kamilche
Trading Post said someone tried to
pass a counterfeit bill.
Complaints about off-road ve-
hicles came in from callers on East
Trails End Drive, Belfair, and East
Hickory Place near Shelton.
Skokomish tribal officers re-
ceived a report of possible drug and
liquor law violations at a residence
on North Tribal Center Road.
A 11:14 p.m. a caller com-
plained about noise coming from a
band playing in the area of Maggie
Saturday, September 8
At 12:15 a.m. Skokomish offi-
cers received a report of possible
vehicle prowling in the parking lot
at Lucky Dog Casino. Items were
reported stolen from a vehicle
parked on North Nalley Farms
Burglaries at residences on
North Lakeshore Place and on
North Eagle Place at Lake Cush-
man were reported.
Callers complained about off-
road vehicles on SE Mill Creek
Road near Shelton and East Trails
End Drive near Belfair.
At 11:27 p.m. Squaxin Island
officers received a complaint
about an all-terrain vehicle on SE
T'Peeksin Lane.
Sunday, September 9
Fire District 2 responded at
7:38 p.m. to a request for a smoke
investigation at 2451 NE Tee Lake
Road, Tahuya.
Break-ins on East Manzanita
Court and near Milepost 9 of East
State Route 106 in the Union area
were reported.
Squaxin Island officers received
a complaint about an all-terrain
vehicle on SE T'Peeksin Lane.
Monday, September 10
Vandalism to two vehicles
parked on Railroad Avenue just
east of Highway 10l was report.
A caller reported the theft of'
medications, tools and other items
from a camping trailer on East
Timberlake West Drive.
A boat trailer was reported sto-
len from a place about 10 miles out
NE North Shore Road, Belfair.
Skokomish tribal officers re-
ceived two reports of fisheries vio-
A break-in at a residence on
East Stavis Road near Shelton
was reported.
Squaxin Island officers received
a report of trespassing on SE
T'Peeksin Lane.
At 8:46 p.m. a caller complained
about fireworks in the area of East
Blue Willow and Lavender lanes
scaring the caller's horses.
Deputies responding at 10:39
p.m. to a report of a fight in prog-
ress at a residence on East Blevins
Road North requested the assis-
tance of Shelton police officers.
00lrrested but
not charged
No charges were filed in Mason
County Superior Court against a
Shelton man arrested in connec-
tion with an outdoor marijuana
growing operation. William Lee
Cole, 49, of 5090 West Cloquallum
Road, appeared for arraignment
on September 10 but was released
from all orders imposed on him by
the court. Cole has a medical mar-
ijuana prescription, according to
Deputy Prosecutor Mike Dorcy.
We deliver
carry kerosene. Located at Sanderson
TII[ Industrial Park
Thursday, September 13, 2007 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 29